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Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135

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How training on exact or approximate mental representations of number can

enhance first-grade students’ basic number processing and arithmetic skills
Andreas Obersteiner a, *, Kristina Reiss a, Stefan Ufer b
Heinz Nixdorf-Stiftungslehrstuhl für Didaktik der Mathematik, TUM School of Education, Technische Universität München, Schellingstr. 33, D-80799 München, Germany
Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Mathematik und Informatik, Mathematisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Theresienstr. 39, D-80333 München, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Theories of psychology and mathematics education recommend two instructional approaches to develop
Received 7 February 2012 students’ mental representations of number: The “exact” approach focuses on the development of exact
Received in revised form representations of organized dot patterns; the “approximate” approach focuses on the approximate
19 August 2012
representation of analogue magnitudes. This study provides for the first time empirical evidence for the
Accepted 21 August 2012
specific effects of these approaches by implementing them in a highly controlled learning environment.
147 first-graders were randomly assigned to one of three intervention groups that used an “exact”, an
“approximate”, or both versions of the same computer game, or to a control group. Performance on tasks
Mental number representations
Approximate number system
requiring exact or approximate number processing as well as achievement in arithmetic were measured
Computer-based intervention before and after the intervention. Results show that performance improved on tasks related to the exact
Numerical development or approximate number aspect trained, but there was no crossover effect. Achievement in arithmetic
Arithmetical competence increased for the experimental groups and tended to be higher after only exact or only approximate
training. Implications for teaching and learning in the classroom are discussed.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1.1. Cognitive systems for numerical representation

Children at a very young age seem to be able to mentally Evidence from infant studies (e.g., Feigenson & Carey, 2003;
represent small numerosities precisely and larger numerosities Feigenson, Carey, & Hauser, 2002; Feigenson & Halberda, 2004;
approximately. Through instruction, children are supposed to Wynn, 1992; Xu, 2003; see Barth, Baron, Spelke, & Carey, 2009),
further develop mental representations of numbers that are brain imaging (e.g., Dehaene, Piazza, Pinel, & Cohen, 2003; Kucian,
thought to be fundamental for higher-order arithmetical achieve- Aster, von Loenneker, Dietrich, & Martin, 2008; Piazza, Mechelli,
ment. The two primary approaches to achieving this are (1) using Butterworth, & Price, 2002; Pinel, Dehaene, Riviere, & LeBihan,
tasks and external representations that emphasize the exact 2001), and experimental psychology (e.g., Dehaene & Cohen,
meaning of numbers and (2) using tasks and external representa- 1994; Mandler & Shebo, 1982; Sekuler & Mierkiewicz, 1977;
tions that emphasize the approximate meaning of numbers. Both Simon, Peterson, Patel, & Sathian, 1998) suggests that basic
approaches are well grounded in theory and supported by some numerical processing is achieved through two distinct cognitive
empirical evidence. However, to our knowledge, no study has systems that represent numerical information (see Feigenson,
directly compared the differential effects of both approaches in Dehaene, & Spelke, 2004, for a review). While one system repre-
a controlled experimental setting. In this article, we present an sents small numerosities precisely, the other system represents
experimental study where we contrasted the two approaches at the larger numerosities approximately. Representation in the “exact”
middle of grade 1, when children learn to deal with numbers up to system is thought to be discrete, with each object in the external
20. In the following, we elaborate on the mental representations of world being represented by a mental entity. In the “approximate”
numbers, how these representations are related to further arith- system, numerosities are represented analogously, and the repre-
metical development, and how they can be enhanced by sentation gets more imprecise with increasing magnitude.
instruction. During numerical development, these non-verbal representations
become linked to verbal representations, such as number words, and
to symbolic representations, such as Arabic numbers. According to
* Corresponding author. models developed by Dehaene (1992) and Von Aster (2000), the two
E-mail address: (A. Obersteiner). non-verbal representations of number are integrated in one module,

0959-4752/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
126 A. Obersteiner et al. / Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135

which is responsible for the semantic understanding of numerical of mental number representations in children was enhanced and
information. Because they are developed prior to the other modules, the impact on achievement in arithmetic was evaluated. Those
the two non-verbal systems are thought to be the “core systems of studies differ in the instructional approach they pursue to enhance
number” (Feigenson et al., 2004, p. 307). either exact or approximate mental number representations.

