Guide To Contemporary Music in Belgium 2012

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R   RY


1.1 COMPOSERS  ____________________________________________               6

1.2 ENSEMBLES  _ ____________________________________________               8
1.2.a Ensembles specialised in contemporary music  _________________               8
1.2.b Ensembles with great interest in contemporary music  ___________ 20
1.3 SOLOISTS  _______________________________________________ 26
1.3.a Soloists specialised in contemporary music  ___________________ 26
1.3.b Soloists with great interest in contemporary music  _ ____________ 32
1.4 CONDUCTORS  __________________________________________ 33
1.5 ORCHESTRAS  ____________________________________________ 36
1.6 CHOIRS  _________________________________________________ 37
1.7 MUSIC THEATRE/OPERA  __________________________________ 39


2.1 MUSIC ORGANISATIONS  _________________________________ 44

2.1.a Associations  _ ____________________________________________ 44
2.1.b Information/documentation/promotion  _______________________ 46
2.1.c Laboratories for experimental/electronic music & research  ______ 50
2.2 CONCERT ORGANISATIONS  ______________________________ 53
2.2.a Festivals  _________________________________________________ 53
2.2.b Arts centres & concert halls  _________________________________ 57
2.2.c Working spaces  __________________________________________ 62
2.3 HIGHER MUSIC EDUCATION  _ _____________________________ 64
2.5 MEDIA  __________________________________________________ 67
2.6 PUBLISHERS  ______________________________________________ 70
2.7 RECORD/DISTRIBUTION COMPANIES  _ _____________________ 71


3.1 ABOUT THE CULTURAL POLICY  _____________________________ 74

3.1.a Flanders  _________________________________________________ 75
3.1.b Wallonia-Brussels Federation  _______________________________ 76
MUSIC IN BELGIUM  _ _____________________________________ 78


On a map of the world Belgium looks smaller than a postage stamp.

But a felicitous turn of history has made this region into a crossroads
= of different cultures. This is why Belgium is rich in creative talent and
overflowing with cultural activities. Music thrives everywhere, what
with every city boasting a diversity of concert halls or other interest-
Flanders ing locations for concerts, festivals and many small-scale initiatives.
+ These initiatives have contributed to the growing maturity of the
Brussels contemporary music scene in Belgium over recent years. Doors
have been opened; a wind of change is blowing. The new guard
+ refuses to be compartmentalised any longer. Thus a lively and
Wa l l o n i a exciting future is around the corner in this rapidly changing world.

This guide is a supplement to the “ISCM World Music Magazine”,

published on the occasion of the ISCM-World Music Days 2012 in
Belgium. It offers an introduction to artists and organisations that are
representative of the contemporary Belgian music scene. We make
no claim to be exhaustive, but an attempt has been made nonethe-
less to be as complete as possible by listing those who contribute
most significantly to the promotion of contemporary music, both in
terms of Belgian and of international repertoire.

Belgium is a federal state in the heart also German-speaking part. Each For more profiles of musicians, discographies, updates and further
of Europe, comprising 3 regions community is autonomous for matters information on various aspects of the Belgian music scene (all gen-
(Flemish, Walloon, Brussels-Capital), such as culture, education, media,… res) as well as a musicological approach to contemporary music in
3 communities (Dutch, Federation and has its own institutions. Brussels, Belgium, please see the following websites:,
Wallonia-Brussels, German), and 4 capital of Belgium and of Flanders
language areas (Dutch, French, and as well, is home to the European,,
German-speaking and Brussels as a Commission and many international
bilingual area), whose boundaries cultural institutions. Its cultural policy
overlap. Flanders is the northern, is taken in charge by the institutions of
Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, and the communities. Katrien van Remortel, Marie Paule Wouters — Flanders Music Centre
Wallonia the Southern, French- and Bruno De Cat — Forum des Compositeurs

2 3
P RT 1
.1. ISCM-Flanders ISCM-Wallonia
COMPOSERS contemporary art music catalogue Forum des Compositeurs

At the beginning of each new year, In 2002, a special jury was ap-
ISCM-Flanders gathers an interna- pointed to select a dozen (young)
tional reading committee to select composers in their 30es or 40es
amongst the contemporary art music who had proven evidence of highly
submissions of the “call for scores” professional achievement, and who
the most remarkable pieces with an would be featured on a compilation
international potential. Those pieces named “Eclats”. These 13 composers
are added to the ISCM-Flanders decided to create an association (le
Catalogue: an instrument in the Forum des compositeurs) which then
For a comprehensive musicological survey of Flanders and new music we refer international promotion of Flemish welcomed new members in 2006.
to texts by musicologists Yves Knockaert, Maarten Beirens and Rudy Tambuyser repertoire.
Currently the catalogue contains work Listed below are the most active
For information about composers in Wallonia-Brussels we refer to books published of the following composers: among them:
at Mardaga editions: collection “musique-musicologie” (, and
to the Musiques Nouvelles magazine (in French only). Brewaeys Luc (1959) Bosse Denis (1960)
Cox Boudewijn (1965) de Jaer Baudouin (1960)
BIOGRAPHIES De Baerdemacker Kris (1972) De Mey Thierry (1956)
Biographies of living composers can be found on the following websites: Defoort Kris (1959) De Putter Renaud (1967)
— composers from the Flemish community Henderickx Wim (1962) Deleuze Jean-Pierre (1954) Janssens Daan (1983) Dessy Jean-Paul (1963) Neyrinck Frederik (1985) Dunkelman Stephan (1956) Nuyts Frank (1957) Fafchamps Jean-Luc (1960)
— composers from the French-speaking community Prins Stefan (1979) Fourgon Michel (1968) Rathé Filip (1966) Gobert Gilles (1971)
— composers of acousmatic music Roels Hans (1971) Kissine Victor (1953) Sommereyns Noor (1982) Ledoux Claude (1960)
Tassyns Jelle (1979) Mernier Benoît (1964)
WORKING LISTS Van Camp Bram (1980) Pousseur Denis (1958)
An important part of The Matrix New Music Centre database is devoted to Van Daele Hans (1961) Rens Jean-Marie (1955)
Flemish music. Van Eycken Stefan (1975) Todoroff Todor (1963)
Van Herck Bert (1971) Zhang Hao-fu (1952)
The database of CeBeDem contains working lists of affiliated composers. Van Parys Annelies (1975) Vanhecke Bart (1964)
Vermote Petra (1968)
The database of Forum Des Compositeurs will publish working lists of all living
French speaking composers. Verstockt Serge (1957)

6 7
1 .2

Mangalam! 1.2.a

EC nsembles specialised in

M usic

Letter Piece Company

© Kristien Verhoeyen

A gartha Bram Bossier, viola

M: +32 (0)475.55.00.84

Specialisation: Agartha operates on the
basis of the instruments bayan/accordion
Jules Besmestraat 47
and viola. Programmes range across a gamut
BE - 1081 Brussels
from solo repertoire to duo, trio and quartet.
Label: Sub Rosa.

Ictus In a unique ensemble such as Agartha,

with the bayan and the viola as main
instruments (played by An Raskin and
Bram Bossier), one can expect some-
A& ton’
thing quite adventurous and revelato-
Specialisation: cello & piano. From the canon-
ry. To offer a wide variety of projects, ical contemporary music up to premieres, and
Agartha combines various instruments sporadically music from other periods.
with a specific musical tradition and
history. Furthermore the ensemble tries Aton’&Armide was created as two
to find a balance between the classical people unified their desire to explore
world and contemporary culture by recent classical music, standard rep-
Musiques Nouvelles
© Isabelle Francaix
means of new compositions, and by ertoire as well as premieres. From
exploring common ground in different the start there was no other aim than
artistic disciplines. to satisfy curiosity, but today A’&A is
an ensemble with variable geometry,

8 9
focusing on links. What’s a link? One
explanation is: ‘a thin wild bank of
constantly looking for collaborative
ventures with composers, sound artists
Eric Sleichim, artistic director
Veerle Vervoort, manager
Cr         eFLEXible
land splitting 2 cultivated patches’. and specialised performers. M: +32 (0)473.24.35.85
Specialisation: instant composed music.
That’s what they do: to walk a path
Label: Amirani Records.
that connects cultural aspects such Jutta Troch, artistic direction — BL!NDMAN
as music, a word, a painting, or Sainctelettesquare 18 reFLEXible focuses on Instant Com­­
M: +32 (0)484.73.79.40
anything which makes us curious. Fabian Coomans, artistic direction BE - 1000 Brussels posed Music, often in combination with
The musical starting point is often T: +32 (0) other media/disciplines. It played live-
a composition from between 1945 — soundtracks on silent movies such as
to this day, but the programmes em- Besides Ensemble ‘Metropolis’ by Fritz Lang, interpreted
Kalstraat 43
brace music from other times, as long BE - 2900 Schoten
graphic scores (Logothetis/Cardew),
as its connection to the elements of created performances in the context of
Cd      hamp
the chain that creates the programme, the project ‘Liveness’, conceptualized
makes sense. by Thomas Olbrechts, worked on the
meta-composition ‘More or Less’ by
Sara Picavet, piano
Benjamin Glorieux, cello

Specialisation: multi-disciplinary perfor­

Specialisation: experimental music and sound
laboratory for new music, multidisciplinary
projects. Labels: ChampdAction/Archive;
Karlheinz Essl, the perfor­mance ‘One
by One’ by Joachim Devillé and the mances for quartets. Labels: Universal Music,
Et'cetera; Mode Records; Megadisc. composition ‘Ventriloquium’ by Stefan Et’Cetera. Prins. reFLEXible often collaborates
ChampdAction is an innovative with guest musicians/other ensembles,
In 1988 Eric Sleichim founded production platform/ensemble for such as ChampdAction. Their new
BL!NDMAN, a saxophone quartet multidisciplinary music projects with project “+” was developed at STEIM
B  esides

Specialisation: non-conducted chamber music

with a traditional line-up, which de-
velops new performance techniques
a focus on the use of electronics and
new technology on the one hand and
in 2011: the musical input of the piece
is sampled continuously, each layer is
written in the past 20 years for 2 to 9 musi- and substantially expands the reper- a great openness towards other arts improvised on top of the other: sound-
cians. Label: New World Records. toire for the instrument by continually disciplines on the other. Radical artis-
exploring the boundaries with other tic choices, creation, innovation and
Non-standard instrumentation, con­ disciplines and early music. In 2008 artistic research are paramount. One Artistic direction: Thomas Olbrechts/
Joachim Devillé/Stefan Prins
temporary chamber music in a brand- BL!NDMAN became a collective in of ChampdAction’s essential charac-
Thomas Olbrechts, coordination
new package, humoristic, interdiscipli- which the 20 years of stage experi- teristics is its ever-innovating organisa-
nary... those are the basic ingredients ence accumulated by the original tion that continues to play a pioneer- M: +32 (0)473.11.68.23
of Besides. With the tradition of quartet – BL!NDMAN (sax) – is ing role in the ever-changing world of —
written music as a starting point, an shared with three young quartets: music. ChampdAction resides at arts Collectief reFLEXible
Van Volxemlaan 264/C7
important part is always reserved BL!NDMAN [drums], BL!NDMAN campus deSingel in Antwerp, where BE - 1190 Brussels
for live electronics, performance and (vox) and BL!NDMAN (strings). A it occupies ChampdAction/STUDIO. T: +32 (0)2.539.40.14
improvisation when brainstorming collective composed entirely of quar- (see p. 52: Studio)
for new programme concepts. The tets: unique in the music world. Four
individual musicians each work in quartets, two generations, countless Serge Verstockt, artistic director
very different fields of the musical possibilities for ‘unheard of’ cross-
spectrum. This fact, together with
the uncommon combination of harp,
fertilisation. A highly individual rep-
ertoire of old and new. As always,
Ann Andries, manager
M: +32 (0)476.32.99.95
DM      uo

saxophone, drums, violin, cello, flute, BL!NDMAN embraces other artistic —

ChampdAction Specialisation: repertoire for flute and piano
e-guitar, piano and electronics, gives disciplines, delights the eye, questions written after 1960.
Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 155
Besides its unique signature sound. the ear and considers experiment of BE - 2018 Antwerp
The creation of new repertoire will paramount importance. T: +32 (0)3.800.01.10 The Duo Mythos was founded in
therefore only be possible through 2007 by two musicians, Myriam

10 11
Graulus and Tomoko Honda, who ples of international chamber music. the impulse to the first concert of En­ visual character, and often take place
share a passion for contemporary The core of Emanon consists of 15 semble 21 in 1999, in the Museum at unusual, appropriate locations.
chamber music repertoire. With their excellent musicians who, conducted of Spontaneous Art in Brussels. This The productions feature new music
eclectic programming and dynamic with great commitment by Raf De event was widely praised by music by such composers as Sciarrino,
presentations, the duo has appeared Keninck, vouch for a powerful group critics. Since then Ensemble 21 has Saariaho, Fedele, the Belgians
in the Van Gogh Museum and the performance. Because of its ‘sinfo- always been noted for the rigour Brewaeys, D’Haene and Henderickx,
Sweelinck Hall in Amsterdam, De nietta’ composition – wind quintet, and alacrity of its performances. and young talents such as Thomas
Bijloke concert series in Ghent, in string quintet, harp, percussion and Furthermore, helping discover Belgian Smetryns, Hanne Deneire, Bram Van
New York and in Mexico alongside its piano – Emanon is a unique ensemble composers and playing with a broad Camp, and Annelies Van Parys.
homebase, Brussels. Through its sea- that plays its role in Flanders and chamber music setting are the distinc-
soned knowledge of flute and piano abroad with passionate conviction. tive features of Ensemble 21. Koen Kessels, artistic director
duo culture, the mission of the Duo Emanon also organises a composition
Kevin Voets, general manager
Mythos is to create, communicate, contest every two years with a view to Marc Collet, artistic director
collaborate and connect. The duo is sustaining new talent. M: +32 (0)485.82.93.17
M: +32 (0)486.91.69.69
dedicated to promoting new music Marie-Hélène Fassin, manager

and aims to offer the audience a very Raf De Keninck, artistic direction HERMESensemble
M: +32 (0)496.08.69.62 AMUZ – Everdijstraat 12
experienced and complementary —
BE - 2000 Antwerp
Tine Janssens, production Ensemble 21
performance through high standards, M: +32 (0)485.82.93.17
Rue des Anciens Combattants 15
invigorating synergy and vibrant M: +32 (0)479.96.58.35 BE - 1450 Chastre
ideas, while concurrently conveying —
their enthusiasm for contemporary Emanon Ensemble
Brusselsestraat 63
music and knowledge to a younger BE - 3000 Leuven
generation internationally.
I      ctus
Myriam Graulus
M: +32 (0)472.61.07.03
He      ERMES
Specialisation: contemporary music in all its
stylistic variations. Label: Cyprus/.

