Marketing and Advertising Essay

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The history of marketing and advertising:

The concept if marketing developed during the 18th and 19th century, during this period a
rapid social change was driven by the technological and scientific innovation. By growing
mass media, it meant producers were able to develop more experienced ways of managing
the distribution of goods. From the 1960s onwards, most markets had become flooded,
which lead to competition for new customers. Marketers are involved with the organisation
and therefore inform the organisation on what should be produced, where it should be sold
and how much it should be sold for.

In 1839 posters became the new method of marketing, it became so popular that they had
to be banned on properties in London. In 1867 billboards made an appearance and were the
earliest recorded billboard rentals, people would see billboards everywhere whilst driving or
walking past billboards it would catch the audience’s attention. During 1920-1950
newspapers were the most used method of marketing, this is because newspapers were
very popular at that time therefore businesses would post adverts in newspapers as they’d
know that many people would read about their business or product, therefore gaining more
customers and awareness to their business or service. In 1941 the first American magazine
was published in Philadelphia, this then developed to being the new method of marketing.
During the 1920-1949 period radio adverts appeared to being the new method of
marketing, it continued to become the new method alongside television marketing, where
the ‘first commercial for Bulova Clocks reached 4000 TV sets. During the 1950-1972 period
TV advert revenue beats magazine and radio advert sales, radio adverts dropped by 9% and
TV adverts increased by 15%. In 1970 telemarketing developed to becoming the new tactic
of marketing as everyone had a telephone and therefore could be contacted at all times.
After telemarketing becoming the new tactic, in 1972 magazines company ‘Time Inc’ shut
down after 36 years, this is because it wasn’t making enough revenue as they’d hoped for.
During the 1973-1994 period the digital age began, through new developed technologies
continuing to change the marketing landscape, which enabled new forms of marketing
which gained strength and matured overtime. In 1973 Motorola researcher ‘Dr Martin
Cooper’ made the first hand-held mobile phone call. During the 1981-1984 period
computers were introduced, Apple launched its successful ‘Macintosh’ with an ‘epic super
bowl’ commercial, the advert cost $900,000 to make and reached 46.4% of American
households this become the new method of marketing with new technologies. In 1985 print
advertising was made even simpler with the arrival of desktop publishing to a personal
computer, which lead to an explosion in print advertising, the revenue of newspapers
adverts was still $25 billion in 1985.

During the 1990-1994 period mobile phones had an explosion in the rise of cell phone usage
which paved the way for future advertisements, such as SMS messaging which came of age
in 1992. TV replaces newspapers as the nation’s new medium. During 1990-1998 the total of
advertising revenue on cable television increased from $2.4 billion to an estimated $8.3
billion. In 1994 the Phoenix law firm ‘Canter and Seigel’ advertised their services by posting
a messaging which was advertised to several thousand newsgroups. This was likely to be the
first automated, large-scale commercial example of spam, this was also the event which
made the term popular. During the 1995-2002 period new technologies continued to
emerge and became implemented to wide audiences. During this period mobile phones
gained popularity, the internet also became a worthwhile tool for market which released
doors for an explosion in marketing. In 1995 search engines launched which was shortly
followed after by ‘’ in 1997. These services helped users find the information,
products and services they desired. In 2003 the can spam act was introduced, this act was
signed into the law by ‘George W Bush’ and creates the US’s first national standards against
sending unwanted commercial emails.

During the 2003-2004 period social media begins, LinkedIn and Myspace were founded, and
Facebook was launched in 2004, 18 year old ‘Anthony Greco’ was the first person to be
arrested under the Can-spam act, he plead guilty. In 2005 Google began to personalise
search results which are learnt by your previous search history. In 2006 Hubspot and Twitter
launched. Amazon’s sales surpassed of $10 billion, this rose to nearly $25 billion in 2009 of
the E-commerce sales. In 2007 295 million subscribers on 3G networks exist worldwide,
promoting music and video streaming. In 2009 Google instant launched ‘real time search
results’. In 2010 90% of emails were spam, 90% of US household had a mobile phone. In
2011 the Google+ was launched which adapted the search results of many internet
browsers. DVR’s in the US household were at the top 42% as more viewers skipped
commercials than before. San Francisco banned the distribution of unsolicited yellow pages
phonebook. Internet usage exceeds as the time spent watching television for younger
demographics. Young people (13-24) spent about 13.6 hours of watching TV and spent 13.7
hours online instead. In bound marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing. In 2012
marketers planned to increase their social media budget by 64%. The audience of internet
users in the US will expand by 3.1% to 239 million, indicating that 75.6% of the total
population, which means that more than ¾ of the total population in the US would be
online in 2012. More than 90% of social network users will be on Facebook in 2012. Mobile
internet users will reach 113.9 million in 2012 which would have increased by 17.1% from
97.3 million in 2011. Smartphone users will reach 106.7 million in 2012 which would have
increased by 18.1% from 2011. All mobile phone users will reach 242.6 million in 2012 which
will have increased by 2.3% from 2011. Tablet users will reach 54.8 million in 2012 which
would have increased by 62.8% from 33.7 million in 2011. Adult-aged eReader users will
reach 45.6 million in 2012 which would have increased by 33.3 million in 2011. Online users
will reach 169.3 million in 2012. 53.5% of the population and 70.8% of internet users will
watch online video in 2012. 88.1% of US internet users aged 14+ have browsed or
researched products online in 2012.

