0711.1802v1on The Influence of The Cosmological Constant On Gravitational Lensing in Small Systems

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On the influence of the cosmological constant on gravitational lensing in small systems

Mauro Sereno∗
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland.
(Dated: October 31, 2007)
The cosmological constant Λ affects gravitational lensing phenomena. Following a study of the equations of
motion of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric in the weak deflection limit, the contribution of Λ to the observable
angular positions of multiple images and to their amplification and time delay is computed. Due to Λ the unre-
solved images are slightly demagnified, the radius of the Einstein ring decreases and the time delay increases.
The effect is however negligible for near lenses.

PACS numbers: 95.30.Sf, 04.70.Bw, 98.62.Sb

arXiv:0711.1802v1 [astro-ph] 12 Nov 2007

Keywords: Classical black holes; Gravitational Lensing

I. INTRODUCTION SdS metric. Results are expressed in terms of the invariants of

the light ray, avoiding ambiguities connected to coordinate-
The interpretation of the cosmological constant Λ is a very dependent quantities [15, 16], and of observable quantities.
fascinating and traditional topic in theoretical physics. On The weak deflection limit allows a clear insight on the effect
the observational side, large scale structure observations have of Λ but it is to be remarked that a gravitational lens equation
made a strong case for Λ as a possible choice for dark en- without approximations can be written in generic spherically
ergy. In fact, a very small value of Λ ∼ 10−52 m−2 , together symmetric and static spacetimes [17].
with dark matter, can provide a suitable framework for obser- The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, the null or-
vational cosmology [1]. bits are solved in the weak deflection limit. In Sec. III the lens
The consideration that the cosmological constant should equation is first written in terms of the observed angle and then
take part in phenomena on every physical scale has stimulated solved with a perturbation method. The image amplification
many investigations on very different scale-lengths. Despite and time delay are discussed in Sec. IV and V, respectively.
no convincing method for constraining Λ in an Earth’s labo- Some quantitative estimates on the effect of Λ are illustrated
ratory has been proposed [2], local astronomical phenomena in Sec. VI and finally Section VII is devoted to some consid-
seem to be more promising. The cosmological constant can erations.
influence the motion of massive bodies [3–5] and the effect
on the perihelion precession of solar system planets together
with other solar and stellar tests has been considered to put II. GEODESIC EQUATION
an upper bound of Λ < ∼ 10
−42 −2
m [4, 6–8, and references
therein]. The cosmological constant also affects the gravita- The effect of Λ on gravitational lensing can be considered
tional equilibrium of large astrophysical structures [9, 10] and in the framework of the spherically symmetric Schwarzschild
could have observable consequences by producing lower ve- vacuum solution with a cosmological constant, also known as
locity dispersion around the Hubble flow on the scale of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter (SdS) or Kottler space-time [18],
Local Volume [11].
Recently, Rindler and Ishak [12] discussed how the cosmo- dr2
ds2 = fΛ (r)dt2 − − r2 dθ2 − sin2 θdφ2 ,

logical constant takes part in gravitational lensing. Taking into (1)
fΛ (r)
account Λ through the Schwarzschild-de Sitter (SdS) metric,
they showed that even if the exact differential equation for a where
light path in the coordinate space can be written in a form that
2m Λr2
does not involve Λ [3], the cosmological constant contributes fΛ (r) ≡ 1− − , (2)
to the bending of light through the metric itself, which de- r 3
termines the actual observations that can be made on the orbit
equation. In fact, one must consider not only the null geodesic and m is the black hole mass.pWe are using units G = c = 1.
equation but also the process of measurement [13, 14]. For radii approaching rΛ ≡ 3/Λ, a coordinate singularity,
Following this correction of the long-standing misconcep- i.e. the de Sitter horizon, occurs. Due to spherical symmetry,
tion that Λ does not affect the observed deflection angle, in photon trajectories can be conveniently restricted to the cen-
this paper I further investigate the effect of the cosmological tral θ = π/2 plane. We consider the standard framework of
constant in gravitational lensing observations in near systems gravitational lensing in the weak deflection limit, where the
in the approximation of the weak deflection limit. The lens source of radiation and the observer are remote from the lens.
equation is derived from the lightlike null geodesics of the Lensing in a static, spherically symmetric metric is usually in-
vestigated considering the case of a asymptotically flat space-
time under the assumption of both observer and source in this
regime [15]. Here, we have to consider a region of spacetime
∗ Electronic address: sereno@physik.unizh.ch which is well inside the outer horizon and where the intrinsic

