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JANUARY 7, 2020
At the end of sixty-minute period, 100% of the Grade 7 students with 75% level
of proficiency are expected to:
A. Analyze the elements and principles of art in the production of art and crats
inspired by the different creative expressions in Mindanao
Topic: Attire, Textiles, and Tapestries
Reference: Music and Arts 7
Materials: ppt, pictures, visual aid


A. Preparatory Activity
o Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, teacher!
o Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent for today’s class? Nobody is absent, teacher.
o As we go on to our discussion, I want
you to know first that we have
agreements that should be followed:
1. Sit properly.
2. Raise your hand if you want to ask
questions and clarification,
3. Listen and participate to the

Understand? Yes, teacher.

B. Review
You had already finished discussing Arts
and Crafts of MIMAROPA and Visayas
Group of Islands.

C. Motivation

What is your perception about “The Land Mindanao is known as the Land of Promise.
of Promise”? My perception about this, is that it is reach
and distinct in cultural arts, crafts, beliefs and
Very Good!
D. Presentation
The Traditional Clothing of the B’laan

Bilaan/B’laan-is an ethnolinguistic group that

inhabit some parts of South Cotabato, North
Cotabato, and Davao del Sur.
-is a combination of two words, “bila” which
means “house” and “an’ which means Meat has been preserved by different
“people”. methods.
-they are known for embroidery, brass
ornaments and beadwork that are integrated in
their traditional clothing.
-they wear clothes woven from abaca
embellished with embroidery, buttons, and
-they weave highly-polished abaca textiles
using the ikat process (a process of dyeing the
fabric where the yarns are tightly wrapped
with strings and dyed before weaving.)
(Show a video process of Ikat)
-the textile contain three colors which are
shades of black or brown, red or ochre and Food additives are preservatives added to
ecru. the meat and poultry.

Traditional Clothing of the Bagobo and the


Bagobos- are group of people that live in

Davao We use/add these ingredients to make the
-According to anthropologists, the name of food appetizing.
this ethnolinguistic group comes from the
words “bago”(new) and “obo”(growth).
-their ceremonial attire are elaborate. They
make these form a special textile woven from
abaca fibers called t’nalak.(same with the ikat
process) only the women are allowed to weave
this fabric.
-Men wear t’nalak shorts, and undershirt, and
a t’nalak coat. The bagani (hero/warrior) wear
blood-red clothes and a head kerchief called
tangkulu. These articles of clothing represent
their courage.
-Women wear wrap-around t’nalak skirts and
blouses (adorned with floral patterns,
checkers, or paisley prints.)
T’boli who live in and around Lake Sebu,
South Cotabato, are famous, for their Salt, sugar, and vinegar
complicated beadwork, wonderful woven
fabrics, and beautiful brass ornaments.
-the weavers believe that their gods and
ancestors visit them in their dreams to teach
them the designs and patterns that they
have to weave.
-Land Dulay the most famous T’boli dream
weaver who received the National Living
Treasures-Gawad Manlilikha ng Bayan
(GAMABA) award by the National
Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
in 1998

The Traditional Clothing of the Maranao

Maranao-means “People of the Lake”
referring to people who occupy the lands
surrounding Lake Lanao.
-They are famous for their “malong”, a
traditional Filipino tube skirt that is made of
hand-woven or machine-made multi-colored
cotton cloth, bearing a variety of geometric or
floral designs.
-A traditional dance called Kapa Malong
Malong or Sambisa Malong- demonstrates the
various ways of wearing a malong and its uses.
(Show the video of Kapa Malong Dance)

Yakan- Basilan is their home. they are famous

for their skills in weaving.
Yakan fabrics are traditionally used as
 seputangan is a square cloth used by the
Yakan women as a head cover or as a belt.
 badjulapi is a tight blouse with long
sleeves. It is ornamented with gold, silver
or bronze buttons.
 sawal is the traditional tight-fitting trousers
made of Yakan fabric characterized by its
vertical stripes.
 pinalantupan, a type of skirt is layerd over
the trousers.

E. Generalization
F. Application
The different ethno-linguistic groups of
Mindanao have distinct cultures and
traditions as displayed in their arts and
craft. Their art forms can be easily
recognized through the use of different
materials, patterns, colors, and design
1. Create a textile pattern that represents an image
from your dream that imitate the t’nalak design.
2. Draw on a piece of oslo paper using coloring
materials of red, whit and black. Once you are
done, discuss your artwork in a group and present
it as if it is a part of your attire

Answer the following:
______1. A traditional dance which demosnstrates the various ways of wearing a
maloing and its uses.
______2. Sacred cloth which is exchanged during marriages and used as a cover
during births.
______3. The traditional tight-fitting trousers made of a Yakan fabric characterized
by its vertical stripes design.
______4. Sequin-like capiz shells used to give a distinct design and color to their
______5. Most common material used by the ethnolinguistic groups in Mindanao for
weaving cloth
______6. A process of dyeing the fabric in which the yarns have been tie-dyed before
______7. A square cloth used by the Yakan women as a head cover or as belt.
______8. The common colors tones found in a Bagobo’s t’nalak
______9. The common colors tones found in a T’boli’s t’nalak
______10. Features long skirts for women, frequently woven with metallic threads,
and shorter, wrap-around skirts for the men.

1. Kapa Malong Malong/Sambisa Malong

2. T’nalak
3. Sawal
4. takmun
5. Abaca
6. Ikat
7. Seputangan
8. Black/brown, red/ochre, and ecru (light beige)
9. Red, brown and black
10. Malong

V. Assignment
1. Bring the following tomorrow.
 Bond paper/oslo paper
 Coloring materials
 Pencil
 Scissors

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