Duo Mythos
Rue Verboeckhaven 53
E2   nsemble
Repertoire/specialisation: music of the 20th
and 21st centuries in concerts with film,
video and multimedia. Label: Harmonia
Ictus is a Brussels-based contemporary
music ensemble with 20 or so co-opted
BE - 1210 Brussels musicians; a mixed “electric orchestra”,
Specialisation: classic repertoire of the late 20th Mundi distribution.
and 21st century. Young Belgian composers. born on the road with Flemish choreog-
HERMESensemble is an Antwerp- rapher Wim Vandekeybus and continu-
E      manon

Specialisation: Contemporary chamber music,

Ensemble 21 is a contemporary mu-
sic ensemble of 21 non-permanent
based collective for contemporary
music and art, founded by Koen
ing to tour with Rosas Dance Company.
Various formats and listening systems
chamber symphonies, work by Flemish com- musicians that was founded at the Kessels in 2000. The repertoire and are put in a mix: mini or maxi concerts,
posers. Label: Phaedra. beginning of the 21st century with performance practice of the classical Blind Dates, concerts with comments,
the urge to propose an alternative to avant-garde are the starting points concerts-cum-festivals. The line-up of
Ensemble Emanon cherishes versatil- the way today’s music was presented. of the productions, but the ensemble performances is an opportunity to
ity and a multidisciplinary approach: They are convinced that contempo- consciously strives to cross artistic experiment with new programmes to
contemporary music in combination rary music must be a living art, close borders; on one hand it searches con- be offered to a non-specialist audience
with dance, music theatre, the visual to the audience. In the choice of its frontations with early music, popular with broad cultural interests, people
arts and literature. While search- repertoire Ensemble 21 makes room and world music, on the other hand with an enthusiasm for theatre, dance
ing for crossover projects, Emanon for interaction with spatial arts and it investigates synergies with other and music. Ictus has been in residence
also attempts to bring new work by the poetic dimension of the pieces. disciplines such as (music) theatre, in Brussels since 1994, and at the
Flemish composers, sometimes com- The musicians first gathered around fine arts, video, film and multimedia. Lille Opera House since 2004 with
bined with the most outstanding sam- Luciano Berio’s works, which gave Many of the events explicitly have a concerts, educational activities and one

12 13
stage production per year. In coopera- the Brussels-based artslab PianoFabriek
With more than 40 years of experi-
tion with the School of Arts Ghent, and the Flemish Community. ensembles.html ence in the use and development
Ictus coordinates an Advanced Master of all kinds of human interfaces
course. The collection of recordings Shila Anaraki, artistic direction combined with experimental robot-

counts 20 titles plus a virtual collection   angalam! ics, <M&M> has become the world’s
Tomma Wessel
online. Ictus has performed in most of largest robot orchestra. There are
the major concert halls and leading M: +32 (0)497.64.38.12 Specialisation: Contemporary music in trio for currently 50 robots, including organs,
festivals around the world. — flute, bass clarinet, piano (+percussion). percussion, brass, woodwind and
Letter Piece Company prototype instruments. Created at
Jean-Luc Plouvier, artistic direction Brussels/London
Initiated in the summer of 2009 to the Logos Foundation, it specializes
seize the opportunity of a postmaster in performances combining humans
Tom Pauwels, artistic direction degree in contemporary chamber and machines: musicians, performers,
music coached by Ictus and Spectra poets and dancers explore the pos-
Willem Hering,
general director (<2013) Ensemble, Mangalam! groups young sibilities of interaction with each other     nsemble
musicians with a common passion and with the fascinating musical

for performance and creation of new automatons. All interfaces (wireless
Specialisation: soundscapes, sound poetry, im-
Van Volxemlaan 164, provisation. Labels: Kye, Logos Publiek Domein. music and the same purpose: make gesture control, real time sound ana­
BE - 1190 Brussels people discover contemporary music lysis, microwave, radar, sonar, etc.)
T: +32 (0)2.340.03.83 The Logos Ensemble was originally in a different way. Mangalam! plays and robots are designed and con- founded in 1968 by Godfried-Willem compositions originally written for structed by Dr. Godfried-Willem Raes.
Raes. Moniek Darge joined the group “Het Trio” (the illustrious Dutch trio that
in 1970. Taking their cue from the commissioned works from Donatoni, Godfried-Willem Raes, director

LCetter Piece atmosphere of social and political Harvey, De Leeuw and many others), a
<M&M> Orchestra
      ompany protest typical of those times, Moniek classical line-up of flute (Anne Davids), Kongostraat 35
and Godfried travelled as a duo all bass clarinet (Tomonori Takeda) and BE - 9000 Ghent
Specialisation: performance pieces that over the world. As performing com- piano (Charlotte Otte), regularly includ- T: +32 (0)
posers, they reach out for everything ing percussion to complete their rep-
combine sound, physical action and text.
that is new and experimental in mu­ ertoire with spectral works (Bertrand,
The Letter Piece Company is dancer sic, confronting Raes’ algorithmic Hurel,...) and Belgian music (Lysight,
Shila Anaraki, light designer Tom music with Darge’s nature sounds and Goeyvaerts, Bradt,...).

Bruwier, keyboardist Mark Knoop, ritual tableaux. In recent years the  usiques Nouvelles
Anne Davids, artistic direction
guitarist Tom Pauwels, composer duo have been joined by young art- ’ENSEMBLE
Matthew Shlomowitz, recorder player ists/composers/performers in various M:+ 32(0)477.46.91.07 Specialisation: contemporary repertoire from
Tomma Wessel. The group was formed configurations committed to avant- — solo to sinfonietta, strings, live-electronics.
in 2008 to perform Matthew’s Letter garde music, multimedia performance MANGALAM! Labels: Cypres, Sub Rosa, Le Chant du Monde.
Pieces - short duo performance pieces and improvisation, of which the Logos Rue haute 19
BE - 1000 Brussels
that combine physical actions, text and Women is currently the most active. Its
Ever since its establishment in 1962,
sound. In 2010 LPC created a show for core members are Moniek Darge and Musiques Nouvelles has been devel-
the Transit and Huddersfield festivals, Françoise Vanhecke. (see p. 30) oping, highlighting and promoting
performed again at the Chisenhale contemporary music in all its formal,

<M M  &M> Orchestra

Moniek Darge, artistic direction
Dance Space and Soundwaves in geographic and cultural diversity, and  an and
2011. In 2011 LPC was working on — has, over the years, vastly increased
a piece called A to Zzz which was Logos Ensemble
(  achines) its commissions and productions in
produced for Vooruit (Ghent) and Kongostraat 35 Specialisation: experimental music by Flemish Belgium and worldwide. At both
Concertgebouw Brugge. The Letter BE - 9000 Ghent and international composers, originally written national and international festivals,
T: +32 (0) for robots. Programs with early music and with
Piece Company is also supported by tango. Label: Logos Publiek Domein.
within inventive European projects,

14 15
Musiques Nouvelles invests its music
with an abundant sense of feeling
Pieter Matthynssens, artistic direction
Rebecca Diependaele, manager
PM       lus - 
  inus Ensemble classical repertoire in the most prestig-
ious concerts halls and festivals. With
and emotion. M: +32 (0)499.18.54.51 Specialisation: avant-garde, conceptual, immaculate technique and musicality,
— and experimental music. the quartet promises to be one of the
Jean-Paul Dessy, artistic direction Nadar most visionary ensembles of its genera- Pieter Matthynssens
Zwaluwenlaan 7 Plus Minus is an Anglo/Belgian octet tion. Highly accustomed to using elec-
M: +32(0)475.80.67.25
— BE - 9100 Sint-Niklaas committed to presenting new work tronics and other forms of technology
Musiques Nouvelles L’ENSEMBLE alongside landmark modern reper- within performance, the group shuns
4 a rue des Soeurs Noires toire. Formed in 2003 by Joanna conventional sheet music in favour of
BE - 7000 Mons Bailie and Matthew Shlomowitz, iPads. A real 21st century ensemble!
T: + 32 (0)
Plus Minus is distinguished by its

interest in avant-garde, conceptual, Antoine Maisonhaute, artistic director       N
    nsemble and experimental open instrumentation
M: +32 (0)497.55.59.89
pieces such as Stockhausen’s 1963 Catherine Le Bris, manager
classic, from which the group takes its
Specialisation: classics of the second part of M: +33 (0)
the 20th and of the 21st centuries, Belgian name. Plus Minus has performed at
composers, live-electronics. the Borealis, Huddersfield, Spitalfields, —
Specialisation: Young composers from Belgium CLB Management
and abroad in confrontation with the previous Spor, Transit, and Ultima festivals. Plus 10, rue Albert
generation. Label: Sub Rosa. ON was founded in 2005, and Minus has also played in London at the FR - 75013 Paris
devotes itself almost entirely to the Talk Show and Calling Out Of Context France
Nadar was founded in 2006 by a interpretation of the contemporary exhibitions at the ICA, Whitechapel T: +33 (0)
number of young musicians with a repertoire, with a strong interest in Gallery, National Portrait Gallery,
common passion for contemporary live electronics. The septet (soprano, South Bank Centre, Cutting Edge
music. The choice of the name Nadar flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, per- series, Bethnal Green Working Men’s
derives from the multi-disciplinary cussion) considers itself as a “tool” for Club and regularly at Kings Place.
spirit that the ensemble wants to share
with the real Nadar, pseudonym of
composers and has a strong link with
“Le Forum des compositeurs” as well Matthew Shlomowitz, artistic director SE    PECTRA
Joanna Bailie, artistic director
G.-F. Tournachon. He was not only as with “Le Centre Henri Pousseur”.
M: +32 (0)474.33.94.51 Specialisation: contemporary music with a
a well-known photographer and bal- It has premiered pieces of numerous — special interest in composers living and work-
loonist, but also a caricaturist, a spy, composers, among them Franck Plus Minus Ensemble ing in Flanders, new presentational formats.
an art critic… Nadar wants to offer a C. Yeznikian, S. Klemola, D. Bosse, Rue Thiéfry 53 Label: Vox temporis.
forum to young composers, both on P. Bartholomée. Having performed in BE - 1000 Brussels
a national and an international level, festivals such as Ars Musica and the
SPECTRA (1993) consists of eight
through commissions, intense col- Nordic Music Days, the ON ensemble mu­sicians, working intensively together
laboration, workshops, and creation also undertakes projects in new to create a unique sound and musical

concerts. Nadar conceives cunning concert venues.     uatuor coherence. The ensemble contributes
concepts, fresh modes of presentation        ana impassioned to the promotion of
and original combinations of different Gilles Gobert, artistic director Flemish contemporary music in the
media, never avoiding artistic risks. Specialisation: contemporary repertoire, international music scene. SPECTRA
M: +32 (0)473.37.15.38
The ensemble was soon noted by the — live-electronics. creates many commissions in continu-
big festivals in Belgium and abroad, Ensemble ON ous dialogue with referential pieces,
positioning itself in the contemporary c/o Philippe Saucez Based in Belgium, the Tana String using a wide variety of presentational
landscape at the cutting edge. 11 rue de l’Agace Quartet performs specialist contempo- forms such as concerts, happenings,
BE - 7061 Casteau
rary repertoire. This strong focus on musical theatre and multi-media
Stefan Prins, artistic direction music of today, however, does not events. Its undogmatic programmes
prevent the quartet from performing and idiosyncratic performances are

16 17
Triatu Percussion Trio
highly appraised by organisers and Beitemstraat 17
creative artists alike. They collaborated BE - 8890 Moorslede
with composers such as Francesconi,
Gervasoni and N.A. Huber and
performed at festivals such as Ars

Musica, Transit, Musica Nova Brazil, werm
November Music, Musica Sacra,
Huddersfield, Traiettorie, Biennale Specialisation: new music for electric guitar
Venezia and the Aurora Festival. quartet: Larry Polansky, Fred Frith, Christian
Wolff, Mario Del Nunzio, James Tenney,
Filip Rathé, artistic director, conductor Yannis Kyriakides, Jimi Hendrix, Nick Cave, Björk, Karlheinz Essl, Agostino Discipio,
Greet Swinnen, manager Philip Glass and Belgian composers. Label: New World Records.