1.2. Mental number representations and basic number processing 1.3. Two main approaches to enhance mental number
The exact cognitive number system is thought to underlie the
quick recognition of small numerosities, for which the term subitizing Following different theories about numerical development,
has been coined (e.g., Mandler & Shebo, 1982). When individuals are interventions differ in the types of problems children are asked to
asked to determine the numerosity of a set of objects, they have been solve and in the way numbers are externally represented. Some
found to be almost equally fast and precise for numerosities up to researchers argue that the approximate number system is most
three or four, but response times and error rates increase rapidly for important for numerical development (e.g., Dehaene, 2009). This
larger sets. This holds true when objects are presented in random would imply to prefer approximate external representations of
order. For organized arrangements, performance is faster and more numerical information rather than exact representations. Approx-
precise, because groups of objects can be seen as one entity repre- imate numerical information can be represented using discrete
senting a larger quantity (“conceptual subitizing”, cf. Clements, units like dots, when students are asked to estimate the numer-
1999). Performance on enumeration tasks with small numbers of osities of large sets of objects. A more frequently recommended
dots or with organized dot patterns can therefore be used as approach is to use analogue representations of numbers, such as an
a measure of subitizing and conceptual subitizing skills, respectively. empty number line (e.g., Beishuizen, 1999; Klein, Beishuizen, &
While successfully performing these tasks is thought to rely on Treffers, 1998), where students are asked to indicate the approxi-
the exact number system (see Section 1.1), number comparison mate position of numbers. In both cases, the relative numerical
tasks have frequently been used as a measure of the approximate magnitude is more important than the exact one. Recognizing
number system (e.g., De Smedt, Verschaffel, & Ghesquière, 2009; relative number magnitudes quickly is important for calculation, as
Sekuler & Mierkiewicz, 1977; Szücs & Goswami, 2007). In these it helps to find elaborated strategies. For instance, instead of adding
tasks, the larger of two numerosities (non-symbolic number 9, it may be easier to add 10 and take away 1. In order to recognize
comparison or magnitude comparison) or the larger of two number that this strategy is helpful a quick representation of the relative
symbols (symbolic number comparison) has to be determined. As it magnitudes of 9 and 10 is required.2
is not necessary (rather disadvantageous) to determine the exact Other researchers argue that recognizing small numerosities
difference of the numbers (or numerosities, respectively), or even (based on subitizing) is the most fundamental skill for numerical
to represent the numbers (resp. numerosities) exactly, number development (e.g., Clements, 1999; Butterworth, 2005). To make
comparison is regarded to rely on the approximate number system use of subitizing, larger sets of dots should be represented in
(see Gilmore, Attridge, & Inglis, 2011). Another task relying on the organized patterns, so that numerosity judgements can be made
approximate number system is approximate calculation (e.g., through conceptual subitizing (cf. Section 1.2). Moreover, using
Kucian et al., 2006). A typical task in this respect is to decide structures of ten could motivate students to group dots in tens and
whether 7 þ 8 is closer to 10 or 16. therefore prepare them to understand the decimal number system.
Performance on both types of tasks has proven to be relevant for In German grade 1 classrooms, the ten-frame and the twenty-frame
further numerical development in children. For example, Landerl, are popular examples for such an instructional approach. In addition
Bevan, and Butterworth (2004; see Koontz & Berch, 1996; Penner- to groups of ten, these external representations make use of groups
Wilger, Fast, LeFevre, & Smith-Chant, 2007) found that eight to of five so that conceptual subitizing can be developed progressively.
nine year old children with severe problems in mathematics also The twenty-frame is considered particularly helpful when students
showed deficits in subitizing. The same seems to hold true for learn to add single-digit numbers with carries over ten. The theo-
conceptual subitizing (Mulligan, Mitchelmore, & Prescott, 2006). retical assumption is that externally representing such additions
An even larger body of evidence has shown that approximate could result in mental representations with equivalent structures.
number processing is related to arithmetical achievement. In There is limited evidence for each of the abovementioned
a longitudinal study, Halberda, Mazzocco, and Feigenson (2008) instructional approaches. Kucian et al. (2011; cf. Siegler & Ramani,
found that performance on a non-symbolic number comparison 2009; Ramani & Siegler, 2011) trained preschool children with low
task at grade nine was retrospectively predictive for mathematics numerical abilities using a computer game, in which the player had
achievement in each year from kindergarten to grade 6. For the to navigate a landing rocket onto the correct position on a horizontal
symbolic number comparison task, De Smedt et al. (2009) showed number line. The game aimed at developing a mental number line.
that performance in grade 1 was substantially correlated with Indeed, Kucian et al. could show that after a training phase of 15 min,
performance in arithmetic in grade 2. Siegler and Opfer (2004) five days a week, for five weeks, students performed better on
asked children to indicate the position of a given number symbol arithmetical tasks. Particularly high training gains were found for
on an empty number line. Performance on this task was related to low-achieving children on number line tasks. Training effects could
achievement in mathematics in kindergartners as well as in also be found on brain activation in parietal brain areas, hinting to
students in grade 1 and grade 2. a qualitative change of mental processing after training and sup-
The assumption that performance on the abovementioned basic porting the existence of an approximate cognitive number system
number processing tasks is relevant for arithmetic development is (see Section 1.1). Wilson, Dehaene, Dubois, and Fayol (2009) also
largely based on correlation or regression analysis.1 There are only aimed at the development of children’s approximate mental
a small number of intervention studies, in which the development number representation. In their game “The Number Race” (Wilson
et al., 2006), the player has to make number comparison

The same holds true for the relevancy of other basic number processing tasks,
such as counting (Aunio & Niemivirta, 2010; Krajewski & Schneider, 2009) or This is of course not sufficient to solve the task completely. To do so, exact
focusing on numerosity (Hannula & Lehtinen, 2005). calculation is necessary as well.
A. Obersteiner et al. / Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135 127

judgements with symbolic and non-symbolic numbers (sets of Table 1

dots), and move the game characters on a linear game board. Study design and sample sizes.

Kindergartners participated in six training sessions of 20 min each. “Approximate” training

