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http// Vol. 11 No. 1, Jan-Feb 2010 Rs.


PEOPLE ’ S MARCH Voice of the Indian Revolution

Operation green hunt

& a few victims
Voice of the Indian Revolution Vol. 11 No. 1, Jan-Feb 2010 Rs. 20


Com. Ganapathy 3 Guns, gags and lies in a war that no one sees
General Secretary of the CPI (Maoist) Javed Iqbal- The New Indian Express 21
Sugar’s Bitter Policies Dandakaranya Janathana Circars
India’s Dubious Role Com. Kobad Ghandy 19 Com. Ganapathy 22
in Copenhagen Martyrdom Apeal to all revolutionary forces
Com. Kobad Ghandy 14 Com. Swapandas Gupta 28 CC, CPI (Maoist) 27

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2 PEOPLE’ S MARCH, Jan-Feb. 2010

In Conversation with Ganapathy, General Secretary of CPI (Maoist)
Jan Myrdal and Gautam Navlakha, January 2010
Communist Party of India (Marxist
Far inside the jungles of the Eastern Ghats we met the general secretary of
Leninist) [CPI (ML)] [People’s War]
the CPI (Maoists) Ganapathy aka Mupalla Laxman Rao. After welcoming us
and Maoist Communist Centre (MCC).
and inquiring from us whether we, in particular Jan Myrdal, faced any problem
Our great beloved fore-founder leaders
having to travel the rough terrain, the interview began. Following is the summary
and teachers, Comrades Charu
of the interview with him. We have retained the interview in the form in which it
Mazumdar(CM) and Kanhai
was given, read and approved by him with some minor language changes. In
Chatterji(KC) who led an ideological
particular we draw attention of readers to the General Secretary laying down
and political struggle ceaselessly for a
concisely his party’s stance on the issue of talks in light of the disinformation
long time against revisionism and
spread by the Union Minister of Home P Chidambaram that CPI (Maoist) had
modern revisionism of Communist
“scoffed” at the Indian Government’s offer for talks. Indeed he told us:
Party of India and CPI(Marxist).
To put concisely the main demands that the party has placed in front of the
Through this struggle only
government [of India] for any kind of talks are 1) All-out war has to be withdrawn;
backbone of the revisionist parties’ had
2) For any kind of democratic work, the ban on the Party and Mass Organizations
broken down which resulted in a
have to be lifted; 3) Illegal detention and torture of comrades had to be stopped
breakthrough in the Indian communist
and they be immediately released. If these demands are met, then the same leaders
movement. By the result of this great
who are released from jails would lead and represent the Party in the talks.
struggle in all spheres by comrade CM
However, we consider the full text of the interview of importance for all those and other genuine Maoists, the great
who want to know more about the policies of the party which the Government of Naxalbari armed peasant uprising
India considers its main internal security threat. broke-out like a Spring-Thunder. Then
Q: How do you envisage the linking in the revolutionary upsurge after a new history began. Then onwards our
of this struggle with a general struggle success of revolutions in Vietnam, two great leaders upheld the red banner
in India in terms of class? Chairman Kampuchea and Laos in-spite of some of Naxalbari and lead the New
Mao after 1935 took the Long March upsurges and significant struggles in Democratic Revolution. The
to Yenan created a base for national several countries. If we look into the revolutionary movement spread like
level and part of which was the united entire world history, after emergence of prairie-fire to almost all parts of the
front with the Chiang Kai-Sheik. working class on the globe, it is country in a different scale. During this
Thereby it became the main national confronting with the bourgeoisie class revolutionary course in a short period
power in China. How do you envisage and all other reactionary forces and two Parties, CPI (ML) and MCC were
becoming to a national power in India? seized power from them in Paris for a founded on 22nd April 1969 and 20th
October 1969 under the direct
A: In China, in which condition short-while and then in Russian, China
leadership of comrades CM and KC
Long March to Yenan took-place and and several European countries for a
respectively. Due to several historical
created a base and a part of it formation long time and shocked the entire globe.
reasons we failed to form a unified
of a United Front with Chiang Kai- In this trajectory, there were various ups
Maoist Party at that juncture itself. But
Sheik for national level is different to and downs in the World Socialist
our basic ideological and political line,
our present situation of New Revolution but nonetheless the struggle
path and strategy of the revolution, and
Democratic Revolution (NDR) of India. continuous. It is like waves at times and
several other basic positions on
Chinese revolution took-place in first it slowed down, but it never ceased. So
half of the 20th century. Since then we have to see any revolution of a important questions which we
several significant changes have country in the light of historical context. confronted at the same time were
occurred in the world. Those are, firstly basically same.
In relation to our revolution, first of
emergence of a Socialist Camp and its all I would like to introduce our history The Indian ruling classes unleashed
subsequent down fall, secondly in a short account to understand the a reign of terror on all revolutionary
downfall of colonialism and emergence present condition correctly. Our unified movements starting with the Naxalbari
of neocolonialism, thirdly emergence Party, the Communist Party of India armed agrarian uprising. At the end of
of so-called parliamentary system as the (Maoist) was formed on 21st September 1972, after the arrest and martyrdom
common political system throughout 2004 by merging two Maoist of comrade CM and even prior to it we
the world, fourthly, a long gap emerged revolutionary streams of India, the lost a large number of leaders and
PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 3
cadres in the hands of the enemy. Due formation of the new Party. But in this merger, our understanding further
to these loses we suffered a period most of the right and left Maoist enriched about the uneven development
countrywide setback. Prior to the groups had been gradually disintegrated of the country and uneven development
martyrdom of comrade CM, intensive and disappeared and some of the right of the revolutionary movement. Now
internal political and ideological groups still exist even though they are we can plan at an all India level in a
struggle started against right arch- weak. Still a tiny section of Maoist better way. It is not at complete but at
opportunist clique SNS and others in forces exist but they are suffering from least the disadvantages have been done
1971 itself. Party had disintegrated into sectarianism for a long time. away with. A clearer and enriched line
several groupings due to our serious We opine that our struggle within has emerged in terms of both India and
tactical mistakes, state terror, severe the CPI and CPM is an integral part of world context. And other aspect in this
losses, lack of proper leadership and the great struggle conducted in the advantage, is that it had its effect
negative effect of two line struggle International Communist Movement internationally too. Before this, mostly
within the Communist Party of China. headed by the Communist Party of we could not see this much of
Since 1972 July to 1980 our Party, the China under the direct leadership of international support. But, still it is
CPI (ML) was dominated by several comrade Mao. We also opine that the nascent, nonetheless it had developed.