geometry of the 2-metric of the equatorial plane θ = π/2 un- for the case of null cosmological constant agrees with the re-
dergoes a transition from a nearly Flamm paraboloid of rev- sult in [15].
olution in the inner region, as typical of the Schwarzschild The integral in Eq. (3) can be solved approximately un-
metric, to a spherical geometry of radius rΛ in the very outer der the assumptions discussed above and following standard
nearly de Sitter spacetime [12, 19]. Since the observer lies in methods and procedures [15, 21]. We get
this curved region of spacetime, even if the null geodesics are
15m2 π 128m3
formally indistinguishable from the Λ = 0 case in the coor- 4m 1 1
φs = −π − +b + − −
dinate space, the observable quantities will be affected by the b rs ro 4b2 3b3
cosmological constant [12]. b3 1 3465m4π 3584m5 2mb
In the following analysis the observer and the emitter are + 3
+ 3 − 4
− − 2
6 rs ro 64b 5b5 rΛ
taken to be static. The observer coordinates are denoted 3
{ro , φo = 0}, where φo has been fixed without loss of gen- mb 1 1 3b 1 1
− + 4 + + 5
erality. The source coordinates are denoted as {rs , φs }. The 4 rs4 ro 40 rs5 ro
orbital equation for a light ray from the source to the observer b3
1 1
can then be written in terms of the first integral of motion − 2 + + O(ǫ6 ). (5)
2rΛ rs ro
b(≡ φ̇r2 ) as
 −1/2 The cosmological constant contributes to the geodesic equa-
dr 1 1 1 2m
φs = ± + 2 − 2+ 3 , (3) tion through terms of order of O(ǫ5 ). The term 2bm/rΛ 2
r 2 b2 rΛ r r where neither the source or the observer radial position en-
where the sign of the integral is adhered to the sign of dr and ters, can be considered as local. We are assuming the impact
changes at the inversion points in the r-motion. Along its parameter b to be positive.
path from the source to the observer, the photon passes by the
black hole at a minimum distance rmin which is much larger
than the gravitational radius. In the weak deflection limit, this
closest approach is the only turning point in the r-motion.
Defining a new constant bΛ such that 1/b2Λ = 1/b2 + 1/rΛ 2

