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180907 4 Question Booklet Series: CET - 2015 PAPER ~ A [Physics & Chemistry] QUESTION BOOKLET ‘Question Booklet ‘Number: A INSTRUCTIONS 111206 Maximum Time Allowed Nogetive Marking Two Hours (120 minvtes) 0.25 Roll Number [ mal ‘Answer Sheet Number: Ploaso read tho folowing Inctructone carotuly. 41) Check the Booklet thoroughly: In case of any defect — Mieprint, Missing quostion(e), Miscing page, lenk page, ‘Damaged or Defaced page, or duplication of question's| | Pago(s), get the Booklot changed with he Booklet of the ‘same series from the Room Inviilater. No complaint shal be tentertanad aftar the Entrance Testis over. 2) Write your Roll Number and the OMR Answer Sheet ‘Number on the Question Booklet. 3) Chack your Rell Number, Question Beoklet Number and {Question Booklet Series caretuly before enterng them on the (OVR Sheet. Ensure twice that you have made their entries on, tho OMR Anawor Shot comely and darcen the reloven’ bubbies on the Answer Sheet and sgn ai the appropriate place Your CMR Answer Sheet will be evaliated on the basis of the information given by you inits ovals 4) Ifyou have made any wrong enty of Rell Number, Bookist Number or Bookie! Series Number in the OME Answer Sheet, you should report it to the Invigilator J Superintendent or ‘epor it within three days after the conclusion of the Enirence ‘Tast io the BOPEE office, Jammu / Srinagar positively Faling \wnish ne complaint / roprosentation wil be entertained ane the OMR answer Sheat will be evaluated strcly accercing to the entries made by you 5) Stricty follow the instructions iven by the Centre Supervisor | Room Invgliator end those gven on the Question Book, 6) Candidetes are not alowed to camry any papers, notes, backs, calculators, cellular phones, scanning éovices, pagers tic. te the Examination Hall. Ary candidate found using, oF in possession of, such uneuthorzed mataral or indulging in Copying or imporsenation or adopting unfair moans / reporting late / without Admit Card wil be debarred from the Entrance Test 7) Please mark the right responses on the OMR Sheet with ONLY a Bluo/Black bal point pen. Use of eraser, whitener (ftuld) and cutting on the CM Answer Sheet Is NOT allowed. 8) The test Is of opjective type containing multpe choice questions (MICO), Each cbjective question is foloned by four responses, You are requied fo choose the ccrrecUbest response and mark your No. af Questions: 120 Maximum Marks: 120 resporse on the OVR Answer Sheet ané NOT on the ‘Question Booklet ) There will be 0.25 negatve marking for every wrong 40) Fer ratking ro2ponco to 0 queston, completely darken the CIRGLE so thet te alpnebet insca the CIRCLE Is not isthe Ensie shat you darkan only one erie n tha Answor Sheet. Even stay merk /fint mark on the Answer Sheet is reed fy the Scanner and wil make your answer invalid by foacing tae a cove of double shading. You have {0 bo very vey careful while darkening the bubbles, The CORRECT and the WRONG methods of darkening the CIRCLE on the OMR ‘newer Sheot ao onewn below red Wrong AKOS awe 11) Pieace be caraful while merking the response to ‘questions. The response once marked canno! be changed ‘nd ff done shall be treated as a wrong ansuer. 412) In view ofthe limited time, do NOT waste your time on @ ‘uestion which you tind affcult. tempt easier questons fist ‘and com back fo the dificult queeiione lator during the teat 13) DO NOT fold or wrinkle the OVR Answer Sheet 44) Rough work MUST NOT be done on the OMR Answer Sheet. Usa rough page cf your Question Booklet for this purpose. 