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Be yourself! Everybody else is taken…

After you read, share in your writer’s notebook something you agree with, something you

question, and something you might add to the discussion.

I agree with the fact that it is hard not to succumb to the pressure of what others are

doing around you and to avoid the “hype”. Something I question is how to differentiate and

realize the decisions I make on my own versus the decisions I make based on others around

me. While you want to make your own decisions, it is easy to see what others close to you are

doing and want to follow in their path, while completely disregarding your wants and needs.

Something I found interesting was the five prompts to find out who you are and get to know

yourself better.


What is your gut reaction when you think about having a job someday? What excites you

about getting out of school and into the workforce? What is intimidating? What kinds of

jobs have you had? If you have a job now, do you like it? Why? What is the difference

between a career and a job?

When I think about having a job someday, I get excited, but also a little nervous. I get

excited because I know what I want to do when I get older, and I am excited to be able to get

paid and do something regularly that I love. The intimidating thing is, that means getting through

college with good grades, possibly more schooling, and having to find an actual place to work

after that. I don’t currently have a job now, but I have babysat for people before. I think that a job

is just something you do to earn money, whereas a career might be something you are more

interested in and will give you future opportunities.


Calvin & Hobbes, Gary Clark Jr., and the Authentic Narrative of Your College Essay

What is the characteristic that you hope to show in your essay? You will want to

demonstrate (show, don’t tell) that you are “the real deal”. What is the powerful story that

will let you do just that? How will you “keep it simple, be yourself, talk and write about

things you know and love”?

The characteristic I want to show in my essay is how I am hardworking. I can tell the

story of how I’ve broken many bones and how I’ve worked hard to overcome those injuries and

compensate for the time I’ve lost. I could also talk about how I am friendly and outgoing, like

when I went to the Dominican Republic and made so many new relationships there.


Read the ​article linked here​ and answer the questions. What is the author’s argument?

The article was written in 2011, do you believe that the sentiment holds true in 2019?

What have you heard (from parents, teachers, coaches, friends) about posting online and

how it can affect your future? Do you believe the hype? Provide an example of a positive

AND negative post and explain how it affected that person.

The author’s argument is that our online presence and social networks will become more

prevalent than any resume would have been. I believe that this still holds true in 2019. If

something bad about you is online for the whole world to see, no one would want to hire you

and have you work for them with that type of presence. Over the years, everyone harps on the

idea of your “digital footprint”, and the things you post online. It is very important to pay attention

to because one day, a job will look us up on the internet to know more about us, and see if we
would be good to represent their business. An example of a positive post would be something

you are involved in, letting colleges or jobs know that you are involved in activities. A negative

post would be something that is inappropriate for school and would result in some type of



Consider what you learned today. Please write a reflection that includes the following

information. What is ONE thing you learned when viewing Markus and Tommy’s pages?

What are TWO things you included in your website as a result of the article you read?

What are THREE things you need to accomplish for this class before the end of this

cycle/the end of the next class? Job shadow contact, website update, linked in profile,

college essay revision.

I learned that what you put on your page can cause people to become really invested or

not at all invested in you as a person. I included some of my interests and my social media

accounts. I need to accomplish contacting my job shadows, finishing my website, and making

edits to my college essay.


Log into Naviance. Review the goals you entered. Read the ​article linked here​ and reflect.

How might SMART goals be helpful moving forward? What are systems you can put in

place to check your progress? What can you be doing RIGHT NOW to make progress on

these goals?

SMART goals will be helpful moving forward because they will help me to plan for bigger

tasks I will have to complete as I get older. Systems I can put in place to check my progress are
setting, small, but specific goals to reach so I can plan for big projects in small increments.

Things I can be doing right now are planning when I will achieve each task so that I don’t cram

when the time comes to complete it.


Read the ​article here​. The article notes, “A slightly macabre way of identifying your

personal values (but a very compelling one) is to imagine your own funeral.” Take this

writer’s notebook to detail what you hope your obituary will read. Make sure to include

the values and characteristics that are more important to you. Write 8+ sentences for full


Writing my obituary makes me feel very uncomfortable as I hope that my death is not

something I will have to encounter soon. But, if I were to make one, I would hope that it would

include my attitude. I hope it would talk about how I am always happy and smiling, and always

having a good time, no matter what I am participating in. It would talk about how I was funny,

and could always lift up the spirits of those around me. It would include how I am hardworking,

and never back down from any obstacles that come my way. It would talk about how involved I

was, and how much I liked to help those around me. Maybe it would include how I loved to

spend time with my family and friends whenever I had the chance. I hope that it would say how I

was a good daughter, sister, friend, and possibly mother to those I love. It would talk about how

I used to love playing sports, helping out in my community, and being involved in school


Read ​this article​ from Balance Careers. Please be able to answer what an informational

interview is and is not. In a couple of sentences, talk about how an informational

interview might be able to help you professionally. Write at least 3 questions you would

like to ask someone in the field of your dreams.

An informational interview is a way to talk to a person who works in a field you are

interested in and gain information about their job. It is not an interview for a job. It can improve

your ability to have a job interview by speaking to the person without dealing with the added

stress. You can get some inside information about the job that you may not have gotten

elsewhere. They also help you to expand your network and talk to more important people.

- What did you major in at college?

- What are the different settings or areas one could work in?

- Do you have a specific schedule or are your hours flexible?

Look at the chart below and answer the questions on your website.

1. What are the three largest cost categories for families?

○ Housing

○ Transportation

○ Food

2. Roughly what percentage of their expenditures do families spend on


○ $207

3. What percentage of a typical family’s expenditures would you consider needs

compared to wants.

○ 82%

4. What expenses would you expect to stay the same month after month? What

would vary most month to month?

○ Same: transportation, food, healthcare, entertainment, apparel and services

○ Vary: housing, personal insurance and pensions, donations, other expenditures

5. You overhear a friend discuss how Americans are frivolous in their spending and

waste lots of money. Use this data on family budgets to argue against his


○ This would be a false accusation because about 82% of the money this family is

spending is on their needs, and only 18% of their spending goes to other things

they want.


Did you talk with your parents about whether they plan to help you for college? Was the

conversation easier or more difficult than you anticipated? What was the hardest part of

the conversation? Easiest? List 3 questions that were answered and list 3 questions that

remain about how you will pay for college. Please list at least 3 scholarships you can

apply for to help you pay for college.

I did talk to my parents about whether they are helping me pay for college. The

conversation was very easy, as I had already had this conversation with them before. My

parents started a college account for me when I was born, and they have continually put money

into it every year. The hardest part of the conversation was the stress built up from asking and

knowing how much money college is. The easiest part was actually talking about it because the

conversation flowed really easily and my parents for super understanding.

1. Will my parents be paying for any of my college?

2. Will I have to pay for any part of college?

3. Should I apply for any scholarships in order to help me?

1. What scholarships should I apply to?

2. Do my parents have the same account for my sister?

3. Will they have enough money by the time she goes to college?

1. Betty Bayne Barnes Scholarship

2. Dr. Denise M. Martin Scholarship

3. Mahindra USA Woman in AG Scholarship


What are three questions you would ask if you had the opportunity with the school or job

of your dreams?

1. What is the student-teacher ratio in the health science classes?

2. What opportunities are there to connect with teachers for help?

3. What does financial aid look like at this school?

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