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EWA Configaration:-

Solman version 7.1

Build the connection sap component to solaman ADD SATELITE SYSTEM INTO SOLUTION

Check the patches shudbe latest version:-ST-PI,ST-A/PI

1. Implement Snote 19488

2. Secudule the job hourly sap_collect_for _perfmonitore
5. Se 38 Run RTCCTool chek all Green ore not
6. Implement reuire recamandations
7. S.D.C.C.N Activate it automatic section manager
8. T.CODE DSWP swith on all automatic alerts, go to operations----early watch alerts ---- create -----.
Start service processing
9. Active the EWA production system in solman

EWA Report shud be RTCC tool showing green only

If its showng Red colore we shoud take hime to greeen

EWA Alerts generations.

Logoin to solman

Solman _workcenter

System monitoring

Select report, select system select solution z_ewa_rp1

Click on create select report

Select date

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