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Accepted Manuscript

A note on Hamilton sequences of extremal Beltrami differentials

Zhong Li, Yezhou Li

PII: S0022-247X(18)30386-X
Reference: YJMAA 22233

To appear in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

Received date: 10 January 2018

Please cite this article in press as: Z. Li, Y. Li, A note on Hamilton sequences of extremal Beltrami differentials, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. (2018),

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Abstract. Let X be a hyperbolic Riemann surface and let μ be an extremal

Beltrami differential on X with μ∞ ∈ (0, 1). It is proved that, if {φn } is a
Hamilton sequence of μ, then {φn } must be a Hamilton sequence of any ex-
tremal Beltrami differential ν contained in [μ]. This result proved a conjecture
of the first author of this paper in 1996. This result is also a generalization of
two known results.

§1. Introduction

Let X be a given hyperbolic Riemann surface and let Belt(X) be the Banach
space of bounded measurable Beltrami differentials μ = μ(z)dz/dz on X with L∞ -
By M(X) we denote the open unit ball of Belt(X), namely
M(X) := {μ ∈ Belt(X) : μ < 1}.
For any given element μ of M(X), there is a quasiconformal mapping f μ of X
onto X with the Beltrami coefficient μ, which is normalized by
f μ (±1) = ±1 and f μ (i) = i.
Such a quasiconformal mapping f μ : X → X is uniquely determined by μ.
Two elements μ and ν in M(X) are said to be Teichmüller equivalent to each
other, denoted by μ ∼ ν, if there is a conformal mapping of Φ of X onto X such
(f ν )−1 ◦ Φ ◦ f μ is homotopic to the identity map of X (Mod ∂X).
The Teichmüller space T (X) of X is defined as the quotient space M(X)/ ∼:
T (X) := {[μ] : μ ∈ M(X)},
where [μ] is the Teichmüller equivalence class of μ.
An element μ in M(X) is said to be an extremal, if
μ∞ ≤ μ ∞ , ∀μ ∈ [μ].
Let Q(X) be the Banach space of integrable holomorphic quadratic differentials
φ = φ(z)dz 2 on X with L1 -norm.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 37F30, Secondary 30F70.

Key words and phrases. quasiconformal mappings, extremal quasiconformal mappings, Hamil-
ton sequences.
The research is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(Grant number No. 11571049 and No. 10571009).

As is well known, the following theorem plays an important role in the study of
extremal problems of quasiconformal mappings:
Theorem A (Hamilton-Krushkaĺ-Reich-Strebel) Let μ be any element of M(X).
Then μ is extremal, if and only if, there exits a sequence {φn } in Q(X) with
φn  = 1 (n = 1, 2, ...) such that

lim Re μφn = μ∞ . (∗)
n→∞ X

A sequence {φn } in Q(X) with φn  = 1 (n = 1, 2, ...) which satisfies (∗) is called
a Hamilton sequence of μ.
For the proof of Theorem A, refer to [7] by Hamilton, [8] by Krushikaĺ, and [15]
by Reich and Strebel, or see the book [5] by Gardiner and Lakic.
For a given element μ ∈ M(X), we define
1 + μ∞
K(μ) :=
1 − μ∞
and called it the maximal dilatation of μ. The quantity
K0 ([μ]) := inf {K(μ ) : μ ∼ μ}

is called the extremal maximal dilatation of the point [μ]. The boundary dilatation
of [μ] is defined as the following:
H0 ([μ]) := inf inf {K(μ |X\E ) : μ ∼ μ},
E μ

where E ranges compact subsets of X.

