Catalogue - Peerless Vertical Turbine Pump

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Peerless Pump VERTICAL LINESHAFT TURBINE PUMPS Brochure B-100 ‘We invite you to look over the many features of design and construction outlined in the following pages and then com- pare Peerless with any other vertical lineshaft pump. Peerless Pump materials, manufacturing methods, work- manship and inspection techniques are modern and asssure high quality in every Peerless pump. Look to Peerless for quality assurance in your pump. PEERLESS* pump PEERLESS VERTICAL LINESHAFT TURBINE PUMP CHARACTERISTICS CAPACITIES: to 100,000 gin HEADS: to 2,500 fect SETTINGS: to 1,500 feet HORSEPOWER: to 5,000 hp TYPES: Water-lubricated or oil-Inbricated DRIVES: Electrie, right angle gear, combination motor-gear, engine, or steam turbine drives can be furnished. NOTICE Materials of construction, specifications, dimensions, design features, and appli information, where shown in this bulletin, are subject to change and/or modification ‘without notice by Peerless Pump at their option. LOOK TO PEERLESS PUMP BEFORE YOU SELECT YOUR VERTICAL LINESHAFT TURBINE PUMP Consider all the important factors before selecting your next pump QUALITY ASSURANCE — High standards in the manu facture of each Peerless pump are your assurance of quality. ECONOMY — Peerless welcomes comparison of price on basis of amortization on five year, ten year and longer periods. The most economical pump is the one which gives maximum sustained efficiency day after day, year after year. (See page 14 for method of figuring true pump costs.) REPUTATION — Peerless is one of the leading manu- facturers of deep well vertical lineshaft turbine pumps. This reputation has been built on the basis of product quality, superior service and dependable, long-lived performance. DESIGN — Half a century of engineering experience and know-how in the design of vertical turbine pump- ing equipment of all types are your assurance of the modem features in your new Peerless pump, MANUFACTURING — Each step in the manufacture of Peerless vertical lineshaft pumps is carefully con- trolled, from Peerless’ own foundties to final inspec tion and assembly, crating and shipping, Specifications, for Peerless materials, components and fits are firm, exacting and rigidly enforced, FACILITIES— Peerless Pump offers worldwide coverage with manufacturing, salesand service facilities. Factory: trained distributors, dealers and sales engi are conveniently located throughout the U.S.A. and the world, Convenient location of facilities, district and branch offices assures quick, effective communi- cation with your nearest Peerless pump representative, ers EFFICIENCY — Mechanical and hydraulic design fea- tures are combined to provide high efficiency, peak performance and lower pumping costs, ‘CONSULTATION — Engineering-trained Peerless pump personnel are available to assist you with your pump selection. Qualified counsel on all your pumping prob- lems is available on request. RESPONSIBILITY — In addition to quality of product, premium performance, and service before and after sale, Peerless Pump offers a degree of responsibility to customers unmatched by most other manufacturers. Peerless Pump assures you undivided responsibility in all its transactions, GUARANTEE — Each Peerless vertical lineshaft tur- bine pump is guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship for one year. We are confident that these are excellent pumps, and we invite your com- parison, ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVE Motors furnished on Peerless vertical Uineshaft turbine pumps are built to rigid NEMA standards by leading motor manufacturers. Vertical hollow- shaft motors are most commonly speci- fied, although vertical solid shaft motors will he recommended where needed. Enclosures such as explosion- roof, totally-enclosed fan-cooled, ete., are available on order. ‘On pumps requiring motors rated 1000 hp and higher for continuous duty, synchronous motors should be con- sidered. Resultant power savings will frequently more than offset