Coca-cola campaign:
Delony was an inspirational person as he worked on the Coca-cola campaign, he was
responsible for the advertising of the company , where he developed himself and became
the president of advertising for nearly 20 years. In 1956, Sledge spoke about his thoughts in
a printed piece called 'The philosophy of Coca-cola advertising', it was divided into eight
different sections. Coca-cola as a brand still uses 'The philosophy of Coca-cola advertising' to
this day, Sledge's philosophy helped the business to adapt and evolve their brand through
adverts over the years, which still continues to improve for new customers and newer
generations. In 2015 Coca-cola and other companies across Western Europe made an
astonishing change in their marketing strategy, by announcing that all four cola's would be
marketed under one brand. Continuing from this Coca-cola also announced that they'd
rolling out the strategy globally and have launched a new campaign and tagline 'Taste the
feeling', as apart of this approach.
The first advert which was published in the Atlanta journal newspaper on May 29, 1886,
with the slogan 'delicious and refreshing'. During the mid 1980s the company hired
'Massengale Advertising of Atlanta', who produced many sophisticated adverts for the
company including slogan's such as 'Coca-cola is a delicious beverage', 'Delightfully in
harmony with the spirit of all outings'. After these slogans were produced the company’s
president 'Asa Candler' alongside the head of advertising 'Samual Candler Dobbs', noticed
the trend towards national magazine advertising with the similarity of four-colour printing,
which provided more visually dynamic adverts rather than black and white. To produce this
advertisement Candler and Dobbs hired the D'Arcy agency, which helped significantly in
creating a brand for 'Coca-cola. D'Arcy was associated with Coca-cola for the next four
decades until his retirement in 1945. in 1907 they added 'Good to the last drop', the
company hit the stride by the 1920s when they created the 'Thirst knows no season' slogan
which is when they created their longest tagline which carried on till 1922 'The pause that
refreshes', which was their slogan till 1929 which was used for almost three decades. After
the second world war where music being played in the background was an important role in
campaigns. Slogans became shorter which fitted into a memorable melody. In 1995 Coca-
cola searched for another agency which specified in modern radio and television
advertising. In 1956 ‘McCann Erickson’ was named the lead worldwide advertising agency
for Coca-cola. The modifications in advertising were noticeable, as when the ‘McGuire’
sisters sang ‘Be really refreshed’ the company was associated with ‘the times’. In 1963 ‘Bill
Backer’ the creative director for ‘McCann’ composed the jingle ‘Things go better with coke’
and had the ‘Limeliters’ record a demo for the company. The company were so pleased with
the demo that they used it for the next six years. ‘Backer also developed the slogan ‘It’s the
real thing’ which he and his team then wrote ‘I’d like to buy the world a coke’ in 1971. In
1993 alongside the constant evolution off advertising the company once again switched
agencies hiring the CAA (creative artists agency), who developed adverts for Coca-cola. CAA
would find and hire the most-skilled producers and directors in the field to produce adverts
based on the slogan ‘Always Coca-cola’. Animated adverts were a staple of Coca-cola, and
the ‘Coke side of life’ (2006) and the ‘Open happiness’ (2009) campaign included some of
the best slogans the company has ever produced, including ‘Grand theft auto’, ‘It’s mine’,
and ‘Happiness factory’. ‘Open happiness’ has been Coca-colas slogan for the past 10 years
and continues to represent the company and attract customers to their product.

In conclusion, social media was a big part of the marketing and advertising industry as
generations now rely on social media and the internet for everything. By having social
media as a main platform for marketing and advertising allows businesses to promote and
target their product or service directly to their intended audience, also reaching millions of
people a day allows them to spread their services and businesses to their intended
audiences quicker. Social media will also change in the future due to technology changing
every day, new and improved ways will be invented to help businesses continue to promote
their products and services.

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