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Physical-Layer Security in Wireless

Communication Systems

Ghadamali Bagheri-Karam

A thesis
presented to the University of Waterloo
in fulfilment of the
thesis requirement for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2010

°Ghadamali Bagheri-Karam 2010

I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis,
including any required final revisions, as accepted by my examiners.

I understand that my thesis may be made electronically available to the public.

Ghadamali Bagheri-Karam


The use of wireless networks has grown significantly in contemporary times, and continues
to develop further. The broadcast nature of wireless communications, however, makes them
particularly vulnerable to eavesdropping. Unlike traditional solutions, which usually handle
security at the application layer, the primary concern of this dissertation is to analyze and
develop solutions based on coding techniques at the physical-layer.
First, in chapter 2, we consider a scenario where a source node wishes to broadcast two
confidential messages to two receivers, while a wire-tapper also receives the transmitted sig-
nal. This model is motivated by wireless communications, where individual secure messages
are broadcast over open media and can be received by any illegitimate receiver. The secrecy
level is measured by the equivocation rate at the eavesdropper. We first study the general
(non-degraded) broadcast channel with an eavesdropper, and present an inner bound on
the secrecy capacity region for this model. This inner bound is based on a combination
of random binning, and the Gelfand-Pinsker binning. We further study the situation in
which the channels are degraded. For the degraded broadcast channel with an eavesdropper,
we present the secrecy capacity region. Our achievable coding scheme is based on Cover’s
superposition scheme and random binning. We refer to this scheme as the Secret Super-
position Scheme. Our converse proof is based on a combination of the converse proof of
the conventional degraded broadcast channel and Csiszar Lemma. We then assume that
the channels are Additive White Gaussian Noise and show that the Secret Superposition
Scheme with Gaussian codebook is optimal. The converse proof is based on Costa’s entropy
power inequality. Finally, we use a broadcast strategy for the slowly fading wire-tap channel
when only the eavesdropper’s channel is fixed and known at the transmitter. We derive the
optimum power allocation for the coding layers, which maximizes the total average rate.
Second, in chapter 3 , we consider the Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) scenario
of a broadcast channel where a wiretapper also receives the transmitted signal via another
MIMO channel. First, we assume that the channels are degraded and the wiretapper has the
worst channel. We establish the capacity region of this scenario. Our achievability scheme
is the Secret Superposition Coding. For the outerbound, we use notion of the enhanced

channels to show that the secret superposition of Gaussian codes is optimal. We show that
we only need to enhance the channels of the legitimate receivers, and the channel of the
eavesdropper remains unchanged. We then extend the result of the degraded case to a
non-degraded case. We show that the secret superposition of Gaussian codes, along with
successive decoding, cannot work when the channels are not degraded. We develop a Secret
Dirty Paper Coding scheme and show that it is optimal for this channel. We then present
a corollary generalizing the capacity region of the two receivers case to the case of multiple
receivers. Finally, we investigate a scenario which frequently occurs in the practice of wireless
networks. In this scenario, the transmitter and the eavesdropper have multiple antennae,
while both intended receivers have a single antenna (representing resource limited mobile
units). We characterize the secrecy capacity region in terms of generalized eigenvalues of
the receivers’ channels and the eavesdropper’s channel. We refer to this configuration as the
MISOME case. We then present a corollary generalizing the results of the two receivers case
to multiple receivers. In the high SNR regime, we show that the capacity region is a convex
closure of rectangular regions.
Finally, in chapter 4, we consider a K-user secure Gaussian Multiple-Access-Channel
with an external eavesdropper. We establish an achievable rate region for the secure discrete
memoryless MAC. Thereafter, we prove the secrecy sum capacity of the degraded Gaussian
MIMO MAC using Gaussian codebooks. For the non-degraded Gaussian MIMO MAC, we
propose an algorithm inspired by the interference alignment technique to achieve the largest
possible total Secure-Degrees-of-Freedom . When all the terminals are equipped with a single
antenna, Gaussian codebooks have shown to be inefficient in providing a positive S-DoF.
Instead, we propose a novel secure coding scheme to achieve a positive S-DoF in the single
antenna MAC. This scheme converts the single-antenna system into a multiple-dimension
system with fractional dimensions. The achievability scheme is based on the alignment of
signals into a small sub-space at the eavesdropper, and the simultaneous separation of the
signals at the intended receiver. We use tools from the field of Diophantine Approximation
in number theory to analyze the probability of error in the coding scheme. We prove that
the total S-DoF of K−1K
can be achieved for almost all channel gains. For the other channel
gains, we propose a multi-layer coding scheme to achieve a positive S-DoF. As a function of
channel gains, therefore, the achievable S-DoF is discontinued.


This dissertation is the result of years of research that has been done since I have come to the
Coding and Signal Transmission (CST) Laboratory. I have had the rewardable opportunity
to work with a great number of people whose contribution to the research and the making
of the thesis deserves special mention. It is a pleasure to convey my gratitude to them in
my humble acknowledgment.
First and foremost, I would like to heartily to thank my supervisor, Professor Amir K.
Khandani, whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final stages
has enabled me to develop a deeper understanding of the subject. It was a great opportunity
for me to work with such a knowledgeable supervisor.
I am also thankful to the members of my dissertation committee, Professors Hesham El
Gamal, Liang-Liang Xie, Murat Uysal, Kirsten Morris, and Oleg Michailovich for having
accepted to take the time out of their busy schedules to read my thesis and to provide me
with their comments and suggestions.
I offer my regards and blessings to all CST members, particularly Seyed Abolfazl Mo-
tahari, Hossein Bagheri, and Soroush Akhlaghi Esfahani, who supported me in all respects
during the completion of the project.
Finally, I am grateful to my wife, Tahereh, for her patience and support. Without her
this work would never have come into existence, literally.

To my Parents and Parents in-law,

To my beloved wife, Tahereh,


To my children.


List of Tables x

List of Figures xi

List of Abbreviations xii

Notation xiii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Security Issues in Wireless Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Physical-Layer Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Wiretap Channel Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4.1 Gaussian and General Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4.2 Fading Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4.3 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Wiretap Channel . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4.4 Relay Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4.5 Interference Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4.6 Feedback Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4.7 Wiretap Channel with Distortion Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4.8 Broadcast Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4.9 Multiple-Access-Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Outline of the Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Secure Broadcasting 10
2.1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Achievable Rates for General BCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 The Capacity Region of the Degraded BCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.4 Capacity Region of Gaussian BCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5 A Multilevel Coding Approach to the Slowly Fading Wiretap Channel . . . . 16
2.5.1 Channel Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.5.2 The Secret Multilevel Coding Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.6 Proofs for Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.6.1 Proof of Theorem 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.6.2 Proof of Theorem 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.6.3 Proof of Theorem 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3 Secure Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channel 33

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.3 The Capacity Region of The SADBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.4 The Capacity Region of the SAMBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.4.1 Secret Dirty-Paper Coding Scheme and Achievability Proof . . . . . . 44
3.4.2 SAMBC- Converse Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.5 Multiple-Input Single-Outputs Multiple Eavesdropper (MISOME) Channel . 51

4 Secure Gaussian Multiple-Access-Channel 59

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.3 Secure DoF of the Multiple-Antenna Multiple-Access-Channel . . . . . . . . 63
4.3.1 Discrete Memoryless MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.3.2 Gaussian MIMO MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.4 Secure DoF of the Single-Antenna Multiple-Access-Channel . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.4.1 Rationally-Dependent Channel Gains: Multiple-layer coding . . . . . 75
4.5 Proofs for Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.5.1 Proof of Theorem 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.5.2 Proof of the Converse for Theorem 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.5.3 Proof of Lemma 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

5 Conclusion 84
5.1 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.2 Future Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Appendix 89

A 89

References 92

List of Tables

4.1 Chosen a and W to satisfy property Γ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

List of Figures

1.1 Layerd Protocol Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2 Illustration of Eavesdropping Scenario in Wireless Networks . . . . . . . . . 4

2.1 Broadcast Channel with an Eavesdropper (BCE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 Gaussian Broadcast Channel with an Eavesdropper(G-BCE) . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Equivalent Channels for the G-BCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4 Secret versus Non-Secret Capacity Region of a Degraded Broadcast Channel.
The gap between the regions corresponds to the cost of securing the system.
The power used at the transmitter is beneficial for both the intended receiver
and the eavesdropper such that the secure sum rate will be saturated in high
SNR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.5 Gaussian Wiretap Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.6 Equivalent Broadcast Channel Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.7 The Stochastic Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.1 Secure Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.2 The Stochastic Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.1 Secure K-user Gaussian MIMO Multiple-Access-Channel . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.2 Separation/Alignment of Signals at the Intended Receiver/Eavesdropper . . 66

List of Abbreviations

PHY −−−−− Physical-Layer

CSI −−−−− Channel-State-Information
SNR −−−−− Signal-to-Noise Ratio
AWGN −−−−− Additive-White-Gaussian-Noise
S-DoF −−−−− Secure Degrees-of-Freedom
DPC −−−−− Dirty-Paper-Coding
SDPC −−−−− Secure Dirty-Paper-Coding
BCE −−−−− Broadcast-Channel with an Eavesdropper
G-BCE −−−−− Gaussian Broadcast-Channel with an Eavesdropper
MIMO −−−−− Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output
MISOME −−−−− Multiple-Input-Single-Output-Multiple-Eavesdropper
SADBC −−−−− Secure-Aligned-Degraded MIMO Broadcast-Channel
SAMBC −−−−− Secure-Aligned MIMO Broadcast-Channel
SGMBC −−−−− Secure-Gaussian MIMO Broadcast-Channel
MAC −−−−− Multiple-Access-Channel


Boldface Upper-Case Letters −−− Matrices

Boldface Lower-Case Letters −−− Vectors
A† −−− Hermitian transpose of A
A−1 −−− Inverse of A
|A| −−− Determinant of the matrix A
T r{A} −−− Trace of A
Aº0 −−− Matrix A is positive semi-definite
UºV −−− U − V is a positive semi-definite matrix
I −−− The identity matrix
K −−− The set {1, 2, ..., K}
xn −−− The vector (x1 , x2 , ..., xn )
xi−1 −−− The vector (x1 , x2 , ..., xi−1 )
x −−− The vector (xi , xi+1 , ..., xn )
N (m, σ 2 ) −−− Gausian distribution with mean m and variance σ 2
R −−− The set of real numbers
Rn −−− The n-dimensional Euclidean space
Q −−− The set of rational numbers
N −−− The set of nonnegative integers
E[X] −−− The expectation of the random variable X
(m, n) −−− The greatest common divisor of integers m and n
kX k −−− Cardinality of set X
−−− The union of sets

Chapter 1


Security protocols are the most critical elements involved in enabling the growth of the wide
range of wireless data networks and applications. The broadcast nature of wireless commu-
nications, however, makes them particularly vulnerable to eavesdropping. With the prolifer-
ation of more complex modern infrastructure systems, there is an increasing need for secure
communication solutions. Cryptography is a traditional field that provides computationally-
secure protocols at the application layer. The goal of cryptography has recently been diver-
sified from providing the critical confidentiality service, to other issues including authentica-
tion, key exchange and management, digital signature, and more. Unlike the cryptographic
approaches, the recently reintroduced physical-layer security aims to develop effective secure
communication schemes exploiting the properties of the physical layer. This new paradigm
can strength the security of existing systems by introducing a level of information-theoretic
security which has provable security, as compared with computational security. Note that the
physical-layer security has a complementary role and can integrated with existing security
solutions to enhance the total level of security for communication systems.

1.1 Security Issues in Wireless Communications

Security issues arising in communication networks can be classified into four main areas in-
cluding confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. Confidentiality guar-
antees that legitimate recipients successfully obtain their intended information while the
information are protected against eavesdropping. Integrity provides communicating parties
with the assurance that a message is not modified during its transmission. Authentication
ensures that a recipient of information be able to identify the sender of the information.
Non-repudiation protects against denial by one of the entities involved in a communication

of having participated in all or part of the communication.
In addition to standard security issues, the inherent receptiveness of wireless signals
has imposed extra security vulnerabilities on the wireless communication systems. Wireless
channels are susceptible to channel jamming. An attacker can easily jam physical communi-
cation channels and prevent users from accessing the network. The goal of a jammer, here, is
to interrupt the communication traffic instead of intercepting the transmitted information.
Secondly, without a proper authentication mechanism, an attacker can have an unauthorized
access to the network resources and bypass the security infrastructures. Finally, due to the
openness of wireless media, eavesdropping can be performed easily. In particular, legitimate
users in a network can be regarded as potential eavesdroppers.
To solve the aforementioned security issues, a layered protocol approach has been con-
sidered by many wireless service providers. Protocol layering is a common technique used
to simplify networking designs, by dividing them into functional layers, and assigning pro-
tocols to perform each layer’s task. Figure 1.1 illustrates the various layers considered in a
typical wireless communication protocol, and indicates their specific purposes. For instance,
channel coding is implemented at the Physical (PHY) layer to provide an error-free medium
for the above layers, and admission control is handled at the Medium Access Control layer.
Note that the design of modern communication protocols does not follow a strict layered
approach. The protocol layering, however, is a convenient conceptual representation that we
use in this dissertation.
Security solutions are handled in different layers; for examples, spread-spectrum modu-
lation techniques are used at the PHY layer to mitigate channel jamming, authentication
mechanisms are implemented at the link layer to prevent unauthorized access, and crypto-
graphic message encryption is performed at the application layer to protect the messages
against eavesdropping. Therefore, channel jamming and unauthorized access, which are vul-
nerabilities at the PHY layer and link layer, respectively, are performed by security solutions
at their layers. Eavesdropping, however, which is also a PHY layer vulnerability is tradition-
ally handled by a solution at the application layer. A natural question to ask is whether the
physical phenomena occurring at the PHY layer can be exploited against eavesdropping.

1.2 Physical-Layer Security

To illustrate the general concept of physical layer security, consider the example of a three
node wireless network in Figure 1.2. In this configuration, the communication between
terminal A and B is being eavesdropped by terminal E. The communication channel between
the legitimate users is called the main channel, whereas the communication channel between

Figure 1.1: Layerd Protocol Architecture

terminals A and E is referred to as the eavesdroppers’s channel. When the terminals B and
C are not collocated, the observed signals by the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper are
usually different. The most notable effects for wireless communications are fading and path-
loss. Fading is a self-interference phenomena that results from the multi-path propagation
of the signals, while path-loss is simply the attenuation of signal amplitude with distance.
If the transmission distance over the main channel is much smaller than the transmission
distance over the eavesdropper’s channel, the detected signal at terminal B is much stronger
than at terminal E. For instance, if A broadcasts a video stream, the signal obtained by
E is significantly degraded compared to the one received by B. This degradedness can
be used at terminal A to prevent E from understanding the content of the video stream.
Cryptographic security solutions implemented at application layer completely ignore these
effects and operate as if the eavesdropper channel is an error-free channel. In contrast, the
key idea of physical-layer security is to explicitly consider differences at the PHY layer to
better protect the messages exchanged over the main channel.
In this dissertation, we study the physical-layer security from an information-theoretic
and coding perspective, but we acknowledge that the scope of physical-layer security goes well
beyond these considerations. In particular, we do not consider a large class of techniques
that aim to modify the PHY layer to impair potential eavesdropping. Examples of such
techniques are coded-division multiple-access signaling, which converts the signals into a

Figure 1.2: Illustration of Eavesdropping Scenario in Wireless Networks

noise level appearance, and beamforming with smart antenna, which essentially prevents the
eavesdropper from detecting the transmitted signals.
Historically, the notion of information theoretic secrecy in communication systems was
first introduced by Shannon in [1]. The information theoretic secrecy requires that the
received signal of the eavesdropper not provide any information about the transmitted mes-
sages. Shannon considered a pessimistic situation where both the intended receiver and
the eavesdropper have direct access to the transmitted signal (which is called ciphertext).
Under these circumstances, he proved a negative result showing that perfect secrecy can be
achieved only when the entropy of the secret key is greater than, or equal to, the entropy of
the message. In modern cryptography, all practical cryptosystems are based on Shannnon’s
pessimistic assumption. Due to practical constraints, secret keys are much shorter than
messages; therefore, these practical cryptosystems are theoretically susceptible to breaking
by attackers. The goal of designing such practical ciphers, however, is to guarantee that no
efficient algorithm exists for breaking them.
Wyner in [2] showed that the above negative result is a consequence of Shannon’s re-
strictive assumption that the adversary has access to precisely the same information as the
legitimate receiver. Wyner considered a scenario in which a wiretapper receives the trans-
mitted signal over a degraded channel with respect to the legitimate receiver’s channel.
He further assumed that the wiretapper has no computational limitations and knows the
codebook used by the transmitter. He measured the level of ignorance at the eavesdrop-
per by its equivocation and characterized the capacity-equivocation region. Interestingly, a
non-negative perfect secrecy capacity is always achievable for this scenario.

1.3 Wiretap Channel Model
In this section, we highlight the implicit assumptions inherent in the wiretap channel model
and all the other generalized models.

1. Knowledge of Channel-State-Information: In the wiretap channel model, it is

assumed that the Channel-State-Information (CSI) about the main channel and the
eavesdropper’s channel are perfectly available at the transmitter. While it is reason-
able to assume that the main channel CSI is perfectly known, the availability of the
eavesdropper’s CSI is questionable. In the situations where transmitter is a wireless
base station and the eavesdropper is a user in the network, however, the eavesdropper’s
CSI is in fact known at the transmitter. Moreover, the knowledge of the exact CSI
can be replaced by a conservative assumption based on geographical information. As
an example, the transmitter can certainly upper bound the signal-to-noise ratio at the
eavesdropper, if it is known to be located outside a given region.

2. Authentication: The wiretap channel model implicitly assumes that the main chan-
nel is authenticated. As the authentication mechanisms can be implemented in the
upper layers of the protocol stack, this particular assumption is not restrictive.

3. Passive Eavesdropper: In the wiretap channel model, the adversary is restricted to

passive eavesdropping strategies. Therefore, additional techniques are required to cope
with jamming.

4. Availability of Random Generator: Unlike traditional encoders which are deter-

ministic functions, wiretap encoders are stochastic and rely on the availability of perfect
random generators. In practice, strong pseudo-random generators could be used. The
initialization mechanism of these generators need to be carefully considered.

1.4 Literature Review

Here, we summarize some of the most important definitions and results obtained on physical-
layer security for wireless channels.

1.4.1 Gaussian and General Channel

The secrecy capacity for the Gaussian wiretap channel is characterized by Leung-Yan-Cheong
in [3]. Wyner’s work is then extended to the general (non-degraded) broadcast channel with

confidential messages by Csiszar and Korner [4]. They considered transmitting confidential
information to the legitimate receiver while transmitting common information to both the
legitimate receiver and the wiretapper. They established a capacity-equivocation region for
this channel.

1.4.2 Fading Channel

Barros et. al. [5] provided a detailed characterization of the outage secrecy capacity of
slow fading channels, and showed that fading alone guarantees that information-theoretic
security is achieved, even when the eavesdropper has a better average signal-to-noise ratio
than the legitimate receiver. The secrecy capacity of ergodic fading channels was derived
independently by Liang et. al. [6, 7], Li et. al. [8], and Gopala et. al. [9], where the power
and rate allocation schemes for secret communication over fading channels were presented.

1.4.3 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Wiretap Channel

The extension of the wiretap channel when all the three nodes have multiple antennae
were considered by different researchers. A closed form expression for the secrecy capacity
of MIMO Gaussian wiretap channel was derived independently by Oggier et. al., Khisti
et. al., and Liu et. al. in [10], [11], and [12], respectively. The special case where the in-
tended receiver has a single antenna, is referred to as Multiple-Input Single-Output Multiple-
Eavesdropper (MISOME) and is characterized by Khisti et. al. along with the optimum
beam-forming in [13]. In [14, 15, 16] the MIMO wiretap channel is generalized to the case
in which both receivers are to receive legitimate messages intended for each receiver, while
being kept ignorant of each other’s messages.

1.4.4 Relay Channel

The relay channel with confidential messages is studied in the works of [17], [18], [19], [20] and
[21]. In this setup, one party communicates with another party directly, as well as through
a relay node, which is used to increase the capacity between the two parties. The relay
node, in this case, must be kept totally ignorant of the secret messages being transmitted.
In a slightly different scenario of [22], the relay node is used to increase the capacity for the
eavesdropper instead.

1.4.5 Interference Channel
The interference channel with confidential messages with and without an external eaves-
dropper is considered in [23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]. In this scenario, the legitimate users try
to communicate with each other through an interference channel when either the messages
must be kept secret from other users or from an external eavesdropper.

1.4.6 Feedback Channel

The presence of feedback provides the wiretap channel with several advantages. First, when
the legitimate channel is more noisy than the wiretap channel, feedback may permit uncon-
ditional secrecy, whereas without feedback this is not possible [30, 31]. Secondly, when both
forward and feedback channels are noisy, it may be possible to increase the secrecy capacity
to the usual capacity without secrecy constraint [32, 33]. Finally, the role of feedback in
multiple user channels has been explored and found to aid secrecy in [34].

1.4.7 Wiretap Channel with Distortion Measure

In [35], rather than enforcing a minimum equivocation rate on the eavesdropper, a mini-
mum distortion has been enforced. This alternative criterion could be useful for securing
multimedia content such as video or voice.

1.4.8 Broadcast Channel

The broadcast channel with confidential messages has been considered in [36, 37, 38, 39]. This
channel has recently been further studied in [23, 25, 40, 41], where the source node transmits
a common message to both receivers, along with two additional confidential messages, each
aimed at one of the two receivers. Here, the confidentiality of each message is measured with
respect to the other user, and there is no external eavesdropper. In [42], the wiretap channel
is extended to the parallel broadcast channels and also to the fading channels with multiple
receivers. In [42], the secrecy constraint is a perfect equivocation for each of the messages,
even if all the other messages are revealed to the eavesdropper. The secrecy sum capacity
for a reverse broadcast channel is derived subject to this restrictive assumption.

1.4.9 Multiple-Access-Channel
The secure Gaussian MAC with/without an external eavesdropper is introduced in [43, 44,
45, 46]. The secure Gaussian MAC with an external eavesdropper consists of an ordinary

Gaussian MAC and an external eavesdropper. The capacity region of this channel is still an
open problem in the information theory field. For this channel, an achievable rate scheme
based on Gaussian codebooks is proposed in [46], and also the sum secrecy capacity of
the degraded Gaussian channel is found in [44]. For some special cases, upper bounds,
lower bounds, and some asymptotic results on the secrecy capacity exist, see for example
[19, 47, 48, 49]. For the achievability part, Shannons random coding argument proves to be
effective in these works.

