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Issue: 721521 10/15/12 Status: Closed 11/09/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO: resource flow, combobox resource empty if inside package or pro

Description :
*** Mon Oct 15 2012 15:43:52 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** tandreys
***16.1 ga
When you are inside a package or a process and tru to create a resource flow via
propsheet, the resource combobox is empty.
Resources are global objects(only in root of model).
Steps: create a BPM analysis
add a resource, add a package
inside the package add a process.
try to create a resource flow either via list of resource flows or context menu
New\Resource flow.
resource combobox is empty.
Issue: 721134 10/10/12 Status: Closed 12/17/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : alter table and drop column problem in Netezza

Description :
*** Wed Oct 10 08:59:29 UTC+0200 2012 *** vaudino ***
From Ted Saari Data Architect Verisae World Headquarters (customer)
Issueswith alter table and drop column :

In an EDW, it is not common to include RI since that is enforced at the source

level (at least in my experience). Therefore, there are no reference objects.
However, Netezza requires that an �ALTER TABLE <table> DROP COLUMN <column>�
includes either a CASCADE or RESTRICT option; it has no default for RESTRICT. So I
had to add �RESTRICT� directly to the syntax in the XDB file. Oh, the PD default
syntax for the DROP uses the word DELETE which Netezza doesn�t accept, so I had to
fix that, too.


ERROR: Drop behaviour (RESTRICT | CASCADE) needs to be specified when dropping a
column or constraint
The command completed successfully

Issue: 720378 10/01/12 Status: Closed 12/17/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO: Flow propsheet, Apply button doe not commit whole context

Description :
*** Mon Oct 01 2012 11:34:06 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** tandreys
***16.1 ga
create a BPM bpel4ws
create a process, inside the process create 2 processes with a flow
open propsheet of flow
click on condition tab, fill alias
click on Apply button
now click on 'Create event' button, there is a message to commit changes but we
just click on Apply!!!

Issue: 720041 09/26/12 Status: Closed 11/23/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO: a lot of exceptions when upgrading a repository with branches

Description :
*** Wed Sep 26 2012 17:55:18 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** tandreys
***16.1 ga
when I upgrade a repository 16.0 ga to 16.1, I've got a lot of exceptions

DB is in Perforce \\auto\v1610\input\repository\upgrade\branchupg.db et .log

Issue: 719814 09/24/12 Status: Closed 11/23/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO: unselecting sub-object does not change size of symbol

Description :
*** Mon Sep 24 2012 11:46:48 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** tandreys
open auto\v1610\Input\Create\WhiteBoard_SObj_Format.oom
on Class_2 symbol, call sub-objects formats
unselect all operations, OK
the symbol is not resized, it even becomes bigger

probably Change 206741 on 2012/03/19 by xwang@TAHITI1

Integrate QTS 699122: Fix display select sub-symbol bug;
QTS 701292: Fix select sub-symbol bug.

Issue: 719387 09/18/12 Status: Closed 09/25/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Auto save Behavior is not clear enough

Description :

*** Tue Sep 18 2012 15:03:36 GMT+0200 (Paris, Madrid (heure d'�t�)) *** vaudino
***16.0 GA
Behavior auto save is not clear enough

While generating a large OOM to a PDM, the customer encountered an error and PD was
forced to close.
Now when launching PD, they are always prompted to restore the model. However, the
customer has already moved past this point.

When customer answers No or yes to the recovery question, the question should not
be asked anymore.

Restore Recovery Backup File
A previous PowerDesigner session exited abnormally.

Do you want to restore the 2 backup files?


Issue: 719159 09/14/12 Status: Closed 12/06/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: can't lock unlock model in configuration

Description :
*** Fri Sep 14 2012 16:11:45 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) *** fengchen ***
build 3767EBF9 + oracle
to reproduce:
1 create configuration;
2 in Configuration Properties dialog, lock model failed, OK button is disable;
unlock model no response.
Issue: 719030 09/13/12 Status: Closed 11/01/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: document is deleted by delete version

Description :
16.1 EBF9 3766

1>to delete version of a document, then the document is disappear from the
repository tree. check-in the document again, in the check-in dialog, the verion
number is wrong,and after click "OK",error message is showing "There is already a
folder that has the name 'crebas.sql' in the folder 'Folder_2'".
Issue: 719013 09/12/12 Status: Closed 11/01/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: apply button can not enable even modify

Description :
16.1 EBF9 3766

1>in "right" tab of user property sheet, even change some right, the "Apply" button
is still disabled.
Issue: 719007 09/12/12 Status: Closed 12/18/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: no freeze version right but still the command on folder

Description :
16.1 EBF9 3766

1>"user1" without "Freeze Versions" right, but on the context menu of one folder,
'freeze' command is still showing.
Issue: 719006 09/12/12 Status: Closed 11/01/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: wrong message and is truncated either when freeze on fold

Description :
16.1 EBF9 3766

1>"user1" do "freeze" on one folder, it will show wrong message"The document

Requirements Model 'RequirementsModel_3' is locked by. You cannot freeze it in the
If fact, nobody touched the model.

Issue: 718995 09/12/12 Status: Closed 12/18/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: user without freeze right still can check-in and create a

Description :
16.1 EBF9 3766

user without freeze right still can check-in from Simplified Check-in dialog and
create a new version. if open Advanced dialog, you can see "freeze after check-in"
checkbox is clear and disabled.

Issue: 718580 09/07/12 Status: Closed 11/04/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: error pop up at update model through Proxy which is on Wi


Description :
build 3763 ebf9

To reproduce,
1>Now if Proxy is installed on Windows 7, it will occur error and failed at update
model into repository. But new check-in works.
Issue: 713761 07/09/12 Status: Closed 07/09/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Regr : Custom form : extended attribute tab ; Notification is no more

Description :
*** Mon Jul 09 2012 10:48:19 GMT+0200 *** abouhout *** 16.0 GA

create a "Color" extended attribute that is displayed in Extended Attribute Tab

Open the object property sheet that has this extended attribute
You can notice that if you change manually the value of color, the Apply button is
not enabled
This was working fine in PD 15.3
It seems that when we changed to Custom form, the Extended attribute Tab
notification was broken
Issue: 713746 07/08/12 Status: Closed 12/13/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Report : DAte and time extended attributes are not localized in repor

Description :
*** Mon Jul 09 2012 08:44:00 GMT+0200 *** abouhout *** build 16.1 GA & 16.5

On a machine with french local settings, open this model rptexaalltypes.fem

preview the report
The Date extende attribute is shown as "7/5/2012" and Time as "8:41:4"
These extended attributes should be shown as localized attributes ("05/07/2012" and

Issue: 713645 07/06/12 Status: Closed 07/27/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : REGR : command line option to comapre and merge do not work anymore

Description :

*** Fri Jul 06 2012 11:18:57 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.0 GA

command line like
"PdShell16.exe" -do:Compare "test doc 2.rqm" "test doc.rqm"
should launch PD open both models and compare them
this is not working anymore
With 16.1 GA I got a stack overflow
With 16.1 EBF4 compare is not launched and pd closes