Obviously, we have H0 ([μ]) ≤ K0 ([μ]) for any point [μ] in T (X).
Following [4] by Earle and Li, a point [μ]
= [0] is called a Strebel point, if
H0 ([μ]) < K0 ([μ]).
Similarly, a point [μ]
= [0] is called a non-Strebel point, if
H0 ([μ]) = K0 ([μ]).
The following theorem is a known result (see [4]):
Theorem B (I) If [μ] ∈ T (X) \ {[0]} is a Strebel point, then there is a μ̃ ∈
M(X) with μ ∼ μ and φ0 ∈ Q(X) with φ0  = 1 such that
μ̃ = k0 ([μ]) ,
|φ0 |
where k0 ([μ]) = (K0 ([μ]) − 1)/(K0 ([μ]) + 1).
(II) If μ ∈ M(X) is extremal and [μ] is a non-Strebel point, then its Hamilton
sequence {φn } must be degenerating sequence.
Now we introduce a conjecture on Hamilton sequences by the second author of
this paper.
In the 80tys of last century, he found the following fact: For some points [μ] ∈
T (X), we can construct an extremal Beltrami differential μ̃ in [μ], such that any
Hamilton sequence of μ̃ is a common Hamilton sequence of all extremal Beltrami
differentials ν in [μ]. It is very natural to ask the question: whether or not every
point [μ] in T (X) possesses the same property (see [10]):

Problem: Let X be a hyperbolic Riemann surface. Suppose that {φn } is a

Hamilton sequence of μ ∈ M(X). Whether {φn } must be a common Hamilton
sequence for any extremal Beltrami differential ν contained in [μ]?
Actually, in 1996 Z. Li conjectured that the answer to this question is yes, by
oral communications at the seminars of the Department of Mathematics of Peking
The first progress about this conjecture is made by S. Wu (see [18]). He proved
this conjecture is true for the case that X is the unit disk. Later, G. Yao proved
that this conjecture is true for doubly-connected domains (see [17]).
Unfortunately, this conjecture has so far failed to confirm.
In this paper, we are going to prove the conjecture is true for any hyperbolic
Riemann surface X. We proved the following theorem:
Theorem 1.1 Let X be any hyperbolic Riemann surface and let μ be an ex-
tremal Beltrami differential of M(X) with μ∞ ∈ (0, 1). If {φn } is any given
Hamilton sequence of μ, then it must be a common Hamilton sequence for all ex-
tremal Beltrami differentials ν contained in [μ].
When [μ] is not a Strebel point nor a non-Strebel point, what can we say about
[μ] in such a case? By using a result on T0 problem (cf.[9]), we have the following
result, as a supplement of Theorem 1.1:
Remark 1.1 Suppose μ is a Beltrami differential on X with μ∞
= 0 and [μ]
is not a Strebel point nor a non-Strebel point. Then we have
π([μ]) = [[0]],
where π : [σ] → [[σ]] is the natural projection of T (X) onto AT (X).
The proof of Remark 1.1 is very easy. In fact, if μ ∈ M(X) satisfies the conditions
in Remark 1.1, then we have
T (X) = Ts (X) ∪ Tn (X) ∪ {[0]},
where Ts (X) is the set of all Strebel points in T (X) and Tn (X) is the set of all
non-Strebel points in T (X).
Because [μ] is not a Strebel point nor a non-Strebel point, we have
[μ] ∈ T (X) \ {Ts (X) ∪ Tn (X)} = {[0]}.
Recalling Lemma 2.4 of this paper and making use of Lemma 3.1 and Lemma 3.2
of [9], we have
π([μ]) = π([0]) = [[0]].
Remark 1.1 is proved. 
Remark 1.2 The Referee pointed out that the whole discussing of this paper
is essentially related to the conception of essential boundary points. To understand
his observation, we refer E. Reich s paper [14] and two papers [12] and [13] of
M. Mathelević.

The structure of this paper is as follows: §2 is devoted to introduce some con-

ceptions and results we need. In §3 we will prove Theorem 1.1.
1 In the next section, we will introduce the asymptotic Teichmüller space AT (X) and the main
result of the T0 problem in [9].

