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BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

Risa Mufliharsi
Department of English Education Faculty of Language & Art,
University of Indraprasta PGRI

Heppy Atma Pratiwi

Department of Indonesian Language Education, Faculty of Language & Art,
University of Indraprasta PGRI

The aim of the research is analyzing the utterances of Mr. Joko Widodo as president of
Indonesia with vloggers. In this study, the writer analyzes the rules of president
conducting his utterances at vloggers’ vlogs. The vlogs taken from skinnyindonesian24
which has 1.3M subscribers and Arif Muhammad which has 1.5M subscribers (data per
November 25, 2018). The data taken and analyzed both qualitative and quantitative data.
The elaboration of the methods used to measure language politeness, to count the data
whether politenes or not. The data taken from Arif Muhammad’s vlog (1.596.033
subscribers) which entitle Ngevlog bareng Presiden and SkinnyIndonesian24 were
created by brothers Andovi da Lopez and Jovial da Lopez’s vlogwho have 1.344.548
subscribers entitleHow to Become a President. The result of this research imply both of
the vlogs Mr. Joko Widodo applies politeness strategies even in informal situation both
vlogs. He acts extraordinary pragmatic forces and high politeness. So that, the audience
gets the emotion, sympathy and persuasion of those who watches of them at vlog.

Keywords: politeness principal, speech acts, vlog, pragmatics

INTRODUCTION people due to their lack of investigation

There are many ways to and knowledge may give wrong
communicate with others. One of them is information to others. It also accurs that
conversation. Conversation is one of the people sometime avoid being relevant in
most popular uses of human language conversation since they asssume that their
(Liddicoat: 2007). It can deliver the listener has already known what they mean
message to otherform of idea, feeling, or they deliberately choose to lie. The
thought, and emotion easily. However, in break up of the idea of mutual cooperation
daily conversation, this ideal between interlocutor in communication
communication does not always occur for may lead to what is called “implicature”.
some reasons. For politeness reason, for Implicature in fact is the process when
example, some people choose to break the people fail to cooperate in their exchange.
rule of being informative as is required. In this process, speakers imply something
Instead, they tend to give as much in their utterances which require the hearer
information they had. On other occasion, to catch those implications by scrutinyzing
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
the context of itution that elicits such virality of YouTubers is calibrated by the
utterances. Implicature is the assumptions number of subscribers and views.
behind the information. The logic and One of Indonesian people who
natural feeling can be assured to the exists in YouTube is Mr. Joko Widodo
audience or listener by using whom people known as Indonesian
argumentation from the speaker without President. As a president, Mr. Joko
expressing it explicitely. Futhermore, Widodo giving an impact to Indonesian
implicature may mostly occur in a including his speech act. It is important to
communication that involves in politics. be studied because being president should
The political utterances must adapt to the have intake Indonesian trust, interest,
current context. In addition, most of the loyality and respected. In this research,
political utterances or political actions the writer wants to find out the politeness
have many implied meanings. One of the of president’s speech act in youtubers’
political utterances that has implicature is vlog.
applied in interview. The objective of this research is to
In interview, the politician may get comprehensively information related to
perform interestingly in front of the the nature of president’s speech act,
audience and the interviewer because he or specially in his politeness. Next, the result
she wants to catch the people’s interest of study will be discussed in Pragmatics
about what he or she talks. Moreover, if it class as a material which is needed by
is through the media, the speaker will act students. Hopefully, being up to date in
as well as possible in front of the audience analyzing one’s politeness involve
and make his or her accepted. students’ creativity in interprate the
Nowaday, everyone can make her linguistics.
or his news from his or her social media The fokus of this research is to find
started from Friendster, Facebook, blog. out politeness of President’s speech act in
Recently, people interest for using vlog. youtubers’ vlogs, they are Arif
Vlog is short for video blog and usually Muhammad (1.596.033subscribers) which
pronounced “vlog”. According to entitleNgevlog Bareng Presiden and, A vlog is a blog, or web SkinnyIndonesian24 were created by
log, that includes video clips. It may be brothers Andovi da Lopez and Jovial da
entirely video-based or may include both Lopez which have 1.344.548 subscribers
video and written commentary. So that entitle How to Become a President. In this
people have ability to express themselves research, the researcher see the strategy of
in a whole new way or people known as president’s language politeness in
“vlogging”. Other people can sit down in youtubers’ vlogs, the cooperation principal
front of their video or web cameras and in language politeness of president in
talk about anything, from politics to pop youtubers’ vlog, the function of the
culture, upload their videos to YouTube language politeness of president in
and share their opinions with the world. youtubers’ vlog, and the impact of
In Indonesia, the advancement in language politeness of president in
technology has allowed people to be youtubers’ vlog for audiences.