16.0 legacy shell works but 16.1 legacy shell does not work

Issue: 713364 07/03/12 Status: Closed 07/10/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Regr : Error on Call the menu help >Online doc

Description :
*** Tue Jul 03 2012 13:11:29 GMT+0200 *** abouhout *** 16.5 3822

Call the menu help >Online doc

the help will be displayed in HTML navigator, but we have this error
PowerDesigner - Error
The specified file could not be opened:
'"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sybase\PowerDesigner 16\Documentation\index.htm"'

Issue: 713119 06/29/12 Status: Closed 12/17/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : FIlter state not saved anymore

Description :

*** Fri Jun 29 2012 16:34:38 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 EBF4
open model from bug directory
unselect Enable/Disable FIlter
clsoe and reopen
filter still there...
Issue: 712852 06/27/12 Status: Closed 07/11/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO: fail to import XMI 2.0 file

Description :
*** Wed Jun 27 2012 15:14:07 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** tandreys
***16.1 ga
xmi 2.0 file import fail

seems to happen between @199273,@199522

Issue: 712850 06/27/12 Status: Closed 08/05/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : MMR : Cannot open taget model if not savec with their path

Description :
*** Wed Jun 27 2012 13:06:12 GMT+0200 *** abouhout *** 16.1 GA & 16.5 3817

Create a PDM and do not save it

Create a new MMR and use PDM just created
Close MMR : You are asked to savec MMR & its target, do it
Close PDM model
open MMR, you are asked to open target model
we fail to open target model, nstead we have this message:

ModelUnknownis closed; do you want to open it?
Oui Non

Issue: 712603 06/25/12 Status: Closed 07/02/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Reverse WSDL creates empty import

Description :

*** Mon Jun 25 2012 18:42:00 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

WSDL contains some XSD schema that are reversed at the same time azs the WSDL
Some times you maye have several XSD schema having relationship between them
in this case import is not well created

reverse WSDL from bug directory

there is an import object created ins econd XDB but it is not well connected to
other model

Issue: 712601 06/25/12 Status: Closed 10/18/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Reverse WSDL creates not connected XSM models

Description :

*** Mon Jun 25 2012 18:42:00 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

WSDL contains soem XSD schema that are reversed at the same time azs the WSDL
Some times you maye have severakl XSD schema having relationship between them
int his case shortcuts are not well created

reverse WSDL from bug directory

comple type shortcut is not created as it should in second XSM model
type of the element is empty

Issue: 712078 06/20/12 Status: Closed 07/03/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Exception in RQM Print preview

Description :

*** Wed Jun 20 2012 15:43:20 GMT+0200 *** vaudino *** GA

in a RQM, call print preview
close the preview dialog using the red X in top right corner
you get anothe rlist dispalyed
click inside it
PD dies

Issue: 711458 06/14/12 Status: Closed 10/18/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : collection Symbol filter not working anymore

Description :
*** Thu Jun 14 2012 12:04:35 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
open model from bug directory
in Table display preferences, for columns collection, select PK filter for display
only PK should be displayed
you still see all columns

it seems that the information is not properly saved, at least after a

save/close/reopen the value is back to "All columns"

*** Thu Jun 14 2012 12:26:48 GMT+0200 *** ssturm ***

Please see detailed description on \\Neo\CIR\CIRMails\71xxxx\711458
Customer like ot filter for Stereotypes as well.

Issue: 711335 06/13/12 Status: Closed 07/03/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Composite structure diagram ; class menu Composite view doing nothing

Description :
*** Wed Jun 13 2012 12:08:32 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
in a composite structure diagram, on a class with inner classes
call COmposite view > <none>
nothing happens

if this menu has no meaning in this context it should be removed

Issue: 707670 05/08/12 Status: Closed 05/24/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Oracle deprecated MAXTRANS trigger errot on physical option during re


Description :
*** Tue May 8 19:23:22 UTC+0200 2012 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
reverse CALENDRIER-SCIRPT.sql from bug directory
you get an error on physical options
Some errors have been found for the model.

Full details have been logged in the output window.

Physical Data Model 'PhysicalDataModel_11':

Physical Options of the Table "CALENDRIER" do not match expected syntax.

Physical Options of the Index "CALENDRIER::PK_CALENDRIER" do not match expected

Issue: 707668 05/08/12 Status: Closed 07/17/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Hana : Missing owner after reverse

Description :
*** Tue May 8 19:23:22 UTC+0200 2012 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
When reverse engineering tables, we should automatically select the owner of the
schema and assign it as owner of table
Issue: 707667 05/08/12 Status: Closed 12/17/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Hana: remove new line before null/not null in generated DDL

Description :
*** Tue May 8 19:23:22 UTC+0200 2012 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
remove new line before null/not null in generated DDL

create table PALIER_TARIF_ACHAT (

not null,
not null,
not null,
Issue: 707666 05/08/12 Status: Closed 12/12/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Hana : change default value for Hana XDB

Description :
*** Tue May 8 19:23:22 UTC+0200 2012 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
update default value for Hana XDB

Table Type should be column.

PK type should be btree
logging is enabled.
'SESSION_TYPE' = 'simple'
Issue: 707665 05/08/12 Status: Closed 05/19/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Hana: Calculation scenarios should be removed from Hana XDB

Description :
*** Tue May 8 19:23:22 UTC+0200 2012 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
Calculation scenarios should be removed from Hana XDB

we don't want users to enter XML manually

Issue: 707663 05/08/12 Status: Closed 12/16/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Hana: Two type attribute from Tables

Description :
*** Tue May 8 19:23:22 UTC+0200 2012 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
in a PDM model targeting Hana
open list of table
call customize column and filter
you have two attribute Type, this is unclear
when you enter Row as type of table, you can see the two type attribute with row
Issue: 707661 05/08/12 Status: Closed 11/16/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : user not converted into schema during change target from Oracle to Ha

Description :

*** Tue May 8 19:23:22 UTC+0200 2012 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

open model from bug directory
change target dbms to Hana
user has not been converted into schema
but user are still visible as owner on table properties sheet
in table properties OK trigger the message

Named Object DATAWH_F :Unknown
Issue: 707659 05/08/12 Status: Closed 05/18/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : rename XDB file newdb10.xdb into Hana10.xdb

Description :

*** Tue May 8 19:23:22 UTC+0200 2012 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

rename XDB file newdb10.xdb into Hana10.xdb
Issue: 707481 05/07/12 Status: Closed 12/17/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Code not well handled in glossary auto-completion and check model
Description :

*** Mon May 07 2012 11:21:00 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

You defined two terms in the glossary
name = Adresse, code= ADR
name = Client, code = CLI

in a model with model options using the glossary and using the glossary term as
transformation from name to code
you create an object:
name = Adresse Client
code = ADR_CLI

the check model is raising an error

- Extended Object code contains terms not in glossary

Error The code of the following objects contain terms not in glossary:
-> Extended Object 'Adresse Client'(ADR,CLI) (<Model>)
The following terms are not referenced in the glossary:ADR,CLI

it should not

Try to use autocompletion on code. it will list term name. It should list term

object name should use term name and object code should use term code...