§2. Preliminary
In this section, we will introduce the conception of asymptotic Teichmüller spaces
AT (X), the Delta inequality, the T0 problem and its solution.
The asymptotic Teichmüller space AT (X) of a hyperbolic Riemnn surface X
was introduced by Gardiner and Sullivan for the upper half plane (cf. [7]) and by
Earle, Gardiner and Lakic for arbitrary hyperbolic Riemann surfaces ( cf. [2,3,6]).
Let g : Δ → Δ be a quasiconformal mapping. We say g is asymptotically
conformal, if its Beltrami coefficient μg possesses the following properties: for any
ε > 0, there is a compact subset Eε of Δ such that
μg |Δ\Eε ∞ < ε.
Let μ and ν be two elements of M(X) and let gμ,ν := f μ ◦ (f ν )−1 . We say μ
and ν are asymptotically Teichmüller equivalent to each other, denoted by μ ≈ ν,
if gμ,ν is asymptotically conformal.
The asymptotic Teichmüller space of a hyperbolic Riemann surface X is defined
as the quotient space of M(X)/ ≈:
AT (X) := {[[μ]] : μ ∈ M(X)},
where [[μ]] is the asymptotical Teichmüller equivalence of μ.
It is proved by Earle, Gardiner and Lakic (cf. [2,3,6]) that AT (X) has a natural
Teichmüller metric dAT ([[μ]], [[ν]]), which is a pseudo metric.
The following lemma is a known result (cf. [2] and [3]):
Lemma 2.1 Let μ and ν be two elements of M(X). If μ ∼ ν, then we have
μ ≈ μ.
The following lemma is known as the Delta inequality, see [1] by V. Boz̆, N. Lakic,
V. Markovi and M. Mateljević:
Lemma 2.2 ( the Delta inequality) Let μ and ν be two Beltrami differentials
on X with
ν∞ ≤ k0 := μ∞ < 1.
Then there is a constant C = C(k0 ), which is determined only by k0 , such that
 μ̃ − ν̃ 2
  ◦ f μ |φ| ≤ C k0 φ − Re μφ ,
X 1 − μ̃ν̃ X

where μ̃ and ν̃ are the Beltrami coefficients of (f μ )−1 and (f ν )−1 , respectively, and
φ is any element of Q(X).
Now we introduce T0 problem and its solution (cf.[9]).
Let T (D) be the universal Teichmüller space and let T0 (D) be the subspace of
T (D) consisting of points [μ] in T (D) with H0 ([μ]) = 1. Suppose [μ] is a point of
T0 (D). The T0 problem is asking whether the geodesic in T (D) between [0] and [μ]
belongs to T0 (D).
It is proved in [9] that the answer to T0 problem is yes:
Lemma 2.3 If μ is an extremal Beltrami differential on D with μ∞ = k < 1
and [μ] ∈ T0 (D), then we have
[tμ] ∈ T0 (D) for all t ∈ [0, 1/k].
In particular, the geodesic from [0] to [μ] belongs to T0 (D).

The following result in [9] is very useful:

Lemma 2.4 Let π be the nature projection of T (D) onto AT (D):
π : [μ] → [[μ]].
Then we have
T0 (D) = π −1 ([0]).
One can find the proof of Lemma 2.4 at the page 1463 in [9].

§3 Proof of Theorem 1.1

Proof of Theorem 1.1 :
Suppose μ ∈ M(X) is extremal with μ∞ = k0 ∈ (0, 1) and suppose {φn } is a
Hamilton sequence of μ. Let ν be any given extremal Beltrami differential in [μ].
We want to show that {φn } is a Hamilton sequence of ν.
If [μ] is a Strebel point, from Theorem B (see §2) we see
μ = k0 ,
|φ0 |
where φ0 is an element in Q(X) \ {0}. In this case, [μ] contains only one extremal
Beltrami differential. So Theorem 1.1 is automatically established. We do not need
to show any thing.
Now we assume [μ] is a non-Strebel point. From Theorem B we see that μ s
Hamilton sequence {φn } must be a degenerating sequence.
To show Theorem 1.1, it is sufficient to prove that the sequence {φn } is also a
Hamilton sequence of ν. 2
Our proof is a bit long. Now we point out that the key step of the proof is to
show (3.12).
By making use of Theorem D, we have a constant C = C(k0 ), which is only
determined by k0 , such that for any φ ∈ Q(X), we have
 μ̃ − ν̃ 2
  ◦ f μ |φ| ≤ C k0 φ − Re μφ , (3.1)
X 1 − μ̃ν̃ X
where μ̃ and ν̃ are the Beltrami coefficients of (f μ )−1 and (f ν )−1 , respectively.
Now we replace φ in (3.1) by φn . Then we get
 μ̃ − ν̃ 2
  ◦ f μ |φn | ≤ C k0 − Re μφ n . (3.2)
X 1 − μ̃ν̃ X
Here we have used the fact that φn  = 1 (as n = 1, 2, · · · ).
Since {φn } is a Hamilton sequence of μ, from (3.2) we get
 μ̃ − ν̃ 2
lim   ◦ f μ |φn | = 0. (3.3)
n→∞ X  1 − μ̃ν̃ 