Spectra Ensemble Zwerm is a Belgian-Dutch electric
Hundelgemsesteenweg 204 bus 3 guitar quartet founded in 2007.
BE - 9050 Ledeberg
T: +32 (0)
Their first cd called The World’s HERMESensemble Longest Melody was mentioned by The Wire Magazine as ‘an obvi-
ous contender for album of the year
2010’. They gave concerts in the UK,

T riatu Europe and the United States. Zwerm

is described in the press as: ‘An excit-
Specialisation: contemporary percussion ing, sometimes alienating and always
music. Label: Senza Nome. quirky musical discovery as you rarely
get to hear’ (Goddeau 03/2011). ‘A
This percussion trio is the result of an gorgeous feedback texture heavenly
exceptionally productive encounter braided by the four guitars of Zwerm BL!NDMAN
of three percussionists: Frank Van (...) If Zwerm would be listed in rock-
Eycken, Dimitri Dumon and Björn tradition, the quartet seems well in
Denys. Their repertoire mainly consists place in the vicinity of Sonic Youth and
of contemporary music with a lot of associates’ (Kwadratuur 12/2010)
interest in Belgian compositions. The ‘Ein imposantes Surround-Hörerlebnis’
trio plays wide-ranging concerts cir- (Kronenzeitung 01/2010) ‘The bold-
cling around different musical styles, ness and the imagination of the music
ranging from ethnic to contemporary, speaks out of their performances’
from all continents, and therefore also (De Standaard 10/2010).
taking advantage of unusual percus- SPECTRA Ensemble
© Karin Borghouts
sion instruments. They tend to choose Johannes Westendorp, artistic director
the kind of music that emphasises Zwerm
Toon Callier, coordinator
choreography and architecture, an af-
finity that resulted in many invitations M: +32 (0)472.34.33.96
for the theatre and for music theatre. —
Björn Denys De Winterstraat 20
M: +32(0)475.61.56.87 BE - 2140 Borgerhout

1 .2 group has created an intriguing and (commissions, organising workshops).
idiosyncratic sound, achieved by Its first CD, Jean-Marie Rens’s Mono­
ENSEMBLES an unfamiliar mix of strings, wind lithe (Cypres), was awarded an
instruments and piano. As regards ‘Octave de la musique’ in 2012.
repertoire, Het Collectief returns to
the Second Viennese School, the Thomas Van Haeperen,
1.2.b roots of modernism. Starting from this artistic direction

EC   nsembles with great interest in

solid basis, Het Collectief explores M: +32 (0)486.50.68.54
   ontemporary important twentieth-century repertoire, —

including the very latest experimental OSK − ESK
usic trends. In addition to that, with their rue Walkiers 34
BE - 1140 Brussels
adaptations of early music they hope/
aspire to contribute in their own way
to the current debate about the role
and place of early music in our time.

Thomas Dieltjens, artistic direction GS    oeyvaerts

Gerrit Geerts, business manager
T        rio

Specialisation: 20th and 21st century music.

M: +32 (0)496.29.17.34 Standard String Trio repertoire and creations.
— Label: Challenge Records.
Het Collectief-Chamber Music Quintet
Rogierlaan 236
BE - 1030 Brussels
The Goeyvaerts String Trio was
founded in 1997. The trio takes its
AB rco
Peter Verhoyen, artistic director name from the Belgian composer
Annemie Verhoyen, management
Karel Goeyvaerts, who played an
M: +32 (0)475.28.18.55 important role in the development of
Specialisation: contemporary music from
new music in Europe. Their first CD
Belgian composers. Labels: PMP, Codaex, —     SK – Ensemble
Et’Cetera, KTC, Gailly; Radio 3. Arco Baleno
   turm und was awarded a Joker by Crescendo
‘t Kloosterhof 67 magazine. In its performances
Arco Baleno are known for their
broad programming, their boldness
BE - 8200 Sint-Michiels
T: +32 (0)
K      lang

Specialisation: repertoires of the 20th and 21st

the trio aims for authenticity, seek-
ing out the advice of such eminent
in tackling older, lesser-known rep- centuries, Belgian creations. Label: Cypres. musicians as Alexander Ivashkin,
ertoire & their willingness to explore Henk Guittart, Sofia Gubaidulina.
new pieces. The confrontation of Sturm und Klang was founded in 2000 Their second CD with string trios by
these very different worlds not only Het by Thomas Van Haeperen and per- Schoenberg, Webern and Schnittke,
supplies oxygen to the ensemble’s
creativity, but also surprises many C      ollectief

Specialisation: repertoire, creation, ‘revisited’:

forms in two types of instrumentation:
either as a string orchestra (Orchestre
on the renowned Challenge Records
label, has received the highest rat-
a listener. In the last 18 years Arco Sturm und Klang) or a mixed ensem- ing from a number of magazines,
from 20th century repertoire, until the latest
Baleno created more than 30 newly experimental trends. Labels: Fuga Libera,
ble: string and wind quintet + percus- including a special recommendation
commissioned works by Belgian com- Et’cetera. sion and piano (Ensemble Sturm und in Gramophone, and was awarded
posers. In April 2012 they presented Klang). The programming of Sturm und a Golden Label by the Klassiek
their CD ‘Kaleidoscope’ with new The Brussels chamber music group Klang focuses on the repertoires of the Centraal website and a nomination
Belgian chamber music by Roland Het Collectief can be said to be 20th and 21st centuries and actively for best CD production of the year
Coryn, Stephane Vande Ginste, Pieter unique. Working consistently from a supports Belgian creations, particularly by the Flemish classical broadcasting
Schuermans & Marc Matthys. solid nucleus of five musicians, the the young generation of composers station Klara.

20 21
Pieter Stas, cellist Koenraad Hofman, artistic director
M: +32 (0)495.23.79.53   ryptos instrumental versatility of their strength is combined with a well-considered Kathleen Van Schel, administrator
— Specialisation: music from the classical period choice of programmes, offering a
Goeyvaerts String Trio to contemporary times with particular attention dialogue of recognised masterpieces —
Nieuwstraat 39 paid to works that are lesser known, espe- Oxalys v.z.w.
cially by Belgian composers. Labels: Et'cetera,
and unknown contemporary composi-
BE – 9100 Sint-Niklaas Regentschapstraat 30 De Kroon op het werk. tions. Furthermore Belgian music is BE - 1000 Brussels singled out for special attention. With T: +32 (0)2.503.16.02
Kryptos Quartet was created in 2002 Frederik Neyrinck the ensemble can
and since its formation, the KQ has boast a young composer who pro-
felt a need and a natural obliga- vides several programmes with works
  Solisti del
tion to extend their repertoire and commissioned by it.

field of interest to new music. The piegel
name “Kryptos” refers to the quest Emilie De Voght, artistic direction      
Specialisation: from Mozart until today, build- tring      
ings bridges towards other disciplines of arts. which reveals the secret hidden in   uartet
Dries Tack, management      
Labels: IsdV, Harmonia Mundi, Et’cetera, Arsis. the music which includes classical
contemporary music to experimental, — Repertoire: timeless masterpieces and
I Solisti del Vento (1987) is Belgium’s live electronics, jazz and pop cross- Odysseia Ensemble contemporary work. Labels: Mdg, Phaedra.
most significant wind ensemble and overs. The KQ have been performing Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel
Regentschapsstraat 30
ensures the interpretation, explora- at contemporary music festivals such BE - 1000 Brussels
Due to their almost exclusive con-
tion, spreading and valorisation of as Ars Musica, Happy New Ears, centration on the quartet and their
the main wind repertoire from Mozart November Music, Musica Sacra (NL) deep affection for the string quartet
until the present day. Through the and have been broadcasted by Klara, repertoire, the Spiegel String Quartet
artistic direction of Francis Pollet the Musique3, Hilversum4. achieved from their very first concerts
ensemble has developed into a flex- in 1996 an international reputation.
ible formation which can equal any
top international wind ensemble for
Anthony Gröger, artistic director
O        xalys

Specialisation: From Belle Epoque to

Ever since it has received pride of
place at a variety of music festivals

(chamber) music. I Solisti’s outstanding 20th, 21st century music and creation. and important concert halls in Europe.
Kryptos Quartet
musicians perform in the most impor- Peutiesesteenweg 84C Labels: Fuga Libera, Homerecords. In its repertoire the Quartet does not
tant concert locations and festivals, BE - 1830 Machelen restrict itself to works from a single
both in Belgium and abroad. I Solisti Oxalys was founded in 1993 by a stylistic period. Quite the contrary, in
builds bridges towards other disci- — group of ambitious students and is addition to the timeless masterpieces
Bookman Agency
plines of arts in order to carry out the Stijn Jacobs, manager
today one of the most esteemed cham- the quartet also interprets contempo-
value of wind music to other horizons. ber music groups of Flanders. It per- rary work. What’s more, the Spiegel
M: +32 (0)479.44.67.46 forms on the world’s finest platforms String Quartet has become a source
Francis Pollet, artistic director and festivals in Germany, Spain, of inspiration in its own right for
France, Holland, Italy, Norway,... contemporary composers.
Leen Van den Borre,
The ensemble’s primary aim is to
OE         dysseia
production manager tell the European cultural story since Stefan Willems, artistic management
M: +32 (0)472.74. 28.98       nsemble the Enlightenment with a focus on stefan.willems@spiegelstring-
Specialisation: 20th century repertoire in the connections and contrasts across M: +32 (0)473.53.52.12
I Solisti del Vento
Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 155 combination with new music. borders. Oxalys has a strong affinity —
BE - 2018 Antwerp with multidisciplinary productions and Spiegel vzw
T: +32 (0)3 800.01.20 The Odysseia Ensemble was founded developed a special love for 20th De Hulsten 83
BE - 2980 Zoersel in 2009 by alumni and students of the century vocal music with singers like Royal Conservatory Brussels, where Christianne Stotijn, Dietrich Henschel
the ensemble is also in residence. The and Christoph Prégardien.

22 23
QD uatuor

Specialisation: 20th century quartets and

creations. Labels: CPO, Megadisc.

Since its foundation in 1991, the

Quatuor Danel has been a major
force on the international chamber
music scene, constantly renewing its
work on repertoire from Haydn to the
present day, in a long-term project.
More than 80 concerts per annum
have taken the quartet to the great
concert halls all over the world. The
Quatuor Danel is renowned for its
bold, concentrated surveys of the
quartet cycles of Beethoven, Schubert,
Shostakovich, Weinberg, Bartók.
The quartet is proud of its many Het Collectief

collaborations with major contempo-

rary composers such as Wolfgang
Rihm, Helmut Lachenmann, Bruno
Mantovani, Pascal Dusapin, Nicolas
Bacri, Jonathan Harvey and Sofya
Gubaydulina, as well as with the
rising stars of the 21st century.

Ivy Artists
Groot Hertoginnelaan 217
NL - 2517 ES Den Haag
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) I Solisti del Vento Goeyvaerts Trio Oxalys © Frank Hendrickx © Hans Morren
© Marco Borggreve

© Willem De Leeuw

24 25
1 .3


SC oloists specialised in

M usic

Stéphane Ginsburgh

Arne Deforce
© David Samyn

C roene F rederik
D e Fleyt Karin
(1973) (1972)

PIANO Frederik Croene is a classi- FLUTE Karin De Fleyt discovered con-

Karin De Fleyt cally trained pianist fooling around temporary music while studying with
with conceptual ideas about decon- Godfried-Willem Raes. With Kathinka
structing the piano and its repertoire. Pasveer she pursued her interest in
This resulted in (piano) music for Stockhausen repertoire, of which she
dance, live accompaniment for silent eventually became a specialist. Karin
films, music installation art and solo De Fleyt performs as a soloist as well
performances with ‘Le Piano Démé- as with several ensembles. To her
canisé’. He worked as a pianist/per- music is trying to find that synergy in
former/composer/producer in various working with different artists and art
Els Mondelaers
© Koen Broos
disciplines: visual art, installation art, disciplines; making a piece of music
dance, video art, virtual instruments, sound as the composer intended it to;
intuitive music, performance art, looking for that specific sound through
graphic design and conceptual art. different styles and, even more so, it is
striving for perfection and getting the
M: +32 (0)485.69.12.87 excitement that comes with every new
M: +32 (0)477.78.56.93

D      eforce Arne (1962) M: +32 (0)473.94.59.51
to her career as a soloist, Elisa per- sical and electric guitar. Since 2002 forms in the context of ensembles and he has worked as a performer and
CELLO Arne Deforce is renowned orchestras and has an ongoing en- co-artistic director of Ictus. Project-
for his unparalleled performances of gagement with the Nadar Ensemble. wise, he performs with the Anglo-
contemporary and experimental Belgian octet Plus-Minus, and Letter
mu­sic. His repertoire consists mainly M: +32 (0)485.95.87.41 Piece Company. Since 2009 he has

G     insburgh Stéphane (1969)

of solo- and chamber music with a   been coordinating an advanced mas-
special interest in works deemed ter program with emphasis on contem-
‘unplayable’, yet ‘performable’ from PIANO Stéphane Ginsburgh col- porary chamber music in collabora-
composers such as Xenakis, Barrett, laborated with composers Baltakas, tion with Spectra ensemble and Ictus.
Cage and Ferneyhough. Jonathan
Harvey described Arne Deforce as
Boesmans, De Putter, Fafchamps,
Fiorini, Kokoras, Kolp, Maintz, M     ondelaers Els (1977)