Compared to a control group, children improved significantly in Yes No
symbolic number comparison but not in non-symbolic comparison
“Exact” training Yes AE E
or in addition, indicating that they learned to tighten the link Approximate & exact Exact
between symbolic and non-symbolic number representations. n ¼ 39 n ¼ 39
While these studies showed that there were positive effects of No A CG
Approximate Control group
training focusing on the approximate number system, Frank and
n ¼ 35 n ¼ 34
Barner (2011) explored the effects of expertise in the use of exact
visual images for specific numbers (cf. Stigler, 1984). The abacus is
a physical device that represents numbers via beads that are For both kinds of training, learning gains were expected to be
arranged in columns, with each column representing a place value. higher than in a control condition without training (Hypothesis 1).
After intensive training, visual images of specific abacus states may Considering the theoretical distinction between an exact and an
help to mentally represent exact numbers. Frank and Barner found approximate cognitive system for representing numbers, differen-
that children who were experts in mental abacus showed specific tial effects were expected, that means, the effects are restricted to
performance patterns, thus hinting at a mental representation of the type of numerical processing (exact or approximate) that is
exact abacus states. trained (Hypothesis 2).
These findings support the hypotheses that approximate and exact
instructional approaches have a positive impact on numerical devel- b) Are there differential effects on achievement in arithmetic?
opment compared to a control condition, but they do not reveal if one
approach is advantageous over the other. There is only one study that Both instructional approaches were expected to have a positive
has directly compared both approaches (Räsänen, Salminen, Wilson, impact on achievement in arithmetic (Hypothesis 3). Due to the
Aunio, & Dehaene, 2009): One intervention group used the lack of empirical evidence we were not able to predict whether one
“Number Race” (Wilson et al., 2006; see above) to enhance approxi- approach had a larger effect than the other.
mate mental number representations, and the other group used the
game “Graphogame-Math”, which uses exact numerosities and 3. Methods
number symbols to enhance the exact representation of numbers. The
player’s task in the latter game is to select the correct visually pre- 3.1. Sample and study design
sented number that corresponds to an auditory probe. Visual numbers
are represented in organized dot patterns, number symbols or addi- To investigate differential effects of exact and approximate
tions and subtractions. In the study by Räsänen et al. (2009), 30 training, we chose a 2  2-design with pre and post measures. The
preschool children underwent daily trainings over a three weeks exact and the approximate treatments were realized in half of the
period. The main result was that the Graphogame-Math group sample, resulting in four intervention groups (see Table 1): Group A
showed particular improvement in comparing small numbers, while (“approximate”) received approximate training only, group E (“exact”)
the Number Race group showed particular improvement in received exact training only. Group AE (“approximate þ exact”) was
comparing larger numbers. The authors interpret their findings in treated with both trainings, alternating in each session, and group CG
terms of different strategies that children used to perform comparison (“control group”) did not have any numerical training. Instead, this
tasks. While children of the Graphogame-Math group had learned to group received language training.
represent exact numbers, children of the Number Race group had The original sample consisted of N ¼ 204 first-grade students from
activated an approximate number representation, thus out- eleven classrooms at four German primary schools. The students were
performing the other group with larger numbers. However, it can be randomly assigned to one of the four groups with the restriction that
argued that the two groups played different games that differed also in each group was represented equally within each classroom. Due to
their overall design. Furthermore, it is an open question whether illness during the intervention or test sessions, there were 57 drop-
a combination of both trainings adds up to even better performance. outs, resulting in a final sample of 147 children (mean age: 6.91 years,
To summarize, there is limited empirical evidence showing that SD ¼ 0.39, 75 female). The final numbers of students in each group are
specific training based on either an exact or an approximate displayed in Table 1. There were no significant group differences with
instructional approach has positive effects compared to no specific respect to age, F(3, 143) ¼ 1.33, p ¼ .267, or the number of female
training. However, there is no evidence so far contrasting the effects students, c2 (3, N ¼ 147) ¼ 4.39, p ¼ .223.
of an exact and an approximate instructional approach within
a rigorously controlled learning environment. Moreover, the impact 3.2. Computer games
on achievement in arithmetic in a broader sense is still unclear.
To implement the trainings in a highly controlled manner we
2. Research questions and hypotheses opted for a computer-based intervention. We designed two
versions of the same computer game to make sure that training
The aim of our study was to implement an “exact” (using effects were due to the differences in the relevant aspects rather
organized dot patterns to enhance exact mental number repre- than in the overall game design. “The Number Race” is a computer
sentations) and an “approximate” (using random dot patterns and game that has been developed by Wilson et al. (2006; see Section
analogue representations to enhance approximate mental number 1.3) with the aim of remediating dyscalculia. We used this open
representations) instructional approach in a highly controlled source software3 as a basis and developed two new game versions.
manner, and to compare the effects on achievement in arithmetic. The overall design of the original game is described in detail by
We addressed two major research questions:

a) Are there differential effects of exact or approximate training 3

The software is freely available under
on basic number processing skills in children at grade 1? page¼NumberRace.
128 A. Obersteiner et al. / Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135

Fig. 1. First (left) and second (right) screen of the approximate version.

Wilson et al. (2006). The game that is introduced in the following end square rather than on each square the character would pass.
contains elements of the original game as well as newly developed Only then the character would move.
ones. Section 3.2.1 refers to both the approximate and the exact To make sure that students understood how to play the game,
game version and Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 refer to the specific there were tutorial video-clips that were presented at the begin-
elements of each game version separately. ning and at specific moments throughout the game. For instance,
when a player used counting strategies to move his/her character,
3.2.1. Overview of the game4 a video-clip was presented that explained more elaborated strate-
Basically, the game consists of two screens. On the first screen the gies (depending on the game version: estimating the distances on
player can collect diamonds by solving a numerical task. Tasks are the game board or using the game board’s structure; see Sections
represented in symbolic format using Arabic symbols, in non- 3.2.2 and 3.2.3) to find the correct position on the board.
symbolic format (diamonds), or in verbal format (spoken Several process data such as the number of tasks performed,
language). Solving a task means to choose the correct of two possible response times, and accuracy are saved in log-files (see Section 4.1).
answers that appear on the left and on the right side of the screen,
respectively. The player has to respond quickly, because otherwise 3.2.2. Approximate version
the computer-driven competitor character will collect the diamonds. The approximate game version is similar to the original game
Once the player has made his/her choice, the second screen appears, developed by Wilson et al. (2006). It involves tasks for which an
where he/she can use his/her diamonds to move his/her and the approximate representation of numbers and numerosities is
competitor’s character on a game board, consisting of 40 squares. advantageous over the use of exact representations. There are
Each player is allowed to move the number of squares corresponding number comparison tasks, in which the player has to choose the
to the number of diamonds he/she has collected. When the player larger of two quantities. Depending on the level, there are estima-
reaches the end of the board first, he/she wins the game and collects tion and approximate calculation tasks. With these tasks, an addi-
a reward. With enough rewards collected the player can unlock an tional display panel (hereafter referred to as “upper panel”) appears
additional character to be used in the next games. on the first screen and two fish appear on the left and on the right
There is an adaptive algorithm, adjusting to the player’s side of the screen (see Fig. 1). In estimation tasks, a quantity appears
performance in three dimensions. The first dimension increases the in the upper panel. The two fish at the bottom, which are introduced
difficulty of the tasks (see Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3). The second to be very bad at maths, make guesses on the number of the
dimension is speed. The player is forced to give faster responses due quantity presented. The player has to choose the better guess. While
to the increasing speed of the competitor. The third dimension, one of these guesses differs only 1 from the exact number, the other
conceptual complexity, increases task difficulty by specific features guess differs more than 2. Considering the time pressure posed by
that are defined by 44 game levels. For example, with increasing the computer-driven competitor, the player has to rely on an
game level, quantities are represented more frequently in symbolic approximate strategy to make a fast and correct choice. In approx-
format rather than in non-symbolic format. The contents of the imate calculation tasks, the amount of diamonds is presented as an
levels were designed to be as highly comparable as possible addition or subtraction problem. Difficulty is increased by
between the two versions of the game (see Appendix, for detailed decreasing the ratio between the numbers that need to be compared
descriptions). The game level progressively increases by 1 when and by choosing larger numbers. In the approximate version, sets of
performance is high. The number range for the tasks is 1e10 for the diamonds are always presented in random arrangements.
first 22 game levels, and is extended to 20 for further levels. In On the second screen (see Fig. 1) the game board appears. Unlike
game level 23, the board on the second screen is being extended to in the exact game version (see Section 3.2.3), the squares of the
60 squares, so that the duration of a game is sufficiently long. The board are not visible, so that the board is more similar to a contin-
algorithm adapts to the player’s performance on the last 20 tasks, uous line and the player has to rely on approximate strategies in
and targets at an average performance of 75% correct. order to move his/her character to the correct position. Symbolic
As the aim of the intervention was to foster students’ non-verbal numbers on the right of the board indicate the number of squares
exact or approximate mental number representations, the player is after each line.
encouraged not to use counting strategies for moving the charac-
ters on the board. The player is forced to click directly on the correct 3.2.3. Exact version
The exact version of the game involves tasks that cannot be
solved reliably by only activating approximate mental representa-
Further development of the new game versions is still ongoing. The software tions, but require an exact processing of numbers and numerosities.
(German version only) will be available on request by the end of 2013. The upper panel is present in all the tasks, and a quantity is presented
A. Obersteiner et al. / Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135 129

Fig. 2. First (left) and second (right) screen of the exact version.

