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name beast • Who are you? ◊ Angry Disad to Support & Pierce the Mask
xp • How were you taken?
• Where did you serve your durance? The Blackened Pens, The
◊ Instinctual Disad to Unleash Attack & Into Hedge
court Lodge, The Secret Veldt, Stray’s Alley, The Undertow, Woegiven ◊ Guilty Disad to Read a Sitch & Refuse a Debt
Forests, (Other) ◊ Hopeless Disad to Escape & Stay Strong
• How did you preserve the last shreds of your humanity? ◊ Insecure Disad to Manipulate & Hit the Streets
• What is in your chosen territory?
• What won’t you do to keep your Motley-mates safe?
◊ Confused Disad to Persuade & Invoke Power
◊ Wounded
At least one has to be assigned to an NPC from your Court, one
to an NPC of any Court, and one to a PC. Mark XP when you
Heart Mind Wild Wyrd settle a Debt you owe.
• Someone lives in your territory, benefiting from your
protection. They owe you a Debt.
• You consider someone a friend even though the friendship
Spring Summer Autumn Winter keeps bringing you trouble. They owe you a Debt.
• You’re protecting someone from a bully or stalker. They owe
KITH you 2 Debts.
Choose a name for your Kith: Broadback, Cagedweller,
• Someone keeps pulling your ass out of the fire. You owe them
Chimera, Cleareyes, Coiltwist, Coldscales, Coyote , Dronedrone,
2 Debts.
Hunterheart , Riddleseeker, Roteater, Runnerswift , Skitterskulk ,
Steepscrambler , Swimmerskin, Truefriend , Venombite, Example NPCs: Abysssinian Max, Houseclaw Beast of Winter;
Windwing, (Other) Zetcher Mercy, Pitchgrinner Darkling of Winter; Mr. Pinch,
LOOK Smokeseen Elemental of Autumn; Spinning Ginny, Fatespider
◊ Take a Clarity move
Mien (pick as many as apply): Brawny, Clawed, Damp, Fairest of Autumn; Lean & Hungry Mike, Halfhere Ogre of
◊ Take a Clarity move
Disheveled, Doe-Eyed, Elongated, Feathered, Furtive, Fuzzy, Autumn; Sarah-No-Tears, Physicker Wizened of Winter, (Other).
◊ Take your Season's Clarity move (choose Waxing or Waning)
Glossy, Haggard, Humming, Hunched Over, Hungry, Lupine,
◊ Take a Clarity move from another Seeming
Maned, Muscled, Muscular, Nervous, Predatory, Quilled, Scaly, NPC RIVAL ◊ Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
Shaggy, Shark-Eyed, Shivering, Tailed, Tawny, Undulating, Pick one or suggest your own. Mark XP when you sacrifice or
Unobtrusive, Vulpine, Warty, Wide-Eyed, Wild-Eyed, (Other) risk to interfere with them.
• Songbird Rex, Longlost Beast of Summer, stole into your den Advances available at beginning of play:
and did something, you’re sure. ◊ +1 Wild (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
• Squintborne, Shriekbin Darkling of Autumn, holds weird sway ◊ +1 Heart (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
over a gang of Hobs who have it out for you. ◊ +1 Mind (max +3) ◊ A new Season move
Mask: What does your guise look like? • Questions So Loud, Stormsoul Elemental of Summer, extorted ◊ +1 Wyrd (max +3) ◊ Move from another Seeming
goods from a friend of yours. ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Move from another Seeming
• Gloriana Two-Fold, Heartspinner Fairest of Summer, Has ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Change your Season
STARTING CHARACTER STATS (Add +1 to one) hidden allies among non-Changeling supernaturals.
Heart 0 Mind 1 Wild 1 Wyrd -1 • Hammering Beats, Tombshaker Ogre of Summer, pushed you After 5 advances you may select:
into an onerous duty. ◊ +1 to any stat (max +3) ◊ Erase a Clarity advance
Choose one as your Court. That begins at 1. Then add 1, 1, 0,
• Hopscotch Takebacks, Grifter Wizened of Autumn, secretly ◊ +1 any Season (max +3) ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
-1 to the seasons.
called the cops on you. ◊ Erase a Clarity advance ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
STARTING MOVE of your troubles surfaces (your choice), but things you’re there, spend your hold to ask the MC
Wild Ways: You can communicate with Beasts of are mostly stable. On a miss, or if you aren’t questions, 1 for 1:
your kind. Choose one: armor +1, harm +1, AP attending to your territory, things go south and • What’s my best way in/out?
harm, leaping, sprinting, special sense to your troubles are fast and furious. • Who or what here is not what they seem?
represent your nature. You start with a Den. Greater Den: You have a safe place, secure from • What happened here recently?
outside dangers. It has emergency rations, a • What here is the greatest danger to me?
PLUS TWO MORE MOVES hidden entrances, and an escape vector. Choose • Whose turf is this?
At most one can come from your chosen Season. two of the following: enhanced defenses, gate to On a miss, you find yourself in over your head. The
(see Season moves) the Hedge, collapsible, well hidden, warning MC will tell you why this is a bad spot.
Against the Wall: When you are cornered by your signal. Well stocked, comfortable, large.
Steadfast: Mark Clarity to gain a 10+ result on a
enemies, roll +Wild. On a hit, trade harm with your In the Trees: When you try to disappear in a Stay Strong roll against mental challenges.
enemies as if you were a small group (3-harm 1- crowd, roll +Wyrd. On a 10+, you vanish into the
Transformation: You may change into your animal
armor) instead of a single person. On a 10+, pick crowd without a trace; take advantage if you make
form. Roll +Wyrd. On a hit, no one can tell that
2. On a 7-9, pick 1. use of your concealment. On a 7-9, you are silent
there’s anything unnatural about you. On a 7-9
• You inflict terrible harm and invisible, but your deception is fragile and
you have some unusual detail that sets you apart
• You suffer little harm incomplete. On a miss, you’re clearly the wolf.
from other animals. On a miss, your
• You create an opportunity Even the crowd knows it.
transformation leaves you in a vulnerable position
• You don’t mark Clarity Loyalty: Your motley always starts with an extra (spotted, trapped, unable to change back).
Airborn: You can move slowly through the air, Trust. This increases the Motley’s maximum Trust.
Waterborn: You can breathe underwater and move
lifted by your will. If there are winds present, you Show the Beast: When you frighten or cow others unhindered while submerged.
can use those to bolster your speed. You can only with your monstrous form, roll +Wild. On a hit,
carry a little with you as you do this. they're thrown off and make themselves CLARITY MOVES
Becomes the Hunter: When you openly present vulnerable or flee. On a 10+, choose one. On a 7- Clarity Trigger: When you value loyalty over all
yourself to agent(s) hunting you, roll +Wild. On a 9, choose two. other considerations, mark clarity.
hit, they choose one. On a 10+, take armor+1 vs • You frighten others you hadn't intended to Destroyer: When you Unleash an Attack, mark
them for the scene. On a miss, they reveal that • You hurt someone or break something you Clarity to deal additional Harm = the # of
you’ve sprung a trap. shouldn’t have conditions you have marked
• They scatter or flee before you • You feel like more of a monster afterward; mark a
Force of Nature: You get +1 Wild (max +4). When
• They throw down their weapons and surrender condition (GM’s choice)
you roll a 12+ with Wild, mark Clarity.