His broad interest in performance has
recently led to collaborations with
‘one of the most exciting new cellists Mernier, Prins, Ristic, Shlomowitz MEZZO SOPRANO The mezzo Els choreographers such as Xavier Leroy
I have come across. Everything he and Tolosa and performed in festivals Mondelaers received a master degree and Maud Le Pladec.
plays is approached with a powerful such as Ars Musica and Agora. His in Classical Singing with great distinc-
intensity born from an engagement involvement in the organisation of tion at the Ghent Conservatory, where M: +32 (0)485.18.11.38
with the music on a deep spiritual and concerts endorses the necessity for she has specialised as a soloist in Con­
psychic level. He is highly imaginative artists to engage into collective action. temporary Music as well. Her fascina-
and brings an originality and, above He plays with Ictus Ensemble and tion by contemporary singing made
all, creativity to his interpretations
which is both fiery and structured.’
collaborates with visual artist Peter
Downsbrough. He is artistic director
her perform as a soloist with various
international ensembles and music P         euvion Jean-Pierre (1945)

Arne Deforce regularly features in of the Centre Henri Pousseur. His CDs theatre companies such as VOCAAL­ CLARINET After taking part in a
leading international festivals. His are issued by the Sub Rosa label and LAB, Transparant, LOD, Champ­ number of international competi-
discography received international he will record the complete Prokofiev dAction, Doelenensemble, Nieuw tions Jean-Pierre Peuvion divided
acclaim. sonatas for Cypres Records. En­semble, Asko-Schönberg, Hezarfen his time between intense clarinet
Ensemble, Atlas Ensemble, HERMES, performances and passionate ‘open’
M: +32 (0)474.29.04.18 M: +32 (0)474.88.93.25 Spectra ensemble and Slagwerk Den teaching. Soloist with the Ensemble
Haag. In 2009 the Lucerne Festival Musique Nouvelle until 1993, he
Academy invited her to perform in started experimenting ‘multiple track’
Sinfonia by Luciano Berio, under the approaches (score versus improvisa-
baton of Pierre Boulez. tion, Eastern versus Western reper-

E      yckmans Dominica (1967)

  M     edinilla Elisa (1983)
  M: +32 (0)475.52.95.77
toire, contemporary versus popular
music…). Stimulated by his work with
VIOLA Apart from being a freelance PIANO Elisa Medinilla studied at the much sought-after composers such as
classical and contemporary viola- Conser­vatory of Ghent with Claude Henri Pousseur, Pierre Bartholomée,
player (solo, improvisation, contem- Coppens and Daan Vandewalle and Olivier Messiaen, Giacinto Scelsi,
porary music ensembles, chamber at the Conservatory of Brussels with John Cage, Horatio Radulescu,… he
music...), Dominica is also a performer
using dance and voice. Her aim is to
Boyan Vodenitcharov. Particularly
focusing on contemporary music, she P         auwels Tom (1974)

decided to share his admiration and
passion for those ‘life-changing expe-
‘sculpt’ sound with those tools, both recently obtained an Advanced Post GUITAR During his studies Tom Pau­ riences’ (John Cage!) – at the head of
acoustically and electro-acoustically, Master in Soloist Contemporary Music. wels was involved in the founding of the Musica Intima festival.
the latter using movement sensors Exploring new horizons at the cutting Black Jackets Company, a Brussels
placed on the body. The sensor system edge of contemporary music, she often collective of composers and perfor­ T: +32 (0)4.341.42.03
of Logos Foundation for their Namuda- collaborates with young composers, mers. Ever since these early experi-
performances is eminently useful for looking out for original combinations ments he has been active in the field
her sculpting purposes as well. of pieces or of new media. In addition of contemporary music, both on clas-

28 29
R     oyer Vincent (1972) info@
PhD research: ‘The use of extended contemporary music with a view to
  techniques in voice training’ at the making it more attractive for a wider
VIOLA On completing his studies in University College Ghent & IPEM. audience. She also explores interaction
Freiburg and Cologne in viola and between each environment and the

V      andewalle Daan (1968)

composition Royer formed diverse M: +32 (0)475.64.41.07 character of the music. Critics have ac-
groups in which collective compo-
claimed her as ‘enormously impressive’
sition and improvisation (also in PIANO Daan Vandewalle enjoys an (The Wire 2010). Feldman, Crumb,
combination with dance, video and international reputation as new music Tenney, Lucier and Thomas Smetryns
literature) are important features. specialist, with a strong focus on were among her associates. But she
His current formations in the field of
improvisation are the BRAC Quartet,
20th century American piano music.
His repertoire consists of hundreds V     an Cauwenberghe Kobe
also collaborated with the Turkish
electronics artist Erdem Helvacioglu,
the Gratkowski/Royer Duo and a of pieces, integral oeuvres of most GUITAR After finishing his studies in reclaiming their respective roots in the
duo with the architect and video artist of the well-known composers of the Ghent with Tom Pauwels, guitarist 15th century.
Matthias Siegert. As a performer, he 20th century, as well as numerous Kobe Van Cauwenberghe continued
has worked closely with composers premieres that resulted from intense his studies at the Manhattan School M: +32 (0)485.31.60.01
such as Horatio Radulescu, Luc Ferrari, collaborations with composers of of Music. During his three-year stay
Pascal Dusapin, Vinko Globokar, today. He has performed at a wide in New York City, Kobe was involved
Jean-Luc Fafchamps, Fabrizio Cassol, range of venues, from small clubs in in several large projects and played
David Shea, Robert HP Platz, Chris­ the underground experimental music concerts with the Talea ensemble, Wet

W      essel Tomma (1966)

tophe Bertrand and Ken Ueno. scene to established venues such as Ink and Signal Ensemble. Since 2011  
the Prague Spring, the Lincoln Centre, Kobe is a member of the e-guitar Carnegie hall New York, Chatelets, quartet Zwerm, the Nadar Ensemble RECORDER Recorder specialist Tomma
Paris, Musicadhoy Madrid, Berliner and the Parisian collective sound Wessel has been applying herself
Festspiele. Recordings include a 4 CD initiative. In the past years he played first and foremost to the performance
box with Alvin Curran’s piano mara- concerts in Europe, The United States of contemporary music. She was

R     yckewaert Jessica (1979)

  thon Inner Cities and ale of Gordon and Canada, as a soloist as well as prominent at important venues and
Mumma’s piano music in its entirety. in chamber music formations and festivals, premiering dozens of works
PERCUSSION Jessica Ryckewaert is large ensembles. by Belgian and foreign composers
a specialised soloist percussionist in T: +32 (0) such as Brewaeys, Curran, Finnissy, T: +33 (0)7.61. 08.16.18
contemporary music playing premières Eggert, Oehring, Prins, Rzewski,
of works for marimba, vibraphone and Shlomowitz, Verstockt, Wallen and
percussion, with live electronics, written Wolff. She founded the recorder
for her by the composers. As a cham- ensemble Apsara which attempts to

V      anhecke Françoise (1957)

ber musician, Jessica has performed do justice to all aspects of the con-
around the world and has taken part
in the premières of works by Nova,

SOPRANO Soprano Françoise Van­ V     an Haegenborgh Heleen
temporary repertoire. In addition she
performed with among others Letter
Romitelli, Schollhorn, De Mey, Fontyn, hecke is an exceptionally versatile PIANO After graduating from the Piece Company, ChampdAction, Ictus,
Fourgon, Ledoux, Bartholomée,… artist. She is a contemporary, daring, Conser­vatory of Ghent in 2004 and Musica Antiqua Köln, Symphonic
As a soloist, she toured Canada and powerfully performing and creative pursuing master classes with John Orchestra of the Monnaie Opera,
played the Concerto for Vibraphone artist, equally versed in bel canto, Tilbury, Heleen Van Haegenborgh Spectra and Flanders Symphony
and Orchestra by Emmanuel Séjourné, extended techniques and improvisa- developed worldwide activities, reach- Orchestra.
gave concert and workshops in tion. In 2003 she got a grant from ing out to the USA and China as well
Singapore and gave solo recitals in the NYWC. Performing throughout as premiering avant-garde works at M: +32 (0)497.64.38.12
Plymouth, Cambridge and Oxford. the world and working closely with home. She likes joint ventures with
Her monographic CD ‘Percutronique’ composers, she is praised for her non-musicians, thus subversively
was issued by Fuga Libera. interpretations of contemporary music. undermining the elitist image of

30 31
1 .3


SC   oloists with great interest in


M usic

B ouckaert Bart (1966)

composers including Philippe Boes­
mans, Jacqueline Fontyn, Conlon
A comprehensive list of soloists Bart Bouckaert teaches contemporary Nancarrow, Henri and Denis Pousseur,
can be found in the digital music at the Royal Conservatory Charles Chaynes, Bruno Mantovani,
version of this guide on Brussels. He conducted various or­ James Dillon, Jean-Yves Bosseur and
chestras and ensembles at home Marco Stroppa among others. Patrick and and abroad e.g. the Prometheus Davin has conducted in Belgium and Ensemble, the Odysseia Ensemble, abroad. He has worked in the field of
Het Collectief, the Spoleto Opera opera with Luc Bondy, Jorge Lavelli,
Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra Christophe Marthaler, Olivier Py,
of the National Opera de Munt/ Philippe Sireuil, Guy Cassiers, Joël
La Monnaie, the National Orchestra Lauwers... Patrick Davin is currently
Vilnius, the Flemish Radio Choir, the main guest conductor in the op-
the National Orchestra of Belgium, eras of Marseille and Liège.
and the Contemporary Music En­
semble of the Royal Conservatory
Brussels in works of Mozart, Haydn,
Beethoven, Debussy, Kurtag, Eötvös,

D     essy Jean-Paul (1963)

Harvey, Boulez, Bartok, Defoort,
Boesmans, Geysen and many others.
Composer, conductor and cellist,
M: +32 (0)495.78.85.56 Jean-Paul Dessy has conducted more
than 120 contemporary music works
worldwide and has recorded more
than 50 CDs of classic contemporary

D     avin Patrick (1962)

pieces, receiving numerous awards.
He has composed symphonies, cham-
From contemporary productions to ber music, electronic music and an
classical works of the repertoire, opera, Kilda, which he conducted at
Patrick Davin has proved his open- the opening of the Edinburgh Festival
mindedness in the musical sphere. in 2009. Le Chant du Monde/Harmo-
Patrick Davin is a former student of nia Mundi has released 2 CDs devot-
Pierre Boulez and Peter Eötvös, and ed to his works: The Present’s presents
has created a major list of works by and Prophètes, for solo cello.

32 33
M: +32 (0)475.80.67.25
De Mey. He’s been invited by the His compositions were performed Siebens worked with orchestras such important international festivals of by the Neue Vokalsolisten Stuttgart, as: MusikFabrik, Klangforum Wien,
contemporary music and had the Exaudi, Kremerata Baltica, ASKO Dutch Radio Symphony Orchestra,
musical responsibility for a lot of choir. At the School of Arts Ghent and Psappha Ensemble, Rotterdam Phil-
recordings. Since 1996 he is the the Antwerp Conservatory he teaches harmonic Orchestra, The Hague

O ctors Georges-Elie (1947)

conductor of the Ictus Ensemble. contemporary music. Philharmonic, Amsterdam Sinfonietta
and Netherlands Philharmonic Or-
Georges-Elie Octors performed as a M: +32 (0)477.20.32.50 chestra. He was the Artistic Director
soloist in the National Orchestra of of the Prometheus Ensemble and from
Belgium, was a member of ensemble 2004 till 2010 chief-conductor of
Musique Nouvelle from 1970 on the Flanders Symphony Orchestra.
R athé Filip (1966)
and also was the conductor of this Recently he became “artist in resi-
S iebens Etienne (1957)
ensemble from 1976 until 1991. He dence” of I Solisti del Vento and
also conducted a lot of symphonic Filip Rathé studied piano, conducting permanent guest conductor of Asko|
orchestras, chamber orchestras and and musicology. In 1993 he founded Etienne Siebens rise as conductor to Schönberg.
contemporary music ensembles in the SPECTRA ensemble. As artistic international musical prominence, in
Belgium and abroad. Thanks to his leader and principal conductor of a period of less than five years, has Delange Artist Management
Leon de Lange
experience in conducting operas, he the ensemble he premiered more been an astonishing phenomenon.
Middenweg 219
was recently invited at the Academia than 150 commissions by a.o. Luca Early on in his career he was already NL - 1098 AN Amsterdam
Scala de Milano. Georges-Elie Octors Francesconi, Nicolaus A. Huber and invited to give guest performances The Netherlands
conducted a lot of world creations Stefano Gervasoni. He appeared with several orchestras in Belgium T: +31 (0)20.894.35.34
such as Saariaho, Aperghis, Harvey, as guest conductor with Musiques and The Netherlands. Invitations from
Jarrell, Romitelli, Francesconi, Wood, Nouvelles, I Solisti del Vento, Hermes England, Germany, Italy, France and etiennesiebens
Pousseur, Boesmans, Hosokawa and Ensemble and the Flemish Radio Choir. Spain were soon to follow. Etienne
Jean-Paul Dessy
© Isabelle Francaix
Etienne Siebens
© Marco Borggreve