(see Fig. 2). The player’s task is to identify the same quantity on the time limit was 15 s.5 After pressing the space bar, the students had
left or on the right. While on one side the exact quantity appears, the to type in their response. Relevant keys were labelled on the
quantity on the other side is by 1 larger or smaller. Thus, the player keyboard. Each numerosity from 1 to 20 appeared exactly once in
cannot rely on an approximate strategy but has to identify the exact random order. To assess subitizing, only items with 1e3 dots were
amount. Difficulty is increased by increasing the numbers. In the considered for the analysis, as larger numerosities would reflect
exact version, sets of diamonds are always presented in grouped counting skills.6
patterns with structures of five and ten (twenty-frame).
Like in the original version there are squares on the game board Conceptual subitizing (20 items). The presentation was
of the second screen (see Fig. 2). In addition, the board is divided nearly the same as in the subitizing task. However, dots were given
into sections of five squares. The player can use the structure in in either red or blue colour (randomized across items) and in
order to move his/her character and does not need to rely on structures of five and ten, just as they usually appear on a twenty-
approximation or counting strategies. frame. The time limit was 10 s.

3.2.4. Control group Magnitude comparison (20 items). After a fixation cross,
Students of the control group used the software “Oriolus” sets of randomly arranged dots appeared on the left and on the
(Oriolus Lernprogramme, 2010), a learning environment on German right side of the screen for a maximum of 4 s. Students had to
language for grades 1e4. Children can choose tasks from different indicate the larger amount of dots by pressing a corresponding key.
units (e.g., word spelling, reading) with increasing difficulty. The difference between the magnitudes varied from 1 to 12. There
were two trials for each of the differences 1e8 and one trial for each
of the differences 9e12. Order of presentation was randomized. In
3.3. Pre and post measures one half of the trials the total area of both sets of dots was equal, in
the other half dot sizes were equal. The side of the correct answer
Pre and post measures were designed to tap performance on (left or right) was counterbalanced across trials.
exact or approximate basic number processing tasks that were
closely related to the intervention, and performance on arithmet- Number comparison (20 items). This task was nearly the
ical tasks that were not directly trained. Basic number processing same as the magnitude comparison task, with the only difference
was assessed by computerized tests; achievement in arithmetic that number symbols (sized approximately 8  4 cm) were pre-
was assessed by a paper-pencil achievement test. sented instead of dots. The selected numbers were equivalent in
their magnitudes to those of the magnitude comparison tasks.
3.3.1. Tests of basic number processing
We distinguished between “exact” and “approximate” basic Approximate calculation (10 items). After a fixation cross, an
number processing tasks. The former type of tasks required deter- addition or subtraction task appeared on the screen for 3 s,
mining numerosities precisely, whereas for the latter type of tasks followed by two numbers, one on the left and one on the right side
approximate number processing was more efficient (see Section 1.2). of the screen. Students had to estimate the result of the calculation
Exact number processing tasks included subitizing and conceptual and to choose the nearest number. The alternative numbers
subitizing, approximate number processing tasks included magni- differed 1 or more than 2 from the exact result and were presented
tude comparison, number comparison, and approximate calculation. on the left or on the right equally often.
All tasks were administered in groups of 12e18 children. Each
student sat in front of one computer and used headphones. Video- 3.3.2. Test of achievement in arithmetic
based instruction was given before each task. After the instruction, Items for the paper-pencil arithmetic test were taken from the
practice trials were presented and immediate feedback was given. “Hamburger Rechentest” (Lorenz, 2007). The test consisted of 45
During the test phase, no feedback was given. Response times and
accuracy were recorded by the computer, using E-Prime 2.0 software
(Schneider, Eschman, & Zuccolotto, 2002).
Time limits for this and the following tasks were adjusted according to the
results of a pilot study. Subitizing (3 items). A fixation cross (2 s) was followed by 6
Dividing dot enumeration into a subitizing range and a counting range is
a number of randomly arranged same-sized dots in black colour a commonly applied method to assess subitizing (e.g., Landerl et al., 2004). As we
against a white background. Students were instructed to press the did not aim at enhancing counting abilities, these data are not considered for
space bar as soon as they knew the correct number of dots. The further analysis.
130 A. Obersteiner et al. / Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135

Table 2
Log-file data for the three experimental groups.

Group A Group E Group AE All

Level max 40.14 5.42 41.03 5.84 39.00 5.92 40.05 5.75

Total number 206.89 31.92 222.72 34.45 208.05 37.45 212.75 35.23
Accuracy rate (%) 83.82 6.31 78.10 9.88 79.94 6.06 80.50 7.95
Response time (msec) 3296.00 1198.14 4051.28 1053.91 3650.39 864.85 3678.98 1077.41