the differ- ence in initial cost. RIGHT ANGLE GEAR DRIVE Peerless supplies right angle gear drives for pumps in sizes to 700 hp in a wide variety of standard ratios Special ratios and larger sizes are available. These drives can be powered by internal combustion engines, steam turbines, or horizontal electric motors. The gears used are high-capacity, spiral-beveled gears, ground and lap- ped for smooth, quiet performance, high efficieney and long life. COMBINATION MOTOR-GEAR DRIVE Where continuous pump duty is a must, regardless of power interrup- tions, the combination drive of a hol- lowshaft electric motor and right angle gear drive with internal combustion engine is usually recommended. In event of electric power failure, the motor may be quickly disengaged and the load transferred to the alternate driver, Immediate, efficient take-over insures continuous water supply under all cireumstances, Combination motor- gear drivers are available in sizes to 700 hp. Larger ratings cau be supplied on special order. DRIVER SELECTION — In selecting the drive for a vertical Tineshaft turbine pump, whether it is a vertical electric motor, a right angle gear drive or a combination drive, it is most important that it be procisely engineered for the particular pumping application. The driver is an integral part of the pumping system. All drivers supplied with Peer Jess pumps meet rigid requirements and embody construc tion features which ensure satisfactory operation, The most mpoctant of these features are described below. The item numbers are keyed to the schematic drawing at the right. 1 ENCLOSURES: Vertical turbine pumps are frequently in- sailed outdoors, subject to wide extremes of weather. En- closures of all drivers supplied by Peerless wre designed and constructed io minimize the effeets of the outdoor environ- ment, Cooling air velocities are kept to a minimum to pre~ vent drawing-in of foreign matter, All vents are screened to prevent entry of rodents, reptiles andl other intruders, and tre baffled for protection against wind-driven rain’ and snow, For most service conditions a standard weather-proof enclosure is adequate, bnt for extrernely hot or cold climuates, in explosive, corrosive or noxious environments, special ene closures are available at nominal extra cost. Peerless engi xcors will recommend the enclosure hest suited to meet your requirements, 2 THRUST PROVISION: Every vertical pump exerts an axial Ioad on the driver, The driver thrust bearings must be designed to carry the weight of the pump shafting, im- pellers, and te hydraulic thrust developed by the pump, Every pump has a thrust characteristic which is as unique to that pump as its head-copacity characteristic, which varies throughout the operating range of the pump unit. Peerless engineers work closely with motor and gear drive manufacturers to insure that your pump has adequate thrust beating cxpacity in the vertical driver. Henee, thrust prob- Jems are anticipated in advance and provided for in the pump before delivery. 3 IMPELLER ADJUSTMENT: Each Peerless vertical pump driver is designed to provide simple, accurate and quick adjustment of the pump impellers from the surface. In a vertical hollowshaft driver this adjustment is made by means of a nut on the upper end of the shaft. After the top motor cover is removed, remove the lock screws from the adjust ing nut and rotate the adjusting mut to the right or left until the proper setting is obtained for optimum pump efficiency. Detailed instructions for making this Tateral adjustment in all Peerless drivers are provided in the instruction beoklet accompanying each Peerless pump. 4 TOP DRIVE COUPLING: The cast iron or high tensile alloy steel top drive coupling provides perfect vertical align- ‘ment and assures smooth transfer of power to the shaft, This drive coupling disengages if the driver is accidentally re- versed, In shallow settings, the pump may develop a momentary upthrust on starting. The hollowshaft driver is designed so the lower bearings cannot rise. To prevent ‘upward movement of the pump sheft, it is only necessary to install hold-down bolts in this coupling. 