Patrick Davin

Filip Rathé

34 35
1 .5

Belgium counts several symphonic OPRL (Orchestre Philharmonique quarius Marc Michael De Smet,
orchestras subsidised by the Flemish Royal de Liège) artistic director
Community, the French Community Conductor and musical director:
Christian Arming Specialisation: Contemporary a cappella Emmy Meirlaen, manager
or the Federal Authority. music, Flemish composers. Labels: Phaedra,
Jean-Pierre Rousseau, general director Naxos, Cypres, Timpani, Megadisc. M: +32(0)475.27.39.97
The Flemish symphonic landscape —
is serviced by three orchestras sup- Belgian National Orchestra Aquarius borrows its name from the Aquarius
ported by the Flemish Community: Conductor: Stefan Blunier opera of Karel Goeyvaerts (1923-93), Onderbossenaarstraat 12
Albert Wastiaux, general director BE - 9680 Etikhove
the Royal Flemish Philharmonic/de perhaps the most important Belgian T: +32 (0)
Filharmonie (Antwerp), The Flanders composer after 1950, and represents
Symphony Orchestra/Symfonieorkest innovation, adventure, international-
deFILHARMONIE/Royal Flemish
Vlaanderen (Bruges) and the Brussels ism, erudition and spirituality. The
Philharmonic (Brussels). These orches- Chief conductor: Edo De Waart
chamber choir has a warm heart for
tras are obliged to commission a new Hans Verbugt, general director contemporary music, embracing all
work annually, starting in 2012. Thus Geert Riem, artistic director forms where old and new, classical en
the new music from Flanders will be popular, sacred and secular, progres-
firmly anchored in their programmes. sive and conservative are combined.
The National Orchestra of Belgium The Symphony Orchestra Flanders The choir organises thematic concerts,
Conductor: Seikyo Kim
resides in Brussels and is federally Dirk Coutigny, general director portraits, creations and multimedia
subsidised. This orchestra also com- projects. Flemish choir music and
missions Flemish or French speaking creations occupy pride of place in the
composers every year. Brussels Philharmonic repertoire. Meanwhile Aquarius has
Conductor: Michel Tabachnik already given hundreds of concerts,
Gunther Broucke, general director
The Liège Royal Philharmonic Orches- home and abroad and produced
tra, who commissioned eight new several CDs and DVDs.
works to Belgian composers for its
60th anniversary in 2011, has a long
experience with the contemporary
repertoire. Among the recent projects
are the performance and the record-
ing of the music of Pascal Dusapin Aquarius
and Bruno Mantovani.

36 37
1 .7
M U S I C T H E AT R E / O P E R A

VR Flemish

K Choir

Specialisation: 20th century Flemish repertoire OD
Labels: Glossa, Phaedra, Klara.

The Flemish Radio Choir is a profes- LOD is a Ghent production house Hans Bruneel, artistic direction
sional chamber choir of 24 singers for opera and music theatre. For 20
Valérie Martino, artistic coordination
whose programme includes works years already, it has guaranteed the
& international relations
from the entire repertoire, with par- creation of pioneering artistic work.
ticular attention to Flemish and con- LOD works with a range of artists and M: +32 (0)484.59.61.78
temporary music. It was founded in composers like Kris Defoort, Dick van —
1937 by what was then the NIR/INR der Harst, Jan Kuijken, Dominique LOD vzw
Bijlokekaai 3
(the Belgian national broadcasting Pauwels, Daan Janssens and Thomas BE - 9000 Ghent
corporation). Since 1998, the year Smetryns. The resident artists of LOD T: +32 (0)
when it became independent from the are known for their contemporary
network, the choir has grown from a Brussels Philharmonic
approach of music theatre. With
studio ensemble into a concert ensem- © Serge Tabachnick projects such as The Woman Who
ble. Its close ties with public broad- Walked into Doors, The Soul of the
casting can be seen through numerous Ant, House of the Sleeping Beauties,
studio productions and participation Wall, The Hanged and Long Grass,
in events organised by radio and LOD has met with great enthusiasm
television. Nearly all of its concerts Chief conductor: Hervé Niquet in Belgium and abroad. LOD has
are recorded by the Flemish classical Gunther Broucke, general director many partners, including deSingel, La
Radio station, Klara, and hence the Eugène Flageyplein 18 Monnaie, Vlaamse Opera Ghent, Le
BE - 1050 Brussels
choir has built up a unique collection T: +32 (0)2.627.11.60
Maillon Strasbourg, lemanège.mons,
of recordings, including of works by Théâtre National Brussels, Opéra
Flemish composers. de Lille, Festival d’Aix-en-Provence,
Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg and
L’Hippodrome Douai.

© Kurt Van der Elst

38 39
T ransparant
W alpurgis

Going from the artistic and social Since its foundation in 1989, Wal-
topicality, production house Muziek- purgis has specialised in the creation
theater Transparant enters into an and development of contemporary
intensive dialogue with artists from music theatre in which the singer, both
various disciplines and wants to cre- as a creator and as a performer, is
ate, renew and present musical thea- the focus of interest. At the basis of
tre in its entire diversity for a wide WALPURGIS’s artistic development is
audience. The voice is placed firmly the idea of the ensemble: a collective
at the centre of the projects, and it of free and individual artists working
continually blends the old and the together in long term artistic partner-
new. Also other disciplines like visual ships. Because none of these artists are
arts, film, video, graphics are inte- actually employed on a regular basis,
grated in the productions. Transparant they feel free to bring in new ideas
is internationally active and it has and experiences during each new
performed at many festivals, including project’s development process. As a
the Salzburger Festspiele, Edinburgh result all parties involved have had an
International Festival, Holland Fes- equal say in Walpurgis’s productions.
tival, the KunstenfestivaldesArts,
Europalia and at several European Judith Vindevogel, artistic director
Capitals of Culture.

Guy Coolen & Wouter Van Looy, Deurneleitje 6
artistic direction BE - 2640 Mortsel Transparant T: +32 (0)
© Koen Broos
Séverine Windels, sales
Riet Jaeken, international contacts
For a complete list of music
— theatre companies in Flanders
Muziektheater Transparant you can visit
Leopoldplaats 10
BE - 2000 Antwerp
T: +32 (0)225.17.02 Flanders Opera and La Monnaie commission Belgian composers
in coproduction with music thea-
tre companies or other cultural
companies and arts centres.

Flanders Opera
Aviel Cahn, general director

De Munt/La Monnaie
Peter De Caluwe, general director
Bert van den Akker, director of music

40 41
P RT 2
 S T  
NS &
R    S
2 .1
the Nahandove Ensemble in Brussels.
It also publishes a review every two
years. Since September 2009, the
Forum des compositeurs is an associ-
ate member of ISCM, and since 2011
of the European Composers Forum.
2.1.a Union of Belgian Composers

A ssocations Gilles Gobert, president

Bruno De Cat, coordinator
39 rue Lebeau
BE - 1000 Brussels
Founded in 1960, UBC aims at the
promotion and advancement of Bel-
gian Music in the context of national
T: +32 (0)2.550.13.35 and international cultural life. The
M: +32 (0)497.64.46.62 UBC is supported by SABAM (Belgian Society of Authors, Composers and
Publishers) and pursues its objectives
by taking the following initiatives:

lobbying to raise the visibility of Bel-
gian music in their concerts; awarding

prizes to performers, organisers or
production houses who stand up for
- Flanders – the national repertoire; bringing up to
International Society of date a catalogue of Belgian works for
Contemporary Music educational purposes; an annual hom-
age to a Belgian composer, the propa-
The Flemish section of ISCM was set gation on internet of the catalogue

CAV om Bijlokevest 39 up in 2005. It is an association/plat- compiled by UBC. UBC is a member

T: +32 (0)
form for composers and ensembles, of the European Composers Forum.
– The Flanders as well as promoters, documentation
Composers Archipelago centres, musicologists and others deal- Carl Verbraeken, president
ing professionally with contemporary
Aarlenstraat 75 - 77
The ‘Flanders Composers Archipelago’ art music. ISCM-Flanders stimulates
BE - 1040 Brussels
is a group dedicated to the interests    orum des the debate about the future of new T: +32 (0)
of composers active in the Flemish    ompositeurs music and organises activities to
part of Belgium. ComAV was founded promote this music in Belgium and
in 2003. Composers of all styles of Settled in Brussels since 2002, Le abroad. One way of doing this is the
music are eligible for membership. Forum des compositeurs is an as- compilation of a catalogue of compo-
The aims of ComAV are to contribute sociation that currently brings to- sitions with an international potential.
to a constructive climate for musical gether about forty composers and ISCM-Flanders also takes part in inter-
composition in Flanders and to create performers living in French-speaking national exchange projects.
favourable circumstances in which Belgium, with the goal of promoting
the broadest possible spectrum of new music in this part of the country. Peter Swinnen, president
c/o Flanders Music Centre
composers can flourish. The name Each year, this association organises
Steenstraat 25
‘archipelago’ is a metaphor for the Loop Festival as well as other BE - 1000 Brussels
composers’ inherent independence. punctual concerts, and collaborates T: +32 (0)2.325.60.83
with projects including workshops for
ComAV vzw young composers and the ‘Focus on
Lucien Posman, president
our composers’ series, initiated by

44 45
2 .1 FY
organisation offering support in the    ree
fields of production, administration &    our
M U S I C O R G A N I S AT I O N S promotion. Cohort also takes care of
meetings with artists & specialists in E   ars

the field of the arts & networking Free Your Ears is to be a platform for
with other organisations. Cohort is contemporary music of Belgium and
2.1.b an initiative of Ictus; the Antwerp abroad. The unique collaboration

ensemble ChampdAction offers
advice and support.
between a wide variety of partners
across the musical landscape, in light

of Belgium’s chance to organise the
  romotion Cohort vzw ISCM World Music Days in 2012,
Nele Geubels, manager
was the starting point for this. The site
Van Volxemlaan 164
BE - 1190 Brussels will feature regular updates on con-
T: +32 (0)2.340.03.83 temporary music, concerts, festivals and composers from Belgium and abroad. The aim is to build a com-
munity around contemporary music
and provide more information to the
Le casual listener as well as the sea-

CM      onseil de la soned amateur.

  usic Council for the
French-speaking community

CB    e reproduction and sales department, Since 1981, the Music Council
 e a rental department and a promotion or­ganises activities in three principal
FM      landers
D    em service. CeBeDeM is a member of fields: information & publication

Belgian Centre for Music


Alain Van Kerckhoven, director

(repertoire of musicians, web por-
tal ‘Intégrale de la musique’ and C      entre

Documentation magazine Accroches); production of This organisation was establish­ed by

Avenue du Port 86c
concerts (organisation of La Fête de the Flemish government to support
P.O. BOX 214
CeBeDem is a non-profit association BE - 1000 Brussels la Musique; concerts and artists resi- the Flemish professional music sector.
founded in 1951. Its objective is to T: +32 (0) dences in La Maison des Musiques; It promotes music from Flanders by
stimulate the expansion of Belgian a French Song competition) and editing publications, presence at fairs
contemporary music, in Belgium as education, training & research (with or organising showcases. Expertise is
well as abroad. For that purpose, an important support to specialised encouraged by offering advice, news
CeBeDem registers and publishes publications and master classes for and guidance for professionals about
the works of its 150 members, re- the music sector). management, the music industry,
produces unpublished scores for
performance or promotion, provides C    ohort
Claire Monville, director
10 Quai au Bois de Construction
government policy, social and legal
matters, artistic programmes, music
orchestral material, collects and gives Cohort is a platform supporting pro­ education... FMC supports music
BE - 1000 Brussels
information concerning the affiliated jects and ensembles which originate T: +32 (0) research and acts as a platform for
composers. The Centre developed dif- from contemporary music. The found- exchange of ideas and knowledge.
ferent services: a sheet music library, ing members are:    Aton’&Armide, The documentation centre holds musi-
a recording library both with reading Besides, Mangalam!, Nadar, What’s cal scores, books, recordings and
and listening room, a publishing, Next‚ Zwerm. Cohort is a non-profit all other useful documentation about

46 47
Flemish musical life. FMC is a member
of IAMIC, IAML, ISCM-Flanders. wB allonie-
ruxelles VR RT/

Stef Coninx, managing director

Katrien van Remortel, promotion &
M usiques (W.B.M.)
Belgium was one of the first countries
W.B.M. is a music ‘export agency’ in the world to experiment with radio.
projects classical music, jazz & world
Marie-Paule Wouters, that was created in 1984 in order to In the 1930s an exceptional modern
documentalist classical music help artists, producers and publishers broadcasting house – the INR – was
Steenstraat 25 from the French-speaking community built in Brussels. The design com-
BE - 1000 Brussels of Wallonia and Brussels to make bined architectural innovation with
T: +32 (0)2.504.90.90
their mark in the musical cultural in- the strictest acoustic and technical dustry. Since then, W.B.M. has devel- requirements. Today this building has
oped its work around different axes, acquired a new role as an arts centre.
among which for contemporary music (see p.59: Flagey) Thanks to numerous
artists: supporting their presence at distinguished radio producers (a lot of

MN atrix
music markets, welcoming foreign
professionals, organising promotional
them were composers like Pierre Bar-
tholomée, Philippe Boesmans, Karel

M usic Centre operations, creating promotional

tools, supporting the participation in
Goeyvaerts, André Laporte, Wilfried
Westerlinck, Boudewijn Buckinx, Elias
MATRIX is a documentation and international networks. The agency Gistelinck, Raymond Schroyens,…)
education centre for new music. Its is co-managed by Wallonia-Brussels there is a marvellous archive of music
library comprises a large collection International (W.B.I.) and the Ministry recordings that is still growing through
of books, scores and recordings of of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. recordings of concerts and festivals.
post-war music, and information files
on Flemish composers. All items are Patrick Printz, director Archives of VRT – Flemish Radio
Sophie Millecamps, classical & Television:
catalogued in an online database and
& contemporary music Contact: Johan Favoreel
can be consulted in the reading room.
Moreover, MATRIX organises exhibi- 18 Place E. Flagey (Bte 10) Archives of RTBF – Radio Télévision
tions, conducts projects regarding BE - 1050 Brussels Belge Francophone:
contemporary heritage and publishes T: + 32 (0) Contact: Annick Van Noeyen
the series Contemporary Music in
Flanders. The educational staff or-
ganises workshops, classes, amateur Matrix
© Pieter Baert
productions, and summer schools,
in close collaboration with (music)
schools, festivals, ensembles, etc.