splinters most of them lead by right and internal struggle with in the CPI (ML) In recent years, we suffered several
left-adventurist leadership and disarray which took-place for several years is losses. Despite which we have to think
spread over. But on the other side, under connected directly or indirectly with the how to avoid this much of losses. But
the leadership of MCC armed agrarian internal struggle of the CPC even before our CC has said that we should avoid
revolutionary peasant struggle in and after Mao’s demise. Modern mistakes to avoid losses and boldly face
Kanksha took-place and it suffered a revisionist Deng clique which usurped the enemy and go ahead.
setback in a short period due to state power in China damaged much not only At present in our country other
terror but steadily expanded to Bihar, to our Party and revolution but also to Maoist Parties are not in a position to
and to some extent to Assam and the world revolution. We firmly stick provide leadership to the masses due
Tripura. to Mao Thought and opposed Deng to their right deviationist line and
We uphold basic ideological and clique and Lin Piao clique. Our limited strength. The progressive and
political line of a genuine Maoist Party, experience clearly shows that Indian democratic forces are lacking any
learned lessons from practice, seriously revolution had influenced a lot with the revolutionary basic program of action
engaged in the class struggle and firmly positive and negative developments of and also at present they are having a
stood for correct positions on several International Communist Movement limited area of influence. Besides all
ideological and political questions (ICM). these limitations no party has people’s
which confronted in the country and We, the Indian Maoist Party have armed force to defend. I reiterate that
international arena. Due to these traversed through a tortuous path for a at present no one Party or Organization
positions only from CPI (ML) Stream, long period. After formation of Unified is capable enough to be a rallying centre
on 1978 the CPI (ML)-Party Unity Party, most favorable situation emerged for all revolutionary, democratic,
(PU) and on 22nd April 1980 CPI for the advancement of revolution. We progressive and patriotic forces and
(People’s War) (PW) emerged. Due to lost this good chance between 1969 and people.
this only once again we, MCC, PW and 1972. The biggest boon of this merger Hence, at present juncture our Party
PU Parties build armed agrarian has been the result of synthesis of over can play a significant role in rallying
revolutionary movement in different 35 years of experience of Indian all revolutionary, democratic,
parts of the country, particularly Andhra revolution. It has given us enriched progressive and patriotic forces and
Pradesh and Bihar. We strengthened our basic documents in terms of strategy, people. Because our party has an all
Party, revolutionary mass movement tactics and policies. Our merger brought India character, good political militant
and armed struggle considerably in about a significant change from two mass base in several States, a People’s
1980s and 1990s which culminated in different parties working in distant Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA)
the great unity and formation of our separate areas or small pockets to a fighting enemy in several States and
new party in September 2004. Since Party with an all India character. Before emerging New Democratic People’s
1977 a large number of genuine Maoist merger, in-spite of both Parties having power in Dandkaranya [an area in
forces had merged and consolidated in CC, there was a serious limitation to central India which comprises
the CPI (ML) [PW], MCCI and CPI them in functioning as Central Bodies predominately tribal districts of five
(ML)-PU and also still this process is with all India perspective. But after states of India namely Andhra Pradesh,
continuing to some extent after the
4 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010
Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, [formation of Communist Party of India to identify the root cause of the
Maharashtra and Orissa], Jharkhand (Maoist)] and the weaknesses of Maoist problem. Firstly, why this war? Who’s
and some other parts of India. We have forces in the country and other imposing it? On whom it is imposing?
a clear-cut understanding to unify all countries. What is the nature of this war? How
revolutionary, democratic, progressive, The favorable revolutionary long it continues? Can we accept this
patriotic forces and all oppressed social conditions, the widespread bitter class war or not? Who should counter it?
communities including oppressed struggle rising in Indian society and the How to counter it? What is the aim of
nationalities against imperialism, development of the armed struggle are resistance to war? etc.
feudalism and comprador bureaucratic being keenly observed by the enemy This war is meant for destroying the
capitalism. Our New Democratic who is taking it most seriously. So, no revolution which is gradually emerging
United Front (UF) consists of four opportunity is being given to these as an alternative political power to the
democratic classes, i.e. workers, struggles by the Indian ruling classes existing reactionary political power in
peasants, urban petty-bourgeoisie and who are also compradors of the country and plundering massive
national bourgeoisie. If we wish to form imperialism. So immediately in the minerals and other rich natural
a strong United Front then it must be context of world revolution also putting resources of the vast areas of Adivasi
under the leadership of proletariat, together the experiences of Philippines, people and other local people from
basing on worker and peasant alliance. Peru, Nepal, and India, imperialism is Lalgarh to Surjagarh. They are
If we wish to form a strong United Front most concerned about the development imposing this war on those who are
then it must be supported and defended of a bitter class struggle emerging in against this war, i.e. Maoist
by the People’s Army. Without People’s India. In the present situation of world, revolutionaries, Adivasi and local
Army people have nothing to achieve if the Maoist revolution in India can people of the vast forest areas, workers,
or to defend. Hence enemy is seriously advance to a new stage, it will become peasants, urban middle class, small and
trying to eliminate our Party leadership a grave threat to world capitalist system. medium bourgeoisie, Dalit, women,
with the aim of destroying a That is why imperialism, particularly religious minorities and oppressed
revolutionary and democratic centre of America has taken these developments nationalities, democratic organizations,
Indian people. So the condition has seriously. progressive and patriotic forces who
matured further to rally around one comprise more than 95% of the
So, on the one side, there are more
centre and revolution could go ahead population. It is completely an unjust
favorable conditions for revolution, and
under the leadership of the CPI on the other side there is enemy’s full war. This war is imposed by the
(Maoist). Comprador Bureaucratic Bourgeoisie,
onslaught to suppress the revolution. In
At the same time, the world this situation, our entire plan is to fully Feudal forces of this country and
economic crisis, the anti-people and utilize the favorable conditions while imperialists, particularly America.
pro-imperialist policies of the Indian resisting the enemy which will These are real looters, plunderers,
ruling classes and the rising state determine our plan. corrupters, blackmailers, hoarders,
repression, infuriated the masses in the scamsters, murderers, conspirators,
In this context, at present, main
country increasing the revolutionary hurdle in the way of Indian Revolution oppressors, suppressers, autocrats,
scope now that there is a single fascists, most reactionaries and number
is the all-out war unleashed by the
revolutionary party. For a long time, enemy. This war is principally against one traitors. These reactionaries plan to
since Comrade CM’s martyrdom, India continue this war for a long time till
Maoist movement but not limited to this
was lacking a single revolutionary they achieve their goal.
movement and aimed enough against
platform. Even in the international all revolutionary, democratic, Any Maoist, democrat, progressive,
scenario, there were many cleavages in patriot, and people will not accept this
progressive and patriotic movements
the Maoist movements. In this and the movements of oppressed unjust war imposed by the rulers.
