Anatomy Board Exam Questions 2

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A___8. Which of the following is NOT a small bone involved

in hearing?
A. Meatus C. Stapes

B. Malleus D. Incus
A___1. When the body is standing in the “anatomical
position”, which of the following is true?

A. The radius is lateral to the ulna. B___9. Which membrane lies over the hair cells found in the
organ of Corti?
B. The radius is medial to the ulna.
A. Basilar C. Vestibular
C. The radius is proximal to the ulna.
B. Tectorial D. Cochlear
D. The radius is distal to the ulna

A___10. To which membrane is the ear’s organ of Corti

B___2. Which bones are located distal to the elbow and
proximal to the wrist?
A. The basilar membrane C. The tectorial membrane
A. The carpals C. The tarsals
B. The tympanic membrane D. The Eustachian membrane
B. The radius and ulna D. The humerus

B___11. What is the place where the blood vessels and nerve
B___3. Which bone is most superior?
fibres come together and leave the posterior chamber of the
A. Manubrium C. Cervical vertebra #3 eye called?

B. Occipital bone D. Patella A. Macula lutea C. Fovea centralis

B. Optic disc D. Choroid

D___4. Which one of the following is a bone that is

embedded within a tendon?
A___12. In which region of the eye does the most detailed
A. Sphenoid C. Ethmoid vision occur? The:

B. Hyoid D. Sesamoid A. Fovea centralis C. Macula lutea

B. Optic disc D. Ciliary body

C___5. Which bone of the head has a synovial joint?

A. The sphenoid C. The mandible C___13. What term may be applied to the shape of the lens
of the eye?
B. The maxilla D. The hyoid
A. Biconcave C. Biconvex

B. Bipolar D. Bifocal
A___6. What is most medial in the femoral triangle?

a. Lymphatics c. Vein
B____14. Which structure is involved in controlling eye
b. Nerve d. Artery movement?

A. The corpus callosum C. The choroid plexus

B___7. All are contents of femoral sheath EXCEPT: B. The superior colliculi D. The inferior colliculi
a. Femoral artery c. Femoral vein

b. Femoral nerve d. Genitofemoral nerve

A___15. Which of the lists of structures include all of the B___20. In what part of the brain is the “decussation of the
central nervous system? pyramids” found?

A. Cerebellum, cerebrum, spinal cord, diencephalon, A. Pons C. Midbrain

B. Medulla oblongata D. Hypothalamus
B. Midbrain, spinal cord, autonomic nerves, pons,
B___21. Which anatomical structures does the “conducting
C. Midbrain, cerebellum, special sense organs, medulla
zone” of the lower respiratory tract contain?
A. Eustachian tube, larynx and trachea
D. Cerebrum, sensory neurons, motor neurons, cerebellum
B. Primary, secondary and tertiary bronchi and bronchioles

C. Nares, conchae, olfactory mucosa and sinuses

B___16. Which of the following structures together make up
the brainstem? D. Nasopharynx and larynx
A. Medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, cerebellum

B. Medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain B___22. Between which two anatomical structures does the
Larynx lie?
C. Medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, thalamus
A. The nares and the choanae
D. Medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, pineal gland
B. The epiglottis and the trachea

C. The choanae and the glottis

A___17. Which four structures together make up the brain?
D. The glottis and the epiglottis
A. Cerebrum, diencephalon, brainstem and cerebellum

B. Cerebrum, thalamus, brainstem and cerebellum

A___23. The walls of the following structures are all
C. Cerebrum, diencephalon, meninges and cerebellum
supported by cartilage EXCEPT for one of them. Which one?
D. Spinal cord, diencephalon, brainstem and medulla
A. Bronchioles C. Bronchi
B. Trachea D. Larynx

A___18. Where does the spinal cord start and finish?

D___24. Which statement may be used to define a
A. It extends from the foramen magnum to L1–L2.
B. It extends from the foramen magnum to the sacrum.
A. They are the airways that branch from the left and right
C. It starts at the superior part of the medulla oblongata and primary bronchi.
extends to the inferior part of the cauda equina.
B. They are kept open by “C”-shaped rings of cartilage.
D. It extends from C7 to L5.
C. Their walls have supporting cartilage between smooth

D___19. What part of the brain receives sensory input before D. Their walls contain smooth muscle but no cartilage
passing it on to another part of the brain for interpretation or
D___25. How is the diaphragm innervated?
A. Pons C. Postcentral gyrus
A. By the parasympathetic division arising from the sacral
B. Hypothalamus D. Thalamus

B. By the spinal nerves arising from T5 to T10

C. By the phrenic nerves arising from C5 to C7

D. By the phrenic nerves arising from C3 to C5 B___32. Which layer in the walls of blood vessels is
responsible for their ability to vasoconstrict and vasodilate?

