Module Adj Adv Prep

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Submitted by:

MA -ED Reading Education

Submitted to:

Prof. Sammy Q. Dolba

READ 706: Technology-based Instructional Materials
SY: 2019 – 2020, TERM 2
Mariang Makiling
Mt. Makiling,Laguna, Philippines

Long ago, in Mount Makiling, there lived a beautiful goddess name Mariang Makiling.
She is beautiful, kindhearted and loving. She had a long shiny black hair and she often wear
black pearls and gold jewelry. She often shows off herself to people living at the foot of
the mountain as a human. Many times, people would climb up to the mountain and pick some
fruits but when they came down, fruits changed into gold. People thanked her for it.

But one day, some people robbed her jewelry. Some hunters climb up the mountain
and hunted for wild animals, cut down trees and left the forest at the top of the mountain
denuded. At that time, one of those hunters is a mortal which Mariang Makiling fell in love
with. She discovered that the hunter already has a mortal as his wife. After those things
happened, Mariang Makiling was very angry that it thundered and rained hard that night
and her voice was heard by all people leaving at the foot of the mountain saying "I have
provided you food, treasures and shelter but it wasn't enough for you! I have given you
everything you want but still you aren't contented. I loved you more than myself but still
you searched for mortal love. Now, feel my anger! And wait for my revenge! From now on,
you shall stand on your own feet and you will never see me again. I swear!" And she laughed
so hard that it brought an earthquake.

After her large voice was heard, she never showed herself again to those mortals
who abused her kindness. Today, it is still believed that Mariang Makiling is still living there.


Answer the following based on the legend you have read.
1. Describe Maria Makiling.
2. Why did Maria Makiling get angry with the mortals?
3. Do you believe that Maria Makiling is still living in the mountain? Why or
Let’s why not?

An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun by providing descriptive or specific detail.

Unlike adverbs, adjectives do not modify verbs, other adjectives, or adverbs. Adjectives
usually precede the noun or pronoun they modify. Adjectives do not have to agree in number
or gender with the nouns they describe. Adjectives answer the following questions: What
kind? How many? or Which ones?

a. She is beautiful, kindhearted and loving.
b. Some people robbed her jewelry.
c. Maria Makiling protected that mountain.

Types of Adjectives
Descriptive Adjectives
A descriptive adjective names a quality of the noun or pronoun that it modifies.
Example: brown dog bigger house fluffy cat
Proper Adjectives
A proper adjective is derived from a proper noun.
Example: French class Spanish food European car
Limiting Adjectives
A limiting adjective restricts the meaning of the word it modifies.
Example: that car this room the tree
Interrogative Adjectives
An interrogative adjective is used to ask a question.
Example: Whose book is this?
Coordinate Adjectives
A coordinate adjective consists of two or more adjectives separated by a
comma instead of by a coordinating conjunction.
Example: a cold, rainy day
To determine if you can replace the coordinating conjunction with a comma, see if the
adjectives can be reversed or if and can be added between the adjectives without changing
the meaning. If the adjectives can be reversed, they are coordinate, and a comma can be
Example: The clowns arrived in a bright, shiny car.

The clowns arrived in a shiny, bright car. (Reversing bright and shiny does not change the meaning.)
The clowns arrived in a bright and shiny car. (Adding and between bright and shiny does not change
the meaning.)

Let’s Try
A. Circle the adjective in the sentence.

1. My friend invited me to a fancy dinner.

2. The furry dog made the girl sneeze.
3. The hungry man lived on the streets.
4. He was afraid to talk to the beautiful woman.
5. The perfume in the container is fragrant.
6. The shiny car caught his attention in the yard.
7. The homework in science was very difficult.
8. I didn’t want to sit on the wet ground.
9. My uncle who lives in Laguna is elderly.
10.The professor taught a fascinating class.
11.Explorers came to Philippines from foreign lands.
12.Her mother is an amazing cook!
13.The textbook for the class was heavy.
14.The elephant purchased by the zoo is enormous.
15.The adorable toddler smiled at her grandmother.
B. Write the opposite of the given adjective.

Adjective Opposite Adjective Opposite

high dark

Big wide

long loud

thick beautiful

smooth old

white sick

clear happy

C. Use the adjectives form the box in a meaningful sentence.

1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
6. ______________________________________
7. ______________________________________
8. ______________________________________
9. ______________________________________
10. _____________________________________
Read! Telling Time

Humans have used different objects to tell time. In the beginning, they used an hourglass.
This is a cylindrical glass with a narrow center which allows sand to flow from its upper to its lower
portion. Once all the sand has trickled to the lower portion, one knows that an hour has passed.
Using the same idea, water clocks were constructed to measure time by having water flow
through a narrow passage from one container to another. On the other hand, sundials allowed
people to estimate an hour by looking at the position of the shadow cast by the sun on a plate.
At night, people measured time by checking the alignment of the stars in the sky. None of these
were accurate, though. The clock was the first accurate instrument for telling time.