Clicks on game board

Total number 1879.31 912.44 846.00 479.20 1324.67 600.98 1331.26 793.14
Accuracy rate (%) 22.69 10.90 50.50 21.83 28.86 12.07 34.42 19.77

items distributed over the following five subscales: On the task To analyze the treatment effects we conducted a two-way
“preceding/succeeding numbers” (10 items), the students were pre- analysis of covariance for each task, including the factors Approxi-
sented one of three consecutive numbers (up to 20) and asked to find mate (yes/no) and Exact (yes/no), with pre-test performance as
the remaining two numbers, on “number sequences” (7 items), the covariate and post-test performance as the dependent variable. A-
students had to recognize the pattern of a number sequence made of priori-contrasts (with one-tailed t-tests) were used to compare
four numbers in order to continue the sequence by two more performance of the three experimental groups (A, E, AE) to the
numbers, on “number ordering” (6 items), the students had to place control group (CG).
four randomly arranged numbers in the correct order, on “addition/
subtraction” (16 items), the students had to solve addition and 4. Results
subtraction tasks, on “number line” (6 items), the students were
asked to identify the correct numbers that corresponded to two We first checked whether there were any significant group
marked positions on a number line. There were 0-to-10 number lines differences in pre-test measures. As expected, this was the case
on which the locations of 0, 5 and 10 were labelled, and 0-to-20 neither for any of the basic number processing tasks nor for the
number lines on which the locations of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 were arithmetic achievement test, Fs < 2.15, ps > .097. To check the
labelled. For each subscale, there was a time limit between 1 and success of the intervention we first report on the results of process
3 min. The reliability of the test was high (Cronbach-a ¼ .86 for pre- data analyses. Then we present the intervention effects on basic
test and .87 for post-test). number processing and on arithmetical achievement.

3.4. Procedure 4.1. Manipulation check

Students whose parents had given written informed consent were Table 2 shows descriptive results of the log-files for the three
randomly assigned to one of the four intervention groups (see Section experimental groups (A, E, AE). One-way analyses of variance with
3.1). Half of the students (about 12) of one classroom at a time the factor Group (A, E, AE) revealed that there were no significant
participated in each intervention session in a separate room. For all differences in the maximum game level the students achieved, F(2,
groups, there were 10 training sessions of 30 min each, over a period 110) ¼ 1.22, p ¼ .299, or in the number of tasks the students played,
of 4 weeks. The students also participated in regular classroom F(2, 110) ¼ 2.46, p ¼ .091. Therefore, students of both experimental
instruction. During the intervention sessions, two trained student groups had a comparable exposure to the intervention tasks.
assistants supervised the children and were prepared to give poten- With respect to mean accuracy rates for the tasks in the game,
tial advice. They were instructed to watch students’ performance and there were significant differences between groups, F(2, 110) ¼ 5.30,
to start tutorial video-clips (see Section 3.2.2) when required. p ¼ .006, partial h2 ¼ 0.088. Post-hoc Scheffé-tests revealed that
only the difference between groups A and E was significant
(p ¼ .007), but not between the other groups (ps > .098), with
3.5. Statistical analysis
higher accuracy rates for group A. With respect to the mean
response times there was also a significant effect of Group, F(2,
As the computerized tasks are easy to solve for first-grade
110) ¼ 4.87, p ¼ .009, partial h2 ¼ 0.081. Students of group A were
students, high accuracy rates with ceiling effects were expected.7
faster in solving the tasks than students of group E (p ¼ .010),
Thus, only response time data were considered to evaluate the
without significant differences between the other groups
treatment effects.8 Error trials and trials with response times that
(ps > .240). The tasks in the approximate game version seemed to
deviated more than two standard deviations from the individual
be slightly easier than the tasks in the exact version.
mean were excluded from further analysis. If all items of one task
There was a significant effect of Group on the total number of
had maximum response time (indicating inattention or problems
clicks on the game board, F(2, 110) ¼ 21.34, p < .001, partial
with task procedure), this student’s data were excluded from
h2 ¼ 0.280, with higher numbers of clicks for group A, followed by
analyses of the respective task. Furthermore, two outliers were
group AE and group E (all group differences significant, ps < .05).
excluded for number comparison (post measurement), and six
There was also a significant effect of Group on the relative number
outliers for subitizing (one at pre and five at post measurement).
of times the students clicked onto the correct square, F(2,
110) ¼ 31.99, p < .001, partial h2 ¼ 0.368, with higher accuracy rates
for group E (ps < .001) but no difference between groups A and AE
For example, high accuracy rates for number comparison tasks in students at
the beginning of first-grade are reported by De Smedt et al. (2009).
(p ¼ .265). These data indicate that for students in the exact version
Accuracy data was only considered to analyze students’ success on training it was easier to find the correct square on the board, whereas
tasks, but not on pre and post-test measures. students in the approximate version found it hard to find the
A. Obersteiner et al. / Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135 131

Table 3
Estimated marginal means and standard errors of the mean for response times (in
msec) in basic number processing tasks.

Group A Group E Group AE Group CG

Subitizing 135 1568 84 1643 78 1649 82 1789 85
Conceptual subitizing 144 2450 125 2152 118 2365 118 2618 125
Magnitude comparison 147 795 24 893 23 802 23 883 24
Number comparison 145 888 25 921 24 892 24 965 26
Approximate calculation 147 1768 99 1877 99 1797 99 2114 108

