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Scope and Limitation

This study was an investigation on the factors affecting the choices of the grade 10 students
under the K-12 curriculum which track they would take for senior high school. The study was
only limited to the Grade 10 students of the San Teodoro National High School. This study
mainly focused on the factors such as the profile of the students, parental influence, peer
influence, environment, personality interests. There may be more factors, however those would
not be within this study.
There was no significant relationship between the profile and the choice of track of Grade 10
Students in San Teodoro National High School in terms of choosing SHS track/strand.
Statement of the Problem
1. What are the attitudes of Grade 10 students of STNHS towards choosing Senior High School
Strand in terms of:
1.1 personality interests
1.2 parental influence
1.3 peer influence
2. What is the extent of guardian's motivation of grade 10 students towards choosing Senior
High School Strand in STNHS?
3. Is there significant difference between the attitudes and guardian's motivation towards
choosing senior high school strand?
4. Based on the findings of the study, what intervention plan can be proposed?
Significance of the Study
This result of this study will be beneficial to the following:
Grade 10 students- this study will serves as a guide to them in choosing their preferred track
for their upcoming SHS and know the appropriate and desired strands that grade 10 students
will choose and prefer.
Teachers- this research will also beneficial to them who will play a big role in shaping students
into successful people as they study helps them focus more in their mastery to deliver a better
learning experiences to the future of the Senior High School students.
San Teodoro National High School- the results of the study serves them as a guide in
improving their Senior High School tracks for students to had choice in preferred track/strand.
Parents- they can help their future SHS Students in guiding them to the right track and
appropriate to the skills , abilities , capability of the students .
Future Researchers- researcher can use this study as a reference and help the future
researchers that will conduct this type of study.

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