A. Tunica intima C. Tunica externa

A___26. What distinguishes bronchioles from the larger
bronchi? B. Tunica media D. Tunica muscularis

A. Bronchioles have no cartilage in their walls.

B. Bronchioles have smooth muscle in their walls. A___33. What is the name of the valve between the left
atrium and the left ventricle?
C. Bronchioles collapse between exhalation and inhalation.
A. Mitral valve C. Semilunar valve
D. The alveoli open onto these air passages
B. Tricuspid valve D. Aortic valve

C___27. Where does the actual gas exchange between

inspired air and the blood in the capillaries occur? In the: C___34. Which structure has the thickest wall?

A. Bronchi C. Alveolar ducts and alveoli A. The aorta C. The left ventricle

B. Bronchioles D. Respiratory bronchioles B. The inter-atrial septum D. The right ventricle

B___28. The walls of the trachea are held open by which of B___35. Choose the structure known as the pacemaker of the
the following? heart from the following.

A. Nerve impulses C. Fine bones A. Atrioventricular node C. Atrioventricular bundle

B. Rings of cartilage D. Smooth muscle contractions B. Sino-atrial node D. The bundle of His

A___29. In which organs would continuous, fenestrated and D___36. What is the name given to the remnant of the
sinusoid capillaries, respectively, be found? opening in the foetal heart that allowed the foetal lungs to be
A. Brain, small intestine, liver
A. Coronary sinus C. Interatrial septum
B. Bone marrow, brain, spleen
B. Foramen ovale D. Fossa ovalis
C. Liver, bone marrow, brain

D. Small intestine, liver, brain

C___37. Which ventricle of the heart (if any) pumps the
greater volume of blood?
B___30. Which of the following arteries do NOT arise from
A. The left ventricle.
the ascending aorta?
B. The right ventricle.
A. Brachiocephalic trunk C. Left common carotid
C. They pump the same volume of blood.
B. Left brachiocephalic D. Left subclavian
D. During exercise, the left ventricle pumps the greater
volume; during recovery, the right ventricle does.
D___31. Which of the following parts of the cardiovascular
system contain the greatest volume of blood?
C___38. Which part of the nephron is impermeable to water?
A. Heart C. Pulmonary circulation
A. Proximal convoluted tubule
B. Systemic arteries D. Systemic veins
B. Distal convoluted tubule in the presence of ADH

C. Ascending limb of the loop of Henle

D. Descending limb of the loop of Henle

B___45. Which of the following is NOT a part of the

gastrointestinal tract?
D___39. Which one of the following is part of the renal
tubule? A. Ileum C. Rectum

A. Glomerulus C. Collecting duct B. Pancreas D. Caecum

B. Vasa recta D. Macula densa

C___46. Which part of the gastrointestinal tract contains

three distinct layers of smooth muscle in its walls?
B___40. In which structure does blood filtration in the kidney
occur? The: A. Rectum C. Stomach

A. Macula densa C. Major calyx B. Small intestine D. Oesophagus

B. Renal corpuscle D. Vasa recta

C___47. Which of the following muscles is named according

to its origin and insertion?
C___41. From which of the gut structures below is most
digested food absorbed? A. Transversus abdominis C. Sternocleidomastoid

A. Duodenum C. Ileum B. Semimembranosus D. Deltoid

B. Stomach D. Ascending colon

C___48. The muscles involved in mastication include which of

the following?
D___42. Which sections of the gut perform the majority of
the digestion of food and A. Sternocleidomastoid, scalene

absorption of the digested products? B. Sartorius, gracilis, soleus

A. Stomach and duodenum C. Temporalis, masseter, buccinator

B. Jejunum and ileum D. Orbicularis oculi, mentalis

C. Ascending colon and transverse colon

D. Duodenum and jejunum B___49. Which one of the following is not made of skeletal

A. The diaphragm C. Vastus lateralis

B___43. A lobule of the liver contains several blood vessels.
Which one carries nutrient-rich blood from the small B. Pyloric sphincter D. The tongue

A. Hepatic artery proper C. Central vein

B___50. Which of the following muscles causes the wrist to
B. Hepatic portal vein D. Bile ductule bend?

