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Senior High School Department

Pateros, Metro Manila




Small-scale businesses, though small, have been a big part of Pateros for a while
now and are still growing and increasing every day. Due to the fact that Pateros is in
between 2 big cities, namely Taguig and Makati, the municipality makes an ideal
marketplace due to the amount of people that pass by in the city.

Business is the activity of providing goods and services involving financial,

commercial and industrial aspects. Without business, no city would prosper and grow.
This makes business important in the community because of the fact that business not
only makes the city's economy grow, but also provides a sustainable source of income for
the city's inhabitants.

The research outlines how business should be carried out to reach the desired ends
and equips the top management with an integrated framework, to discover, analyze and
exploit beneficial opportunities, to sense and meet potential threats, to make optimum use
of resources and strengths, to counterbalance weakness. The researchers chose this topic
to help the business owners or future researchers gain knowledge on how to manage a
small-scale business. This topic can help future researchers by giving them more insight
about what they need to know and how to handle small scale businesses effectively

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 1
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Background of the Study:

The study is conducted in order to realize what specific business management

strategy are needed for a business to survive. Small businesses are more susceptible to
making poor decisions and judgments which eventually lead to the eventual downfall of
their business since they'll have less room for errors.

According to Tom Adams (2010), Michael Porter said that “Strategy is about
making choices, trade-offs; it’s about deliberately choosing to be different”. In today's
generation, many big time businesses are thriving; it is made evident by the various
outlets of stores and shops. Ayodeji Akinso (2018) conducted a study about successful
strategies for business owners which stated that Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) reported that 80% of growing business
owners in Nigeria does not survive their first 5 years in business, which might also prove
to be true for the businesses in Pateros. Applying the statement of Porter to the study of
Akinso, strategy is critical in maintaining a business. The overall success depends if the
strategy used is suitable for the business handled.

The reason why the researchers chose this topic is to give enlightenment on how
do these specific strategies affect the overall welfare of these small-scale business. They
also wanted to know how does having strategies planned out made handling the small-
scale business more efficiently.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 2
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Research Problem and Questions:

This research aims to determine the specific and essential strategies in business
management in small-scale businesses in Pateros. Specifically, it aimed to answer the
following questions:

1. How do the small-scale business owners describe their management style?

2. How do small-scale business owners consider their management style as a factor
in the growth of the business?
3. How do small-scale business owners perceive good business management?
4. What qualities should small-scale business owners possess when managing small-
scale businesses? Why?


The study is conducted based on the following assumptions:

1. The responders will be able to give clear and concise answers on the different
ways they handle their business.
2. The responders will give fruitful advice and tips that may help others who may
want to start their own businesses
3. The responders will be cooperative and willing in participating in the study.
4. The study will be able to provide a guideline that would be best for starting a
5. Business owners will be able to adjust their strategies based on what is suitable
and proper for their goal.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 3
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

6. Business owners will be able to cope better in dealing with changes in businesses
with the help of the study.
7. Those involved in the business will be able to help in maintaining the growth of
their establishment.
8. The research will be able to open people’s minds on what is best for their business
and what isn’t.
9. The reader will learn/incorporate some tips given to them to by the responders if
they too want to start a business.

Theoretical Framework:

According to Patricia Flinsch-Rodriguez (2010), Fred Fiedler and others

conceived of Contingency Management Theory. Fiedler based his theories on the idea
that effective leadership was directly related to the traits the leader displayed in any given
situation. Leaders must be flexible and adapt to change as the market, the business, and
the team demands.

The theory stated is connected to the study for the reason that it talks about the
leaders being adaptable and flexible to certain situations, which corresponds to the study
in the area of being able to apply the needed strategies in a given circumstance. As the
research tackles the various strategies in business management, it would align ideally
with the theory in the scope of the idea they both possess, the idea that in business
management, certain situations call for different methods.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 4
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Those that choose to subscribe to this theory must be able to identify the
particular management style suitable for every given situation. They must also be willing
and able to apply that management style quickly and effectively whenever necessary.
This theory is able to support the study as it is able to help see the different ways people
involved in business strategize, and if the strategy needed to be applied really does
depend on the given situation.