, The lens equation is a mapping relating the angular position
we can see as the geodesics are formally identical to those of the source and observed position of its images. It is usually
in a Schwarzschild spacetime without cosmological constant. given in terms of the apparent angular position of the image
This can be seen even more clearly taking the second deriva- in the sky, i.e. the angle ϑ between the tangent to the photon
tive d2 r/dφ2 , which eliminates Λ from the equation. Equa- trajectory at the observer and the radial direction to the black
tion (3) can be solved in terms of elliptical functions [13] and hole. The angle ϑ is strictly linked to the constant of motion
exact analytical results can be obtained even considering a through the relation
spinning black hole [20]. For an asymptotically flat space- p b
time, b can be viewed as the impact parameter. sin ϑ = fΛ (ro ) . (6)
Even if the equations of motion for either a massive test
particle or a photon can be solved exactly [13, 20], expression For small angles,
are quite involved, so that to have an insight on the lensing
b3 3r4
observables it can be useful to treat the geodesic motion us- b 6mro
ϑ≃ + 3 1 − 2 − 2 o2 . (7)
ing a perturbation approach. A fundamental assumption in the ro 6ro b b rΛ
weak deflection limit is that the point of closest approach lies
well outside the gravitational radius, i.e. m/b ≡ ǫm ≪ 1. The Due to the presence of Λ, the relation between b and the ob-
observer and the source lie very far from the lens. It can be served angle changes by a term of order O(ǫ3 ), two orders of
shown that b/ro ∼ b/rs ∼ ǫm [15]. Furthermore, we assume magnitude higher than the contribution of Λ to the variation
that the system is embedded in a region well inside the outer of the coordinate azimuthal angle, see Eq. (5). This relation
horizon, ro , rs ≪ rΛ . In what follows, we will expand quanti- between the observed angle and the constant of motion deter-
ties of interest according to the expansion parameters ǫm and mines the extent to which Λ affects the lensing observables.
ǫΛ ≡ ro /rΛ but, for the sake of brevity, we will produce our In the following resolution of the lens equation, calculations
results up to a given formal order in ǫ, collecting terms coming will be then performed up to order O(ǫ3 ).
from any combination of the two expansion parameters. Once we use angular coordinates for the image positions
The light ray minimum radial distance rmin to the lens is instead on the invariants of motion, it can be appropriate to
determined by r2 = b2 fΛ (r), whose exact solution is known introduce a series expansion parameter in the weak deflection
analytically [12]. Expanding the solution in the weak deflec- limit based on the angular Einstein ring defined through radial
tion limit as a power series in ǫ we find distances [21],
m 3m2 4m3 105m4 b2
rmin ≃ b 1 − − 2 − 3 − − . (4) ϑE ≡ 4m ; (8)
b 2b b 8b4 2rΛ2 ro (ro + rs )

An expression for the minimum approach including terms the expansion parameter εE is then defined as εE ≡ θE /4D
O(ǫ4 ) for the Kerr metric can be found in [21]. Equation (4) [15, 21] where D ≡ rs /(ro + rs ). As for the case of the

geodesic equation, expansions are actually made in terms of The source position B can be rescaled as β = B/ϑE . At first
two parameters, εE and εΛ ≡ ǫΛ . Mixed terms are collected order, the lens equations take the standard form
through a given formal order in the parameter ε.
It is customary in lensing studies to write the source posi- 1
tion in terms of the angle B at which the source would be seen β = θ(0) − ,
m = 0. In analogy with Eq. (6),
in absence of the lens, i.e forp
B is then given by sin B = 1 − (ro /rΛ )2 bs /r0 with bs be-
ing a fictitious constant of motion which solves the geodesic with the usual pair of solutions
equation Eq. (3) for the actual source and observer coordinates
but for m = 0. The azimuthal source coordinate, φs , can then  r 
± 1 4
be expressed in terms of B plugging the unlensed constant bs θ(0) = 1 ± 1 + 2 β.
2 β
in Eq. (5). The lens equation in the form

B = B(ϑ; m, Λ) The next order correction is

is finally obtained by first writing φs as a function of ei- 15π

ther ϑ and B and then equating the two expressions. We θ(1) = 2 ).
16(1 + θ(0)
will consider source positions B ≥ 0. At the lowest order,
B ≃ D(φs + π).
The lens equation can be solved term by term. We assume Up to and including the second order corrections, the
that the solution can be written as a series in ε, cosmological constant is ineffective and lensing is pure
Schwarzschild. The cosmological constant shows up at the
θ = ϑE θ(0) + θ(1) ε + θ(2) ε2 + O(ε3 ) ;

next order,

7θ02 5θ04
225π 2 1 + 2θ02
8 2θ0 5 θ0
θ(2) = 1+ θ02 − θ04 +D 1− + −D 2 2
− 2θ0 + − − 2
θ0 (θ02 + 1) 2 2 3 3 256 θ0 (θ02 + 1)3 rΛε (θ02 + 1)

In the previous expression the expansion parameters have the images as seen by the observer. The image angular split-
been rewritten in such a way that εE = ε and εΛ = ε/rΛε . ting reads
The cosmological constant changes the angular positions of