5 NON-REVERSE RATCHET: Backspin protection on a ver cal hollowshaft driver canbe provided as an optional fea- ture when requized, A vertical turbine lineshaft pump will backspin when the driving power ceases and the water columa in the pump recedes, Protection against backspin is recommended on automatic installations where damage could occur due to restarting the driver while the pump Js dn reverse rotation. TC iy also recommended on water Jubricated installations where the setting is gener than 150 feet and a pre-lubrication system is not provided, THESE , KEY FEATURES GIVE PEERLESS DRIVERS AN OUTSTANDING RECORD OF LASTING EFFICIENCY DISCHARG E Maximum flexibility and versatility for future changes in pumping plant design are inherent in the design of HEADS tox docange, clu and abe sees on esse tinely accommodated within wide limits in these de- STANDARDIZED = firs tat nat on any ae TO ACCOMMODATE ing appearance and long life. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: The Peerless discharge hhead is made oF ASTM A-d8 class 30 cast iron with MAXIM U M a minimum tensile strength of 30,000 psi, A safety factor of 4 is designed into the standard Peerless dis- NUMBER OF charge head to provide maximum strength, Large hand holes permit easy access to all adjustable com ponents, In general, a given discharge head may be N EM A ‘used for either open or enclosed Iineshaft construction. : Maximum pressures, standard MOTOR SIZES WORKING LIMITS: heads to 175 psi. Optional construction to 400 pst working pressure. For higher working pressures con- sult the Peerless factory. COLUMN SIZE AND SETTINGS: (standard materials) COLUMN SIZE MAXIMUM. SETTING "and smaller + 1000 feat e ne 300 fest gor lf soo teat 12" and targer |). 500 feet SEECIAL DESIGNS ARE AVAILABLE FOR SETTINGS TO Soo FEET. CONSULT THE PEERLESS FACTORY. PEERLESS DISCHARGE HEADS: 2% «2% x10 % 2% 210 2% x3 x10 be 3 2 10 axes ioc 4 ‘ 10 Sx 6x12 5 6 Isa 10 Bx axi6y, 5 8 20 16% ax ax 12 3 8 isis 10. axax ers 3 8 20 16% Axloxis% 10 10 2 36ie 10x10 x20 10 10 2 16% 12x 12420 12 2 28% 16% Maxiex2y 14 4 2% 16% AOx16x30% 16 16 BoM ee UNDERGROUND DISCHARGE. Many customer instal- Jation requirements are for below-the-ground dis- charge arrangements, such as shown in the illustration. ‘This presents no problem in applying a Peerless pump. Al that is required is an exact set of dimensions and flange specifications, and Peerless will take care of the rest. Consult your Peerless sales engineer ot near- est distributor for details, ADJUSTING NUT. ‘ihe shatt acjusting nut iste diy aececs nis by Simply rem: Ihe the driver covers When tre Duinp is stopoed, the adlucting fut may be eas Eurned to right or left raising Or lowering tmpeliers io. exact Positioning for. maximum sus Bined eficioneye NON-REVERSE RATCHET All vertical lineshalt. tursine Bums wit! Backspin when Erin poster ceases an water column !in the pump rocadee Ghitee proweibnis, hrade io prevent Taig protection ie Fecornmended oh aurematie rould! occur due te restarting sohlls pump itn reverse. rota Ton, FicPalso" specified on seater lube fnstaliaiog Tee Wners preciubrication ‘system ia not provided! ‘TOP DRIVE COUPLING fect vertical Eni Sah Handle ner suplgae ial Cleary ts SU Ue a nate eae seeeanet a eaten tie Seer abeaal eT ee BO easier ihe Bat eae Renal care Eo Bors feta din aus fo prevent soward movement of sae THRUST BEARINGS ot tora fp.catty the emiSined toad of the) pump anal impatre PEERLESS VERTICAL LINESHAFT “ TURBINE = a |eu. PUMP OIL-LUBRICATED CONSTRUCTION FEATURES sleetre Sotenold Prowse atta Bl fiow to grip tata fromn the eer ela sy pase wel water. Tie agua ery tn Pus aeanma. cers tae ap, a ets Oates Behe reir eon ana sara ry bs sttsde anbed oie : DISCHARGE HEAD iors ont m rapngth casting of slo he Stace The Eat . Wey sang costings of os Saal SER cUeooeT a isan ast panera [Bandy Bede tine Wer AE REFER TO P. 11 FOR DETAIL STABILIZING SPIDERS Tube, stabilizing spiders, presse Tiled Gver the’ shaft enclosing {ube at intervals stabilize the {ibe within the column