Significance of the Study:

This research is deemed to be significant to the following:

1) ABM Students

This research will be able to contribute to ABM students since they are pursuing
professions in which specific management skills are needed. Foremost, they would either
choose business or accounting as their line of profession. Either way, this would help
them since business management strategies is about keeping a business alive and floating,
and catering to the needs of the people, which is what they need to find out in order to be
successful in their present studies and future profession.

2) Business Owners

Business owners are one of the top most people that will find this research to be
beneficial. This study’s main focus is the strategies in maintaining a business, other
business owners, especially those that are just starting will be able to find this research
beneficial since they would want to know the various strategies available to them and
which would be fit for their own business. This research tackles the many various
common problems small business owners may encounter when they are opening and

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 5
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

maintaining their businesses and hopes to give an idea, if not, further knowledge about
how to deal with those problems should they arise in any given time

3) PCS Administration

This research will also be beneficial in a way that PCS Administrators will be able
to use the content material as reference in guiding other students doing their own
researches. This will aid them in creating an effective learning environment by having
available materials in their archives. PCS Administrators could also leverage on
identified business strategies for their own planning and school management functions
that will improve students learning and development.

4) Employees

Employees are able to benefit from this study because they will know which
strategy to use when a certain situation arises that their employer isn’t around to manage.
This will help them not to disrupt the flow of the business and allow for continuous

5) Future Researchers

In this research, future researchers will gain knowledge that they have yet to
obtain from previous studies. This will aid them in performing their study properly and
accurately since they will be able to use this as basis for their research and this will help
them in starting their study.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 6
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Scope and Limitations:

The study is about strategies in maintaining a business. It covers the various

strategies used by those involved in the business world and which would be the most
efficient and effective when used. Those involved in the study are people under the
business sector such as small-scale business owners, managers, vendors, salespersons,
etc. Those mentioned will be essential to the course of the study for the reason that they
are able to supply the needed answers in conducting this research such as the different
strategies needed to maintain a business, specifically, small-scale businesses.

The study only involved businesses within the premises of Pateros, therefore it
will only be useful to those who want to start a business within Pateros, and the study
won’t be of much help to other people in other cities like Makati. Pasig etc. because there
are more factors affecting those areas contrast to what Pateros businessmen are currently
facing, factors such as the specific city's trends, population and money circulation which
differs from that of Pateros. The research only tackled the aforementioned topics and had
not strayed away, given that it helped in expanding the knowledge about the study and
kept focus on what the research is about.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 7
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Definition of Terms:

1. Business -refers to the successful small-scale businesses within Pateros that has
been around for at least 10 years and managed by 1-3 persons.
2. Business Owners -refers to the people who have successfully managed a business
for at least 10 years.
3. Management -refers to the method on how a business is handled.
4. Strategy- refers to the different approaches a person can take that they see fit for
their business to grow.
5. Pateros –refers to the location in which the study revolves around.
6. Management Style –refers to the manner on how a business is conducted.
7. Respondents/Participants –refers to the business owners that have been
interviewed for the research.
8. Interviewers –refers to the group members that conducted the interview with the
business owners.
9. Planning –refers to the process in which a person organizes the steps to take in
order for it to be easier to achieve the business goals.
10. Fundamentals -refers to the basics in handling a business.
11. Risk –refers to the choice a person may take that will either make the business
grow or will be the cause of their downfall.
12. Growth –refers to the business’ continuous progress and development.
13. Competitive Advantage –refers to the edge a business owner has against other
business owners.
14. Adapt –refers to the business owner’s ability to handle and adjust to situations
15. Resources –refers to the materials used in order for a business to function well.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 8
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila


This chapter includes the related literature, studies, conclusion and others done by
the researchers. This literature review discusses small-scale businesses, business
management strategies and aims to find the different types of strategies used in business.
In addition, this review discusses more information about what strategies small-scale
businesses should have to be able to help even more for the continuous growth of the
business. This research helps the business owners identify which strategies are most
efficient to use in handling a business. This research also discusses how sales can be
boosted up in business with the help of business strategies.

