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This part will be the summary of out business this includes the following:

A. Statement of the purpose

The purpose of this business is to let the people taste a new food that is made up of
flour with chicken, not like the usual one which is the "bulastog" that is also made up of flour
with egg. We also offer a drinks which is the shake for our costumer, for them not to go to
other store just to buy their drinks.

Also the purpose of this business is to enchance our skills in starting a business
venture. This will also help our knowledge in doing a business plan that we can use in the

B. Legal structure
This business is sole of proprietorship because this business is only specified in only one
group of people.

C. Owners
 Key owner:
Ybeth B. Romero
 Manager:
Dhencess Paster
 Officers:
1. Neil Bernard Repaso
2. Erika Pascual
 Staffs:
1. John Rey Raquitico
2. Yvan Kristian Rebaya

E. Business concepts
A business concept may involve a new product ir simply a novel approach to marketing
or delivering an existing product. Once a concept is developed, it is incorporated into a business
So we come up to this business because our concept is about a product that can be a
snack and affordable by the students since we are going to start this business inside the school.
Then we also think for what will be the drinks of our costumers if they will buy our food

F. Mission Statement
Enables the costumers to taste a nutrious food in affordable price.

G. Vision Statement
A vision statement spells out the future direction of an organization and where it
sees itself in the long term.

II. Management & organization

This part will explain who will work or involve in this business but in this case there will be
no specific person who will comprise the management and organization.

A. Managements team
There will be no specific person who will comprise the management team.

B. Hiring practice
There will be no policies/practices because we won't hire people

C. Organization structure
This business won't have organizational structure because our legal structure
is sole of proprietorship.

D. Staffing and benefits

This business won't have benefits in employees because we won't accept/hire
III. Products & Facilities
This part will overlook the products we will serve.

A. Initial products & services

The product we will serve is chicken nugget which is composed of flour and
chicken. Another one is shake that will serves as drink.

B. Proprietary features
The features that our product became unique is the texture and the taste of our
product is delicious because it can be dish or snack.

C. Future products and services

If this business will be successful we are planning to improve our product or add
some product for our business.

D. Physical facilities
The facilities and equipments that are needed by the business must be brought
by the entreprenuer. In this king of fodd bussines the equipment and facilities that are
needed are the following:
 Food cart
 Frying pan
 Gloves
 Food bowl
 Stoove
 Apron
 Frying spoon
 Jag

E. Equipments requirements
The equipments on this business must be clean for the costumers to trust
our product. Also it must be clean for less bacteria in the food.

F. Production & process capacity

This business won't have a production & process capacity because this
business is only sole for proprietorship not company.

G. Significance of the vendor

The vendor on this business will only be the group memebers. The
relationship of the vendors are they are all classmates.

H. Licensing and requirements

In this business the only license that we must have is the approval of our
adviser in entrepreneurship.
The only lisecen of this business will only be the approval of our adviser in

IV. Industry Analysis

This part will explain the market product of the business.

A. Background/trends for industry

This business is all about making a chicken nuggets. This food is
composed of chicken and flour that was fried. This kind of food is one of the favorite of
the Filipinos.

B. Typical costumer and buying patterns

Our target market is the students of Unibersidad de Sta. Isabel Pili Campus.

C. Marketing niche
This business will only suceed if the product will be sold and if we will get an
income or profit. The product will be sold among students amd faculties inside the

D. Competitors
Our competitors will be the other group that will also have a business near the
canteen. They are our classmates.

E. Strengths
Maybe they have a lot of strength in their business but the only strength we
identified in their business is their product well known.

F. Weakness
The weakness that we identify in our competitors is their product common.

G. Substitute or indirect competition

We’ll have a product which is almost likely the same us nuggets, we can’t offer
nuggets. This product will also have the same quality of satisfaction in the costumers.
H. Unique selling proposition/overt benefits
The vendors in this business will serve the customer patiently. This business
can give benefits to the costumers because our product will be nutrious and affordable
food they can also have our shake for their drink.

V. Marketing Plan
This part will explain the market product of the business.

A. Marketing strategy
Our marketing strategy for our business to be successful is simply we have
already what our costumer needed called one stop shop. We can also say that our
product will be competitive because our product will have the high quality taste of food

B. Marketing objectives
The marketing objectives of our business is to let our business successful.

C. Promotion Plan
The medium we need we use to promote our business is flyer that will be given
to there costumer to encourage them to buy in our business.

D. Sales & distribution

Our product will not be distributed because our costumer will be the one to go
on our business warantees.

E. Guarantees, serving issue

This product doesn’t have warrantees because our product is food that does
not need to be stack.
VI. The Financial Plan

A. Financial Summary
In the next 3-5 years we envision our business to be more successful and
have a greater improvement.

B. Final Projection
In the first year of thus business we will be having only a lower financial
satisfaction but if the years will pass by this business will have an increasing
financial satisfaction.

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