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=== nuBuilder 4 ===

Name: nuBuilder 4 - Standalone

Contributors: Steven Copley
Donate link:
Requires PHP: 5.2.4
License: GPLv3
License URI:

nuBuilder is the world's best: open-source, low-code application and report


== Description ==

nuBuilder enables you to make any application that want or need with the least
amount of effort and the least amount of learning.

nuBuilder Forte is the 4th version of nuBuilder. A browser-based tool created by

nuSoftware for developing web-based database applications.

nuBuilder uses either MySQL or Maria DB databases and gives its users the ability
to do database operations like:
* Search
* Create
* Insert
* Read
* Update
* Delete

= Alternative to MS-Access =
nuBuilder provides an ideal replacement/upgrade from MS-Access. It won't get slower
and slower as you add more records; un-like MS-Access.

= Easy To Learn For End Users =

nuBuilder uses an Uncluttered Interface which makes it very easy for new users to
find there way around.

= Easy To Learn For Developers =

nuBuilder is designed to be as easy as possible to get started with building Forms
and Search Screens. With online videos and documentation, you have all the
information you need to become a nuBuilder developer.

= Build Business Applications Fast =

nuBuilder makes it affordable to build custom business solutions.

= Web Based =
nuBuilder is fully web based which means you can use it anywhere and end users do
not need to install anything.

= Open Source =
nuBuilder is free to download and install on your own web server with zero licence

= Use your existing PHP and MySQL skills =

nuBuilder is built upon industry standard technology stack and does not require you
to learn any non-standard languages or templating systems.

= Single File Backup =

nuBuilder stores all forms, reports, company data and PHP/JavaScript code in MySQL.
You can backup your entire application within a single database file.
= Alternative to Oracle Application Express =
nuBuilder is a enterprise level application builder but with no limitations on
database size or CPU usage.

== Installation ==

If you are using nuBuilder as a standalone application, then follow these

1. Upload the unzipped nuBuilder files to your webroot
2. Edit nuconfig.php to set you database credentials and globeadmin credentials

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =

== Documentation ==

Here is a link to PDF instructions to get started as a nuBuilder developer

( "nuBuilder
Forte User Guide")

Here is a link to the nuBuilder Forte Wiki Documentation [nuBuilder-Forte-Wiki-

"nuBuilder Forte Wiki Documentation")

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