45) Candidates are provided carboniass ONR Answer Sheet having original copy and canddate’s copy. After completing the examination, candidates are directed to foi al perforation ‘on the top of the Sheet, ‘ear it to separate orignal copy and ‘candidate's copy and then hand over the ofiginal copy of OMR: Answer Sheet ‘0 the Roam Inviglater and retain candidate's cooy. ‘GONOT OPEN THE SEAL OF Fils BOOKLET UNTIL TOLD T0950 Page Toran 150207 4 a 2 63. Section 2 - Chemistr In an acidified aqueous solution of Mn**, Ni", Cut ‘and Hg" ions, HeS gas was passed. Precipitates are (A) Mns and Cus: (®) Nis and Hos (©)MnS and Nis (©) cus and Hgs: Forion 2 . the bond order is ye (45 25 (0 Nylon is a (A) Polyemide (6) Carbonate (Ester (P) Polycarbonylic acid Which one of the fofowing wil quicky react with, ‘AgNO3? fr (\ Page 10.0824 ‘The following alcoho! after treatment with acid gves compound A. Ozonolyss of A gives nonane-2, 8-diono. The compound A is % 5 2 30 ml of 0.02 M ammonium hydroxide is mixed with 45 mlof 0.02 M HCI, what willbe the pH of the His a weakcaoid. At 26 °C, the molar conductivity of 002M HAie 160 Q-ommor. te! ie 300 0cinmol+, the equlibrium constant of HA aissociation Is (A) 0.004 (8) 0.008 (O00 (Dyo.02 180507 A 68. _ Identity reactant (A) for the following reaction, 7 9 )) NaOH Noe ie = ‘0 pet a (a) e Ty ects 2 ® Nc s a iC ‘CHO (ees 7 ~COOH ‘CHO 69. The wrong statement among the following is (A) Acid rain is mestly because of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur 73. (8) Green house effect is responsible for global warming (C) Ozone layer does not permit infrared radiation ‘rom the sun to roach earth {D) Chiorofuorocarbons ere responsible for ozone. layer depletion 70. identi the correct product of the following reaction. 74, Pago 11 of 21 When dilute sclution of ammonia ie caturated with HS it gives: (A) (NHS (8) NHS. (©) (Hy ttes (D) NHs HS. Molar enthalpy change for melting ofice Is 6 kuimol, Then the internal eneray change (in kJ/mole) when. 1 mole of water is converted into ice at 1 atm at °C (A) RT /1900 Be (©) 6-(RT/1000) (©) 6+ (RT /1000) When the following amido is troated with BrdKOH, gives NH, or 2 0 anyone uJ 8) oH et © 30 o © Oe- Mik is en example of Bn #) KOH. (A) Emulsion ®) sol | © cet (©) Foam — 150307 A LAH ANH a ay PR DO a A ey wu —— (A) A and B diastereomer: C and D diastereomer (6) Aand B enantiomer; C and D diastereomer (C) A and B diastereomer; C and D enantiomer 80, (D) A and B enantiomer: C and D enantiomer 76. Which one of the following does NOT have sp? hybridization? (Ach (8) XeFa (2140 a (D) NHa. TT. In Hea, the electrons n bonding and eni-bonding orbtals ere A22 (42 (C)40 82, @)24 78 Extraction of mercury ftom ennabar is achieved by (A) Heating tn air (8) Electrolytic reduction (©) Roasting foliomed by reduction with carbon (0) Roasting followed by reduction with another as. metal Page 120124 Energy of activation of forwerd reaction for an endothermic process is 20 kJ. Ifenthalpy change for the reaction is 60 kd then activation energy for backward reaction willbe (40k (8) 140 kd (©) 90K (©) 50k ‘The IUPAC name of the cocrcination compound [Co(H:0).