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Bilal bin Rabah

Bilal bin Rabah was a slave that come from Habasyah (now called Ethiopia). Bilal’s father named Rabah,
meanwhile his mother was known as Hamamah. Hamamah was a women slave whom lived on Mecca.

Bilal's childhood spent in Mecca. As the son of a slave, Bilal spent his childhood by working hard and become
a slave. Bilal figure described as a typical African, high-boned, big and black. He became a slave of Umayyah
ibn Khalaf.

Bilal was one of those first people who converted to Islam. The entry Bilal to the teaching of islam caught him
in very hard suffer for a variety of torture received from his master. Moreover, his master Ummayyah bin
Khalaf was the important figure of the Quraisy kuffar. The torture that accepted by Bilal was very hard, cause
Bilal is just a slave that have no authority and power to against.

The torture of the kuffar (disbelieve) against the slave that are weak was very cruel. It also felt by Bilal bin
Rabah who was treated cruely by Umayah bin khalaf and his executioner. Bilal whipped until his body was
blistered. But with all the courage and faith, he keep his faith even he must resist from variety of tortures
without being able to fight at all. Every time he whipped, he can only said: "Ahad...Ahad...(The one Allah)”.

Not just wiped, Umayah also dry Bilal under very hot sun without clothes and large stone placing on his chest.
With every submission, again Bilal could only say: "Ahad, Ahad (The One Allah)". Every time torturing Bilal,
Umayyah always reminded him to return to the teachings of the ancestors, and his God, Uzza, but Bilal never
give up with the situation.

He remained firm and keep saying: "Ahad....Ahad...”, every time the torture was coming to him. Bilal
increasingly strong, and the harder Umayyah torturing Bilal. Even he tied with large rope around his neck and
give it to fools and children to carry around all over the township of Mecca.

Allah willing to end the torment that suffer by Bilal through Abu Bakar As-shiddiq. Someday, when Bilal
torment by his master Umayyah, Abu Bakar was passing not far from the place of torture. Seeing this Abu
Bakar had intends to buy Bilal from Umayyah bin Khalaf. Then Umayyah increasing the price caused he
thought that Abu Bakar wouldn't able to pay. But Abu Bakar could afford with 9 awqiyah of gold.

Once Abu Bakr As Siddiq told the Prophet that he had bought Bilal and rescued him from the hands of
torturers, then the Prophet said: "Involve me in his freedom, O Abu Bakr!" Then Abu Bakr As Siddiq replied:
"I've abandoned him, O Messenger of Allah."

At last Bilal became independent person and save from the torture of his master. Bilal's freedom make him
more obedient to follow the teachings Islam. When the Prophet emigrated to Medina. Bilal also participated and
emigrated to Medina to avoid the torture of Kuffar Quraish on Mecca. He became a loyal follower and always
follow every battle that occurred at that time. In fact he saw with his own eyes how finally Abu Jahl and
Umayyah bin Khalaf his former employer was killed at the hands of the sword of the Muslims.
When the Prophet finished building the Masjid Nabawi in Medina and set a call to prayer (adhan), Bilal bin
Rabah then appointed as the first call to prayer (muezzins) in Islamic history. Bilal became fixed muezzins at
the time of the Prophet. His voice is so melodious and thrilling heart to all who hear.

Shortly after the Prophet pass away, time for prayer comes. Bilal stands for a call to prayer, the Prophet's body
while still wrapped in a shroud and haven’t been buried. When Bilal came to the sentence, “Asyhadu anna
muhammadan rosuulullaah” (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger Allah) ", his voice suddenly
stopped. He could not raise his voice again, he cried bitterly and the Muslims who came there could not held
their tear down.

Since Prophet Muhammad die, Bilal could only call to prayer for three days. Each came to the sentence,
“Asyhadu anna muhammadan rosuulullaah” (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger Allah) ", he burst
into tears. So the Muslims who heard it come in bitter weeping.

So that why, Bilal ask to Abu Bakr, the caliph who succeeded the Prophet position as a leader, to be allowed not
a call to prayer anymore, because he is not able to do it.

The Prophet once said to him after the dawn prayer: "Tell me what deeds have you done in Islam, because
indeed one night I heard the sound of your sandals at the door of heaven ", Bilal said:" I do not do anything
better but I never purification perfectly at all times; both night and day except that I prayed as I determined to
do the prayers ". (Al-Bukhari).

So the story of a Bilal, determination, perseverance and his belief in the teachings of truth, has raised his status
and made him a noble in the sight of Allah and His Messenger, even though he comes from a black slave.

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