particular juncture the emergence of our People will completely oppose this
communities of our society including
Party provides new hope to the people. unjust, most cruel, inhumane and
oppressed nationalities. At this juncture,
I want to say that the Party has no all these forces have to think together treacherous war. It will be defied by all
illusion about the so called how to face this mighty enemy and for people of our country and people of
parliamentary system and knows well this how to unite to go ahead. world. This unjust war is totally against
Indian state’s might as well as we the interest of the people and the interest
How can we resolve the problem of
clearly know our limitations and all-out war? For resolution of any of the country. People will unite and
shortcomings, even after unity counter this unjust war by waging a just
problem, we have to analyze it deeply
war. People will never tolerate any kind
PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 5
of unjust war. In the history of entire back Indian army has declared its new Indian society, the Adivasis and local
class society people never tolerated any policy [Doctrine of Sub-conventional people have come under a great threat.
kind of unjust war forever but they Warfare] to deal with internal security Probably for the first time in the world,
fought back every unjust war by paying and needs of the modern war with other such huge populations of indigenous
price of their own blood and ultimately countries. Under this restructured plan people are being threatened. A new
won it. Immediate aim of this just war Indian army is training a large number situation is being created and with a
is to defeat the unjust war completely of its forces according to needs of wide- concrete program these oppressed
and then advance towards changing spread counter-insurgency operations. sections must advance. It is evident that
present social conditions which are Now onwards Indian army is being without the emancipation of these
giving scope to unjust wars. If we look used in a vast area of our country people, we cannot advance nor the
at the political developments of the against its own people in the name of Indian revolution succeeds. Our Party
country, this inhumane all-out war is internal security. If it [Indian is working on this problem and more
giving a tremendous scope to unite vast Government] is really a people’s and more people will unite and fight
masses of people and certainly it will government, how can it use its own back the arch enemies of the Indian
become counter productive to the ruling army against its own people? The people, namely the imperialists, CBB,
classes. Indian state is functioning as an feudals and fascist state.
After 15th August 1947 we never autocratic and fascist rule in the garb People of North Eastern oppressed
saw such integration of Indian of democracy. All the gains that were nationalities and Kashmiri are fighting
economy, defense, internal security, made by revolutionary and democratic for their liberation for decades. They
polity, culture and entire state with the people’s struggles are being challenged have advanced to some extent and faced
imperialists, particularly with the US by the fascists. But this will also force unprecedented sufferings. But they did
imperialists. Nuclear Deal and several the vast masses of the people to unite not succeed and still they are continuing
defense deals, glaring interference after and resist with whatever means to their fight. While we have had some
terrorist attacks in Mumbai on 26th defend and ultimately it will also successes in guerilla warfare, they
November 2008 and Union Home become counter-productive to the (oppressed nationalities) see some hope
Minister Chidambaram’s visit to US ruling classes. in the Maoists. There is a new hope that
and crucial agreements related to We must also talk about the current if the Maoist revolution advances, it
internal security are some glaring world economic crisis, particularly will hasten the national liberation
instances. Due to this significant change crisis of US imperialists and other struggles also. In this context, in
the Indian expansionists are playing a imperialist countries. This crisis is in accordance with MLM (Marxism
crucial role in the South-Asia. The certain aspects even deeper than the Leninism and Maoism) the Party had
fundamental contradiction between great depression of 1930s. But always maintained the position of the
imperialism and Indian people has capitalism does not die on its own right to self-determination including
further sharpened. It will give great without a revolution. Now to come out secession of all oppressed nationalities.
scope to unite people against of this crisis imperialism will try to They (oppressed nationalities)
imperialists and fight back imperialism. increase exploitation of working class understand this policy and their fight
From several decades entire and middle class of its own countries need to be strengthened. This has to be
Kashmir and North East are under and increase plunder of third world utilized to unite with them and try for a
military and paramilitary domination. countries. Multi National Corporations united front. For instance, when the
On the other hand drastic change has (MNCs) and Comprador Bureaucratic Naga forces were deployed in
been seen in internal security due to role Bourgeoisie (CBB), the collaborators Chhattisgarh or when the Mizo
of military in the internal security. of imperialists are concentrated on the battalions were placed here, there were
Indian army was deployed at the time large tracts extended from Lalgarh in some protests in Nagaland and
of historic Telangana armed agrarian Bengal to Surjagarh in Maharashtra. To Mizoram respectively by soldiers’ own
revolution (1946-52) and for a short- exploit this rich region, primarily family members as well as by the
while [in 1971] in some pockets of West Adivasi (tribal) region, state and central democratic people. They said that they
Bengal after great Naxalbari peasant governments have signed 100s of oppose the war on people; they don’t
armed uprising of 1966. But today in MOUs (Memorandum of want to send their children for
long term perspective, the Indian army Understanding). Indiscriminate loot of suppressing other people. Strategically
is being reorganized. Under the dictates this region will destroy environment it is creating a better condition to unite
of global war against terror, three years and bring long term ecological changes. people of all nationalities, workers,
The most oppressed community of peasants, middle class and national
6 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010
capitalists, and the suppression going tactical fronts. This strategic united march forward to build a strong united
on everywhere on the people is front will be between the oppressed front.
gradually becoming counter-productive people against imperialism, feudalism Q: What are the ways and methods
to the rulers itself. and comprador bureaucratic capitalism. to win-over friends?
Overall, enemy has declared all-out In spite of intensification of the
A: For broadest possible unity, we
war on the people in the name of contradiction between imperialism and cannot have sectarian approach towards
internal security, and in the name of Indian people our country is not
friends of NDR [new democratic
danger from Maoists. We are relatively attacked by any imperialist country or revolution]. At present several forces
strong in several rural areas of the has not become a direct colony by any are lined up against the enemy. We have
country. But at present our forces are other means. So, at present our to let them develop too. In the united
weak, we are weak in urban areas, and condition is different from that of China front on some issues, there would also
we are also weak in workers and among in mid 1930s in which CPC formed an be representatives of oppressive classes.
petty-bourgeoisie. People’s army too is anti-imperialist united front against We can not expect them join our ranks,
weak and its weapons are inferior to the Japan imperialism. which is a long way ahead. Right now
enemy. These are our weaknesses in Q: How would the Party deal with we need to firmly stick to our strategic
general. To strengthen the people’s the difficulties in the formation of the goal, and for that tactically we need to
army and work in urban areas are some united front and along with the remain flexible.