widely known through social media, The questions that the researcher seen are:
including YouTube. YouTube has 1. What kinds of politeness happened
provided a global platform for people to in interview with Jokowi in
display their talent. There are few numbers SkinnyIndonesian24 vlog entitle
of globally-known YouTubers due to their How to Become a President and
unique talents or videos. The fame and Ngevlog Bareng Presiden in Arif
Muhammad’s vlog?
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
2. How do the politeness of speech act components of the act; b) components of
appear in interview with Jokowi in the mutual relations between the texts
SkinnyIndonesian24 vlog entitle found in the communicative act. Since the
How to Become a Presidentand texts are the object of the linguistic study
Ngevlog Bareng Presiden in Arif highlighted in terms of communication,
Muhammad’s vlog? the understanding of the texts of the text in
the frame of extratextual economic factors
Pragmatics has attracted the attention of researchers.
The advantage of using pragmatics In this case, the reader gets familiar with
while speak is people can say something to the text visually, through reading the text,
others without hurting their feelings by through the impact of the economic
implicitly. People talk as their way to mechanism, taking into account the
communicate with each other. In the pragmatic aspect of the components and
communication, they do not always use a the pragmatic realization of their
clear and explicit language. They modify characteristic. Next, She concluded that
how to deliver and change the content of Two properties of expression of the textual
what they talk to imply some intention. modality are to be considered. First, the
They intend to say something more integrated function, i.e. integration of
specific with adding up another meaning in functional-semantic and stylistic categories
their utterances. This means that the in the text can be observed within
meaning is more than just what the word economic texts. Secondly, the location of
said. modal words in the narration is seen.Extra
The study of pragmatics nowaday factors also play an important role in the
is not held in linguistics community only. realization of modal meanings of the
Related to Hedayah and Kasemi’s research economic texts. The main issue in the texts
(2018) in governmental offices. They got is the subject of conversation, verbal and
statistical society was one hundred person visual data transmission, the language and
of the governmental clients. The results methods of influence.
suggest that meanwhile the conversation, In social life, naturally people use
using face to face interactions and making pragmatics in daily interaction especially
utterance was satisfactory, but speech in social media. Scott (2017) analyzed
interruption was seen for35 items, 12 items hashtag online perform in a range of
for keep client waiting, 21 items for linguistic and pragmatic functions
ambiguous talking and paying enough alongside their categorising and searching
attention to client's discourse was merely functionalities. (Scott, 2018). The findings
38 items. Today the result of the study showed that hastags are sometimes
shows that the clients expect that their face produced in spoken discourse, where the
to be preserved and the staff offices must interlocutors share a physical context and
implement the pragmatics strategies of are likely to have access to a range of
politeness and face saving in format of contextual assumptions and non-verbal
positive and negative face in order to have cues that are unavailable online. Data
a more effect on the clients. taken from attested spoken examples and
Then, Samender’s study (2016) show that spoken hashtags seem to be
which conducted pragmatics study relates largely restricted to their interpersonal
to Economics. She identified there are two ‘‘metacomment” (Zappavigna, 2015, p. 6)
main factors in terms of economic data to function, and that they are most commonly
be transmitted within the texts which are used to provide evaluative judgements on
defined: a) the economic intratextual the rest of the utterance and to guide
communicative interaction of the
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
inferences concerning the speaker’s Leech in Chaer (2010) in Wibowo(2013),
attitudinal stance. (Scott, 2018). there are six politeness principals. They
are tact (kebijaksanaan), generosity
(penghargaan), approbation (penerimaan),
Speech act modesty (rendah hati), aggreement
(kecocokan), and symphaty (kesimpatian).
According to Leech (1983), Speech Then, to identify kinds of politeness of
act is 1) Showing people who asked with speech act, there are scales to identify the
first speaker and assumtion of the speaker politeness degree. They are: 1) Cost-
himself. 2) there are sentence of (sentence- benefit scale, it’s related to possitives and
instance) or sentence token can be dis advantages of the utterance happened.
analyzed in pragmatics term. 3) 2) Optionality scale, it is related to how
communication is an effort to construct many choices in utterance which given by
what next action that relates to speaker’s speaker to illocutor. 3) Indirectness scale,
purposes in producing the utterances. 4) It related to discourse happened. If all
refers to product of action linguistics discourse occurin direct situation, it refers
happened, 5) product of verbal action. The to impoliteness discourse. 4) Authority
aspect of speech act. The aspect of speech scale, it’s related to the rank rating or
act include speaker and listener, the relationship around the speaker and
purpose, speech act as linguistic action, illocutor. 5) Social distance scale, it is
and as a utterance product. (Leech, 19) related to social rating which occured in
the discource.
Based on the descriptions above,
it can be assumed that politeness show the