• They attack you, ignoring your allies On a miss, they react with violence, hatred, and
Predator’s Gaze: Mark Clarity to lock eyes with
Comes with the Territory: If you’re actively paranoia, and you suffer the brunt of it.
someone and force them to be still for as long as
patrolling your territory at the start of the session, Slayer: When you Stay Strong while on a hunt, roll you maintain the gaze.
roll +Wild. On a 10+, your territory is secure and +Wild instead of Wyrd.
trouble is at a minimum; take +1 ongoing to
hitting the streets in your territory. On a 7-9, one
Sniffer: When you keep an eye out for trouble, roll
+Wild. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. While
name darkling INTRO QUESTIONS
• Who are you?
◊ Angry Disad to Support & Pierce the Mask
xp • How were you taken?
◊ Afraid Disad to Unleash Attack & Into Hedge
court • Where did you serve your durance? The Ashen Laboratories,
Fear’s Palace, Grinning Waxworks, The Observatory, The ◊ Guilty Disad to Read a Sitch & Refuse a Debt
Numberless Doors, Shadows’ Spool, (Other) ◊ Alone Disad to Escape & Stay Strong
• What did the Gentry use to change you? ◊ Insecure Disad to Manipulate & Hit the Streets
• Who do you watch from your past life?
• What strangeness are you currently investigating?
◊ Confused Disad to Persuade & Invoke Power
◊ Wounded
At least one has to be assigned to an NPC from your Court, one
to an NPC of any Court, and one to a PC. Mark XP when you
Heart Mind Wild Wyrd settle a Debt you owe.
• You are keeping something hidden for someone. They owe
you a Debt.
• Someone is your go-to when you get into trouble. You owe
Spring Summer Autumn Winter them 2 Debts
• Someone is helping you keep your nightmares at bay. You owe
KITH them a Debt.
Choose a name for your Kith: Antiquarian, Assemblyman,
• Someone has been tipping you off to some authority or
Gravewight , Hider, Leechfinger, Lurker, Lurkglider, Middle Child,
threat’s movements. You owe them 2 Debts.
Mirrorskin, Moonborn, Nightsinger, Palewraith, Razorhand,
Tunnelgrub, Undertow, Whisperwisp, (Other) Example NPCs: Sainted Coils, Wrestwyrm Beast of Spring;
LOOK Terrible Job, Manymartyr Darkling of Spring; Ashwine,
Mien (pick as many as apply): Anemic, Artificial, Ashen, Torchbearer Elemental of Winter; Beckoncall, Highcaller Fairest
◊ Take a Clarity move
Awkward, Bent, Black-Eyed, Dark, Disfigured, Dripping, Grey, of Spring; Windom Wales, Tolltaker Ogre of Autumn; Semolina
◊ Take a Clarity move
Grinning, Hairless, Long-Haired, Out of Focus, Pale, Pallid, Pilchard, Distiller Wizened of Spring; (Other).
◊ Take your Season's Clarity move (choose Waxing or Waning)
Scrawny, Sharp, Shrunken, Still, Stitched, Stretched Out,
◊ Take a Clarity move from another Seeming
Terrified, Thin, Unblinking, Unflinching, Vibrating, Whispering, NPC RIVAL ◊ Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
(Other) Pick one or suggest your own. Mark XP when you sacrifice or
risk to interfere with them.
• Abysssinian Max, Houseclaw Beast of Winter, kicked you out Advances available at beginning of play:
of your first lodgings. ◊ +1 Wild (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
• Zetcher Mercy, Pitchgrinner Darkling of Winter, speak with ◊ +1 Heart (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
ghosts who have a hunger for you. ◊ +1 Mind (max +3) ◊ A new Season move
Mask: What does your guise look like? • Mr. Pinch, Smokeseen Elemental of Autumn, Maybe be a ◊ +1 Wyrd (max +3) ◊ Move from another Seeming
Loyalist but you can’t prove it. ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Move from another Seeming
• Spinning Ginny, Fatespider Fairest of Autumn, haunts you ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Change your Season
STARTING CHARACTER STATS (Add +1 to one) from your Durance.
Heart 1 Mind 0 Wild -1 Wyrd 1 • Lean & Hungry Mike, Halfhere Ogre of Autumn, bullies their After 5 advances you may select:
own Motley. ◊ +1 to any stat (max +3) ◊ Erase a Clarity advance
Choose one as your Court. That begins at 1. Then add 1, 1, 0,
• Sarah-No-Tears, Physicker Wizened of Winter, lashed out at ◊ +1 any Season (max +3) ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
-1 to the seasons.
you for no reason. ◊ Erase a Clarity advance ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
STARTING MOVE Invocation: You may Cash in a Debt with someone Scuttle: So long as there are shadows and
Know the Shadows: When you scope out a person to appear in their presence. Others may Cash in a concealment, you're able to cling to surfaces and
or place, roll + Wyrd. On a 10+, ask two. On a 7-9, Debt with you to have you appear as well. move along them at a walking pace. You can even
ask one. Lore: When you encounter a new type of climb ceilings.

• What’s my best way in/out? supernatural creature, roll +Heart. On a hit, the Skim the Surface: When you touch someone, you
• What happened here recently? MC will tell you a bit about it and how it can be can read their surface thoughts. Roll +Wyrd. On a
• What here is worth grabbing? killed. On a 10+, ask the MC a follow-up question; 10+, ask 3. On a 7–9, ask 1:
• Who or what here is not what they seem? they will answer it honestly. On a miss, you • What is your character thinking about right now?
• Whose place is this? misread the creature; the MC tells you how. • Who are you protecting?
On a miss, you find yourself in over your head. The Mimic: You can appear to be someone you're met • Why are you keeping secrets?
GM will tell you why this is a bad spot. and interacted with. Roll +Heart. On a 10+ you're • What is your character’s hidden pain?
able to pass for a short time with those who know On a miss, you inflict 1-harm (ap) on them and
PLUS TWO MORE MOVES the person and long with passing acquaintances. yourself
At most one can come from your chosen Season On a 7-9, your guise will not stand up to close
(see Season moves). inspection, but will pass for a time with those who CLARITY MOVES
know your subject slightly. Clarity Trigger: When you witness a scene of
Cowardly: When you abandon someone to Escape
a situation, roll +Heart instead of Wild. One with the Dark: So long as there are shadows victimization and do nothing, mark clarity.
and concealment, you may attempt to become I Know You: Mark Clarity and speak the true name
Don’t Look at Me: When you Manipulate someone,
invisible and undetectable for a scene. Roll +Wyrd. of an NPC in the scene to inflict 3-harm (ap) on
roll +Wyrd instead of Heart.
On a hit, no one can see or interact with you until them.
Ghost Talk: You can speak with spirits in a place, you decide they can. You can break this by choice
using them to Read a Sitch or provide general info. My Nature is Known: When you selfishly use Trust,
or attacking. On a 7-9 you remain hidden but
On a hit, they're willing to speak. On a 7-9 you owe you may mark Clarity to make your roll a 10.
either leave some trace of yourself behind or alert
them a debt. On a miss, they become angry & someone in the scene before you interact with Thieves Hands: Mark Clarity after successfully
vengeful. them. On a miss, your attempt fails and leaves you Escaping a situation to reveal that you pilfered a
Haunt the Darkness: When you terrorize someone vulnerable. significant object from the previous scene.
from the shadows, roll +Wyrd. On a hit, they are Panic Room: You have a secure location that you
frightened, intimidated, or unnerved. On a 10+, can hole up in. Detail it and choose 3: High-tech
pick 2. On a 7-9, pick 1. surveillance; a mystical prison; Fortified walls/
• You create an opportunity windows/ doors; a week’s worth of food and
• You inflict harm (ap) water; explosives set to blow the place.