of most important urgent tasks. The objective conditions, what does the More clearly, there are two different
Unity Congress of our Party has clearly party think about the subjective kinds of United Fronts. One, between
announced a strategic plan and has conditions in today’s scenario? people, and the other between people
given enriched documents for A: Comrades, as the first aspect, and enemy (a section/group/ persons
improving in these fields. On the other Maoist party would like to become a from enemy classes) using the
hand, social contradictions are centre for the people of the country and contradictions among the enemy. Party
sharpening very fast. Along with above their development, represent their has to do that. This scope is there to
urgent tasks, our Party is concentrating aspirations. We are representing above some extent on some issues. We call it
to unite more and more people. If we 95% of population. There is more the indirect reserves of the revolution
succeed in this, we can make a leap in favorable objective condition for which can be used carefully. If we have
the revolution. We are hopeful about the uniting people and people also want a clear understanding that they are not our
emergence of a united front. In this new party that will serve their interests. We class allies, then we would not have
situation, it is one of the foremost tasks are not working for partial reform right opportunist deviations. We need
of Indian revolution. We strongly feel within the bourgeois and exploitative united fronts of this kind for the success
that it is not only our task but the task system. We are fighting for the socio- of the revolution. The Indian Left
of all revolutionary, democratic, economic demands of the people as largely, like CPI and CPM, had trailed
progressive forces. well as for the qualitative change of the behind the bourgeoisie and
Along with this, contradiction very basic structure of the society. If degenerated.
within the enemy classes is sharpening. we succeed in clearly explaining it to Last aspect is each class has a
It can be seen in Nandigram and to the people, we will succeed to mobilize separate class interest and a world view.
some extent in the Lalgarh struggles. and organize them in the war and will The united front in this sense is also a
We are utilizing this contradiction and win. struggle front. But overall if the struggle
it is necessary to utilize everywhere to Whenever protracted people’s war, is against the main enemy, then this
advance the class struggle. We are also as well as national liberation war had struggle becomes secondary, while
working with other democratic been fought, experience shows that unity becomes primary. The real issue
organizations and people and some without mass base, army, liberated area, is how this struggle and unity can be
individuals belonging to ruling classes people did not succeed in forming a balanced and used effectively. The
on different issues of the masses by strong united front. In course of enemy classes will never side with the
forming tactical fronts. We and all revolutionary struggle, forming army people. Even after the seizure of power,
fighting Parties, Organizations and and establishing base areas we can form struggle will continue within the society
people have to understand the several tactical united fronts and even for a long time. So, united front and
importance of unity between them and fragile strategic united front. We have class struggle should continue
formation of a united front. We are to strive hard to mobilize masses in the simultaneously. For that it is an utmost
providing impetus to unity of the people war against their enemies and build own important task is to concentrate on the
and building a strategic united front and army and establish stable base areas and ideological and political education of
PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 7
the masses. If we can do this to a big national force. basically. We have to develop guerilla
successfully, then we can win-over Q. But practically how do you do war into mobile war and guerilla army
those sections too and allow them to it? into a regular army. We need active
join our ranks. These parties also have A. I talked about our strength even involvement of people. Our strength
people under a corrupt leadership. If we lies in the people. The enemy will strive
while we are physically small. I
can win-over the people through described where our main strength lies. to limits us to armed confrontation only.
political and ideological struggle, we And they want to limit us to a limited
But physical strength is also needed to
can win-over large number of their area. They are dividing our areas into
fight. We need powerful army and
primary membership. Revolutionary strong mass base along with strong various sections and encircle us. But we
breakthrough is linked to this process. can also chase their base camps like
Party. This is practically a must. If this
The Chinese and Nepalese Party have is not there, no matter how strong we honey bees by mobilizing the people.
developed through leaps and bounds by In areas where the enemy camps are
are ideologically, it would lead to
doing the same. Both the cadre force located, even in those villages, we have
failure. So, we have to grow. For this,
as well as the army can expand through while facing the enemy repression, we Revolutionary People’s Committees
this politically and ideologically also. where work is still going on. Hundreds
have to use the correct tactics. In our
If this dialectical relationship between assessment, enemy is going for all-out of people built up ponds in complete
the united front and the political and knowledge of the security forces in the
war. But it is creating its own trap. If
ideological struggle can be handled camps.
we can understand that and effectively
carefully, we will succeed in forming a handle our guerilla war, we will So as the enemy is splitting our
strong united front and isolate the main masses, we are also trying to expand
enemy. our base, and trying to encircle the
In practical terms there are two
Ideologically the bourgeois class enemy camps/bases. We have to keep
issues. One, Ruling class
influence can be removed on the basis contradictions: There exist old in mind the strategic importance of
of the historical lessons of Marxism as guerilla war. They are bringing 1 lakh
contradictions in the society and new
a scientific theory. By doing this, we (100,000) soldiers. They have decided
contradictions that will emerge among
can win-over people and even change the ruling classes that must and should to bring and deploy Rashtriya Rifles (a
their world outlook and transform them special contingent of Indian army’s
be utilized for the advantage of the
with Marxist outlook. people. Not only to defeat enemy and counter-insurgency force) from Jammu
We have talked about our basic and Kashmir. But still Lalgarh to
for immediate gains, but for a longer
understanding of a united front. About Surjagarh means crores (one crore
revolutionary purpose, this is required.
the subjective conditions the We should strengthen our mass base equals ten million) of people. If we
revolutionary intellectuals and succeed in actively mobilizing the
and fronts which are the main shields
democratic people are aligned in a of our power. Comrade Mao said that masses to fight back the enemy forces,
favorable position for people. But this then we can make this very war a basis
for developing army and war people are
has to be made practically beneficial. for revolutionary change. It is definitely
the decisive. We must mobilize the vast
The second question being the fierce masses against the enemy and utilize a challenge before us but we are
repression, how can all this are confident that there is an advantage in
the contradictions of the enemy to
achieved? smash them one after another. the long run which cannot be achieved
in a short period. But unlike what the
We recognize that we are a small Second, while waging guerilla war enemy wants, to finish this in a short
Party still. But our real strength lies in in Andhra we had a setback; but we
Marxist ideology, the classes it period, we want to stretch this war and
have not completely abandoned; transform the situation to our advantage
represent, its line and policies. And to nonetheless it is a setback. From
achieve united front what are the favorable to the revolution.
Godavari valley (in Andhra Pradesh) to
methods? CBB, landlords and They are trying to limit our area,
Maharashtra, Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand
imperialists are the enemy against to West Bengal border, we have to while we are attempting to expand.
whom vast masses need to be united They are building Gram Suraksha
intensify and expand guerilla war.
on the basis of mass line and class line. Samithis to fight so-called anti-socials
Enemy must be resisted by our forces
If we keep to the interests of the masses but it must be according to our and thereby doing their best to contain
and use both the mass line and class us. But people are inviting us. Even
advantage basing on the concrete
line correctly, we will definitely situation. At present we have to utilize new, less experienced cadres who are
succeed and develop from a small force meagerly armed are being asked to visit
cleverly the tactics of hit and run
these areas by the people. For example,
8 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010
Sonebhadra in the Orissa, the villages forces. And therefore, in places like cannot come to directly support the
invited us themselves. Then again our Delhi, where there is limited scope for violent phases of the movement can
plans to expand from Raigad to the Party directly, we have to work in come together in other issues like that.