Politeness cooperation of speaker and addressee and
At many utterances, both speaker giving sense each other or maybe interpret
and addresee build the meaning not only others in possitive or negative politeness.
the signs, relationship between
themeanings as seen at Semantics, but also Vlog
interpreted the reference to the context, A vlog (or video blog) is
such as the settings, speakers, background a blog that contains video content. The
the knowledge, and many things. In social small, but growing, segment of
interactions, there will be different ways to the blogosphere devoted to vlogs is
interpret the utterances. Basically, the sometimes referred to as the vlogosphere.
conversation happened by the cooperation Some bloggers have included video
both speaker and addresee. Related to the content for years. However, vlogging is
cooperation happened, there will be sense becoming more common as equipment
which constructed by the conversation becomes cheaper and supporting software
according to speaker and addresee. We can and hosting and aggregation sites become
call it politeness. more prevalent.
Holmes (2013: 274) argued that Kim (2017) indicated categories
norms of polite behaviour differ from one of vlog. The vlog categories include
speech community to another. Liguistic beauty, lifestyle, food, culture, travelling,
politeness is culturally based. Different motivation, cars, sports and education.
speech communities emphasise different Whereas television content does not
functions, and express particular functions provide users a selection of contents or
differently. So that, in real interaction, schedule by individual preference, online
speaker and addresee may construct platforms provide users freedom of content
different politeness strategy. Related to selection without time limitation. Video
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
blogs provide informative, educational and In Indonesia, trend of vlog started
entertaining sources and sometimes they by Youtube phenomena. Youtube became
create online communities amongst users popular because everyone can access or
with common interests and similarities. It upload his or her own video directly to
seems that vlogs are not only about sharing others. The youtube itself categorize the
one’s own produced video contents but term of video related to the genre of video
they connect diverse people with interests itself. So, the audience can select which
across the world. The vlog platform video wanted. Related to CNN Indonesia,
encourages users to build friendships and vlog came up in 2015 because many
connections. nitizens upload their own video in
He also differenciated vlog and Youtube. Then, people attended to audio
blog. A blog is a website on which a user visual content because people can be free
regularly publishes their own posts to interpret the event, action, or maybe
including commentary, thoughts and ideas activity directly than writings as blog seen,
which contain photos, graphics, audio or or photos as instagram did.
video. Most blog sites are hosted by According to Biel and Gatica-
Tumblr, Blogger and WordPress. Blogs Perez (2010b), conversational vlogs are a
are used to provide news and content on a unique medium for self-presentation and
specific subject with personal interests. interpersonal perception in social media,
Visitors who read bloggers’ articles share a going beyond the use of text and still
specific article and comment on the article, photos, which may partly explain the
which causes conversations between the popularity of this format among online
author and readers. A vlog is a segment of video users. However, despite the 35 hours
blogosphere. Its primary messages are of video uploaded per minute (and
delivered by video contents, whereas blog growing) reported by YouTube in their
contents mostly include texts with static official blog (Nov. 2010), online video has
images. General similarities of a blog and received little attention from the social
video blog are that they are user-generated media community (Biel,, 2011)
contents. Many bloggers and vloggers with Related to the situation above, the
high popularity are supported by writer interested to analyze the two vlogs
advertising or product sales. They from two channels that have same content.
prioritise the importance of interactions Both the channels showed the interactions
with other users who read and watch between the vloggers and Indonesia’s
contents. From a brand perspective, the president, Mr. Joko Widodo. As a
blog or vlog approach is a very effective president, Mr. Joko Widodo giving an
marketing and branding technique. It is impact to Indonesian including his speech
another direct way to present a brand’s act. It is important to be studied because
personality and an effective way for being president should have intake
consumers to experience the brand and for Indonesian trust, interest, loyality and
the brand to interact with the consumers. respected.
Therefore, many famous fashion and food
bloggers who started showcasing their METHOD
work on their blog websites have transited This method use descriptive
to making vlog channels and many other qualitative and quantitative research. The
users with other interests such as lifestyle, elaboration of the methods used to
travelling and education have joined the measure language politeness, to count the
vlogging trend and diversified the vlog data whether politenes or not. The data
communities. taken from Arif Muhammad’s vlog
(1.596.033 subscribers) which
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
entitleNgevlog bareng Presiden and The participants are the vloggers
SkinnyIndonesian24 were created by who interact with Mr. Joko Widodo. They
brothers Andovi da Lopez and Jovial da used their own way to interact with the
Lopez’s vlogwho have 1.344.548 president. Both the vlog have different
subscribers entitleHow to Become a topic.

