Creative Writing

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Daphne Zyra L.

Creative Writing
MWF 4:00-5:00PM
The Break-up

It was a gloomy kind of a Sunday. The café welcomes her with a black and yellow
balloons withstanding near the main door. The inside astonishes her as she flips her
coat and checks the interior designs. Tea cups, embossed platters, cupcake stands,
kettles, mirror, bird cages comes in a different pastel colors. These are well-organized
and arranged in an artsy manner. These must be pleasing to her eyes since it
rejuvenates her mood. A positive response is conspicuous on her face. Her cheeks
turned into pastel pink.
Her lips continuously widens as she walks straight in the counter and saw a
vacant table shared by two people. In about two minutes, the waitress came to her table
and left the menu. The menu board is also pestered in color. She smiled as she checks
the menu and wonders what it could offer her in a gloomy Sunday evening. She called
the waitress when she finally decided what to order. A lemongrass tea. A bizarre tea on
a Sunday. There must be something. The café serves delicious European menu, cakes
and pastries, shakes in different flavors, but why tea? A lemongrass tea to be exact. The
waitress asked her twice if she still have additional orders but she just shooked her
head. After the waitress left, she received a call. It must be her boyfriend. She looked
wary. She seemed disturbed by the caller. I can’t tell if it’s a she or a he but nonetheless,
it made her frown. She shrugged as the music on stereo played the song Photograph by
Ed Sheeran.

The waitress came back bringing her lemongrass tea. She started stirring the tea.
I checked my watch for the third time- it’s been eight minutes that passes but she’s still
stirring her tea while looking up on the corridor, the place where the stereo is placed.
“I just lost the only man I loved”, she murmured to herself.
John Anthony M. Dahe

The Hood

He had open the door to enter 7/11 at around 10:00 PM. I am actually with my
friends that time eating with bliss, my friend notices the guy because I think she likes
him. He only wore a maroon jacket with a black skinny jeans and white shoes yet she
enchanted my friend in just a snap.

He had found a space to sit down but he had palmed his phone first from his
pocket before he decided to sit. He turn his phone on as it lightened his face and look
at it blankly like he seemed to shoulder a burden to face. Also, it was about an hour
when I realized that he frequently glares at the door when it opens, and he never misses
So, I came across on a simple idea or the reason behind the guy, sitting there for
an hour without ordering some food to eat. He might be waiting for someone, a special
one. Hence, enduring the boredom and fighting with your patience is totally hard. I
thought he had noticed me observing him so he put on his hood and stood up. I thought
he will go home already yet he bought 1 San Miguel Light, drink it and left the 7/11.

I was left with ample of questions. What was really happening to him? Are my
thoughts right?
Flash Fiction #1: A Fighter

She was astonished as she took her very first glance on her portrait. She
studied her eyes. It was so full of hope and kindness. She also reminisced all the
struggles she had all her life. But her determination still amazes her. She fought a
good fight. And still fighting.
Flash Fiction #2: Compassion

Nothingness surround her. There was nothing to be seen beside her. All she
had is a sad s mile. It was only her. But behind her physical appearance, her heart is
so full of compassion.

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