A. Extensor digitorum C. Flexor digitorum profundus

C___44. Which parts of the alimentary canal prepare food for B. Extensor carpi ulnaris D. Abductor pollicis longus
chemical digestion?

A. The mouth, oesophagus and stomach

C___51. Which of the following is NOT a common
B. The mouth, stomach and small intestine intramuscular injection site?

C. The mouth, stomach and duodenum A. Gluteus medius C. Gluteus maximus

D. The teeth, stomach and pancreas B. Deltoid D. Vastus lateralis

B___58. Trendelenburg test is positive due to injury to the
A___52. Which muscle is located on the front of the
anatomical leg? a. Inferior gluteal c. Obturator

A. Tibialis anterior C. Sartorius b. Superior gluteal d. Tibial

B. Rectus femoris D. Flexor carpi radialis

A___59. Inability to maintain pelvis position while standing

on one leg, nerve paralysed:
D___53. Which list has the muscles of the hamstrings in
order from most lateral to medial? a. Superior gluteal nerve c. Tibial part of sciatic nerve

A. Semitendinosus, biceps femoris, semimembranosus, b. Inferior gluteal nerve d. Common peroneal nerve

B. Rectus femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus

D___60. An 83-year-old man has trouble walking. At his
C. Vastus lateralis, semitendinosus, semimembranosus physician’s office, he is asked to stand on his right foot and
his left hip drops. Which of the following nerves is most likely
D. Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
damaged, causing his problem:

a. Left inferior gluteal c. Right inferior gluteal

B___54. Which two muscles are on the dorsal side of the
b. Left superior gluteal d. Right superior gluteal

A. Rectus abdominis, pectoralis major

D___61. Biceps femoris, a hamstring muscle causes:
B. Latissimus dorsi, trapezius
a. Hip flexion and knee extension
C. External obliques, erector spinae
b. Hip and knee flexion
D. Infraspinatus, vastus medialis
c. Hip and knee extension

d. Hip extension and knee flexion

D___55. Which of the following muscle has intracapsular

a. Anconeus d. Popliteus

b. Coracobrachialis e. Peroneus longus D___62. Lateral dislocation of patella is prevented by:

c. Long head of biceps femoris a. Rectus femoris c. Vastus lateralis

b. Vastus intermedius d. Vastus medialis

A___56. With foot off the ground and knee flexed, medial
rotation of tibia is brought about by:
C___63. Strongest flexor of the hip joint is:
a. Popliteus c. Gastrocnemius
a. Sartorius c. Iliopsoas
b. Vastus medialis d. Adductor magnus
b. Gluteus maximus d. Pectineus

A___57. Which of the following muscle is involved in

A___64. A patient present with defective adduction of the
movement from sitting to standing position:
hip joint and pains in the hip and knee joint. Which nerve is
a. Gluteus maximus c. Gluteus medius involved?

b. Obturator internus d. Gluteus minimus a.Obturator nerve c. Saphenous nerve

b. Femoral nerve d. Sciatic nerve b. Obturator internus muscle

c. Internal pudendal vessels

B___65. A healthy young athlete sitting at table with knee at d. Nerve to obturator internus
90-degree flexion. What will happen when he fully extends
the knee?
D___71. Anal canal is NOT supplied by:

a. Superior rectal artery c. Median sacral artery

a. Movement of tibial tuberosity towards medial border of
patella b. Inferior rectal artery d. Middle rectal artery
b. Movement of tibial tuberosity towards lateral border of
D___72. All form anorectal ring EXCEPT:
c. Movement of tibial tuberosity towards centre of patella
a. External anal sphincter
d. No change in relationship
b. Internal anal sphincter

c. Puborectalis
C___66. A boy playing football received a blow to the lateral
aspect of the knee and suffered a twisting fall. His medial d. Anococcygeal raphe
meniscus is damaged; which other structure is most likely to
be injured?
C___73. Pelvic fascia between rectum and sacrum is:
a. Deltoid ligament
a. Denonvillier’s fascia c. Waldeyer’s fascia
b. Posterior cruciate ligament
b. Colle’s fascia d. Scarpa’s fascia
c. Anterior cruciate ligament

