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21st Century Literature from the Philippines

According to REES (1973)

Literature through expresses thought, attitudes, and feelings towards life.

According to MOODY (1987)

Literature is the offspring of our love to storytelling.

According to BOULTON (1980)

Literature that came from imaginative work that provides (4Rs)
Recognition, Revelation, Recreation and Redemption.

Literary Standards
Distinct characteristics of literature that differs literature from any other forms of writing.

1. PERMANANCE – endure across time

2. ARTISTIRY – shows sense of beauty
3. UNIVERSALITY – appeals to everyone regardless of culture
4. INTELLECTUAL VALUE – stimulates critical thinking (mental process)
5. SUGGESTUVENESS – suggest some images or messages
6. SPIRITUAL VALUE – upholds our spirit or soul that motivates and inspire readers
7. STYLE – presents peculiar ways of how man sees life

Functions of Literature
1. DULCE (Sweetness) – human pleasure – to entertain
2. UTILE (Usefulness) – human intellect – to teach
3. MOVERE (Move) – human function – to act

Other functions

1. As vehicle for self-expression

2. As a recorder of National History and its social and political upheavals
3. A tool for cultural transmission
4. Showcase of national Identity

Literature (from Latin litterae (plural); letter) is the art of written work, and is not confined to published sources
(although, under somecircumstances, unpublished sources can also be exempt). The word literature literally means
"things made from letters" and the term "letters" issometimes used to signify "literature," as in the figures of speech
"arts and letters" and "man of letters." The four ma or classifications of literatureare poetry, prose, fiction, and

1. ORAL LITERATURE - literary works transmitted from one generation to another verbally.
2. WRITTEN LITERATURE - literary works in printed form.
3. VISUAL LITERATURE - literary works presented in front of an audience.


PROSE is the most typical form of language, applying ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech
rather than rhythmic structure (as in traditional poetry).

1. Fiction - is the form of any narrative or informative work that deals, in part or in whole, with information or
events that are not factual, but rather, imaginary that is, invented by the author

2. Non-Fiction is the form of any narrative, account, or other communicative work whose assertions and
descriptions are understood to be factual.

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