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Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts

3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Effectiveness of Information Technology Laboratory to the

Students Of
St. Ignatius Technical Institute Of Business
And Arts.
2.Statement Of The Problem
3.Statement of Hypothesis
4.Scope and Delimination
5.Significance Of The Study

This study investigated teacher educators’, prospective teachers’, and K-12 teachers’ opinions
about the effectiveness of ICT related courses and the ways to improve the courses in
Philippines teacher education programs.

The researchers used qualitative research approaches within the data collection and analysis
processes. The data were collected from 3 Student’s in st. Ignatius balibago Sta. Rosa Laguna.

Even though a majority of the participants felt that ICT related courses are effective, most
participants recommended that these courses need to be redesigned to be more beneficial in
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

In the previous chapter, the investigator discussed in detail the significance of the problem of
present investigation, objectives of the study and hypothesis etc., the present chapter is set apart
for making a brief review of the related studies.

A study of the related literature implies locating, reading and evaluating reports of research as
well as reports of casual observation and opinions that are isolated individual planned research

The present investigation proposed to study status of ICTutilizationin secondary schools:

practical challenges and future recommendations

A detailed review of the related studies have done to plan the present study, in selecting
methodology, research tool, size of sample, sampling technique and statistical techniques used.

Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an important source of innovation
and improvement of efficiency for many sectors across the globe. In the education sector,
particularly, the application of ICT has become a critical part of the learning process for
university students both outside and inside the classroom setting.

The government and other stakeholders in the education sector such as university management
and researchers have invested millions of dollars to adopt ICT in the education system during the
last two decades.

Most universities that have fully adopted ICT have recorded immense advancement in the
application of ICT for the improvement of learning methods, teaching, research, and
development. It is, however, not clear what impact the ICT applications have on the performance
and achievement of students.
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

1. What is the demographic profile of the participant?
1.1 Age :
1.2 Gender :
1.3 Strand :
2What are the lived experience of the participant in term of?
3. What are the problems arises in ICT’s students in Information technology laboratory of
grade 12 ICT’s students?

4. How do they cope with the problems exists in the information technology laboratory?

Statement of Hypothesis

Ho1. ICT adoption in the sampled universities has yielded not only administrative benefits but
also resulted in enhancing the students’ academic performance.

Ho2. With the introduction of Blackboard, the online learning management system, the faculty
are able to develop teaching tools, online exercises, and even midterm exams in a few cases.

Ho3. A conservative environment prevails in all universities across Philippines which puts
restriction on boys and girls to study together, without exception

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

It Attempted to determine teacher expressed attitudes,perceive skill Level,and level of ict

integration to instruction.It Examined the Relationship between their expressed attitudes and
perceived skill
Level towards their level of integration of ict to instruction its also Aimed to find out if there is a
significant relationship between the Level of ict integration to instruction and the following
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Gender,age,number of years as a student educators ,and employment Status,furthermore it sought

the teacher educators opinions on what Teacher education courses and by what manner can
integration of ict to Instruction best implemented.
Significance of the study
Integration of ICT in teaching has very important significance on learning attitude of students,
creativity, knowledge construction, learning environment, teaching strategies, problem solving
skills and understanding concepts using various tools. Learner has opportunity to keep record of
information in electronic version and understand dfifferent concepts on the basis of self- learning
(Owen, 2004). Different forms of Multimedia channels provide information about content
knowledge, understanding of different concepts, variety of approaches and expertise (Sharma,
Teacher : How to learner can help utilizing ICTs to that of a facilitator does not obviate the need
for teachers to serve as leaders in the classroom; traditional teacher leadership skills and
practices are still important (especially those related to lesson planning, preparation, and follow-
Students : How to learner can help positive impact of ICT use in education has not been proven.
“In general, and despite thousands of impact studies, the impact of ICT use on student
achievement remains difficult to measure and open to much reasonable debate”.
The Researchers :How to learner can help widespread belief that ICTs can and will empower
teachers and learners, transforming teaching and learning processes from being highly teacher-
dominated to student-centered, and that this transformation will result in increased learning gains
for students, creating and allowing for opportunities for learners to develop their creativity,
problem-solving abilities, informational reasoning skills, communication skills, and other higher-
order thinking skills. However, there are currently very limited, unequivocally compelling data
to support this belief.

