English 10 3rd Q Summative

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Instructions: Readthe selectionthenresponse tothe questionsbychoosingthe correctanswer given.

Save Our Mother Earth Our Earth is the mostbeautiful planetinoursolarsystem.Asfar as we know,Earth is
the onlyplanetthathas life. Before 500 A.D.,man hada goodrelationshipwithMotherEarth.But since humans
developedcitiesandindustries,the modernlifestylehaschanged.Manhas beenusingand misusingnatural
resourcesuptothe limit.Now we are tearingupremote cornersof the planet lookingforcrude oil andcoal,
andour forestsandwildanimalsare disappearing.Our environmentistotallypolluted: we
drinkpollutedwater,inhale airfull of dust,andeatfood withtracesof pesticidesandothertoxicchemicals. Hence,
we are sufferingfromdiseases.Asa resultof humanactivities,the ozone layerhasa hole,the seaisrising,andthe
ice caps of Antarcticaand Greenlandare melting.Now globalwarmingiswarningusthatclimate change is
coming.MotherEarth isindanger;life on earth is indanger.Let uscome togethertosave our
1. As a resultof human activities,the ozone layer…
a) Has a hole b) Is melting c) Is deepening d) None from the given choices
2. Due to the mistreating of Mother Earth,what continent is now melting?
a) Greenland b) Antarctica c) Iceland d) Arctic 3.
Based on the selection,everything can just to get what type of minerals?
Crude oil and coal b) Diamonds and other rare gems c) Gold d) Phosphorus
Earth is described as … a) The second most beautiful planet b) The leastbeautiful planet c) The
dirtiestplanet d) The most beautiful planet
What isthe bestwayto save motherearth?
Planttrees b) Deforestation c) Cleansewerlines d) Cut treesforshelter
Instructions: Findthe antecedentforeachunderlined pronouninthe followingsentences.Write the
answerinyour paper. (5 points)
PastorTheodorFliednerbegan hisschool of nursingin1836.
7. Whenshe returnedhome,NightingaleestablishedhertrainingprogramatSaintThomas’s Hospital inLondon.
Anyschool for nursingcantrace its patternfortrainingthroughapprenticeshipprogram.
An apprentice’strainingwasonlygoodasthe nurse overseeing it.
10. Nurseshave manyresponsibilitiesassignedto them.
III. Instructions: Selectthe correctanswerfromthe choicesgiveninbrackets andwrite onyour paper.
11. How manytimeshasBill tolda lie to(his/ him) father?
12. Where didSallygowith(she / her) friendsyesterday?
13. I love goingtothe parkwithMark, eventhough(he /him) isa little odd.
14. The cat was takingcare of (its/ his) young.
15. The dog was chasing(her/ its) tail.
16. Many studentswonderwhere (they/them) will endupaftercollege.
17. A parentalwayswondersif (he orshe / they) are doingthe bestfor the kids.
18. How manytimesdidMr., Johnsonhave totell youto stay outof (his/he / him) yard?
19. I don’tknowwhat’sgottenintothe dogs but(them/ they) have beenbarkingall day.
20. Look at the motherand fatherbirdbuilding(their/its) nestinthe tree.
IV. Instructions: identifyeachof the boldedpronounsbelow aspersonal,demonstrative,relative, interrogative,
orindefinite. (10points)
21. The cyclistwho won the race trainedhard.
22. Didyou find anyone to take your shiftnextFridaysoyoucan go the concert?
23. WhenKen findsthe key, he will putitsome place safe.
24. These are the copiesof fingerprintsfromthe crime scene.
25. Whenwill yougive me the answertomy question? V. Instructions: choose the letterof the correct
26. It isusedto substitute anoun. a) Adjective b) Antecedent c) Pronoun d) Adverb
27. A type of pronounthat isusedto ask a question a) Personal b) Interrogative c) Indefinite d) Relative
28. Thistype of pronounintroducesaclause orpart of a sentence,thatdescribesanoun a) Personal b)
Interrogative c) Indefinite d) Relative
29. Choose the sentence inwhichthe quotationiscorrectlypunctuated.
"What if,"myfatherworried,"Ican't findthe car keys?" b) What if my fatherworried,"Ican't findthe car keys?"
c) "What if,"myfatherworried"Ican't findthe car keys." d) "What if, myfather”worried"Ican't findthe car
30. Choose the sentence inwhichthe quotationiscorrectlypunctuated.
a) BenjaminFranklinwrote "Onedayisworthtwotomorrows." b) BenjaminFranklinwrote,"One day
isworthtwotomorrows." c) BenjaminFranklinwrote,"One dayisworthtwotomorrows". d)
BenjaminFranklinwrote,one dayisworthtwotomorrows".
VI. Instructions: Identifywhatisbeingasked/described ineachsentence. Choose youranswerfrom the box
located below(10 points)
31. Who isthe author of “The Story of Keesh”?
32. What isthe theme of “The Story of Keesh”?
33. What isthe name of the boyfromthe story “A Day inthe Country”?
34. What isthe name of the oldman from the story “A Day inthe Country”?
35. What isthe name of the girl fromthe story “A Day inthe Country”?
36. Who isthe author of the story “A Day in the Country”?
37. A speechorpiece of writingthatpraisessomeone orsomethinghighly,typicallysomeonewho has justdied.
38. Speechintendedtoinformandtoshare new ideasandbuildperceptions.
39. What isthe title of the songaboutthe nature?
40. Who isthe artist of the songfromnumber39?
VII. Instructions: Write T if the statementisstatingafact and F if otherwise. (10points)
41. Terentygothishands stuckon a tree.
42. Keeshkilledafatherbearon hisfirsthunting.
43. Klosh-Kwanisthe chief of the village.
44. Bok waskilledbyaspear thrownbyKeesh.
45. FyoklaandDanilkaare fromrich family.
46. Hazel Grace eulogized Augustus before he died.
47. Bimand Bawn were senttospy onUgh Gluk.
Keeshputthe whale’sbonesinside the blubber.
49. The homelesscobblerisTerenty.
50. Keeshusedwitchcraftinsteadof headcraft. AntonChekhov Sacrifice/Heroism Happiness Fyokla Jack
London Terenty Danilka Eulogy Informative Paraiso SmokeyMountain
4. Key to correction: 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. Pastor Theodor Fliedner 7. Nightingale 8. Any school for
nursing 9. Apprentice’s training 10. Nurses 11. His 12. Her 13. He 14. Its 15. Its 16. They 17. He or She 18.
His 19. They 20. Their 21. Relative 22. Indefinite 23. Personal 24. Demonstrative 25. Interrogative 26. C 27.
B 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. Jack London 32. Sacrifice/Heroism 33. Danilka 34. Terenty 35. Fyokla 36. Anton
Chekhov 37. Eulogy 38. Informative 39. Paraiso 40. Smokey Mountain 41. F 42. F 43. T 44. F 45. F 46. T 47. F
48. T 49. T

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