( " #)
225π 2 β 4 + 6β 2 + 6

p 15πβε ε2 8D 2
ϑ+ −ϑ− = ϑE + 28Dβ 2 − 2 + 7β 2 − 2

β2 + 4 − +p 16 − .
256 (β 2 + 4)
16 β 2 + 4 β2 + 4 3 rΛε

Deflection angle in gravitational lensing is usually defined The expression for the deflection in Eq. (9) differs from the
in asymptotically flat spacetimes as the angle between the result in [12].
asymptotic tangents to the light ray at the observer and at
the source. Despite this definition does not apply to the SdS
spacetime, we can identify a sort of contribution of Λ to the IV. MAGNIFICATION
deflection by comparing the lens equations with and without
Λ. The difference is at order ε3 , The ratio between the angular area of the image in the ob-
server sky and the angular area of the source in absence of
4mr0 Λ
α̂Λ = − . (9) lensing gives the (signed) amplification of the image,

sin ϑ dϑ
At a typical angle ϑ = ϑE , µ= . (10)
sin B dB
ϑE ro2 Λ

ϑE ro The amplification of the apparent luminosity is then given by
α̂Λ (ϑE ) = − =− .
D rΛ D 3 correcting by the standard redshift factor. The derivative in

Eq. (10) can be computed through the chain rule by first de-
0.001 riving the coordinate position of the source φs with respect to
either B or ϑ and then combining the results suitably. After
10-4 multiplying the derivative by the ratio of sines, we introduce
the scaled angular variables and rearrange the result as a series
10-5 in ε,

10-6 µ = µ0 + µ1 ε + µ2 ε2 + O(ε3 ).

10-7 The first coefficients of the above expansion series are

10-8 θ04
10 -4 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 µ0 = ,
rs HpcL
FIG. 1: Time delay (in seconds) due to the cosmological constant
between the images of a source behind a Sgr A*-like black hole 15πθ03
µ1 = − 3.
(m ∼ 3.6 × 106 M⊙ , ro ∼ 7.6 Kpc ) as a function of the source 16 (θ02 + 1)
radial distance rs (in parsecs). The source angular position is fixed
at β = 1. The Λ correction shows up at the third order,

8θ02 675π 2 D2 θ2
µ2 = θ04 4 + 2θ02 − + Dθ02 (9 − 10θ02 − 5θ04 ) − (1 + 16θ02 − 23θ04 − 12θ06 ) + 02 .
(1 − θ02 )(1 + θ02 )3 1024(1 + θ02 )2 3 4rΛε

Let us consider the microlening case when the two images can observer we have first to compute the coordinate time to when
not be resolved and the observable is the total magnification a given ray reaches the observer position and then to translate
µtot = |µ+ | + |µ− |. Using the above results, µtot can be the difference in coordinate time in proper time. For the SdS
written in terms of the unlensed source position as, metric
β2 + 2 15πε 4ε2 Z 
µtot ≃ − 3/2
− to = ± fΛ (r)−1 1 − 2 fΛ (r) dr, (12)
β (β 2 + 4)3/2
β β 2 + 4 8 (β 2 + 4) r
675π 2

1 2 4
× 2 + 4(6 + 6β + β ) − (11) where the emission time was consider fixed at ts = 0 for all
rΛε 256 (β 2 + 4) the light rays. Differently from the r-motion, the travel time

2 4 2 4 can not be expressed in terms of a new constant of motion bΛ
− 2D(12 + 30β + 5β ) + (18 + 35β + 6β ) .
3 that makes the integral in Eq. (12) formally identical to the
expression for the Schwarzschild metric. The overall sign in
The contribution of Λ to the total magnification is negative so
Eq. (12) is adhered to dr to give a positive contribution. As
that images are slightly de-amplified. The cosmological con-
for the geodesic equation, the travel time can be calculated
stant is isotropic and does not perturb the spherical symmetry
through an expansion in ǫ. We get
of the lens. The caustic surface is still a line coincident with
the optical axis behind the lens. The tangential critical circle 
4ro rs

b2 1


corresponding to the point-like caustics is a perturbed Einstein to ≃ ro + rs + 2m 1 + log 2 − +
b 2 rs ro
ring with angular radius 3 3 2 3 4
r +r 15m π 64m b 1 1