• You remain in shadows Sandman: You may keep an unaware or sleeping

• You don’t mark Clarity subject in that state so long as you concentrate
and can see them.
name elemental INTRO QUESTIONS
• Who are you?
◊ Angry Disad to Support & Pierce the Mask
xp • How were you taken?
◊ Afraid Disad to Unleash Attack & Into Hedge
court • Where did you serve you durance? The Crawling Mountain,
Place Forgot, The Rust Chasms, Sands of Wakelight, Seventeen ◊ Guilty Disad to Read a Sitch & Refuse a Debt
Needles, Sunkheart Depths, (Other) ◊ Hopeless Disad to Escape & Stay Strong
• How did you escape from the Hedge? ◊ Insecure Disad to Manipulate & Hit the Streets
• What don’t you understand about the world now?
• What do you hear when you close your eyes and listen?
◊ Overwhelmed Disad to Persuade & Invoke Power
◊ Wounded
At least one has to be assigned to an NPC from your Court, one
to an NPC of any Court, and one to a PC. Mark XP when you
Heart Mind Wild Wyrd settle a Debt you owe.
• Someone makes sure you get access to your favored Glamour.
You owe them 2 Debts.
• You destroyed or banished something (or someone)
Spring Summer Autumn Winter important at the request of someone. They owe you a Debt.
• Someone is watching out for a family member of yours. You
KITH owe them 2 Debts.
Choose a name for your Kith: Airtouched, Apsaras, Blightbent,
• Someone is trying to teach you and keeps suffering for it. You
Earthbones, Fireheart, Karmaheld, Levenquick, Manikin,
owe them 1 Debt.
Metalflesh, Sandharrowed, Smokemarrow, Snowskin,
Swarmsoul, Waterborn, Woodblood, (Other) Example NPCs: Songbird Rex, Longlost Beast of Summer;
LOOK Squintborne, Shriekbin Darkling of Autumn; Questions So Loud,
Mien (pick as many as apply): Angular, Beady-Eyed, Broken, Stormsoul Elemental of Summer; Gloriana Two-Fold,
◊ Take a Clarity move
Bubbling, Clicking, Cracked, Crackling, Creaking, Disintegrating, Heartspinner Fairest of Summer,; Hammering Beast,
◊ Take a Clarity move
Drifting, Empty-Eyed, Fading, Gleaming, Luminous, Murmuring, Tombshaker Ogre of Summer; Hopscotch Takebacks, Grifter
◊ Take your Season's Clarity move (choose Waxing or Waning)
Oozing, Reassembled, Roiling, Rough-skinned, Rusted, Shaky, Wizened of Autumn; (Other).
◊ Take a Clarity move from another Seeming
Shifting, Silvery, Stiff, Stony, Stony, Transparent, Twisting,
◊ Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
Uncertain, Uneven, Wooden, (Other) NPC RIVAL
Pick one or suggest your own. Mark XP when you sacrifice or
risk to interfere with them. Advances available at beginning of play:
• Sainted Coils, Wrestwyrm Beast of Spring, left you behind in a ◊ +1 Wild (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
back-alley fight. ◊ +1 Heart (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
• Terrible Job, Manymartyr Darkling of Spring, cheated you ◊ +1 Mind (max +3) ◊ A new Season move
Mask: What does your guise look like? when you first arrived. ◊ +1 Wyrd (max +3) ◊ Move from another Seeming
• Ashwine, Torchbearer Elemental of Winter, knows more about ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Move from another Seeming
the vanishing of your friend than they’ve admitted. ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Change your Season
STARTING CHARACTER STATS (Add +1 to one) • Beckoncall, Highcaller Fairest of Spring, tricked you into a
Heart -1 Mind 1 Wild 0 Wyrd 1 Pledge. After 5 advances you may select:
• Windom Wales, Tolltaker Ogre of Autumn, booked you up with ◊ +1 to any stat (max +3) ◊ Erase a Clarity advance
Choose one as your Court. That begins at 1. Then add 1, 1, 0,
bad fake identity papers. ◊ +1 any Season (max +3) ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
-1 to the seasons.
• Semolina Pilchard, Distiller Wizened of Spring, raided a store ◊ Erase a Clarity advance ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
of Hedge Fruits you’d been saving.
STARTING MOVE • What is the history of this object? Toxin: Spend 1 hold to inflict 1-harm (ap) on
Primal Forces: When you channel and collect your • What bans, wards, or limits are attached to this someone from any distance. You must have a
energies, roll +Wyrd. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, object? sample of their hair, blood, or saliva to do so.
hold 3 and choose 1 from the list below. On a miss, • Where does this object belong? Elemental Effect.
hold 1, but you cannot channel again this scene. • What secrets or mysteries has this object been Tracking: Spend 1 hold to learn the location of
privy to? someone. You must have a personal object that
• Take disadvantage until you rest
• What strong emotions have most recently been belongs to the target or recent leavings of their
• Suffer 1-harm (ap)
near this object? body (a lock of hair, fingernail clippings, their
• Mark Clarity.
On a miss, the emotion of the object overwhelms blood, etc.). Elemental Effect.
Your hold lasts until you spend it. You can spend it
you and you take -1 ongoing for the scene.
to cast any elemental effect you have as per the
Reshaping: You may choose to appear as another CLARITY MOVES
effect’s details. Begin with two elemental effects
Clarity Trigger: When you ignore your
Seeming, Kith, or Season to those who do not
responsibilities to explore your nature, mark
PLUS TWO MORE MOVES know the truth.
At most one can come from your chosen Season. Scrying: You can Read a Sitch at a distance
(See Season Moves) Cracks in the Surface: Touch someone and mark
provided some of your substance is present at the
Clarity to declare one of their vulnerabilities. All
Cold-Blooded: Mark Clarity to gain a 10+ result on scene being examined.
damage from that source (fire, steel, iron, etc.) is
Stay Strong against physical challenges. Call Element: Spend 1 Hold to summon and/or
treated as +1 harm and ap.
Hideous Visage: When you Persuade an NPC by shape a small portion of your particular element.
Never There: When in danger from the
revealing your inhuman face and threatening their Elemental Effect.
supernatural, you can mark Clarity to Escape a
interests, roll +Wyrd instead of Heart. Disperse: Spend 1 hold to make yourself invisible
situation as if you rolled a 12+.
Other Matter: Choose two of the following effects. from sight for a few moments. Elemental Effect.
Strangeness: You get +1 Wyrd (max +4).
Immune to poisons, no need to breathe, move Shielding: Spend 1 hold to provide armor+1 to
Whenever you roll with Wyrd and roll a 12+, mark
unhindered through water, immune to heat, yourself or someone nearby, or spend 2 holds to
immune to cold, immune to shock, unscarring, provide armor+1 to everyone in a small area,
immune to disease. possibly including yourself. This armor lasts until
Other Self: Your Fetch is not hostile or a threat, the end of the scene. You can stack multiple uses
instead they are an ally. You can call on them for of Shielding at once. Elemental Effect.
aid. This assistance does not incur a debt. Striking: You conjure the elements to strike out at
Psychometry: Whenever you study and examine your enemies. Spend 1 hold to use unleash an
an interesting object, roll +Wyrd. On a 10+, ask 3. attack with your magic as a weapon (3-harm close
On a 7-9, ask 1: or 2-harm close area). Elemental Effect.