Business Strategies

Thompson, Strickland and Gamble define strategy as “…management’s action

plans for running the business and conduction operations.” They further assert that “a
company’s strategy consists of the competitive moves and business approaches that
managers are employing to grow the business, attract and please customers, compete
successfully, conduct operations, and achieve the targeted levels of organizational
performance.” They also identified two primary reasons why strategy is important in
business organization. The first important aspect about strategy is that management needs
to proactively craft how the organization’s business will be conducted. They further
assert that a clear and well thought out strategy is management’s prescription for doing
business, its road map to competitive advantage, its game plan for pleasing customers and
improving financial performance. Secondly, they say that a strategy-focused enterprise is
more likely to be a strong bottom line performer that a company whose management
views strategy as secondary and puts its priorities elsewhere. Effective strategy
formulation and execution have a significantly positive impact on revenue growth,
earnings, and return on investment (Julius Tapera, 2016).

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 9
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Business Strategy for Competitive Advantage

According to Michael Porter (2011), competitive advantage is an

advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either by
means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that justifies
higher prices. Accordingly, maintaining your competitive edge in business
requires you to improvise and innovate in every new scenario that you face,
relying on the intuition and confidence you've earned from your battle scars over
the years. This helps you develop and maintain your reputation as someone who
wins. Here are some tips in maintaining your competitive advantage: (1) Invest in
your expertise, the first step to building a strong reputation for yourself and your
business is to choose a specific expertise -- and focus on developing it. Rather
than trying to be the best at everything, try to be the best at one thing. This same
idea is one that has been repeated by one successful entrepreneur after another
after another. Just make sure whatever skills you decide to focus on are important
for you customers, and different from those of your competitors. (2) Pick your
battles, while it's important to choose your areas of expertise, it's equally as
important to choose whom you work with. As such, a second recommendation is
to think ahead and pick your battles wisely. In other words, work with the clients
who will give you the best chance at success. (3) Compete against yourself, you
should challenge yourself to improve each day. If you achieved great results for
one client, try setting the goal of achieving even better results for the next one,
and strategize ways you can build off your takeaways from each previous
engagement. The key here is to learn from your successes and failures so you can
double down on your success and maintain a sharp competitive edge. (4) Share
your secrets and successes; you might be surprised to find that sharing some of
your valuable secrets can be a great strategy to force you to develop new ones.
Additionally, instead of keeping all of the knowledge you've learned to yourself,
sharing it can be a smart public relations strategy to position yourself as a leader.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 10
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

With this in mind, work with your most satisfied clients to publish your biggest
wins as case studies or contributed articles (like this one) as a way to showcase
your expertise. (5) Keep innovating; Elon Musk recently defended the importance
of relentless innovation, saying, "If your only defense against invading armies is a
moat, you will not last long. What matters is the pace of innovation -- that is the
fundamental determinant of competitiveness." Ultimately, you achieve this by
putting in the time to practice and hone your craft. This gives you the confidence
and the intuition to adjust each time you face a new challenge, because things
never happen the same way twice -- you always need to be able to adapt
knowledge to new situations.

Business Strategy for Small-scale Businesses

Small and medium scaled enterprises (SMEs) are no longer exempt from
environmental conditions that until recently were often the drivers of strategic
decisions in large organizations. They now find themselves subject to the same
rapid, novel and discontinuous changes that have become amplified due to
the exceptional advancement in technology and globalization. Strategy is vital
to business success. This is especially crucial for small businesses, since they
need to survive in harsh competitive environments with limited resources and
capabilities. Small businesses being major drivers and contributors to the
economy of nations by providing employment, tax revenue, poverty reduction and
encouraging less import to mention a few, need to succeed (Osunsan and Sumil,
2012). By definition business strategy is a long term plan of action designed to
achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectives. It is a contingent plan of
action designed to achieve a particular goal (Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart,
2010). Sadly it has been documented that small businesses lack the

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 11
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

knowledge and the ability to develop business plan and strategies (Maqanda,
2012). McCarthy (2013) observed that strategies are less formal in small firms
and originate from the owner-manager who is the key decision-maker since small
firms do not normally have written statements of strategy; their strategies are
inferred from evolving patterns of owner-manager behavior and resource
allocation. Moreover, when managers of small businesses engage in strategic
thinking, such deliberation is seldom formal due to lack of time, cost, expertise,
information, training, education and skills of owner-mangers.

