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Relationship Inner Game PDF Download

3 Things You Must Do for Saving a


Saving a relationship between a man and a

woman is always complicated. There are going to be disagreements along the way. No
relationship is the same and they can never be treated in the same way; all people are different,
they think and act in different ways. It is impossible to have set rules which everybody should
follow to have a good relationship.
People who are in a relationship have some kind of understanding or attraction between them, if
they didn’t they wouldn’t be together. Each couple has its own rules and regulations that work
for them and may not work for others. There are three things that must be part of any relationship
for it to work. If these are not present you cannot expect a couple to stay together for long.

The first part of saving a relationship is communication between you and your

Communication does not mean to chat over breakfast about the weather and world peace.
Communication in a couple is about the future, their plans, their dreams be them joint or
separate. Couples talk about their problems at work, with their families and about themselves.
They let each other know what their schedule is every day, not because they are controlling, but
because they want the other person to know where they are.

They must be able to talk and discuss their feelings towards each other and other people. They
must be able to share these feelings too, they cry in each other’s arms and enjoy each other’s
successes. They are also there to share pain and failure. Good communication leads to our
second ingredient for a great relationship.

Honesty is a solid base for all relationshipsbetween men and women and an
important element in saving a relationship that may be going through a rough

When two people decide to hook up in a day to day relationship, living and sharing their lives;
there must be no surprises from the past or the present, the future depends on what they make of
it. All the dating show is over, they love each other and want to be together, so it is time to take
out all the dirty laundry and wash it together.

It is important for a relationship to be based on truth from the very beginning, this will lay solid
foundations for it to grow on. Lies will always come up when you least expect them, so stick to
the truth and all will be fine. If he or she can’t handle the truth then you are both better of going
your separate ways.

No matter how bad the truth looks, it is always better to say it and live with the consequences
because a lie will always come back to haunt you and will tarnish the relationship.

The third and last thing for saving a relationship is forgiveness.

Forgiveness comes from true love. We are all human and make mistakes and will make them as
long as we live, being able to forgive is a God-given gift. Forgiveness does not mean to put the
situation away in some corner of your mind just to bring it out during a fight or discussion
months or years later. It is erasing something from your mind completely and not saving it for
use later on. It is the true expression of the love and care two people have for each other.

As long as your relationship contains these three elements you can be sure that it will grow
endlessly and happily. If they are not present, work on them, talk about them and try to make
room for them to grow and become a part of your relationship. If this is not possible, the
relationship is not true and will eventually blow away like smoke in the wind. But it is important
to note that it is never too late to turn things around and start saving a relationship.

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