Teleport: Spend 1 hold to teleport yourself a short
distance within a scene you’re in. Elemental Effect. elemental
Fairest • Who are you? ◊ Angry Disad to Support & Pierce the Mask
XP • How were you taken?
• Where did you serve your durance? The Empty Thrones,
◊ Afraid Disad to Unleash Attack & Into Hedge
Court Insurrection Peak, Pageant of Flowers, Sights Unseen, The ◊ Heartless Disad to Read a Sitch & Refuse a Debt
Songscarred Arena, Wreakheart Academy, (Other) ◊ Hopeless Disad to Escape & Stay Strong
• What do you secretly miss about your time in Arcadia? ◊ Insecure Disad to Manipulate & Hit the Streets
• What flavor of emotion feeds your hunger for glamour?
• What ambition burns within you?
◊ Confused Disad to Persuade & Invoke Power
◊ Wounded
At least one has to be assigned to an NPC from your Court, one
to an NPC of any Court, and one to a PC. Mark XP when you
Heart Mind Wild Wyrd settle a Debt you owe.
• Someone is intimate with a Motley compatriot, but you doubt
they have anyone’s interests at heart. They owe you a Debt.
• You scammed someone out of something rare and priceless
Spring Summer Autumn Winter they cannot recover. You owe them 2 Debts.
• You entrusted a dangerous task to someone. If they did it, you
KITH owe a Debt. If they failed, they owe you 2 Debts.
Choose a name for your Kith: Bright One, Clotheshorse, Dancer,
• Someone told you their secrets and you haven’t told anyone
Draconic, Flamesiren, Flowering, Gladhander, Incubus,
about them yet. They owe you 2 Debts.
Larcenist, Minstrel, Muse, Piper, Playmate, Polychromatic,
Romancer, Shadowsoul, Succubus, Telluric , Treasured Example NPCs: Abysssinian Max, a Houseclaw Beast of Winter;
LOOK Terrible Job, a Manymartyr Darkling of Spring; Questions So
Mien (pick as many as apply): Alluring, Aloof, Chestnut, Loud, a Stormsoul Elemental of Summer; Spinning Ginny, a
◊ Take a Clarity move
Chiseled, Clean-faced, Clear-skinned, Coiffed, Composed, Fatespider Fairest of Autumn; Windom Wales, a Tolltaker Ogre
◊ Take a Clarity move
Considered, Creamy, Delicate, Dusky, Elegant, Expressive, of Autumn; Hopscotch Takebacks, a Grifter Wizened of Autumn
◊ Take your Season's clarity move (choose Waxing or Waning)
Formal, Freckled, Glowing, Golden, Graceful, Healthy,
◊ Take a Clarity move from another Seeming
Immaculate, Intense, Lithesome, Muscled, Ostentatious, NPC RIVAL ◊ Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
Perfumed, Petite, Porcelain, Smiling, Smoky-eyed, Urbane, Pick one or suggest your own. Mark XP when you sacrifice or
Voluptuous, (Other) risk to interfere with them.
• Songbird Rex, a Longlost Beast of Summer, Revealed details Advances available at beginning of play:
of your past life to others. ◊ +1 Wild (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
• Zetcher Mercy, a Pitchgrinner Darkling of Winter, broke up an ◊ +1 Heart (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
excellent party. ◊ +1 Mind (max +3) ◊ A new Season move
Mask: What does your guise look like? • Ashwine, a Torchbearer Elemental of Winter, humiliated you ◊ +1 Wyrd (max +3) ◊ Move from another Seeming
before the Court. ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Move from another Seeming
• Gloriana Two-Fold, a Heartspinner Fairest of Summer, broke ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Change your Season
STARTING CHARACTER STATS (Add +1 to one) the heart of someone you care about.
Heart 1 Mind 1 Wyrd 0 Wild -1 • Lean & Hungry Mike, Halfhere Ogre of Autumn, stole your After 5 advances you may select:
object of affection at a revel. ◊ +1 to any stat (max +3) ◊ Erase a Clarity advance
Choose one as your Court. That begins at 1. Then add 1, 1, 0,
• Semolina Pilchard, a Distiller Wizened of Spring, stole a Token ◊ +1 any Season (max +3) ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
-1 to the seasons.
out from under you at the Goblin Market ◊ Erase a Clarity advance ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
STARTING MOVE Irresistible: When you Persuade an NPC using Wary: You always have an opening to Escape. You
Center of Attention: So long as you continue your promises or seduction, treat a 7-9 as a 10+ result. can choose an additional option off the list to
interaction with someone, you keep their attention, On a miss, your machinations succeed as though bring someone with you. On a miss, you attract
potentially distracting them from other business. you rolled a 7-9, but attract the attention of a rival dangerous attention.
You may draw them off to a private location. This or enemy. Wheels with Wheels: When someone comes to
effect costs a Clarity if dealing with non-mundane. Observant: When you Put a Face to a Name with you to ask for a favor, look for advice/info, or
In either case, the target must take a Debt or mark someone politically important (your call), roll threaten your interests, they enter your web and
two conditions to extricate themselves. Doesn’t +Mind instead of Season. On a hit, you know a owe you a Debt. When someone is in your web,
work in charged situations. Loud events will dangerous secret about them or their political you gain the following when dealing with them:
disrupt this effect. machinations. On a 10+, you know how to • Gain Advantage to Support
leverage that information; take a Debt on them as • Add this question to Pierce the Mask: “What are
PLUS TWO MORE MOVES well. On a miss, your snooping has already landed your character’s wants right now?”
At most one can come from your chosen Season you in hot water with your target; they know At the start of a session, choose someone in your
(see Season Moves). you’ve been looking into their business. web and learn a secret about them that they’d
Baleful: You may end an attack or interaction with Put Out the Word: When you Cash in a Debt with rather keep buried. They leave your web only
a non-supernatural group or gang by revealing someone in your web (see below), add this option when they no longer owe you a Debt.
your baleful visage. Mark Clarity. The group will to the list: put out the word with their Season that Won’t Be Ignored: When you Manipulate
hesitate and possibly fall back. At the very least you want something. You get Advantage and +1 to someone, mark Clarity to treat your roll as a 10+
they cannot continue their current course of Hit the Streets with that Season. without rolling.
Reflections: Using a mirror or other reflective
Confession: When you convince someone to be surface, you may Read a Sitch on a location in the CLARITY MOVES
honest with you about their problems, roll +Wyrd. past. The object you're using to scry must have Clarity Trigger: When deliberately put a mortal in
On a hit, you may take one Debt they owe (related been present at that time. the path of danger, mark clarity.
to the problem) as your own if you promise to see Deep Feelings: You get +1 Heart (max +4).
Superior: When someone tries to Pierce your
it through. On a 10+, mark two XP and clear a Whenever you roll with Heart and roll a 12+, mark
Mask or provoke you, you can interfere. Roll
condition when you honor the Debt. On a miss, Clarity.