134 words

1. Which of the following ways of telling time made use of sand? (Literal)
a. water clocks b. hourglass c. sundials d. clock
2. None of the clocks used long ago were accurate. Accurate in the sentence means (Inferential)
a. free from error b. comparable c. very useful d. efficient
3. When men of long ago told time at night, they looked at the __________________ to tell the
time. (Literal)
a. cloud formation b. moon c. stars d. sun
4. The sundials may not be useful in telling time ______________________. (Inferential)
a. at noontime b. in the morning c. during a rainy day d. when the sun shines
5. How are the hourglass and the water clock similar? (Inferential)
a. Both tell time by the hour.
b. Both use water to tell time.
c. Both are used only in the daytime.
d. Both have a narrow center through which something flows.
6. The best title of the selection is ______________________.(Critical)
a. The Uses of Clocks b. Why People Need to Tell Time
c. Ways of Telling Time: Then and Now d. Comparing the Different Types of
7. Which of these sentences is a topic sentence? (Critical)
a. The invention of the clock 600 years ago was the first accurate
measurement of time.
b. Hourglass contained sand that fell through one container to another.
c. Long ago people used simple tools such as the hour glass.
d. Humans have used different objects to tell the time.

Source: Philippine Informal Reading Inventory Manual 2018


Adverbs describe verbs and modify adjectives and other adverbs. Adverbs, unlike
adjectives, do not modify nouns. Adverbs can also modify phrases, clauses, and sentences.
Adverbs answer one of the following questions: When? Where? Why? How? Under what
conditions? and To what extent?


The teacher had to speak loudly to be heard over the children. (Loudly modifies the verb
The children were really bad during the movie. (Really modifies the adjective bad.)
John approached the wounded dog very slowly. (Very modifies the adverb slowly.)
Clearly, Sarah did not understand the directions. (Clearly modifies the sentence.)
The box is still below the stairs. (Still modifies the phrase “below the stairs.”)

Types of Adverbs

Adverbs of Time
An adverb of time answers the question When?
Adverbs of time include: after, always, before, during, early, later,
never, now, often, rarely, recently, sometimes, soon, then, today, tomorrow, usually,
yesterday, etc.

Example: John will attend the soccer game after he finishes his homework. (After answers
the question: When will John attend the soccer game?)

Adverbs of Manner
An adverb of manner answers the question How? Adverbs of manner include: badly,
beautifully, better,
cheerfully, fast, hard, quickly, slowly, inadequately, healthy, well, etc.

Example: Sarah slowly walked over the rocky beach. (Slowly answers the question: How did

Adverbs of Place
An adverb of place answers the question Where? Adverbs of place include: above, away,
below, down,
here, inside,
near, outside, there, up, etc.

Example: Susan placed the boxes above the file cabinet. (Above answers the question:
Where did Susan
place the boxes?)

Adverbs of Degree
An adverb of degree answers the question How much? It describes the strength and
intensity at which
happens. Adverbs of degree includes: almost, completely, enough, entirely, extremely,
hardly, just,
little, much, nearly, quite, rather, very, too, etc.

Example: John worked very hard to complete his part of the project. (Very answers the
question: How
hard did John work?)

Adverbs of Frequency
An adverb of frequency answers the question How often? Adverbs of frequency include:
never, usually, frequently, occasionally, rarely, seldom, sometimes, etc.

Example: Bob always forgets to check his email before class begins. (Before answers the
How often does Bob forget to check his email?)

Let’s Try
Each of the following sentences contains an adverb in italics. Draw an arrow from the
adverb to the word it modifies. On the line provided, tell whether the modified word is a verb, an
adjective, or an adverb.
EXAMPLES: 1. We saw a very uplifting movie.
2. Luis usually plays right field.

_____________ 1. Ms. Clara plays tennis well.

_____________ 2. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., is an exceptionally talented writer.
_____________ 3. Melissa seldom loses her head.
_____________ 4. Juan seemed unusually happy.
_____________ 5. Should I slice the avocado now?
_____________ 6. Tanya cried out, “Don’t run so fast!”
_____________ 7. I always enjoy Gary Soto’s poetry.
_____________ 8. A rather funny clown was juggling oranges.
_____________ 9. “I’m too drowsy for words,” Annette yawned.
_____________ 10. Maria works unusually hard on Saturdays.
_____________ 11. Franco answered somewhat enthusiastically.
_____________ 12. Does cough actually cause high fever?
_____________ 13. They play an extremely fast game.
_____________ 14. We will play a patintero tomorrow.
_____________ 15. At formal occasions, Jose speaks properly.
_____________ 16. The dangerously narrow bridge scared me.
_____________ 17. Can you really capture a dragonfly alive?
_____________ 18. The second speech was less interesting.
_____________ 19. He was fully aware of his problem.
_____________ 20. Flor occasionally eats sushi.

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