Nayagad in the form of Operation other ways. Our forces must rise to the So, demands may change but these
Ropeway under which the Nayagad occasion, deploy capable forces for must be slogans of the people. And both
Raid was orchestrated enabled us to united front, identify the most reliable Lalgarh and new slogans need to be
expand into this area in as little as 8-10 forces and organize a joint balanced.
months. So, the Nayagad raid not only understanding at any important place. I would say that the Party will
had military significance but also Different arrangements need to be definitely take positive criticisms from
political significance as there was made. Other democratic, progressive any quarter of people even those who
strategic reasons behind the raid. Then and Maoist forces need to be brought may not agree with our basic line but
again Operation Vikas was undertaken together and in the interim they should stood up for people. We welcome
to expand into the Manpur be made to lead. criticism from people to rectify our
(Chattisgarh) area in the plains. And Q: The situation in the early days of mistakes and strengthen our Party. The
people are inviting us and their the Lalgarh movement was such that movement against UAPA is bound to
confidence is on the high. If we expand intellectuals in large numbers came out be used in immediate and long term
in this way, we will grow definitely and in support of the Lalgarh movement. interest of the people. And in general
expand the guerilla war. If we proceed But of late, the intellectuals have had terms, as such any mobilization in this
like this and successfully stretch the differences in terms of the later stages field in the longer run is not
war, then in the longer run the political of the movement, and the focus has contradictory to the interests of the
and economic situations are bound to been shifted to such issues as opposition Party.
change and under pressure the state will to laws like Unlawful Activities Q: Where do you place democracy
crumble. Presently, the state is willfully Prevention Act (UAPA). How do you in the working of the Party? Meaning
spending in military expenses, but as perceive the situation? the right to strike, the right to dissent,
the war stretches and expand in to
A: If I had the latest state committee and the right to freedom of expression.
newer and newer areas, the more it will report, it would have been easier for me
spend in the longer run it would lead to A: This is a very important question;
to answer this question. But still I would however there is no confusion in our
failure. We are waging our war with this
like to say that initially there was lot of Party. We need a new democratic state
strategic plan. support among urban intelligentsia. in which other than CBB, the landlords
I already explained the second Now depending upon the enemy’s and imperialists all others will have real
aspect of this question in my answer to onslaught and the nature of struggle, it or genuine freedom. Other than enemies
your first question. will also lead to changes in reaction to of the people, for everybody there
Q: Is it possible at this juncture for the support base. Some people may also would be real or genuine democracy.
the Party to be at the centre of United go over to the opposition side of the In addition, I may say that while
Front? For instance, while working in Lalgarh movement. In Bengal, our preparing Policy Program of
Delhi where the Party is weak, how influence in the Civil liberty groups and Revolutionary People’s Committees
does it envisage a united front? in urban areas is not much strong. We (RPCs)/Janatana Sarkars, we have
A: It is an utmost important task to need to do more to develop this. We studied the experience of Gram Rajyas
keep the Party in the centre of united need to strengthen our work in urban of historic Telangana armed agrarian
front. I already answered first aspect of areas. A lot would depend on our work revolution, Policy Program of Chinese
your question in my answer to your first there and the development of Lalgarh Soviets, People’s Barrio committees of
question. movement to a higher stage. There is a the Philippines, Revolutionary People’s
About my second aspect for your lot of difference between working Committees of Peru, United
among the basic masses and working Revolutionary People’s Councils of
question, in Delhi if you could do that
it would be easier to work. But that is among intellectuals as the latter Nepal and also studied the Great
involves several complex factors. In Proletarian Cultural Revolution. In
not the condition today. So, the party
this context, if the intellectuals are accordance with above we have all the
after analyzing the situation, decided to
keep the party in centre through various united around any issue, even being fundamental rights including that every
UAPA, considering that it is not in voter has the right to recall any elected
other means possible. There are other
means – through other Maoist forces, contradiction to the larger struggle, it person. Even has the right to bring any
would be positive for us. Those who one in position of authority who works
democratic and other progressive

PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 9

against interest of the people to court as long as they serve people and have unavoidable condition only they take-
in order to prosecute them. support of the people. When socially up arms and resist their enemies and
In terms of the four great freedoms and politically they will become they are waging liberation war by
declared by Chairman Mao during the irrelevant, they will automatically learning from the history. So, we see
Cultural Revolution, other than the vanish. It is possible for them to win in this as a war of self-defense. In this
character posters on the wall, all the rest elections if such parties have support context of all-out war, we must
freedoms have been ensured by the of the people. This provision is there in recognize that the state of Andhra
Policy Program of the RPC/Janathan our policy Program of RPCs too even Pradesh has 130 thousand forces; there
Sarkar. As the level of development in othe r persons belonging to other are 45 thousand forces in Chhattisgarh
the Janatana Sarkar advances we would Parties/Organizations can join RPCs if (to soon increase this by more than 20
also follow the freedom for character they are voters and they have right to thousand forces), 160 thousand forces
posters. According to the constitution be elected to RPCs. This being our in Maharashtra. Thus each state has a
no physical punishment for political understanding, it has to be practically police force which is more than the
opposition will be allowed, anybody practiced on ground too. We have to national level forces of many European
develop this sphere. Nepal had made countries. The most cruel and dange-
had right to politically differ and even
some advances in this respect. rous special forces have been trained
unionize. The Indian state is trying to
by the state along with various anti-
control dissent and therefore people We give scope to small and medium
people draconian laws. Bengal, Bihar,
want revolution. We would not repeat bourgeoisie to grow with some
Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhattisgharh,
the same mistake. Besides, for any restrictions so that they may not become
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh along
mistakes in prosecution, the person has anti-people, and black marketing, stock
with Uttar Pradesh and Madhya
the right to appeal to the village piling and speculating can be
Pradesh has between them more than
Revolutionary People’s Committee, to controlled. We only restrict big capital
700 to 800 thousand of police forces.
higher levels and even to the Party. For of CBB and foreign. For instance in
Out of this, 250 to 300 thousand police
instance, in one of the extension areas, 1998-99 the government had stopped forces are directly engaged against the
there was an incident where in collusion small traders to deal in forest products, people. And alongside 100 thousand
with the Inspector General of Police, so as the Khirjas (local traders) central paramilitary forces have been
33 members belonging to two villages protested we fought for them in a deployed in these areas. Here people
became agents of the enemy. In this movement, though we stopped usury are combating against a stronger force
context our comrades went and handled and have controlled indiscriminate than the movements in North East and
the issue. While villagers wanted to exploitation, we are not stopping Jammu-Kashmir. This is a brutal and
give capital punishment to the main products from outside to come in. This violent repression campaign aimed at
agent of the police, party interceded to is capitalist development of one kind, the suppression of the political
give a chance to that person to realize but we are controlling it. It is needed to movement of the people, and for
his mistake. develop the people’s economy. If exploitation of the minerals.
