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In this lesson, your tutor will help you go over a type-5 question from TOEIC speaking test. Your
tutor will read the question to you, and you have 60 seconds to answer on your own.
Test Question
Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked
to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60
seconds to speak.
Question 10
In your response, be sure to:

 show that you recognize the problem

 propose a way of dealing with the problem

(Tutor: read the text to the student. The question is not presented to the student in
the actual test)

Hello. This is Julia Roberts. I am scheduled for a job interview for a customer service
position with your airline today at 3 p.m. I am very excited about this opportunity
and believe that this position would be a great fit for me. I left home an hour ago to
give myself enough time to arrive before my appointment, but it looks like I am in a
traffic jam due to an accident on the freeway. Because of this, I am afraid that I might
not make it on time. I will do my best to try to get off the freeway so that I can take
an alternate route, but, just in case I can’t make it on time, would it be possible to
reschedule my job interview? I don’t want all of my preparations to go to waste, and,
as I just mentioned, I really want to work for your company. I will wait for your call.
You can reach me on my cell phone at (123) 456-7890. My name is Julia Roberts.
Thank you.
How did you do? Use the following pointers as a guideline to refine your answer.

1. Make note of the key facts

o Who is calling? Julia Roberts and she has an interview with the company
o Why is she calling? She is in a traffic jam due to an accident on the freeway,
and she is concerned that she will be late for the interview
o What is she asking for? She is trying to be on time but wants to reschedule the
interview in case she doesn’t make it on time
2. Come up with a solution
o Say who you are: Hello, Ms. Roberts. This is XXX from the human resource
o Say why you are calling: I am returning your voice message.
o Repeat the problem: You said that you may be late for your job interview,
which is scheduled at 3 pm today, due to an unexpected accident on the
3. Repeat the request: You want to reschedule your job interview in case you arrive
4. Propose a solution:
o I understand how important this job interview is to you.
o It is not possible to reschedule your job interview today because several other
interviews have been scheduled right after yours.
o I will leave a note for the interviewers in case you do not make it on time, but
I have to let you know this may reflect negatively on your candidacy.
5. Wrap up: Please let me know immediately when you arrive here. You can reach
me on my cell phone at (213) 123-4567.

Sample Answer
Reading great sample answers is one way to improve. Go over the sample answer with your
tutor. Ask questions if you have any.
Sample Answer
Hello Ms. Roberts. This is XXX from the human resource department at
Alpha Airline and I am returning your call. You said that you may be late for your
job interview, which is scheduled for 3 p.m. today, due to an unexpected accident
on the freeway. First of all, I am sorry to say that it is not possible to reschedule
your job interview because several other interviews have already been scheduled
right after yours. I will leave a note for the interviewers in case you do not make it
on time, but I have to let you know this may reflect negatively on your candidacy. I
understand how important this job interview is to you, so please let me know
immediately when you arrive here. You can reach me on my cell phone at (213)
Further Study
Got more time? Here is a list of common vocab words related to the text you studied today. Go
over each one with your tutor.
Additional Expressions
(adj) not expected
e.g. He received unexpectedresults.

(n) a large number of vehicles unable to move

traffic jam ( traffic
or moving very slowly
e.g. I’m stuck in a traffic jam, so I’ll be late.
(v) change to a new time for an event
reschedule e.g. The meeting was rescheduled for

(idiom) because of a reason

due to something e.g. The accident was primarily due to her

(n) the position of a person who is trying to

be elected
e.g. She is expected to announce
her candidacy forpresident.

(idiom) to cause people to think of someone

or something in a positive/negative way
e.g. This incident reflects negatively on
everyone involved.

(n) a person who is asking someone questions

at an interview / a person who is interviewed
interviewer /
e.g. The interviewerasked
the intervieweesome very personal

(idiom) arrive punctually

make it on time
e.g. I’m leaving early so I can make it on time.

(adj) being on time

e.g. The trains were punctual.

(idiom) you can call me at

you can reach me at ….
e.g. You can reach me at 012345678.

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