+Heart. On a hit, they take Disadvantage on their
their problems confuse and perplex you; you owe
roll. On a 10+, you may gain a Debt on them or Pledge-Master: When you cash in your last Debt
them a Debt for trying to get mixed up in their
clear a condition. On a miss, they get a 10+ no on someone in your web, mark Clarity to keep the
matter what they rolled and you mark a condition Debt and keep them in your web.
Courtier: When you Read a Sitch on a Courtly or of their choice.
Loopholes: Mark Clarity to Refuse to Honor a Debt
large social situation, always gain +1 Hold.
True Friends: When you Cash in a Debt with an owed to a non-mortal as if you rolled a 10+.
Glamours: You create illusions to fool the senses. NPC, add this option to the list: Back you up in a
These are more complex and involved than the dangerous situation
minor illusions others can perform. FAIREST
Ogre • Who are you?
• How were you taken?
◊ Angry
◊ Afraid
Disad to Support & Pierce the Mask
Disad to Unleash Attack & Into Hedge
Court XP • Where did you serve your Durance? Blackwater River, The
◊ Guilty Disad to Read a Sitch & Refuse a Debt
First & Last Hotel, Grimmer’s Grindhouse, Keykeeper’s Stocks,
Red Yards, Tunnelwind, (Other) ◊ Hopeless Disad to Escape & Stay Strong
• How did you find the Motley? ◊ Lost Disad to Manipulate & Hit the Streets
• What have you never beaten?
• What do you regret breaking?
◊ Confused Disad to Persuade & Invoke Power
◊ ◊ Wounded
At least one has to be assigned to an NPC from your Court, one
to an NPC of any Court, and one to a PC. Mark XP when you
Heart Mind Wild Wyrd settle a Debt you owe.
• Someone broke an important promise to you and swore they
would make it up to you. They owe you 2 Debts.
• Someone thinks they’re protecting you, but it’s really more
Spring Summer Autumn Winter like you’re protecting them. You owe each other a Debt.
• Someone gives you access to your goods and supplies. You
KITH owe them 2 Debts.
Choose a name for your kith: Ahab, Bloodbrutes, • Someone possesses a secret about your past life they have
Corpsegrinders, Cyclopeans, Farwalkers, Gargantuans, refused to share. They owe you a Debt.
Gristlegrinder, Minotaur, Oni, Renders, Stonebones, Troll,
Watchmen, Water-Dwellers, Witchtooth, (Other) Example NPCs: Sainted Coils, Wrestwyrm Beast of Spring;
Squintborne, Shriekbin Darkling of Autumn; Mr. Pinch, CLARITY
Mien (pick as many as apply): Amputated, Battle-Scarred,
Smokeseen Elemental of Autumn; Beckoncall, Highcaller Fairest ◊ Take a Clarity move
Branded, Broad-Shouldered, Cautious, Deliberate, Gap Toothed,
of Spring; Hammering Beats, Tombshaker Ogre of Summer; ◊ Take a cCarity move
Gnarled, Gnashing, Gravelly, Knobby, Loud, Lumbering,
Sarah-No-Tears, Physicker Wizened of Winter ◊ Take your Season's clarity move (choose Waxing or Waning)
Manacled, Massive, Muscled, One-Eyed, Pungent, Red-faced, ◊ Take a Clarity move from another Seeming
NPC RIVAL ◊ Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
Rumbling, Scarred, Shaking, Shaky, Staring, Sweaty, Tall,
Pick one or suggest your own. Mark XP when you sacrifice or
Tattooed, Twisted, Wild-Eyed, Wrinkled, (Other) STANDARD ADVANCES
risk to interfere with them.
• Abysssinian Max, Houseclaw Beast of Winter, used you as a Advances available at beginning of play:
pawn against their rival ◊ +1 Wild (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
• Terrible Job, Manymartyr Darkling of Spring, spread gossip ◊ +1 Heart (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
Mask: What does your guise look like?
about you. ◊ +1 Mind (max +3) ◊ A new Season move
• Questions So Loud, a Stormsoul Elemental of Summer, Hurt ◊ +1 Wyrd (max +3) ◊ Move from another Seeming
you in your durance, if only you could recall how… ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Move from another Seeming
• Spinning Ginny, a Fatespider Fairest of Autumn, Hurt ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Change your Season
STARTING CHARACTER STATS (Add +1 to one) someone from your past life.
Heart 1 Mind -1 Wyrd 0 Wild • Windom Wales, a Tolltaker Ogre of Autumn, bested you in a After 5 advances you may select:
STARTING SEASONS public and unfair fight.. ◊ +1 to any stat (max +3) ◊ Erase a Clarity advance
Choose one as your Court. That begins at 1. Then add 1, 1, 0, • Hopscotch Takebacks, a Grifter Wizened of Autumn, used a ◊ +1 any Season (max +3) ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
-1 to the seasons. duel to kill Changeling who saved you. ◊ Erase a Clarity advance ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
OGRE STARTING MOVE you leave telltale evidence. Note that the cleaner character within your reach, or else to
Prowess: You have two Wound conditions instead ability includes the disposal of bodies. nowhere—into the ground or a wall or the sky.
of one. You may perform amazing feats of Rage: When you have Angry marked, you gain • Cross the distance to any character outside your
strength. You deal +1 Harm barehanded. advantage to Unleash Attack and Call on Power. reach before they have time to adjust or react.
• Name a character within your reach; while you
Reckless: If you jump right into danger without
PLUS TWO MORE MOVES fight, you intercept any attack directed at them
hedging your bets, you get armor+1. If you’re
At most one can come from your chosen Season and they suffer no harm
leading a group, it gets armor+1 also.
(see Season Moves). Warden: You have a real-world job as a guard,
Regeneration: When you Call on Power, add
A Dish Best Served Now: When you commit to bouncer, caretaker, sound editor, 3rd shift taxi
option: • Your injuries knit; heal 1 or 2 Wounds
exact revenge on behalf of someone (including driver, orderly, or the like. Anything which keeps
Tear It Down: When you smash through the you a little distant from the public. Choose two of
yourself), gain Advantage to rolls against the
scenery to get at something you want, roll +Wild. the following tags: reputation for reliability, safe
target of that vengeance. For every scene in which
On a 10+, you smash or move through obstacles house, steady income, glamour source, transport,
you do not pursue vengeance, suffer 1-harm (ap).
and get what you want. On a 7–9, you smash or access to (resource), or circle of friends.
Bloodhound: When you hunt someone, roll +Wild.
move the scenery and get what you want, but you
On a hit, you know exactly where to find them and Words Are Iron: When someone breaks a promise
are disoriented in follow-up actions, leave
can follow their scent until you do. On a 10+, take to you or lies to you and you find out, they owe
something behind, or take something with you
Advantage against them. On a miss, someone you a Debt and you take Advantage against them.
(your choice). On a miss, you crash through to
unpleasant finds you first.
your goal, but you’re disoriented and off-balance;
Brutality: When you hurt someone to get you suffer 1-harm (ap) and you’re vulnerable to
Clarity Trigger: When you ignore your
information, roll +Wild. On a hit, their resolve reprisals and attacks.
responsibilities to deal with betrayal, mark
breaks and they must answer your questions
Tireless: When you fight against a gang, you count Clarity.
truthfully. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1.
as a gang of equivalent size. Calculate armor and
Stand Alone: When you turn down help and enter
• Are you telling the truth about ______? harm as normal, but ignore any size difference
a dangerous situation alone, mark Clarity to
• What do you know about ______? between you and the gang you’re fighting.
advance unleash an attack and keep your cool for
• Where can I find ______?