Q: In a united front, everybody traders did not cooperate, how would
In this context, if possible we can
might not join. Some Maoist outfits and we have survived? Under the Janatana
hope for some respite. Longer the
democratic organizations can even Circar, the trade and industry respite is better for people. Democratic
department is handling the small traders
remain outside. How will you handle work needs this context. But while
that? so that the bourgeois outside cannot government is holding automatic gun
take advantage. So full freedom on one hand, one cannot talk about this.
A: Those in opposition are people’s continues even if there are collaborators
enemies and more than 95% of the People will keep fighting. While
attempting to win them over. It is only pumping bullets people never drop
oppressed people would be against in life and death context, that physical
them. But even 5% is a big number in weapons and people never surrender.
punishment is allowed. However right All democratic, progressive, patriotic
the Indian context. Our Party believes now, while facing repression and war,
that over the course of the protracted forces need to unite and fight against
we are in a complex situation which has the all-out war on the people by the
peoples’ war it gives scope to destroy to be acknowledged. central and state governments. To put
the enemy’s political power both
Q: What is your party’s stance on concisely the main demands that the
directly as well as culturally as many
talks? party has placed in front of the
followers are helped to transform. In
A: In general people and Maoist government for any kind of talks are 1.
China, Madam Sun Yet Sen till the last
revolutionaries do not want violence or All-out war has to be withdrawn; 2) For
day was in power, although never a
armed confrontation with anybody. In any kind of democratic work, the ban
member of the Party. They can stay only
10 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010
on the Party and Mass Organizations still very weak in many of these areas. problem. It was only another 6-7 years
have to be lifted; 3) Illegal detention So there is an uneven development that proper leadership would emerge in
and torture of comrades had to be under the protracted people’s war where the context of PW.
stopped and immediately released. If according to our strength there are First a revolutionary party needs a
these demands are met, then the same different levels of the movement in leadership for understanding national
leaders who are released from jails different regions. In this context, we and international conditions, as well as
would lead and represent the Party in must observe the development and the the economic and political conditions
the talks. role of a revolutionary party which is to make tactics accordingly. Some of
important and which I will say. the perspectives that I talked of, in the
Introduction on the
Comrades, in 1980s the Party was post-80s period, if we add those
Development of our Party
trying to emerge from a setback. It was experience, we would see that in later
Since Jan Myrdal wrote the book trying to reorganize and consolidate. On years we had made some developments
“India Waits” in 1980s in which he the one side, there was the problem of in this sphere of understanding.
talked about the movement there have sectarianism and on the other hand, the Secondly, a revolutionary party
been several developments in various mass base was largely lost. So we had needs to organize people and lead class
aspects both political and military. It to revive every thing both in terms of struggle. From the strategic perspective
was since then, that we saw the mass struggle and military. plans were made and spots were
development of a perspective, taking Accordingly, our tactics also changed. selected and some development was
into account the concrete Indian At that time it was mainly the anti- made since 1980s in terms of people
specificity. There were only few feudal struggles and the anti-imperialist struggling under leadership of the party
experienced leaders that were left from propaganda-agitation that had been which came up as a concrete
the days of Com. CM. Many had gone launched to create an anti-state opinion development.
into right deviation, some into left and open movements in the urban areas.
deviation and only few had come here. Thirdly, for a revolutionary party, it
Previously, under Com. Charu is important to organize armed struggle.
So, largely it was a new generation, a
Mazumdar the line had been to The CP Reddy group had the name of
new youth, and to turn them into
disregard mass organizations. Later we the CPI (ML) and was part of the PCP
experienced cadre, a lot of time had to
rethought and after going through an under the leadership of SNS. It was
be invested. When you Jan Myrdal had
intense self-critical review, we only they who had some squads in the
come here in 1980, the party was still
acknowledged that there were some Godavari area at that time which you
undergoing this problem.
mistakes in the earlier years and on that had visited. People’s War had started
It was only another 6-7 years that basis, in order to advance, we rebuilt some armed squads in the shape of
proper leadership would emerge in the the movement. The Self-Critical peasant squads only then, while they
context of PW. When JM visited AP in Review was made in 1974; it was by already had 60-70 armed cadres by that
1980, that time there was only CPI 1977 August that forces within the party time.
(ML) state committee along with the were convinced. And in practice it was
Tamil Nadu State Committee. There Later as we developed class struggle
reaffirmed by Party AP State according to the idea of area wise
was also a Central Committee but of Conference in September 1980 that
course only confined to these two seizure of power, to build people’s
marks the beginning of a new practice. army, the PW here and the MCC there
states, its scope was limited. The MCC
It was since then, that we saw the started making armed guerilla squads
was working in Bengal and Bihar in that
development of a perspective, taking at the levels of 5,7,9,11. Some platoons
period; however in Bengal it was very
into account the concrete Indian and guerilla zones thereby emerged. In
weak. In the same way PW was
specificity. There was only few some areas just before the 2004 merger,
working in AP and Tamil Nadu, but in
experienced leadership that were left even companies emerged. The
TN it was very weak. It is a
from the days of Com. CM. Many had erstwhile PW had People’s Guerilla
retrospective observation of work in
gone into right deviation, some into left Army while MCC had People’s
these two centers, in these two regions.
deviation and only few had come here. Liberation Guerilla Army. In the merger
Com. Kobad Gandhi and some other
So, largely it was a new generation, a process we found the PLGA under CPI
comrades from Maharashtra later
new youth, and to turn them into (Maoist). The next stage is battalions
joined PW. In MCC Com. KC started
experienced cadre, a lot of time had to moving progressively towards the
some work including Assam but in a
be invested. When you had come here, formation of PLA. Depending on the
very limited way. Now we have
the party was still undergoing this basic tenets, we have evolved the higher
presence in 20 states but the Party is
PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 11
stages of political and military power liquidation with extremely nominal Gadichiroli: Poddhu (Sun); Maad and
and the political power of the people. presence today. North Bastar Joint Division: Bhoomkal
The vision was there even before the Earlier, along with the fight against (Earthquake); East Bastar Division:
80s. MCC was also there. But revisionism we faced the problem of Bhoomkal Sandesh (Rebellion
practically it was only achieved in terms having a line that only talked of seizing Message). Other than this the Janatana
of concrete development after the state power and that other political Sarkar also has made a Magazine called
merger. question like the nationality question, Janatana Raj (People’s State).
