How To Generate Positive Karma For Yourself, 3 Types &amp Effects - Philosophy PDF

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How to generate Positive Karma

for yourself, 3 types & effects

Karma is the act, work or
deed that affects our future
life and also, our life in the
next birth. There are three
types of Karma : Sanchita,
Prarabdha, Aagami.
Sanchita Karma is the one
you carry from multiple past
lives (includes both positive
and negative effects;
however, negative effects
wonʼt be carried beyond 7
lives while positive effects can be carried till your last life).
Prarabdha Karma is mostly carried from immediate past life and
can also be a mixture of balance negative karma from few past
lives and this has to be forcefully experienced by you in present
Sanchita Karmas can wait and can be postponed through prayers,
meditation, remedies, donations etc but timing and execution of
results of Prarabdha Karma cannot be altered.
At the most, one can reduce its intensity in this life.
Aagami Karma is what you accumulate by your deeds in this life,
and will be carried forward for next life and their total becomes
sanchita karma for next life.
Good actions done with good intent help you create Good Karma.
This karmic cycle goes on till balance of karmas becomes ‘Zero‘
and that would be end of your soulʼs journey, which leads to 1/2/2560 BE, 7C14 PM

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salvation or nirvana.

The concept of Karma puts a lot of emphasis, not just on our

actions but on our intent as well.
The biggest advantage of Kaliyug (present epoch) is that one just
has to think of doing a positive deed and he gets partial benefit
for his thought. Whereas he will get negative effect not for
thinking of a negative deed, but only after actually doing it.
This is the secret behind generating more positive karma :
Positive Thoughts !

Newton had correctly observed that for every action, there is an

equal and opposite reaction. What you do today will impact you in
some way tomorrow and only those who choose to live wisely, and
with this awareness of how nature works will gain in the end.
So, in order to create good karma, should you start donating
money? Donate Blood and Organs? Adopt a child? Give up your
wealth? These are some thoughts that come to mind and we have
seen how the rich love to give back. But, is charity enough or do
you need to go beyond all the commonly known actions that
people engage in to rinse off their karmic debts? Sure it will do
you good when you offer financial help to those in need but don`t
do it to free your soul of guilt. Leading a thoughtful life and by
being considerate towards one and all, you will find peace sooner
than you think.

To think all your actions through may not seem feasible but with
effort and patience, you will experience change from within and
this will help you live a life that`s meaningful. Not all of us are
strong enough to lead saintly lives but there are little things that
can be done every day to create Good Karma and awaken the
spirit that makes you truly human. Change does not happen 1/2/2560 BE, 7C14 PM

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overnight, it takes time but the sooner you begin this process, the
sooner you will find release from the misery caused by negative

5 Suggestions to generate positive karma and lead a

better life

Speak words of kindness to everyone you meet and know

Never utter words that you know are going to hurt
someone`s feelings. If what you are going to say will not help
the person in any way, refrain from saying it. Choose your
words carefully and avoid using filthy language or language
that one uses to express contempt, anger, rage or other
similar emotions.
Smile for your family and friends!
Spread cheer in their lives with your kind gestures and
meaningful actions. Don`t hold yourself back from showing
how you care. Let your ego step aside. You will lose nothing in
the process.
Never mock someone`s weaknesses
If someone is not skilled, someone has poor writing or
reading skills, makes spelling errors, dresses inappropriately,
lacks manners – no matter what you think is lacking in
another person, you will create nothing other than bad karma
for yourself and increase your own suffering by belittling
someone. Those who are really secure from within will not
indulge in forming poor opinions of others based on what
they consider is `right` or `wrong`. If someone is mentally ill,
you must find it in yourself to be kinder towards this person
rather than ridiculing the illness. Everyone is special in their
own unique way and there is no right way to judge someone,
so it`s best to focus on yourself and not on others. 1/2/2560 BE, 7C14 PM

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Help even when you will gain nothing in return
There is no greater joy than the joy of giving selflessly. Very
few have actually lead lives dedicated to selfless actions for
the good of others. Helping old people cross the streets,
giving up your seat in the bus for someone who may need it
more than you, stopping to ask someone if he or she needs
any help when you find someone stranded on the street or
lost, engaging in conversations with those who seem lonely,
complimenting those who seem insecure – it`s the little
things you do daily that matter the most. Eventually, you will
feel better about all the good that you do for everyone.
Put yourself in someone else`s shoes, but with their
capabilities; not yourʼs
While a selfish existence is the most convenient way to live,
those who believe in the concept of Karma and how it works
must find ways to overcome selfishness. Selfishness doesn`t
mean you don`t make the most of your life and opportunities
that you create for yourself or the advantages you get
because of your destiny. Selfishness is when your desires
encroach upon the happiness of others or when you don`t
stop to think how your actions may be affecting another. It is
when you force others to live as per what you think is best.
Your selfless acts should bring you happiness and they
shouldn`t cause you discomfort or dissatisfaction. It is the
intent with which you act that makes all the difference.
Increase your capacity for compassion and practice empathy.

All these will create positive karma for you and the future effects
will be positive in your life or next lives.

But as Yudhistir says to king of Virat in Mahabharata : One who

donates now has to beg in future. 1/2/2560 BE, 7C14 PM

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The idea of begging can be anything like asking for money to be
invested in your business to actual begging.
So, a yogi who attained knowledge of this karmic cycle or
patterns will develop passive thinking towards karmic deeds and
try to attain nirvana or salvation by balancing his positive and
negative karma to ‘ZEROʼ and thus attain Moksha.

As positive karma can lead positive next life or a stay in heaven,

but that is not permanent.
Heavens collapse as Yugas and Kalpas change, even Gods and
Avatars lose their prominence and can be forgotten.
But the supreme power(lord) stays and so does our soul.
A well matured Yogi will try to unite with that supreme soul
(Paramatma) by raising his kundalini and exploding it in Sahasrara
Chakra (7th), which gives his soul permanent stability.

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