1.5 Outline of the Dissertation

This dissertation is organized as follows: In chapter 2, we consider a scenario where a source
node wishes to broadcast two confidential messages to two receivers, while a wiretapper also
receives the transmitted signal. We study the general broadcast channel with an eavesdrop-
per and the situation where the channels are degraded. We also characterize the secrecy
capacity region when the channels are Additive White Gaussian Noise. Based on the rate
characterization of the secure broadcast channel, we then use the broadcast strategy for the
slow fading wiretap channel when only the eavesdropper’s channel is fixed and known at the
transmitter. In chapter 3, we establish the secrecy capacity region of the MIMO broadcast
channel of chapter 2. Our achievability scheme is a combination of the dirty paper coding
of Gaussian codes and randomization within the layers. To prove the converse, we use the
notion of enhanced channel and show that the secret dirty paper coding of Gaussian codes
is optimal. We investigate practical characterizations for the specific scenario in which the
transmitter and the eavesdropper have multiple antennae, while both the intended receivers
have a single antenna. We characterize the secrecy capacity region in terms of generalized
eigenvalues of the receivers channels and the eavesdropper channel. In chapter 4 we establish
the secrecy sum capacity of the degraded Gaussian MIMO MAC using random bininng of
Gaussian codebooks. For the non-degraded channel, we present an algorithm inspired by
the notion of signal alignment to achieve the largest Secure Degrees-of-Freedom (S-DoF)
by using Gaussian codebooks. We then use the notion of real alignment to prove that for
almost all channel gains in the secure K user single-antenna Gaussian MAC, we can achieve
the S-DoF of K−1K
. Here, our scheme uses structure codes instead of Gaussian codebooks.
In the case of the channel gains that the S-DoF of K−1 K
cannot be achieved, we propose
a multi-layer coding scheme to achieve a positive S-DoF. Finally, chapter 5 concludes our
works and presents an outline for the future researches. The results of this dissertation have
been published/submitted in [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56]. It should be noted that parallel to
our works, references [57, 58, 59, 60], have independently derived some the results of this


Chapter 2

Secure Broadcasting

In this chapter, we consider a scenario in which a source node wishes to broadcast two con-
fidential messages to two receivers, while a wiretapper also receives the transmitted signal.
This model is motivated by wireless communications, where individual secure messages are
broadcast over open media and can be received by any illegitimate receiver. The secrecy
level is measured by the equivocation rate at the eavesdropper. We first study the general
(non-degraded) broadcast channel with an eavesdropper. We present an inner bound on
the secrecy capacity region for this model. This inner bound is based on a combination
of random binning, and the Gelfand-Pinsker binning. We further study the situation in
which the channels are degraded. For the degraded broadcast channel with an eavesdropper,
we present the secrecy capacity region. Our achievable coding scheme is based on Cover’s
superposition scheme and random binning. We refer to this scheme as the Secret Superpo-
sition Scheme. Our converse proof is based on a combination of the converse proof of the
conventional degraded broadcast channel and Csiszar Lemma. We then assume that the
channels are Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and show that the Secret Superpo-
sition Scheme with Gaussian codebook is optimal. The converse proof is based on Costa’s
entropy power inequality. Finally, we use a broadcast strategy for the slowly fading wiretap
channel when only the eavesdropper’s channel is fixed and known at the transmitter. We
derive the optimum power allocation for the coding layers, which maximizes the total average

2.1 Preliminaries
Consider a Broadcast Channel with an Eavesdropper (BCE), as depicted in Figure 2.1.
In this confidential setting, the transmitter wishes to send two independent messages

Decoder1 W 1

Xn Y2n
(W1, W2) Encoder P (y1 , y2, z|x) Decoder2 W 2


Figure 2.1: Broadcast Channel with an Eavesdropper (BCE)

(W1 , W2 ) to the respective receivers in n uses of the channel and prevent the eavesdropper
from having any information about the messages. A discrete memoryless broadcast channel
with an eavesdropper is represented by (X , P, Y1 , Y2 , Z), where X is the finite input alphabet
set, Y1 , Y2 and Z are three finite output alphabet sets, and P is the channel transition
probability P (y1 , y2 , z|x). The input of the channel is xn ∈ X n and the outputs are y1n ∈ Y1n ,
y2n ∈ Y2n , and z n ∈ Z n for Receiver 1, Receiver 2, and the eavesdropper, respectively. The
channel is discrete memoryless in the sense that
n n n n
P (y1 , y2 , z |x ) = P (y1,i , y2,i , zi |xi ). (2.1)

A ((2nR1 , 2nR2 ), n) code for a broadcast channel with an eavesdropper consists of a stochastic
f : ({1, 2, ..., 2nR1 } × {1, 2, ..., 2nR2 }) → X n , (2.2)
and two decoders,
g1 : Y1n → {1, 2, ..., 2nR1 } (2.3)
g2 : Y2n → {1, 2, ..., 2nR2 }. (2.4)
The average probability of error is defined as the probability that the decoded messages are
not equal to the transmitted messages; that is,
Pe(n) = P (g1 (Y1n ) 6= W1 ∪ g2 (Y2n ) 6= W2 ). (2.5)
The knowledge that the eavesdropper can extract about W1 and W2 from its received
signal Z n is measured by
I(Z n , W1 ) = H(W1 ) − H(W1 |Z n ), (2.6)
I(Z n , W2 ) = H(W2 ) − H(W2 |Z n ), (2.7)

I(Z n , (W1 , W2 )) = H(W1 , W2 ) − H(W1 , W2 |Z n ). (2.8)
Perfect secrecy revolves around the idea that the eavesdropper should not obtain any infor-
mation about the transmitted messages. Perfect secrecy thus requires that
I(Z n , W1 ) = 0 ⇔ H(W1 ) = H(W1 |Z n ), (2.9)
I(Z n , W2 ) = 0 ⇔ H(W2 ) = H(W2 |Z n ),
I(Z n , (W1 , W2 )) = 0 ⇔ H(W1 , W2 ) = H(W1 , W2 |Z n ). (2.10)
where n → ∞. The secrecy levels of confidential messages W1 and W2 are measured at the
eavesdropper in terms of equivocation rates which are defined as follows:
Definition 1. The equivocation rates Re1 , Re2 and Re12 for the broadcast channel with an
eavesdropper are:
Re1 = H(W1 |Z n ), (2.11)
Re2 = H(W2 |Z n ),
Re12 = H(W1 , W2 |Z n ).
The perfect secrecy rates R1 and R2 are the amount of information that can be sent to
the legitimate receivers in a reliable and confidential manner.
Definition 2. A secrecy rate pair (R1 , R2 ) is said to be achievable if for any ² > 0, ²1 >
0, ²2 > 0, ²3 > 0, there exists a sequence of ((2nR1 , 2nR2 ), n) codes, such that for sufficiently
large n, we have:
Pe(n) ≤ ², (2.12)
Re1 ≥ R1 − ²1 , (2.13)
Re2 ≥ R2 − ²2 , (2.14)
Re12 ≥ R1 + R2 − ²3 . (2.15)
In the above definition, the first condition concerns the reliability, while the other condi-
tions guarantee perfect secrecy for each individual message and the combination of the two
messages, respectively. Since the messages are independent of each other, the conditions of
(2.13) and (2.15) or (2.14) and (2.15) are sufficient to provide perfect secrecy.
The capacity region is defined as follows.
Definition 3. The capacity region of the broadcast channel with an eavesdropper is the
closure of the set of all achievable rate pairs (R1 , R2 ).

2.2 Achievable Rates for General BCE
In this section, we consider the general broadcast channel with an eavesdropper and present
an achievable rate region. Our achievable coding scheme is based on a combination of the
random binning, superposition coding, rate splitting, and Gelfand-Pinsker binning schemes
[61]. Our binning approach is supplemented with superposition coding to accommodate the
common message. We call this scheme the Secret Superposition Scheme. Additional binning
is introduced for the confidentiality of private messages. We note that these double binning
techniques have been used by various authors for secret communication (see e.g. [25, 41]).
The following theorem illustrates the achievable rate region for this channel.
Theorem 1. Let RI denote the union of all non-negative rate pairs (R0 , R1 , R2 ) satisfying
R0 ≤ min{I(U ; Y1 ), I(U ; Y2 )} − I(U ; Z), (2.16)
R1 + R0 ≤ I(V1 ; Y1 |U ) − I(V1 ; Z|U ) + min{I(U ; Y1 ), I(U ; Y2 )} − I(U ; Z),
R2 + R0 ≤ I(V2 ; Y2 |U ) − I(V2 ; Z|U ) + min{I(U ; Y1 ), I(U ; Y2 )} − I(U ; Z),
R1 + R2 + R0 ≤ I(V1 ; Y1 |U ) + I(V2 ; Y2 |U ) − I(V1 , V2 ; Z|U ) − I(V1 ; V2 |U )
+ min{I(U ; Y1 ), I(U ; Y2 )} − I(U ; Z),
over all joint distributions P (u)P (v1 , v2 |u)P (x|v1 , v2 )P (y1 , y2 , z|x). Then, any rate pair
(R0 , R1 , R2 ) ∈ RI is achievable for the broadcast channel with an eavesdropper and with
common information.
Please see section 2.6.1 for the proof.
Remark 1. If we remove the secrecy constraints by removing the eavesdropper, the above
rate region becomes Marton’s achievable region with common information for the general
broadcast channel.
Remark 2. If we remove one of the users, e.g. user 2 and the common message, then we
get Csiszar and Korner’s secrecy capacity for the other user.

2.3 The Capacity Region of the Degraded BCE

In this section, we consider the degraded broadcast channel with an eavesdropper and es-
tablish its secrecy capacity region.
Definition 4. A broadcast channel with an eavesdropper is said to be physically degraded, if
X → Y1 → Y2 → Z forms a Markov chain. In other words, we have
P (y1 , y2 , z|x) = P (y1 |x)P (y2 |y1 )P (z|y2 ).

Definition 5. A broadcast channel with an eavesdropper is said to be stochastically degraded
if its conditional marginal distributions are the same as that of a physically degraded broadcast
0 0
channel, i.e., if there exist two distributions P (y2 |y1 ) and P (z|y2 ), such that

X 0
P (y2 |x)= P (y1 |x)P (y2 |y1 ),
X 0
P (z|x)= P (y2 |x)P (z|y2 ).

Lemma 1. The secrecy capacity region of a broadcast channel with an eavesdropper depends
only on the conditional marginal distributions P (y1 |x), P (y2 |x) and P (z|x).
Proof: It suffices to show that the error probability of Pe and the equivocations of
H(W1 |Z n ), H(W2 |Z n ) and H(W1 , W2 |Z n ) are only functions of the marginal distributions
when we use the same codebook and encoding schemes. Note that
(n) (n) (n) (n)
max{Pe,1 , Pe,2 } ≤ Pe(n) ≤ Pe,1 + Pe,2 . (2.17)
(n) (n) (n)
Therefore, Pe is small if, and only if, both Pe,1 and Pe,2 are small. On the other hand, for
(n) (n)
a given codebook and encoding scheme, the decoding error probabilities Pe,1 , Pe,2 and the
equivocation rates depend only on the marginal channel probability densities of PY1 |X , PY2 |X
and PZ|X . Thus, the same code and encoding scheme gives the same Pe and equivocation

In the following theorem, we fully characterize the capacity region of the physically
degraded broadcast channel with an eavesdropper.

Theorem 2. The capacity region for transmitting independent secret information over the
degraded broadcast channel is the convex hull of the closure of all (R1 , R2 ) satisfying

R1 ≤ I(X; Y1 |U ) − I(X; Z|U ), (2.18)

R2 ≤ I(U ; Y2 ) − I(U ; Z), (2.19)

for some joint distribution P (u)P (x|u)P (y1 , y2 , z|x).

Please refer to section 2.6.2 for the proof.

Remark 3. If we remove the secrecy constraints by removing the eavesdropper, then the
above theorem becomes the capacity region of the degraded broadcast channel.

The coding scheme is based on Cover’s superposition coding [62] and random binning.
We refer to this scheme as the Secure Superposition Coding scheme. The available resources
at the encoder are used for two purposes: to confuse the eavesdropper so that perfect secrecy
can be achieved for both layers, and to transmit the messages into the main channels. To
satisfy confidentiality, the randomization used in the first layer is fully exploited in the second
layer. This makes an increase of I(U ; Z) in the bound of R1 .

Remark 4. As Lemma 2 bounds the secrecy rates for the general broadcast channel with an
eavesdropper, then Theorem 2 is true when only the legitimate receivers are degraded.

2.4 Capacity Region of Gaussian BCE

In this section, we consider the Gaussian Broadcast Channel with an Eavesdropper (G-
BCE). Note that optimizing (2.18) and (2.19) for AWGN channels involves solving a non-
convex functional. Usually nontrivial techniques and strong inequalities are used to solve
the optimization problems of this type. In [3], Leung-Yan-Cheong successfully evaluated the
capacity expression of the wiretap channel by using the entropy power inequality [63, 64].
Alternatively, it can also be evaluated using a classical result from the Estimation Theory
and the relationship between mutual information and minimum mean-squared error estima-
tion. On the other hand, the entropy power inequality is sufficient to establish the converse
proof of a Gaussian broadcast channel without secrecy constraint. Unfortunately, the tradi-
tional entropy power inequality does not extend to the secure multi-user case. Here, by using
Costa’s version of the entropy power inequality, we show that secret superposition coding
with Gaussian codebook is optimal.
Figure 2.2 shows the channel model. At time i the received signals are Y1i = Xi + N1i ,
Y2i = Xi + N2i and Zi = Xi + N3i , where Nji is a Gaussian random variable with zero
mean and V ar(Nji ) = σj2 for j = 1, 2, 3. Here σ12 ≤ σ22 ≤ σ32 . Assume that the transmitted
power is limited to E[X 2 ] ≤ P . Since the channels are degraded, the received signals can
0 0
alternatively be written as Y1i = Xi + N1i , Y2i = Y1i + N2i and Zi = Y2i + N3i , where N1i ’s
0 0
are i.i.d N (0, σ12 ), N2i ’s are i.i.d N (0, σ22 − σ12 ), and N3i ’s are i.i.d N (0, σ32 − σ22 ). Figure 2.3
shows the equivalent channels for the G-BCE. The following theorem illustrates the secrecy
capacity region of G-BCE.

Theorem 3. The secrecy capacity region of the G-BCE is given by the set of rates pairs


Y1n d
Decoder1 W 1

Xn Y2n d
(W1, W2) Encoder Decoder2 2



Figure 2.2: Gaussian Broadcast Channel with an Eavesdropper(G-BCE)

0 0
N1i N2i N3i

Y1i Y2i
Xi Zi

Figure 2.3: Equivalent Channels for the G-BCE

(R1 , R2 ) satisfying
µ ¶ µ ¶
αP αP
R1 ≤ C −C , (2.20)
σ12 σ32
µ ¶ µ ¶
(1 − α)P (1 − α)P
R2 ≤ C −C . (2.21)
αP + σ22 αP + σ32

for some α ∈ [0, 1] and C(x) = 21 log(1 + x).

Please see section 2.6.3 for the proof.

Figure 2.4 shows the capacity region of a degraded Gaussian broadcast channel with and
without any secrecy constraint. In this figure P = 20, N1 = 0.9, N2 = 1.5 and N3 = 4.

2.5 A Multilevel Coding Approach to the Slowly Fad-

ing Wiretap Channel
In this section, we use the secure degraded broadcast channel from the previous section to
develop a new broadcast strategy for a slow fading wiretap channel. This strategy aims
to maximize the average achievable rate where the main channel state information is not
available at the transmitter. By assuming that there is an infinite number of ordered receivers

Gaussian BC
Secure Gaussian BC

R1 (bit/sec)


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
R2 (bit/sec)

Figure 2.4: Secret versus Non-Secret Capacity Region of a Degraded Broadcast Channel.
The gap between the regions corresponds to the cost of securing the system. The power
used at the transmitter is beneficial for both the intended receiver and the eavesdropper
such that the secure sum rate will be saturated in high SNR.

which correspond to different channel realizations, we propose a secret multilevel coding

scheme that maximizes the underlying objective function. First, some preliminaries and
definitions are given, and then the proposed multilevel coding scheme is described. Here,
we follow the steps of the broadcast strategy for the slowly fading point-to-point channel of
[65]. This method is used in several other papers; see, for example [66, 67, 68].

2.5.1 Channel Model

Consider a wiretap channel as depicted in Figure 2.5. The transmitter wishes to communicate
with the destination in the presence of an eavesdropper. At time i, the signal received by
the destination and the eavesdropper are given as follows

Yi = hM Xi + N1i (2.22)
Zi = hE Xi + N2i

where Xi is the transmitted symbol and hM , hE are the fading coefficients from the source to
the legitimate receiver and to the eavesdropper, respectively. The fading power gains of the
main and eavesdropper channels are given by s = |hM |2 and ŝ = |hE |2 , respectively. N1i , N2i
are the additive noise samples, which are Gaussian i.i.d with zero mean and unit variance.
We assume that the channels are slowly fading, and also assume that the transmitter only


Y1n d
Decoder1 W 1

W Encoder



Figure 2.5: Gaussian Wiretap Channel


Decoder k+1
Decoder k
sk n
Encoder Decoder k−1


Figure 2.6: Equivalent Broadcast Channel Model.

knows the channel state information of the eavesdropper channel. A motivation for this
assumption is that when both channels are unknown at the transmitter, we assume that
ŝ = |hE |2 denotes the best-case eavesdropper channel gain. For each realization of hM there
is an achievable rate. Since the transmitter has no information about the main channel and
the channels are slowly fading, then the system is non-ergodic. Here, we are interested in the
average rate for various independent transmission blocks. The average shall be calculated
over the distribution of hM .

2.5.2 The Secret Multilevel Coding Approach

An equivalent broadcast channel for our channel is depicted in Figure 2.6. wherein the
transmitter sends an infinite number of secure layers of coded information. The receiver is
equivalent to a continuum of ordered users. For each channel realization hkM with the fading

power gain sk , the information rate is R(sk , ŝ). We drop the superscript k, and the realization
of the fading power random variable S is denoted by s. Therefore, the transmitter views the
main channel as a secure degraded Gaussian broadcast channel with an infinite number of
receivers. The result of the previous section for the two receivers can easily be extended to
an arbitrary number of users. According to theorem 3, the incremental differential secure
rate is then given by
· µ ¶ µ ¶¸+
1 sρ(s)ds 1 ŝρ(s)ds
dR(s, ŝ) = log 1 + − log 1 + , (2.23)
2 1 + sI(s) 2 1 + ŝI(s)
where ρ(s)ds is the transmit power of a layer parameterized by s, intended for receiver s.
As log(1 + x) ≈ x for x ≤ 1 then the log function may be discarded. The function I(s)
represents the interference noise of the receivers indexed by u > s which cannot be canceled
at receiver s. The interference at receiver s is therefore given by
Z ∞
I(s) = ρ(u)d(u). (2.24)

The total transmitted power is the summation of the power assigned to the layers
Z ∞
P = I(0) = ρ(u)d(u). (2.25)
The total achievable rate for a fading realization s is an integration of the incremental rates
over all receivers, which can successfully decode the respective layer
Z · ¸+
1 s uρ(u)du ŝρ(u)du
R(s, ŝ) = − . (2.26)
2 0 1 + uI(u) 1 + ŝI(u)
Our goal is to maximize the total average rate over all fading realizations with respect to
the power distribution ρ(s) (or equivalently, with respect to I(u), u ≥ 0) under the power
constraint of 2.25. The optimization problem may be written as
Z ∞
Rmax = max R(u, ŝ)f (u)du, (2.27)
I(u) 0
s.t Z ∞
P = I(0) = ρ(u)d(u),

where f (u) is the probability distribution function (pdf) of the power gain S. Noting that
the cumulative distribution function (cdf) is F (u) = 0 f (a)da, the optimization problem
may be written as
Z ∞
Rmax = max (1 − F (u))G(u)du, (2.28)
2 I(u) 0
s.t Z ∞
P = I(0) = ρ(u)d(u),

h i+
u ŝ 0
where G(u) = 1+uI(u) − 1+ŝI(u) ρ(u). Note that ρ(u) = −I (u). Therefore, the functional
in (2.28) may be written as
J(x, I(x), I (x)) = (2.29)
· ¸+
x ŝ 0
−(1 − F (x)) − I (x). (2.30)
1 + xI(x) 1 + ŝI(x)
The necessary condition for the maximization of an integral of J over x is
JI − J 0 = 0, (2.31)
dx I
where JI means the derivation of function J with respect to I, and similarly JI 0 is the
derivation of J with respect to I . After some manipulations, the optimum I(x) is given by
1−F (x)−(x−ŝ)f (x)
ŝ(1−F (x))+x(x−ŝ)f (x)
, max{ŝ, x0 } ≤ x ≤ x1 ;
I(x) = (2.32)
0, otherwise,
where x0 is determined by I(x0 ) = P , and x1 by I(x1 ) = 0.
As a special case, consider the Rayleigh flat fading channel. The random variable S is
exponentially distributed with

f (s) = e−s , F (s) = 1 − e−s , s ≥ 0. (2.33)

Substituting f (s) and F (s) into the optimum I(s) and taking the derivative with respect to
the fading power s yields the following optimum transmitter power policy
( 2 0
−s +2(ŝ+1)s−s 2
d 2
(s −ŝs+ŝ)2 , max{ŝ, s0 } ≤ s ≤ s1 ;
ρ(s) = − I(s) = (2.34)
ds 0, otherwise,
where s0 is the solution of the equation I(s0 ) = P , which is
−1 + P s + P 2 s0 2 + 2P (1 − 2P )ŝ + 4P + 1
s0 = , (2.35)
and s1 is determined by I(s1 ) = 0, which is

s1 = 1 + ŝ. (2.36)

2.6 Proofs for Chapter 2

2.6.1 Proof of Theorem 1
We split the private message W1 ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nR1 } into W11 ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nR11 } and W10 ∈
{1, 2, ..., 2nR10 }, and W2 ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nR2 } into W22 ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nR22 } and W20 ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nR20 },

(un , v1n, v2n) ∈ A(n)

1 ··· ··· 1

2 2
1 un

.. ..

.. 2nR1 2nR2


Figure 2.7: The Stochastic Encoder

respectively. W11 and W22 are only to be decoded by the intended receivers, while W10 and
W20 are to be decoded by both receivers. Now, we combine (W10 , W20 , W0 ) into a single
auxiliary variable U . The messages W11 and W22 are represented by auxiliary variables V1
and V2 , respectively. Here, R10 + R11 = R1 and R20 + R22 = R2 .
1) Codebook Generation: The structure of the encoder is depicted in Figure 2.7. Fix
P (u), P (v1 |u), P (v2 |u) and P (x|v1 , v2 ). The stochastic encoding is as follows. Define

L11 = I(V1 ; Y1 |U ) − I(V1 ; Z, V2 |U ), (2.37)

L12 = I(V1 ; Z|V2 , U ),
L21 = I(V2 ; Z|V1 , U )
L22 = I(V2 ; Y2 |U ) − I(V2 ; Z, V1 |U ),
L3 = I(V1 ; V2 |U ) − ²,

Note that,

L11 + L12 + L3 = I(V1 ; Y1 |U ) − ², (2.38)

L22 + L21 + L3 = I(V2 ; Y2 |U ) − ²,

We first prove the case where

R11 ≥ L11 ≥ 0, (2.39)

R22 ≥ L22 ≥ 0. (2.40)

Generate 2n(R10 +R20 +R0 ) independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) sequences un (k) with
k ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2R10 +R20 +R0 }, according to the distribution P (un ) = ni=1 P (ui ). For each
0 00
codeword un (k), generate 2L11 +L12 +L3 i.i.d codewords v1n (i, i , i ), with i ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nL11 },
i ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nL12 } and i ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nL3 }, according to P (v1n |un ) = ni=1 P (v1i |ui ). The
0 00

indexing presents an alternative interpretation of binning. Randomly distribute these se-

quences of v1n into 2nL11 bins indexed by i, for the codewords in each bin, randomly dis-
0 00
tribute them into 2nL12 sub-bins indexed by i ; thus i is the index for the codeword in each
0 00
sub-bin. Similarly, for each codeword un , generate 2L21 +L22 +L3 i.i.d codewords v2n (j, j , j )
according to P (v2n |un ) = ni=1 P (v2i |ui ), where j ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nL21 }, j ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nL22 } and

j ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nL3 }.
2) Encoding: To send messages (w10 , w20 , w0 ), we calculate the corresponding message
index k and choose the corresponding codeword un (k). Given this un (k), there exists
0 00
2n(L11 +L12 +L3 ) codewords of v1n (i, i , i ) to choose from for representing message w11 . Evenly
map 2nR11 messages w11 to 2nL11 bins, then, given (2.39), each bin corresponds to at least
one message w11 . Thus, given w11 , the bin index i can be decided.

1. If R11 ≤ L11 + L12 , each bin corresponds to 2n(R11 −L11 ) messages w11 . Evenly place the
2nL12 sub-bins into 2n(R11 −L11 ) cells. For each given w11 , we can find the corresponding
cell. We, then, randomly choose a sub-bin from that cell, thus the sub-bin index i can
0 00
be decided. The codeword v1n (i, i .i ) will be chosen properly from that sub-bin.

2. If L11 +L12 ≤ R11 ≤ L11 +L12 +L3 , then each sub-bin is mapped to at least one message
w11 , therefore, given w11 ; i can be decided. In each sub-bin, there are 2n(R11 −L11 −L12 )
0 00
messages. The codeword v1n (i, i .i ) will be chosen randomly and properly from that
0 00
Given w22 , we select v2n (j, j , j ) in the exact same manner. From the given sub-bins ,
0 00 0 00
the encoder chooses the codeword pair (v1n (i, i , i ), v2n (j, j , j )) that satisfies the following

0 00 0 00
(v1n (i, i , i ), v2n (j, j , j )) ∈ A(n)
² (V1 , V2 , U ) (2.41)
where A² (U, V1 , V2 ) denotes the set of jointly typical sequences un , v1n , and v2n with respect
to P (u, v1 , v2 ). If there is more than one such pair, the transmitter randomly chooses one; if
there is no such pair, an error is declared.
Given v1n and v2n , the channel input xn is generated i.i.d. according to the distribution
P (xn |v1n , v2n ) = ni=1 P (xi |v1i , v2i ).