Vengeance: You do +1 Harm to anyone who has the scene.
• How can you bring me closer to my target?
dealt Harm to you or your Motley mates in this
Proud Defender: If someone nearby is about to
Mark Clarity to ask any questions you want, not scene.
suffer harm, you may mark Clarity to suffer the
restrained to this list
Vigilante: When you go into a battle, roll +Wild. On harm instead.
Colossus: When you Call on Power, add option: • a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, hold 1
What Needs Must: Take two moves from another
Ignore all harm suffered next time you take harm. and take -1 forward. During the fight, you can
Seeming. When you use these moves, mark Clarity
Cleaner: When you attempt to clear all traces and spend your hold 1 for 1 to:
evidence from a scene, roll Wild. On a hit you clean • Kill, disable, or disarm (your choice) an NPC
the location. On a 7-9, you leave some trace
behind which will eventually be found. On a miss,
within reach.
• Redirect an attack within reach to another OGRE
Wizened • Who are you?
• How were you taken?
◊ Furious
◊ Afraid
Disad to Support & Pierce the Mask
Disad to Unleash Attack & Into Hedge
Court XP • Where did you serve your Durance? Deep Blue Workshop,
◊ Guilty Disad to Read a Sitch & Refuse a Debt
House of Numbers, The Lament Panopticon, The Seed Stores,
Silverlight Stations, The Siren-Haunted Trenches, (Other) ◊ Hopeless Disad to Escape & Stay Strong
• How long have you been out of the Hedge? ◊ Insecure Disad to Manipulate & Hit the Streets
• What were you trained to do?
• What rule is most important to you?
◊ Confused Disad to Persuade & Invoke Power
◊ Wounded
At least one has to be assigned to an NPC of your Court, one to
an NPC of any Court, and one to a PC. Mark XP when you settle
Heart Mind Wild Wyrd a Debt you owe.
• You injured someone while clearing your Fury. What
happened? You owe them 2 Debts.
• You are helping someone keep a dangerous secret. They owe
Spring Summer Autumn Winter you a Debt.
• Someone hired you for a job and you fucked it up. You owe
them 2 Debts.
Choose a name for your Kith: Artist , Author, Brewer,
• You’re leveraging dirt you have on someone for their help with
Chatelaine, Chirurgeon, Drudge, Fatemaker, Gameplayer,
something. You owe them a Debt.
Gremlin, Inventor, Judge, Miner, Oracle, Reckoner, Smith,
Soldier, Strapper, Woodwalker, (Other)
Example NPCs: Songbird Rex, Longlost Beast of Summer;
LOOK Zetcher Mercy, Pitchgrinner Darkling of Winter; Ashwine,
Mien (pick as many as apply): Bland, Burnt, Contained,
Torchbearer Elemental of Winter; Gloriana Two-Fold,
Emaciated, Exhausted, Formal, Frozen-faced, Grimacing,
◊ Take a Clarity move
Heartspinner Fairest of Summer; Lean & Hungry Mike, Halfhere
Haggard, Lurking, Pale, Pock-Marked, Precise, Quiet, Red-Eyed,
◊ Take a Clarity move
Ogre of Autumn; Semolina Pilchard, Distiller Wizened of Spring
Rumpled, Scowling, Secretive, Stiff-Backed, Strapping, Swift,
◊ Take your Season's Clarity move (choose Waxing or Waning)
Tight-Lipped, Trembling, Twitching, Unassuming, Uniformed,
◊ Take a Clarity move from another Seeming
NPC RIVAL ◊ Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
White-Eyed, Wild-eyed, Withered, Wounded, (Other) Pick one or suggest your own. Mark XP when you sacrifice or
risk to interfere with them.
• Sainted Coils, a Wrestwyrm Beast of Spring, breaks the rules Advances available at beginning of play:
but avoids punishment somehow. ◊ +1 Wild (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
• Squintborne, a Shriekbin Darkling of Autumn, keeps secrets ◊ +1 Heart (max +3) ◊ A new Seeming move
from you and the Freehold. ◊ +1 Mind (max +3) ◊ A new Season move
Mask: What does your guise look like? • Mr. Pinch, a Smokeseen Elemental of Autumn, took credit for ◊ +1 Wyrd (max +3) ◊ Move from another Seeming
something you crafted. ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Move from another Seeming
• Beckoncall, a Highcaller Fairest of Spring, hoards a strangely ◊ A new Seeming move ◊ Change your Season
STARTING CHARACTER STATS (Add +1 to one) large stash of money.
Heart 0 Mind 1 Wyrd 1 Wild -1 • Hammering Beats, a Tombshaker Ogre of Summer, ducks out After 5 advances you may select:
STARTING SEASONS from orders and leaves you holding the bag. ◊ +1 to any stat (max +3) ◊ Erase a Clarity advance
Choose one as your Court. That begins at 1. Then add 1, 1, 0, • Sarah No Tears, a Physicker Wizened of Winter, uses your ◊ +1 any Season (max +3) ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
-1 to the seasons. dreams to traverse the Freehold. ◊ Erase a Clarity advance ◊ Advance 3 basic moves
WIZENED STARTING MOVE Gun to a Knife Fight: When you Unleash an Attack • Add advantage to someone’s roll (choose after)
Practiced Perfection: You have a profession. When on someone by seriously escalating the conflict, • Dismiss all harm from a single attack
you carry out those tasks, you do so with skill, roll +Mind instead of Wild. • Ensure your people have the exact gear they
speed, efficiency, and beauty. If you wish to do Hedge Master: When you go Into the Hedge, you need on hand
better, you may call upon supernatural reserves. always roll with Advantage. You may roll for others On a miss, hold 1, but your plan falls apart at the
Roll +Mind, on hit pick two from the list. The you lead through. worst possible moment.
project's done... Invested: When you Manipulate, roll +Mind Stitchwork: Your touch heals Wounds. You cannot
• without tools or resources instead of +Heart. If someone owes you 2+ Debts use this power on yourself.
• in a fraction of the time; secretly roll +Mind instead of Faction to Support them. Too Old for this Shit!: When you get caught up in a
• with unearthly beauty Is That Gasoline I Smell?: When you search a fight you tried to prevent, gain armor+1 and take
• in a strange manner location for the resources or tools needed to advantage to see yourself and others to safety.
• in perfect secrecy destroy it, roll +Mind. On a hit, you find whatever True Artist: When you use your workspace to
• with a hidden trick you need to bring the place down around you. On create someone something, mark their Season.
On a 7-9, there's a hidden flaw, additional cost, or a 10+, everything is already arrayed to your liking;
unwanted attention called. Vendetta: When you mark a condition, take
all you have to do is light the fuse. On a miss, your
Advantage forward against the person you most
search leaves you or an ally vulnerable or exposed
PLUS TWO MORE MOVES to your enemies.
blame for causing it.
At most one can come from your chosen Season
Machinist: When you commune with a machine, CLARITY MOVES
(see Season Moves).
roll +Wyrd. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1. Clarity Trigger: When you use the rules to bring
Counselor: When you Support someone, you may
• What secrets are hidden here, friend? someone into line, mark clarity.
clear two conditions, including their Key condition.