Rebecca Diependaele, coordinator

Minderbroedersstraat 48
BE - 3000 Leuven
T: +32 (0)

© Stefaan Cordier

48 49
2 .1 MR
movement and new technologies. Since  usiques &
1987, IPEM has been a research centre  echerches
M U S I C O R G A N I S AT I O N S for musicology, with a focus on music
information retrieval and embodied Musiques & Recherches (1982) is
music cognition. IPEM has meanwhile focused on the promotion of electro­
grown to a centre with more than 30 acoustic and more particularly acous-
2.1.c researchers working on music. Based matic music. It organises yearly the in-

LEaboratories for
on an elaborate network of internation-
al collaboration, the institute is currently
ternational acousmatic festival ‘L’Espace
du Son’ in Brussels, as well as a dozen

an attractive place for visiting research- of concerts in Belgium and abroad.
usic & research ers from all over the world. Every two years, it coordinates the
competitions Metamorphoses (acous-
IPEM matic composition) and Espace Du Son
Prof. Dr. Marc Leman, coordinator
(spatialisation). It welcomes composers
Blandijnberg 2
BE - 9000 Ghent in residence and provides summer
T: +32 (0) workshops in its three studios (8.1, 5.1, and analogic). It is the publisher of the review Liens and of the CDs Metamor-
phoses. Its library contains an extensive
number of books, CDs, DVDs, tapes

and scores dedicated to electro­acoustic
music and music in general.

C     entre for new and  

    experimental music Annette Vande Gorne, artistic director
3 Place de Ransbeck

Stéphane Ginsburgh, artistic director
     entre Henri Marie-Isabelle Collart, manager BE - 1380 Ohain
    ousseur – Musique Quai Banning, 5
The Logos Foundation is the brainchild T: +32 (0)2.345.43.68
électronique/ BE - 4000 Liège of composer Godfried-Willem Raes.
Musique mixte T: +32 (0) It is an artist-run centre for new music and audio-related art, which research-
The Centre Henri Pousseur (formerly es instrument and robot building and
Centre de Recherches et de Forma- human interfaces, including real-time
tion Musicales de Wallonie, CRFMW)
was founded in Liège in 1970 by the I    PEM:
gesture analysis with sonar and radar.
Its <M&M> robot orchestra, with 50 O RCiM – Orpheus
composers Henri Pousseur and Pierre
I  nstitutefor automated instruments, is unique in Research Centre in Music

Bartholomée. It is specialised in the    sychoacoustics and the world. It forms the basis of the
realisation and the diffusion of live elec- Electronic Music Namuda gesture control system for This research centre is a part of the
tronics, a tradition developed thanks to interactive dance. Logos hosts fre- Orpheus Institute in Ghent. (see p. 65)
the technical and IT assistance of Jean IPEM is the research centre of the De- quent new music concerts in its It focuses on practice-based research
Marc Sullon and Patrick Delges in the partment of Musicology, which is part Tetrahedron concert hall. (see p. 15) in music and addresses discipline-
course of a long collaboration with of the larger Department of Art, Music specific questions. By explicitly laying
various ensembles and perfor­mers. and Theatre Studies of Ghent University. Logos Foundation the foundations for this artistic research
It welcomes projects by artists from IPEM provides a scientific basis for the Godfried-Willem Raes, president discipline, thereby developing the tools
Wallonia-Brussels, other Belgian areas cultural and creative sector, more spe- Kongostraat 35 necessary for artistic research of the
BE - 9000 Ghent
or foreign countries, and has been or- cifically music and performance arts, T: +32 (0) highest standard, ORCiM assumes a
ganising since 1999 the yearly Images and does pioneering research work on unique role in the world of research
Sonores festival for live electronics. the relationship between music, body and higher education of music.

50 51
2 .2
Orpheus Research Centre hamp
in Music, ORCiM Action
Peter Dejans, director
Korte Meer 12
BE - 9000 Ghent
T: +32 (0)9.330.40.81
/ Studio
The studio of ChampdAction (see
p. 11) has a felicitous location in the
former studio of Radio 2. The infra-
structure has been expanded to meet
contemporary developments in musical
practice, accommodating the techni-
F estivals

cal demands of many contemporary

works, but it also wants to be a platform
enabling the creation of new works.
The studio boasts a mobile system that
can work with the same material both
for rehearsals and for concerts and an
adequate recording system. Composers
and performers are invited to explore
new possibilities and to pursue them.

Serge Verstockt, artistic director

Ann Andries, manager
deSingel / Studio 3
Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 155

BE - 2018 Antwerp
rs Tarquin Billiet, manager
T: +32 (0) usica Ars Musica Festival Galerie Louise 203/1
BE - 1050 Brussels
Founded in 1989 on the initiative of
ChampdAction Paul Dujardin, Bernard Foccroulle,
Christian Renard, Robert Wangermée,
and a handful of other enthusiasts,
Ars Musica has developed over the EF mergence
years into a benchmark European
festival. Ars Musica provides a unique OCTOBER – BRUSSELS Specialised in
occasion for encounters between the the music of living Belgian composers,
cultural institutions of Brussels, Flanders, the Emergence festival is known for its
and Wallonia; it attracts and involves eclecticism and for its openness to jazz
Belgian and international ensembles as well as to music intended for chil-
in a spirit of creativity and open-mind- dren. Music of high quality defended by
edness, looking out to Europe and the top level Belgian musicians in a charm-
rest of the world. Thanks to its national ing and intimate church has been the
and international partnerships, Ars foundation of the festival for 8 years.
Musica is very much the driving force of
Belgium’s contemporary music scene. Jean-Noël Remiche, artistic director
Place de l’Eglise 15

BE - 1082 Brussels
T: +32 (0)2.469.26.75
Flanders Festival Kortrijk
Joost Fonteyne, artistic director
Conservatoriumplein 1
munity. ‘Loop’, as its name suggests,
dedicates a large part of its concerts to OX    pera
    XI BE - 8500 Kortrijk electronic music (acousmatic and live),
T: +32 (0) as well as to giving second perfor­ Biannual, spring – Antwerp/ mances of existing pieces. In 2010 Ghent Opera XXI is a festival with
the Festival began to extend itself inter- performances, concerts, meetings and

LS’Espace du
nationally, with the invitation of Sami debates concerning contemporary
on Klemola, the Finnish Defun ensemble, music theatre, opera and musical.
and recently Kwart­ludium+ of Poland. It was founded in 2009 as a coop-
October – Brussels Annual festival
of Musiques & Recherches. During five IS
 onores Gilles Gobert, artistic director
c/o Le Forum des Compositeurs
eration between deSingel, LOD and
Muziektheater Transparant, with the
days, several thematic concerts are aim of promoting and further develop-
39 rue Lebeau
organised, including monographic End of November – Liège Festival BE - 1000 Brussels ing actual opera creation in Flanders.
concerts of international & Belgian of live electronics organised by the T: +32 (0)2.550.13.35 Also other institutes such as Champ-
composers, as well as the spatialisa- Centre Henri Pousseur since 1999. M: +32 (0) 497.64.46.62 dAction, Flanders Music Centre and
tion competition l’Espace du Son, and During 3 evenings, it gives perfor­ the Institute for the Performing Arts are
once every two years the competition mances of commissions achieved in involved in the organisation.
Metamorphoses. its computer music studio by Belgian
and international composers, as well Jerry Aerts, director deSingel
Annette Vande Gorne, artistic director
3 Place de Ransbeck
BE - 1380 Ohain
as concerts focused on the repertoire
of mixed music, i.e. works for acoustic MI  usica
Aviel Cahn, director Flanders Opera
Guy Coolen, director Transparant
Hans Bruneel, director LOD instruments and real time electronics which is precisely the specific acti­- every year in May/June and in vity of the Centre Henri Pousseur. November/December – Liège
It also premieres mixed-music by the Musica Intima is an experimental art
Conservatory of Liège composition
students through a ‘carte blanche’ to
festival dedicated to a dual objective:
to engineer situations of such nature PF     ropulse

FF  landers
this institution. that the artist’s world can be fully
grasped with its roots and poetic off- February – Flagey, Brussels

K ortrijk Stéphane Ginsburgh, artistic director

Quai Banning, 5
B - 4000 Liège
shoots and his vision shared; and to
widen the scope of what is contempo-
Propulse is organised by the dissemi-
nation department of the Federation
two weeks after Easter – City of T: +32 (0) rary music: to challenge ‘contempo’ Wallonia-Brussels. It is a showcase for
Kortrijk Flanders Festival Kortrijk / creation in the strict sense of the term professionals, aiming at facilitating
is the youngest addition to the Flan- to ‘transverse creations’ with grada- the international and national mobility
ders Festival network. For three years tions and nuances, inter-style migra- of the performers as well as improving
the festival has been presenting a tions, and hence to further a fresh the functioning of the network.
mixed program with a strong focus on
con­temporary music and sound art. LFOOP
nomad’s approach to soul and space,
thoughts about an open world, away Sophie Millecamps, coordinator for
classical and contemporary music
Flanders Festival Kortrijk is recognised from terrorism of territories…
Service de la Diffusion des Arts de
internationally for the presentation last weekend of November – la Scène de la Fédération
Jean-Pierre Peuvion, artistic director
and the creation of sound art, a.o. Brussels Initiated in 2008, the LOOP Wallonie-Bruxelles
22, quai Mativa
as a key partner in the European Festival is the annual event organised BE - 4020 Liège
Boulevard Léopold II, 44
net­work for sound art Resonance. by Le Forum des Compositeurs. The BE - 1080 Brussels
T: +32 (0)4.341.42.03
T: +32 (0)2.413.21.59
With the same enthusiasm the festival concert programme aims at giving
defends and supports the work of a showcase of the diversity of music
contemporary composers. in the Belgian French-speaking com-

54 55
2 .2
   RANSIT BE - 9000 Ghent
M: +32 (0)496.53.75.53
end of OctobeR – Concerts/
debate/ lecture/ recital/ educa- C O N C E R T O R G A N I S AT I O N S
tional projects, Leuven
TRANSIT is a three-day contemporary
music event. The trademarks are a
WN     hat’s

A& rts centres

focus on premieres and a healthy mix  ext
of Flemish and international new mu-
F  estival

sic. The TRANSIT festival programme
promises exciting concerts: premieres End of March – La Raffinerie,    oncert halls
by very young, young and somewhat Molenbeek Brussels Festival
less young Flemish composers, and What’s Next distinguishes itself from
premieres by a select company of other events by presenting young
composers from abroad. TRANSIT talent only. It offers a platform for the
presents Flemish new music to the many new, young and adventurous
world. Performers and composers are ensembles, bands, composers and
provided with an international forum. sound artists who are trying to find
their way in the music landscape
TRANSIT New Music Festival today. Offering short, but powerful
Marc Delaere, artistic director
concert moments of about 30 minutes
Brusselsestraat 63
BE - 3000 Leuven
T: +32 (0)
by each artist/ensemble, What’s Next
attempts to win, in addition to the fans A MUZ MB
  ijloke of contemporary music, also other people who are intrigued by this Antwerp AMUZ is an international Ghent A historic setting embraced
surprising world of sounds. music centre, hosting cultural, educa­ by contemporary architecture is the
tional and scholarly activities. Its concert material expression of what music
What’s Next programme is inspired by the criteria centre De Bijloke stands for: a commit-

VE  oorwaarts Maart/
 n avant Mars
Fabian Coomans, artistic director
De Winterstraat 20
BE - 2140 Borgerhout
of Historically Informed Performance
(HIP): on the basis of a historically valid
ment towards the past and the future.
The selection of music unfolds in series
M: +32 (0)495.11.19.03 approach, music from all periods is going from early music, chamber and
March – De Bijloke Music centre presented in a creative and accessible symphonic repertoire to non-western
Voorwaarts Maart/En avant Mars is an way. Contemporary music is not the art music and jazz. De Bijloke hosts
annual, adventurous music festival, a focal point of AMUZ’ activities, but is the festival Voorwaarts Maart and
collaboration between vzw Hardscore regularly featured in its programme, (co-)produces several multimedia mu-
and De Bijloke Music Centre, focusing often in a dialogue with other (historical) sic projects. Concerts devoted to con-
upon new and pretty fragile work from repertoires, other arts or multimedia. temporary music are also integrated
composers old and young, though all to the regular programming.
working and writing in a broad array AMUZ
Bart Demuyt, artistic director Muziekcentrum De Bijloke Ghent
of styles and idioms. Young ensembles
Kammenstraat 81 Daan Bauwens,
are invited to showcase these pieces, BE - 2000 Antwerp general & artistic director
highlighted by live graphics. T: +32 (0)3 202.46.69 Frank Pauwels, artistic coordinator Bijlokekaai 7
VZW Hardscore BE - 9000 Ghent
Frank Nuyts, artistic director T: +32 (0)
Jakob Heremansstraat 74 Capacity: 399

