Minutes 2010 10 06

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October 6, 2010

Meeting called to order at 6:40

Members Present: Tom Gray, Barbara Kulzyck, Sandy Price, Nancy Jones
Visitors: Marcia Dunning, Kevin Williamson – Rivendell Trail Association

Connecting to Rivendell Trail – Rivendell Trail is 36 miles long; Rivendell

Trail Association has a paid staff person, who works in the school, and .2 time is
devoted to Trail-Related Work. The trail association has 85 members.
Membership fees include $5 – student; $25 – individual; $35 – family. They also
have donation boxes at their trailheads. Marcia & Kevin discussed the
possibilities for connecting the Rivendell Trail with the Wright’s MT Trails. Kevin
suggested that the most feasible connection might be from the Iron Bridge to
the Route 25 end of “Rube’s Route. Another possible connection might be
along Town Road 28 to Hackett Hill to Chelsea Road. Private landowners who
allow public trail access cannot be sued under VT Law. We decided to revisit
this idea after some time to consider it.

Minutes of September 15 approved as written.

Following were presented by Nancy Jones, for payment:
Payable to Amount For Payable from Action
Meadow Squier $ 108.00 Hours worked Community Garden Grant Approved
Meadow Squier $ 80.61 Supplies Community Garden Grant Approved
Abby Copeland $ 108.00 Hours Worked Community Garden Grant Approved
Bridge Weekly Sho-case $ 75.00 Ad on 9/30 BCC Budget Approved
Upper Valley Trails Alliance $ 40.00 2 trail markers & hardware FOWM Fund Approved
Russ Priestley $ 40.00 Engraving 2 bench slats FOWM Fund Approved
Tarbox Tent Rentals $ 820.00 2 tents, 22 tables LEAF Account Approved
Ron Krupp $ 100.00 Leading workshop & mileage LEAF Account Approved
Ron Langdon $ 50.00 Leading workshop LEAF Account Approved
Roger Hill $ 50.00 Leading workshop LEAF Account Approved
Bridge Weekly Sho-case $ 162.75 Color Ad on 9/18 LEAF Account Approved
River Bend Career & Tech $ 39.00 Bus for 2 Solar Tours LEAF Account Approved
Carl Etnier $ 50.00 Leading workshop LEAF Account Approved
VEIC- Nick Richardson $ 100.00 Leading 2 workshops LEAF Account Approved
Conni Bryan $ 100.00 Leading 2 workshops LEAF Account Approved
Upper Valley Press $2,260.80 Printing 11,400 Tabloids LEAF Account Approved
Nancy Jones $ 493.92 Additional Postage for tabloid LEAF Account Approved
Trendy Times $ 39.00 Ad on 9/13 LEAF Account Approved
K & R Portable Toilets $ 120.00 Porta-Pottie at Denny Park LEAF Account Approved
Ellen Ogden $ 50.00 Travel Allowance LEAF Account Approved
Stewardship Committee
Nancy presented a slide show of the construction of “Cindy’s Trail”.
Still need to rake Cindy’s Trail – possibly Sunday. Present trail to Cindy –
possibly Tuesday.
Tom suggested we reach out to 4th, 5th and 6th grade teachers at BES to see if
classes would be willing to groom trails as a group in Spring. Thinks if kids start
young, they will continue to help when older.
Conservation Fund Committee
The goal to raise $12,000 has already been exceeded!
Activity Amount Raised
Carghill Donation $ 500.00
Cal. Supper/Auction $ 6,480.00
Bulk Mail Appeal $ 2,172.00
2010 Calendars $ 455.00
Yard & Estate Sale $ 3,646.15
Race to the Top $ 299.00
Concert $ 105.00
Whole Hog Booth $ 709.00
LEAF Booth $ 521.06
water bottles/hats $ 228.00
Total as of 10/6/10 $15,115.15
The 2011 Calendars arrived today and will be distributed to outlets tomorrow.
Nancy Posted on Facebook; Barbara will put on listserve; Monique will put in e-
Two other events in 2010 – Calendar and hopefully, “Buck-a-Pie Week” at
Solid Waste – Tire Drop
October 30th, 8 – noon; $1/car tire; $2.50/truck tire; Barbara will take care of
In the Spring there will be a free tire drop sponsored by CVSWMD.
Bradford Municipal Forest
Barbara attended joint meeting of Selectboard and Water Board. TPL offered
Straw vote taken – Selectboard 2 for, 2 against; Water Board 1 for, 4 against.
Outcome: Water Board will meet on Oct. 12; Selectboard will meet on Oct 14;
will decide on whether to sign a Contract with TPL agreeing to sell the land for
$875,000 if the voters vote in favor of this at Town Meeting. Roger Krussman
must have a contract in order to
request an extension to encumber the Federal Funds.
BCC members will attend meetings on 10/12 and 10/14 and speak in favor of
the sale.
Education Committee
Nancy has received emails asking if we are going to continue our 1st Monday of
the Month Movie Series. It was agreed that we don’t have time to prepare for
November, but we should begin in December and continue into 2011. Sandy &
Nancy will line up some possible film titles. Nancy will seek funds to support
So far, Nancy and Jim McCracken have registered for the NEEEA Conference on
October 23. No teachers of students from Oxbow have expressed interest.
Meeting adjourned at 9 pm
Attested by:

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