3) Decoding: The received signals at the legitimate receivers, y1n and y2n , are the outputs
of the channels P (y1n |xn ) = ni=1 P (y1,i |xi ) and P (y2n |xn ) = ni=1 P (y2,i |xi ), respectively.
The first receiver looks for the unique sequence un (k) such that

(un (k), y1n ) ∈ A(n)

² (U, Y1 ). (2.42)

If such un (k) exists and is unique, set k̂ = k; otherwise, declare an error. Upon decoding k,
0 00
this receiver looks for sequences v1n (i, i , i ) such that
0 00
(v1n (i, i , i ), un (k), y1n ) ∈ A(n)
² (V1 , U, Y1 ). (2.43)
0 00 0 0 00 00
If such v1n (i, i , i ) exists and is unique, set î = i, î = i , and î = i ; otherwise, declare
0 00
an error. Using the values of k̂, î, î and î , the decoder can calculate the message indices
ŵ0 , ŵ10 and ŵ11 . The decoding for the second decoder is similar.
4) Error Probability Analysis: Since the region of RI is a subset of Marton’s region, then
the error probability analysis is the same as [69].
5) Equivocation Calculation: To meet the secrecy requirements, we need to prove that
the common message W0 , the combination of (W0 , W1 ), the combination of (W0 , W2 ), and
the combination of (W0 , W1 , W2 ) are perfectly secured. The proof of secrecy requirement for
the message W0 is straightforward and is therefore omitted.
To prove the secrecy requirement for (W0 , W1 ), we have

nRe10 = H(W1 , W0 |Z n ) (2.44)

= H(W1 , W0 , Z n ) − H(Z n )
= H(W1 , W0 , U n , V1n , Z n ) − H(U n , V1n |W1 , W0 , Z n ) − H(Z n )
= H(W1 , W0 , U n , V1n ) + H(Z n |W1 , W0 , U n , V1n ) − H(U n |W1 , W0 , Z n )
− H(V1n |W1 , W0 , Z n , U n ) − H(Z n )
≥ H(W1 , W0 , U n , V1n ) + H(Z n |W1 , W0 , U n , V1n ) − n²n − H(Z n )
= H(W1 , W0 , U n , V1n ) + H(Z n |U n , V1n ) − n²n − H(Z n )
≥ H(U n , V1n ) + H(Z n |U n , V1n ) − n²n − H(Z n )
= H(U n ) + H(V1n |U n ) − I(U n , V1n ; Z n ) − n²n
≥ min{I(U n ; Y1n ), I(U n ; Y2n )} + I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ) − I(V1n ; Z n |U n ) − I(U n ; Z n ) − n²n
≥ nR1 + nR0 − n²n ,
where (a) follows from Fano’s inequality that bounds the term H(U n |W1 , W0 , Z n ) ≤ h(Pwe0 )+
n (n)
nPwe0 Rw0 ≤ n²n /2 and the term H(V1n |W1 , W0 , Z n , U n ) ≤ h(Pwe1 ) + nPwe1
Rw1 ≤ n²n /2 for

n n
sufficiently large n. Here Pwe0 and Pwe1 denote the wiretapper’s error probability of decod-
n n
ing u and V1 in the case that the bin numbers w0 and w1 are known to the eavesdropper,
respectively. The eavesdropper first looks for the unique un in bin w0 of the first layer,
such that it is jointly typical with z n . As the number of candidate codewords is small
enough, the probability of error is arbitrarily small for a sufficiently large n. Next, given
un , the eavesdropper looks for the unique v1n in the bin w1 which is jointly typical with
z n . Similarly, since the number of available candidates is small enough, then the proba-
bility of a decoding error is arbitrarily small. (b) follows from the fact that (W1 , W0 ) →
U n → V1n → Z n forms a Markov chain. Therefore, we have I(W1 , W0 ; Z n |U n , V1n ) = 0,
where it is implied that H(Z n |W1 , W0 , U n , V1n ) = H(Z n |U n , V1n ). (c) follows from the
fact that H(W1 , W0 , U n , X n ) ≥ H(U n , X n ). (d) follows from that fact that H(U n ) ≥
min{I(U n ; Y1n ), I(U n ; Y2n )} and H(V1n |U n ) ≥ I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ). (e) follows from Lemma 11
of the Appendix.
By using the same approach it is easy to show that,

nRe20 = H(W2 , W0 |Z n ) (2.45)

≥ nR2 + nR0 − n²n .

Therefore, we only need to prove that (W0 , W1 , W2 ) is perfectly secured; we have

nRe120 = H(W1 , W2 , W0 |Z n ) (2.46)

= H(W1 , W2 , W0 , Z n ) − H(Z n )
= H(W1 , W2 , W0 , U n , V1n , V2n , Z n ) − H(U n , V1n , V2n |W1 , W2 , W0 , , Z n ) − H(Z n )
= H(W1 , W2 , W0 , U n , V1n , V2n ) + H(Z n |W1 , W2 , W0 , U n , V1n , V2n )
− H(U n , V1n , V2n |W1 , W2 , W0 , Z n ) − H(Z n )
≥ H(W1 , W2 , W0 , U n , V1n , V2n ) + H(Z n |W1 , W2 , W0 , U n , V1n , V2n ) − n²n − H(Z n )
= H(W1 , W2 , W0 , U n , V1n , V2n ) + H(Z n |U n , V1n , V2n ) − n²n − H(Z n )
≥ H(U n , V1n , V2n ) + H(Z n |U n , V1n , V2n ) − n²n − H(Z n )
= H(U n ) + H(V1n |U n ) + H(V2n |U n ) − I(V1n ; V2n |U n ) + H(Z n |U n , V1n , V2n )
− n²n − H(Z n )
≥ min{I(U n ; Y1n ), I(U n ; Y2n )} + I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ) + I(V2n ; Y2n |U n ) − I(V1n ; V2n |U n )
− I(U n , V1n , V2n ; Z n ) − n²n
(f )
≥ min{I(U n ; Y1n ), I(U n ; Y2n )} + I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ) + I(V2n ; Y2n |U n ) − I(V1n ; V2n |U n )
− I(V1n , V2n ; Z n |U n ) − I(U n ; Z n ) − n²n
≥ n min{I(U ; Y1 ), I(U ; Y2 )} + nI(V1 ; Y1 |U ) + nI(V2 ; Y2 |U ) − nI(V1 ; V2 |U )
− nI(V1 , V2 ; Z|U ) − nI(U ; Z) − n²n
≥ nR1 + nR2 + nR0 − n²n ,

where (a) follows from Fano’s inequality, which states that for sufficiently large n, we have
H(U n , V1n , V2n |W1 , W2 , W0 , Z n ) ≤ h(Pwe ) +nPwen
Rw ≤ n²n . Here Pwe n
denotes the wiretap-
n n n
per’s error probability of decoding (u , v1 , v2 ) in the case that the bin numbers w0 , w1 , and
w2 are known to the eavesdropper. Since the sum rate is small enough, then Pwe → 0 for suffi-
ciently large n. (b) follows from the following Markov chain: (W1 , W2 , W0 ) → (U , V1n , V2n ) →

Z n . Hence, we have H(Z n |W1 , W2 , W0 , U n , V1n , V2n ) = H(Z n |U n , V1n , V2n ). (c) follows from
the fact that H(W1 , W2 , W0 , U n , V1n , V2n ) ≥ H(U n , V1n , V2n ). (d) follows from that fact that
H(U n , V1n , V2n ) = H(U n ) + H(V1n |U n ) + H(V2n |U n ) − I(V1n ; V2n |U n ). (e) follows from the fact
that H(U n ) ≥ min{I(U n ; Y1n ), I(U n ; Y2n )} and H(Vin |U n ) ≥ I(Vin ; Yin |U n ) for i = 1, 2. (f )
follows from the fact that I(U n , V1n , V2n ; Z n ) = I(U n ; Z n ) + I(V1n , V2n ; Z n |U n ). (g) follows
from Lemma 11 in the Appendix. This completes the achievability proof.

2.6.2 Proof of Theorem 2
Achievablity: We need to show that the region of (2.18) and (2.19) is a subset of the achiev-
ability region of Theorem 1. In the achievability scheme of Theorem 1, if we set W2 = ∅ and
rename W0 with W2 , then using the degradedness, we obtain the following region,

R1 + R2 ≤ I(V ; Y1 |U ) − I(V ; Z|U ) + I(U ; Y2 ) − I(U ; Z), (2.47)

R2 ≤ I(U ; Y2 ) − I(U ; Z).

Note that since the first receiver decodes both messages, the total rate of this receiver is
R1 ← R1 + R2 and we have

R1 ≤ I(U V ; Y1 |U ) + I(U ; Y2 ) − I(U V ; Z), (2.48)

R2 ≤ I(U ; Y2 ) − I(U ; Z).

Now, since U → V → X → Y2 → Z is a markov chain, then the following region is a subset

of the above region, and consequently, it is achievable,

R1 ≤ I(X; Y1 |U ) + I(U ; Z) − I(X; Z), (2.49)

R2 ≤ I(U ; Y2 ) − I(U ; Z).

which is the same as that of region (2.18) and (2.19). This completes the achievability proof.
Converse: The transmitter sends two independent secret messages W1 and W2 to Receiver
1 and Receiver 2, respectively. Let us define Ui = (W2 , Y1i−1 ). The following Lemma bounds
the secrecy rates for a general case of (W1 , W2 ) → X n → Y1n Y2n Z n :

Lemma 2. For the broadcast channel with an eavesdropper, the perfect secrecy rates are
bounded as follows,
nR1 ≤ I(W1 ; Y1i |W2 , Zi , Y1i−1 , Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²3 , (2.50)
nR2 ≤ I(W2 ; Y2i |Zi , Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²2 .

Proof: We need to prove the second bound. The first bound can similarly be proven. nR2
is bounded as follows:
nR2 ≤ H(W2 |Z n ) + n²2 (2.51)
≤ H(W2 |Z n ) − H(W2 |Y2n ) + nδ1 + n²2
= I(W2 ; Y2n ) − I(W2 ; Z n ) + nδ1 + n²2

where (a) follows from the secrecy constraint that H(W2 |Z n ) ≥ H(W2 ) − n²2 . (b) follows
from Fano’s inequality that H(W2 |Y2n ) ≤ nδ1 . Next, we expand I(W2 ; Y2n ) and I(W2 ; Z n ) as
I(W2 ; Y2n ) = I(W2 ; Y2i |Y2i−1 ) (2.52)
= I(W2 , Zei+1 ; Y2i |Y2i−1 ) − I(Zei+1 ; Y2i |W2 , Y2i−1 )
= I(W2 ; Y2i |Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) + I(Zei+1 ; Y2i |Y2i−1 ) − I(Zei+1 ; Y2i |W2 , Y2i−1 )
= I(W2 ; Y2i |Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) + ∆1 − ∆2 ,

Pn ei+1 ; Y2i |Y2i−1 ) and ∆2 = Pn

where, ∆1 = i=1 I(Z i=1 I(Zei+1 ; Y2i |W2 , Y2i−1 ). Similarly, we
I(W2 ; Z ) = I(W2 ; Zi |Zei+1 ) (2.53)
= I(W2 , Y2i−1 ; Zi |Zei+1 ) − I(Y2i−1 ; Zi |W2 , Zei+1 )
= I(W2 ; Zi |Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) + I(Y2i−1 ; Zi |Zei+1 ) − I(Y2i−1 ; Zi |W2 , Zei+1 )
= I(W2 ; Zi |Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) + ∆∗1 − ∆∗2 ,

Pn Pn
where, ∆∗1 = i=1 I(Y2
; Zi |Zei+1 ) and ∆∗2 = i=1 I(Y2
; Zi |W2 , Zei+1 ). According to
Lemma 7 of [4], ∆1 = ∆∗1 and ∆2 = ∆∗2 . Thus, we have,
nR2 ≤ I(W2 ; Y2i |Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) − I(W2 ; Zi |Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²2 (2.54)
= H(W2 |Zi , Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) − H(W2 |Y2i , Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²2
≤ H(W2 |Zi , Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) − H(W2 |Y2i , Zi , Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²2
= I(W2 ; Y2i |Zi , Y2i−1 , Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²2 ,

where (a) follows from the fact that conditioning always decreases the entropy.

Now according to the above Lemma, the secrecy rates are bounded as follows:
nR1 ≤ I(W1 ; Y1,i |W2 , Zi , Y1i−1 , Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²3 (2.55)
= I(W1 ; Y1,i |Ui , Zi , Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²3
≤ I(Xi ; Y1,i |Ui , Zi , Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²3
= I(Xi ; Y1,i , Ui , Zi |Zei+1 ) − I(Xi ; Zi |Zei+1 ) − I(Xi ; Ui |Zi , Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²3
= I(Xi ; Y1,i |Ui , Zei+1 ) + I(Xi ; Ui |Zei+1 ) − I(Xi ; Zi |Zei+1 ) − I(Xi ; Ui |Zi , Zei+1 )
+ nδ1 + n²3
(e) X
= I(Xi ; Y1,i |Ui , Zei+1 ) − I(Xi ; Zi |Zei+1 ) + I(Zi ; Ui |Zei+1 ) − I(Zi ; Ui |Xi , Zei+1 )
+ nδ1 + n²3
(f ) X
= I(Xi ; Y1,i |Ui , Zei+1 ) − I(Xi ; Zi |Zei+1 ) + I(Zi ; Ui |Zei+1 ) + nδ1 + n²3 ,

where (a) follows from the Lemma (2). (b) follows from the data processing theorem.
(c) follows from the chain rule. (d) follows from the fact that I(Xi ; Y1,i , Ui , Zi |Zei+1 ) =
I(Xi ; Ui |Zei+1 ) + I(Xi ; Y1,i |Ui , Zei+1 ) + I(Xi ; Zi |Y1,i , Ui , Zei+1 ) and from the fact that Zei+1 Ui →
Xi → Y1,i → Y2,i → Zi forms a Markov chain, which means that I(Xi ; Zi |Y1,i , Ui , Zei+1 ) =
0. (e) follows from the fact that I(Xi ; Ui |Zei+1 ) − I(Xi ; Ui |Zi , Zei+1 ) = I(Zi ; Ui |Zei+1 ) −
I(Zi ; Ui |Xi , Zei+1 ). (f ) follows from the fact that Zei+1 Ui → Xi → Zi forms a Markov chain.
Thus, I(Zi ; Ui Zei+1 |Xi ) = 0 which implies that I(Zi ; Ui |Xi , Zei+1 ) = 0.

For the second receiver, we have
nR2 ≤ I(W2 ; Y2,i |Y2i−1 , Zi , Zei+1 ) + nδ2 + n²1 (2.56)
= H(Y2,i |Y2i−1 , Zi , Zei+1 ) − H(Y2,i |W2 , Y2i−1 , Zi , Zei+1 ) + nδ2 + n²1
≤ H(Y2,i |Zi , Zei+1 ) − H(Y2,i |W2 , Y1i−1 , Y2i−1 , Zi , Zei+1 ) + nδ2 + n²1
= H(Y2,i |Zi , Zei+1 ) − H(Y2,i |Ui , Zi , Zei+1 ) + nδ2 + n²1
= I(Y2,i ; Ui |Zi , Zei+1 ) + nδ2 + n²1
= I(Y2,i ; Ui |Zei+1 ) + I(Y2,i ; Zi |Ui , Zei+1 ) − I(Y2,i ; Zi |Zei+1 ) + nδ2 + n²1
= I(Y2,i ; Ui |Zei+1 ) − I(Zi ; Ui |Zei+1 ) + I(Zi ; Ui |Y2,i , Zei+1 ) + nδ2 + n²1
= I(Y2,i ; Ui |Zei+1 ) − I(Zi ; Ui |Zei+1 ) + nδ2 + n²1 ,

where (a) follows from the lemma (2). (b) follows from the fact that conditioning always
decreases the entropy. (c) follows from the fact that Y2i−1 → W2 Zei+1 Y1i−1 → Y2i → Zi forms
a Markov chain. (d) follows from the fact that Zei+1 Ui → Y2,i → Zi forms a Markov chain.
Thus I(Zi ; Ui Zei+1 |Y2i ) = 0 which implies that I(Zi ; Ui |Y2i , Zei+1 ) = 0. Now, following [62], let
us define the time sharing random variable Q which is uniformly distributed over {1, 2, ..., n}
and independent of (W1 , W2 , X n , Y1n , Y2n ). Let us define U = UQ , V = (ZeQ+1 , Q), X =
XQ , Y1 = Y1,Q , Y2 = Y2,Q , Z = ZQ , then R1 and R2 can be written as

R1 ≤ I(X; Y1 |U, V ) + I(U ; Z|V ) − I(X; Z|V ), (2.57)

R2 ≤ I(U ; Y2 |V ) − I(U ; Z|V ). (2.58)

Note that the boundary of this region is characterized by the maximization of R1 + µR2 over
this region for µ ≥ 1. On the other hand we have,

R1 + µR2 ≤ I(X; Y1 |U, V ) + I(U ; Z|V ) − I(X; Z|V ) + µ (I(U ; Y2 |V ) − I(U ; Z|V )) (2.59)

Since conditional mutual information is the average of the unconditional ones, the largest
region is achieved when V is a constant. This proves the converse part.

2.6.3 Proof of Theorem 3
Achievability: Let U ∼ N (0, (1 − α)P ) and X ∼ N (0, αP ) be independent and X =
U + X ∼ N (0, P ). Now consider the following secure superposition coding scheme:
1) Codebook Generation: Generate 2nI(U ;Y2 ) i.i.d Gaussian codewords un with average
power (1−α)P and randomly distribute these codewords into 2nR2 bins. Then index each bin
by w2 ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nR2 }. Generate an independent set of 2nI(X ;Y1 ) i.i.d Gaussian codewords
x n with average power αP . Then, randomly distribute them into 2nR1 bins. Index each bin
by w1 ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nR1 }.
2) Encoding: To send messages w1 and w2 , the transmitter randomly chooses one of the
codewords in bin w2 , (say un ) and one of the codewords in bin w1 (say x n ). The transmitter
then simply transmits xn = un + x n .
3) Decoding: The received signal at the legitimate receivers are y1n and y2n , respectively.
Receiver 2 determines the unique un such that (un , y2n ) are jointly typical and declares the
index of the bin containing un as the message received. If there is none of such or more than
one of such, an error is declared. Receiver 1 uses the successive cancelation method; it first
0 0
decodes un and subtracts it from y1n and then looks for the unique x n such that (x n , y1n − un )
are jointly typical and declares the index of the bin containing x n as the message received.
It can be shown that if R1 and R2 satisfy (2.20) and (2.21), the error probability analysis
and equivocation calculation is straightforward and may therefore be omitted.
Converse: According to the previous section, R2 is bounded as follows:

nR2 ≤ I(Y2n ; U n |Z n ) = h(Y2n |Z n ) − h(Y2n |U n , Z n ), (2.60)

where h is the differential entropy. The classical entropy power inequality states that:
2 n 0n 2 n 2 0n
2 n h(Y2 +N3 )
≥ 2 n h(Y2 ) + 2 n h(N3 )

Therefore, h(Y2n |Z n ) may be written as follows:

h(Y2n |Z n ) = h(Z n |Y2n ) + h(Y2n ) − h(Z n ) (2.62)

n 0
= log 2πe(σ32 − σ22 ) + h(Y2n ) − h(Y2n + N3n )
n n 2 n
≤ log 2πe(σ32 − σ22 ) + h(Y2n ) − log(2 n h(Y2 ) + 2πe(σ32 − σ22 )).
2 2
On the other hand, for any fixed a ∈ R, the function
n 2
f (t, a) = t − log(2 n t + a) (2.63)

is concave in t and has a global maximum at the maximum value of t. Thus, h(Y2n |Z n ) is
maximized when Y2n (or equivalently X n ) has a Gaussian distribution. Hence,
n n n
h(Y2n |Z n ) ≤ log 2πe(σ32 − σ22 ) + log 2πe(P + σ22 ) − log 2πe(P + σ32 )
2 µ 2 ¶ 2
n 2πe(σ32 − σ22 )(P + σ22 )
= log . (2.64)
2 P + σ32

Note that another method to obtain (2.64) is using the worst additive noise lemma (see
[70, 71] for details). Now consider the term h(Y2n |U n , Z n ). This term is lower bounded with
σ 2 (σ 2 −σ 2 )
h(Y2n |U n , X n , Z n ) = n2 log 2πe(σ22 ) which is greater than n2 log 2πe( 2 σ32 2 ). Hence,

n σ 2 (σ 2 − σ 2 )
log 2πe( 2 3 2 2 ) ≤ h(Y2n |U n , Z n ) ≤ h(Y2n |Z n ). (2.65)
2 σ3

Inequalities (2.64) and (2.65) imply that there exists an α ∈ [0, 1] such that
µ ¶
n n n n 2πe(σ32 − σ22 )(αP + σ22 )
h(Y2 |U , Z ) = log . (2.66)
2 αP + σ32

Substituting (2.66) and (2.64) into (2.60) yields the desired bound

nR2 ≤ h(Y2n |Z n ) − h(Y2n |U n , Z n ) (2.67)

µ ¶
n (P + σ22 )(αP + σ32 )
≤ log
2 (P + σ32 )(αP + σ22 )
µ ¶ µ ¶
(1 − α)P (1 − α)P
= nC − nC . (2.68)
αP + σ22 αP + σ32

Note that the left hand side of (2.66) can be written as h(Y2n , Z n |U n ) − h(Z n |U n ) which
implies that
µ ¶
n n n n n αP + σ22
h(Y2 |U ) − h(Z |U ) = log . (2.69)
2 αP + σ32

Since σ12 ≤ σ22 ≤ σ32 , there exists a 0 ≤ β ≤ 1 such that σ22 = (1 − β)σ12 + βσ32 , or equivalently,
σ22 = σ12 + β(σ32 − σ12 ). Therefore, since Y1n → Y2n → Z n forms a Markov chain, the received
√ n
signals Z n and Y2n can be written as Z n = Y1n + N e n and Y2n = Y1n + β N e where N e is an
independent Gaussian noise with variance σ e2 = σ32 − σ12 . All noises are Gaussian random
n-vector with a positive definite covariance matrix. Costa’s entropy power inequality [72]
states that (see also [73] for its linear version),

2 n e n |U n ) 2 n n) 2 n e n |U n )
2 n h(Y1 + βN
≥ (1 − β)2 n h(Y1 |U + β2 n h(Y1 +N (2.70)

e n . Equivalently we have,
for any random n-vector Y1n and Gaussian random n-vector of N
2 n n) 2 n n) 2 n |U n )
2 n h(Y2 |U ≥ (1 − β)2 n h(Y1 |U + β2 n h(Z (2.71)

After some manipulations of (2.71), we obtain

h(Y1n |U n ) − h(Z n |U n )
µ ¶
n αP + σ22 − β(αP + σ32 )
≤ log
2 (1 − β)(αP + σ32 )
µ ¶
n αP + σ12
= log . (2.72)
2 αP + σ32

The rate R1 is bounded as follows

nR1 ≤ I(X n ; Y1n |U n ) − I(X n ; Z n ) + I(U n ; Z n ) (2.73)

= h(Y1n |U n ) − h(Y1n |X n , U n ) + h(Z n |X n ) − h(Z n |U n )
n n n n n σ32
= h(Y1 |U ) − h(Z |U ) + log( 2 )
2 σ1
(a) n
µ 2 2

αP + σ1 σ3
≤ log
2 αP + σ32 σ12
µ ¶ µ ¶
αP αP
= nC − nC ,
σ12 σ32

where (a) follows from (2.72).