d. Patellar-ligament
A___74. All of the following statements are true about
sphincter urethra EXCEPT:
D___67. Clergyman’s knee is an inflammation of:
a. Located at the bladder neck
a. Anserine bursa c. Suprapatellar bursa
b. Originate from ischiopubic ramus
b. Pre-patellar bursa d. Infrapatellar bursa
c. Is a voluntary muscle

d. Supplied by pudendal nerve

D___68. Hip flexion is done by all EXCEPT:

a. Ilio-psoas c. Sartorius
C___75. Sphincter urethrae is present in:
b. Pectineus d. Semitendinosus
a. Prostatic urethra c. Membranous urethra

b. Spongy urethra d. Penile urethra

C___69. Nutrient artery to tibia arises from which of the
following arteries:
A___76. Vaginal sphincter is formed by all EXCEPT:
a. Popliteal artery c. Posterior tibial artery
a. Internal urethral sphincter c. Pubovaginalis
b. Anterior tibial artery d. Peroneal artery
b. External urethral sphincter d. Bulbospongiosus

B___70. All of the following structures pass through lesser

sciatic foramen except: B___77. Scarpa’s fascia gets attached to:

a. Pudendal nerve a. Inguinal ligament c. Conjoint tendon

b. Fascia lata of thigh d. Pubic crest

D___85. Infection/inflammation of all of the following causes

A___78. A 16-year-old boy presents to the emergency enlarged superficial inguinal lymph nodes EXCEPT:
department with straddle injury and rupture of the bulbous
a. Isthmus of uterine tube c. Big toe
urethra. Extravasated urine from this injury can spread into
which of the following structures? b. Inferior part of anal canal d. Penile urethra
a. Scrotum c. Deep perineal space

b. Ischiorectal fossa d. Thigh D___86. Levator ani muscle include all EXCEPT:

a. Puborectalis c. Iliococcygeus
D___79. Injury to the male urethra above the perineal b. Pubococcygeus d. Ischiococcygeus
membrane due to a pelvic fracture, causes urine to
accumulate in all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Space of Retzius c. Superficial perineal pouch B___87. In the relation of right kidney, all are devoid of
peritoneum EXCEPT:
b. Deep perineal pouch d. Peritoneal cavity
a. Supra renal gland c. Duodenum

b. Liver d. Colon
D___80. A patient exposed to bomb explosion injury presents
with rupture of the fundus of urinary bladder. The
extravasated urine reaches:
A___88. Structure immediately posterior to pancreatic head:
a. Space of Retzius c. Superficial perineal pouch
a. Right renal vein c. Inferior mesenteric vein
b. Deep perineal pouch d. Peritoneal cavity
b. Splenic artery d. Coeliac trunk

A___81. In penile injury, Colle’s fascia prevents extravasation

A___89. Most common location of accessory spleen:
of urine in:
a. Hilum of spleen c. Lesser omentum
a. Ischiorectal fossa c. Abdomen
b. Greater omentum d. None
b. Perineum d. Thigh

B___90. Downward displacement of enlarged spleen is

B___82. Bulbourethral glands open into which part of the
prevented by:
a. Lienorenal ligament c. Upper pole of right kidney
a. Membranous c. Prostatic
b. Phrenocolic ligament d. Sigmoid colon
b. Spongy d. Intramural

A___91. Calot’s triangle is bounded by all EXCEPT:

A___83. Maximum number of mucosal folds are found in
which part of fallopian tube? a. Inferior surface of liver c. Cystic duct

a. Infundibulum c. Isthmus b. Common hepatic duct d. Cystic artery

b. Ampulla d. Interstitial portion

B___84. Ureter is present in which wall of ovarian fossa? B___92. Spiral valve of Heister is seen in:

a. Anterior c. Medial a. Neck of gallbladder c. Pancreatic duct

b. Posterior d. Lateral b. Cystic duct d. Pylorus

formation of stools.