4D2 675π 2 1
 + o 2 s − + 2 − + 3 (13)
ϑt ≃ ϑE 1 + ε+ 4− − − 2 . 3rΛ 2b b 8 rs3 ro
32 3 2048 2rΛε
2m ro2 + rs2 m2 ro3 + rs3
2 1 1
Due to Λ the area of the Einstein ring slightly decreases. − 4m + + 2 + 2 b2 .
rs ro rΛ 2rΛ
Since an observer measures differences, only terms in the ar-
V. TIME DELAY rival time containing the impact parameter b contribute to the
observed time delay, whereas terms depending either only on
Light rays corresponding to different images have different the radial positions of source and observer or on m and Λ do
travel times. To compute the time delay as measured by an not. Then the term ∼ (ro3 + rs3 )/(3rΛ 2
), which is similar to

a contribution already derived in [5], can not be measured in Expanding in ε and expressing the result in term of the angular
lensing observations. The measurable time delay is the inter- source position in absence of the lens , we get
val of proper time between the arrivals of the same intrinsic
variation in the source luminosity as observed in each of the
two images,
p +
∆τ = fΛ (ro )(t− o − to ). (14)

( " p !
45π p 2 2 1 (1 + 13D − 45D2 + 48D3 − 16D4 )β β 2 + 4
∆τ = 2m δτ0 + ε β +4+ε 2 − 4Dδτ0 (15)
8 2rΛε 8(1 − D)3 D
2 2
4β 1575π D
+ p 8 + 6β 2 + β 4 + (3 + β 2 ) + D(8 − 10β 2 − 3β 4 ) − (24 − 14β 2 − 5β 4 ) − 4Dδτ0
β2 + 4 1024 3

where near future, prospects for measurements of time delays can

p deserve some interest. In Fig. 1 the time delay due to Λ for
β2 + 4 + β sources behind Sgr A* is plotted as a function of the source ra-
δτ0 = β β + 4 + 2 log p .
β2 + 4 − β dial distance, with rs spanning the range from 10 AU to 10 pc.
For sources very near the black hole, the delay can be as large
Differently from the angular position, the correction term to as 10−3 s.
the time delay due to Λ shows factors D and (1 − D) at the Let us finally consider the impact of the cosmological con-
denominator, so that the effect can be enhanced for sources stant on microlensing analyses. A variation δϑE in the Ein-
either very far from (rs ≫ ro , D → 1) or very near (rs ≪ ro , stein radius brings a variation of 2δϑE /ϑE in the optical depth.
D → 0) to the lens. Microlensing events have been observed as far away as in the
Andromeda galaxy at ∼ 750 kpc [27]. Due to Λ, the optical
depth would decrease by ∼ 10−8 , which is really negligible.