Issue: 706354 04/25/12 Status: Closed 05/24/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : CheckOutOldVersionToFile method not working fine

Description :
*** Wed Apr 25 2012 18:48:11 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

When trying this

Set mdl = repmdl.CheckOutOldVersionToFile("1","C:\tmp\test.pdm", 0, true)
the model version 1 of the default is extracted.
When trying this
Set mdl = repmdl.CheckOutOldVersionToFile("1 on
BranchFolder","C:\tmp\test.pdm", 0, true)

Nothing is extracted, mdl is Nothing afterwards. No error is thrown

dim repository ' repository connection
Set repository = RepositoryConnection

For Each subObject in repository.ChildObjects

if = "FreeModel_1" then
Set mdl = subobject.CheckOutOldVersionToFile("2","C:\temp\test2.fem", 0, true)
'Set mdl = repmdl.CheckOutOldVersionToFile("1 on
BranchFolder","C:\tmp\test.pdm", 0, true)
end if
Issue: 705750 04/19/12 Status: Closed 12/10/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : RE: subscription list can't sync by two server except to restart serv

Description :
build EBF4 20120416

To reproduce,
1>connect same db by two server, to set subscription list on one server, open
another server,the subsciption list can't update even clicking refresh.
Issue: 705540 04/18/12 Status: Closed 05/25/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : encrypt/decrypt if db password need to be changed

Description :
*** Wed Apr 18 2012 19:21:54 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1
coming from 16.1 fortify review, need to be fix for 16.5

Encryption of of db password need to be changed

we must generate a site specific key (generated randomly)
and store it in a file protected by OS permissions
we can keep the key in clear in this file or encrypt it using a static key
Issue: 705197 04/16/12 Status: Closed 06/20/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Edit: error page pop up if upload image beyond 2M

Description :
build 20120405

To reproduce,
1>upload a image for description, the image size is beyond 2M,to click Save button,
error page will be pop up, it is better to prompt message rather than error page.
Issue: 705081 04/13/12 Status: Closed 05/25/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Should not use static keys for encryption

Description :
rajnish 10/04/2012 9:11:28 PM public�class�PDCipherUtil is using static keys
for encryption. Please log a CR to fix this in PD 16.5. Approved for 16.1.
Issue: 704279 04/06/12 Status: Closed 05/10/12

Severity : 0 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO: aggregation and composition link symbols don't show arrows
Description :
*** Fri Apr 06 2012 10:44:08 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** tandreys
create an oom, add 2 classes
draw an aggregation link and a composition link, they don't have arrows ,not
diamond shape on extremities.
Issue: 703737 04/01/12 Status: Closed 05/02/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Arrow center selection not saved in PDM

Description :

*** Thu Mar 15 2012 12:14:43 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.5.3537

in a PDM with references
call format for any link
select an arrow for extremity
save, close reopen
extremities are lost
Issue: 703605 03/30/12 Status: Closed 06/18/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Check-in as new do not clean workspace node information

Description :
*** Fri Mar 30 2012 18:05:06 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
"check-in as new" has been removed
now customer should do a "save as new model and then a check-in"
but when you do "save as new model", the model stays in workspace and when you try
to check-in it is still tight to previous location ln repository

if you detach and attach model node, then it works.

Issue: 703457 03/29/12 Status: Closed 04/04/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : The channel connector symbols should be centered

Description :
*** Thu Mar 29 21:33:21 UTC+0200 2012 *** xwang ***
The channel connector symbols are not centered on link symbol.

Issue: 703391 03/29/12 Status: Closed 04/04/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : line style not displayed properly for a dependecny link

Description :
*** Thu Mar 29 2012 12:57:04 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
craete an OOM with two components and a dependency link
call format dialgo for the link and change the link type from dashed to full line
save close reopen
the line style is wrong
Issue: 703289 03/28/12 Status: Closed 04/05/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : remove password from proxy log

Description :
*** Wed Mar 28 21:53:27 UTC+0200 2012 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
remove password from proxy log
on line that lokks like and all other similar
2012-03-28 18:07:24 debug - SProxyDbCnct: failed to connect with

Issue: 703250 03/28/12 Status: Closed 04/04/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Block diagram link symbol : copy/paste problem

Description :

*** Wed Mar 28 2012 18:15:20 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1.3690 EBF3
copy/paste of a link sybmol in Word or Notes with the new block diagram symbol ,
little symbol is not copied if it is on the edge
Issue: 703248 03/28/12 Status: Closed 04/10/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Block diagram link symbol : refresh problem

Description :

*** Wed Mar 28 2012 18:15:20 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1.3690 EBF3
when an extrmity is moved, the symbol is not properly refreshed
Issue: 703226 03/28/12 Status: Closed 05/08/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Edit in place field in wrong location with word wrapped name

Description :

*** Wed Mar 28 2012 15:23:50 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

open model from bug directory
edir in place Table_3, column 2
edit in place field is in wrong lcoation
Issue: 703207 03/28/12 Status: Closed 09/10/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : edit in place field do not appear in right location

Description :

*** Wed Mar 28 2012 12:33:31 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1.3690 EBF3
open oom ObjectOrientedModel_1 model from bug direvctory 701292
try to edit in place the activity name
hit tab
the timeout appears in the middle o fthe symbols
Issue: 703177 03/28/12 Status: Closed 11/15/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : IQ RA wizard : error in estimate db size when PDM contains shortcut

Description :

*** Wed Mar 28 2012 09:25:29 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

leunwh IQ RA wizard and target a PDM containing external shortcut of table at root
You get an error on estimate db size page

Issue: 703045 03/27/12 Status: Closed 07/03/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO: Menu items without 's' in menu Models (new shell)

Description :
*** Tue Mar 27 2012 15:53:09 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** tandreys
***16.1 ga
in new shell, for OOM deployement diagram, some menu items in menu Model don't have
's' at the end. In Legacy shell, it is ok.
Menus: Node, Component Instance, Node Association
Issue: 702917 03/26/12 Status: Closed 05/02/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : generate model does not find the target model when it is inside the p

Description :

*** Mon Mar 26 2012 18:23:19 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** vaudino ***16.1
open a project with a cdm in one folder and the generated ldm oin another folder
open cdm
generate ldm
ldm is opened outside of the project
(and you get an error message)
Issue: 701715 03/15/12 Status: Closed 04/02/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Arrow center selection not working fine

Description :

*** Thu Mar 15 2012 12:14:43 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16

call format for any link
select an arrow for center position look at preview
the one displayed is not the right one
Issue: 701484 03/13/12 Status: Closed 09/07/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Focus is lost after creating an item in a child collection

Description :

*** Tue Mar 13 2012 16:25:55 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

in an OOM, with activity diagram
create an decomposed activity with sub-acitivties
Show Activitis , input and output parameters collection in the symbol
select an activity in list of activities of the symbol and hit Ctrl-N to create a
new one
focus is lost
it should stay on just created object in edit in place on name
Issue: 701028 03/08/12 Status: Closed 04/01/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : issues in Extended attribute display : update not propagated

Description :