control group revealed significantly higher performance for the

experimental groups as compared to the control group,
t(131) ¼ 1.73, p ¼ .044, d ¼ 0.43.
For the conceptual subitizing task, there was a significant main
effect for Exact, F(1, 139) ¼ 5.10, p ¼ .025, partial h2 ¼ 0.035, with
higher performance for groups with exact training as compared to
groups without exact training. No significant effects were found for
Approximate, F(1, 139) ¼ 0.03, p ¼ .855, partial h2 < 0.001, or the
interaction, F(1, 139) ¼ 2.45, p ¼ .120, partial h2 ¼ 0.017. The a-
priori-contrast between experimental and control groups showed
an advantage for the experimental groups, t(141) ¼ 2.09, p ¼ .019,
Fig. 3. Mean level as a function of the number of tasks played, for the three experi- d ¼ 0.56.
mental groups. Number of tasks is restricted to 227, as less than 25% of students played For magnitude comparison, there was a main effect of Approx-
even more tasks. Thus, the data is not reliable for larger numbers of tasks. Note that in imate, F(1, 142) ¼ 14.15, p < .001, partial h2 ¼ 0.091, indicating
this figure levels are numbered from 0 to 43.
higher performance for groups with approximate training, but no
significant effect of Exact, F(1, 142) ¼ 0.12, p ¼ .730, partial
h2 ¼ 0.001, and also no interaction effect, F(1, 142) < 0.01, p ¼ .953,
correct square, so that they clicked more often onto incorrect partial h2 < 0.001. Again, experimental groups showed higher
squares. This finding can be explained by the differences in the performance than the control group, t(144) ¼ 1.77, p ¼ .039,
board design (see Section 3.2). In the approximate version, the d ¼ 0.44.
squares were not visible, so that students were forced to use an The same picture appeared for the number comparison task,
approximate strategy in order to find the correct position. In the namely a significant main effect of Approximate, F(1, 140) ¼ 4.51,
exact version, students could use the structure of the board. All in p ¼ .036, partial h2 ¼ 0.031, with higher performance for groups
all, the strategies used on the game board seem to be as intended. with approximate training. The effect of Exact was not significant,
The content of tasks differed between the versions of the game. F(1, 140) ¼ 0.68, p ¼ .411, partial h2 ¼ 0.005, and neither was the
To compare students’ success throughout the game, we plotted the interaction effect, F(1, 140) ¼ 0.97, p ¼ .325, partial h2 ¼ 0.007.
game level that a student had reached as a function of the number Contrasting experimental and control groups confirmed higher
of tasks he/she had solved. There was some deviation between performance for experimental groups, t(142) ¼ 2.19, p ¼ .015,
individual students. However, when we compared the group means d ¼ 0.30.
(see Fig. 3), the graphs were nearly identical. Thus, the students of For the approximate calculation task the analysis also revealed
each group proceeded in the game in a highly comparable way. a significant effect of Approximate, F(1, 141) ¼ 4.37, p ¼ .038, partial
In summary, though there were slight differences in difficulty h2 ¼ 0.030, indicating higher performance for groups with
with respect to the tasks and the proceeding on the game board, the approximate training as compared to groups without approximate
overall success in the game versions was highly comparable training, but no effect of Exact, F(1, 141) ¼ 1.03, p ¼ .313, partial
between the experimental groups. h2 ¼ 0.007, and no interaction effect, F(1, 141) ¼ 1.68, p ¼ .198,
partial h2 ¼ 0.012. The experimental groups performed significantly
4.2. Effects on basic number processing better than the control group, t(143) ¼ 2.46, p ¼ .008, d ¼ 1.65.
To summarize, the approximate training had positive effects
As expected, there was a decrease in reaction times from pre to only on tasks that were supposed to rely on the approximate
post measurement for the whole sample for all tasks, indicating mental representation of number. The exact training had positive
a general improvement after a period of five weeks.9 The estimated effects only on the conceptual subitizing task, which was supposed
marginal means of the analyses of covariance for all groups are to rely on the exact number representation, but not on subitizing.
displayed in Table 3. Contrasting the experimental groups and the control group
For subitizing, there was no significant main effect of Exact, F(1, revealed significantly higher performance for the experimental
129) ¼ 0.15, p ¼ .696, partial h2 ¼ 0.001, or Approximate, F(1, groups in all tasks.
129) ¼ 1.70, p ¼ .195, partial h2 ¼ 0.013, and also no interaction
effect, F(1, 129) ¼ 1.89, p ¼ .171, partial h2 ¼ 0.014, indicating no 4.3. Effects on arithmetical achievement
specific effects of the approximate or the exact intervention. Only
the a-priori-comparison between the experimental groups and the Comparing the mean scores at pre (M ¼ 24.28, SD ¼ 6.13) and
post (M ¼ 27.86, SD ¼ 6.50) measurement revealed the expected
overall improvement in arithmetical achievement for the whole
These data are not presented here, as we were interested in group differences sample. The estimated marginal means of the analysis of covariance
after the training rather than in the overall improvements from pre to post-test. are displayed in Table 4.
132 A. Obersteiner et al. / Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135

Table 4
Estimated marginal means of arithmetical performance (test score).

Group A Group E Group AE Group CG

Arithmetical achievement 28.72 0.85 28.68 0.80 27.51 0.80 26.43 0.86
Preceding/succeeding numbers 10.03 0.23 9.42 0.21 9.41 0.21 9.14 0.23
Number sequences 3.87 0.33 4.26 0.32 3.96 0.32 3.66 0.34
Number ordering 4.68 0.21 4.74 0.20 4.64 0.20 4.52 0.21
Addition/subtraction 7.32 0.43 7.95 0.41 7.34 0.41 7.04 0.44
Number line 2.36 0.25 2.50 0.24 2.50 0.24 1.96 0.26

The analysis of covariance revealed no significant effect of Exact, which relies on the exact number representation, only the exact but
F(1, 142) ¼ 0.39, p ¼ .533, partial h2 ¼ 0.003, and no significant not the approximate approach improved performance. This means
effect of Approximate, F(1, 142) ¼ 0.46, p ¼ .499, partial h2 ¼ 0.003. that there was no crossover effect between enhanced approximate
However, there was a significant interaction effect, F(1, 142) ¼ 4.39, and exact number processing, corroborating the theory that
p ¼ .038, partial h2 ¼ 0.030. approximate and exact number processing rely on distinct cogni-
Fig. 4 illustrates this effect. While group A and group E showed tive systems (see Section 1.1; Hypothesis 2). Hence, neither the
equal performance on a high level, group AE showed lower approximate nor the exact instructional approach in isolation was
performance than both groups, but still better performance than sufficient to enhance all kinds of numerical skills (cf. Butterworth,
the control group. The exact and the approximate training seemed 2005; Dehaene, 2009), so that both aspects of number processing
to be equally effective and to be more effective when they were not need to be addressed by instruction.
combined. Post-hoc analyses revealed that only the comparisons of Students of all experimental groups together improved their
group A versus control group and group E versus control group subitizing skills more than students of the control group, but there
were marginally significant (p ¼ .059 and p ¼ .057 respectively), were no main effects for exact or approximate training. Thus,
while all other group differences were not significant (ps > .300). numerical training had a general positive effect on the skill to
However, the a-priori-contrast comparing the experimental groups quickly determine small numerosities. In view of the relatively
to the control groups was significant, t(144) ¼ 1.91, p ¼ .029, large response times for subitizing and the method of assessment,
d ¼ 0.40, revealing higher performance for the experimental groups it could be discussed if we indeed assessed what is usually labelled
as compared to the control group. “subitizing”, or if improvements in performance could also be due
To analyze potential training effects on the various aspects of to enhanced counting or a general improvement in giving fast
arithmetical achievement in more detail, we analyzed each responses (see below). Considering that the subitizing range
subscale of the arithmetical achievement test separately.10 The increases only from about 3 in young children to about 5 in adults,
descriptive data (see Table 4) suggest that for almost all subscales, the trainability of this skill may be very limited and for the most
students of group E had highest performance and students of the part restricted to response time measures.
control group had lowest performance. However, there were no We found a main effect of exact training on conceptual subitizing.
significant effects of Exact, F(1, 142) < 1.86, p > .174, or Approximate, In the conceptual subitizing task, exactly the same organized dot
F(1, 142) < 0.66, p > .422, on any of these subscales, and there were patterns were used as in the exact game version. Thus, the effect
no interaction effects either, F(1, 142) < 1.16, p > .287. could be restricted to the specific representation rather than