pipe. WATER-LUBRICATED CONSTRUCTION FEATURES LINESHAFT: a . Beerless puro lineshatt i Ast E The water-lubricated type of construction differs : Taleved, with nominal fensle : from the oil-lubricated type in that the lineshaft 1 Tbegine meets ASA Bebe stanc F : bearings are lubricated by the well’s own water ‘ anes : rather than by oil. The bearing and journal con- a struction of the water- lubricated pump is entirely | i y different, as shown in the detailed part descrip- coupLincs 44 b tions immediately below. Posclass.tineshatt counlns.are 5 e for greatest strength ara accu. ' B We feral ear ecr atte Shale k STAINLESS STEEL: nde’ tne center of the cou: aisg. Reet Sole inthe center . bho goupling wall altows TOP SHAFT Secape ofall and okcegs throw All Peerless puma top SSeBounu‘as the ino she soda ] Shafts ste pret sion nigh Sutin togethers B ‘enone dob Series" chain gu sea ‘TUBING BEARINGS [ing Sees e mae oes Cee we ies ear Eee ae ees ae Gaz PACKING CONTAINER: The packing container assem- bly iheludes 9 erease gun ting tt conjunctlen whan ine tegrally.caat annulus to aasure reper lubrication. in acaition, Song bronze bearing serves the ual purpose oF 4 thattlo bush ing ands support bearing. Wilda, COLUMN CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL RUGGED SHAFT JOURNALS Water lubricated Aisi ¢-1045 lineghatts “are “equipped HUSKY "Heme sprayed stain Steel’ shat" Suraeis,‘Optonal iineshatt materials (e'tnout spe flat journals include 303, 118 or 416 stainless steels ‘SHAFT ENCLOSING TUBING. Extra strong steal pipe provides ald. vrion.irtersheltsup bart’ Exch tube ie accurately. frachined ta assure" stignttent ‘and a water tight joint OIL-LUBRICATED TOP BOWL TUBING BEARING ADAPTER. This adapter assures @ water Ugh connection: Its used to Eonneet colurin shat a ne Sized tap boule {lly in eelection of aha 22 Watee provides adutional shaft beating support at this point, Fedueine’ weer and increasing pump tite cae BEARING RETAINER ASSEMBLY: Special composition cast bear- IRE retainers are. cetered tn Ugntly butted betweon ituevorneal signment lineshatt. The waterlubricated sexrasiong, luted, ners by nin BY-PASS PORTS. These ports equalize the int bing bressure and prevent ‘ter trom entering the Bi tobe TE des ah eat SNL, Bade eed tee eras a oh WATER-LUBRICATED TOP BOWL SAND COLLAR Labyrinth type. sane slinger is locked Nsecerety "fo “impeller Shot Protects top bow! Guarini fom’ abrasive waer~ STANDARD BOWL BOWL VANES Vanes aro cost integral ithe bump boul Wane Seeian ts carefully Beller. and vanes are Bontouied to gulco, Flow te the next st {8h Minturn ee ane maximum vetticiency. Theres also Sd ta ferally'te the vigis mee Shaniéal bow’ ‘strength, oP Bow. BEARING SSS ee STANDARD BOWL CONSTRUCTION All Peerless standard bow! bearings are water- lubricated, so the design of Peeriess bowls is identical in both oil- and water-lubricated type pump construction. Each complete bow! assem- bly is called a “stage.” A pump stage consists essentially of a bow! and impeller, dual bear- ings, impeller lock and a lateral seal ring. WW IMPELLERS. Enclosed type, gast Iron. narnatied o° east ror pales ore standard, nd guide pancages are hend finished. Each impeller is" bal anced to tasure smabih pers fon exammuess sreet inpeiten starving eras, Bea Be eran: aoe en LATERAL BOWL WEAR RING. In edition to standard Bealing surface. Each isthe eager aga: SAND LUGS: Bieta ieh ig 'me: Se etfs ts bay cn Brciciatiatear aa Keone ate ioe DUAL BOWL BEARINGS Peerless utilizes both rubber aad Stents beurings to tase dvantoge of the suverier cual floc of esen material tor she longest possisie pump life Under fhe ‘widest range of pump berating conaitions. SUCTION MANIFOLD BEARING. inenbae grade tnaures stabreges sna operetor Uiteariare (design ratie Sriengtn ts diameter, Sto tor greater Sugar botlon iow of water through tll Beevng. Alabyrinth type brenge pened to the imple shal STRAINER sense weer Gorrosion-resistant strainer fe constructed. of” heavy goue voided Wires “Oplimurspsces ‘ib inte the pur: daw SUCTION MANIFOLD Suction mapitod Is provided with an extea ing bearing 