• Who made you this way, sister? Calculations: You get +1 Mind (max +4). When
Foretellings: At the beginning of the session, roll
• What purpose do you serve, brother? you roll +Mind and roll a 12+, mark Clarity.
+Wyrd. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. During
• How could I get you to ________, comrade? Lawyer: When you roll a 10+ to Refuse to Honor a
the session, you can spend your hold to declare
On a miss, the machine betrays you to your Debt, mark Clarity to cancel the original Debt and
that something terrible is about to happen. You
enemies, in whatever way it can. claim a Debt from the person you refused.
(and your allies) take +1 ongoing to avoid the
Preparations: When you are outnumbered,
impending disaster. On a miss, you foresee the Nimble: The first time you’re attacked in a scene,
outgunned, or surprised, mark Clarity for a third
death of someone important to you and take -1 to you may opt to not have the blow land.
party interested in your dealings to interrupt the
all rolls to prevent it. Soldier: You always have a weapon on you, no
proceedings. Their intrusion creates an
Hands of the Clock: You may rewind or fast matter how well you’re searched.
opportunity for you, but you might be going from
forward time on a machine or object. Roll +Wyrd. The Best Laid Plans: When you work out a plan the frying pan into the fire.
On a 10+ you return it to pristine condition or with someone, roll +Mind. On a 10+, hold 3. On a

destroy its function. On a 7-9 the effect’s 7-9, hold 2. You can spend your hold 1-for-1,
temporary, there’s a flaw, or there’s a cost. On a regardless of distance, while the plan is being
miss, the forces of time turn back on you. carried out to:
Spring Moves Summer Moves
Bedlam: Touch a target temporarily to place them in a specific emotional Blinding Authority: When you give an NPC an order based on authority they
state (your choice). Mark Clarity to have that emotion directed toward a recognize, roll + Heart. On a hit, they choose one:
target of your choosing. • do what you say
Echoes of Desire: Add the following option to Pierce the Mask: What is their • get out of your way
greatest Desire? This can reach into lost memories and their Durance. • attack you at a disadvantage
Grand Performance: When you rally your audience to your cause, roll Heart. • freeze
On a 10+, they follow your lead as long as your performance doesn't falter. On a 10+, you also take Advantage forward against them. On a miss, they do
On a 7-9, they take it too far or make stressful demands on you, GM's choice. as they please and you take Disadvantage forward against them.
On a miss, they take exactly the wrong message from your words. Burning Bright: You may always perform superhuman feats of strength. When
Verdant Gift: You can cause plants to grow and flourish. You may bless a you Call on Power, you may roll Wild instead of Wyrd.
garden to make it more fertile, cause vegetation to grow overnight, or even Fiery Ways: You always deal +1 Harm when you deal harm.
make brambles to catch the legs of pursuers.
Glowing Shield: Choose a Season. Mark Clarity to gain armor+1 against that
Watchful Word: Roll +Heart after someone has committed a social faux pas Season until the end of the scene.
(a failed social test). On a hit, you reduce the effect from the MC Hard Move
Secrets of Wrath: Add the following option to Pierce the Mask: What is their
to a Soft One. Depending on the situation, a 10+ may skip over it completely.
greatest Wrath? This can reach into lost memories and their Durance.
Servant of the Antler Crown: You’re a member of the Court of Desire with a
Officer of the Iron Spear: You’re a member of the Court of Wrath with a
significant position. Once per session you may call on debt with a lesser
significant position. Once per session you may call on debt with a lesser
member of the Court. Abuse of this will be noted and you may be called upon
member of the Court. Abuse of this will be noted and you may be called upon
for more significant or onerous tasks. Decide duties and make up or choose a
for more significant or onerous tasks. Decide duties and make up or choose a
title. (Examples: Searce, Verdant Advocate, Claviger, Slyvan Emisary,
title. (Examples: Sentry of Summer’s Vigil, Mule Squire, Dust grunt, Constable
Archivist, Sage Escort, Avant Guard, Joyeaux).
of Calefaction, Man-at-Arms, The Sun’s Tongue, Arrayer of Distant Thunder,
CLARITY SPRING Hunter of the Longest Day, Iron Adjutant, Red Victor).
Mantle of Passion (Waxing): If you know a target’s Desire, you may touch CLARITY SUMMER
them and alter it. Mark Clarity and choose two from the list: deepen it, lessen
Mantle of Rage (Waxing): If you know a target’s Wrath, you may touch them
it, bring it to the center, shift its nature, shift its target, remove it for a time.
and alter it. Mark Clarity and choose two from the list: deepen it, lessen it,
Mantle of Rebirth (Waning): Mark Clarity to arrive in a scene. Mark an bring it to the center, shift its nature, shift its target, remove it for a time.
additional Clarity to show up in a superior position.
Mantle of the Huntsman (Waning): When you commit yourself to save
someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark Clarity and take Advantage
ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in
which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When
you fulfill your goal, mark XP.
Autumn Moves Winter Moves
Artificer: When you Call on Power with an arcane item or token, you may Cold Engineer: When you reveal a trap you’ve left for someone, roll + Mind.
choose to treat your roll as a 10+ without rolling. The item is On a hit, your opponent trips into it, and you get an opening or opportunity
permanently—and obviously—damaged or consumed by this process. against them. On a 10+, take Advantage forward to pursuing it. On a miss,
Dreamwalker: You may enter into the dreams of a sleeping person you can the trap inadvertently leads to a dangerous escalation.
see. This allows you to Pierce the Mask or Support them while they sleep. On Murmurs of Sorrow: Add the following option to Pierce the Mask: What is
a miss, they’re strongly aware of your invasion. their greatest Sorrow? This can reach into lost memories and their Durance.
Forethought: When you Read a Sitch in a charged situation, you may ask Shattered: When you use Trust selfishly, clear a condition or mark XP. The
one additional question, even on a miss. first time in a session you use Trust to help a Motley mate, take advantage.
Hob Friend: You always have advantage when you interact with Hobs. This Way of Thorns: When you Call on Power, gain the following option: Cause a
applies to using the Goblin Market. helpless target to forget some of their short-term memories, up to an entire
Whispers of Fear: Add the following option to Pierce the Mask: What is their hour’s worth. You can mark Clarity to put alternate memories in their place.
greatest Fear? This can reach into lost memories and their Durance. You Don’t Scare Me: You have a mortal confidante who believes in your
Warden of the Leaden Mirror: You’re a member of the Court of Fear with a cause. When you go to your mortal confidante for solace, comfort, or
significant position. Once per session you may call on debt with a lesser protection, roll with Wyrd. On a hit, they tend to your wounds and hide you
member of the Court. Abuse of this will be noted and you may be called upon from your enemies; clear Harm. On a 10+, they have been keeping their eyes
for more significant or onerous tasks. Decide duties and make up or choose a and ears open for you; they tell you about an opportunity you can use against
title. (Examples: Counselor, Executioner, Vizier, Seer, Hedge-Guide, Hedge- your enemies. On a miss, your condition worries them; they secretly contact
Farmer, Grave-Tender, Historian, Bounty-Hunter, Gaoler, Sorcerer, someone they think can help you or reveal your connection to the Court. Note
Provisioner). that this move goes against the secrecy of the Winter Court.