a. Ngevlog bareng Presiden

This vlog told about Arif Muhammad’s protocol. Besides, both of Arif as
experience who had been invited to interviewer and Mr. Jolowi as interviewee
participate in president activities in Nusa cooperated during the events. They
Tenggara Barat. The conversation run respected each other.
naturally and informal outside presidential

b. How to Become a president at SkinnyIndonesian24

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
This vlog told about Mr. Joko Widodo as a transcript. 3) In analyzing the data, the
president gave some tips to Jovial da writer decide specification of politeness
Lopez who wanted to be a president. The occured. 4)The units of utterances
vlog’s content was informal situation. classified into clausa and sentence to
Andovi who was an interviewer, decide the characteristics of verbal
sometimes interrupt Mr. Widodo language used by president.5)Next, the
explanation. writer checked the data by theory of
triangulation and researcher of
Procedure of Research triangulation. Writer cited previous
The steps are: 1) Collecting the data of the research entitle, Kajian Pragmatik
vlogs and describe them in transcript. Kesantunan Berbahasa Antara Najwa
There are two trancripts which taken from Shihab Dan Presiden Joko Widodo . It’s
Ngevlog bareng Presiden of Arif written by Tri Wiratno (Preceeding in
Muhammad’s vlog and How to Become a International Seminar on Language
President of SkinnyIndonesian24’s vlog. Maintenance and Shift (LAMAS) 7, July
The method of collecting data using 19-20 2017). There are four degrees to
documentary and observasion. 2)The show the poliness occured, polite, rather
writer identified the data applied in polite, less polite, impolite