We have seen in the previous sections that the effect of the VII. CONCLUSIONS
cosmological constant on lensing observable is really small,
being ∼ (ro /rΛ )2 times smaller than the main Newtonian The stagnant theoretical affair between the cosmological
term. It can be nevertheless interesting to give some numbers. constant and the bending of light rays took an hit recently
A classic test of general relativity is measuring the bending when Rindler and Ishak [12] pointed out how the study of
of starlight by the Sun. Measurements of the solar deflec- the orbit equation in the coordinate space is not enough to
tion using very long baseline interferometry data allowed to describe the observations of lensing phenomena. This note-
put constraints on the deviations from the predictions based worthy criticism has then stimulated some new interest on
on the parametrized post-Newtonian formalism at the level of the subject [13]. In this paper, I have performed an analy-
∼ 0.05% [22, 23]. Translating this accuracy into a bound on sis of lensing phenomena in the framework of the SdS metric,
the cosmological constant, one gets Λ < ∼ 10
−25 −2
m , nearly which allows a full treatment for systems much smaller than
17 orders of magnitude worse than the limits obtained from the Hubble radius. I have based my results on a perturbation
other solar system tests as precession shift and change in mean expansion of the equation of motions, from which I have de-
motion [7]. rived a lens equation accounting for Λ. The analysis has also
The supermassive black hole hosted in the radio source showed that the classical argument against Λ, i.e. that the cos-
Sgr A* in the Galactic center, with a mass of ∼ 3.6 × 106 M⊙ mological constant is dropped out from the exact differential
and at a distance of 7.6 kpc from the Earth [24], offers an- equation for a light path, does not apply to the time delay. It
other appealing target for testing higher order effects in grav- is also to be remarked that the degeneracy between the orbital
itational lensing with future space- and ground-based exper- differential equation in the Schwarzschild metric and that in
iments [15, 21, 25, 26]. For a source ∼ 1 pc behind the the SdS spacetime breaks down in presence of a non null an-
black hole, Λ induces a variation on the angular position of gular momentum of the lens.
the images of ∼ 10−14 arcsec. Accuracies at the level of The argument that Λ affects lensing through the metric it-
∼ 1 µarcsec, which are within the reach of future missions, self at the observer position is not restricted to the weak de-
are still to low to detect the effect of Λ. Since multiple im- flection limit and applies as well to light rays passing very
ages of a single source could be detected behind Sgr A* in the near to the photon horizon of the black hole. Since SdS null

geodesics are formally identical to the Schwarzschild case, in the sense that it is connected to the observer radial distance.
the calculation of the deflection angle should be performed as As far as distances are small with respect the de Sitter horizon,
usual but the relation between the constant of motion and the we can safely apply the expressions obtained in the SdS space-
observed angle should be revised. However, since the angular time, but if distances are comparable to the Hubble length then
separations of the relativistic images are very small with re- the results should be likely revisited. This will the subject of
spect to the two primary images, it is customary in the strong a future analysis.
deflection limit to neglect higher order corrections. A further consideration is that if we are assuming that a
Even if important on a theoretical point of view, the effect constant energy background as the one provided by Λ affects
of Λ on near lenses, such as the Sun, the supermassive black lensing, then every other background, such as that provided
hole in the Galactic center or compact objects in the halo of by dark matter, should have a similar effects. The McVittie
near galaxies, is quantitatively very small. Ishak et al. [28] metric, which accounts for the presence of a generic cosmo-
tried to extend the result obtained in the framework of the logical fluid around the central mass and the related expan-
SdS metric to a cosmological scenario where the distances sion of the spacetime, should be used instead of the more spe-
between lens, source and observer are comparable with the cific SdS spacetime and the effect of all the contributions to
Hubble radius. Some caution should be however used in such the cosmological energy budget should be considered even on
an extrapolation. The cosmological lens equation is usually a small scale [31]. Then, even if Λ changes in some ways
derived combining local results on the light deflection, which the expression for the bending angle, the dark matter, whose
are based on an asymptotically flat metric, with considerations uniform distribution counteracts the cosmological constant,
on the global geometry of the system and computations of should nearly compensate in the opposite direction.
distances, which are on turn based on the global Friedmann-
The last consideration is that in the case of Λ = 0 the
Lemaı̂tre-Robertson-Walker spacetime in which the system is
results in this paper updates previous studies for lensing in
embedded [29, 30]. As shown in [12] and in the present anal-
the Schwarzschild spacetime that were based either on an ap-
ysis, both based on the SdS metric, the main contribution of Λ
proximate lens equation, differently from the present analy-
to lensing observables comes through the value of the metric
sis which is based on a perturbation analysis of an exact lens
at the observer position, which lies in a region of spacetime
equation, or neglected the effect of the metric in the relation
curved by the cosmological constant. In the classical argu-
between the impact parameter and the observed angle.
ment for the cosmological lens equation, local effects are re-
lated to a small region in the neighborhood of the lens, and
global effects are connected to the large regions of spacetime
between source, lens and observer. Then, the contribution of M.S. is supported by the Swiss National Science Founda-
Λ as inferred in the SdS framework should be seen as global tion and by the Tomalla Foundation.

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