Chapter 3

Secure Gaussian MIMO Broadcast


In this chapter, we consider a scenario where a source node wishes to broadcast two confi-
dential messages for two respective receivers via a Gaussian MIMO broadcast channel. A
wiretapper also receives the transmitted signal via another MIMO channel. First, we assume
that the channels are degraded and the wiretapper has the worst channel. We establish the
capacity region of this scenario. Our achievability scheme is a combination of the superpo-
sition of Gaussian codes and randomization within the layers, which we will refer to as the
Secret Superposition Coding. For the outerbound, we use notion of the enhanced channels
to show that the secret superposition of Gaussian codes is optimal. We show that we only
need to enhance the channels of the legitimate receivers, and the channel of the eavesdropper
remains unchanged. We then extend the result of the degraded case to a non-degraded case.
We show that the secret superposition of Gaussian codes, along with successive decoding,
cannot work when the channels are not degraded. We develop a Secret Dirty Paper Cod-
ing (SDPC) scheme and show that SDPC is optimal for this channel. We then present a
corollary generalizing the capacity region of the two receivers’ case to the case of multiple
receivers. Finally, we investigate a scenario which frequently occurs in the practice of wireless
networks. In this scenario, the transmitter and the eavesdropper have multiple antennae,
while both intended receivers have a single antenna (representing resource limited mobile
units). We characterize the secrecy capacity region in terms of generalized eigenvalues of
the receivers’ channels and the eavesdropper channel. We refer to this configuration as the
MISOME (Multiple-Input-Single-Output-Multiple-Eavesdropper) case. We then present a
corollary generalizing the results of the two receivers’ case to multiple receivers. In the high
SNR regime, we show that the capacity region is a convex closure of rectangular regions.

3.1 Introduction
Recently, significant research has been conducted in both theoretical and practical aspects
of wireless communication systems with Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennae.
Most works have focused on the role of MIMO in enhancing the throughput and robustness
of such systems. In this work, however, we focus on the role of such multiple antennae in
enhancing wireless security.
The capacity region of the conventional Gaussian MIMO broadcast channel is studied in
[74] by Weingarten et. al. The notion of an enhanced broadcast channel is introduced in
[74] and is used jointly with entropy power inequality to characterize the capacity region of
the degraded vector Gaussian broadcast channel. They have shown that the superposition
of Gaussian codes is optimal for the degraded vector Gaussian broadcast channel, and that
dirty-paper coding is optimal for the nondegraded case.
We have published/submitted the results of this chapter in [53] and [54]. Parallel to our
work, references [59] and [60] independently considered the secure MIMO broadcast chan-
nel and established its capacity region. Reference [59] used the relationships between the
minimum-mean-square-error and the mutual information, and equivalently, the relationships
between the Fisher information and the differential entropy to provide the converse proof.
Reference [60] considered the vector Gaussian MIMO broadcast channel with and without
an external eavesdropper. They presented a vector generalization of Costa’s Entropy Power
Inequality to provide their converse proof. In our proof, however, we enhance the channels
properly and show that the enhanced channels are proportional. We then use the propor-
tionality characteristic to provide the converse proof.

3.2 Preliminaries
Consider a Secure Gaussian Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Broadcast Channel (SGMBC),
as depicted in Figure 3.1. In this setting, the transmitter wishes to send two independent
messages (W1 , W2 ) to the respective receivers in n uses of the channel while preventing the
eavesdropper from having any information about the messages. At a specific time, the signals
received by the destinations and the eavesdropper are given by

y1 = H1 x + n1
y2 = H2 x + n2 (3.1)
z = H3 x + n3 ,



Decoder 1 Ŵ1
x H2 y2n
(W1, W2) Encoder Decoder 2 Ŵ2



Figure 3.1: Secure Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channel

• x is a real input vector of size t×1 under an input covariance constraint. We require that
E[xxT ] ¹ S for a positive semi-definite matrix S º 0. Here,≺, ¹, Â, and º represent
partial ordering between symmetric matrices where B º A means that (B − A) is a
positive semi-definite matrix.

• y1 , y2 , and z are real output vectors which are received by the destinations and
the eavesdropper, respectively. These are vectors of size r1 × 1, r2 × 1, and r3 × 1,

• H1 , H2 , and H3 are fixed, real gain matrices which model the channel gains between
the transmitter and the receivers. These are matrices of size r1 × t, r2 × t, and r3 × t,
respectively. The channel state information is assumed to be known perfectly at the
transmitter and at all the receivers.

• n1 , n2 and n3 are real Gaussian random vectors with zero means and covariance
matrices N1 = E[n1 n1 T ] Â 0, N2 = E[n2 n2 T ] Â 0, and N3 = E[n3 n3 T ] Â 0,

Let W1 and W2 denote the the message indices of user 1 and user 2, respectively. Furthermore,
let xn , y1n , y2n , and zn denote the channel input and channel output matrices over a block
of n samples. Let nn1 , nn2 , and nn3 denote the additive noise components for these channels.

y1n = H1 xn + nn1 (3.2)

y2n = H2 xn + nn2
zn = H3 xn + nn3 .

Note that nni is an ri × n random matrix and Hi is an ri × t deterministic matrix where i =
1, 2, 3. The columns of nni are independent Gaussian random vectors with covariance matrices
Ni for i = 1, 2, 3. In addition nni is independent of xn , W1 and W2 . A ((2nR1 , 2nR2 ), n) code
for the above channel consists of a stochastic encoder

f : ({1, 2, ..., 2nR1 } × {1, 2, ..., 2nR2 }) → X n , (3.3)

and two decoders,

g1 : Y1n → {1, 2, ..., 2nR1 }, (3.4)
g2 : Y2n → {1, 2, ..., 2nR2 }. (3.5)
The average probability of error is defined as the probability that the decoded messages are
not equal to the transmitted messages; that is,

Pe(n) = P (g1 (y1n ) 6= W1 ∪ g2 (y2n ) 6= W2 ). (3.6)

The secrecy levels of confidential messages W1 and W2 are measured at the eavesdropper
in terms of equivocation rates, which are defined as follows.

Definition 6. The equivocation rates Re1 , Re2 and Re12 for the secure broadcast channel
Re1 = H(W1 |zn ) (3.7)
Re2 = H(W2 |zn )
Re12 = H(W1 , W2 |zn ).
The perfect secrecy rates R1 and R2 are the amount of information that can be sent to
the legitimate receivers reliably and confidentially.
The model presented in (3.1) is a SGMBC. However, we will initially consider two sub-
classes of this channel and then generalize our results for the SGMBC.
The first subclass that we will consider is the Secure Aligned Degraded MIMO Broadcast
Channel (SADBC). The MIMO broadcast channel of (3.1) is said to be aligned if the number
of transmit antennae is equal to the number of receive antennae at each of the users and the
eavesdropper (t = r1 = r2 = r3 ) and the gain matrices are all identity matrices (H1 = H2 =
H3 = I). Furthermore, if the additive noise vectors’ covariance matrices are ordered such
that 0 ≺ N1 ¹ N2 ¹ N3 , then the channel is SADBC.

The second subclass we consider is a generalization of the SADBC. The MIMO broadcast
channel of (3.1) is said to be Secure Aligned MIMO Broadcast Channel (SAMBC) if it is
aligned and not necessarily degraded. In other words, the additive noise vector covariance
matrices are not necessarily ordered. A time sample of an SAMBC is given by the following

y 1 = x + n1 (3.8)
y 2 = x + n2
z = x + n3 ,

where, y1 , y2 , z, x are real vectors of size t × 1 and n1 , n2 , and n3 are independent and real
Gaussian noise vectors such that Ni = E[ni ni T ] Â 0t×t for i = 1, 2, 3.

3.3 The Capacity Region of The SADBC

In this section, we characterize the capacity region of the SADBC. In Chapter 2, we con-
sidered the degraded broadcast channel with confidential messages and establish its secrecy
capacity region. The following remark recalls this result from Chapter 2.

Remark 5. The capacity region for transmitting independent secret messages over the de-
graded broadcast channel is the convex hull of the closure of all (R1 , R2 ) satisfying

R1 ≤ I(X; Y1 |U ) − I(X; Z|U ) (3.9)

R2 ≤ I(U ; Y2 ) − I(U ; Z), (3.10)

for some joint distribution P (u)P (x|u)P (y1 , y2 , z|x).

Note that evaluating (3.9) and (3.10) involves solving a functional, nonconvex optimiza-
tion problem. Usually nontrivial techniques and strong inequalities are used to solve opti-
mization problems of this type. Indeed, for the single antenna case, we successfully evaluated
the capacity expression of (3.9) and (3.10) in [52]. Liu et. al. in [12] evaluated the capacity
expression of the MIMO wiretap channel by using the channel enhancement method. In the
following section, we state and prove our result for the capacity region of SADBC.
First, we define the achievable rate region due to Gaussian codebook under a covariance
matrix constraint S º 0. The achievability scheme of Remark 5 is the secret superposition
of Gaussian codes and successive decoding at the first receiver. According to the above
Remark, for any covariance matrix input constraint S and two semi-definite matrices B1 º 0

and B2 º 0 such that B1 + B2 ¹ S, it is possible to achieve the following rates:
· ¸
1 ¯ −1 ¯ 1 ¯ −1 ¯ +
R1 (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) = ¯ ¯ ¯
log N1 (B1 + N1 ) − log N3 (B1 + N3 ) ¯ (3.11)
2 2
· ¸+
G 1 |B1 + B2 + N2 | 1 |B1 + B2 + N3 |
R2 (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) = log − log .
2 |B1 + N2 | 2 |B1 + N3 |
The Gaussian rate region of SADBC is defined as follows.
Definition 7. Let S be a positive semi-definite matrix. Then, the Gaussian rate region of
SADBC under a covariance matrix constraint S is given by
( ¡ ¢ )
R 1 (B 1,2 , N1,2,3 ), R 2 (B 1,2 , N1,2,3 ) |
RG (S, N1,2,3 ) = . (3.12)
s.t S − (B1 + B2 ) º 0, Bk º 0, k = 1, 2
We will show that RG (S, N1,2,3 ) is the capacity region of the SADBC; however, certain
preliminaries need to be addressed first. We begin by characterizing the boundary of the
Gaussian rate region.
Remark 6. Note that in characterizing the capacity region of the conventional Gaussian
MIMO broadcast channel Weingarten et. al. [74] have proven that on the boundary of the
above region we have B1 + B2 = S which maximizes the rate R2 . In our argument, however,
the boundary is not characterized with this equality as rate R2 may decrease by increasing
B1 + B2 .
Definition 8. The rate vector R∗ = (R1 , R2 ) is said to be an optimal Gaussian rate vector
under the covariance matrix S, if R∗ ∈ RG (S, N1,2,3 ) and if there is no other rate vector
0 0 0 0 0
R ∗ = (R1 , R2 ) ∈ RG (S, N1,2,3 ) such that R1 ≥ R1 and R2 ≥ R2 where at least one of the
inequalities is strict. The set of positive semi-definite matrices (B∗1 , B∗2 ) such that B∗1 +
B∗2 ¹ S is said to be realizing matrices of an optimal Gaussian rate vector if the rate vector
¡ G ∗ ¢
R1 (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ), R2G (B∗1,2 , N1,2,3 ) is an optimal Gaussian rate vector.
In general, there is no known closed form solution for the realizing matrices of an optimal
Gaussian rate vector. Note that finding an optimal Gaussian rate vector again involves
solving a nonconvex optimization problem. The realizing matrices of an optimal Gaussian
rate vector, B∗1 , B∗2 are the solution of the following optimization problem:

max R1G (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) + µR2G (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) (3.13)

(B1 ,B2 )
s.t B1 º 0, B2 º 0, B1 + B2 ¹ S,

where µ ≥ 1. Next, we define a class of enhanced channels. The enhanced channel has some
fundamental properties which help us to characterize the secrecy capacity region. We will
discuss its properties further on.

0 0 0
Definition 9. A SADBC with noise covariance matrices (N1 , N2 , N3 ) is an enhanced ver-
sion of another SADBC with noise covariance matrices (N1 , N2 , N3 ) if
0 0 0 0 0
N1 ¹ N1 , N2 ¹ N2 , N3 = N3 , N1 ¹ N2 . (3.14)

It is apparent that the capacity region of the enhanced version contains the capacity region
of the original channel. Note that in characterizing the capacity region of the conventional
Gaussian MIMO broadcast channel, all channels must be enhanced by reducing the noise
covariance matrices. In our scheme, however, we only enhance the channels for the legitimate
receivers and the channel of the eavesdropper remains unchanged. This is due to the fact
that the capacity region of the enhanced channel must contain the original capacity region.
Reducing the noise covariance matrix of the eavesdropper’s channel, however, may reduce
the secrecy capacity region. The following theorem connects the definitions of the optimal
Gaussian rate vector and the enhanced channel.

Theorem 4. Consider a SADBC with positive definite noise covariance matrices (N1 , N2 , N3 ).
Let B∗1 and B∗2 be realizing matrices of an optimal Gaussian rate vector under a transmit
covariance matrix constraint S Â 0. There then exists an enhanced SADBC with noise
0 0 0
covariance matrices (N1 , N2 , N3 ) for which the following properties hold.

1. Enhancement:
0 0 0 0 0
N1 ¹ N1 , N2 ¹ N2 , N3 = N3 , N1 ¹ N2 ,

2. Proportionality: There exists an α ≥ 0 and a matrix A such that,

0 0
(I − A)(B∗1 + N1 ) = αA(B∗1 + N3 ),

3. Rate and optimality preservation:

RkG (B∗1,2 , N1,2,3 ) = RkG (B∗1,2 , N1,2,3 ) ∀k = 1, 2, furthermore, B∗1 and B∗2 are realizing
matrices of an optimal Gaussian rate vector in the enhanced channel.

Proof: The realizing matrices B∗1 and B∗2 are the solution of the optimization problem
of (3.13). Using the Lagrange Multiplier method, this constraint optimization problem is
equivalent to the following unconstrained optimization problem:

max R1G (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) + µR2G (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) + T r{B1 O1 } (3.15)

(B1 ,B2 )
+T r{B2 O2 } + T r{(S − B1 − B2 )O3 },

where O1 , O2 , and O3 are positive semi-definite t × t matrices such that T r{B∗1 O1 } = 0 ,

T r{B∗2 O2 } = 0 , and T r{(S − B∗1 − B∗2 )O3 } = 0. As all B∗k , k = 1, 2, Oi , i = 1, 2, 3, and

S − B∗1 − B∗2 are positive semi-definite matrices, then we must have B∗k Ok = 0, k = 1, 2
and (S − B∗1 − B∗2 )O3 = 0. According to the necessary KKT conditions, and after some
manipulations, we have:

(B∗1 + N1 )−1 + (µ − 1)(B∗1 + N3 )−1 + O1 = µ(B∗1 + N2 )−1 + O2 (3.16)

µ(B∗1 + B∗2 + N2 ) −1
+ O2 = µ(B∗1 + B∗2 + N3 ) −1
+ O3 . (3.17)

We choose the noise covariance matrices of the enhanced SADBC as follows:

0 ¡ ¢−1
N1 = N1 −1 + O1 (3.18)
µ ¶−1
0 ∗ −1 1
N2 = (B1 + N2 ) + O2 − B∗1
N3 = N3 .

As O1 º 0 and O2 º 0, then the above choice has the enhancement property. Note that
¡ ∗ ¢−1 ¡ ¢−1
(B1 + N1 )−1 + O1 = (B∗1 + N1 )−1 (I + (B∗1 + N1 ) O1 ) (3.19)
= (I + N1 O1 )−1 (B∗1 + N1 ) − B∗1 + B∗1
= (I + N1 O1 )−1 ((B∗1 + N1 ) − (I + N1 O1 ) B∗1 ) + B∗1
= (I + N1 O1 )−1 N1 + B∗1
¡ ¡ ¢¢−1
= N1 N−1 1 + O1 N1 + B∗1
¡ ¢−1
= N−11 + O1 + B∗1
= B∗1 + N1 ,

where (a) and (b) follows from the fact that B∗1 O1 = 0. Therefore, according to (3.16), the
following property holds for the enhanced channel,
0 0 0
(B∗1 + N1 )−1 + (µ − 1)(B∗1 + N3 )−1 = µ(B∗1 + N2 )−1 .
0 0 0 0 0 0
Since N1 ¹ N2 ¹ N3 then there exists a matrix A such that N2 = (I − A)N1 + AN3 where
0 0 0 0
A = (N2 − N1 )(N3 − N1 )−1 . Therefore, the above equation can be written as:
0 0
(B∗1 + N1 )−1 + (µ − 1)(B∗1 + N3 )−1 = (3.20)
h 0 0
∗ ∗
µ (I − A)(B1 + N1 ) + A(B1 + N3 ) .
0 0
Let (I − A)(B∗1 + N1 ) = αA(B∗1 + N3 ), then after some manipulations, the above equation
1 1 µ
I + (µ − 1 − )A = I. (3.21)
α α α+1

The above equation is satisfied by α = µ−1
which completes the ¯proportionality
¯ ∗ 0 ¯
¯B1 +N1 ¯
We can now prove the rate conservation property. The expression can be written as
|N01 |
¯ ∗ ¯
¯B1 + N01 ¯ |I|
¯ 0¯ = ¯ ¡ ¢ ¯ (3.22)
¯N1 ¯ ¯ 0 0 −1 ¯
¯N1 B∗1 + N1 ¯
= ¯¯¡ ¢¡ ∗ ¢ ¯
∗ 0 ∗ 0 −1 ¯
¯ 1B + N1 − B 1 B1 + N1 ¯
= ¯¯ ¡ ¢ ¯
∗ ∗ 0 −1 ¯
¯I − B 1 B 1 + N1 ¯
|I − B∗1 ((B∗1 + N1 )−1 + O1 )|
(a) |I|
= ¯ ¯
¯I − B∗1 (B∗1 + N1 )−1 ¯
|B∗ + N1 |
= 1 ,
|N1 |
where (a) once again follows from the fact that B∗1 O1 = 0. To complete the proof of rate
conservation, consider the following equalities:
¯ ¯
¯ ∗ ¯ ¯ ¡ 0 ¢−1 ¯
¯B1 + B∗2 + N02 ¯ ¯B∗2 B∗1 + N2 + I¯
¯ ¯
¯B∗1 + N02 ¯ = |I|
¯ ³ ´ ¯
¯ ∗ ∗ −1 1 ¯
¯B2 (B1 + N2 ) + µ O2 + I¯
∗ ∗
(a) |B1 + B2 + N2 |
= ,
|B∗1 + N2 |

where (a) follows from the fact B∗2 O2 = 0. Therefore, according to (3.22), (3.23), and the
fact that N3 = N3 , the rate preservation property holds for the enhanced channel. To prove
the optimality preservation, we need to show that (B∗1 , B∗2 ) are also realizing matrices of an
optimal Gaussian rate vector in the enhanced channel. To establish this point, we show that
the necessary KKT conditions for the enhanced channel coincides with the KKT conditions

for the original channel. The expression µ(B∗1 + B∗2 + N2 )−1 can be written as follows:
à µ ¶−1 !−1
³ 0
´ −1 (a) 1
µ B∗1 + B∗2 + N2 = µ B∗1 + B∗2 + N2 −1 + O2 (3.24)
à à µ ¶−1 !!−1
∗ ∗ ∗ −1 −1 1
= µ B1 + B2 I + B2 N 2 + O2
à à µµ ¶ ¶−1 !!−1
= µ B∗1 + B∗2 I + N2 −1 + O2 B∗2
³ ³ ¡ ¢−1 ´´−1
= µ B∗1 + B∗2 I + N2 −1 B∗2
¡ ¡ ¢¢−1
= µ B∗1 + B∗2 I + B∗2 −1 N2
= µ (B∗1 + B∗2 + N2 )−1 ,
where (a) follows from the definition of N2 and (b) follows from the fact that B∗2 O2 = 0.
Therefore, according to (3.19) and the above equation, the KKT conditions of (3.16) and
(3.17) for the original channel can be written as follows for the enhanced channel:
0 0 0
(B∗1 + N1 )−1 + (µ − 1)(B∗1 + N3 )−1 = µ(B∗1 + N2 )−1 (3.25)
0 0
µ(B∗1 + B∗2 + N2 ) −1
= µ(B∗1 + B∗2 + N3 ) −1
+ O3 − O2 , (3.26)
0 0
where O3 − O2 º 0. Therefore, R1G (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) + µR2G (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) is maximized when
Bk = B∗k for k = 1, 2.

We can now use Theorem 4 to prove that RG (S, N1,2,3 ) is the capacity region of the SADBC.
We follow Bergman’s approach [75] to prove a contradiction. Note that since the original
channel is not proportional, we cannot apply Bergman’s proof to the original channel directly.
Here we apply his proof to the enhanced channel instead.

Theorem 5. Consider a SADBC with positive definite noise covariance matrices (N1 , N2 , N3 ).
Let C(S, N1,2,3 ) denote the capacity region of the SADBC under a covariance matrix con-
straint S Â 0 .Then, C(S, N1,2,3 ) = RG (S, N1,2,3 ).

Proof: The achievability scheme is secret superposition coding with Gaussian codebook.
For the converse proof, we use a contradiction argument and assume that there exists an
achievable rate vector R̄ = (R1 , R2 ) which is not in the Gaussian region. We can apply the
steps of Bergman’s proof of [75] to the enhanced channel and show that this assumption is
/ RG (S, N1,2,3 ), there exist realizing matrices of an optimal Gaussian
impossible. Since R̄ ∈

rate vector B∗1 , B∗2 such that
R1 ≥ R1G (B∗1,2 , N1,2,3 ) (3.27)
R2 ≥ R2G (B∗1,2 , N1,2,3 ) + b,
for some b > 0. We know by Theorem 4 that for every set of realizing matrices of an optimal
Gaussian rate vector B∗1 , B∗2 , there exists an enhanced SADBC with noise covariance matrices
0 0
N1 , N2 , such that the proportionality and rate preservation properties hold. According to the
rate preservation property, we have RkG (B∗1,2 , N1,2 ) = RkG (B∗1,2 , N1,2 ), k = 1, 2. Therefore,
the preceding expression can be rewritten as follows:
R1 ≥ R1G (B∗1,2 , N1,2,3 ) = R1G (B∗1,2 , N1,2,3 ) (3.28)
R2 ≥ R2G (B∗1,2 , N1,2,3 ) + b = R2G (B∗1,2 , N1,2,3 ) + b.
According to the Theorem 5, R1 and R2 are bounded as follows:
R1 ≤ h(y1 |u) − h(z|u) − (h(y1 |x, u) − h(z|x, u)) (3.29)
R2 ≤ h(y2 ) − h(z) − (h(y2 |u) − h(z|u)) .
0 0
Let y1 and y2 denote the enhanced channel outputs of each of the receiving users. As
0 0
u → yk → yk forms a Markov chain for k = 1, 2 and z = z, then we can use the data
processing inequality to rewrite the above region as follows:
0 0
³ 0 0
R1 ≤ h(y1 |u) − h(z |u) − h(y1 |x, u) − h(z |x, u) (3.30)
0 0 1 ³ 0 0
= h(y1 |u) − h(z |u) − log |N1 | − log |N3 |)
0 0
³ 20 0
R2 ≤ h(y2 ) − h(z ) − h(y2 |u) − h(z |u) . (3.31)
Now, the inequalities of (3.28) and (3.30) have shifted to the enhanced channel.
Since R1 > R1G (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ), the inequality (3.30) means that
0 0 1³ 0 0
h(y1 |u) − h(z |u) > log |B∗1 + N1 | − log |B∗1 + N3 |) . (3.32)
0 0 0
By the definition of matrix A and since y1 → y2 → z forms a Morkov chain, the received
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
signals z and y2 can be written as z = y1 + n e and y2 = y1 +A 2 n e where n e is an independent
Gaussian noise with covariance matrix N e = N − N . According to Costa’s Entropy Power
0 0
3 1
Inequality and the previous inequality, we have
µ ³ ´ ¶
0 0 t 0
1 2 h(y |u)−h(z| u)
h(y2 |u) − h(z |u)≥ log |I − A| t 2 t 1
+ |A| t ) (3.33)
à 1 0 1
t |I − A| t |B∗1 + N1 | t 1
> log 0 1
+ |A| t )
2 |B∗1 + N3 | t
(a) 1 0 1 0
= log(B∗1 + N2 ) − log(B∗1 + N3 ),
2 2

where (a) is due to the proportionality property. Using (3.31) and the fact that R2 >
R2G (B1,2 , N1,2,3 ), the inequality (3.31) means that
0 0 0 0
h(y2 ) − h(z ) ≥ R2 + h(y2 |u) − h(z |u) > (3.34)
1 0 1 0
log(B∗1 + B∗2 + N2 ) − log(B∗1 + B∗2 + N3 ).
2 2
On the other hand, Gaussian distribution maximizes h(x + n2 ) − h(x + n3 ) (See [71]) and
(B∗1 , B∗2 ) satisfying the KKT conditions of (3.26). Therefore, the above inequality is a con-

3.4 The Capacity Region of the SAMBC

In this section, we characterize the secrecy capacity region of the aligned (but not necessarily
degraded) MIMO broadcast channel. Note that since the SAMBC is not degraded, there is
no single optimozation formula for its capacity region. In addition, the secret superposition
of Gaussian codes along with successive decoding cannot work when the channel is not
degraded. In [50], we presented an achievable rate region for the General Secure Broadcast
Channel. Our achievable coding scheme is based on a combination of the random binning
and the Gelfand-Pinsker binning schemes. We first review this scheme and based on this
result, we develop an achievable secret coding scheme for the SAMBC. Based on Theorem
4, we then provide a full characterization of the capacity region of SAMBC.