There are two more developments the women question, the dalit There are also study classes that are
that I would like to point out. A party (untouchables or scheduled castes) organized with study notes and
which in practice is evolving tactics or question and the question of religious syllabus. Political classes are organized
policy involving a large mass in its rank minorities would automatically be at different state levels, some times
and files has to practice involving addressed. However, later we rectified rectification campaigns are organized
people in thousands and lakhs (a lakh this stand and merged both immediate for 4-6 months to one year when the
equals one hundred thousand). In slogans and ultimate slogans together. history of the Chinese, Philippines and
practice, while facing the problem and This was a must for the success of NDR Peru revolutions are discussed for
while rectifying the mistakes there were and development towards it. While political and ideological training. There
bitter internal and external struggle. It various other ML groups only raised are military instructor teams for military
is only through the process of this bitter immediate slogans and thereby went schools and Awami Jung as the military
ideological and political struggle that into reformism, we for a long time only magazine of Central Committee.
we have reached today’s position. After gave the ultimate slogan. But now, by The Party in the DK area faces the
the rectification and review of 70s, the putting together both immediate and problem of illiteracy and lack of
PW had emerged and it had to face ultimate slogans we move towards primary education and so we organized
grave internal crisis in the form of 1. better development. the MAS (mobile education) for the
Sectarianism and dogmatism in the For Party education, there are purpose of primary academic education
mid-80s, and 2. the hurdle posed by the several Party Magazines at Central, of party cadres. Hundreds of cadres
leadership of Com. Kondapalli State and District level. Around 25 of have been trained since its beginning.
Seetharamiah in the beginning of 90s. them are Party’s. Several others are The mass organizations also run
Then again, the clashes between MCC Mass Organizations’ Magazines, e.g. academic programs with their own
and PW had been a bitter and centrally we are publishing People’s syllabus which is made in consultation
unforgettable experience, a black War/Laal Pathaaka, an Ideological and with the leadership and committee
chapter in history. In order to face Political Magazine simultaneously in members.
ideological and political challenges, the English and Hindi and in other
party tactically evolved two languages; Awami Jung, a Military Introduction on the
approaches: discussion and review and Magazine in different languages; Development of People’s Army
struggle. All three times the party Maoist Information Bulletin in (at present called People’s
emerged successfully from the crisis. English.( In DK we are publishing Liberation Guerilla Army)
The MCC also in the same way following Magazines( 1. Prabhath I request you refer our central
emerged from its own internal crisis. A (Hindi, Party Political Magazine)( 2. documents for complete picture of our
section of it intended to continue the Viyyukka (Ideological and Political army development in specific
fight; there were also differences Magazine, in Gondi/Koyam) ( 3. conditions of the country and in which
pertaining to Maoism and dogmatism Padiyora Pollo (Military Magazine, international situation it is formed. I
through which it emerged successfully. Gondi/Koyam) ( 4. Sangharsharath request you to give attention on this due
The PU too fought against forces that Mahila (KAMS Magazine, in Hindi) ( to its vitality in any revolution
opposed protracted people’s war and 5. Jhankar (Literary and Cultural
agrarian revolution and emerged Magazine in multi-lingual) ( At Introduction on the
successfully. The PW and MCC even Division/District level in Gondi/ Development of UF
at this stage get smaller while the Vinod Koyam: South Bastar Division: Pituri In terms of mass organizations, we
Mishra and Satya Narain Singh groups (Rebellion); West Bastar Division: over the years, developed in several
get stronger and influential. While VM Midangur (Fireplace); Darbha fronts including peasant, women,
moved to left opportunism, SNS moved Division: Moyil Gudrum (Thunder); students, youth, civil rights groups,
into right opportunism. And in practice, North and South Divisions of literary and cultural groups, children,
they split and finally faced virtual
nationality, workers, employees and so
12 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010
on. The stronger the party in a state, even with others. imperialism and support the class
the larger the organization and the struggle throughout the world and also
fronts. In the weaker areas there are On International Relations take the support of the International
fewer mass organizations at the state In the 1980s beginning both MCC Maoist Parties/Organizations/Forces,
level in accordance with the strength and PW had been regional in scope, proletariat and people. For this purpose,
of the party. Right now, the party has because of which we failed to a large we maintain fraternal relations with
mass organizations both at the state and extent in connecting at the larger Maoist and anti-imperialist forces. We
all India level, and the idea is to international movements. However believe that it is both important to
represent the four-class organizations mid-1990s onwards, both Parties and extend help as well as take international
in accordance with the four-class particularly after the formation of the help for the success of any revolution
alliance and other sections too. With the CPI (Maoist) is now playing a role but because of the ongoing repression.
emphasis is being to mass internationally too. We are participating Overall, I once again say that we stuck
organizations, we presently have 30-40 in international debates and sending to basics of MLM. We invite critical
of them working in various fronts. delegations to international forums suggestions from any Maoist Party/
During by the 80s MCC had few mass though much progress needs to be made Organization.
organizations working secretly in a in this front. It is nonetheless better than We believe that CPI (Maoist) is a
limited scope. In AP the peasantry, the in the 1980s and 1990s. In terms of detachment of world proletariat
students and the literary-cultural RIM, MCC had joined it in 2002. The revolution. If it succeeds, we would say
sections along with the youth had some PW however opposed to join in RIM one part of the world would succeed -
influence but now with the as it believed that it is only after it is not independent. It would work as
development of our understanding thorough deliberations, understandings a part of the world socialist revolution
different mass organizations from and discussions that such an and it is strictly related to the success
village level to the state level to the all international platform could be evolved or failure of the world socialist
India level exist. In the 9th Congress in order to avoid a sectarian approach. revolution. More working class
of the PW it was decided to develop Therefore the PW did not join the RIM, struggles in the imperialist/capitalist
mass organizations and united fronts while MCC went ahead. After merger, countries will have a favorable impact
which would be issue-based and though it was decided that whatever the on Indian revolution.
tactical. At some issues even enemy new Party decided would be put to
Jan Myrdal is a Swedish author,
classes and local leaders could come practice. And since then as per the
political writer, journalist, and advocate
together in immediate and medium decision of the whole Party, it kept itself
of anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist and
terms. These developed further after the out of RIM. We kept outside RIM
popular liberation movements; Gautam
merger. So the class struggle needs to which by now has become virtually
Navlakha is the editorial consultant of
be waged at sectional, underground as defunct.
EPW (Economic and Political Weekly)
well as open levels. Legal opportunities It is important for the success of the and also a leading democratic rights
needs to be utilized, there are some Indian revolution as an inseparable part activist attached to People’s Union for
mass organizations working with MLM of great world socialist revolution to Democratic Rights (PUDR), Delhi.
general guideline, while there are some actively defend MLM, fight
that are working under complete cover PM
Contd..... from Page 26 and DK becoming the focal point for contradictions among the enemies,
Though these favourable conditions the enemy’s offensive etc are the actual developing the mass struggles breaking
exist for the advancement of the conditions which should be kept in out spontaneously into consolidated
movement, we are facing limitations in mind while formulating tactics and we struggles, education, training, arming,
the following matters - the strength of should prepare ourselves for tough preservation of our subjective forces,
Janathana Circars, mass base, military battles. rectification etc. All these tasks should
strength, the extent of the area of our be carried out in a planned manner. We
movement, the help and assistance this We had already decided from a
strategic view, the following tasks for must strive very hard to carry on all
movement is getting from all over the political, military, organizational,
country and from other countries, the the liberation of DK – extension,
educational etc campaigns with more
stronger areas of movement in our strengthening party, people’s army,
coordination. We must utilize the new
country. Added to these, the setback of people’s organizations and Janathana
power – the Janathana Circars to fulfill
the AP movement, the severe leadership Circars and enhancing their quality,
these tasks successfully.
losses our party suffered in the country united front – utilizing the
Contd..... on Page 18
PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 13
India’s Dubious Role in Copenhagen
THE Government, says the author,
needs to replace its self-righteous Even a whole society, a nation, or even all simultaneously
‘development’ rhetoric with concrete existing societies taken together, are not the owners of the globe.
action on the environment. For a start, it They are only its possesors, its usufructuries,
could reconsider the planned mining and, like bonepatres families, they must hand it down to
projects that will damage the environment
succeeding generations in an improved condition.
on a gigantic scale.