RESULT AND DISCUSSION The writer analyzed the vlogs related

to the six principals in politeness
principals into two tables below:
Tabel 1 : skinnyindonesian24 entitle, How to Become a President run by Dovi and Jovi da
Politeness Discourse Total
1. Tact Principal Interactional context among vloggers and President. 3 Broken
1. principals
Pastinya yang pertama ...
D dan Jv :(bersamaan memotong)
Jv: Terima kasih nih terima kasih.
In this situation, among vloggers cut off President’s

2. Ka jo siap (memotong ucapan Jokowi)

Jw : ... Dari visi negara ...
Jv : Andovi tadi motong
D : Maaf... maaf...
Jv : Andovi baru aja motong RI satu
D : maaf... maaf... maaf
Jw : (tertawa).
In this context, vloggers and President cut off President’s

3. D: Ya Pak, menjadi cowok yang baik untuk wanita

Jw : Pertanyaan ini justru pertanyaan yang sulit untuk
D dan Jv : (Tertawa terbahak
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
Jw : cukup sulit.
In this context, vloggers and President cut off President’s
2. Generosity 1. 2 principals
Principal D : We are here with the president republic Indonesia accepted
Jw : Halo halo halo (sambil melambaikan tangan
Vloggers introduced Mr. Jokowi as President of Indonesia.

Jv : and my name is Jovial da Lopez
D dan Jv: and this is ...
Jw : Saya Jokowi
Vloggers give opportunity Mr. Jokowi to mention his name.

3. Modesty Principal D dan Jv: (bersamaan memotong) 1 principal

Jv: Terima kasih nih terima kasih accepted
D : Dengarkan ...
Jv : Dapet juga gue ... yoi (kepada Jokowi)
Vloggers show their thanking to Mr. Jokowi
4. Approbiation 1. 1 Broken
Principal Jw : Pertanyaan ini justru pertanyaan yang sulit principal and
untuk dijawab 1 accepted
D dan Jv : Tertawa terbahak principal
At this context, the vloggers laughed at President’s answer
related to the vloggers’ question.

Jv : Andovi baru aja motong RI satu
D : maaf... maaf... maaf
Jw : (tertawa)
D : jadi yang ketiga bekerja keras ya pak?
Jw : ya, bekerja keras untuk mewujudkan misi negara
In this context, Mr. Jokowi didn’t get angry with the
vlogger action who cut off his statement. He directly
laughed when the vlogger asked for appologizing. Then, he
still answered the vlogger’s next question.

5. 1. D : laksanakan? 1 broken
AggreementPrincipa Jv : laksanakan principal
l In this context, Dovi didn’t ask complete question to his 2 accepted
brother. Automatically, jovi replied it soon. principals

2. Jv : Siap
(Jokowi dan Jovi bersalaman)
In this context, Jovi was ready to carry out the president’s
tips by shaking each other.

D : Itu bagaimana Pak? Sya butuh tips Pak
Jv : Ya Pak, supaya ceweknya gak ninggalin dia Pak atau
gak ceweknya gak berpaling ke cowok lain
D : Ya Pak, menjadi cowok yang baik untuk wanita
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
Jw : Pertanyaan ini justru pertanyaan yang sulit untuk
In this context, President couldn’t reply the vloggers
question, because he thought that was difficult for replied