3.4.1 Secret Dirty-Paper Coding Scheme and Achievability Proof

In [50], we established an achievable rate region for the general secure broadcast channel.
This scheme enables both joint encoding at the transmitter by using Gelfand-Pinsker binning
and preserving confidentiality by using random binning. The following theorem summarizes
the encoding strategy.

Theorem 6. : Let V1 and V2 be auxiliary random variables and Ω be the class of joint
probability densities P (v1 , v2 x, y1 , y2 , z) that factors as P (v1 , v2 )P (x|v1 , v2 )P (y1 , y2 , z|x). Let
RI (π) denote the union of all non-negative rate pairs (R1 , R2 ) satisfying

R1 ≤ I(V1 ; Y1 ) − I(V1 ; Z) (3.35)

R2 ≤ I(V2 ; Y2 ) − I(V2 ; Z)
R1 + R2 ≤ I(V1 ; Y1 ) + I(V2 ; Y2 ) − I(V1 , V2 ; Z) − I(V1 ; V2 ),

(un , v1n, v2n) ∈ A(n)

1 ··· ··· 1

2 2
1 un

.. ..

.. 2nR1 2nR2


Figure 3.2: The Stochastic Encoder

for a given joint probability density π ∈ Ω. For the general broadcast channel with confidential
messages, the following region is achievable
( )
RI = conv RI (π) , (3.36)

where conv is the convex closure operator.

Remark 7. If we remove the secrecy constraints by removing the eavesdropper, then the
above rate region becomes Marton’s achievable region for the general broadcast channel.

Proof: 1) Codebook Generation: The structure of the encoder is depicted in Figure 3.2.
Fix P (v1 ), P (v2 ) and P (x|v1 , v2 ). The stochastic encoder generates 2n(I(V1 ;Y1 )−²) independent
and identically distributed sequences v1n according to the distribution P (v1n ) = ni=1 P (v1,i ).
Next, randomly distribute these sequences into 2nR1 bins such that each bin contains 2n(I(V1 ;Z)−²)
codewords. Similarly, it generates 2n(I(V2 ;Y2 )−²) independent and identically distributed se-
quences v2n according to the distribution P (v2n ) = ni=1 P (v2,i ). Randomly distribute these
sequences into 2nR2 bins such that each bin contains 2n(I(V2 ;Z)−²) codewords. Index each of
the above bins by w1 ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nR1 } and w2 ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nR2 }, respectively.
2) Encoding: To send messages w1 and w2 , the transmitter looks for v1n in bin w1 of
the first bin set and looks for v2n in bin w2 of the second bin set, such that (v1n , v2n ) ∈
(n) (n)
A² (PV1 ,V2 ) where A² (PV1 ,V2 ) denotes the set of jointly typical sequences v1n and v2n with
respect to P (v1 , v2 ). The rates are such that there exist more than one joint typical pair. The
transmitter randomly chooses one of them and then generates xn according to P (xn |v1n , v2n ) =

i=1 P (xi |v1,i , v2,i ). This scheme is equivalent to the scenario in which each bin is divided
into subbins and the transmitter randomly chooses one of the subbins of bin w1 and one of
the subbins of bin w2 . It then looks for a joint typical sequence (v1n , v2n ) in the corresponding
subbins and generates xn .
3) Decoding: The received signals at the legitimate receivers, y1n and y2n , are the outputs
of the channels P (y1n |xn ) = ni=1 P (y1,i |xi ) and P (y2n |xn ) = ni=1 P (y2,i |xi ), respectively.
The first receiver looks for the unique sequence v1n such that (v1n , y1n ) is jointly typical and
declares the index of the bin containing v1n as the message received. The second receiver uses
the same method to extract the message w2 .
4) Error Probability Analysis: Since the region of (3.35) is a subset of Marton region,
then the error probability analysis is the same as [69].
5) Equivocation Calculation: Please see the proof of Theorem 1.

The achievability scheme in Theorem 6 introduces random binning. When we want to

construct the rate region of (3.36), however, it is not clear how to choose the auxiliary
random variables V1 and V2 . Here, we employ the Dirty-Paper Coding (DPC) technique to
develop the secret DPC (SDPC) achievable rate region for the SAMBC. We consider a secret
dirty-paper encoder with Gaussian codebooks as follows.
First, we separate the channel input x into two random vectors b1 and b2 such that

b1 + b2 = x. (3.37)

Here, b1 and b2 and v1 and v2 are chosen as follows:

b1 ∼ N (0, B1 )
b2 ∼ N (0, B2 )
v 2 = b2
v1 = b1 + Cb2 , (3.38)

where B1 = E[b1 bT T
1 ] º 0 and B2 = E[b2 b2 ] º 0 are covariance matrices such that
B1 + B2 ¹ S, and the matrix C is given as follows:

C = B1 (N1 + B1 )−1 . (3.39)

By substituting (3.38) into the Theorem 6, we obtain the following SDPC rate region for the

Lemma 3. (SDPC Rate Region): Let S be a positive semi-definite matrix then the following
SDPC rate region of an SAMBC with a covariance matrix constraint S is achievable
 
[ 
RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ) = conv RSDP C (π, S, N1,2,3 ) , (3.40)
 Q 
where is the collection of all possible permutations of the ordered set {1, 2}, conv is the
convex closure operator and RSDP C (π, S, N1,2,3 ) is given as follows:
( ¯ )
(R 1 , R 2 ) ¯R k = R SDP C
(π, B 1,2 , N 1,2,3 ) k = 1, 2
π −1 (k)
RSDP C (π, S, N1,2,3 ) = , (3.41)
s.t S − (B1 + B2 ) º 0, B1 º 0, B2 º 0

 ¯P −1 ¯ ¯P −1 ¯ +
¯ π (k) ¯ ¯ π (k) ¯
1 ¯ i=1 B π(i) + Nk ¯ 1 ¯ i=1 B π(i) + N3¯
Rπ−1 (k) (π, B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) = log ¯¯P −1 ¯ − log ¯P −1 ¯ .
2 π (k)−1 ¯ 2 ¯ π (k)−1 ¯
¯ i=1 Bπ(i) + N k¯ ¯ i=1 B π(i) + N3¯

Note that for the identity permutation, πI , where πI (k) = k, we have,

RSDP C (πI , S, N1,2,3 ) = RG (S, N1,2,3 ). (3.42)

Proof: We prove the lemma for the case of identity permutation πI = {1, 2}. This proof
can similarly be used for the case that π = {2, 1}. According to the Theorem 6, we have,

R1 ≤ min {I(V1 ; Y1 ) − I(V1 ; Z), I(V1 ; Y1 ) + I(V2 ; Z) − I(V1 , V2 ; Z) − I(V1 ; V2 )} (3.43)

≤ min {I(V1 ; Y1 ) − I(V1 ; Z), I(V1 ; Y1 ) − I(V1 ; Z|V2 ) − I(V1 ; V2 )}
≤ I(V1 ; Y1 ) − I(V1 ; Z|V2 ) − I(V1 ; V2 )
R2 ≤ I(V2 ; Y2 ) − I(V2 ; Z),

where (a) follows from the fact that I(V1 , V2 ; Z) = I(V2 ; Z)+I(V1 ; Z|V2 ) and (b) follows from
the fact that I(V1 ; Z|V2 ) + I(V1 ; V2 ) = I(Z, V2 ; V1 ) ≥ I(Z; V1 ). To calculate the upper-bound
of R1 , we need to review the following lemma which has been noted by several authors [76].

Lemma 4. Let y1 = b1 + b2 + n1 , where b1 , b2 and n1 are Gaussian random vectors

with covariance matrices B1 , B2 and N1 , respectively. Let b1 , b2 and n1 be independent,
and let v1 = b1 + Cb2 , where C is an t × t matrix. Then an optimal matrix C which
maximizes I(v1 ; y1 ) − I(v1 ; b2 ) is C = B1 (N1 + B1 )−1 . Further more, the maximum value
of I(v1 ; y1 − I(v1 ; b2 ) is I(v1 ; y1 |b2 ).

Now, using the above Lemma and substituting (3.38) into (3.43), we obtain the following
achievable rate region when π = πI .
· ¸
1 ¯ −1 ¯ 1 ¯ −1 ¯ +
R1 ≤ log ¯N1 (B1 + N1 )¯ − log ¯N3 (B1 + N3 )¯ (3.44)
2 2
· ¸+
1 |B1 + B2 + N2 | 1 |B1 + B2 + N3 |
R2 ≤ log − log .
2 |B1 + N2 | 2 |B1 + N3 |

3.4.2 SAMBC- Converse Proof

For the converse part, note that not all points on the boundary of RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ) can be
directly obtained using a single SDPC scheme. Instead, we must use time-sharing between
points corresponding to different permutations. Therefore, unlike the SADBC case, we
cannot use a similar notion to the optimal Gaussian rate vectors, as not all the boundary
points can immediately be characterized as a solution of an optimization problem. Instead,
as the SDPC region is convex by definition, we use the notion of supporting hyperplanes of
[74] to define this region.
In this section, we first define the supporting hyperplane of a closed and bounded set. We
then present the relation between the ideas of a supporting hyperplane and the enhanced
channel in Theorem 7. This theorem is an extension of Theorem 4 to the SAMBC case.
Finally, we use Theorem 7 to prove that RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ) is indeed the capacity region of
the SAMBC.

Definition 10. The set {R = (R1 , R2 )|γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 = b}, for fixed and given scalars γ1 , γ2
and, b, is a supporting hyperplane of a closed and bounded set X ⊂ Rm , if γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 ≤ b
∀(R1 , R2 ) ∈ X , with equality for at least one rate vector (R1 , R2 ) ∈ X .

Note that as X is closed and bounded, max(R1 ,R2 )∈X γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 , exists for any γ1 , γ2 .
Thus, we always can find a supporting hyperplane for the set X . As RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ) is
a closed and convex set, for each rate pair of R = (R1o , R2o ) ∈ / RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ) which
lies outside the set, there exists a separating hyperplane {(R1 , R2 )|γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 = b} where
γ1 ≥ 0, γ1 ≥ 0, b ≥ 0 and,

γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 ≤ b ∀(R1 , R2 ) ∈ RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ) (3.45)

γ1 R1o + γ2 R2o > b.

The following theorem illustrates the relation between the ideas of enhanced channel and a
supporting hyperplane.

Theorem 7. Consider a SAMBC with noise covariance matrices (N1 , N2 , N3 ) and an av-
erage transmit covariance matrix constraint S Â 0. Assume that {(R1 , R2 )|γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 = b}
is a supporting hyperplane of the rate region RSDP C (πI , S, N1,2,3 ) such that 0 ≤ γ1 ≤ γ2 ,
γ2 > 0 and b ≥ 0. Then, there exists an enhanced SADBC with noise covariance matrices
0 0 0
(N1 , N2 , N3 ) such that the following properties hold.

1. Enhancement:
0 0 0 0 0
N1 ¹ N1 , N2 ¹ N2 , N3 = N3 , N1 ¹ N2 ,

2. Supporting hyperplane preservation:

{(R1 , R2 )|γ1 R1 +γ2 R2 = b} is also a supporting hyperplane of the rate region RG (S, N1,2,3 )

Proof: To prove this theorem, we can follow the steps of the proof of Theorem 4. Assume
that the hyperplane {(R1 , R2 )|γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 = b} touches the region RSDP C (πI , S, N1,2,3 ) at
the point (R1∗ , R2∗ ). Let B∗1 , B∗2 be two positive semi-definite matrices such that B∗1 + B∗2 ¹ S
and such that

RkSDP C (πI , B∗1,2 , N1,2,3 ) = Rk∗ , k = 1, 2. (3.46)

By definition of the supporting hyperplane, the scalar b and the matrices (B∗1 , B∗2 ) are the
solution of the following optimization problem:

max γ1 R1SDP C (πI , B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) + γ2 R2SDP C (πI , B1,2 , N1,2,3 ) (3.47)
B1 ,B2
s.t B1 + B2 ¹ S Bk º 0 k = 1, 2.

We define the noise covariance matrices of the enhanced SADBC as (3.18). Since for the
permutation π = πI we have RSDP C (πI , S, N1,2,3 ) = RG (S, N1,2,3 ), the supporting hy-
perplane {(R1 , R2 )|γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 = b} is also a supporting hyperplane of the rate region
RG (S, N1,2,3 ).

We can now use Theorem 7 and the capacity result of the SADBC to prove that RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 )
is indeed the capacity region of the SAMBC. The following theorem formally states the main
result of this section.

Theorem 8. Consider a SAMBC with positive definite noise covariance matrices (N1 , N2 , N3 ).
Let C(S, N1,2,3 ) denote the capacity region of the SAMBC under a covariance matrix con-
straint S Â 0. Then, C(S, N1,2,3 ) = RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ).

Proof: To prove this theorem, we use Theorem 7 to show that for every rate vector R ,
which lies outside the region RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ), we can find an enhanced SADBC, whose
capacity region does not contain R . As the capacity region of the enhanced channel outer
bounds that of the original channel, R cannot be an achievable rate vector.
Let R = (R1o , R2o ) be a rate vector which lies outside the region RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ). There
exists a supporting and separating hyperplane {(R1 , R2 )|γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 = b} where γ1 ≥ 0,
γ2 ≥ 0, and at least one of the γk ’s is positive. Without loss of generality, we assume that
γ2 ≥ γ1 . If this is not the case, we can always reorder the indices of the users, such that this
assumption will hold. By definition of the region RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ), we have,

RSDP C (πI , S, N1,2,3 ) ⊆ RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ). (3.48)

Note that, as {(R1 , R2 )|γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 = b} is a supporting hyperplane of RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ),

we can write,
b= max γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 (3.49)
(R1 ,R2 )∈RSDP C (πI ,S,N1,2,3 )
≤ max γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 = b.
(R1 ,R2 )∈RSDP C (S,N1,2,3 )

Furthermore, we can also write,

γ1 R1o + γ2 R2o > b ≥ b . (3.50)
Therefore, the hyperplane of {(R1 , R2 )|γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 = b } is a supporting and separating
hyperplane for the rate region RSDP C (πI , S, N1,2,3 ). By Theorem 7, we know that there
exists an enhanced SADBC whose Gaussian rate region RG (S, N1,2,3 ) lies under the sup-
porting hyperplane and hence (R1o , R2o ) ∈ / RG (S, N1,2,3 ). Therefore, (R1o , R2o ) must lie out-
side the capacity region of the enhanced SADBC. To complete the proof, note that the
capacity region of the enhanced SADBC contains that of the original channel and there-
fore, (R1o , R2o ) must lie outside the capacity region of the original SAMBC. As this state-
ment is true for all rate vectors which lie outside RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ), we have C(S, N1,2,3 ) ⊆
RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ). However, RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ) is the set of achievable rates and therefore,
C(S, N1,2,3 ) = RSDP C (S, N1,2,3 ).

Using the same discussion as [74], the result of SAMBC can extend to the SGMBC which is
omitted here. The results of the secrecy capacity region for two receivers can be extended
for m receivers as follows.

Corollary 1. Consider a SGMBC with m receivers and one external eavesdropper. Let S be
a positive semi-definite matrix. The SDPC rate region of RSDP C (S, N1,...,m , H1,...,m ), which

is defined by the following convex closure is indeed the secrecy capacity region of the SGMBC
under a covariance constraint S.
 
[ 
RSDP C (S, N1,...,m , H1,...,m ) = conv RSDP C (π, S, N1,...,m , H1,...,m ) , (3.51)
 Q 
where is the collection of all possible permutations of the ordered set {1, ..., m}, conv is
the convex closure operator and RSDP C (π, S, N1,...,m , H1,...,m ) is given as follows:
( ¯ )
(R 1 , R 2 ) ¯Rk = RSDP −1
(π, B 1,...,m , N 1,...,m , H1,...,m )
RSDP C (π, S, N1,...,m , H1,...,m ) = P π (k)
s.t S − m i=1 B i º 0, Bi º 0, k, i = 1, ..., m.

¯ ³P −1 ´ ¯
¯ π (k) † ¯
1£ ¯Hk i=1 Bπ(i) Hk + Nk ¯
Rπ−1 (k) (π, B1,...,m , N1,...,m , H1,...,m )= log ¯¯ ³P −1 ´ ¯ (3.52)
2 ¯Hk
π (k)−1 †
Bπ(i) Hk + Nk ¯
¯ ³P −1 ´ ¯
¯ π (k) † ¯
1 ¯H3 i=1 Bπ(i) H3 + N3 ¯ ¤+
− log ¯¯ ³P −1 ´ ¯ .
2 ¯H
π (k)−1
B H† + N ¯
3 i=1 π(i) 3 3

3.5 Multiple-Input Single-Outputs Multiple Eavesdrop-

per (MISOME) Channel
In this section we investigate a scenario in which the transmitter and the eavesdropper have
multiple antennae, while both intended receivers have a single antenna. We refer to this
configuration as the MISOME case. The significance of this model is apparent when a base
station wishes to broadcast secure information to small mobile units. In this scenario small
mobile units have single antenna while the base station and the eavesdropper can afford
multiple antennae. We characterize the secrecy capacity region in terms of generalized
eigenvalues of the receivers’ channels and the eavesdropper channel. Note that in this case
our analysis is valid for a general number of single antenna receivers. We can rewrite the
signals received by the destination and the eavesdropper for the MISOME channel as follows:

y1 = h†1 x + n1 (3.53)
y2 = h†2 x + n2
z = H3 x + n3 ,

where h1 and h2 are fixed, real matrices which model the channel gains between the trans-
mitter and the legitimate receivers. These are matrices of size t × 1. The channel state

information again is assumed to be known perfectly at the transmitter and at all the re-
ceivers. Here, the superscript † denotes the Hermitian transpose of a vector. Without loss
of generality, we assume that n1 and n2 are i.i.d real Gaussian random variables with zero
means and unit covariances, i.e., n1 , n2 ∼ N (0, 1). Furthermore, we assume that n3 is a
Gaussian random vector with zero mean and covariance matrix I. In this section, we assume
that the input x satisfies a total power constraint of P , i.e.,

T r{E(xxT )} ≤ P.

Before we state our results for the MISOME channel, we need to review some properties of
generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors. For more details of this topic, see, e.g.,[77].

Definition 11. (Generalized eigenvalue-eigenvector) Let A be a Hermitian matrix and B

be a positive definite matrix. (λ, ψ) is a generalized eigenvalue-eigenvector pair if it satisfies
the following equation.
Aψ = λBψ. (3.54)

Note that as B is invertible, the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the pair
(A, B) are the regular eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix B−1 A. The following
Lemma describes the variational characterization of the generalized eigenvalue-eigenvector

Lemma 5. (Variational Characterization) Let r(ψ) be the Rayleigh quotient defined as fol-
ψ † Aψ
r(ψ) = † . (3.55)
ψ Bψ
The generalized eigenvectors of (A, B) are the stationary point solution of the Rayleigh
quotient r(ψ). Specifically, the largest generalized eigenvalue λmax is the maximum of the
Rayleigh quotient r(ψ) and the optimum is attained by the eigenvector ψ max which corre-
sponds to λmax , i.e.,
ψ † Aψ max
max r(ψ) = †max = λmax . (3.56)
ψ ψ max Bψ max

Now consider the MISOME channel of (3.53). Assume that 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 and P are fixed.
Let us define the following matrices for this channel

A1,1 = I + αP h1 h†1 (3.57)

B1,1 = I + αP H†3 H3 .

Suppose that (λ(1,1) max , ψ 1 max ) is the largest generalized eigenvalue and the corresponding
eigenvector pair of the pencil (A1,1 , B1,1 ). Furthermore, we define the following matrices for
the MISOME channel.
(1 − α)P
A2,2 = I + h2 h†2 (3.58)
1 + αP |h†2 ψ 1 max |2
³ ´−1
B2,2 = I + (1 − α)P H†3 I + αP H3 ψ 1 max ψ †1 max H3 H3 .

Assume that (λ(2,2) max , ψ 2 max ) is the largest generalized eigenvalue and the corresponding
eigenvector pair of the pencil (A2,2 , B2,2 ). Moreover, consider the following matrices for this

A2,1 = I + (1 − α)P h2 h†2 (3.59)

B2,1 = I + (1 − α)P H†3 H3
A1,2 = I + †
h1 h†1
1 + (1 − α)P |h1 ψ 3 max |2
³ ´−1
† †
B1,2 = I + αP H3 I + (1 − α)P H3 ψ 3 max ψ 3 max H3 H3 ,

where we assume that (λ(2,1) max , ψ 3 max ), and (λ(1,2) max , ψ 4 max ) are the largest general-
ized eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector pair of the pencils (A2,1 , B2,1 ), and
(A1,2 , B1,2 ), respectively. The following theorem then characterizes the capacity region of
the MISOME channel under a total power constraint P based on the above parameters.

Theorem 9. Let C M ISOM E denote the secrecy capacity region of the the MISOME channel
under an average total power constraint P . Let be the collection of all possible permu-
tations of the ordered set {1, 2} and conv be the convex closure operator, then C M ISOM E is
given by  
[ 
C = conv R (π) ,
 Q 

where RM ISOM E (π) is given by

RM ISOM E (π) = RM ISOM E (π, α),

where RM ISOM E (π, α) is the set of all (R1 , R2 ) satisfying the following condition.
1£ ¤+
Rk ≤ log λ(k,π−1 (k)) max , k = 1, 2.

Proof: This theorem is a special case of Theorem 8 and corollary 1. First assume that
the permutation π = πI = {1, 2}. In the SDPC achievable rate region of (3.52), we choose
the covariance matrices B1 and B2 as follows.

B1 = αP ψ 1 max ψ †1 max (3.60)

B2 = (1 − α)P ψ 2 max ψ †2 max .

In other words, the channel input x is separated into two vectors b1 and b2 such that

x= b1 + b2 (3.61)
b1 = u1 ψ 1 max
b2 = u2 ψ 2 max ,

where u1 ∼ N (0, αP ), u2 ∼ N (0, (1 − α)P ), and 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. Using these parameters, the

region of RSDP C (πI , S, N1,2,3 ) becomes as follows:
· ¯ ¯ 1 ¯ ¯¸+
1 ¯ † ¯ ¯ †¯
R1 ≤ log ¯1 + h1 B1 h1 ¯ − log ¯I + H3 B1 H3 ¯ (3.62)
2 2
· ¯ ¯ 1 ¯ ¯¸+
1 ¯ † † ¯ ¯ † † ¯
= log ¯(1 + αP h1 ψ 1 max ψ 1 max h1 )¯ − log ¯(I + αP H3 ψ 1 max ψ 1 max H3 )¯
2 2
 ³ ´  +
1 ψ †1 max I + αP h1 h†1 ψ 1 max
= log ³ ´ 
2 ψ† I + αP H† H ψ
1 max 3 3 1 max

(a) 1£ ¤+
= log λ(1,1) max ,
where (a) is due to the fact that |I + AB| = |I + BA| and the fact that ψ †1 max ψ 1 max = 1
Similarly, for the R2 we have,
 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ +
¯ † ¯ ¯ †¯
1 ¯1 + h 2 (B 1 + B 2 ) h 2¯ 1 ¯ I + H 3 (B 1 + B 2 ) H 3¯
R2 ≤ log ¯
¯ − log ¯
¯  (3.63)
2 † 2 †¯
¯1 + h2 B1 h2 ¯ ¯I + H3 B1 H3 ¯
" ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯#+
1 ¯ h†2 B2 h2 ¯¯ 1 ¯ H3 B2 H†3 ¯¯
¯ ¯
= log ¯1 + ¯ − log ¯I + ¯
2 ¯ 1 + h†2 B1 h2 ¯ 2 ¯ I + H3 B1 H†3 ¯
 ³ ´ +
† (1−α)P h2 h†2
1 ψ 2 max I + ψ 2 max 
1+αP |h†2 ψ 1 max |2
= log µ ³ ´ ¶ 
2 † † † †
−1 
ψ 2 max I + (1 − α)P H3 I + αP H3 ψ 1 max ψ 1 max H3 H3 ψ 2 max
1£ ¤+
= log λ(2,2) max .