Fundamentals of Business Management

A true passion for the company you lead is very important to your success. But
passion alone is not enough. You also need essential skills to get your business off to a
good start and survive in the long run. You need to understand business planning,
strategy, finance and marketing. In short, starting and running a business requires a lot of
knowledge and experience.

5 Fundamentals of Business Management

According to Phil Bride (2017), there are 5 fundamentals in business

management, in which those are:

Pay attention to the currency of what you do.

Make sure tracking and metrics are in place. If you run a business,
get the cash flow and accounting in place. Get the metrics defined around
what you deliver, the quantity, quality. Track these carefully. If you are

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 12
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

professional in a larger company, identify the currency of successful

projects and manage those carefully.

Pay attention to your customer’s values; their values and aspirations.

It’s only when those needs become worries, pains, wants, desires
and best of all, aspirations (values), that action becomes unstoppable. You
must also have the goods, the best product or service in your niche. Then
align it with the customer’s values and needs.

Pay attention to the planning; strategic planning and business planning.

You have to be in the right market. A market that is growing and

can sustain healthy margins. Align your strengths, talents and offerings to
that market. Review and adjust your plans continually.

Pay attention to your management and leadership skills.

Imagine a sports coach who doesn’t pay attention to teamwork of

the players, coaches, and others who support the team. Performance will
suffer. The coach will be fired. Understand the fundamentals of teamwork,
accountability, delegation, and communication. Then execute your
activities well.

Pay attention to the language of those you work with.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 13
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

It’s a cultural thing. Everyone has values, behavior patterns, and

perspectives different than yours. They express it in their own unique
“language.” The more you understand their “language” the easier it
becomes to get things done. Projects work more smoothly. You must
listen carefully to what they say and pay attention to what they do.

The mentioned articles were greatly beneficial to the main topic which is Business
Management Strategies of Small-scale Business in Pateros because all of the related
studies have one thing in common which are tips and strategies on how to maintain
businesses on their main area of focus.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 14
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila


Research Design:

The researchers’ chosen design for conducting this study was a qualitative
research design to gather relevant data regarding their respondent’s strategies,
experiences and opinions in handling their small scale business. Interpretive method
would also be useful to the researchers since it focuses on the way respondents interpret
their experiences, therefore they would be able to explore the strategies their respondents
use for the growth of their business. The qualitative design is appropriate for this study
because the data collected and used focuses on the respondents’ experiences.

Sampling Technique:

The researchers used non-probability purposive sampling in the process of

selecting the participants/respondents for the interview. The sampling technique was
found to be appropriate since it helps narrow down the options to at least 5 participants &
also helps in maintaining standards when selecting respondents. The aim was to interview
business owners who uphold a stable business within the premises of Pateros, and have at
least 1-2 branches and 5-8 regular customers per month.

Research Instrument:

The researchers used interview as their research instrument. The instrument is

appropriate because with this, it is possible to explore the respondent’s ideas &
perspective. It was not difficult to ask follow-up questions and get clarification from
respondents because the researchers used semi-structured interview for their data

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 15
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

gathering. In interviewing the respondents, the questions were answered by the

respondents, in order to get their opinions & experiences based on the questions
presented to them.

Data Gathering Procedure:

First of all, the researchers prepared a request letter to conduct a study, and then
passed to the subject teacher and principal to be approved and signed by. Second, they
then constructed appropriate interview questions for the respondents of small-scale
business owners within Pateros to answer. Third, they identified the proper respondents
needed for the interview. Fourth, after obtaining the signed request letter, the researchers
then conducted the interview at the set time, date, and place of the appointment. The
interviewers introduced themselves and stated the purpose of the interview whilst they
presented the consent form to the participants; they then asked if they could be
documented or recorded, and let them know that the research group will not disclose any
of the information if it is not for research purposes. Fifth, after conducting the interview,
the researchers then requested the respondents to take a picture with them for
documentation purposes. And lastly, after that, the researchers thanked the respondents
for their cooperation and left accordingly.

