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Presenters Needed for Franklin Academy’s K-5 Career Day!


 K-5 CAREER DAY DATE: January 30, 2020

 TIME: 8:45 AM to 11:30 AM
 SERVICE HOURS: 1 hour per hour you assist

Career Day involves a short presentation providing information about your career, job
tasks, and responsibilities. This is an opportunity for the students at Franklin Academy to
become familiar with the variety of careers available to them. We are asking each volunteer
participant to address up to four classes with a twenty-minute (approximately) presentation in
each. This year we will be hosting Career Day for K-5 students only. In the spring, a separate
event will be held for our 6th-8th grade students.

As a Career Day Participant, you will:

 Explain the nature of your career
 Wear the type of uniform or clothing required for your career
 Bring equipment or items representative of your particular field; i.e.,
stethoscope, calculator, First Aid kit, Fire Truck, Police Car, etc.
 Emphasize the relationship between academic learning and job performance
 Allow time for questions and answers

If you are willing to share your time and expertise, please register to present by
using the link on the page.
 You will receive written notification confirming the date and your assigned
sessions approximately two weeks prior to Career Day, after we
return from winter break.

See reverse for participation form link!

Franklin Academy Career Day Presenters Form Information
1 hour per hour you assist.
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Times: 8:45 AM - 11:30 AM

There are four scheduled presentation times:

 9:15AM, 9:50AM, 10:25AM, and 11:00AM

o Space is limited. Final decisions will be made by administration.

o DEADLINE: Completed Career Day Presenters form Fri., 01/10.
o You will receive written notification of the date and confirmation of your assigned
sessions approximately two weeks prior to Career Day.
o Contact: Eileen Turay: or call 754-206-0850
o Please Register using the link below by Friday, 01/10.

Franklin Academy Career Day Participant REGISTRATION

Click on this link to REGISTER now:

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