56 57
Capacity: main concert hall (1150),
overriding principle. This vision is
adequately translated in concrete se- F   lagey Handelsbeurs Concertzaal
Michael Joostens, artistic director
Liesbeth Devoogdt, programming
Kraakhuis (<250), historical audito- ries and festivals where contemporary Brussels Flagey is a world-class cen- classical & contemporary music
rium (80), historical library (<100) music takes pride of place, including tre run by both language communities Kouter 29
commissioned works and creations. and devoted to music and the moving BE - 9000 Ghent
T: +32 (0)
A new initiative is the Sound Factory, image. Flagey is where different artistic
an interactive space for sound art on disciplines can meet, exchange ideas,

BC    ozar –
  entre for
a top floor, concurrently offering a
fabulous view of the city.
discover one another and work to-
gether. Jazz, world, classical and con-
Capacity: seated (350), standing (750)

F    ine Arts
Concertgebouw Brugge
Jeroen Vanacker, artistic director
temporary music are played here, but
film and video also feature prominently,
Brussels Bozar organises concerts, with frequent encounters between these

‘t Zand 34  aaitheater
big international exhibitions, cinema, BE - 8000 Bruges worlds. The acoustic qualities of the
theatre, dance, literature, architecture T: +32 (0) building make it a key player both in
and educational initiatives in the Brussels and the whole of Belgium. Brussels Kaaitheater presents thea-
splendid centre for Fine Arts designed tre, dance and concerts with special Flagey
by Henry Van de Velde. Classical
focus on innovative work. The core
Gilles Ledure, director
music, world music and jazz: produc- Capacity: main concert hall (1289) task is to organise productions of its
Maarten Van Rousselt,
tions with the highest standards and and chamber music hall (<322) artistic coordinator own as well as co-productions with
with a cosmopolitan vision provide Rue du Belvédère 27/5 artists and groups from Belgium and
this site with a voice in the cultural BE - 1050 Brussels abroad. For Contemporary Music
ambiance of Brussels. For the Con­ T: +32 (0)2 641.10.10 concerts Kaaitheater relies on contri-

ES space
temporary Music concert series Bozar
butions by Ictus and Bozar.
relies on Ictus ensemble.  enghor
Capacity: Studio 4 (502-971) Hugo Vanden Driessche,
Paul Dujardin, general director
Brussels Though not specialised Studio 1 (136 + 46) +...
CEO & artistic director Guy Gypens, artistic director
in contemporary music, l’Espace Akenkaai 2
Christian Renard,
director Bozar music Senghor organises each year numer- BE - 1000 Brussels
Ravensteinstraat 23 ous concerts of new music, collabo­ T: +32 (0)
BE - 1000 Brussels
T: +32 (0)2.507.84.30
rating with the main ensembles of the
community and of the country. It has HC   andelsbeurs
hosted a series ‘Focus on our com- Capacity: main hall (750), studio (100) posers’ and is a partner of le Forum Ghent Handelsbeurs Concertzaal is
Capacity: Henry Le Boeuf concert hall des Compositeurs for organising the a concert venue in the city centre of
(2100), chamber music hall (480), LOOP Festival. Ghent. Its concert programme represents
Studio (210), small theatre (159) +… a wide variety of styles and genres such Le

Espace Senghor as pop, rock, blues and classical music.   anège
Marie-Christine Ecrepont, program-
The classical music series focuses on

ming classical & contemporary music
chamber music from 1750 till now and   ons

C   oncertgebouw Chaussée de Wavre 366

BE - 1040 Brussels includes five to six special concerts dedi-
T: +32 (0) cated to contemporary classical music. MONS Le manège.mons was founded
Bruges The ‘Concertgebouw’ was As a result of their close cooperation for in 2002 by the fusion of several cul-
built to celebrate Bruges’ turn as cul-
many years, the Belgian ensemble Ictus tural institutions of the city. Six main
tural capital of Europe in 2002. It is Capacity: 120 presents each season at Handelsbeurs venues offer a broad spectrum of cul-
an international centre for music and Concertzaal two projects offering new tural events, including contemporary
the performing arts. Creativity is the music in an original format. dance, all sorts of concerts, innovative

58 59
festivals as well as thematic series:
the Royal theatre for traditional forms R oyal Theatre
d eSingel
international arts campus
and classical music; the ‘Théâtre le NAMUR With many creations in the ANTwERP deSingel is a vibrant
Manège’ for contemporary theatre theatre and dance fields, the Royal campus for the arts offering a contem-
and dance; the ‘Carré des Arts’ for Theatre also presents a rich musical porary and international programme
Summer festivals; the ‘Arbalestriers season. Managed by the Philhar- of the highest quality in the fields of
hall’ for participating, new forms, monic Society, it features each year theatre, dance, music theatre, music
residencies, seminars and the Audito- several new music works and new and architecture. The core task consists
rium Abel Dubois mainly dedicated music ensembles. of showing contemporary artistic pro-
to the younger audience. duction and making it accessible for a
Théâtre de Namur larger public. This concerns both work De Singel
Le Manège.Mons asbl Patrick Colpé, general director © Stijn Bollaert
by foreign artists and ‘native’ work
Jean-Paul Dessy, artistic director Marylène Toussaint, artistic director
Place du Théâtre 2 that aligns itself with the international
Rue des Sœurs Noires 4A
BE - 7000 Mons BE - 5000 Namur character of the centre’s orientation.
T: +32(0) T: +32 (0) Presentation and production happen in coherent wholes and are justified to the
public by information and education.
Capacity: Royal Theatre (1026);
Theatre le Manège (600); Capacity: 740
deSingel international arts campus
Auditorium Abel Dubois (300);
Jerry Aerts, artistic director
Arbalestriers Hall (200)
Desguinlei 25
BE - 2018 Antwerp
T: +32 (0)

Ph hilharmonic

LIèGE Having been completely reno-
Capacity: Blue Hall (968), Red Hall
(801), Theatre Studio (240), Music
Studio (145), Small Hall (90)
vated in 1998, the Philharmonic Hall
is since 2000 administrated by the
Liège Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
With a very good acoustics, the hall
is also frequently used as a record-
ing studio by masters such as Martha
Argerich or Philippe Herreweghe.

Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de

Liège – Salle Philharmonique
De Bijloke
Jean-Pierre Rousseau, general director © Bruno Bollaert
Christian Arming, musical director
Boulevard Piercot, 25-27
BE - 4000 Liège
T: +32 (0)
Capacity: 1100

© Filip Dujardin

60 61
2 .2 N Q
adine -O2

C O N C E RT O R G A N I S AT I O N S Nadine is an arts laboratory aimed Q-O2 has been a workspace for experi-
at developing research focusing on mental contemporary music and sound
transdisciplinary experiments in the art since 2006, its activities being cen-
fields of new media and live arts. tred around process and research. In
2.2.c Nadine is a flexible and evolving musical terms Q-O2 mainly explores

W orking spaces project that doesn’t shy away from

questioning itself, with a view to
being abreast with the constantly
three lines of approach: improvisation
(both acoustic and electronic), com-
posed music and installation/sound art.
changing needs of the artists. In practice, Q-O2 offers working resi-
dencies to artists, carries out projects in
Loes Jacobs, coordinator collaboration with (inter)national art
Herderstraat 30
organisations and hosts performances
BE - 1050 Brussels
T: + 32 (0)2.513.41.04 and concerts in its own space. Q-O2
Julia Eckhardt, artistic coordinator
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
BE - 1080 Brussels
T: +32 (0)

BA ains Connective – www.q-o2.b

rt Laboratory

Bains Connective was founded in

1997 in Brussels as an artistic labora-
tory offering residencies in the fields of
music, dance, visual arts... Every pro-
fessional artist can apply for a residen-
cy, whatever the experience, age, dis-
cipline, culture or nationality. BC tries
to create an open atmosphere where
dialogue, experiment and exchange
are essential. The result is a fertile
environment for cross-disciplinary re-
search and innovation. To support the
need to develop, show and progress,
BC organises Lab Outs (showings of
work in progress), lounges with artistic Bains Connective
interventions and theme periods. Q-O2

Lilia Mestre, artistic coordinator

Bondgenotenstraat 54 Q-O2
© Michael Vorfeld
BE - 1190 Vorst
T: +32 (0)2.534.48.55

62 63
2 .3

RL  oyal Conservatory of
iège RB      oyal Conservatory of
 russels RM   oyal Conservatory of
            ons OI    rpheus

Boulevard Piercot, 29 Regentschapsstraat 30 7, rue de Nimy The Orpheus Institute for advanced
BE - 4000 Liège BE - 1000 Brussels BE - 7000 Mons studies and research in music has
T:+32 (0) T: +32 (0) Flemish community been providing an enriching educa- T: +32 (0)2.513.45.87 tional and research environment for
Head of department: Bernard Dekaise Head of department: André Foulon musicians since 1996, and introduced
Professors of composition: Michel Fourgon, Professors of composition: Claude Ledoux, the first doctoral programme for per-
Gilles Gobert, Denis Bosse Head of department: Peter Swinnen Gilles Gobert, Geoffrey François
formers and composers in Flanders
Professors of composition: Jurgen De Pillecyn,
Franklin Gyselynck, Jan D’Haene, (docARTES), now one of Europe’s
Jan Van Landeghem, Kristin Desmedt, leading doctoral schools in music.
Hogeschool voor
wetenschap & kunst –
Ann Kuppens, Hans Van Daele, Wouter
Lenaerts, Sofie Van Herle SC   chool of Arts –
  onservatory of
The laureate programme allows
students to conduct practice-oriented

emmens Institute
French-speaking community
T: +32 (0)2 511 04 27
G     hent research into subjects related to their
professional activities whereas the This conservatory offers a specific doctoral title is awarded to musicians
Herestraat 53 Head of department: Frédéric de Roos master after master for soloists in who can demonstrate their ability to
BE - 3000 Leuven Professors of composition: Daniel Capeletti, contemporary music, in collaboration combine artistic performances with
T: +32 (0) Michel Lysight, Hao-Fu Zhang
with the Spectra Ensemble and Ictus. systematic theoretical reflection.
It also organises a annual festival of
contemporary music. Peter Dejans, director

Head of department: Marc Erkens
Professors of composition: Jeroen D’hoe,
   onservatory of Korte Meer 12
ntwerp BE - 9000 Ghent
Piet Swerts, Jan Van der Roost, Luc van Hove, Hoogpoort 64
T: +32 9 330 40 81
Martin Valcke BE - 9000 Ghent
Desguinlei 25 T: +32 (0)
BE - 2018 Antwerp
T: +32 (0)

I MEP – Institut Supérieur de

Musique et Pédagogie Namur
Head of department: Pascale De Groote
Decaan School of Arts:
Wim De Temmerman
Professors of composition:
28, rue Juppin Godfried-Willem Raes, Frank Nuyts
BE - 5000 Namur Professors of composition: Wim Henderickx, Luc Van Hove, Alain Craens
T: +32 (0)
Head of department: Guido Jardon
Professor of music writing: Jean-Michel Gillard

64 65
2 .4
2 .5

CM   rescendo-

QE  ueen    actus –  agazine

Y   oung composers’
The magazine STAALKAART offers a
C  ompetition for Forum
broad panorama of cultural events in Issued every two months, it was Bel-
Since 2004, ‘Tactus organises every Flanders and Brussels. STAALKAART gium’s only general publication in the
An internationally renowned contest two years an international call for deals with classical and early music, classical music field. One hundred
for piano, violin and voice respectively. works for scores for orchestra, by opera, jazz, literature, theatre, dance, numbers were published in about 15
For the set work that the laureates have composers under 35. The selected and the visual arts. (in Dutch) years. The last number was issued in
to perform during the finale, a com- composers attend a one-week work- the spring of 2009, but the website
position contest is held for composers shop with the composers who made STAALKAART of the magazine is now being used to
Lieven de Laet, editor
from any country. In the semi-finals the the selection and a professional or- publish important information as well
p/a Decom
candidates are obliged to perform a chestra, during which open rehearsals ‘t Hofveld 6c4 as offering the possibility to download
new Belgian commissioned work. and sessions take place. The laureates BE - 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden all articles. (in French)
then have their work performed on a
Further information on tour by several partner orchestras and Bernadette Beyne &
Michèle Debra, editors
recorded on a CD.
Rue du Château d’Eau 111
BE - 1180 Brussels
Further information on

T: +32 (0)2.375.94.44
 arelbeke Les

 oncert Band  ahiers de l’ACME
omposition Contest

The Town of Harelbeke’s aim, in  étamorphoses In French ACME stands for ‘Atelier
holding a biennial International Com- Créatif de Musique Electroacoustique’
position Contest, is to consolidate its Biennial acousmatic competition or- (Creative Workshop for Electro­acoustic Les
position as a ‘Town of Music’ on the
world map. This contest is targeted
ganised by Musiques & Recherches.
(Acousmatic = pre-recorded work
Music). Since 1981, ACME has been
publishing its cahiers (“notebooks”) CF   arnets du
specifically on contemporary work composed in studio, diffused on dedicated to the news of electroacoustic
in the sector of music for wind and loudspeakers in concert without the technologies of sound creation and of In 2006 ‘le Forum des Compositeurs’
percussion instruments. In its role as intervention of live sound sources). music, as well as of its users. (in French) initiated a new publication: les Car-
a Town Council, its aim is to motivate nets du Forum. This review is issued
composers and performers and to Further information on Paul Snaps every two years and aims at giving M: +32 (0)475.78.44.38
provide a window onto the world. composers, performers and other ‘music thinkers’ a place for debate
Further information on and free expression, as well as for