(NHs)e] Chis (A) Teraamminediaquacobalt (il) chloride (®) Covalt (I!) toteamminediaqua chloride (©) Diaquatetraammine’ cobalt (il) chioride (©) Tetraemminediaquacovalt (I) chloride HCI0s.2H:0 after reaction with fuming sulfuric acid generates (A) ClO: + #808 (B) ChOr* H:80s (C)HCI0s+ H2S0s (P) CldOs + H:S0 ‘A unit cell with edge length a * b # cand oxial P= 7=90" is cated angles (A) cubic (8) Tetragonel (©) Orthothombie (©) Hexagonal ‘A gas at high temperature is cooled. The highest temperature at which liquefaction of gas frst cocurs Is called (A) Boyle temperature (8) Critical temperature (C) Bolling tomperature (0) Freezing temperature 150907 A 84. One of the following complaxes shows geometrical 88. isomerism. The complex is Pcs (8) PNH3)2Ce (©) PuNHa sc! (D) N(NHa)3C) a6 Ks Fe tor the reaction A(q) +28() « ABaIQ) Wer (8) (RT)? (©) ur (Py s4Rny 88. Fora reaction 24 38, the rate of formation of B is xmolef the rae of consumption af Ais x (8) 32 80, (203 (O)3x 87. Sidarte is mainly ore of (Aza ®)Fe (©)ca 90. (o)Ru Ahighiy stable conformation for the following compound is When powdored plaster of pari is mixod with correct amount of water it sets into @ solid mass of (A) CaS04.5H:0 (8) CasOu.sH20 (C) CaS0..2H20 (0) CaS0..1/2H20 ‘The number of tetrahedral and octahedral void per Unt cell of cubic closed packed structure is, 4g (6)44 Clea oa Bago 1B o2h 190307 A, 91. fa homogeneous collsid placed in darkis observed 95. in the direction of light, t appears clear and fits otiserved from a direction at right englee to the direction of light bean, I appeers perfectly dark. This is krown as (A) Brownian offect (6) Hardy-Schul affect (©) Einstein enect (0) Tyndall effect 92 Bee =D, Bova = 1A ang E%0,)H20 =1.23¥ then on electrolysis of aqueots solution of salt MX, the products obtained are: 96 (AM, X (8) He, Xe. (©) He, 02 (O)M. o> 99. Shape of SFais (A) Tetrahedral ae (8) Square planar (C) Teigenal pyramia (0) See-Saw ‘94. The species which cannot serve ae an initiator for the free radical polymerization o pr Soy ° Pa NON © yo-nen-f-cH, CH, CHy ieee phil ph © R mmr, Page 14 0f28 ‘The produ! of the following reaction is ° i) CeHgCHO, Base Ti)LAIH,, HY, a re ) Cs oOgynts © Ga ‘Among second period elements, the correct order for first ionization enthalpy is (A) Li Be>B> C>N>O>F>Ne (D)Li2 8 > 0>Be>O>N>F >No In the following disaccharide LOH (8) Ring (A) pyranone with a-alycasidic link (8) Ring (A) is turanone wit c-glycosiic fink (©) Ring (B) is pyranone with @-alycosiic nk (0) Ring (8) is furanone with a-aiycosid 150907 A 88. When (Ch:)sCCHECl Is heated at 300 °C. I gives 104. wrest Hse 99, The compound formed upon combustion of potassium metal in excess aris (A) 02 (©) KO (C) 20 (0) KOH Fora reaction C{s) + CO2(a) « 2CO (a), the partial pressure of COs and C0 are 4 and 8 atm, respectively. Kp for the roaction ie os (e)2 (16 (D4 100. 102, 108, Page 15 0124 Identify the major preduct fer the reaction given below. oH : i) Nao . s CHiN! + CL eT NH “ es Which of the element is availabe in carbonic annydrase? (Pa @)Fe (©)zn (Ort PV value decreases with increase in P at constant temperature when (A) there ie no attractive o* repuleive forces between molecules (6) attractive and repusive forces between molecules are equal (0) attractive fo-c0s betwoon molocuis ars predominant (0) reguisive foros between molecules are predominant 450307 4 404. Among the following pai, which one has both variables as intensive variable? ary ()m.P av (DPT 105. The absolute configuration of the following compound is o ARRR IDRRS (OR S,R (D)s,R,R (A) 27.2 ev (B) 13.6 eV (C)68ev (0)34ev 107. The correct order of the ligands, OH -, NO, PPhs, pyridine, according te their incroasing fiald strength (A) NOs< OH< pyridine < PPhs (OH

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