*** Thu Mar 08 2012 17:48:34 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

Open model from bug directory
Open property sheet of existing object node
Click on New button associated with Class attribute
Commit class creation and object node prop sheet
Rename class in browser
=> Symbol not refreshed, even after Shift+F5 or close diagram/open diagram. but the
link with the class is corre

Issue: 701027 03/08/12 Status: Closed 04/01/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Drag/Drop of class in activity diagram creates an object node not wel
l linked

Description :

*** Thu Mar 08 2012 17:43:56 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.0 GA

Drag & Drop of a class in the activity diagram
it creates an object node with class name in data type but if you rename the class
the data will not be changed

name is copied instead of code

Unfortunately, this is not working if the class name is distinct than class code.
Issue: 701020 03/08/12 Status: Closed 03/15/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Enum Class should be generated as SimpleType

Description :

*** Thu Mar 08 2012 17:02:16 GMT+0100 (Romance Standard Time) *** aelanbar ***
Enum Class should be genrated as SimpleType rather than ComplexType
Issue: 701010 03/08/12 Status: Closed 05/02/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : wrong behavior when wimlane are resized

Description :

*** Thu Mar 08 2012 13:57:01 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 gA

look at the lane at the bootom of the siagram
try to resize it to make it bigger
and then try to make it smaller again
it became even bigger
Issue: 701003 03/08/12 Status: Closed 04/05/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : cannot resize swimlane when it should

Description :

*** Thu Mar 08 2012 13:57:01 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 gA

open model from bug directory
delete symbol of Task_2
try to reduce the size of the swimlane
you can't

try also to reduce the size of lane A

you should be able to reduce a little bit

look also at horiz.bpm

simlane are horizontal and even when tehy are empty you cannot reduce their size
Issue: 700996 03/08/12 Status: Closed 08/05/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : XSM Generation: Mandatory attribute nottranslated

Description :

*** Thu Mar 08 2012 11:48:01 GMT+0100 (Romance Standard Time) *** aelanbar ***
When Generating an XSM from a PDM or an OOM, the Mandatory attribute is not
=> Elements: minoccurs=1, Attributes: use='required'
Issue: 700880 03/07/12 Status: Closed 07/10/12
Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : XSM Generation: Extended Attributes are not copied

Description :

*** Wed Mar 07 2012 14:04:01 GMT+0100 (Romance Standard Time) *** aelanbar ***
When generating an XSM model (from a PDM or an OOM) Extended attributes -with same
name- are not copied
Issue: 700876 03/07/12 Status: Closed 08/05/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Attribute is not synchronized with its Simple Type

Description :

*** Wed Mar 07 2012 12:04:09 GMT+0100 (Romance Standard Time) *** aelanbar ***
Create an attribute and set the attribute type to a SimpleType, then rename the
=> the attribute type name is not modified! And the generation is wrong.
Issue: 699992 02/28/12 Status: Closed 04/01/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Custom shape should allow to display composite view

Description :
*** Tue Feb 28 2012 19:42:27 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.0 GA
Currently, if we decide to change the process symbol in order to use a Sharp-
rectangle custom shape, it will no more displays composite view

Issue: 699991 02/28/12 Status: Closed 04/01/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Custom shape should allow to display collections

Description :
*** Tue Feb 28 2012 19:42:27 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.0 GA
Currently, if we decide to change the CDM entity symbol in order to use a round-
rectangle custom shape, it will no more displays collections (including ext coll)

Issue: 699990 02/28/12 Status: Closed 04/04/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Custom shape should allow to display multiline text

Description :
*** Tue Feb 28 2012 19:42:27 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.0 GA
Currently, if we decide to change the CDM entity symbol in order to use a round-
rectangle custom shape, it will no more displays multi line text like comment, ext
att of TEXT type
Issue: 699512 02/23/12 Status: Closed 07/09/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Check -in rule set : rule detail not ccreated in repository

Description :
*** Thu Feb 23 2012 15:12:06 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1.3637
go to the rule set list
check-in "Delete Impact Analysis"
look at impact anaylis tabkle in repository PMANRL
no line have been added for the new rule set

Workaround is to create a second version of the same rule set with a small comment
Issue: 699188 02/21/12 Status: Closed 07/30/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : For complex models, Basic autolayout could be in an infinite loop

Description :
*** Tue Feb 21 11:30:11 UTC+0100 2012 *** xwang ***
See testbig_bis_3.pdm in BugModel.
1) For complex models, for example, the PDMs exported by Silwood, the Basic
autolayout could enter an infinite loop and never finish.
For a large model, normally the Basic auto-layout could finish in 5s, some times it
takes 14mn or 30mn, and some times it cannot finish.
2) If users use AttachAllObjects(), it could take long time or it may not finish.
That's because AttachAllObjects() always use auto-layout.

Issue: 699122 02/20/12 Status: Closed 07/30/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Select a subsymbol causes the display of all overlapping symbols to f


Description :
*** Mon Feb 20 16:15:13 UTC+0100 2012 *** xwang ***
- Create a PDM
- Create several tables with columns
- Move the table symbols in such way that they overlap each other
- Select the bottom symbol
- Click on a column in that symbol
==> All the other symbols are redrawn and they flash
If you change column selection, unselect the symbol, scroll, ... all the symbols
will flash.

Issue: 698478 02/14/12 Status: Closed 12/16/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Exception in list report preview

Description :

*** Tue Feb 14 2012 11:38:12 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA

ina free model with some extended object
create a list report on etxende object
preview it, close preview
you 'll get exception
d:\pddev\core\src\window.cpp(1028): __w64 long __cdecl SCallWndProc(class SWnd
*,struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,__w64 unsigned int,__w64 long)
Exception in SCallWndProc() while processing message WM_DESTROY, received by
0x008906BC SShlPreviewWnd "", sent by 0x008906BC SShlPreviewWnd ""
d:\pddev\core\src\window.cpp(1034): __w64 long __cdecl SCallWndProc(class SWnd
*,struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,__w64 unsigned int,__w64 long)
Exception in SCallWndProc() while processing
Caught: SException
Thrown from:
d:\pddev\core\src\window.cpp(1014): __w64 long __cdecl TrySCallWndProc(class SWnd
*,unsigned int,__w64 unsigned int,__w64 long)message WM_NCDESTROY, sent by
0x008B05A0 <S_Window> ""
try it a gain
PD will die

*** Thu Nov 29 2012 10:35:30 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***

with 16.5 no preview no generation on list report with context menu in workspace
Issue: 698341 02/13/12 Status: Closed 03/05/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : REGR LIst report check box "include shortcut" does not work with full

Description :
*** Mon Feb 13 2012 13:46:31 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.0 GA
in a model where full shortcut are used...
List report check box "include shortcut" does not work anymore
Shortcut are listed even if checkbox "include shortcut" is unchecked
Shortcut are listed twice even if checkbox "include shortcut" is checked

it works with thin shortcut

Issue: 697700 02/07/12 Status: Closed 11/27/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : IQ RA: Estimate database size not working after estimating database s