2o ump aheft. (ee fhresced for connection te the suction pipe Sng Strain By Ry Ss ry & & & g ry Sy COTTA NOTICE: Materials of construction, specifications, dimensions, design features, and application information, where shown in this bulletin, are subject to change and/or modification without notice 5 Sy a COT fruge sur car BRONZE BEARING PACKING FOLLOWER TWO RINGS OF PACKING TUBING TENSION NUT COPPER SHEET GASKET ENCLOSED LINESHAFT (Oil-Lubricated Type) SHAFT ENGLOSING TOP TUBE In the Poerloss enclosed tineshatt design, the tube nut assernbly serves ‘wo important functions: (1) it provides # simple, temper areof method ‘of placing pracise tension on oi tubing: (2) preventa contamination of the lubricstion system by water being, pumped, with one easily acces- sible permanent packing adjustment. The Peerless design further pro ‘Vidor ‘additional shaft support at this strategic point by means of an villubricated steevetype bronze bearing. TOP SHAFT SEAL RING SPLIT TYPE GLAND: PACKING RINGS BRONZE BEARING PACKING CONTAINER OPEN LINESHAFT (Water-Lubricated Type) i the Peerless watertubrieated design, the packing conteiner assembly includes a greaso gun fitting, in conjunetion with an integrally cast annulus to provide and assure propor lubrisation. Spit type glane permit simple Packing maintenance. In addition. along. bronze bearing serves the Guel PurposeoFthrattlebushing and bearingsuaport Tho latoral bowl wear ring 1) Ig fs 2 neayy duty rosiient Tuber ring with a rigid metalic cere embeded i ie DOUBLE SEAL ASSURES LONGER SUSTAINED EFFICIENCY Peerless Pump pioneered the double seal feature in vertical turbine pumps. This simple yet extremely effective principle provides for two sealing surfaces instead of one to prevent efficiency-robbing recircula- tion of liquid from high to low pressure azeas within, the bow! assembly. All centrifugal pumps depend TH upon, a close-clearance side seal between the rotating impeller and the stationary bowl to imit recirculation, However, this side seal is subject to wear, abrasion and erosion under adverse operating conditions. The side seal clearances cannot be adjusted to compensate for this wear and the resulting efficiency loss, LINESHAFT Peerless double seal bowls provide an additional seal- ing surface in the horizontal plane which can be easily adjusted to sustain efficiency as wear occurs, To insure TURBINE 4 good sealing surface in the bowl under all operating conditions, « unique lateral bovl wear ring is used. Tt is an abrasivesresistant rubber ring, reinforced inter- PUMP nally with a heavy metallic core. Rubber has been found to be the best material available to withstand M EC HAN ICAL A N D the highly abrasive action of sand in water. AN IMPELLER TYPE AND SIZE EXCELLENCE FOR MOST EVERY APPLICATION SHOWS eres his allained st posion of esdersip by continually designing and developing, impeller types UP and sizes for many different pumping requirements. Peerless offers the broadest hydraulic coverage of any manufacturer, Peerless therefore is in a good position FA. ST to assure complete satisfaction of your requirements for vertical lineshaft turbine pumps. At the right ace shown typical impeller configurations and correspond- ing head-capacity characteristics. Thore are many ‘anations from these sh; thee enable Peas to novide the pump best suited for your needs. In effect, This means « custom-made pump for each sodividual job. Maximum value, high efficiency and economical long-term pump performance are assured in each application, ENAMELLED BOWLS Peerless bowl design and construction is the result of exhaustive research and development. They effectively and effi- ciently convert velocity head into pres- sure head in each stage, For most applications and usual water conditions, Peerless recommends vitre- ous enamelled bowls. Resistance to abrasion and resultant higher efficiency due to smoothest surfaces are impor tant advantages, Peerless vitreous enamelling methods are the most modem available and insure against peeling, scaling and erosion under all ordinary water conditions, HIGH TENSILE