symphaty 1. 2 broken
(kesimpatian) D : Dan sebelum kita pergi Pak, ada satu tips ekstra, principals
bagaimana saya menjadi cowok yang baik untuk pacar 2 accepted
saya? principals
Jv : (Tertawa terbahak)
D : Itu bagaimana Pak? Sya butuh tips Pak
In this context, Jovi didn’t respect his brother who were
asking to Mr. Jokowi. He laughed directly even Mr. Jokowi
was around them
D : Itu bagaimana Pak? Sya butuh tips Pak
Jv : Ya Pak, supaya ceweknya gak ninggalin dia Pak
atau gak ceweknya gak berpaling ke cowok lain
D : Ya Pak, menjadi cowok yang baik untuk wanita
Jw : Pertanyaan ini justru pertanyaan yang sulit untuk
D dan Jv : Tertawa terbahak
In this context, the vloggers didn’t respect Mr. Jokowi as
president who thought their question was difficult for him.
Actually, Mr. Jokowi is a president, and he should get
appropriate question related to his job. He may not ready
answering their question immediately.
Jw : cukup sulit
D : OK Pak, terima kasih banyak.
In this context, Dovi thanked to Mr. Jokowi for responding
the question even didn’t give the answer of the question.
Jv : and my name is Jovial da Lopez
D dan Jv: and this is ...
Jw : Saya Jokowi
Dv dan Jv : wow(bertepuk tangan)
In this context, the vloggers appreciated Mr. Jokowi who
involved in their vlog and answer their questions.

Total 15

Tabel 2: Arif Muhammad, entitle “ Ngevlog Bareng Presiden”, run by Arif Muhammad
Politeness Discourse Total
1. Tact Principal This vlog taken when Arif Muhammad invited to follow 3 accepted
Mr. Joko Widodo who is the president of Indonesia in his principals
official trip in the East of Indonesia.

F of AM : Bapak ga capek, pak?
J : Gak lah (sambil tersenyum)
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
In this situation, the vlogger asked to Mr. Jokowi whether
he’s tired or not. Then Mr. Jokowi answered him friendly
by smiling.

AM : Mungkin yang slah paham banyak yang ngira
tenaga kerjanya dari asing ya?
J : ya dicek sendiri saja. Biasanya kita beli turbin
dari Jepang, ya mereka yang masang di awal awal,
mereka yang ngerakit. Ya tapi sekaligus itu kan ada
transfer pengetahuan, transfer ilmu, ada transfer
tekhnologi yang nantinya juga kita kan bisa.
In this situation, Mr. President didn’t clarify the issue
happened direcly. He asked others checked by themself that
realy happened in reality.

AM : Bapak, turun di jalan ga capek pak?
J : (tertawa), udah biasa
AM : Pak, tanggapannya Pak?
J : Yah gimana, dicegat warga. Ya kalo ga berhenti
gimana? Nanti warga kecewa (tertawa).

In this context, Mr. President replied the vlogger’s question

politely. Next question about the statement of president
related to the people’s reaction, he responed by laughing. It
seems that he let people did it to him.

2. Generosity 1. 3 principals
Principal AM : Pak, tanggapannya Pak? accepted
J : Yah gimana, dicegat warga. Ya kalo ga berhenti
gimana? Nanti warga kecewa (tertawa).

In this context, the president admit himself to stop his

official trip to meet the people who were waiting for him
around his running.
AM : Pak, bapak bagi buku biar apa Pak?
J : Ya, biar semuanya belajar biar pinter, simbolnya ya

The president gift the people who were waiting for him
book as the symbol for making them clever.

AM : Bapak kenapa suka banget turun turun?
J : Ya kan ditunggu rakyat banyak banget tu, masak
hanya dadah (melambaikan tangan) kaya gini gini
dari jauh gini yah,
AM : Makanya harus turun dari mobil
J : Iya, yah paling turun dari mobil Cuma 1 menit 2
menit juga ga papa.
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

The situation above showed the president appreciated

people who were waiting for him by meet them directly in
one up to two minutes before continue his official trip.
3. Modesty Principal AM : (Berbicara ke audience) Jaket yang kemarin 1 principal
booming, dipake loh sama Bapak. Ini jaketnya accepted
dipilihin Kaesang atau milih sendiri Pak?
J : (Tertawa) Kaesang sana.