B___93. Sphincter of Oddi consists of: b. It is a site of mucocutaneous junction

a. 2 sphincters c. 4 sphincters c. Its epithelium contains goblets cells in large numbers

b. 3 sphincters d. 5 sphincters d. Absorbs salt and water

C___94. One of the following is the watershed area of the B___100. The shortest part of colon is:
colon between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries:
a. Transverse colon c. Descending colon
a. Ascending colon c. Splenic flexure
b. Ascending colon d. Sigmoid colon
b. Hepatic flexure d. Descending colon

C___101. The following statements concerning the heart are

C____95. Stomach derives its blood supply from all these correct, EXCEPT which?
arteries directly or indirectly EXCEPT:
A. The first sound of the heart is lub and is produced by the
a. Splenic artery c. Superior mesenteric artery contraction of the ventricles and the closure of the tricuspid
and mitral valves.
b. Hepatic artery d. Celiac artery
B. The second shorter sound of the heart is dup, which is
produced by the sharp closure of the aortic and pulmonary
A___96. All of these supply the first 2 cm of the duodenum valves.
C. The pulmonary valve has two semilunar cusps.
a. Supraduodenal artery
D. The left atrium lies posterior to the right atrium.
b. Common hepatic artery
E. The apex beat of the heart is best felt by asking the patient
c. Gastroduodenal artery to sit up and lean forward

d. Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery

C___102. The following events occur on inhalation EXCEPT
A___97. Appendicular artery is a branch of:
A. The diaphragm descends.
a. Ileocolic c. Inferior mesenteric
B. The external intercostal muscles contract.
b. Right colic d. Marginal artery
C. The abdominal muscles contract and push the abdominal

viscera cranially.
B___98. A patient has a penetrating ulcer of the posterior
wall of the first part of the duodenum. Which blood vessel is D. The ribs are raised.
subject to erosion:
E. The vertical dimension of the thoracic cavity increases.
a. Common hepatic artery

b. Gastroduodenal artery
D___103. When passing a needle through the chest wall and
c. Proper hepatic artery into the pleural cavity in the midaxillary line, the following

d. Anterior superior pancreatico-duodenal artery structures will be pierced EXCEPT which?

A. The external intercostal muscle

A___99. All of the following are features of large intestine, B. The skin
C. The parietal pleura
a. Large intestine secretes acidic mucus which helps in
D. The levator costarum
E. The internal intercostal muscle C. just above the symphysis pubis.

E___104. The following structures open into the right atrium D___110. Pain caused by the passage of a stone down the
EXCEPT which? lower end of the left ureter may be referred to the:

A. The superior vena cava D. The inferior vena cava A. umbilical region. D. penis or clitoris.

B. The coronary sinus E. The right pulmonary veins B. right iliac region. E. None of the above

C. The anterior cardiac vein C. epigastric region.

B___105. The conducting system of the heart is composed of

the following structures EXCEPT which?
A___111. The descending colon receives parasympathetic
A. The Purkinje plexus D. The atrioventricular bundle
nerves from the
B. The deep cardiac plexus E. The atrioventricular node
A. pelvic splanchnic nerves.
C. The sinuatrial node
B. spinal cord segments L1 and 2.

C. greater splanchnic nerve.

C___106. Pain arising in the heart is commonly referred to
D. lesser splanchnic nerve.
the following skin areas EXCEPT which?
E. vagus nerve.
A. Up into the neck and jaw

B. Down the medial side of the arm

D___112. Lymphatic spread of carcinoma of the fundus of
C. The point of the shoulder
the stomach is likely to metastasize to the:
D. The epigastric area
A. internal iliac nodes.
E. Over the sternum
B. superior mesenteric nodes.

C. inferior mesenteric nodes.

C___107. Pain due to a gastric ulcer may be referred to the
D. celiac nodes.
A. umbilical region. D. penis or clitoris.
E. right gastroepiploic nodes
B. right iliac region. E. None of the above

C. epigastric region.
A___113. Infection from an inflamed appendix is likely to
spread via the lymphatics to the:

B___108. Pain caused by appendicitis may first be referred to A. superior mesenteric nodes. D. inferior mesenteric nodes.
B. celiac nodes. E. right internal iliac nodes
A. right iliac region. D. epigastric region.
C. splenic nodes.
B. umbilical region. E. below the right shoulder blade

C. point of the shoulder.

B___114. Lymphatic spread of carcinoma of the sigmoid

D___109. Intermittent pain (colic) in the small intestine may colon is likely to metastasize to the:
be referred to:
A. left common iliac nodes. D. celiac nodes.
A. the epigastric region. D. the umbilical region.
B. inferior mesenteric nodes. E. para-aortic nodes
B. the left iliac region. E. None of the above
C. superior mesenteric nodes.
A. The common hepatic artery

B___115. The skin of the umbilicus receives its sensory B. The short gastric arteries
innervation from:
C. The left and the right gastroepiploic arteries
A. T7. D. T12.
D. The right gastric artery
B. T10. E. L2
E. The left gastric artery
C. L1.