Description :
*** Tue Feb 07 2012 17:38:06 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) *** keli ***
The estimate database size feature of Reference Adviser property sheet or on the
wizard is not the save value as the Estimate database size result in the PDM.
Even change number of years, the result is the same.
Issue: 697455 02/03/12 Status: Closed 10/05/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Integrate does not create object with correct POID

Description :
*** Fri Feb 03 2012 16:35:14 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
create a model in one folder, create a branch
add a new object and check-in in <default>
integrate in Branch_2
look at object versions tab in prop sheet for new object. There are not showing
both branches on same property sheet
This is because POID are different
Issue: 697036 01/31/12 Status: Closed 02/27/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Cannot open PDM generated by Silwood

Description :

*** Tue Jan 31 2012 17:40:33 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.0 GA

Cannot open PDM generated by Silwood
see model in bug directory
Issue: 696519 01/25/12 Status: Closed 03/15/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO: user propsht, the Reset password button not re-enabled after cl
ick Apply

Description :
*** Wed Jan 25 2012 15:51:30 GMT+0100 (Romance Standard Time) *** tandreys
***16.1 ga
create a repository user
open propsheet
change login name, the Reset password button becomes disabled
click on Apply
the Reset password button is not re-enabled
Issue: 696404 01/24/12 Status: Closed 03/23/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : LDAP : add test button on user property sheet when external

Description :
*** Tue Jan 24 2012 12:50:21 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
on user property sheet
When User is external, add a button "Test" (in same location as Reset password"
Button will check validity of user on LDAP server

If user is valid then update long name and email with LDAP server information
If user is not valid thows a message box
create a resolution for documentation when done
Issue: 696403 01/24/12 Status: Closed 11/15/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : LDAP : add test button on LDAP parameter page

Description :
*** Tue Jan 24 2012 12:50:21 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
on LDAP parameter page
add test button on LDAP parameter page

create a resolution for documentation when done

Issue: 696402 01/24/12 Status: Closed 03/23/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : LDAP : change security protocol field into a checkbox

Description :
*** Tue Jan 24 2012 12:50:21 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
on LDAP parameter page
change security protocol field into a checkbox "SSL"

create a resolution for documentation when done

Issue: 696402 01/24/12 Status: Closed 03/23/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : LDAP : change security protocol field into a checkbox

Description :
*** Tue Jan 24 2012 12:50:21 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
on LDAP parameter page
change security protocol field into a checkbox "SSL"

create a resolution for documentation when done

Issue: 696401 01/24/12 Status: Closed 03/23/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : LDAP : add some default value in important field

Description :
*** Tue Jan 24 2012 12:50:21 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
on LDAP parameter page
Add a correct default value for following field in PD and Portal
* provider URL
* default search base
* Filter (x2)

Change default value of Scope to "subtree"

create a resolution for documentation when done

Issue: 696401 01/24/12 Status: Closed 03/23/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : LDAP : add some default value in important field

Description :
*** Tue Jan 24 2012 12:50:21 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1 GA
on LDAP parameter page
Add a correct default value for following field in PD and Portal
* provider URL
* default search base
* Filter (x2)

Change default value of Scope to "subtree"

create a resolution for documentation when done

Issue: 696207 01/20/12 Status: Closed 03/13/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Checkin dialog:help button does not call the correct help topic in si
mplified mo

Description :
*** Fri Jan 20 2012 10:14:24 GMT+0100 *** abouhout *** 16.1 GA

Repository checkin dialog:

The help button does not call the correct help topic if we are in simplified mode
It shows the Branches help page
if we are in advanced mode, the help topic is correct.
Issue: 695737 01/17/12 Status: Closed 12/20/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Viewer: we update the version of model, but the model dont' need the

Description :

*** Tue Jan 17 10:49:34 UTC+0100 2012 *** mgonzalo *** GA

Viewer: we update the version of model, but the model don't need the update because
it is in good version. we display in Output window:
"Updating model version from to Viewer"
1/ Install PD Viewer or PAMC Consultation Open a model.
Issue: 695728 01/17/12 Status: Closed 07/26/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Reverse: Value of column default is not reversed if it is an empty st


Description :
Value of column default is not reversed if it is an empty string.
Similar to CR# 310876 - REGR: Empty strings are no longer reversed via script or

Repro steps:
1. Reverse the below script and select Microsoft SQL Server 2008

CREATE TABLE T1( col1 varchar(5) NOT NULL, col2 varchar(5) NOT NULL ) ON PRIMARY

2. Edit col1 and select Microsoft tab

Default constraint name has been reversed: DF_T1_col1

3. Preview SQL code

create table T1 (
col1 varchar(5) not null,
col2 varchar(5) not null constraint DF_T1_col2 default
Issue: 694692 01/05/12 Status: Closed 06/08/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Problem displaying extended attibute in obj prop sheet or portal

Description :
*** Thu Jan 05 2012 18:26:32 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.0 GA
create a PDM Oracle 11g
create a table and check-in
add an embedded xem and one extended attribute
set a value for the table
check table repository prop sheet or Portal table view
you'll not see the ext attribute created in local extension
Issue: 694579 01/04/12 Status: Closed 04/10/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Degradation of time to access to a licenses server with 16.1 version

Description :

*** Wed Jan 4 16:42:04 UTC+0100 2012 *** mgonzalo *** rebuild today
SETUP: degradation of time to access to a licenses server with 16.1 version since
the start of setup tests. In fact, if we try to access to mgonzalo64 server with
PD/PAMC 16.0 version is OK but with the PD/PAMC 16.1 version is so slow that often
the access is failed. From the PC or Virtual Machine. With new Install or Upgrade

Seen with ABT.

Issue: 694446 01/03/12 Status: Closed 09/10/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Import from model does not match object by name or code

Description :
*** Tue Jan 03 2012 10:58:15 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***
importing an excel file in a glossary model twice will match term by name / code
importind a model in glossary twice will create new object by renaming them

it should also match by name/code

Issue: 694428 12/30/11 Status: Closed 11/22/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Glossary:glossary is read-only if current user has write permission o

n glossary

Description :
*** Sat Dec 31 2011 15:39:40 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) *** sunl
Connect to repository with user that has write permission on glossary.
But local glossary is still read-only
Issue: 693968 12/22/11 Status: Closed 02/27/12

Severity : 1 Est. release: cheverny

Label : PDM generated by a partner cannot be opened

Description :
*** Thu Dec 22 14:57:54 UTC+0100 2011 *** xwang ***
A PDM generated by a partner a SAP application has 1228 tables.
The file is in binary format.
They used PD 16.0 and OLE automation to create the PDM.
But we cannot open it with PD 16.0 after several hours.
The model is attached in the BugModel directory.

*** Thu Dec 22 17:25:14 UTC+0100 2011 *** lpommier ***

automatic routing of links + display of bridges is taking way too long
We should deactivate them automatically if diagrams contains too many symbols
(12000 tables in diagram?)
We should always deactivate automatic link routing and display bridge before import

assigned to Sami
Issue: 693947 12/21/11 Status: Closed 12/18/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Glossary:small enhancement on filter and refactors on read only manag


Description :
Two changes on the current branch (PD 16.5).