66 67
PUBLIC BROADCASTING Carine Bratzlavsky, Unfortunately, Flanders cannot pride itself any
broadening the spectrum of their director Arte Belgique longer on a periodical of its own for classical
activities. This publication benefits COMPANIES Benoît Jacques de Dixmude, and contemporary music. Fortunately the
from the support of ‘Le Conseil de la director Musiq’3 most important newspapers and weeklies
Musique’. (in French) In 1960, the Belgian national radio Pascale Labrie, coordinator Musiq’3 (De Morgen, De Standaard, Knack) still employ
INR split into linguistic identities: the Boulevard Auguste Reyers, 52 a number of competent journalists. A survey is
Michel Fourgon, editor BE - 1044 Brussels available on
VRT, the RTB(F) and BRF, which are
2, rue de l’Eglise
since then the public broadcasting For up to date information see Oorgetuige,
BE - 4987 La Gleize companies respectively for the Flem- an active and professional weblog with news,
M: + 32 (0)496.54.52.57 ish-, the French- and German-speak- interviews, concert announcements and reports
on the ins and outs of the contemporary scene. ing communities, and members of the
V     RT – Flemish Radio
European Broadcasting Union.
       and Television
Furthermore, Ruis is a free mini periodical about
Klara is the cultural channel of VRT. It avant-garde composers and art with an agenda

AA rchipel –
  [La Médiathèque]
B  RF – Belgischer Rundfunk offers classical, jazz, and world music
as well as cultural information. The
for underground music in the Netherlands and
Belgium, interviews, reviews and cartoons
issued by K-RAA-K3.
Belgischer Rundfunk (BRF) (Belgian programmes include live regional
Conceived and developed by ‘La Broadcasting) is based in Eupen and concerts and concerts originating
Mediatheque of the French community produces one television and three from the EBU. Klara has its own CD
of Belgium’, Archipel is a website radio channels. BRF1 is the speech label, organises concerts and awards
(which is also available as fixed but and entertainment network with a for the best artists of the year. Cobra.
movable terminals) that proposes an specialist programme covering be is the general cultural platform
exploration of modern music based classical music. for all brands of the VRT. TV channel
on an intuitive approach: media Canvas is the ideal guide for those
BRF Studio Sankt Vith
are gathered together on ‘thematic who foster broad interests and are
Vennbahnstraße 4, Briefkasten 3
islands’, according to the similarity of BE - 4780 Sankt Vith keen to stay informed about current
the creative approach of the artists. T: +32 (0) affairs, science, history, culture,
Each ‘Archipelago’ can be visited by fiction, humour, and sports.
exploring the islands that constitute
it, by clicking on the white stones that Walter Couvreur,
manager cultural production unit
indicate the key works of the archi-
R  TBF – Belgian French-  Chantal Pattyn, manager Klara
pelago, or by using the glossary. Mark Coenen, manager Canvas
(in French)    speaking radio and
Peter Cockx, editor
    television A. Reyerslaan 52
Sébastien Biset, project coordinator Musiq’3 is the cultural channel of BE - 1043 Brussels
La Médiathèque
RTBF. Among other programmes dedi-
6, place de l’Amitié
BE - 1160 Brussels cated to classical music, jazz, world music and French song, Musiq’3 has a special contemporary music programme (BigBang!) and organises
since recently its own festival, as open-
ing of the ‘Wallonia Festival’. Arte-
Belgique, associated member of ARTE,
is since 2006 the principal cultural TV
channel of French-Speaking Belgium,
focusing on Belgian artists, with
programmes in French and in Flemish.

68 69
2 .6
R ecord / distribution

Many young composers choose to make their scores available

on their websites. It is therefore advisable to contact the com­
poser directly when looking for scores of a certain work.

New Consonant Music Euprint Metropolis Music AMG Records Fuga Libera Pavane Records
Digital music publisher Parkbosstraat 3 Publishers (Distribution) (AMG distr.) (Codaex distr.) BE - 3001 Heverlee Kloosterstraat 2 Rue du Bosquet, 31 Outhere S.A. Division of La Boîte
T: +32 (0) BE - 2870 Ruisbroek-Puurs BE - 1400 Nivelles Eikstraat 27 à Musique SA T: +32 (0)486.20.88.42 T: +32 (0) BE - 1000 Brussels Coudenberg 74
Beriato Music T: +32 (0)2.373.82.03 BE - 1000 Brussels
Montfortstraat 1 T: +32 (0)2.513.09.65
BE - 2550 Kontich
European Music Festival
T: +32 (0)3.888.49.89
for Young People Percussion Music Europe Beriato Music Toekomstlaan 7 bus 2 Klara
Langveld 6 see p. 70: Publishers
BE - 3910 Neerpelt (Codaex distr.) Phaedra
BE - 3300 Tienen
T: +32 (0) In collaboration with the labels (Codaex distr.)
Cebedem T: +32 (0) Codaex Belgium Et’cetera, Universal Classics Phaedra CD
Avenue du port 86C / (Distribution) and EMI. Donkerstraat 51
P.O. Box 214 Larenstraat 58 see p. 69: Media BE - 9120 Beveren
BE - 1000 Brussels Zodiac Editions BE - 3560 Lummen
Golden River Music T: +32 (0)3.755.40.37
T: +32 (0) Works of Flemish Composer T: +32 (0)
Korte Haagstraat 13 Piet Swerts Logos Public Domain
BE - 9200 Dendermonde (Logos Foundation distr.) Logos Foundation Kongostraat 35 Sub Rosa
Centrum voor Vocale Cypres BE - 9000 Ghent Vonckstraat 66
Muziek (AMG distr.) T: +32 (0) BE - 1030 Brussels
(Centre of vocal Music)
HRDSCR Kastafior bvba
Jakob Heremansstraat 74
Zirkstraat 36 Aalststraat 7
BE - 9000 Ghent
BE - 2000 Antwerp BE - 1000 Brussels
T: +32 (0) T: +32 (0) Megadisc Classics Talent Records (Codaex distr.) DOMusic
Lantro Music Belgium Albert Vander­kinderestraat 24 Letterkundestraat 24
Beigemsesteenweg 8 BE - 1080 Molenbeek BE - 2610 Wilrijk
Digital Print Music Et’cetera T: +32 (0) T: +32 (0)3.827.70.87
BE - 1850 Grimbergen
De Waghemakerestraat 14 (Codaex distr.)
T: +32 (0)
BE - 2060 Antwerp Prinsengracht 17
T: +32 (0) NL - 1015 DK Amsterdam T: +31 (0)20.612.97.24 Montefagorum Sterrebos 30
BE - 3512 Stevoort
T: +32 (0)497.40.60.34

70 71
P RT 3
DD    T
  N L
RM   T
3 .1

In Belgium the culture policy belongs to the competence of the 3.1.a

F     landers
communities. This means that the country no longer has one Federal
Ministry of Culture, but three, respectively for the Flemish and
German communities, and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels. Each
Ministry of Culture has its own Agency for carrying out its policy.
In Flanders it is the ‘Agency for Art & Heritage’. For the Wallonia-
Rules for subsidies have been subsumed under one single decree for the arts
Brussels Federation, it is the ‘General Culture Agency – Performing that is valid for all disciplines of the fine arts.
Arts General Service’ and ‘Wallonia-Brussels International’.
Even foreign organisers/producers can take advantage of subsidies. Listed
below is a short survey of the most important subsidies:

The ‘international project’ concept refers to the following activities: international
tours, co-productions, exchanges, etc. Evidently it is important for the project to
be significantly embedded in the Flemish context.


By work visits are meant (long-term) visits of Flemish artists or members of arts
organisations abroad to work with (prominent) arts institutions or under the
guidance of prominent foreign artists.


By these contributions are meant: allowances for travel, accommodation or
transport costs. The main concern is the active participation of artists, critics,
curators, mediators and organisations from Flanders in small-scale initiatives
abroad. Exceptionally, an allowance can also be granted to foreign guests who
have been invited to Flanders.

Foreigners who commission a Flemish composer are also in a position to apply
for a subsidy. It is paid directly to the patron. The enabling condition to apply is
the (private) agreement between patron and composer.

74 75
the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the French Community Commission of
By these are meant organisations that unite members around a certain topic or the Brussels-Capital Region. The department specialised in the field of music is
sector. Members are recruited internationally. The aim of these networks is (1) ‘Wallonie-Bruxelles Musiques’ (W.B.M.). (see p. 48)
to exchange and build up know-how around a certain topic or sector and on
the basis of that (2) to contribute to influencing an international cultural policy. W.B.I. supports Belgian music professionals from the Wallonia-Brussels
These networks are eligible for subsidisation depending on the added value Federation to go abroad in the following ways:
they provide for Flemish members and on the support and impact they may — Mobility: payment or contribution to the travel costs of artists/lecturers;
have at international fora. — Promotion of sound material: financial contribution to press expenses;
— Financial support of a promotional tour of a performer/group;
Network organisations that are currently being supported are IAMIC (Inter­na­ — Financial contribution for external markets prospection travels.
tional Association of Music Information Centres); IETM (International Network
for Contemporary Performing Arts); EFA (European Festival Association). W.B.I. supports the organisation of international events in Wallonia and
Brussels in the following ways:
— Financial contribution to the hosting of foreign producers;
— Financial support to the hosting and/or the payment of artists in the frame
Department of the Arts of organising international festivals;
T: +32 (0)2.553.68.42 — For concert producers, financial contribution to a tour of foreign artists.
Wallonia-Brussels International
2, Place Sainctelette
BE - 1080 Brussels
T: +32 (0)2.421.82.11

russels Wallonia-Brussels Music

F    ederation see p. 48

General Service for the Perfoming Arts


As one of the six sectors under the control of the General Service for the Per­
forming Arts, the Classical Music service aims to promote, sustain and develop
the mobility of professional ensembles and performers, and to develop the musi-
cal contemporary creation in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.This mission is
accomplished in particular by according grants to institutions, organisations,
performers, composers, and by supporting the production of CD recordings.


W.B.I. is the public administration in charge of the international relations of
Wallonia-Brussels. It is the tool of international politics managed by Wallonia,

76 77


Buckinx, B.: De kleine pomo of de muziek­ Fourgon M.: Les carnets du Forum, vol. 2,
geschiedenis van het postmodernisme, Forum des compositeurs, 2010
Alamire, Peer, 1994
Franck, P. & Dessy J-P.: Sons en mutation,
Defoort, A. (red): Lexicon van de Muziek in Editions « La Lettre Volée », 2003
West-Vlaanderen, 7 dln + 4cd, Brugge
2000-2006 Grijp L.P. e.a. (red): Een muziekgeschiedenis
der Nederlanden, Amsterdam University Press,
Delaere, M – Knockaert Y. & Sabbe H.: Amsterdam, 2001
Nieuwe Muziek in Vlaanderen, Stichting
Kunstboek, Brugge, 1998 Janssens J., Olaerts A., De Moor M. (ed.):
Music Theatre in Flanders, Perspectives on the
Delaere M. & Beirens M.: ‘Minimal Music landscape, VTI/Flanders Music Centre, 2009
in the Low Countries’, in Tijdschrift van de
Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Levaux T. (red): Dictionnaire des composi-
Muziekgeschiedenis, 2004, nr. 1, pp. 31-78 teurs de Belgique du moyen âge à nos jours,
Editions art in Belgium, 2006
Delaere M. & Compeers J. (ed.): Contem­
porary Music in Flanders, MATRIX, Leuven, Leirens C.: Belgian Music, New York, 1963
I. Flemish String Quartets since 1950 (2004);
II. Flemish Piano Music since 1950 (2005); Knockaert Y.: Vlaanderen en de nieuwe
III. Flemish Symphonic Music since 1950 muziek, in Gids Kunst in Vlaanderen, suppl.
(2006); IV. Flemish Ensemble Music since 2008, Kluwer, Mechelen.
1950 (2007); V. Flemish Music Theatre since Text can be consulted at
1950 (2008); VI. Flemish Tape Music since
1950 (2010); VII. Flemish Chamber Music
since 1950 (2011) Martin S.: Ars musica, 20 ans d’aventures
Series of publications with a historical musicales, Mardaga, 2009
introduction, articles on selected Works,
an inventory and a CD with listening Pirenne C.: Les musiques nouvelles en
samples. Available at Matrix or at Wallonie et à Bruxelles, Mardaga, 2004
Flanders Music Centre.
Roquet F.: Lexicon Vlaamse componisten
Delaere M. & Wennekens E.: Contemporary geboren na 1800, Roularta Books, 2007
Music in the Low Countries, Ons Erfdeel,
2006 (Available in six languages: Dutch, Robijns J. & Zijlstra M.: Algemene
French, German, English, Spanish on http:// Muziekencyclopedie, 10 delen, Haarlem,
www.ons­ 1979-1984

Fourgon M.: Les carnets du Forum, vol. 1,

Forum des compositeurs, 2008

This guide is published by Flanders Music Centre in collaboration with
Wallonie-Bruxelles Musiques, Le Conseil de la Musique, ISCM-Flanders,
and le Forum des Compositeurs.

Katrien van Remortel, Marie Paule Wouters, Bruno De Cat

Mies Van Roy — + Astrid De Prez


Joris Duytschaever

Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen Forum Des Compositeurs

Steenstraat 25 39 rue Lebeau
BE - 1000 Brussels BE - 1000 Brussels
Belgium Belgium
T: +32 (0)2.504.90.90 T: +32 (0)2.550.13.35

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