Data Analysis:

The researchers analyzed the gathered data from the interview. They then encoded
the records in order to be able to understand the data better. The data was then transferred
onto a table in order to be organized and easily be identified. The researchers then
compare the data to the RRL’s to determine whether the answers have a pattern or not.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 16
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Then proceeded to compare and contrast the data’s gathered to easily generalize the same
ideas, isolate differences, and get rid of unnecessary data. The generalization was then
formed to be the conclusion for the research.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 17
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila


This chapter contains the data gathered from the 5 chosen respondents for the
interview, the RRL used to compare and contrast the answers of the respondents, and the
interpretation of the researchers on the answers and articles gathered.

Business Management

Having a true passion for the business you are managing is very important for
your success. But passion alone is not enough. You also need core business skills to
properly launch your organization and survive over the long term. You need to
understand business planning, strategy, finance, and marketing. If you plan to hire people
to help run things, you need communication skills, leadership skills and an understanding
of how to motivate and reward employees. You need a clear strategic vision for the
company and an ability to make informed management decisions based on research and
analysis of the market, the competition and any other internal or external forces that can
impact your business (David Mcpherson, 2016). Respondent 1 answered with, “I perceive
good business management as being a hardworking person that never stops trying to do
anything to have a better earning.” While respondent 5 answered with, “Good business
management is creating an environment wherein the company thrives and its employees
love their work.” Creating an environment that is favorable to all will help the business
grow, along with the people working there. Having a fixed goal helps in pushing the
business to succeed further, not just looking at the present but also considering the future
for the decisions one should make.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 18
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Business Management Strategies/Styles

A company’s strategy consists of the competitive moves and business

approaches that managers are employing to grow the business, attract and please
customers, compete successfully, conduct operations, and achieve the targeted levels of
organizational performance (Thompson, Strickland, and Gamble, 2017). Respondent 1
answered, “My business is just small so I don't need any employee to help me, so my
only business management style is being a strategic person, such as being hardworking
and being a good communicator towards the customers helps my store grow.” But on the
other hand you also need the "people" element, since management of course at its core is
all about accomplishing work through others (Victor Lipman, 2018). Respondent 5
answered with, “My management style is flexible. I adjust to the situation. It can be
direct, analytical, collaborative and emphatic as needed. In this modern day of business,
you need to be adaptable.” Having people to help you manage a business would be
advantageous since the workload can be divided amongst the people that work in the
business, but having to work alone can be beneficial as well, seeing as the income would
only go to the business owner and the business owner will be free to make decisions
without having to consider other people’s opinions.

Qualities of a Good Business Owner

Pay attention to the planning; strategic planning and business planning: You have
to be in the right market. A market that is growing and can sustain healthy margins. Align
your strengths, talents and offerings to that market. Review and adjust your plans
continually (Phil Bride, 2017). Respondent 1 answered with, “Being a good
communicator, good thinker, and being good at time management. The reason is simple,
having these qualities will help gain more customers and help me also manage my time
well that I will never have a conflict in my schedule.” While respondent 5 answered with,

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 19
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

“You will know if the person handles a business well if the customers give good
feedback and they are happy, if they get along with the staff, and if there is a steady flow
of income.” In business management, whether one chooses to handle it alone or with
other people, one must still be able to face the risks and responsibilities of managing a
business, having a business strategy allows a continuous rhythm to be adapted into the
business, letting those who are involved to be aware of the steps needed to be taken when
a certain situation arises.