5. Discussion

We contrasted an “exact” and an “approximate” instructional

approach to enhance mental representations of numbers in first-
grade students. To realize these approaches we used two
different versions of one computer game (based on “The Number
Race” by Wilson et al., 2006), that differed in the relevant aspects
with respect to an exact or an approximate instructional approach
but were identical in the overall design. The log-file data confirmed
that performance throughout the game was highly comparable
across the experimental groups. We were interested in the differ-
ential effects of each approach.
As we had hypothesized, the increase of performance on basic
numerical processing from pre-test to post-test was more
pronounced for students who had received mathematical training
compared to students who had received language training
(Hypothesis 1). This result showed that basic number processing
skills could be enhanced within ten training sessions.
For each task relying on the approximate number representa-
tion, only the approximate but not the exact instructional approach
Fig. 4. Interaction effect between the “approximate” and the “exact” teaching
improved performance. Analogously, for conceptual subitizing,
approach with respect to arithmetical achievement: The diagram shows the estimated
marginal means on the post-test of arithmetical achievement, corrected for pre-test
performance. Performance was highest for students who received only approximate
Due to ceiling effects in the subscale “preceding/succeeding numbers” in pre- but not exact or only exact but not approximate training, followed by combined
test and post-test, this subscale was not taken into account. training and the control group (neither exact nor approximate training).
A. Obersteiner et al. / Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135 133

revealing a general improvement in conceptual subitizing. Never- between the sessions. From a mathematics education perspective,
theless, we may argue that this finding is of particular interest to a combination of both approaches is certainly necessary to develop
mathematics education. The use of organized dot patterns in math- flexible numerical understanding in the long run. Our results do not
ematics classroom instruction is considered to support numerical support this assumption at first sight. However, we should be
learning (e.g., McGuire, Kinzie, & Berch, 2012). There are strong cautious when generalizing our findings. We trained very specific
theoretical assumptions that the use of such representations skills, using a very restricted method, and connections between the
enhances the development of equivalent mental representations in two skills were not part of the training. Moreover, compared to the
students (cf. Chao, Stigler, & Woodward, 2000). However, to our long-lasting development of number concepts, our intervention
knowledge, there is no empirical evidence so far that students was very short. Second, none of the two teaching approaches was
understand the concept of the twenty-frame. On the contrary, there advantageous over the other. Instead, both approximate and exact
is even some evidence that low-achieving children had problems in training led to equal performance in arithmetic. The descriptive
understanding the concept of manipulatives with organized patterns results pattern suggests that both enhanced approximate number
even after they had used them in the classroom (Lorenz, 1998). Our processing (as highlighted by Dehaene, 2009) and enhanced exact
findings provide some evidence that students e at least after specific number processing (as highlighted by Butterworth, 2005) can
training e improve their skills in recognizing the correct number on contribute to performance in arithmetic. Further research studying
the twenty-frame. As the students received no further instruction on the effects of basic number processing on different facets of arith-
the concept of the twenty-frame, we can be confident that during metic skills is certainly needed (see below).
regular classroom instruction, most students will understand this All in all, the effects of the training programmes on arithmetical
concept. achievement were quite small. This is in line with other interven-
With respect to the effects of approximate training on comparison tion studies (see Räsänen et al., 2009) and it reveals once more that
tasks, we found even higher effect sizes for magnitude comparison though basic number processing is certainly an important prereq-
than for number comparison. In contrast, Wilson et al. (2009) found uisite, arithmetical achievement is a complex construct involving
positive effects on number comparison tasks but not on magnitude other important facets. For example, several studies have shown
comparison tasks in low-achieving preschool children. Our diverging that counting abilities are an important prerequisite for higher-
findings may be due to the more intensive training (300 min versus order arithmetical achievement (e.g., Aunio & Niemivirta, 2010;
120 min) or to the method of measurement. While in the Wilson et al. Krajewski & Schneider, 2009). In our study, counting abilities
study children had to respond to cards with dots that were presented were considered neither in the training nor in the tests. Thus, there
in individual settings and the number of correctly answered items could be other relevant basic skills that were not taken into
was used as a measure, we used computerized tests and response account. From a theoretical perspective, exploring the specific
time measures. It is possible that improvement in performance could relationship between basic number processing and further arith-
only be measurable by means of response times but not accuracy metical development is still an important challenge, as it may
rates. This raises the more general question on how reliable we can indeed not be as clear as it has been suggested by the above-
measure very basic numerical skills. In a recent study, Gilmore et al. mentioned studies that used correlation or regression analyses. For
(2011) showed that performance on different tasks involving example, Schneider, Grabner, and Paetsch (2009) found that the use
approximate number processing were not correlated. Therefore, we of the internal mental number line was virtually unrelated to
should be cautious about interpreting performance on single tasks as mathematical achievement in 5th and 6th graders, when several
a measure of the related mental representation. Further research is other measures were taken into account.
certainly needed to clarify this issue. In which way approximate or exact number processing skills
With regard to arithmetical achievement, we found a significant contribute to different facets of arithmetical achievement (see
positive effect of numerical training as compared to language Sections 1.2 and 1.3) has to remain unanswered by our data. This
training (Hypothesis 3). This finding supports the idea that training counts even more, as we did not find any significant effects of
on very basic number processing can have a positive impact on training on the subscales of the arithmetical achievement test, not
arithmetical achievement in a broader sense. This finding adds to even for tasks that seem to be strongly related to one of the training
the literature, where the relationship between basic number pro- programme (e.g., “number line” should be related to the approxi-
cessing and arithmetical achievement has mostly been analyzed by mate training). This could also hint to the fact that working on an
regression or correlation analyses (Aunio & Niemivirta, 2010; De arithmetic paper-pencil test is a much more complex task than the
Smedt et al., 2009; Halberda et al., 2008; Hannula & Lehtinen, very basic number processing that was required in the computer-
2005; Krajewski & Schneider, 2009; Siegler & Opfer, 2004), but based tests.
only rarely by intervention studies. Considering the methodology of our study, we could overcome
In spite of an overall advantage of numerical training, we found several challenges that might appear in classroom studies. First, all
no main effects for exact or approximate training. There was the groups spent exactly the same period of time on the inter-
a significant interaction effect, indicating that performance for the vention. In particular, also the control group used the computer for
groups that had received only exact or only approximate training the same time periods. Second, the students were randomly
tended to be higher than for group AE that had received both assigned to the intervention groups. This is particularly important
trainings, followed by the control group. However, group differ- to rule out effects of classroom instruction or other differences of
ences were not or only marginally significant. This finding makes it the environment. Third, even if the intervention groups in the study
difficult to clearly answer the question which instructional by Räsänen et al. (2009) both used a computer game, these games
approach was the most effective one. We would like to point out were not identical in the overall conception. By using different
two tendencies that our data reveal: First, a combination of both versions of the same game, we succeeded in implementing
trainings did not lead to higher learning gains than language different treatments in a highly controlled way.
training. Students of the combined group had a reduced amount of It may be regarded as a limitation of our study that students of
exact training and also a reduced amount of approximate training. the control group used a computer game that was very different
Thus, their lower performance could be due to lower exposure to from the game versions of the experimental groups. In particular,
each training. On the other hand, students may have been confused no fast responses were required in the control group game. Thus,
because they had to switch between different types of tasks the effects could partly be due to a general improvement in giving
134 A. Obersteiner et al. / Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135

