Flash Fiction

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Nine, Ten, Eleven by Princewill McDaniels

It is all about a man who died because he’s running out of time to his work. He was
searching for his wallet and the charger of his phone but something happened. He didn’t
realized that he was dead until he saw his own body on the truck.

He was died because he was searching for his charger and his wallet.

It was on the road while he is on his way to send the mail.

A man who died because of car accident.

It is about giving importance to our life that we don’t have to make things that make our
life in danger.
“Who am I” by Amanda Olive Amoah
The story is all about an old woman. She doesn’t know herself because she is an old
woman who has an amnesia. She doesn’t remember anything. She doesn’t know that
she has a dog and a son. Her life everyday was new to her but she has a same feeling
that she is doing the same thing every day.

An old woman doesn’t remember anything about herself so that her son has a reminder
paper of what her mom has to do everyday.

The setting was on their house and sometimes on the outside when the old woman has
to walk her dog.

The characters are the old lady, her son and her dog named, Bartholomew.

The theme is all about how an old woman doesn’t remember anything about her life. It
reflects in our life to our loved ones that experiencing this. The flash fiction also says
that we have to understand their situation and love them everyday.
My Hair Talks to My Ancestors by Tendai Machingaidze
The story is all about an old person who was afraid to cut her hair. He says that her hair
talks to her ancestors and doesn’t believe that she has an ill called schizophrenia. She
also believes that her hair is her gift and her curse.

An old woman don’t want to agree that she has a schizophrenia so that she believes
that her hair can talk to her ancestors.

The setting is on their house.

The characters are the old lady and an old Caucassian man that wants to cut her hair.

It is all about an old person that doesn’t believe that she has an ill.
“I Want to Follow You” Boy on a Train by Akumbu Uche
The story is all about the girl who wants to follow the boy on a train. She met this guy on
a train and fall in love with him. She admires the boy so much. She have imagine that
the guy was talking to her and so many things as if they we’re close. However, there’s
one thing that could stop her from making her imagination to become real. She doesn’t
want to become disappointed so that she don’t want to talk to the boy. Her fear of being
rejected is one of the reasons why she stopped making her imagination to that guy.

The girl doesn’t want to talk to that guy because she’s afraid that maybe the boy don’t
like her. She decided to keep her feelings to herself because she doesn’t want to
become disappointed.

The setting was on the train where in the girl always imagined about the boy she loves.

The characters are the boy on a train and the girl who is secretly in love to the boy.

The theme is all about the love of the girl to the boy. It states in the flash fiction that
being in love to someone has a big effect to the person who is in love. The flash fiction
told us that not all feeling have to be told because maybe we get hurt.

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