The vlogger praised the president’s coat that was viral were
wore by the president. Then he asked who had chosen it for
him. Next, he said that his son had bought it for him.
4. Approbiation A : Bapak ga capek, pak? 1 accepted
Principal J : Gak lah (sambil tersenyum) principal
AM : Always On ya (tertawa)
J : Ya, melihat lihat ekonomi, melihat pergerakan
ekonomi di daerah

The president responded the vlogger’s question well with

smiling. Then, when the vlogger emphasized the question,
the president still responded his question well.
5. Aggreement 1. 2 accepted
Principal AM : Referensinya Kaesang ya pak? (tertawa) principals
J : (Tertawa)
In this context, both president and vlogger laughed at
vlogger’s statement because Kaesang is near with their
position even he wasn’t in their frame.
AM : Gimana Pak Jokowi, udah berubah banget ya
dari yang dulu?
J : waduh, perubahannya sudah, dulu bentuknya
kaya itu, kaya ini. Ya itu tuh, kayak gini nih. Ya
seperti ini nih, loketnya ya, kaya gitu tuh
AM : Bapak, gimana requestnya, minta bikininnya?
J : aaah, saya hanya minta lebih baik dari negara
tetangga kita, udah. Gitu aja
In this context, audience can’t predict the topic if the
audience didn’t see the picture, so that he can imagine the
shape of the station . then, in the next question, the
statement “minta lebih baik dari negara tetangga kita”
can’t stand alone, if we didn’t know the discussion of them
related to the boundary station in NTT.

symphaty 1. 1 accepted
(kesimpatian) AM : Puas gak Pak? principals
J : Kalo melihat seperti ini (tertawa) melebihi apa
yang saya perintahkan. Yang paling penting
adalah ada nantinya ada pertumbuhan ekonomi di
sini, adanya pergerakan ekonomi di sini. Sehingga
masyarakat sekitar mendapatkan manfaatnya, yang
terpenting sih itu.

In this context, Mr. Jokowi appreciate his staff who built

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
the boundary station because it is more than his expectation.
Total 11

According to tables, on Skinnyindonesian24 Contrast, on Arif Muhammad’s vlog,

vlog, there are many brokens principles none broken principals occured. It may happen
occured. It may happen because their vlog’s because he conducted his vlog during Mr.
purpose is to amuse audience. So that they President’s official trip. So that, his vlog told
made concept finding another president’ about president’s real activities as president.
profile. So that, the discourse occured Some of them maybe promote Mr. Joko
informal side. So that, this vlog will be Widodo as a good president who cares of his
unusual because related to President’s job that people, and also can be the way of campaign
tends to formal. Everybody in the world will Mr. Joko Widodo’s profile to others by
see Mr.Jokowi is not the same with previous clarifying the current issue that happened in
president did before. The interaction occured Indonesia. In politeness, the vlogger is in
naturally and simply, only answering and polite, because none brokenprincipal of
responding the vloggers question. In politeness occured even the discourse didn’t
politeness, the vlogis in rather polite, because occured in formal situation
they broke several principals of politeness.

Table 3: Broken Principals Data and Politess Status

Vlog’s Data Broken Principals Percentage Politeness Status
Skinnyindonesian24 - tact principle 46 ,67 % Rather polite
- approbiation principle
- aggreement principle
- sympathy principle
Arif Muhammad - 0% Polite

CONCLUSION audience. The vloggers tended to do rather

Based on the findings and polite interaction even they knew that they
discussion, we can conclude that Mr. Joko were talking with president. The utterances
Widodo showed politeness strategies in that occured is natural and simple. The
vlogs. In How to Become a President’s president only answered or responded the
vlog, Mr. Joko Widodo and vloggers did vloggers’ question.
broken principals of politeness because the Besides, in Ngevlog Bareng
purpose of the vlog is to amuse the Presiden’s vlog, Mr. Joko Widodo and
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BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
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