D___121. When performing a midline abdominal

C___116. The lesser omentum contains the following paracentesis (tapping the abdominal cavity) below the
important structures EXCEPT which? umbilicus, the cannula will pass through the following
anatomic structures EXCEPT which?
A. The left gastric artery D. The bile duct
A. The skin and the fascia
B. The portal vein E. The common hepatic artery
B. The linea alba
C. The inferior vena cava
C. The transversalis fascia and extraperitoneal fat

D. The rectus abdominis muscle

B___117. The following structures could be eroded as the
result of perforation of an ulcer in the posterior wall of the E. The parietal peritoneum

stomach EXCEPT which?

A. The splenic artery D. The left kidney

B. The right kidney E. The spleen D___122. The following veins drain directly into the inferior
vena cava EXCEPT which?
C. The pancreas
A. The hepatic veins

B. The renal veins

C___118. The following structures are connected to the liver
EXCEPT which? C. The lumbar veins

A. The falciform ligament D. The ligamentum teres D. The inferior mesenteric vein

B. The coronary ligament E. The ligamentum venosum E. The right testicular (ovarian) vein

C. The greater omentum

D___123. After injury to a nerve at the wrist, the thumb is

laterally rotated and adducted. The hand looks flattened and
B___119. The rectus sheath contains the following structures
apelike. The nerve that has been damaged is the:
EXCEPT which?
A. anterior interosseous nerve.
A. The pyramidalis muscle (when present)
B. ulnar nerve.
B. The ligamentum teres
C. deep branch of the radial nerve.
C. The inferior epigastric artery
D. median nerve.
D. The T7 to 12 anterior nerve rami
E. superficial branch of the radial nerve
E. The rectus abdominis muscle

C___124. The following structures pass superficial to the

A___120. In a patient with cancer of the stomach who
flexor retinaculum at the wrist EXCEPT which?
requires a total gastrectomy, the following arteries must be
ligated EXCEPT which? A. Palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve
B. Ulnar nerve A. horizontal group of superficial inguinal nodes.

C. Flexor pollicis longus tendon B. vertical group of superficial inguinal nodes.

D. Ulnar artery C. posterior axillary nodes.

E. Palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve D. popliteal nodes.

E. internal iliac nodes.

B___125. The proximal row of carpal bones includes all the B___130. The sciatic nerve enters the gluteal region through
following carpal bones EXCEPT which?
which foramen?
A. The pisiform D. The triquetral
A. Posterior sacral D. Lesser sciatic
B. The capitate E. The scaphoid
B. Greater sciatic E. Obturator
C. The lunate
C. Anterior sacral

B___126. The long head of the biceps femoris muscle is

A___131. In children, the chief arterial supply to the head of
innervated by the:
the femur is derived from which artery or arteries?
A. obturator nerve.
A. The obturator artery.
B. tibial portion of the sciatic nerve.
B. The internal pudendal artery.
C. femoral nerve.
C. Branches from the medial and lateral circumflex
D. common peroneal nerve.
femoral arteries.
E. sural nerve.
D. The deep circumflex iliac artery.

E. The superficial circumflex iliac artery.

A___127. The gluteus maximus muscle is innervated by the:

A. inferior gluteal nerve.

D___132. To lift the left foot off the ground while walking,
B. nerve to quadratus femoris. which of the following muscles plays an important role?

C. obturator nerve. A. The left gluteus medius muscle

D. superior gluteal nerve. B. The left gluteus maximus muscle

E. nerve to obturator internus. C. The right adductor longus muscle

D. The right gluteus medius muscle

B___128. The sartorius muscle is innervated by the E. None of the above.