Similarly, when π = {2, 1}, in the SDPC region, we choose b1 = u1 ψ 4 max and b2 = u2 ψ 3 max .
Then the SDPC region is given by
 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ +
¯ † ¯ ¯ †¯
1 ¯1 + h1 (B1 + B2 ) h1 ¯ 1 ¯I + H3 (B1 + B2 ) H3 ¯
R1 ≤ log ¯
¯ − log ¯
¯  (3.64)
2 † 2 †¯
¯1 + h1 B2 h1 ¯ ¯I + H3 B2 H3 ¯
" ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯#+
1 ¯ h †
B h ¯ 1 ¯ H B H † ¯
¯ 1 1 1 ¯ ¯ 3 1 3 ¯
= log ¯1 + ¯ − log ¯I + ¯
2 ¯ 1 + h†1 B2 h1 ¯ 2 ¯ I + H3 B2 H†3 ¯
 ³ ´ +
† αP h1 h†1
1 ψ 4 max I + ψ 4 max 
1+(1−α)P |h†1 ψ 3 max |2
=   log µ ³ ´ ¶ 

2 −1
ψ †4 max I + αP H†3 I + (1 − α)P H3 ψ 3 max ψ †3 max H†3 H3 ψ 4 max
1£ ¤+
= log λ(1,2) max ,
and R2 is bounded as follows:
· ¯ ¯ 1 ¯ ¯ ¸+
1 ¯ † ¯ ¯ †¯
R2 ≤ log ¯1 + h2 B2 h2 ¯ − log ¯I + H3 B2 H3 ¯ (3.65)
2 2
· ¯ ¯ 1 ¯ ¯¸+
1 ¯ † † ¯ ¯ † † ¯
= log ¯(1 + (1 − α)P h2 ψ 3 max ψ 3 max h2 )¯ − log ¯(I + (1 − α)P H3 ψ 3 max ψ 3 max H3 )¯
2 2
 ³ ´  +
† †
1 ψ 3 max I + (1 − α)P h 2 h 2 ψ 3 max
= log ³ ´ 
2 ψ † †
I + (1 − α)P H H ψ
3 max 3 3 3 max
1£ ¤+
= log λ(2,1) max .

Note that the eigenvalues λ(l,k) max = λ(l,k) max (α, P ) and the eigenvector ψ k max = ψ k max (α, P )
for l, k = 1, 2 are the functions of α and P . The following corollary characterizes the secrecy
capacity region of the MISOME channel in high SNR regime.

Corollary 2. In the high SNR regime, the secrecy capacity region of the MISOME channel
is given as follows:
 
[ 
lim C M ISOM E = conv RM ISOM E
(π) , (3.66)
P →∞  Q ∞ 



(π = {1, 2}) = (3.67)

 ³ ´ + 

 λmax h2 h†2 , H†3 H3 

1h ³
† †
´i+ 1 
(R1 , R2 ), R1 ≤ log λmax h1 h1 , H3 H3 , R2 ≤ log

 2 2 b 

(π = {2, 1}) = 
 ³ ´ +

 † †
λmax h1 h1 , H3 H3 h ³ ´i+ 

1  , R2 ≤ 1 † †
(R1 , R2 ), R1 ≤ log log λmax h2 h2 , H3 H3 ,

 2 a 2 

where (λmax (Ai , B), ψ i max ) denotes the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of
|h† ψ |2 |h† ψ |2
the pencil (Ai , B) and b = 2 1 max 2 , a = 1 2 max 2 .
kH3 ψ 1 max k kH3 ψ 2 max k

Note that the above secrecy rate region is independent of α and therefore is a convex
closure of two rectangular regions.
Proof: We restrict our attention to the case that λ(l,k) max (α, P ) > 1 for l, k = 1, 2 where
the rates R1 and R2 are nonzero. First suppose that π = πI = {1, 2}. We show that
³ ´
lim λ(1,1) max (α, P )= λmax h1 h†1 , H†3 H3 (3.68)
P →∞
³ ´
λmax h2 h†2 , H†3 H3
lim λ(2,2) max (α, P )= . (3.69)
P →∞ b
Note that since
1 + αP |h†1 ψ 1 max (α, P )|2
λ(1,1) max (α, P ) = > 1, (3.70)
1 + αP kH3 ψ 1 max (α, P )k2
1 + αP |h†1 ψ 1 (α, P )|2
ψ 1 max (α, P ) = arg max 2
, (3.71)
{ψ 1 :kψ 1 k2 =1} 1 + αP kH3 ψ 1 (α, P )k
for all P > 0 we have,

|h†1 ψ 1 max (α, P )|2 > |H3 ψ 1 max (α, P )k2 . (3.72)

Therefore, λ(1,1) max is an increasing function of P . Thus,

|h†1 ψ 1 max (α, P )|2

λ(1,1) max (α, P )≤ (3.73)
kH3 ψ 1 max (α, P )k2
³ ´
≤ λmax h1 h†1 , H†3 H3 .

³ ´
Since λmax h1 h†1 , H†3 H3 is independent of P , we have
³ ´
lim λ(1,1) max ≤ λmax h1 h†1 , H†3 H3 . (3.74)
P →∞

Next, defining
|h†1 ψ 1 |2
ψ 1 (∞) = arg max 2
, (3.75)
{ψ 1 :kψ 1 k2 =1} kH3 ψ 1 k
we have the following lower bound
+ α|h†1 ψ 1 max (∞)|2
lim λ(1,1) max (α, P )≥ lim (3.76)
P →∞ P →∞ 1 + αkH3 ψ 1 max (∞)k2
³P ´
= λmax h1 h†1 , H†3 H3 .

As the lower bound and upper bound coincide, we obtain (3.68). Similarly, to obtain (3.69),
we note that since
(1−α)P |h†2 ψ 2 max (α,P )|2
1+αP |h†2 ψ 1 max (α,P )|2
λ(2,2) max (α, P ) = > 1, (3.77)
(1−α)P kH3 ψ 2 max (α,P )k2
1+αP kH3 ψ 1 max (α,P )k2

(1−α)P |h†2 ψ 2 max (α,P )|2
1+αP |h†2 ψ 1 max (α,P )|2
ψ 2 max (α, P ) = arg max , (3.78)
(1−α)P kH3 ψ 2 max (α,P )k2
{ψ 2 :kψ 2 k2 =1} 1 +
1+αP kH3 ψ 1 max (α,P )k2

for all P > 0, we have,

(1 − α)P |h†2 ψ 2 max (α, P )|2 (1 − α)P kH3 ψ 2 max (α, P )k2
> . (3.79)
1 + αP |h†2 ψ 1 max (α, P )|2 1 + αP kH3 ψ 1 max (α, P )k2
Therefore, we have
|h†2 ψ 2 max (∞)|2
|h†2 ψ 1 max (∞)|2
lim λ(2,2) max (α, P )≤ (3.80)
P →∞ kH3 ψ 2 max (∞)k2
kH3 ψ 1 max (∞)k2
³ ´
λmax h2 h†2 , H†3 H3
≤ ,
|h†2 ψ 1 max (∞)|2
b= (3.81)
kH3 ψ 1 max (∞)k2
|h†2 ψ 2 max |2
ψ 2 (∞)= arg max 2
{ψ 2 :kψ 2 k2 =1} kH3 ψ 2 max k

On the other hand, we have the following lower bound
(1−α)|h†2 ψ 2 max (∞)|2
α|h†2 ψ 1 max (∞)|2
lim λ(2,2) max (α, P ) ≥ . (3.82)
P →∞ (1−α)kH3 ψ 2 max (∞)k2
αkH3 ψ 1 max (∞)k2

Note that 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. It is easy to show that the right side of the equation of (3.82) is a
decreasing function of α and therefore the maximum value of this function is when α = 0.
Thus we have,
³ ´
λmax h2 h†2 , H†3 H3
lim λ(2,2) max (α, P ) ≥ . (3.83)
P →∞ b
As the lower bound and upper bound coincide, we obtain (3.69). When π = 2, 1, the proof
is similar and may be omitted here.

Now consider the MISOME channel with m single antenna receivers and an external eaves-
Pm Pm
dropper. Let x = k=1 bk , where bk = uk ψk max , uk ∼ N (0, αk P ), and k=1 αk = 1.
Assume that (λk max , ψ k max ) is the largest generalized eigenvalue and the corresponding
eigenvector pair of the pencil
à !
αk P hk h†k ³ ´−1
I+ , I + αk P H†3 I + H3 AH†3 H3 , (3.84)
1 + h†k Ahk
P −1
where A = ( πi=1 (k)−1 απ(i) P ψπ(i) max ψπ(i)

max ). The following corollary then characterizes
the capacity region of the MISOME channel with m receivers under a total power constraint
Corollary 3. Let be the collection of all possible permutations of the ordered set {1, ..., m}
and conv be the convex closure operator, then C M ISOM E is given as follows:
 
[ 
C M ISOM E = conv RM ISOM E (π) ,
 Q 

where RM ISOM E (π) is given by

RM ISOM E (π) = RM ISOM E (π, α1 , ..., αm ),
0≤αk ≤1, m
k=1 αk =1

where RM ISOM E (π, α1 , ..., αm ) is the set of all (R1 , ..., Rm ) satisfying the following condition.
Rk ≤ [log λk max ]+ , k = 1, ..., m.

Chapter 4

Secure Gaussian

In this chapter, we consider a K-user secure Gaussian Multiple-Access-Channel (MAC) with

an external eavesdropper. We establish an achievable rate region for the secure discrete
memoryless MAC. We prove the secrecy sum capacity of the degraded Gaussian MIMO
MAC using Gaussian codebooks. For the non-degraded Gaussian MIMO MAC, we propose
an algorithm inspired by the interference alignment technique to achieve the largest possible
total Secure-Degrees-of-Freedom (S-DoF). When all the terminals are equipped with a single
antenna, we show that Gaussian codebooks are inefficient in providing a positive S-DoF.
Instead, we propose a novel secure coding scheme to achieve a positive S-DoF in the single
antenna MAC. This scheme converts the single-antenna system into a multiple-dimension
system with fractional dimensions. The achievability scheme is based on the alignment of
signals into a small sub-space at the eavesdropper, and the simultaneous separation of the
signals at the intended receiver. We use tools from the field of Diophantine Approximation
in the number theory to analyze the probability of error in the coding scheme. We prove that
the total S-DoF of K−1
can be achieved for almost all channel gains. For the other channel
gains, we propose a multi-layer coding scheme to achieve a positive S-DoF. As a function of
channel gains, therefore, the achievable S-DoF is discontinued.

4.1 Introduction
The secure MAC generalizes the wiretap channel. In the wiretap channel, the direct coding
scheme uses the framework of random coding, which is widely used in the analysis of multi-
terminal source and channel coding problems. One approach to finding achievable sum rates

x1 H1 y



xK z

Figure 4.1: Secure K-user Gaussian MIMO Multiple-Access-Channel

for the secure MAC is to extend the random coding solution to the secure multi-user. As
we will show in this chapter, this extension leads to a single-letter characterization for the
secure rate region of the MAC. Our achievability, as usual, is based on the i.i.d random
binning scheme.
On the other hand, it is shown that the random coding argument may be insufficient
to prove capacity theorems for certain channels; instead, structure codes can be used to
construct efficient channel codes for Gaussian channels. In reference [78], nested lattice codes
are used to provide secrecy in two-user Gaussian channels. In [78] it is shown that structure
codes can achieve a positive S-DoF in a two-user MAC. In particular, the achievability
scheme of [78] provides an S-DoF of 12 for a small category of channel gains and for the other
categories, it provides a S-DoF of strictly less than 12 .
In reference [79], the concept of interference alignment is introduced and has illustrated
its capability in achieving the full DoF of a class of two-user X channels. In reference [80],
and [81], a novel coding scheme applicable in networks with single antenna nodes is proposed.
This scheme converts a single antenna system into an equivalent Multiple Input Multiple
Output (MIMO) system with fractional dimensions.

4.2 Preliminaries
Consider a secure K-user Gaussian MIMO Multiple-Access-Channel (MAC) as depicted in
Figure 4.1. In this confidential setting, each user k (k ∈ K = {1, 2, ..., K}) wishes to send
a message Wk to the intended receiver in n uses of the channel simultaneously, and prevent
the eavesdropper from having any information about the messages. At a specific time, the

signals received by the intended receiver and the eavesdropper is given by
y = Hk xk + n1 (4.1)
z= Hk,e xk + n2


• xk for k = 1, 2, ..., K is a real input vector of size Mk × 1 under an input average power
constraint. We require that T r(Qk ) ≤ P , where Qk = E[xk x†k ]. Here, the superscript
† denotes the Hermitian transpose of a vector and T r(.) denotes the Trace operator on
the matrices.

• y and z are real output vectors which are received by the destination and the eaves-
dropper, respectively. These are vectors of size N × 1 and Ne × 1, respectively.

• Hk and Hk,e for k = 1, 2, ..., K are fixed, real gain matrices which model the channel
gains between the transmitters and the intended receiver, and the eavesdropper, re-
spectively. These are matrices of size N × Mk and Ne × Mk , respectively. The channel
state information is assumed to be known perfectly at all the transmitters and at all

• n1 and n2 are real Gaussian random vectors with zero means and covariance matrices
N1 = E[n1 n1 T ] = IN and N2 = E[n2 n2 T ] = INe , respectively. Here, IM represents
the identity matrix of size M × M .

Let xnk , yn and zn denote the random channel inputs and random channel outputs matrices
over a block of n samples. Furthermore, let nn1 , and nn2 denote the additive noises of the
channels. Therefore, we have
y = Hk xnk + nn1 (4.2)
zn = Hk,e xnk + nn2 .

Note that bold vectors are random while the matrices Hk and Hk,e are deterministic matrices
for all k ∈ K. The columns of nn1 and nn2 are independent Gaussian random vectors with
covariance matrices IN and INe , respectively. In addition nn1 and nn2 are independent of

xnk ’s and Wk ’s. A ((2nR1 , 2nR2 , ..., 2nRk ), n) secret code for the above channel consists of the
following components:
1 ) K secret message sets Wk = {1, 2, ..., 2nRk }.
2 ) K stochastic encoding functions fk (.) which map the secret messages to the transmit-
ted symbols, i.e., fk : wk → xnk for each wk ∈ Wk . At encoder k, each codeword is designed
according to the transmitter’s average power constraint P .
3 ) A decoding function φ(.) which maps the received symbols to estimate the messages:
φ(yn ) → (Ŵ1 , ..., WˆK ).
The reliability of the transmission is measured by the average probability of error, which
is defined as the probability that the decoded messages are not equal to the transmitted
messages; that is,
1 X
Pe(n) = QK P (φ(yn ) 6= (w1 , ..., wK )|(w1 , ..., wk ) is sent). (4.3)
k=1 2nRk (w1 ,...,wK )∈W1 ×....×WK

The secrecy level is measured by the normalized equivocation defined as follows: The nor-
malized equivocation for each subset of messages WS for S ⊆ K is

4 H(WS |zn )
∆S = . (4.4)
H(WS )

The rate-equivocation tuple (R1 , ..., RK , d) is said to be achievable for the Gaussian MIMO
Multiple-Access-Channel with confidential messages, if for any ² > 0, there exists a sequence
of ((2nR1 , ..., 2nRK ), n) secret codes, such that for sufficiently large n,

Pe(n) ≤ ², (4.5)

∆S ≥ d − ², ∀S ⊆ K. (4.6)
The perfect secrecy rate tuple (R1 , ..., RK ) is said to be achievable when d = 1. When all
the transmitted messages are perfectly secure, we have

∆K ≥ 1 − ², (4.7)

or equivalently
H(WK |zn ) ≥ H(WK ) − ²H(WK ). (4.8)

The normalized equivocation of each subset of messages can then be written as follows:
H(WS |zn ) = H(WS , WS c |zn ) − H(WS c |WS , zn ) (4.9)
= H(WK |zn ) − H(WS c |WS , zn )
≥ H(WK ) − ²H(WK ) − H(WS c |WS , zn )
= H(WS ) + H(WS c |WS ) − ²H(WK ) − H(WS c |WS , zn )
≥ H(WS ) − ²H(WK ),

where (a) and (c) follow from the chain rule, (b) follows from (4.7) and (d) follows from the
fact that conditioning always decreases the amount of entropy. Therefore, the normalized
equivocation of each subset of messages is
∆S ≥ 1 − ² , (4.10)

where ² = H(W K)
H(WS )
². Thus, when all of the K messages are perfectly secure then it is guaran-
teed that any subset of the messages becomes perfectly secure.
The total Secure Degrees-of Freedom (S-DoF) of η is said to be achievable, if the rate-
equivocation tuple (R1 , ..., RK , d = 1) is achievable, and
η = lim 1 k=1 (4.11)
P →∞
log P

4.3 Secure DoF of the Multiple-Antenna Multiple-Access-

In this section, we first present an achievability rate region for the secure discrete memoryless
MAC. We then characterize the sum capacity of the degraded secure discrete memoryless
and degraded Gaussian MIMO MAC. We present an achievable S-DoF of the non-degraded
Gaussian MIMO MAC under the perfect secrecy constraint using Gaussian codebooks. In
order to satisfy the perfect secrecy constraint, we use the random binning coding scheme to
generate the codebooks. To maximize the achievable degrees of freedom, we adopt the signal
alignment scheme to separate the signals at the intended receiver and simultaneously align
the signals into a small subspace at the eavesdropper.

4.3.1 Discrete Memoryless MAC

In this subsection, we study the secure discrete MAC of P (y, z|x1 , ..., xK ) with K users and
an external eavesdropper. The following theorems illustrate our results:

Theorem 10. For the perfectly secure discrete memoryless MAC of P (y, z|x1 , ..., xK ), the
region of
( )
(R1 , ..., RK )| Ri ≤ I(US ; Y |US c ), Rk ≤ [I(UK ; Y ) − I(UK ; Z)]+ , ∀S ⊂ K , (4.12)
i∈S k∈K

for any distribution of P (u1 )P (u2 )....P (uK )P (x1 |u1 )P (x2 |u2 )...P (xK |uK )P (y, z|x1 , ..., xK ),
is achievable.

Please see section 4.5.1 for the proof.

In this Theorem [x]+ denotes the positivity operator, i.e., [x]+ = max(x, 0). Reference
[46] derived an achievable rate region with Gaussian codebooks and power control for the
Gaussian secure MAC when all the transmitters and receivers are equipped with a single
antenna. Theorem 10, however, gives an achievability secrecy rate region for the general
discrete memoryless MAC. Our achievability rate region is also larger than the region of [46]
in the special Gaussian channel case. Therefore, we have the following achievable sum rate
for the secure discrete memoryless MAC:

Corollary 4. For the secure discrete memoryless MAC of P (y, z|x1 , ..., xK ), the following
sum rate is achievable:

Rsum = max [I(UK ; Y ) − I(UK ; Z)]+ , (4.13)

where the maximization is over all distributions of

P (u1 )...P (uK )P (x1 |u1 )...P (xK |uK )P (y, z|x1 , ..., xK )

that satisfy the markov chain WK → UK → XK → Y Z.

4.3.2 Gaussian MIMO MAC

Consider the secure Gaussian MIMO MAC of (4.1) which can be re-written as follows:

y = Hx + n1 (4.14)
z = He x + n2
h i†
where, H = [H1 , H2 , ..., HK ], He = [H1,e , H2,e , ..., HK,e ], and x = x†1 , x†2 , ..., x†K . Without
loss of generality, assume that all nodes are equipped with the same number of antennas,
i.e., Mk = N = Ne for all k ∈ K. Note that when the channel gain matrices Hk and Hk,e
are identity matrices we can determine that one channel output is degraded w.r.t. another

by examining whether their noise covariances can be ordered correctly. In (4.1), however,
all noise covariances are identity matrices and the receive vectors differ only in their channel
gain matrices. Therefore, similar to [82], we use the following definition to determine a
degradedness order:

Definition 12. A receive vector z = He x + n2 is said to be degraded w.r.t. y = Hx + n1 if

there exists a matrix D such that DH = He and such that DD† ¹ I. Alternatively, we say
that He is degraded w.r.t. H.

According to this definition, it is easy to see that y can be approximated by multiplying

Dy. The approximated channel has a different additive noise which is now given by Dn1 ∼
N (0, DD† ) compared to the original channel. As this approximated channel has less noise
(DD† ¹ I), however, it is clear that any message that can be decoded by the eavesdropper,
can also be decoded by the intended receiver. In the other words WK → x → y → z forms
a Markov chain.

Theorem 11. The secrecy sum capacity of the degraded Gaussian MIMO MAC is given by
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
1 ¯ X ¯ 1 ¯ X ¯
¯ †¯ ¯ † ¯
Csum = max log ¯I + Hk Qk Hk ¯ − log ¯I + Hk,e Qk Hk,e ¯ .(4.15)
Qk :Qk º0,T r(Qk )≤P 2 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯
k∈K k∈K

Proof: We need to show that the secrecy sum capacity is as follows:

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
1 ¯ X ¯ 1 ¯ X ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Csum = log ¯I + Hk Qk H†k ¯ − log ¯I + Hk,e Qk H†k,e ¯ , (4.16)
2 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯
k∈K k∈K

if the inputs are subject to the following covariance matrices constraints:

Kxk ≤ Qk , ∀k ∈ K, (4.17)

where Kxk denotes the covariance matrix of xk . Theorem 11 then follows by maximization
over all Q1 , Q2 , ..., and QK that satisfy the power constraint, i.e., T r(Qk ) ≤ P , for all
k ∈ K.
The achievability of this theorem follows from Theorem 4 by choosing Uk = xk ∼
N(0, Qk ). The converse proof is presented in section 4.5.2.

According to (4.55), it is easy to show that:

Corollary 5. The total S-DoF for the degraded Gaussian MIMO MAC is η = 0.






Figure 4.2: Separation/Alignment of Signals at the Intended Receiver/Eavesdropper

Now consider the general Gaussian MIMO MAC where it’s not necessarily degraded.
According to Theorem 10, by choosing Uk = xk ∼ N (0, Qk ), it is easy to see that the
following secrecy sum rate is achievable.

Corollary 6. For the Gaussian MIMO MAC, an achievable secrecy sum rate is given by
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
X 1 ¯ X ¯ 1 ¯ X ¯
¯ †¯ ¯ † ¯
Rsum = Rk = max log ¯I + Hk Qk Hk ¯ − log ¯I + Hk,e Qk Hk,e ¯ .
Q:Qº0,T r(Q)≤P 2 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯
k∈K k∈K k∈K

Note that in the above achievable scheme, we chose Kxk = Qk which is generally not
optimal but indeed is achievable. In general, solving the maximization problem of (4.18)
is difficult. Reference [46], however, has solved this problem for a single antenna case and
derived the optimal power control policy. As shown in [46] even for a single antenna case
some users need to be silent and therefore those users can cooperatively help to jam the
We study the S-DoF defined in (4.11) to analyze the behavior of the sum rate in high
SN R. We design the following strategy scheme at the transmitters.
To achieve the largest value for S-DoF we need to separate the received signals at the
legitimate receiver, such that each received signal has a different dimension in the signal space
of the legitimate receiver. At the same time all the received signals at the eavesdropper need
to be aligned in a minimal subspace of the signal space of the eavesdropper (see Figure 4.2).
Let xk = Fk vk where, Fk is a pre-coding matrix such that Fk Fk† = Qk and vk is a vector
with i.i.d Gaussian components with zero mean and unit variance, i.e, vk = [vk1 , ..., vkN ]† ,
such that vkj ∼ N (0, 1) for j = 1, 2, ..., N . Let ψ i = [0, 0, ..., 0, 1, 0, ..., 0]† be a N × 1 vector
that all of its elements are zero except the ith element which is 1. Let Fk = [fk1 , fk2 , ..., fkN ],

where fki ’s for i = 1, 2, ..., N are N × 1 vectors that represent the columns of Fk . We use the
following algorithm to choose fki ’s:
• Assume that for users k = 1, 2, ..., J, the matrix Hk,e has non-empty null space and
the null space of Hk,e for users k = J + 1, J + 2, ..., K is empty. The users k =
1, 2, ..., min{J, N } choose fk1 such that Hk,e fk1 = 0. Almost surely, we can assume that
these vectors occupy separate dimensions at the legitimate receiver.