The Future researchers : How to learner can help may have the opportunity to analyze
problems and explore ideas as well as to develop concepts. They may further evaluate ICT
learning solutions. Students not only acquire knowledge together, but also share diverse learning
experiences from one another in order to express themselves and reflect on their learning.
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Chapter 2
Review of related Literature


Today libraries are shifting their role from the custodian of traditional information resources to the provider
of service-oriented digital information resources. Widespread use of computers, increased reliance on
computer networks, rapid growth of the Internet and explosion in the quality and quantity of information
compelled libraries to adopt new means and methods for the storage, retrieval and dissemination of
The modernization of libraries and information centers enabled informationtransfer and access, there by
establishes a network of libraries and information centres. This initiative helped in resource development,
resource sharing and their utilization at various levels. Information professionals subscribe to e-journals,
CD-ROM databases, online databases, web-based resources, and a variety of other electronic resources.
They participate in library consortia and build digital libraries. However, these libraries have been
hampered by many constraints to embark on successful application of information and communication
technology (ICT) for their operations, resources, and services (Williams & Channaveeraiah, 2008)
Citation Library Philosophy and Practice 2012 Abstract

Skills : The purpose of the study was to examine integration of ICT in selected public secondary
education schools in Metro Manila, Philippines. The parameters used included a)availability of
ICT resources b)level of skills, c)extent of usage d)problems inhibiting adoption, and perceptions
and goals
Knowledge : In the Philippine context, Correos (2014) assessed the secondary school English
language teachers’ ICT literacy, the extent of ICT utilization in English language teaching, and
the challenges that prevent language teachers from integrating ICT in teaching. The results
revealed that the teachers’ ICT literacy was moderate. The findings provided evidence that there
was only a limited use of ICT in language teaching. Feedback gathered from questionnaires
showed that teachers faced many challenges that demotivate them from using ICT in language
Ability : This study is based on a qualitative research which is exploratory in nature. It was used
to gain understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations on a certain theme. This
type of research provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for
potential quantitative research. It is further used to uncover trends in thoughts and opinions, and
delve deeper into the problem investigated (Wyse 2011)
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Skills : Beyond basic skill training, schools had used a variety of strategies to provide further
professional development for teachers. According to Warwick and Kershner (2008)

Knowledge : Technology has a positive effect on learners’ learning. It causes learners to be

more engaged; therefore, they can keep more information. Technology provides meaningful
learning experiences. It gives learners more opportunities to cooperate with their peers leading to
learning from each other (Costley, 2014)

Ability : However, infrastructure and facility of ICT is then needed to supply to the schools
throughout the nation. A key factor in use of ICT is sufficient computer labs and ICT equipment.
This is to ensure that subject teachers are easily access to ICT tools whenever needed (Hennessy,
Ruthven, & Brindley, 2015)
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Chapter 3
This unit is designed to give ICT research students an appreciation of the significance of
Research and provide students with research skills, knowledge and understandings that will
enable them to conduct their own research in a rigorous manner. The unit will encourage
critical understanding of qualitative approaches in research and explore the research process. The
unit includes the design of data collection tools and an introduction to quantitative and
qualitative data collection and analysis techniques. Students will gain an understanding of the
theory and practice of methods and approaches applicable to the conduct of ICT research. They
will have the capacity to design and communicate research proposals for ICT projects and to
critically assess and evaluate alternative approaches to conducting research on ICT issues. They
will consider the ethical issues involved in planning, conducting and reporting research. Students
will be challenged to apply concepts and critically engage with issues as they relate to personal
research needs and the assessment items will relate to their research topic.

Research Design.
Students will develop a strategy for doing research. They will learn to configure mixedmethod
design approaches that complement each other and answer their research question.

Population and Sampling

The overall total of respondents for this research was 3 Students from St. Ignatius Balibago Sta
Rosa Laguna and the facility are 2 ICT’s room and the computer are 33 and the other computer
has not reworking.

Data Gathering Procedure. :All the data collected from the 3 students respondents were
gathered together to be analyzed using Statistical Package for the Science 1 ,The analysis
includes both descriptive and inferential analysis. The researchers used descriptive analysis to
analyze the frequency and percentage of the overall population in the demographic

Instrumentation: This study has made use of a close-ended questionnaire in order to collect
data from selected Sinior High students who had access to ICT applications. The content validity
of the items of the questionnaire was conducted by two subject experts. The data from the
teachers were collected thorough an interview with open and closed ended questions conducted

Treatment and Qualitative data:

St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts
3rd Floor Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Building,
Old National Highway, Balibago,
City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

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