1.Change 202884 by yuz@yuzxp on 2011/12/16 02:17:17

MISC CHEY:Clear filter when a new model adding to workspace

This is a small enhancement that when you create/generate/add a model in the

workspace that we will clear the filter value automaticly.
That will make new model all contents displayed in the browser.

2. Change 202885 by yuz@yu on 2011/12/16 02:34:15

MISC CHEV some refactors on glossary can modify cache based on Laurent's

Make SRepGlossaryCacheManager::CanModify a protected member of the clss and

change it to int default value 0 (meaning non-initialized)
Move SGlmGetCanModifyGlossay and SGlmSetCanModifyGlossay methods to
In the implementation of SGlmGetCanModifyGlossay, check if CanModify is 0 and
in the case read the registry and initialize the value (1 for true, -1 for false)
If the value is already initialized, just return it without reading the
In the implementation of SGlmSetCanModifyGlossay, write in the registry and
change the CanModify member.

This change is some refactors on the glossary can modify flag.

Issue: 693796 12/20/11 Status: Closed 03/23/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Branch: in Browser, on a Branch, the contextual menu 'Check Out" no e


Description :

*** Tue Dec 20 18:00:43 UTC+0100 2011 *** mgonzalo ***

Branch: in Browser of repository, on a Branch, the contextual menu 'Check Out" no
effect. It should work as a Folder, open the Box Of Check Out document or Multiple
Seen with WNG: Estimation version=Beauregard EBF1.
Issue: 693753 12/20/11 Status: Closed 05/24/12

Severity : 0 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: Error pop up for check-out/integrate model on ASE 15

Description :
build 3639

To reproduce,
1>Connect to repository by ASE15(jdbc),check out a model, error dialog pop up.
"SQLSTATE= JZ0SB, JZOSB:Parameter index 1 is out of range"

Verified on 3638, it is fine.

Issue: 693751 12/20/11 Status: Closed 04/24/12

Severity : 0 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: Error pop up for check-out/integrate model on Oracle 10

Description :
build 3639

To reproduce,
1>Connect to repository by Oracle 10 (jdbc),check out a model, error dialog pop up.
"index 1 is out of range", then can do check out.
Issue: 693749 12/20/11 Status: Closed 05/02/12

Severity : 0 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: Error pop up for check-out/integrate model on DB2 9

Description :
build 3639

To reproduce,
1>Connect to repository by DB2 9 (jdbc),check out a model, error dialog pop up.
"SQLSTATE= 42815,[jcc][10145][10844][3.50.152] Invalid parameter 1: parameter index
1 is out of range, ERRORCODE = -4461, SQLSTATE=42815", then can do check out
Issue: 693747 12/20/11 Status: Closed 03/16/12

Severity : 0 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repository: Error pop up for check-out/integrate model on SQL Server


Description :
build 3639

To reproduce,
1>Connect to SQL Server 2005 repository by JDBC,check out a model, error dialog pop
"SQLSTATE= S1093, The index 1 is out of range", then can do check out.
Issue: 693660 12/19/11 Status: Closed 12/19/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Test support of #PMTEMP for ASE

Description :
*** Mon Dec 19 17:40:45 UTC+0100 2011 *** xwang ***
For ASE, we test if the db supports: create table #PMTEMP_TEST(col1 int null)
But there is a transaction opened and the ODBC driver shows an error message:
[Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Enterprise]The 'CREATE TABLE' command is not
allowed within a multi-statement transaction in the 'tempdb' database.
, sqlState ZZZZZ
SQL Server does not have this issue.
To show the error, you need to enable database trace (Ctrl+Shift, General Options),
then connect to the repository.
It is not blocking. The #PMTEMP table is only used in Find Objects. Without
#PMTEMP, it will use PMTEMP, but it is slower. For ASE, #PMTEMP was not supported
before. Only SQL Server was supported.

Issue: 693617 12/18/11 Status: Closed 07/23/12
Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Glossary: exclude glossary when create configuration on .Library in r


Description :
*** Mon Dec 19 2011 14:44:41 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) *** sunl
In repository, click Create Configuration... in contextual menu of .Libray folder.
In Configuration properties dialog Members tab, Glossary is listed.
We should exclude glossary from the configuration, otherwise, glossary may be
checked out like other files.
Issue: 693436 12/15/11 Status: Closed 05/09/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Add a Help button in create branch dialog

Description :

*** Thu Dec 15 2011 18:57:15 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1.0 GA

Add a Help button in create branch dialog

Goal is to answers questions around meaning of <Default> et <None>.

some beta testeurs were also confused (they used term <Main line> for <Default>)

Issue: 693390 12/15/11 Status: Closed 09/06/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Autosave feature does not work with GLM

Description :

*** Thu Dec 15 2011 09:19:56 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1.0 GA

when PD is killed with pending changes in Glossary, the recovery is not working

Scanning for AutoSave documents to automatically restore...

Could not restore Glossary Model Glossary to its original location:

Could not get write access to restoration target file

AutoSave automatic restore done.
Issue: 693294 12/14/11 Status: Closed 12/12/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : REGR ASE native connection not working anymore

Description :

*** Wed Dec 14 2011 18:13:39 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1.3634

ASE native connection not working anymore
got message "Unable to initialize Client Library Context."
Issue: 693265 12/14/11 Status: Closed 11/30/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Change SMTP test mail

Description :
*** Wed Dec 14 2011 17:00:11 GMT+0100 *** vaudino *** 16.1.0 GA
Change test mail with follwoing information

Subject: PowerDesigner Repository SMTP Configuration

Body: Receipt of this message confirms that your PowerDesigner repository has been
correctly configured to use an SMTP server to send emails.

Issue: 693141 12/13/11 Status: Closed 03/26/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : should be able to empty all field in SMTP tab

Description :
*** Tue Dec 13 2011 18:04:29 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1.3632
should be able to empty all field in SMTP tab
Issue: 693117 12/13/11 Status: Closed 08/30/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : inoperant option in prop sheet menu

Description :
*** Tue Dec 13 2011 15:05:48 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.0
visible since 16.0 for custom prop sheet
in prop sheet menu , you get an option " customize current tab..." that is doing
Issue: 693115 12/13/11 Status: Closed 04/19/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Can't get property sheet of version created at branch creation or by


Description :
*** Tue Dec 13 2011 14:25:41 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1.3632
in a repository with some folder branched
check-in a new model in a branch B1
create a branch B2 based on B1
integrate the new model in a child branch B2 of B1
extract the new version on B2 and check in something on top of it
call model prop sheet from B1 branch
look at version tree
you can't do anything with version 1 on B2. Toolbar is all grey

Issue: 692589 12/07/11 Status: Closed 03/26/12
Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : SAP_COMP: we should allow to delete all informations of SMTP:host, po

rt and mail

Description :

*** Wed Dec 7 18:46:50 UTC+0100 2011 *** mgonzalo ***

SAP_COMP: we should allow to delete all informations of SMTP: host, port and mail
in SMTP tab of Properties of Repository. Now, we cannot delete all at same time,
those 3 fields are always mandatory. Normally, only it must be mandatory if one of
three is already put.
Seen with VAS == same problem in CMR.
VAS will see this problem with AElanbar
Issue: 692561 12/07/11 Status: Closed 05/10/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : REGR trouble with matrix defintiion and combo content

