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Safe Work Method Statement


Break the activity down into steps. Each Identify the hazards in each step and give
Identify what control measures will be implemented
step should accomplish some major task them a risk rating using the Hazard ID and
to eliminate the hazard or minimise the risk.
and be in a logical sequence. Risk Assessment Summary.
Close supervision should be ensured, only trained
Removal and packing of staff should be assigned for the task, TBT to be
Chillers which are no longer Negligence/ carelessness / use by untrained conducted and, Disciplinary action if the staff not
Step 1 staff 6
required & Removal of windows complying with Company health and safety
for scrapping. standards, TBT must be conducted by Supervisor/In-
charge prior to start of the task
All power tools/ Machine, sockets-plugs needs to be
checked for electrical connections on regular basis
prior to start of job. Training /Awareness, TBT on
WMS should be conducted. Only competent person
Electrocution- due to faulty machines,
Electrical and drainage 6 should do the repair works. The electrical connection
Step 2 damaged cable, sockets, plugs etc.
provision should not be overloaded. Proper rating of cables.
Double insulated cable. Use of male and female
sockets. No tape joints are permitted. Provision of
ELCB and Brakes/Groundings.

Use of Power Tools 6 Visual inspection of power tools. PAT test if needed.
All rotating parts should be guarded. "Deadman
Switch off all power tools. No jewels loose clothing is

Contact with cement/epoxy grout paints or Moderate (Allergy/skin rashes and dizziness due to
other chemicals 6 fumes inhalation)

Suitable Ladders/Scaffolding should be used, Trained

& competent person should inspect the work
platforms prior to start of the work. Awareness,
Use of Improper Ladder/ work access platform 9
Fix gypsum bulkhead with training, TBT should be conducted for Safe use of
Ladders/ working at Height by the responsible
Step 3 paint/ Fix Chalk Board & Fix supervisor.
Exit Signage
Appropriate Tools must be used, regular inspection &
regular maintenance must be done, TBT must be
Using Improper tools/ not Following safe work conducted prior to start of the task, appropriate PPE
procedure 9 such as Gloves, shoes, eye protection. Right tools for
right job to be used, only competent person should do
the task

"Make sure that all equipment is in good operating

order before work starts.
Make sure that all appropriate personal protective
devices are available at the site and each worker has
been trained on how to use, clean, and store them
Fire Inspect the work area thoroughly before starting. Look
Install SS cladding panels for for combustible materials in structures (partitions,
Step 4 Electrocution / Burns/ Arc-flash / Oxygen- 9
Chiller requires spot welding depletion / walls, ceilings).
Toxic fumes
Move all flammable and combustible materials away
from the work area.
If combustibles cannot be moved, cover them with fire
resistant blankets or shields. Protect gas lines and
equipment from falling sparks, hot materials, and
Hot Work Permit to be obtained.
Close supervision should be ensured, only trained
staff should be assigned for the task, TBT to be
Negligence/ carelessness / use by untrained conducted and, Disciplinary action if the staff not
Step 5 Installation of Chillers staff 6
complying with Company health and safety
standards, TBT must be conducted by Supervisor/In-
charge prior to start of the task
What Plant and Equipment will be used to carry out this Activity? (Note: A Plant Checklist will need to be completed)
Welding Machine – Calibration and Certificate Attached

Identify relevant Legislation, Standards and Codes of Practice relating to the work:

Qualifications / Competencies required of Persons carrying out this Activity (Licenses, Qualifications, Permits):
Work Permit/ Equipment Certificate/ Operator Certificate

Details of Training provided to employees carrying out the Activity:

TBT & Operator Certificate
Risk Assessment Report
Assessment Number


Risk Assessment and Control

Hazard(s) Consequence Probability Risk (H/M/L) Control Measures

Close supervision should be ensured, only

trained staff should be assigned for the task,
TBT to be conducted and, Disciplinary action if
Negligence/ carelessness / use by
1 Minor injury / reportable Injury 6 M the staff not complying with Company health
untrained staff
and safety standards, TBT must be conducted
by Supervisor/In-charge prior to start of the

All power tools/ Machine, sockets-plugs needs

to be checked for electrical connections on
regular basis prior to start of job. Training
/Awareness, TBT on WMS should be
Electrocution- due to faulty conducted. Only competent person should do
2 machines, damaged cable, Reportable injury / Shock / Burns 6 M the repair works. The electrical connection
sockets, plugs etc should not be overloaded. Proper rating of
cables. Double insulated cable. Use of male
and female sockets. No tape joints are
permitted. Provision of ELCB and

Visual inspection of power tools. PAT test if

3 Use of Power Tools Minor injury / reportable Injury 6 M
needed. All rotating parts should be guarded.
"Deadman Switch off all power tools. No jewels
loose clothing is permitted.

"Make sure that all equipment is in good

operating order before work starts.
Make sure that all appropriate personal
protective devices are available at the site and
each worker has been trained on how to use,
Fire clean, and store them properly.
Explosion Inspect the work area thoroughly before
4 Electrocution / Burns/ Arc-flash / Reportable injury / Shock / Burns 9 M starting. Look for combustible materials in
Oxygen-depletion / structures (partitions, walls, ceilings).
Toxic fumes Move all flammable and combustible materials
away from the work area.
If combustibles cannot be moved, cover them
with fire resistant blankets or shields. Protect
gas lines and equipment from falling sparks,
hot materials, and objects."

Moderate (Allergy/skin rashes

Contact with cement/epoxy grout Moderate (Allergy/skin rashes and dizziness
5 and dizziness due to fumes 6 M
paints or other chemicals due to fumes inhalation)

Suitable Ladders/Scaffolding should be used,

Trained & competent person should inspect
Moderate (Reportable injury
Use of Improper Ladder/ work the work platforms prior to start of the work.
6 /Potential long term/permanent 9 M
access platform Awareness, training, TBT should be conducted
for Safe use of Ladders/ working at Height by
the responsible supervisor.
Appropriate Tools must be used, regular
inspection & regular maintenance must be
Moderate (Reportable done, TBT must be conducted prior to start of
Using Improper tools/ not
7 injury/Potential long 9 M the task, appropriate PPE such as Gloves,
Following safe work procedure
term/permanent disability) shoes, eye protection. Right tools for right job
to be used, only competent person should do
the task

Residual Risks Date of Assessment

1 N/A

2 N/A

3 N/A


1 N/A

2 N/A

3 N/A

4 N/A

Safe Work Method Statement Required? Yes

Person Responsible for Implementation Mr. Satish Mallath

Ranking Method

1 2 3 4 5

5 ☐ M (5) ☐M (10) ☐ H (15) ☐ H (20) ☐ H (25)


4 ☐ L (4) ☐ M (8) ☐ M (12) ☐ H (16) ☐ H (20)

3 ☐ L (3) ☐ M (6) ☐ M (9) ☐ M (12) ☐ H (15)

2 ☐ L (2) ☐ L (4) ☐ M (6) ☐ M (8) ☐M (10)

1 ☐ L (1) ☐ L (2) ☐ L (3) ☐ L (4) ☐M (5)

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