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Lucena City, Philippines

Granted Autonomous Status

CHED CEB Res. 076-2009

Name: __________________________________ Score ___________ Percentage ___________

Track/Section: ________________________ Permit# ______ Instructor: Ms. Desiree C. Sumocol



Rule: Any form of erasure is not allowed.


Directions: Analyze the items carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person to another within
and across channels, contexts, media and cultures (McCornack, 2014).
a. Communication b. Conversation c. Dialogue d. Monologue

2. The medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or non-verbal, in which the
encoded message is conveyed.
a. Barrier b. Channel c. Context d. Message

3. It is known as the mother of all communication models, came out in 1949; depicts communication as
linear process consisting of five elements.
a. Aristotle Model b. Shannon-Weaver Model c. Schramm Model d. Transaction Model

4. This model of communication is a two-way process with the inclusion of feedback as one element.
a. Aristotle Model b. Shannon-Weaver Model c. Schramm Model d. Transaction Model

5. It is a modified model of communication which include the field of experience as an element of

a. Aristotle Model b. Shannon-Weaver Model c. Schramm Model d. Transaction Model

6. It is a feature of an effective communication that emphasizes the inclusion of everything that the
receiver needs to hear for him/her to respond and react properly.
a. Completeness b. Conciseness c. Consideration d. Concreteness

7. To be effective, the speaker should always consider relevant information about his/her receiver.
a. Completeness b. Conciseness c. Consideration d. Concreteness

8. In order to be an effective speaker, the speaker must use simple and specific words to express ideas.
a. Concreteness b. Courtesy c. Clearness d. Correctness

9. He/She has the challenge of initiating the communication process.

a. Receiver b. Feedback c. Source d. Medium

10. Communication came from the Latin word which means to impart or to share.
a. Communicaszion b. Communista c. Communicare d. Commento

“Do not be afraid to express yourself.”

Directions: Write T before each number if the statement is true and if the statement is false, underline
the word(s) that makes it wrong and write the correct word on the space provided. 2 points each.

__________11-12. Verbal communication uses either sign or spoken language.

__________13-14. Facial expression isn’t universal, it is different from each country.
__________15-16. Informative listening lets you weigh and analyze what is said before you respond.
__________17-18. Gesture is also very important in an oral communication, it signals intimacy,
affection, aggression, dominance, etc. The formal the situation the bigger it is.
__________19-20.Communication involves a series of logical doors to effectively transmit messages.
__________21-22. Channels are where message moves, each person can receive messages through the
senses; eyes, smell, taste, hearing and touch.
__________23-24. Difference in language of each interlocutors is one of the reason why there is a
breakdown in communication.
__________25-26. A text message, chat and letters are all considered as types of verbal communication.
__________27-28. Whispering is also a form of non-verbal cue.
__________20-30. Communication is proactive which means it engages two or more people, the receiver
and the sender.

III. ESSAY (10 points each)

31-40. In 10 sentences, explain this quote taken from Understanding Cultural Differences by Edward
Hall and Mildred Hall. “The essence of effective cross-cultural communication has more to do with
releasing the right responses than with sending the ‘right’ message.”

41-50. Functions of Communication: MOTIVATION and EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION.

In 10 sentences, write a letter of advice to yourself.

Dear ____________________,

“Do not be afraid to express yourself.”

“Do not be afraid to express yourself.”

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