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EMCEE 2: A round of applause please.

Recognition of Honors of
( Welcome Message )
Sawyer Integrated School - EMCEE 2: Thank you very much ________________________ for that
______________ Campus heartwarming message.
S.Y. 2018 – 2019
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
( Processional )
EMCEE 1: I am honored to present to you our speaker for today, Mr.
( Entering the hall all the Awardees and Parents, Ronald M. Francisco.
followed by the Faculty and Staff, and lastly the Administrators. )
EMCEE 2: A round of applause please.
EMCEE 1: Before we formally start this program, may I request
everyone to please rise. ( Inspirational Message )

EMCEE 2: Let us all remember that we are in the most Holy presence EMCEE 2: Thank you so much Mr. Ronald M. Francisco for inspiring
of God. us to strive more in the future.
( Doxology ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
EMCEE 1: Good afternoon Ladies ( G1 - G3 Awarding of Meritorious Pupils and Tribute to Parents )

EMCEE 2: Good afternoon Gentlemen. EMCEE 1: The wait is finally over, as we are to start the Awarding of
Meritorious Pupils and also the Tribute to Parents of Grade One,
EMCEE 1 and 2: Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen.
Grade Two and Grade Three.
EMCEE 1: Arthur Conan Doyle once said and I do believe,
EMCEE 1: May we call on stage the proud advisers of Grade One,
“Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent instantly
Grade Two and Grade Three. Thank you.
recognizes genius” and for us, you are all that genius.
EMCEE 2: Let us have on stage our beloved Principal Ms. Maria
EMCEE 2: And I also believe in the saying of Veronica Roth that, a
Bernadette D. Alberto together with our Assistant Principal
brave man acknowledges the strength of others. And we are that
brave to welcome you in
EMCEE 1: To start with, the Grade One ______________.
EMCEE 1 and 2: Recognition of Honors of Sawyer Integrated School
_________________________ Campus, school year of 2018 to 2019. EMCEE 2: ( Listing down the names of Grade One )

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (OPTIONAL) Next is, with the Grade One ______________.

EMCEE 1: To greet as with a warm welcome, let us call
_______________________. EMCEE 2: ( Listing down the names of Grade One )
EMCEE 1: Thank you very much Grade One _____________. EMCEE 1: May we call on stage the proud advisers of Grade Four,
Grade Five, Grade Seven, Grade Eight and Grade Nine. Thank you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
EMCEE 2: Let us have once again on stage our beloved Principal Ms.
Maria Bernadette D. Alberto together with our Assistant Principal
EMCEE 2: To start with the Grade Two ______________.
EMCEE 1: ( Listing down the names of Grade Two )
EMCEE 2: To start with the Grade Four ______________.
(OPTIONAL) Next is, with the Grade Two ______________.
EMCEE 1: ( Listing down the names of Grade Four )
EMCEE 1: ( Listing down the names of Grade Two )
EMCEE 2: Thank you very much Grade Four _______________.
EMCEE 2: Thank you very much Grade Two ____________.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
EMCEE 1: To start with, the Grade Five ______________.
EMCEE 1: To start with, the Grade Three ______________.
EMCEE 2: ( Listing down the names of Grade Five )
EMCEE 2: ( Listing down the names of Grade Three )
EMCEE 1: Thank you very much Grade Five ________________.
(OPTIONAL) Next is, with the Grade Three ______________.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
EMCEE 2: ( Listing down the names of Grade Three )
EMCEE 1: Thank you very much Grade Three _________________.
( G7 – G9 Awarding of Meritorious Pupils and Tribute to Parents )
EMCEE 2: Thank you so much Ms. Maria Bernadette D. Alberto and
EMCEE 2: To start with the Grade Seven Einstein.
EMCEE 1: ( Listing down the names of Grade Seven Einstein )
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
EMCEE 2: Thank you very much Grade Seven Einstein.
EMCEE 2: Congratulation Grades One – Three. To brighten up more
our day, let us call the talented students/pupils of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
EMCEE 1: To start with, the Grade Eight Newton.
( SpeciaL Number 1 )
EMCEE 2: ( Listing down the names of Grade Eight Newton )
EMCEE 1: Thank you for that amazing performance ______________.
EMCEE 1: Thank you very much Grade Eight Newton.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
( G4 - G5 Awarding of Meritorious Pupils and Tribute to Parents )
EMCEE 2: To start with the Grade Nine Aristotle. EMCEE 2: Congratulations to all the achievers, good luck and God
bless to your next adventures and may you all have a triumphant
EMCEE 1: ( Listing down the names of Grade Nine Aristotle ) future.
EMCEE 2: Thank you very much Grade Nine Aristotle. EMCEE 1: I am _______________________,
EMCEE 1: Thank you so much Ms. Maria Bernadette D. Alberto and EMCEE 2: And I am _____________________.
EMCEE 1 and 2: Your Masters of this Ceremony.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
EMCEE 2: To keep us energized, let us have the energetic pupils of
grades _________________. MAIN ONLY

( SpeciaL Number 2 ) ( Recessional )

EMCEE 1: Thank you for that sweet performance ______________. EMCEE 1: Let us all remain seated, as our Administrators will take
the leave first.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
EMCEE 2: Followed by our Faculty and Staff.
EMCEE 2: To continue with the fun, let us have the enthusiastic
pupils of grades _________________. EMCEE 1: Once again thank you for attending the today’s
Recognition and thank you for patiently waiting, you can now take
( SpeciaL Number 3 ) your leave lovely Awardees and dear Parents.
EMCEE 1: Thank you for that wonderful performance ____________.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

EMCEE 2: To finally end this program, let us have the Assistant

Principal of _______________ branch __________________________.

( Closing Remarks )

EMCEE 1: Thank you so much Ms. __________________________.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

EMCEE 2: As what we witnessed today, the investment in knowledge

really pays the best interest.

EMCEE 1: And let us all continue develop the passion in learning, if

you do, you will never cease to grow.

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