CLARITY AUTUMN Bearer of The Silent Arrow: You’re a member of the Court of Sorrow with a
significant position. Once per session you may call on debt with a lesser
Mantle of Terrors (Waxing): If you know a target’s Fear, you may touch them
Court member. Abuse of this will be noted; you may be called upon for more
and alter it. Mark Clarity and choose two from the list: deepen it, lessen it,
significant or onerous tasks. Decide duties and make up or choose a title.
bring it to the center, shift its nature, shift its target, remove it for a time.
(Examples: Flowing Page, Squire of the Frost, Iceclad Armiger, Onyx Thane,
Mantle of Fates (Waning): Mark Clarity when face to face with someone to Archer of the Lonely March, Lord of the Inhospitable Chamber, Sun Banisher).
pronounce a curse on them. Roll with Wyrd. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9,
choose 1: The curse lasts for a long time, You are not the obvious source of
the curse, The effects of the curse are potent and obvious. Mantle of Tears (Waxing): If you know a target’s Sorrow, you may touch
them and alter it. Mark Clarity and choose two from the list: deepen it, lessen
it, bring it to the center, shift its nature, shift its target, remove it for a time.
Mantle of Frost (Waning): When someone double-crosses you, mark Clarity
to reveal how you already planned for their sudden but inevitable betrayal.
You immediately gain the upper hand in the situation.
CALL ON POWER PIERCE THE MASK • Which enemy is most vulnerable or biggest threat
When you call on greater powers, roll +Wyrd. Mark When you try to figure someone out, roll +Mind. to me?
clarity. On a hit, choose 1 below. State the major On a hit, hold 2. On a 7-9, they hold 1 on you as • What should I be on the lookout for?
Catch required. On a 10+, the Catch is minor or well. While you’re interacting with them, spend • Who's in control here?
choose another from the list. your hold 1-for-1 to ask a question: • What’s really going on here?
• What’s everyone overlooking?
• Take advantage against your target for the scene • Who’s pulling your character’s strings?
• Extend your senses, supernatural or otherwise • What’s your character’s beef with? STAY STRONG
• Frighten, intimidate, or impress your opposition • What’s your character hoping to get from? When things get real and you keep your cool, tell
• Take hold of something vulnerable or exposed • How could I get your character to? the MC what situation you want to avoid and roll
• Change the environment • What does your character worry might happen? +Wyrd. On a 10+, all’s well. On a 7–9, the MC tells
• How could I put your character in my Debt? you the cost.
ESCAPE • What are you planning (right now/in the future)?
When you take advantage of an opening to escape
If you’re in their Season, ask an additional
a situation, roll +Wild. On a hit, you get away. On a SUPPORT
question, even on a miss.
10+, choose 1. On a 7-9, choose 2: When you lend a hand after a PC has rolled, roll
with their Season. On a hit, choose one of the
• You suffer harm during your escape MANIPULATE
options below. On a 7-9, you expose yourself to
• You end up in another dangerous situation When you try to mislead, distract, undercut, or
danger, entanglement, or cost.
• You leave something important behind trick someone, roll +Heart. On a hit, they are
• You owe someone a Debt for your escape fooled, at least for a moment. On a 10+, pick 3. On • Give them Advantage
• You give in to your base nature and mark Clarity a 7-9, pick 2: • Add a Trust to the Motley pool
• Clear a Condition
• You gain Advantage
INVOKE CONTRACT • Take a hit for them.
• You create an opportunity
When you use your Changeling’s nature to create a
modest magical effect, say the name of the
• You expose a weakness or flaw UNLEASH ATTACK
• You confuse them for some time When you unleash a physical attack on someone,
Contract and state a Catch. Catches are modest
• You avoid further entanglement roll +Wild. On a hit, you inflict harm as established.
components, rituals, states, or actions which must
• You force them to mark a condition One a 10+ pick two from the list; on a 7-9 pick
be done to enact it.
• You choose the next condition they must mark one:
PERSUADE AN NPC this scene
• Inflict terrible harm
When you persuade an NPC through seduction, • Resist or avoid their blows
promises, or threats, roll +Heart. On a hit, they do • Take something from them
When you read a situation or place, +Mind, On a
what you ask. On a 7-9, they modify the terms or • Create an opportunity for your allies
hit, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend your hold 1-
demand a Debt. If you cash in a Debt you have • Impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition
for-1 to ask a question.
with them before rolling, you may add advantage • Keep yourself out of a bad spot
• Where's my best escape route / way in / way
and +1 to your roll. • Avoid harm from them
On a 10+, pick one of the following. On a 7-9, pick …make a PC:
FREEHOLD MOVES one and the MC chooses one. • Do you a favor at moderate cost
• It takes significantly more time. • Lend a hand to your efforts
When you search a Goblin Market for something
• You draw attention. • Get in the way of someone else
you want, roll. On a hit, you find it but it has a
• You take Harm • Answer a question honestly
price and something problematic about it. On a 7-
• You mark Clarity • Erase a Debt they hold on someone
9, choose one: the price is very high, the catch is
• You lose something important • Give you a Debt they hold on someone else
very potent, or it draws down major heat.
• You owe a debt
HARVEST GLAMOUR When you refuse to honor a debt, roll +Heart. On a
When you go to Harvest glamour, say what the hit, you weasel out of the current deal, but still
When you put a face to a name or vice versa, roll
source is like and Roll +Your Own Season. On a hit, owe the Debt. On a 7-9, you choose 1:
with their Season. On a hit, you know their
you clear the condition. On a 7-9, you’ve
reputation; the GM tells you what most people • You owe them an additional Debt
exhausted that source. You will have to Hit the
know about them. On a 10+, you’ve dealt with • You lose face with their Season
Streets or discover in play another source if you
them before; learn something interesting and • You mark Clarity
need to clear that condition again. You may not
useful about them or they owe you a Debt. On a • You’re considered an Oathbreaker.
use Glamour to clear your Key Condition.
miss, you don’t know them or you owe them; the On a miss, you can’t avoid the noose. You either
MC will tell you which.
HIT THE STREETS honor your Debt or face the consequences: they
When you hit the streets to get what you need, pick two from the list above or force you to lose all
name who you’re going to and roll with their
DEBT MOVES the Debts owed to you.
Season. On a hit, they’re available and have the DO SOMEONE A FAVOR
stuff. On a 7-9, choose 1: When you offer to do someone a favor and they DROP SOMEONE’S NAME
accept, they owe you a Debt. When you drop the name of someone who owes
• Whoever you’re going to is juggling their own
you a Debt, roll with their Season. On a hit, their
CASH IN A DEBT name carries weight and gives you an opening or
• Whatever you need is more costly than When you cash in a debt, remind your debtor why opportunity. On a 10+, you keep the Debt and
anticipated they owe you in order to...make an NPC: mark their Season. On 7-9, you have to cash in the
• Answer a question honestly about their Season Debt. On a miss, erase the Debt and brace
INTO THE HEDGE yourself.
• Introduce you to powerful Season member
When you enter the Hedge for something, Roll
• Give you a worthy and useful gift without cost
+Wyrd. On a hit, pick one of the following:
• Erase a Debt they hold on someone
• Arrive where you want. • Give you a Debt they have on someone else
• Evade Pursuit • Give you Advantage and +1 to Persuade them
• Find What You Want (choose before rolling)
• Learn Something about the World

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