A. obturator nerve.

B. femoral nerve. D___133. Rupture of the tendo calcaneus results in an

inability to do what?
C. nerve to vastus medialis.
A. Dorsiflex the foot D. Plantar flex the foot
D. superior gluteal nerve.
B. Evert the foot E. None of the above.
E. lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
C. Invert the foot

A___129. A malignant melanoma (cancer) of the skin

covering the buttock is likely to spread via lymphatics to the D___134. If the foot is permanently dorsiflexed and everted,
which nerve might be injured? D. Decreased saliva in the mouth

A. The deep peroneal nerve D. The tibial nerve E. Loss of taste sensation to the anterior two-thirds of the
B. The superficial peroneal nerve E. The obturator nerve

C. The common peroneal nerve

B___139. Impaired function of which of the following
muscles produce difficulty in protruding the jaw?
C___135. The dermatome present over the lateral side of the
A. The anterior belly of the digastric muscle
foot is which of the following?
B. The lateral pterygoid
A. S5 D. L4
C. The medial pterygoid
B. L3 E. L5
D. The masseter
C. S1
E. The temporalis

B___136. The femoral sheath is formed by which of the

following layer(s) of fascia? E___140. Which process is responsible for closing off the
nasal cavity from the oropharynx during swallowing?
A. The pectineus fascia
A. Elevation of the tongue to the roof of the mouth
B. The fascia iliaca and the fascia transversalis
B. Contraction of the aryepiglottic muscles
C. The fascia lata and the membranous layer of the
C. Bending of the epiglottis
superficial fascia
D. Relaxation of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles
D. The psoas fascia and the fatty layer of superficial
E. Contraction of the tensor and the levator veli palatini
E. The processus vaginalis

B___141. Sustained tension of the vocal cords ( folds) is best

E___137. Injury to the common peroneal nerve results in
which condition? achieved through the action of which of the following

A. Inability to invert the foot muscles?

B. Inability to plantar flex the ankle A. The cricopharyngeus D. The salpingopharyngeus

C. Inability to feel skin sensation on the medial side of B. The cricothyroid E. The posterior cricoarytenoid

the leg C. The aryepiglottic

D. Inability to plantar flex the big toe

E. Inability to evert the foot C___142. Which of the following muscles is responsible for
protruding the tongue?

A. The styloglossus D. The palatoglossus

A___138. Compression of the facial nerve in the facial canal
in the posterior wall of the middle ear could result in all the B. The hyoglossus E. The mylohyoid

following EXCEPT which? C. The genioglossus

A. A cessation of lacrimal secretion

B. Paralysis of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle D___143. Which of the following nerves might be injured
when tying the inferior thyroid artery during operations on
C. Inability to whistle
the thyroid gland?
A. The sympathetic trunk

B. The internal laryngeal nerve A___148. When performing a lumbar puncture (spinal tap),
the following structures are pierced by the needle EXCEPT
C. The descendens cervicalis
D. The recurrent laryngeal nerve
A. The posterior longitudinal ligament
E. The superior laryngeal nerve
B. The supraspinous ligament

C. The arachnoid mater

A___144. A patient has a boil on the tip of her nose. To which
lymph nodes does the lymph from the skin of the infected D. The ligamentum flavum
area drain?
E. The dura mater
A. Submandibular nodes D. Superficial cervical nodes

B. Submental nodes E. Tracheobronchial nodes

D___149. In most women, the anatomic position of the
C. Parotid nodes uterus when the bladder is empty is

A. retroverted. D. anteverted and anteflexed.

E___145. A patient having lunch accidentally bit the inside of B. anteverted. E. anteverted and retroflexed
her left cheek. To which lymph nodes are infecting bacteria
C. retroverted & anteflexed.
likely to spread?

A. Mastoid nodes
C___150. During defecation, the levator ani muscles
B. Parotid nodes
A. are completely inactive.
C. Submental nodes
B. do not support the uterus and vagina.
D. Superficial cervical nodes
C. relax (puborectalis portion) with the anal
E. Submandibular nodes

D. do not support the sigmoid colon.

C___146. The subarachnoid space ends inferiorly at the level
E. do not support the bladder.
of the

A. L5 vertebra. D. T12 vertebra.

B. L3 vertebra. E. L1 vertebra.

C. S2–3 vertebrae.

D___147. The cauda equina is made up of the:

A. spinal nerves of S1–3.

B. anterior rami of spinal nerves L2 and 3.

C. posterior rami of spinal nerves L1 to cocc 1.

D. anterior and the posterior nerve roots of the spinal

nerves below the first lumbar segment of the spinal


E.spinal nerves of L1–5.

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