Experiment Report Buffer

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I. Objectives
1. Understanding buffer solution
2. Determining pH of buffer solution
3. Comparing pH of buffer solution after acid-base addition and dilution.

II. Materials and Equipments

III. Data

The Effect of Acid and Base Addition.

Water Buffer 1 Buffer 2
HCl Addition
NaOH Addition

The Effect of Water Addition (Dilution).

Acid-Base Buffer
Initial HCl : Buffer 1 :
Water Addition (Dilution) HCl : Buffer 1 :
Initial NaOH : Buffer 2 :
Water Addition (Dilution) NaOH : Buffer 2 :

IV. Discussion
Theoritical Framework :
- What is buffer solution (Acidic buffer, alkaline buffer)
- Formula for determining pH of buffer

Result of each solution :

a. Water Initial
- According to theoretical calculation :
Calculate using theoretical formula

- According to experiment
pH indicator :

- Conclusion
Compare and analyze the result from calculation and experiment.

b. Buffer 1 Initial

c. Buffer 2 Initial

d. Water + HCl 0.1 M

e. Buffer 1 + HCl 0.1 M

f. Buffer 2 + HCl 0.1 M

g. Water + NaOH 0.1 M

h. Buffer 1 + NaOH 0.1 M

i. Buffer 2 + NaOH 0.1 M

j. HCl 0.1 M Initial

k. HCl 0.1 M + 100 mL water

l. Buffer 1 + 100 mL water

m. NaOH 0.1 M Initial

n. NaOH 0.1 M + 100 mL water

o. Buffer 2 + 100 mL water

V. Conclusion
1. Buffer solution is
2. Formula to calculate pH of buffer
3. Result of the pH of buffer
- Buffer 1 initial : …. (Acidic Buffer/Alkaline Buffer)*
- Buffer 1 + HCl : …..
- Buffer 1 + NaOH : ….
- Buffer 1 + Water : ….
- Buffer 2 initial : …. (Acidic Buffer/Alkaline Buffer)*
- Buffer 2 + HCl : ….
- Buffer 2 + NaOH : ….
- Buffer 2 + Water : …

Nb : *choose one.

VI. References

Boyolali, xx September 2019

Teacher Student,

Doni Wahyu Prabowo, S.Pd. Your Name

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