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Dear Parent,

The Supreme Court of India, UGC and Governments of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka
have ​recommended very stringent measures to prevent Ragging in Educational Institutions.

According to these recommendations, any student found to be guilty of involvement in any

act of Ragging ​will be summarily dismissed from the Institution with a remark in his Transfer
Certificate to that Effect. Wherever necessary, the matter may also be referred to the Police.

Ragging includes tormenting others by words or deed, playing rough jokes on other, engaging in
rough play, physical assault or threat, use of physical force, verbal abuse and aggression,
exhibiting indecent gestures and obscene behavior, exposing fellow students and others to
ridicule and contempt, violating the status, dignity, and honour of fellow students and others,
violating the privacy and rights of others, and hassling or exhibiting riotous behavior.

In the light of the above, as per recommendations of the Supreme Court, an annual joint
declaration by the parent and the student is mandatory for the student to be enrolled for
the classes.

Kindly arrange to sign the declaration below after clearly understanding the implications and
pass it on to the Institution when the student reports for joining the B.Tech. Programme.
(Sd.) Dr. Sasangan Ramanathan,
Dean – Engineering
Name of the Student: Registration No.

I, ________________________________________________________________________
father / guardian of Mr./Ms.____________________________________________________
Reg. No._______________________ execute this declaration jointly with my ward.
● We have understood the serious implications of the involvement of my ward in any act, big
or small, of Ragging which may cause disturbance to a fellow student.
● We have understood that the student under such instance will be liable for summary
expulsion from the Institution, with a note in his TC to that effect and the case may also be
referred to the Police. In such cases, the student will not be able to continue his / her
studies not only in this Institution but also in any other Institution.
● We hereby declare that I as father/guardian shall properly counsel my ward against
involvement in any such acts and if his/her involvement comes to light, I am aware that I
cannot plead any excuse from any ​authorities and shall have to abide by the decisions of the
Institution in this regard.

Signature of the Parent Signature of the Student

In the event of a parent not knowing English, the following declaration has to be obtained from
any official in the neighborhood
I have explained the contents of the above declaration to
Mr./Ms._____________________________________________________________, parent of

Signature of the person explaining, with date

Name and Designation with office seal if any:

Joint Declaration by the Parent / Guardian and the Candidate:

Name of the Candidate:

Registration Number:

Name of Father:

I hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm:

1. that the information and documents submitted are true and original and the
University reserves the right to charge legal proceedings against the candidate in
case if it is found that the information submitted is false.
2. that my ward is bound to follow the academic and hostel rules and regulations
pertaining to the attendance & minimum credit requirements etc. as per the
university norms.
3. that I will complete the online application form (link received by email) before the last
date of fee payment.
4. that any breach of academic and hostel discipline and rules on my son’s / daughter’s
/ ward’s part would entail his / her expulsion from the Institution.

Signature of Parent/Guardian: Signature of Candidate:

Name in Capitals: Name in Capitals:
Relation: Date:

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