Contribution of Business Management Style to the Growth of the Business

Once your business starts to grow, you take the big step of taking on staff and
putting processes and procedures in place in order to keep your business on track. It is at
this point that strong management is critical if you want to continue to drive your
business forward with its business growth and move to the next level (Leona Barr-Jones,
2018). Respondent 1 answered, “Yes, I believe that my management style contributes to
the growth of the business because being strategic allows me to think outside the box so
that there will be more customers that will trust my capabilities and quality of my
products.” While respondent 3 answered, “You need a routine, schedule and quota to
follow, with this, the flow of the sales within the day will not be disrupted.” Business
success is just around the corner if you keep your eyes on the end result; create a good
management environment and work together to achieve those shared goals level (Leona
Barr-Jones, 2018). Respondent 4 answered, “My management style stimulates the growth
of our business. We become what are needed to go to the next level.” The growth of the
business depends on the business style used by the business owner. Risks are essential in
handling a business, but it depends on which risk they take that will make the business
successful, that is why business owners have to be strategic in handling their business,
they have to stay focused on their goal and allow others to help them when it is needed.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 20
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila



1. How do the small-scale business owners describe their management style?

Majority of the respondents described their own management style as

simple yet effective as they are able to maintain their business through-out this
time without having an effective managing style.

2. How do small-scale business owners consider their management style as a factor

in the growth of the business?

All of the respondents said that they see management style as a major
factor in a growth of a business, having effective managing styles determines the
outcome and overall future of the business.

3. How do small-scale business owners perceive good business management?

Majority of the respondents have said that they view good business
management when the entirety of the staff is comfortable with their line of work
and is able to maintain a healthy relationship with the manager leading to more
productiveness and motivation of workers which will greatly help the business in
terms of income, manpower, productiveness, and great communication.

4. What qualities should small-scale business owners possess in managing small-

scale businesses? Why?

Many respondents answered that these traits should be possessed in order

to maintain a good business: Simple, hardworking, passionate, and approachable.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 21
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

5. The group concluded that there are many factors affecting the overall outcome of
a business, knowing such factors will lead to a much more fruitful and successful
business so it's best to learn what these factors and to avoid future mistakes that
may or may not lead to disaster or grave errors.


1. Business owners should value their customers and be prepared for the worst
possible outcome because they might lose profits. They need to have contingency
plan if worse comes to worst.
2. Learn to communicate with the other members so that you will have a successful
research paper. Share some ideas that may help your group so that your research
paper will be easily done.
3. In making a research paper, you need to manage your time. Do what is assigned
for you to do as soon as possible to avoid cramming. Time management is very
important because it is the same as being neat and punctual.
4. Search for a specific and detailed articles. Look for more credible sources that are
well-versed in the topic to improve the quality of data given. It will help the group
to have many ideas about the topic that you have made.
5. For the future researchers especially the soon to be ABM students to be able to
make a successful research paper your group needs all members full cooperation
and also understanding your group mate’s insights about the topic that you have

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 22
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila



 Adams, T. (2010). Strategy is all About Making Tough Choices. Retrieved from:
 Akinso, A. (2018). Successful Strategies for the Survival of Business Owners in
Nigeria. Retrieved from:
 Flinsch-Rodriguez, P. (2010). Contingency Management Theory FAQ. Retrieved
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 Maqanda, V. (2012). Competitiveness of Small Businesses Owned by Asians and
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“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

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Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

 Bride, P. (2017). 5 Fundamentals of Business Management. Retrieved from:
 McPherson, D. (2016). 6 Fundamentals of Business Management. Retrieved
 Lipman, V. (2018). Management Is 10% Work And 90% People. Retrieved from:
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Retrieved from:

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 24
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Interview Questions:

These were the questions presented during the interview wherein all 5
respondents were asked to answer:

1. How do you describe your management style?

Respondent 1: “My business is just small so I don't need any employee to help
me, so my only business management style is being a strategic person, such as
being hard working and being a good communicator towards the customers helps
my store grow.”
Respondent 2: “Simple, Buy cheap and needed items and sell it on an affordable
Respondent 3: “Hard and is in need of extra effort when handling a karinderya.
Waking up early in the morning to shop, cook, serve customers, and when the day
ends you have to clean up and then can you finally rest.”
Respondent 4: “I would say it’s effective, concise of direct.”
Respondent 5:

2. Do you believe that your management style contributes to the growth of your
business why or why not?

Respondent 1: “Yes, I believe that my management style contributes to the

growth of the business because being strategic allows me to think outside the
box so that there will be more customers that will trust my capabilities and
quality of my products.”
Respondent 2: “Yes a little bit. Any profit whether little or big is progress for
any business, my management style contributes to that because it how I run my
business, it is the foundation of my store and how it came to be.”
Respondent 3: “My management style is flexible. I adjust to the situation. It can
be direct, analytical, collaborative and emphatic as needed. In this modern day of
business, you need to be adaptable.”
Respondent 4: “I would like to say yes, it’s all by God’s grace of mercy. I dealt
my business with all my heart not just pure business but with love in catering my
customers quench and satisfaction, through quality beverages, brewed daily to
insure quality and fresh from the pot to cup.”

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 25
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Respondent 5: “My management style stimulates the growth of our business. We

become what are needed to go to the next level.”

3. How do you perceive good business management?

Respondent 1: "I perceive good business management as being a hardworking

person that never stops trying to do anything to have a better earning."
Respondent 2: I perceive good business management as a process in which a
person can supply the demands of the people and carry out solutions to problems
quickly and effectively.”
Respondent 3: “You will know if the person handles a business well if the
customers give good feedback and they are happy, if they get along with the staff,
and if there is steady flow of income.”
Respondent 4: “All businesses have ups and downs season. It takes a lot of
prayers to be able to survive. In addition, I can apply will and determination.”
Respondent 5: “Good business management is creating an environment wherein
the company thrives and its employees love their work.”

4. What qualities do you believe you should possess in order to manage your
business? Why?

Respondent 1: “Being a good communicator, good thinker, and being good at

time management. The reason is my schedule."
Respondent 2: “Positive Thinker, Risker taker, strategic mind and determined.
That’s what business owners I think should possess.”
Respondent 3: “You need a routine, you need to follow the schedule and have
quota. In that way your flow in sales within the day won’t be disrupted.”
Respondent 4: “Being prayerful. Everything is under God’s control. Putting my
heart into it. Confidence, determination and just be happy. As a business woman
since 2011 until this time, me and my husband is also engaged in medical
business field, we are distributing global medical devices to all hospitals in our
country. I do love what I do, I love selling and talking to different kinds of
doctors, from the president/CEO to the ranking file. In TeaPrime, you need to
please the customers, what are their preferences, their favourite, assisting them
with a smile from the heart. At the end of the day it’s not all about business but
rather we serve the customers fulfilment on what the deserved. The value of
money they spent is all that matters.”

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 26
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Respondent 5: They must be:

A. Visionary- must have the sense of direction where the
business is going.
B. Flexible- can adjust to the situation and needs of the
C. Empathetic- must be able to relate to the needs of the

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 27
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Definition of Terms:

1. Business -refers to the successful small-scale businesses within Pateros that has
been around for at least 10 years and managed by 1-3 persons.
2. Business Owners -refers to the people who have successfully managed a business
for at least 10 years.
3. Management -refers to the method on how a business is handled.
4. Strategy- refers to the different approaches a person can take that they see fit for
their business to grow.
5. Pateros –refers to the location in which the study revolves around.
6. Management Style –refers to the manner on how a business is conducted.
7. Respondents –refers to the business owners that have been interviewed for the
8. Interviewers –refers to the group members that conducted the interview with the
business owners.
9. Planning –refers to the process in which a person organizes the steps to take in
order for it to be easier to achieve the business goals.
10. Fundamentals -refers to the basics in handling a business.
11. Risk –refers to the choice a person may take that will either make the business
grow or will be the cause of their downfall.
12. Growth –refers to the business’ continuous progress and development.
13. Competitive Advantage –refers to the edge a business owner has against other
business owners.
14. Adapt –refers to the business owner’s ability to handle and adjust to situations
15. Resources –refers to the materials used in order for a business to function well.

“Business Management Strategies of Small-scale Businesses in Pateros”

Velasco, D.K., et al. (2019). Page 28

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