• If J ≥ N , then all the N dimensions at the legitimate receiver are full and η = N .

• If J < N , users k = J + 1, J + 2, ..., min{K, N } then create a vector fk1 such that
Hk,e fk1 = ψ 1 . Theses vectors, therefore, are aligned at the eavesdropper in one dimen-
sion and almost surely occupy separate dimensions in the remaining subspace of the
legitimate receiver.

• If N ≤ K, at this step all the dimensions at the legitimate receiver are full and one
dimension at the eavesdropper has a non-zero signal. Thus, η = N − 1.

• If N > K, users k = 1, 2, ..., J then also creates a vector fk2 such that Hk,e fk2 = ψ 1 .
These vectors are also aligned at the dimension ψ 1 and almost surely η = N − 1

• We repeat the above steps such that all the dimensions at the legitimate receiver
become full.
The above algorithm can be followed when the users and the receivers are equipped with
different numbers of antennae. The following theorem characterizes the maximum amount
of the total S-DoF that can be achieved by Gaussian codebooks.
Theorem 12. For the Gaussian MIMO MAC, the following η for S-DoF can almost surely be
achieved for almost all channel gains by using Gaussian codebooks and under perfect secrecy
" ( ) #+
η = min Mk , N − r , (4.19)
where 0 ≤ r ≤ min{ Mk , Ne } depends on the channel gain matrix He .
£ ©P ª ¤+
Note that in Theorem 12, it is emphasized that total min k∈K Mk , N − r S-DoF
is achievable for almost all channel gains. It means the set of all possible gains that the
£ ©P ª ¤+
total amount of min k∈K M k , N − r S-DoF may not be achieved has the Lebesgue
measure zero. In other words, if all the channel gains are drawn independently from a random
distribution, then almost all of them satisfy properties required to achieve the total S-DoF,
almost surely. The term “almost surely” means with a probability arbitrary close to 1.

Remark 8. In the achievability scheme of Theorem 12, all the transmitted signals are aligned
into an r-dimensional subspace at the eavesdropper, and hence, impair the ability of the
eavesdropper to distinguish any of the secure messages efficiently.
Now assume that the transmitters can cooperate with each other: we have a MIMO
wiretap channel where the transmitter has k∈K Mk antennas and the legitimate and eaves-
dropper have N and Ne antennas, respectively. The secrecy capacity of this channel is indeed
an upper-bound for the secrecy sum capacity of the Gaussian MIMO MAC. As the capacity
of a non-secret MIMO channel is an upper-bound for the secrecy capacity of the MIMO wire-
tap channel, we have the following upper-bound for S-DoF for the secure Gaussian MIMO
Lemma 6. For the Gaussian MIMO MAC, the maximum total achievable S-DoF under
perfect secrecy constraint is given by
( )
ηmax = min Mk , N . (4.20)

The maximum penalty for the achievable S-DoF in Theorem 12 is therefore r, where,
0 ≤ r ≤ min{ k∈K Mk , Ne }. We note that an achievable S-DoF in the MIMO wiretap
channel using zero-forcing beamforming is given as follows.
Lemma 7. In the MIMO wiretap channel, the following S-DoF is achievable, almost surely.
(" #+ )
X 0
η = min Mk − r ,N , (4.21)
where 1 ≤ r ≤ Ne depends on the channel gain matrix He .
Remark 9. When the transmitters and the intended receiver are equipped with a sufficiently
large number of antennae while the eavesdropper is equipped with a limited number of an-
tennae, then Gaussian codebooks provide a near optimum total of S-DoF for the Gaussian
MIMO multiple-access-channel under perfect secrecy constraint.
Note that when the transmitters and the receivers are equipped with a single antenna,
i.e., Mk = Ne = N = 1, then the total achieved S-DoF is 0. It should be noted that this
result comes from the lack of sufficient dimensions for signal management at the receivers
by using Gaussian codebooks. In our achievability scheme, nodes K − 1 send sequences from
a codebook randomly generated in an i.i.d. fashion according to a Gaussian distribution.
These are the worst noises from the eavesdroppers perspective if Gaussian i.i.d. signaling is
used in X1 , see [70, 71]. However, since the channel is fully connected, K − 1 are also the
worst noises for the intended receiver. This effect causes the secrecy rate to saturate, leading
to zero S-DoF.

4.4 Secure DoF of the Single-Antenna Multiple-Access-
In this section we consider the secure multiple-access-channel of (4.1) when all the trans-
mitters and the receivers have a single antenna, i.e., Mk = N = Ne = 1 for all k ∈ K. We
have shown in the previous section that Gaussian codebooks lead to zero total S-DoF. Here,
we will provide a coding scheme based on integer codebooks and show that for almost all
channel gains a positive total S-DoF is achievable, almost surely. The following theorem
illustrates our results.

Theorem 13. For the Gaussian single antenna multiple-access-channel of (4.1) with Mk =
N = Ne = 1, a total K−1
secure degrees-of-freedom can be achieved for almost all channel
gains, almost surely.

Proof: When the transmitters and the receivers are equipped with a single antenna, then
the channel model of (4.1) is equivalent as follows:
Y= f1
hk Xk + W (4.22)
Z= f2 ,
hk,e Xk + W

4 hk,e
f1 ∼ N (0, 1), W
where W f2 ∼ N (0, 1), and E[X 2 ] ≤ P for all k ∈ K. Let us define X
ek = Xk
k A
4 hk
e e
and hk = hk,e and without loss of generality assume that hK = 1, then the channel model is
equivalent as follows:
"K−1 #
Y=A e ek + X
hk X eK + W f1 (4.23)
Z= A ek + W
X f2 ,

e 2 ] ≤ Pe =
where, A2 E[X h2k,e P . In this model we say that the signals are aligned at the
eavesdropper according to the following definition:

Definition 13. The signals X e1 , X

e2 ,...,X
eK are said to be aligned at a receiver if its received
signal is a rational combination of them.

Note that, in n-dimensional Euclidean spaces (n ≥ 2), two signals are aligned when
they are received in the same direction at the receiver. In general, m signals are aligned

at a receiver if they span a subspace with dimension less than m. The above definition,
however, generalizes the concept of alignment for the one-dimensional real numbers. Our
coding scheme is based on integer codebooks, which means that X ek ∈ Z for all k ∈ K. If
some integer signals are aligned at a receiver, then their effect is similar to a single signal at
high SNR regimes. This is due to the fact that rational numbers form a field and therefore
the sum of constellations from Q form a constellation in Q with an enlarged cardinality.
Before we present our achievability scheme, we need to define the rational dimension of
a set of real numbers.

Definition 14. ( Rational Dimension) The rational dimension of a set of real numbers
{eh1 , e
h2 , ..., e
hK−1 , e
hK = 1} is M if there exists a set of real numbers {g1 , g2 , ..., gM } such
that each hk can be represented as a rational combination of gi s, i.e., e
e hk = ak,1 g1 + ak,2 g2 +
... + ak,M gM , where ak,i ∈ Q for all k ∈ K and i ∈ M.

In fact, the rational dimension of a set of channel gains is the effective dimension seen at
the corresponding receiver. In particular, {e h1 , e
h2 , ..., e
hK } are rationally independent if the
rational dimension is K, i.e., none of the ehk can be represented as the rational combination
of other numbers.
Note that all of the channel gains e hk are generated independently with a distribution.
From the number theory, it is known that the set of all possible channel gains that are ratio-
nally independent have a Lebesgue measure 1. Therefore, we can assume that {e h1 , e
h2 , ..., e
hK }
are rationally independent, almost surely. Our achievability coding scheme is as follows:


Each transmitter limits its input symbols to a finite set which is called the transmit constel-
lation. Even though it has access to the continuum of real numbers, restriction to a finite
set has the benefit of easy and feasible decoding at the intended receiver. The transmitter
k selects a constellation Vk to send message Wk . The constellation points are chosen from
integer points, i.e., Vk ⊂ Z. We assume that Vk is a bounded set. Hence, there is a constant
Qk such that Vk ⊂ [−Qk , Qk ]. The cardinality of Vk which limits the rate of message Wk is
denoted by kVk k.
Having formed the constellation, the transmitter k constructs a random codebook for
message Wk with rate Rk . This can be accomplished by choosing a probability distribution
on the input alphabets. The uniform distribution is the first candidate and it is selected
e e
for the sake of simplicity. Therefore, the stochastic encoder k generates 2n(I(Xk ;Y |X(K−k)c )+²k )
independent and identically distributed sequences x enk according to the distribution P (e
xnk ) =
i=1 P (e
xk,i ), where P (e
xk,i ) denotes the probability distribution function of the uniformly

distributed random variable x ek,i over Vk . Next, randomly distribute these sequences into
2 bins. Index each of the bins by wk ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2nRk }.
For each user k ∈ K, to send message wk , the transmitter looks for a xenk in bin wk . The
rates are such that there exist more than one x enk . The transmitter randomly chooses one of
them and sends xnk = A hk,e . The parameter A controls the input power.


At a specific time, the received signal at the legitimate receiver is as follows:

h i
Y =A e e1 + e
h1 X e2 + ... + e
h2 X eK−1 + X
hK−1 X eK + W f1 (4.24)

The legitimate receiver passes the received signal Y through a hard decoder. The hard
decoder looks for a point Ye in the received constellation
h i
Vr = A e h1 V1 + e
h2 V2 + ... + e
hK−1 VK−1 + VK

which is the nearest point to the received signal Y . Therefore, the continuous channel changes
to a discrete one in which the input symbols are taken from the transmit constellations
Vk and the output symbols belongs to the received h constellation Vr . e hk ’s are rationally
e e e
independent which means that the equation A h1 X1 + h2 X2 + ... + hK−1 XK−1 + XK =
0 has no rational solution. This property implies that any real number vr belonging to
P e be
the constellation Vr is uniquely decomposable as vr = A K k=1 hk X k . Note that if there
P e be e
exists another possible decomposition ver = A K k=1 hk X k , then hk ’s have to be rationally-
dependent, which is a contradiction. We refer to this property as property Γ. This property
in fact implies that if there is no additive noise in the channel, then the receiver can decode
all the transmitted signals with zero error probability.

Remark 10. In a random environment it is easy to show that the set of channel gains
which are rationally-dependent have a measure of zero with respect to the Lebesque measure.
Therefore, Property Γ is almost surely satisfied.

Error Probability Analysis

Let dmin denote the minimum distance in the received constellation Vr . Having property
Γ, the receiver can decode the transmitted signals. Let Vr and V̂r be the transmitted and
decoded symbols, respectively. The probability of error, i.e., Pe = P (V̂r 6= Vr ), is bounded
as follows:
dmin d2
Pe ≤ Q( ) ≤ exp(− min ) (4.25)
2 8

R∞ 2
where Q(x) = √12π x exp(− t2 )dt. Note that finding dmin is not easy in general. Using
Khintchine and Groshev theorems, however, it is possible to lower bound the minimum
distance. Here we explain some background information for using the theorems of Khintchine
and Groshev.
The field of Diophantine approximation in number theory deals with the approximation
of real numbers with rational numbers. The reader is referred to [83, 84] and the references
therein. The Khintchine theorem is one of the cornerstones in this field. This theorem
provides criteria for a given function ψ : N → R+ and real number e h, such that |p + e hq| <
ψ(|q|) has either infinitely many solutions or at most, finitely many solutions for (p, q) ∈ Z2 .
Let A(ψ) denote the set of real numbers such that |p + e hq| < ψ(|q|) has infinitely many
solutions in integers. The theorem has two parts. The first part is the convergent part and
states that if ψ(|q|) is convergent, i.e.,

ψ(q) < ∞ (4.26)

then A(ψ) has a measure of zero with respect to the Lebesgue measure. This part can be
rephrased in a more convenient way, as follows. For almost all real numbers, |p+ e
hq| > ψ(|q|)
holds for all (p, q) ∈ Z2 except for finitely many of them. Since the number of integers
violating the inequality is finite, one can find a constant c such that

|p + e
hq| > cψ(|q|) (4.27)

holds for all integers p and q, almost surely. The divergent part of the theorem states that
A(ψ) has the full measure, i.e. the set R − A(ψ) has measure zero, provided that ψ is
decreasing and ψ(|q|) is divergent, i.e.,

ψ(q) = ∞. (4.28)

There is an extension to Khintchines theorem which regards the approximation of linear

forms. Let he = (e
h1 , e
h2 , ..., e
hK−1 ) and q = (q1 , q2 , ..., qK−1 ) denote (K − 1)-tuples in RK−1
and ZK−1 , respectively. Let AK−1 (ψ) denote the set of (K − 1)-tuple real numbers h e such
|p + q1e h2 + ... + qK−1e
h 1 + q2 e hK−1 | < ψ(|q|∞ ) (4.29)
has infinitely many solutions for p ∈ Z and q ∈ ZK−1 . Here, |q|∞ is the supremum norm of
q which is defined as maxk |qk |. The following theorem illustrates the Lebesque measure of
the set AK−1 (ψ).

Theorem 14. (Khintchine-Groshev) Let ψ : N → R+ . Then, the set AK−1 (ψ) has measure
zero provided that
q K−2 ψ(q) < ∞ (4.30)

and has the full measure if

q K−2 ψ(q) = ∞ and ψ is monotonic (4.31)

In this chapter, we are interested in the convergent part of the theorem. Moreover, given
an arbitrary ² > 0 the function ψ(q) = qK−1+² satisfies the condition of (4.30). In fact, the
convergent part of the above theorem can be stated as follows. For almost all K − 1-tuple
real numbers h e there exists a constant c such that
|p + q1e
h 1 + q2 e
h2 + ... + qK−1e
hK−1 | > (4.32)
(maxk |qk |)K−1+²
holds for all p ∈ Z and q ∈ ZK−1 . The Khintchine-Groshev theorem can be used to bound
the minimum distance of points in the received constellation Vr . In fact, a point in the
received constellation has a linear form of
h i
e e e
vr = A h1 v1 + h2 v2 + ... + hK−1 vK−1 + vK , (4.33)

Therefore, we can conclude that

dmin > . (4.34)
(maxk∈{1,2,...,K−1} Qk )K−1+²
The probability of error in hard decoding, see (4.25), can be bounded as:
µ ¶
Pe < exp − (4.35)
8(maxk∈{1,2,...,K−1} Qk )2K−2+2²
Let us assume that Qk for all k ∈ {1, 2, ..., K − 1} is Q = bPe 2(K+²) c. Moreover, since
E[Xe 2 ] ≤ A2 Q2 ≤ Pe, we can choose A = Pe 2(K+²) . Substituting in (4.35) yields
k k

c2 e ²
Pe < exp(− P ). (4.36)
Thus, Pe → 0 when Pe → ∞ or equivalently P → ∞.

Equivocation Calculation

Since the equivocation analysis of Theorem 10 is valid for any input distribution, therefore
integer inputs satisfy the perfect secrecy constraint.

S-DoF Calculation

The maximum achievable sum rate is as follows:

e1 , X
Rk = I(X e2 , ..., X
eK ; Y ) − I(X
e1 , X
e2 , ..., X
eK ; Z) (4.37)
e1 , X
= H(X e2 , ..., X
eK |Z) − H(X
e1 , X
e2 , ..., X
eK |Y )
e1 , X
≥ H(X e2 , ..., X
eK |Z) − 1 − Pe log kXek
(b) X
e1 , X
≥ H(X e2 , ..., X
eK | Xek ) − 1 − Pe log kXek
(c) X X
= ek ) − H(
H(X ek ) − 1 − Pe log kXek
k∈K k∈K
= K log(2Q + 1) − log(2KQ + 1) − 1 − Pe log kXek,

where (a) follows from Fano’s inequality, (b) follows from the fact that conditioning always
decreases entropy, (c) follows from chain rule, and (d) follows from the fact that X ek has
uniform distribution over Vk = [−Q, Q]. The S-DoF can therefore be computed as follows:
η= lim 1 k∈K (4.38)
P →∞
log P
(K − 1)(1 − ²)
K +²
Since ² can be arbitrarily small, then η = K
is indeed achievable.

As we saw in the previous section, multiple-antennas (or equivalently, time-varying and/or

frequency-selective channels) provide enough freedom, which allows us to choose appropriate
signaling directions to separate between the messages at the intended receiver and at the
same time pack the signals into a low dimensionality subspace at the eavesdropper. In
contrast, it was commonly believed that time-invariant frequency flat single-antenna channels
cannot provide any degrees-of-freedom. In Theorem 13, however, we developed a machinery
that transforms the single-antenna systems to a pseudo multiple-antenna system with some
antennas. The number of available dimensions in the equivalent pseudo multiple-antenna
systems is K when all of K channel gains between the transmitters and the intended receiver
are rationally-independent (this condition is satisfied almost surely). The equivalent pseudo
multiple-antenna system can simulate the behaviour of a multiple-dimensional system (in
time/frequency/space) and allows us to simultaneously separate the signals at the intended
receiver and align them to the eavesdropper.

Note that in the MISOSE wiretap channel (Multiple-Input Single-Output Single-Eavesdropper),
when the channel realization is unique, we can achieve the optimum S-DoF of 1 through co-
operation among transmitters. This theorem clarifies the fact that we lose the amount of K1
in S-DoF due to the lack of cooperation between the transmitters. We still gain through the
possibility of signal alignment at the eavesdropper, however.

4.4.1 Rationally-Dependent Channel Gains: Multiple-layer cod-

When the channel gains are rationally dependent, then a more sophisticated multiple-layer
constellation design is required to achieve higher S-DoF. The reason is that some messages
share the same dimension at the intended receiver and as a result, splitting them requires
more structure in constellations. We propose a multiple-layer constellation that can not only
be distinguished at the intended receiver but are also packed efficiently at the eavesdropper.
This is accomplished by allowing a carry-over from different levels. In this subsection, for the
sake of simplicity, we consider a two user-secure MAC. This channel is modeled as follows:
h i
Y=A e e1 + X
h1 X e2 + W f1 (4.39)
h i
Z= A X e1 + X
e2 + W f2 ,

where A controls the output power. When the channel gain e h1 is irrational then according
to Theorem 13 the total S-DoF of 2 is indeed achievable. For the rational channel gain
h1 = m n
, n, m ∈ N, m 6= 0, however, the coding scheme of Theorem 13 fails and we need to
use a multiple-layer coding scheme.
In multiple-layer coding scheme, we select the constellation points in the base W ∈ N as
v(b) = bl W l , (4.40)

where, bl for all l ∈ {0, 1, ..., L − 1} are independent random variables which take value
from {0, 1, 2, ..., , a − 1} with uniform probability distribution. b represents the vector
b = {b0 , b1 , ..., bL−1 } and the parameter a controls the number of constellation points. We
assume that a < W and therefore, all constellation points are distinct and the size of the
constellations are |V1 | = |V2 | = aL . The maximum possible rate for each user is therefore
bounded by L log a.
At each transmitter a random codebook is generated by randomly choosing bl according
to a uniform distribution. The signal transmitted by users 1 and 2 are X e1 = v(b) and X e2 =

v(b ), respectively. Note that the above multiple-layer constellation had a DC component
and this component needs to be removed at the transmitters. The DC component, however,
duplicated the achievable rates and has no effect on the S-DoF.
To calculate A, since bl and bj are independent for l 6= j, we have the following chain of
2 e 2 ]= A2 W 2(L−1)
A E[X E[b2l ]W −2l (4.41)

2 2(L−1) (a − 1)(2a − 1) X −2l
≤A W W
6 l=0
a2 1
≤ A2 W 2(L−1)
3 1 − W −2
A2 a2 W 2L
≤ .
W2 − 1

(W 2 −1)Pe f2 ≤ Pe is satisfied. The
Therefore, by choosing A = aW L
the power constraint A2 E X1
received constellation at the intended receiver and the eavesdropper can be written as follows,

A X³ ´
nbl + mbl W l + W (4.42)
m l=0
L−1 ³
X ´
Z= A
f2 .
bl + bl W l + W

A point in the received constellation Vr of the intended receiver can be represented as follows:

A X³ ´
0 0
vr (b, b ) = nbl + mbl W l . (4.43)
m l=0

Note that the received constellation needs to satisfy the property Γ, as the intended receiver
needs to uniquely decode the transmitted signals. The following theorem characterizes the
total achievable S-DoF.

Theorem 15. The following S-DoF is achievable for the two-user single antenna MAC with
rational channel gain e n
h1 = m :
 log(n)

 log(n(2n−1))
, if 2n ≥ m
η= log((s+1)(2s+1))
, if 2n < m and m = 2s + 1 (4.44)

 log(s)
log(2s2 −n)
, if 2n < m and m = 2s

Proof: Let us first assume that the property Γ is satisfied for given W and a. It is
easy to show that the minimum distance in the received constellation Vr is dmin = m . The
probability of error is therefore bounded as follows:
Pe ≤ exp(− min ) (4.45)
à 8 !
(W 2 − 1)Pe
= exp − 2 2 2L .
8a m W

Let us choose L as
$ %
log(Pe0.5−² )
L= , (4.46)
log(W )

where ² > 0 is an arbitrary small constant. Clearly, with this choice of L, Pe ≤ exp(−γ Pe2² )
where γ is a constant. Thus, when SN R → ∞, then Pe → 0. The S-DoF of the system can
therefore be derived as follows:
L log(a)
η= lim (4.47)
log Pe
j2 e0.5−² k
log(P )
log(W )
= lim
Pe→∞ log Pe
= (1 − 2²) .
log(W )
Since ² is an arbitrary small constant, the total S-DoF of the system is
η= . (4.48)
log(W )

This equation implies that to achieve the maximum possible η, we need to maximize a and
minimize W with the constraint that the property Γ is satisfied. Table I shows the choices
of a and W for Theorem 15. To complete the proof we need to show that with the choices
of Table I, the property Γ is satisfied.

Lemma 8. The property Γ holds for all the choices of Table I.

Please see section 4.5.3.

Note that this result implies that the total achievable S-DoF by using integer lattice codes
is discontinuous with respect to the channel coefficients.

Table 4.1: Chosen a and W to satisfy property Γ

e n
h1 = m a W
Case 1 2n ≥ m n n(2n − 1)
Case 2 2n < m and m = 2s + 1 s+1 (s + 1)(2s + 1)
Case 3 2n < m and m = 2s s 2s2 − n

4.5 Proofs for Chapter 4

4.5.1 Proof of Theorem 10
1) Codebook Generation: The structure of the encoder for user k ∈ K is depicted in Figure
Fix P (uk ) and P (xk |uk ). The stochastic encoder k generates 2n(I(Uk ;Y |U(K−k)c )+²k ) independent
and identically distributed sequences unk according to the distribution P (unk ) = ni=1 P (uk,i ).
Next, randomly distribute these sequences into 2nRk bins. Index each of the bins by wk ∈
{1, 2, ..., 2nRk }.
2) Encoding: For each user k ∈ K, to send message wk , the transmitter looks for a unk in
bin wk . The rates are such that there exist more than one unk . The transmitter randomly
chooses one of them and then generates xnk according to P (xnk |unk ) = ni=1 P (xk,i |uk,i ) and
sends it.
3) Decoding: The received signals at the legitimate receiver, y n , is the output of the
channel P (y n |xnK ) = ni=1 P (yi |xK,i ). The legitimate receiver looks for the unique sequence
unK such that (unK , y n ) is jointly typical and declares the indices of the bins containing unk as
the messages received.
4) Error Probability Analysis: Since the region of (4.12) is a subset of the capacity region
of the multiple-access-channel without secrecy constraint, then the error probability analysis
is the same as [62] and omitted here.
5) Equivocation Calculation: To satisfy the perfect secrecy constraint, we need to prove

the requirement of (4.7). From H(WK |Z n ) we have

H(WK |Z n )= H(WK , Z n ) − H(Z n ) (4.49)

= H(WK , UKn , Z n ) − H(UKn |WK , Z n ) − H(Z n )
= H(WK , UKn ) + H(Z n |WK , UKn ) − H(UKn |WK , Z n ) − H(Z n )
≥ H(WK , UKn ) + H(Z n |WK , UKn ) − n²n − H(Z n )
= H(WK , UKn ) + H(Z n |UKn ) − n²n − H(Z n )
≥ H(UKn ) + H(Z n |UKn ) − n²n − H(Z n )
= H(UKn ) − I(UKn ; Z n ) − n²n
≥ I(UKn ; Y n ) − I(UKn ; Z n ) − n²n
(e) X
≥n Rk − n²n − nδ1n − nδ4n
= H(WK ) − n²n − nδ1n − nδ4n ,

where (a) follows from Fano’s inequality, which states that for sufficiently large n, H(UKn |WK , Z n )
(n) n n
≤ h(Pwe ) +nPwe Rw ≤ n²n . Here Pwe denotes the wiretapper’s error probability of decoding
unK in the case that the bin numbers wK are known to the eavesdropper and Rw = I(UK ; Z).
Since the sum rate is small enough, then Pwe → 0 for sufficiently large n. (b) follows from
the following Markov chain: WK → UK → Z . Hence, we have H(Z n |WK , UKn ) = H(Z n |UKn ).