Description :
*** Wed Dec 07 2011 12:11:17 GMT+0100 *** vaudino ***16.1.3627
When creating a matrix when type combo i sopened I cannot hit a letter to get
quickly to a specific metaclass
if i select metaclass with keyboard (combo closed) the content of the dependency
combo is wrong when
Issue: 692529 12/06/11 Status: Closed 12/14/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Glossary: import from another glossary may move term to terms objects

Description :
*** Wed Dec 07 2011 14:18:13 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) *** sunl ***
Use bug model in \\sha-pd-qa\Bug Model\
In an empty glossary, click import from another glossary of contextual menu of
glossary model node. Select glossary1.glm to import.
Run import again, select glossary2.glm. In merge dialog, terms are moved to
But in generated glossary, terms are moved to Term objects collection of category
Issue: 692456 12/06/11 Status: Closed 12/08/11

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO: Test data profile: clicking on mixed does not enable First uppe
rcase radio

Description :
*** Tue Dec 06 2011 17:24:20 GMT+0100 (Romance Standard Time) *** tandreys
***16.0 ga
create a new PDM
create a test data profile
in Class, select Character
go to Detail tab
click on Mixed radio button, the First uppercase checkbox should be enabled
Issue: 692442 12/06/11 Status: Closed 12/17/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : HANA:Abstaract datatype is not added in the list of datatypes

Description :
*** Tue Dec 06 2011 15:02:17 GMT+0100 (Romance Standard Time) *** hnassiri
in SAP HANA Databases create a new abstract Data type
Go to column in TABLE properties sheet
click on datatype combo
the Abstaract datatype created should appears in the list
Issue: 691804 11/28/11 Status: Closed 08/06/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Edit: null is shown at description and annotation text area

Description :
build 20111125

To reproduce,
1>RE, General tab, sometime, there is "null" text in description and annotation
text area.
Issue: 691802 11/28/11 Status: Closed 08/06/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Edit: can't set focus on description or annotation text area

Description :
build 20111125 + IE 8

To reproduce,
1> open RE, click one model/object,at General tab, click on description or
annotation text area, can't set focus on it, that means edit failed.
Issue: 690876 11/17/11 Status: Closed 11/27/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Repo: collection Transient Reverse Mappings cannot saved for Reverse

Description :
Updating into the repository a document with modified mapping lead to:
Some errors occur during the update of the repository model.
The collection Transient Reverse Mappings cannot saved in the repository for object
Reverse Mapping 'ds.E_1.Mapping_1'
Unexpected error while updating the repository document.
The check in of the document has been cancelled.
Might be a consequence of CR# 540190 - Unexpected error while linking Column with
External Column Mapping
Very similar to CR# 670351 - Integrate: collection Transient Reverse Mappings
cannot saved in the repository
but the reproduction of the current Change Request is much more simple and you can
replicate the error with any model. It regards object Reverse Mapping.

Repro steps:
1. Create 2 LDM each having the same 2 entities and attributes: E_1 (att_1, att_2,
att_3) and E_2 (att_1, att_2, att_3)
2. Check in both models with 'Check out after check in' and 'Freeze after check in'
options selected.
3. In LDM_1, open Mapping editor and use LDM_2 as Model Source of Datasource.
Create default mapping.
4. Update LDM_1 into the repository with 'Check out after check in' and 'Freeze
after check in' options selected.
5. In LDM_1, modify mapping.
For instance,
LDM_1.E_1.att_1 <-> LDM_2.E_2.att_1
LDM_1.E_2.att_1 <-> LDM_2.E_1.att_1
7. Update LDM_1 into the repository with 'Check out after check in' and 'Freeze
after check in' options selected.
Issue: 686742 10/11/11 Status: Closed 07/10/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Link with intermediate point is not preserved sue to Automatic Link R

Description :
*** Tue Oct 11 2011 09:23:52 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** abouhout
*** 16.0 GA

In a PDM with Automatic Routing On, try to create a link with explicit intermediate
At the end, it creates a direct link without considering the intermediate points
you defined.
It should respect your choices in that case and disable routing for this link

Issue: 686295 10/05/11 Status: Closed 12/08/11

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO: exception when setting the component type of a cmp in a cmp ins

Description :
*** Wed Oct 05 2011 11:13:30 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** tandreys
***15.x& 16.x
very old exception but now visible in automation because of a behavior change.
create an OOM java 1.x
create a deployment diagram
create a node, using context menu on node (browser) add a component
set type to Java Servlet
there is an exception
Issue: 685552 09/27/11 Status: Closed 11/07/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : merge dialog do not display right away, but display right away if mou
se is moved

Description :
*** Tue Sep 27 2011 13:32:09 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.0.3514 EBF1
do all the steps without waiting too much in between...

launch PD
open project.cdm
generate a new PDM
go back to CDM and copy/paste a symbol
re-generate PDM

merge dialog may take up to 15 seconds to appear

but if you move the mouse it will appear right away

Issue: 684858 09/20/11 Status: Open

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Teradata V12: partition expression of unique primary index is not rev

Description :
Teradata V12: Execute a SQL script to modify the partition range property of
a unique primary index of an existing Teradata V12 table.
When reversing that table, the index is reversed but values of partition properties
are missing in Physical Data Model.

Repro steps:
1. Connect to Teradata database and execute:

create multiset table T1 ( COL_1 CHAR(10) not null, COL_2 DATE not null format
unique primary index IDX ( COL_1, COL_2 ) partition by range_n
(COL_2 BETWEEN DATE '2009-01-01' AND DATE '2012-01-01' EACH INTERVAL '1' DAY, NO

'2012-12-31' EACH INTERVAL '1' DAY;

2. Reverse T1 in a new PDM

As a consequence, IDX has lost partition expression

Note: This is a consult CR since I am unable to connect to Teradata db.

Issue: 680834 08/09/11 Status: Closed 11/30/11

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : AUTO : RMG_IA : the parent cannot be displayed for root object
Description :
*** Tue Aug 09 2011 10:13:19 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** abouhout
*** 16.0 GA

Open model UML Model in bugmodel directory

Analyze the object "ROOT_Actor"
Call "Change impact analysis objects" and add Parent attribute
the parent cannot be displayed for root actors
It can be displayed only if parent is a package
Issue: 680734 08/08/11 Status: Closed 05/31/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : DB2 z/OS: should generate ALTER TABLE statement when pkcol length is

Description :
Works fine with non-primary key column only although DB2 supports it.
Per DB2 documentation, when altering the length of a column, the column to be
altered must be a VARCHAR type and the specified length must be equal to or greater
than the existing column length.
In below example, the column is not selected "Identity".

Repro steps:
1. In a PDM targeting IBM DB2 for z/OS, add a table having a VARCHAR(40) column
2. Archive the model
3. Edit table column and increase length to VARCHAR(150)
4. Apply Model Changes to Database using the archive model
The table is dropped then recreated

The below DDL is not rejected by DB2.