STEEL LINESHAFTING DUAL RUBBER AND BRONZE BOWL BEARINGS Peerless has found that in most pump. applications the ideal bowl bearing material is a combination of rubber and bronze. The illustrations above show the arrangement of the bronze and rubber dual bearing combination, Note the rubber bearing is fluted for easy passage of any sand. However, in cer tain localities and under some water conditions, Peerless will recommend the use of an all-bronze bearing system, in each bowl. Where this construction is indicated, Peerless will furnish it. Peerless Pump lineshafting has a minimum tensile strength of 95,000 psi. Rigid standards in specifications of manufacture and final check for straightness and uniform diameter insure highest quality, Shaft threads are accurately machined. to hardened gage standards. Final inspection and careful packing in rigid con tainers insure delivery of all Peerless shafting in perfect condition, Type L HEAD- FT. PER STAGE CAPACITY - GPM > ‘Type HX DEEPEST SETTING LINESHAFT PUMPS ARE PEERLESS PUMPS Vertical lineshaft pumps set 500 feet helow the surface of the ground have always been considered applications. By wor ers and through research, development and testing programs in our own lab- oratories, “Peerless has successfully solved the many problems in applying vertical lineshaft pumps in settings to 1500 feet, Some of the problems Peerless has suc- cessfully solved in relation to very deep setting lineshait pumps are shaft stretch, lateral adjustment of impellers, thrust ‘loading, “hearing Tubrication, weight, loading factors and deficetion ‘of complete bow! assemblies, prior to and during installation in the field. Tn order to ease handling of bowl assemblies in the field, Peesless designed a tandem adapter so the en= tire howl assembly could be shipped in component, easy to handle sections, to facilitate corect installation at the site. EFFICIENCY COUNTS IN THE PEERLESS LINESHAFT TURBINE PUMP THE RIGHT BOWL ASSEMBLY FOR EACH APPLICATION SHOWS UP WHERE IT COUNTS APPRAISING THE COST OF A PUMP ‘The ultimate cost of a pump is dependent upon its price and its sustained efficiency over an ample period of time to effect complete and acceptable amortiza~ tion. Most pumps are, in fact, purchased by this method, the price of the pump being reevaluated higher or lower in terms of its efficiency rating. ‘The example below illustrates how, in a given pump apolcation, a higher price for one ump may be more off-set by higher operating efficiencies over its amortization period, Peerless has always endeavored to provide high sus- tained efficiencies in its pumps, Peerless welcomes comparisons of its pumps with others on the basis of efficiencies maintained over the years as shown below. Remember: the term “efficiency” as used in evaluating a pump would be of no value, if it could not be reduced to terms of actual pumping cost, expressed in dollars. In the example below, the following pump data is assumed; capacity: 2700 gpm; head: 300 feet; motor: hp PUMP A—LAB, EFF. — 88.59% Lab. eff. Field eff. Total load on motor (A) = Motor eff, Overall off. Input HP Input HP Diference: 272 — 261 BHP = 11 BH a cost hrs/day, 385 aya for 10 years: Blech ont Oe T's Oe7d6 5980508 05 S SSSB4/ yr. ‘$3594 annual saving in power with the more efficient pump. Present value of a 10 year annuity of {$3594 per year @ 15% interest = 83594 x 5.0188 = $18,037 Hence: You can afford to pay $18,037 store for Pump A than Pump B, since it will save $3594- annually on power bills, The savings shown above are, to be sure, dramati However, these savings will be proportionately size- able for all pumps whether of 2500 hp, or 25 hp, if high eficiency—both initial and sustained—is a major enterion of making a pump selection. Consult your nearest Peerless sales office for complete information on how to figure true pumping costs. PUMPING LIQUIDS OTHER THAN WATER Head: The head of a pump is generally expressed in feet and is so plotted on performance curves. This head developed, expressed in feet, is the same imre- spective of the fluid pumped. However, the head expressed