fast responses to visually presented stimuli. However, we also calculation. Second, our data are in line with the idea that the use of
measured general speed in giving fast responses in a computerized external representations (and related problems) can lead to
task (data not reported here). When we used this measure as an improvement in students’ understanding of such representations. This
additional covariate, the effects were only marginally reduced. is an important empirical finding that supports theories from
psychology and mathematics education but also experience from
6. Conclusions classroom practice. More empirical data could help to corroborate
theories about the effects of using external representations of numbers
To our knowledge, this is the first study that compared the exact in the classroom and its impact on arithmetical achievement.
and the approximate instructional approach to enhance mental
representations of numbers in a highly controlled learning environ- Acknowledgements
ment. The finding that directly trained skills were improved separately
and that each approach led to equal achievement in arithmetic This work was supported by research grant 01 JG 0922 from the
contributes to the educational literature in two ways. First, it supports German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The
the theory of distinct cognitive systems for the representation of authors wish to thank the student assistants that supervised the
approximate or exact numerical information. This can also affect students and helped with data collection. We also would like to
classroom instruction where approximate tasks such as estimation or thank the teachers, students and their parents for participating and
approximate calculation play a minor role as compared to exact for the excellent collaboration.


Table 5
Levels of the difficulty dimension “conceptual complexity” for the approximate game version.

Level Format Format Fade upper Task Instructional goal

upper panel response panel
1e2 ns ns No Number comparison Attention to and approximate processing of numerosities
3 ns s No Estimation Approximate processing; link symbolic representation to numerosities
4 ns s Yes (2 s) Estimation Increase reliance on symbolic representation
5 sþv ns No Estimation Approximate processing; link numerosities to symbolic representation
6 sþv ns Yes (2 s) Estimation Increase attention to symbolic representation
7 s þ ns þ v s þ ns Yes (4 s) Number comparison Use quantity information of symbolic and non-symbolic number
representations to compare quantities
8e9 s þ ns þ v s þ ns Yes (2 s) Number comparison Increase reliance on symbolic representation
10 s s No Estimation Complete reliance on symbolic representation
11 ns s No Approximate addition Approximate quantity representation in addition
12 s s No Approximate addition Approximate addition with complete reliance on symbolic representation
13 s s Yes (2 s) Approximate addition Increase fluency in symbolic approximate addition
14e15 s s No Number comparison, Fluency in representing quantity of additions
addition problems
16 ns s No Approximate subtraction Approximate quantity representation in subtraction
17 s s No Approximate subtraction Approximate subtraction with complete reliance on symbolic representation
18 s s Yes (2 s) Approximate subtraction Increase fluency in symbolic approximate subtraction
19e20 s s No Number comparison, Fluency in representing quantity of subtractions
subtraction problems
21e22 s s No Number comparison, Fluency and flexibility in representing quantity of additions and subtractions
addition/subtraction problems
23e44 Same contents as for levels 1e22 in the number range 10e20

Note. ns ¼ Non-symbolic; s ¼ symbolic; v ¼ verbal.

Table 6
Levels of the difficulty dimension “conceptual complexity” for the exact game version.

Level Format upper panel Format response Fade Task Instructional goal
1 ns ns No Number identification Attention to and identification of organized dot patterns
2e3 ns ns Yes (2 s) Number identification Increased attention to and identification of organized dot patterns
4 ns s No Number identification Link symbolic representation to organized dot pattern
5e6 ns s Yes (2 s) Number identification Increase reliance on symbolic representation
7 sþv ns No Number identification Link organized dot pattern to symbolic representation
8e9 sþv ns Yes (2 s) Number identification Increase attention to symbolic representation
10e11 ns ns No Addition Identify result of addition of organized dot patterns
12 ns s No Addition Link result of addition of organized dot patterns to symbolic representation
13 ns s Yes (2 s) Addition Increase fluency in linking results to symbolic representation
14 s ns No Addition Link result of symbolic addition to organized dot pattern
15 s ns Yes (2 s) Addition Increase fluency in linking result to organized dot pattern
16 ns þ s ns No Subtraction Identify result of subtraction of number symbol from organized dot pattern
17 ns þ s s No Subtraction Identify result of subtraction of number symbol from organized dot pattern
18 ns þ s s Yes (2 s) Subtraction Increase fluency in identifying result of subtraction
19 s ns No Subtraction Identify organized dot pattern as result of symbolic subtraction
20 s ns Yes (2 s) Subtraction Increase fluency in symbolic subtraction
21e22 s ns Yes (4 s) Addition/subtraction Fluency and flexibility in symbolic addition/subtraction and
identifying corresponding organized dot pattern
23e44 Same contents as for levels 1e22 in the number range 10e20

Note. ns ¼ Non-symbolic; s ¼ symbolic; v ¼ verbal.

A. Obersteiner et al. / Learning and Instruction 23 (2013) 125e135 135

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