The SQL command completed successfully.

Issue: 677919 07/18/11 Status: Closed 11/28/11

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : can not open example models in read-write mode

Description :
*** Mon Jul 18 2011 17:37:56 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) *** fengchen ***
to reproduce:
1. setup PD build3488 on Windows 7;
2. open models in example, PowerDesigner prompts "PowerDesigner cannot oopen the
file C:\Program Files\Sybase\PowerDesigner16\Examples\CyberFridge.oom in read-write
mode. The file may be in use by another application. Do you want to open it in
read-only mode?";
3. also try to open other example models, meet the same problem;
4. no other applications use the example models;
5. open example models in PowerDesigner in WindowsXP, there is not such problem.
Issue: 676480 07/05/11 Status: Closed 05/09/12
Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : add note on sysam in install doc

Description :

*** Tue Jul 05 2011 16:08:05 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***

ASE doc includes some interesting notes on Sysam. The 2 first could be aded

Sysam setup delivered both exe for ipv4 and ipv6. and similarly for x86 and x64
we should describe how to use these exe
Issue: 673648 06/13/11 Status: Closed 12/17/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Please include Status attribute for Glossary Term

Description :
*** Mon Jun 13 2011 11:01:29 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) *** ahill ***
16 beta 2

Please include Status attribute for Glossary Term

Workaround is to create a custom form and add the 'status' attribute.

Customer's text:

There's a partially-implemented property in the Glossary. 'Status' is available in

reports, and there's a local extension to provide values for it, but it hasn't been
added to any objects. Please add this to Term and to Business Rule - it's a
property I need to add immediately.

Issue: 672994 06/07/11 Status: Closed 12/13/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : FullSH : we cannot see that a model target if shortcut is not up to d


Description :
*** Tue Jun 07 2011 15:16:26 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** abouhout
*** 16.0 3451

we cannot see that a model target if shortcut is not up to date

we should be warned about this.
Issue: 671840 05/27/11 Status: Closed 07/10/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : FullSH : whole ext attribute tab is disabled for full shortcut
Description :
*** Fri May 27 2011 09:45:11 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) *** abouhout
*** 16.0.3440

open a property sheet of full shortcut having 2 extended attributes sub tabs in ext
attribute tab
you cannot accces to second sub tab because whole extended attribute tab is

*** Thu Jun 23 2011 11:58:10 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***

also notes cannot be scrolled
Issue: 670171 05/13/11 Status: Closed 05/24/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : SYM_SUBSEL : selection not always visible

Description :
*** Fri May 06 2011 13:58:47 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.0.3319
depending on color symbol column anem is not alway readable when selection is done
look at model from bug 670120
Issue: 665322 04/06/11 Status: Closed 10/05/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Newshell :unexpected menu on BPMN2 model with addin

Description :
*** Wed Apr 06 2011 10:10:14 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***16.0.3389
Addin is having a piece of code like this
ElseIf (sMenu = "TargetGenerate") And
(pRep.IsKindOf(PdBPM.PdBPM_Classes.cls_Model)) Then
sXML = sXML & "<Menu>"
sXML = sXML & "<Popup Caption=""BPM Model Language Generate ActiveX
Sub Menu"">"
sXML = sXML & "<Command Name=""Print"" Caption=""BPM Model/language
gen Print Info""/>"
sXML = sXML & "</Popup>"
sXML = sXML & "</Menu>"
ElseIf (sMenu = "TargetReverse") And
(pRep.IsKindOf(PdBPM.PdBPM_Classes.cls_Model)) Then
sXML = sXML & "<Menu>"
sXML = sXML & "<Popup Caption=""BPM Model Language Reverse ActiveX
Sub Menu"">"
sXML = sXML & "<Command Name=""Print"" Caption=""BPM Model/language
rev Print Info""/>"
sXML = sXML & "</Popup>"
sXML = sXML & "</Menu>"

in previous release this was creating a menu entry in Language menu

It is now creating a menu entry in language and one in Database menu
Issue: 665104 04/05/11 Status: Closed 03/05/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : display pref : display issues in Table content

Description :
*** Tue Apr 05 2011 13:59:05 GMT+0200 *** vaudino *** GA
in Display preferences of PDM diagram
Table node
On Content tab, check keys, indexes, triggers
you have a display issues on Key, Indexes and Triggers group on the right
Issue: 665102 04/05/11 Status: Open

Severity : 1 Est. release: cheverny

Label : RE ODBC Duplicate columns if using extended properties of MS SQL Serv

er 2005

Description :
MS SQL Server 2005
Reverse a table using extended properties cause duplicated columns.

Steps to reproduce:

1. run the following script on an MS SQL Server 2005

2. reverse the created table to a pdm
-> for each extended propertie PD will add a Column.




CREATE TABLE [dbo].[dupcolumn](

[TextID] [int] NOT NULL,
[TextID] ASC



EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_AggregateType', @value=-1 ,


EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_ColumnHidden', @value=0 ,


EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_ColumnOrder', @value=1 ,


EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_ColumnWidth', @value=-1 ,


EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_TextAlign', @value=0x00 ,

Issue: 661403 03/07/11 Status: Closed 07/10/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : RMG_IA : Warning message on connect to repository (Cannot update rule


Description :
*** Mon Mar 07 2011 09:34:47 GMT+0100 (Romance Standard Time) *** abouhout
*** 16.00 3357

On connecting to repository, we have this warnings in output

Warning: The automatic update of the resource could not be completed because it
has been edited locally.
Warning: The automatic update of the resource could not be completed because it
has been edited locally.
This seems due to default Rule sets
Issue: 652219 12/16/10 Status: Closed 07/03/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : CMN_SYM:the bridge is not displayed in swimlane pool

Description :
*** Thu Dec 16 2010 19:22:28 GMT+0100 (Romance Standard Time) *** hnassiri
open the model from \\neo\share\Bugmodel\65xxxx\652219
the bridge is not displayed in swimlane pool
Issue: 643629 10/05/10 Status: Closed 10/05/12

Severity : 2 Est. release: cheverny

Label : adding a Custom shape should turn icon mode on

Description :
*** Tue Oct 05 2010 09:29:57 GMT+0200 *** vaudino ***15.2 GA$
in an EAM, on a symbol having an icon like software server
turn detail mode on
go to format fialog
set a custom shape
click OK
the symbol size is changed to get the size of the shape but the spahe is not really
and the symbol is still on detail mode
Issue: 633351 06/25/10 Status: Closed 12/20/12

Severity : 3 Est. release: cheverny

Label : Size should not be treated as other symbol information in apply and c
ustom symb

Description :
*** Fri Jun 25 16:33:06 UTC+0200 2010 *** vaudino ***15.2 GA
when you get format from a symbol and apply to another symbol, you do not except
size to be copied

same way, when you create a custom symbol, the size of the first tab is only the
default size. You have a check box to "keep size" to prevent the size to be changed
so the size from the custom symbol can only be the default one. In case this tab is
enforced it should not concern the size field.

Discuss with Laurent

(130 rows affected)

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