Suppose F ≥ 0 and G ≥ 0 are two real functions on X which are integrable on

X. The Cauchy-Schwartz inequality tells us:
F ×G ≤ F G2 .

2 In this case, [μ] contains infinitely many extremal Beltrami differentials ν. This can be proved
by using the result of K. Strebel (cf. [16]).

Now we let
 μ̃ − ν̃ 2
F =   ◦ f |φn |
|φn |1/2
1 − μ̃ν̃ 
and let G = |φn |. Applying the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, we get
 μ̃ − ν̃   μ̃ − ν̃ 2
  ◦ f μ |φn | ≤   ◦ f μ |φn |φn .
X 1 − μ̃ν̃ X 1 − μ̃ν̃

Hence, from (3.3) we have

 μ̃ − ν̃ 
n→∞  1 − μ̃ν̃  ◦ f |φn | = 0. (3.4)

Since μ ∼ ν, we have μ∞ = ν∞ , and hence, μ̃∞ = ν̃∞ . Thus it follows
from (3.4) that
1  μ̃ − ν̃ 
|μ̃ − ν̃| ◦ f |φn | ≤   ◦ f μ |φn |. (3.5)
1 − k20 X  
X 1 − μ̃ν̃

Then it follows from (3.3)-(3.5) that

lim |μ̃ − ν̃| ◦ f μ |φn | = 0, (3.6)
n→∞ X

On the other hand, we have

Re (μ̃ − ν̃) ◦ f μ φn ≤ |μ̃ − ν̃| ◦ f μ |φn |.
Thus it follows from (3.6) that

lim sup Re (μ̃ − ν̃) ◦ f μ φn = 0. (3.7)
n→∞ X
A simple computation shows
μ̃ ◦ f μ = −μ · βf μ (3.8)

where βf μ = ( ∂∂zz f μ )/( ∂∂zz f μ ). Similarly, we have

ν̃ ◦ f μ = −ν · βf ν ◦ f μ . (3.9)
Then it follows from (3.7)-(3.9) that

lim sup Re (ν · βf ν ◦ f μ − μ · βf μ )φn = 0. (3.10)
n→∞ X
It is easy to see that

lim sup Re (ν · βf ν ◦ f μ − μ · βf μ )φn
n→∞ X
≥ lim inf Re ν · βf ν ◦ f μ φn − μ∞ .
n→∞ X
Now we claim that

lim inf Re ν · βf ν ◦ f μ φn ≥ μ∞ . (3.12)
n→∞ X
We are going to show (3.12) in Reductio ad absurdum.

Now we suppose (3.12) is not true. Then there exists a number δ > 0, such that

lim inf Re ν · βf ν ◦ f μ φn > μ∞ + δ. (3.13)
n→∞ X
Now from (3.13) and (3.11), we have

δ < lim inf Re ν · βf ν ◦ f μ φn − μ∞
n→∞ X
≤ lim sup Re (ν · βf ν ◦ f μ − μβf μ )φn .
n→∞ X
However, it follows from (3.10) that

lim sup Re (ν · βf ν ◦ f μ − μβf μ )φn = 0. (3.15)
n→∞ X
Then it follows from (3.14) and (3.15) that δ < 0.
We have the assumed that δ > 0. So we get a contradiction with our assumption
So we have proved our claim (3.12).
However, noting the facts that ν ∈ [μ] and ν is extremal, we see μ∞ = ν∞ .
From (3.12) we get 
lim Re νβf ν ◦ f μ φn = ν∞ . (3.16)
n→∞ X
Since βf ν ◦ f μ is independent of n and |βf ν ◦ f μ | = 1, it is easy to check from (3.16)
that {φn } is a Hamilton sequence of ν.
The proof of Theorem 1.1 is completed.


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Z. Li: School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100875, China.

Y. Li: Science of School, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Bei-

jing 100876, China
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