in pounds per square inch (psi) will be Gifferent for fluids of different specific gravity. The heavier the fhuid the greater will be the head expressed in psi for a pump. The relation of feet head and psi is: psi x 2.31 sper o Horsepower. Pump horsepower is changed with any change in specific gravity. Pump horsepower curves, unless otherwise noted, are plotted for water, which has a specific gravity of 1.00 at normal temperatures. Any increase or decrease in specific gravity will pro- ‘portionately increase or decrease the horsepower. The general formula for calculating horsepower: = gpm X total head in feet 3960 X efficiency is based upon water, ic., a specific gravity of 1.00. When the sp-gr is other than 1.00, the formula should bhp _ apm x total head in feet bhp 3060 X effciency X sper Efficiency. Pump efficiency (water to water) __ 8pm X total head in feet = "3960 X brake hp to pump Field overall efficiency ___gpm X total head in Feet "3960 x input hp te pump motor COST PER 1000 GALLONS (not gallons per minute) for each foot of head 00313 x R 189 x R Fo“ Ep x Em x 60 ‘Theoretical kw as stated above Em = Motor efficiency Eo = Overall plant efficiency 60 = Minutes Example: Find the cost per 1000 gallons (not gpm) per foot head, of a pumping plant whose overall plant efficiency (Eo) is 60% (.60), power rate, five cents (8.05) per kwh. Substituting in formula: Cost per 1000 gallons per foot head 00815 x 05 _ .0001575 60 60 If the pump is lifting water over a 120-oot head, then the cost per 1000 gallons (not gpm) delivered would be: 8.002625 x 120 = 8.0315. Pumping costs per any given condition of capacity or head may be determined by using the following formula: $,0002625 COST PER HOUR __ 000189 x gpm x Total Head x Power Rate ~ ‘Overall Plant Efficiency. Example: Find the cost per hour of a pump delivering 500 gpm against a 120-foot head, overall plant effi ciency of pump 60% (.60), power rate five cents (8.05) per kwh, Substituting in formula we have: Cost per hour — 000189 x 510 120 X05 — 945 cents COST PER ACRE-FOOT _ Example: Find the cost per acre-foot of a pump de- livering 500 gpm against « 120-foot head, overall plant efficiency of pump 60% (,60), power rate five cents ($.05) per kwh. Substituting in formula: Cost per acre-foot 023 x 120 x05 _ = $10.23, “60 KILOWATT HOURS REQUIRED Per 1000 Gallons. = SY X 16.66 Ep kw = Kilowatts inpnt to meter, based on plant effi- ciency (wire to water) kw = hp to pump % .746, based on pump efficiency (water to water). imp effcienoy —.___8P™ head Pump effcleney = 5969 5 Bhp (to pump) ,000 ft Ibs per minute 1 Horsepower 1 = 550 ft lbs per second 1746 kw TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND PRODUCT BULLETINS Peerless Pump maintains one af the most com- prehensive supplies of descriptive product bul- letins and technical information bulletins of any pump manufacturer. There is a product bulletin available on each vertical and horizontal pump in the Peerless line. Technical Information Bul- Jetins (TIB) cover subjects related to hydsaulies and pump application such as “Sump Desizn” ttc, All are available free. Request copies of bulletins on the product or techaieal subject in Which you are interested from your Peerless Pump representative. THE PEERLESS INDUSTRIAL TURBINE PUMP ‘minute, heads up to 1,000 psi, Carro- sion resistant materials are available to resist attack hy most industrially pumped liquids. Numerons configura: tion options allow custom: engineered consteuction tai loged ‘to fit the requirements of your application, Ask for Brochure 3110. Peerless Pump Company 1 7996p, W527 706 Prone (7) #259861 Fa (17 924-788 jrcchura Ne 8-160 The contentef this brochure is subject Yo change without notice. Peerless Pump Company DEEP WELL SUBMERSIBLE PUMP THE PEERLESS SUBMERSIBLE A wile elton of ea ‘apacity ranges asures plenty of water from deep wells, Tn hee eee gqulity construction features found’ inthe Hneshafe ture bine pump. Range: heads to 1000 Fect capacities to 8000 frm, motors to: 500 hp. Ask for brochure, B-700A-

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