(c) follows from the fact that H(WK , UKn ) ≥ H(UKn ). (d) follows from that fact that H(UKn ) ≥
I(UKn ; Y n ). (e) follows from the lemma 12 in the Appendix.

4.5.2 Proof of the Converse for Theorem 11

Before starting the proof, we first present some useful lemmas.

Lemma 9. The secrecy sum capacity of the Gaussian MIMO MAC is upper-bounded by

Csum ≤ max I(x1 , x2 , ..., xK ; y|z), (4.50)

P (x1 )P (x2 )...P (xK )

where maximization is over all distributions P (x1 )P (x2 )...P (xK ) that satisfy the power con-
straint, i.e., T r(x† x) ≤ P .

Proof: According to Fano’s inequality and the perfect secrecy constraint, we have
n Rk ≤ I(WK ; yn ) − I(WK ; zn ) (4.51)
≤ I(WK ; yn , zn ) − I(WK ; zn )
= I(WK ; yn |zn )
= h(yn |zn ) − h(yn |WK , zn )
≤ h(yn |zn ) − h(yn |WK , xnK , zn )
≤ h(yn |zn ) − h(yn |xnK , zn )
n n
≤ h(y |z ) − h(y(i)|xK (i), z(i))
(f )
≤ h(y(i)|z(i)) − h(y(i)|xK (i), z(i))
≤ nI(xK ; y|z, q)
≤ nI(xK ; y|z),

where (a) and (b) follows from chain rule, (c) follows from the fact that conditioning decreases
the differential entropy, (d) follows from the Markov chain WK → (xnK , zn ) → yn , (e) follows
from the fact that the channel is memoryless, (f ) is obtained by defining a time-sharing
random variable q that takes values uniformly over the index set {1, 2, ..., n} and defining
(xK , y, z) to be the tuple of random variables that conditioned on q = i, have the same joint
distribution as (xK (i), y(i), z(i)). Finally, (g) follows from the fact that I(xK ; y|z) is concave
in P (x1 )...P (xK ) (see, e.g., [42], Appendix I for a proof), so that Jensens Inequality can be

Lemma 10. If DHk = Hk,e for all k ∈ K and DD† ¹ I, then the function
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
1 ¯ X ¯ 1 ¯ X ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
f (X1 , X2 , ..., XK ) = log ¯I + Hk Xk H†k ¯ − log ¯I + Hk,e Xk H†k,e ¯ (4.52)
2 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯
k∈K k∈K

is a concave function of (X1 , ..., XK ) for Xk º 0 for all k ∈ K. Moreover, for (X1 , ..., XK )
such that Xk º 0 and (∆1 , ..., ∆K ) such that ∆k º 0, we have

f (X1 , ..., XK ) ≤ f (X1 + ∆1 , ..., XK + ∆K ). (4.53)

Proof: Using the degradedness property of DHk = Hk,e , the function f (.) can be re-
written as follows:
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
1 ¯ X ¯ 1 ¯ X ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
f (X1 , X2 , ..., XK )= log ¯I + Hk Xk H†k ¯ − log ¯I + Hk,e Xk H†k,e ¯ (4.54)
2 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯
k∈K k∈K
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
1 ¯ X ¯ 1 ¯ X ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
= log ¯I + Hk Xk H†k ¯ − log ¯I + DHk Xk H†k D† ¯
2 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯
k∈K k∈K
¯ P ¯
¯ †¯
(a) 1 ¯ I + k∈K Hk Xk Hk ¯
= log ¯¯h i h P i¯ , (4.55)
2 † −1 † ¯ †
¯ (D D) − I + I + k∈K Hk Xk Hk ¯ |D D|

where (a) follows from the fact that |I + AB| = |I + BA|. According to [70], Lemma II.3,
this function is concave with regard to I + k∈K Hk Xk H†k , and is therefore concave with
regard to (X1 , X2 , ..., XK ).
To prove the property of (4.53), note that for any A º 0, ∆ º 0 and B Â 0, we have the
following property [82]:
|B| |B + ∆|
≤ . (4.56)
|A + B| |A + B + ∆|
We choose ∆ = k∈K Hk ∆k H†k and apply the above property to (4.55). Thus, we obtain,
¯ P ¯
¯ †¯
1 ¯I + k∈K H X H
k k k¯
f (X1 , X2 , ..., XK )= log ¯¯h i h P i¯ (4.57)
2 −1 † ¯
¯ (D D) − I + I + k∈K Hk Xk Hk ¯ |D† D|

¯ P ¯
¯ †¯
1 ¯I + k∈K Hk (Xk + ∆k ) Hk ¯
≤ log ¯¯h i h P i¯
2 −1 † ¯
¯ (D† D) − I + I + k∈K Hk (Xk + ∆k ) Hk ¯ |D† D|
= f (X1 + ∆1 , ..., XK + ∆K ).

To prove the converse part, we first start with Lemma 9 to bound the sum rate as follows:
Rk ≤ I(xK ; y|z) (4.58)
= h(y|z) − h(y|xK , z)
= h(y|z)¯ − h(n1 ) ¯ ¯ ¯
1 ¯ X ¯ 1 ¯ X ¯
(a) ¯ †¯ ¯ † ¯
= log ¯I + Hk Kxk Hk ¯ − log ¯I + Hk,e Kxk Hk,e ¯
2 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯
k∈K k∈K
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
(b) 1 ¯ X ¯ 1 ¯ X ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
≤ log ¯I + Hk Qk H†k ¯ − log ¯I + Hk,e Qk H†k,e ¯ ,
2 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯
k∈K k∈K

where (a) follows from the fact that h(y|z) is maximized by jointly Gaussian y and z for
fixed covariance matrix Qy,z and (b) follows from the degradedness assumption and therefore
concavity and monotonicity properties given in Lemma 10 and the fact that Kxk ¹ Qk .

4.5.3 Proof of Lemma 8

We prove this lemma by induction on L. To show the lemma for L = 0, it is sufficient to
prove that the equation

n(b0 − eb0 ) + m(b0 − eb0 ) = 0,

0 0

has no nontrivial solution when b0 , b0 , eb0 , eb0 ∈ {0, 1, 2, ..., a − 1}. The necessary and sufficient
0 0

conditions for the equation (4.59) are that b0 − eb0 is dividable by n and b0 − eb0 is dividable
0 0

by n. We show that one of these conditions does not hold for all choices of Table I.
Case 1: In this case a = n. Following the fact that −(n − 1) ≤ b0 − eb0 ≤ n − 1, it is easy
0 0

to deduce that n - (b0 − eb0 ).,

0 0

Case 2: In this case a = s + 1 where m = 2s + 1. Following the fact that −(2s + 1) ≤

b0 − eb0 ≤ 2s + 1, it is easy to deduce that m - b0 − eb0 .
Case 3: In this case a = s where m = 2s. Following the fact that −2s ≤ b0 − eb0 ≤ 2s, it
is easy to show that m - b0 − eb0 .
Now assume that property Γ holds for L − 1. We need to show that the equation

A X³ ´
n(bl − ebl ) + m(bl − ebl ) W l = 0,
0 0
m l=0

has no nontrivial solution. Equivalently, this equation can be written as follows:

L−2 ³
X ´
n(b0 − eb0 ) + m(b0 − eb0 ) = W n(bl+1 − ebl+1 ) + m(bl+1 − ebl+1 ) W l .
0 0 0 0

We prove that the above equation has no nontrivial solution in two steps. First, assume that
the right hand side of (4.61) is zero. This equation therefore reduces to

n(b0 − eb0 ) + m(b0 − eb0 ) = 0,

0 0

which we have already shown has no nontrivial solution for all three cases.
Secondly, assume that the right side of (4.61) is non-zero. The equation (4.61) can
therefore be written as follows:

n(b0 − eb0 ) + m(b0 − eb0 ) = cW,

0 0

where c ∈ Z and c 6= 0. We need to prove that equation (4.63) has no nontrivial solution for
all three cases.
Case 1: In this case W = n(2n − 1) and n divides n(b0 − eb0 ) and cW as well. However,
as (m, n) = 1 and −(n − 1) ≤ b0 − eb0 ≤ n − 1, the equation (4.63) has a solution iff b0 = eb0
0 0

which is a contradiction with the fact that n|b0 − eb0 | < n(n − 1) < |c|n(2n − 1) = |c|W .
Case 2: In this case W = (s + 1)(2s + 1), n = s + 1 and m = 2s + 1. Thus, 2s + 1 divides
both m(b0 −eb0 ) and cW . Since (2n, m = 2s+1) = 1 and −2s ≤ b0 −eb0 ≤ 2s, therefore, 2s+1
0 0

cannot divide n(b0 − eb0 ). Hence, equation (4.63) has a solution iff b0 = eb0 which contradicts
the fact that m|b0 − eb0 | < |c|W .
0 0

Case 3: In this case W = 2s2 − n, a = s, 2n < m and m = 2s. We have

|n(b0 − eb0 ) + m(b0 − eb0 )|< m|b0 − eb0 + b0 − eb0 |

0 0 0 0
≤ 2m(a − 1)
= 4s(s − 1)
< 2W

and therefore, it suffices to assume c = 1. Substituting W = 2s2 − n in (4.63), we have the

following equation:

n(b0 − eb0 + 1) + 2s(b0 − eb0 ) = 2s2 .

0 0

Obviously, 2s divides 2s(b0 − eb0 ) and = 2s2 . However, since (2s, n) = 1 and −(2s − 1) ≤
0 0

b0 − eb0 ≤ 2s − 1, equation (4.65) has a solution iff b0 = eb0 − 1 which is impossible due to the
fact 2s|b0 − eb0 | < 2s2 . This completes the proof.
0 0

Chapter 5


In this final chapter, we summarize our contributions and point out several directions for
future research.

5.1 Contributions
The notion of physical-layer security is based on the idea that noise and losses are resources
for information-theoretic security. Physical-layer security has the potential of significantly
strengthening the security level of current systems, by introducing a level of information-
theoretic security instead of computational security. In this dissertation, we investigated the
design of secure channel coding schemes for multi-user wireless communication systems. In
particular, the core of this dissertation focuses on multi-user information-theoretic security
In chapter 2, a generalization of the wiretap channel in the case of two receivers and
one eavesdropper was considered. We established an inner bound for the general (non-
degraded) case. This bound matches Marton’s bound on broadcast channels without security
constraint. Furthermore, we considered the scenario in which the channels are degraded. We
established the perfect secrecy capacity region for this case. The achievability coding scheme
is a secret superposition scheme where randomization in the first layer helps the secrecy of
the second layer. The converse proof combines the converse proof for the degraded broadcast
channel without security constraint, and the perfect secrecy constraint. We proved that the
secret superposition scheme with the Gaussian codebook is optimal in AWGN-BCE. The
converse proof is based on Costa’s entropy power inequality and Csiszar lemma. Based on the
rate characterization of the AWGN-BCE, the broadcast strategy for the slowly fading wiretap
channel were used. In this strategy, the transmitter only knows the eavesdropper’s channel

and the source node sends secure layered coding. The receiver is viewed as a continuum of
ordered users. We derived the optimum power allocation for the layers, which maximizes
the total average rate.
In chapter 3, a scenario in which a source node wishes to broadcast two confidential
messages for two respective receivers via a Gaussian MIMO broadcast channel, while a
wiretapper also receives the transmitted signal via another MIMO channel is considered.
We considered the secure vector Gaussian degraded broadcast channel and established its
capacity region. Our achievability scheme was the secret superposition of Gaussian codes.
Instead of solving a nonconvex problem, we used the notion of an enhanced channel to show
that secret superposition of Gaussian codes is optimal. To characterize the secrecy capacity
region of the vector Gaussian degraded broadcast channel, we only enhanced the channels
for the legitimate receivers, and the channel of the eavesdropper remained unchanged. We
then extended the result of the degraded case to a non-degraded case. We showed that the
secret superposition of Gaussian codes, along with successive decoding, cannot work when
the channels are not degraded. We developed a Secret Dirty Paper Coding (SDPC) scheme
and showed that SDPC is optimal for this channel. We then extended the results of the two
user case for the general multiple receivers case. Finally, we investigated a scenario which
frequently occurs in the practice of wireless networks. In this scenario, the transmitter and
the eavesdropper have multiple antennae, while the intended receivers have a single antenna
(representing resource limited mobile units). We characterized the secrecy capacity region
in terms of generalized eigenvalues of the receivers’ channels and the eavesdropper channel.
We showed that our analysis is valid for a general number of single antenna receivers. In
high SNR, we showed that the capacity region is a convex closure of rectangular regions.
Finally, in chapter 4, a K-user secure Gaussian MAC with an external eavesdropper was
considered. We proved an achievable rate region for the secure discrete memoryless MAC
and thereafter we established the secrecy sum capacity of the degraded Gaussian MIMO
MAC using Gaussian codebooks. For the non-degraded Gaussian MIMO MAC, we proposed
an algorithm inspired by the interference alignment technique to achieve the largest possible
total S-DoF. When all the terminals are equipped with single antenna, the Gaussian code-
books lead to zero S-DoF. Therefore, we proposed a novel secure coding scheme to achieve
positive S-DoF in the single antenna MAC. This scheme converts the single-antenna system
into a multiple-dimension system with fractional dimensions. The achievability scheme is
based on the alignment of signals into a small sub-space at the eavesdropper, and the si-
multaneous separation of the signals at the intended receiver. We proved that total S-DoF
of K−1
can be achieved for almost all channel gains which are rationally independent. For
the rationally dependent channel gains, we illustrated the power of the multi-layer coding

scheme, through an example channel, to achieve a positive S-DoF. As a function of channel
gains, therefore, we showed that the achievable S-DoF is discontinues.

5.2 Future Research

Although information-theoretic secret communication for wireless channels was first stud-
ied by Wyner in 1975, the research on this topic has been disregarded for decades since
then. Recently, this topic has attracted more attention from the information theory society.
This thesis considered the basic extensions of the original wiretap channel and character-
ized essential limitations in down-link and up-link wireless channels to design perfect secure
codes. The works presented in this dissertation can be extended in the following interesting

• Practical Code Design: The research on the physical-layer security topic has mainly
focused on the information-theoretic limit of the secrecy rate over various wireless chan-
nels. To implement the secure channel codes in a real system, however, we need to
study the practical coding schemes with finite code-lengths and analyze their perfor-
mance. LDPC codes and turbo codes are the most promising candidates as they achieve
communication rates close to the shannon capacity without any secrecy requirement.
Studying how these codes can be modified for secret communication, and evaluating
their performance and sensitivity to coding parameters is an interesting direction for
future research. References [85, 86, 87, 88, 89] are valuable resources to start this topic.

• Cross-Layer Security Protocol Design: In the physical-layer security solutions,

the computational power of the eavesdropper is assumed to be infinite which is seen
to be possible in the future quantum systems; however, these solutions rely on other
assumptions about the communication channels which may not be entirely accurate
in practice. The eavesdropper may, for instance, feedback a smaller CSI than the real
one to improve her capabilities in the next transmissions. In light of these consider-
ations, it is likely that the implementation of physical-layer security in a real system
will be part of a layered-approach, and the design of protocols that combine traditional
cryptographic techniques with physical-layer techniques is an interesting research di-
rection. A key part of this research is the definition of relevant metrics that would
make it possible to analyze the performance of these hybrid schemes.

• Availability of the Intended Receiver’s CSI: In this thesis, we have almost always
assumed that the transmitters know the channel state information associated with the

intended receiver. The channel state information can be obtained either by a feedback
channel from the receiver, or by utilizing the reciprocity and the duplex properties of
the link, i.e. by the intended receiver transmitting a training sequence so that the
transmitter can estimate the channel. However, sometimes getting the channel state
information at the transmitters is so difficult or inconvenient that it is desirable to work
without the channel state information at the transmitters. The secrecy capacity for
this scenario alongside the feasible secret communication scheme under this scenario
would be very interesting to study.

• Secure Space-Time Codes: Multiple antennae have been shown to be beneficial for
both the conventional capacity and the secrecy capacity. Optimal space-time codings
on multiple-antenna systems for conventional capacity have been extensively studied
since the pioneering work in [90]. When it comes to secrecy capacity, the same set
of questions arise: what are the tradeoffs among the secrecy, rate and diversity? The
problem becomes even more interesting when one considers multi-user communication
systems. In [91, 92], this topic is addressed.

• Secure Gaussian Interference Channel: Another direction that is worth exploring

is the secrecy capacity in a network scenario with multiple transmitter-receiver pairs.
Recently, tight outer bounds for the capacity without the secrecy requirement of the
two-user Gaussian interference channel and X-channel were derived in [93, 94, 95].
A similar approach might be useful to study the secrecy capacity of the two-user
Gaussian interference channel and X-channel. Extending the results to multiple users
could be even more exciting, because the mixture of the interference from the multi-
ple users might provide a natural means to protect each individual message against a
non-intended receiver or the out-of-network eavesdropper. The interference alignment
approach proposed in [79, 96, 80, 81] could be an excellent option because the inter-
ference from multiple transmitters are aligned perfectly. Due to the careful alignment,
the intended receiver can extract the signal sent to her cleanly, while the non-intended
receiver would only get a mixture consisting of signals from all transmitters, and would
not have enough SNR to extract any particular message from the mixture. Some results
have been developed in [29, 97].

• Compound Secure Gaussian MAC: The compound channel models the transmis-
sions over a channel that takes a finite number of states. We studied the Gaussian
MAC with single antenna in chapter 4. The idea was to align the secret messages at
the eavesdropper and to separate them at the intended receiver. The compound se-

cure Gaussian MAC can be considered as a secure Gaussian MAC with finite number
of intended receivers and eavesdroppers. Similarly, by aligning the secure signals at
all the eavesdroppers, one can achieve a positive S-DoF in this channel. The results
would be more interesting by providing a tight upper-bound on the S-DoF. The works
of [98, 99, 100] are useful to start this topic.

Appendix A

Lemma 11. Assume U n , V1n , V2n , Y1n , Y2n and Z n are generated according to the achievability
scheme of Theorem 1, then we have,

nI(V1 ; Y1 |U ) − nδ1n ≤ I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ) ≤ nI(V1 ; Y1 |U ) + nδ2n (A.1)

nI(V2 ; Y2 |U ) − nδ3n ≤ I(V2n ; Y2n |U n ) ≤ nI(V2 ; Y2 |U ) + nδ4n (A.2)
nI(V1 ; Z|U ) − nδ5n ≤ I(V1n ; Z n |U n ) ≤ nI(V1 ; Z|U ) + nδ6n (A.3)
nI(V1 ; V2 |U ) − nδ7n ≤ I(V1n ; V2n |U n ) ≤ nI(V1 ; V2 |U ) + nδ8n (A.4)
nI(V1 , V2 ; Z|U ) − nδ9n ≤ nI(V1n , V2n ; Z n |U n ) ≤ nI(V1 , V2 ; Z|U ) + nδ10n (A.5)
nI(U ; Y1 ) − nδ11n ≤ I(U n ; Y1n ) ≤ nI(U ; Y1 ) + nδ12n (A.6)
nI(U ; Y2 ) − nδ13n ≤ I(U n ; Y2n ) ≤ nI(U ; Y2 ) + nδ14n (A.7)
nI(U ; Z) − nδ15n ≤ I(U n ; Z n ) ≤ nI(U ; Z) + nδ16n , (A.8)

where, δin → 0 when n → ∞ for all i = 1, 2, ..., 16.

Proof: Here, we only prove (A.1) and using the same method the other inequalities can
be proven. Let An² (PU,V1 ,Y1 ) denote the set of typical sequences (U n , V1n , Y1n ) with respect to
PU,V1 ,Y1 , and (
/ An² (PU,V1 ,Y1 );
1, (U n , V1n , Y1n ) ∈
0, otherwise,
be the corresponding indicator function. We expand I(V1n ; Y1n , ζ|U n ) and I(V1n , ζ; Y1n |U n ) as

I(V1n ; Y1n , ζ|U n )= I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ) + I(V1n ; ζ|U n ) (A.9)

= I(V1n ; ζ|U n , Y1n ) + I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ),

I(V1n , ζ; Y1n |U n )= I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ) + I(ζ; Y1n |U n ) (A.10)

= I(ζ; Y1n |U n , V1n ) + I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ),

Therefore, we have,

I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ)−I(ζ; Y1n |U n , V1n ) ≤ I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ) ≤ I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ)+I(V1n ; ζ|U n ). (A.11)

Note that I(V1n ; ζ|U n ) ≤ H(ζ) ≤ 1 and I(ζ; Y1n |U n , V1n ) ≤ H(ζ) ≤ 1. Thus, the above
inequality implies that,

I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ) − 1 ≤ I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ) ≤ I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ) + 1. (A.12)

Or equivalently,
X 1
P (ζ = j)I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ = j) − 1 ≤ I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ) ≤ P (ζ = j)I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ = j) + 1.
j=0 j=0

According to the joint typicality property, we know that,

0 ≤ P (ζ = 1)I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ = 1) ≤ nP ((un , v1n , y1n ) ∈

/ A(n)
² (PU,V1 ,Y1 )) log kY1 k ≤ n²1n log kY1 k.


Now consider the term P (ζ = 0)I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ = 0). Following the sequence joint typicality
properties, we have

(1 − ²n )I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ = 0) ≤ P (ζ = 0)I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ = 0) ≤ I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ = 0), (A.15)

X ¡
I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ = 0)= P (U n , V1n , Y1n ) log P (V1n , Y1n |U n ) (A.16)
(U n ,V1n ,Y1n )∈An
− log P (V1n |U n ) − log P (Y1n |U n ) .

H(V1 , Y1 |U ) − ²n ≤ − log P (V1n , Y1n |U n ) ≤ H(V1 , Y1 |U ) + ²n (A.17)
H(V1 |U ) − ²n ≤ − log P (V1n |U n ) ≤ H(V1 |U ) + ²n
H(Y1 |U ) − ²n ≤ − log P (Y1n |U n ) ≤ H(Y1 |U ) + ²n
then, we have

n [I(V1 ; Y1 |U ) − 3²n ] ≤ I(V1n ; Y1n |U n , ζ = 0) ≤ n [I(V1 ; Y1 |U ) + 3²n ] . (A.18)

By substituting (A.18) into (A.15) and then substituting (A.15) and (A.14) into (A.13), we
get the desired result:

nI(V1 ; Y1 |U ) − nδ1n ≤ I(V1n ; Y1n |U n ) ≤ nI(V1 ; Y1 |U ) + nδ2n , (A.19)

δ1n = ²n I(V1 ; Y1 |U ) + 3(1 − ²n )²n + (A.20)
δ2n = 3²n + ²n log kY1 k + .

Similarly, we have the following lemma:

Lemma 12. Assume UKn , Y n and Z n are generated according to the achievability scheme of
Theorem 10. Then, we have

nI(UK ; Y ) − nδ1n ≤ I(UKn ; Y n ) ≤ nI(UK ; Y ) + nδ2n (A.21)

nI(UK ; Z) − nδ3n ≤ I(UKn ; Z n ) ≤ nI(UK ; Z) + nδ4n , (A.22)

where, δ1n , δ2n , δ3n , δ4n → 0 when n → ∞.


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