Handcuffed nation KARL MARX
Kobad Ghandy proposes that India begins making amends primarily by sinks—forests and the sea—are
reconsidering its planned mining projects. resulting in an abnormal rise in
temperatures. Year 2010 is forecast to
His name no longer draws a blank. More than the reams of revolutionary
be the hottest on record. Deforestation
essays he has written since turning rebel, it was Kobad Ghandy’s dramatic arrest
on a gigantic scale has seriously
in Delhi last September that set people abuzz, people who he would have termed
impacted climate change as leaves
the ‘petty bourgeoisie’. After his arrest, there were debates even among people
absorb CO2 through a process of
who normally skip the main newspaper for the glamour supplements. They
photosynthesis. Earlier, forests and seas
wondered how a man who studied at the prestigious Doon School along with
used to absorb half the CO2 produced.
Sanjay Gandhi and Kamal Nath, and who lived in a sea-facing Mumbai flat,
It is estimated that deforestation
could join the Maoist movement, becoming a dyed-in-the-wool Naxalite. As Home
Ministry dossiers will tell you, Ghandy could well be called the foreign minister accounts for 20 per cent of the world’s
of the CPI (Maoist). He is a Central Committee member, the highest decision- emissions. Also, the oceans are fast
making body of Maoists. Currently lodged in the high-security ward of Tihar Jail losing their ability to absorb carbon.
in the Capital, Kobad Ghandy considers the Copenhagen Summit a diabolic Just between 2000 and 2007, the sea’s
failure. Here, in an Open exclusive, he lays out his charges. For a man believed ability to absorb CO2 fell from 27 to
to be suffering from prostate cancer, and who has no access to research material, 24 per cent.
not even a desk and chair (for which he has applied to the court), barring an odd It has scientifically been established
newspaper, this is a remarkable effort. Kobad Ghandy writes from high-security that warming above 2º Celsius (from
Ward 8 of Tihar Jail no. 3W pre-industrial levels) will result in the
After two years of preparation, a $10 billion a year for developing earth’s natural processes beginning to
number of high-profile meetings and a countries over the next three years and break down, and the world then would
mammoth event at Copenhagen, the step-wise raise this amount to $100 be set to get warmer and warmer. Now,
summit could not even produce a billion a year by 2020. But it gives no 2º Celsius looks like a small amount,
commonly accepted declaration or commitments on how and who will but we must remember we are a mere
accord. What was finally manipulated raise these funds. It does not commit 6º Celsius away from the last ice age.
by the US, of which the summit only any nation to emission cuts. There are There are, for example, massive
‘took note’, was a step back from what no overall targets for rich countries, amounts of warming gases stored in the
had already been achieved under the which existed in the Kyoto Protocol. Siberian permafrost; at 2º Celsius, they
Kyoto Protocol and Bali Action Plan. It was a victory of the powerful melt and are released into the
After 12 days of meetings, with 110 energy and car lobbies (the main atmosphere. The world’s humid rain
heads of the state and about 45,000 polluters) over the need for urgent forests store huge amounts of warming
others, including ministers, top environmental protection of the globe. gases in their trees; beyond 2º Celsius,
bureaucrats and NGOs, in attendance, Greenhouse gases have resulted in
they lose their humidity and begin to
the high-profile meeting achieved global warming, which, if it continues,
burn down, releasing them into the
virtually nothing. can have catastrophic implications. atmosphere.
The deal recognizes the need to keep There are six greenhouse gases
warming below 2º Celsius, but does not (GHGs), of which two is the main— With global warming, the Arctic and
commit to do so. It kicks back the big carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane Antarctic have already been melting at
decisions on emission cuts and fudges (CH4). Uncontrolled growth in an alarming rate, threatening to
the issue of climate cash. It says emission of GHGs, coupled with the inundate low-lying islands and coasts.
developed countries will seek to raise destruction of two major carbon East Antarctica, for instance, has been

14 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010

losing at least 5 billion tonnes of ice resulting in a country of sick people. Due to vehement opposition from
every year since 2006. All this coupled with the occasional the developing countries, though this
So 2º Celsius is the threshold level Bhopal gas leak and the fact that India document could not be tabled, it
and Copenhagen should have sought to is the world’s largest dumping ground became the de facto framework for
limit the rise to 1 or 1.5º Celsius, as of toxic wastes—a veritable time bomb negotiations by developed countries,
suggested by Cuba and a number of is ticking, set to explode. Over and particularly the US. Also, the US aim
other countries. But what needs to be was to turn the issue of climate change
above all this, India is the fifth largest
done to keep temperatures this side of emitter of GHGs in the world, spewing into a commodity, whose permits could
2º Celsius? There is solid scientific 1,370 million tonnes of carbon into the be bought and sold in the market. These
evidence to show that we need a cut of atmosphere every year. deals amount to accounting tricks that
40 per cent in the most polluting will give the impression of cuts, without
country’s emissions by 2020 and 80 per ONE STEP FORWARD, the reality. In fact, a study has shown
cent by all countries by 2050. TWO STEPS BACK that most projects that are being funded
The US has offered a pathetic 4 per From the very first day of the as ‘cuts’ either don’t exist/don’t work
cent by 2020, and once you factor in summit, developed countries sought to or would have happened anyway.
the loopholes demanded, it was actually sabotage it by sneaking in the ‘Danish For example, the nations of the
demanding the right to a significant Text’, purportedly drafted by the US, world were allocated permits to release
increase in US emissions. China vetoed greenhouse gases back in 1990, when
the 80 per cent target by 2050 and There is evidence to show the Soviet Union was still a vast
opposed basic checks. Only some Latin that we need a cut of 40% in industrial power—so it was given a
American and African countries came the most polluting country’s huge allocation. But the following year,
out strongly against the farce enacted it collapsed and its industrial base also
emissions by 2020. The US has disappeared, along with its carbon
at Copenhagen.
offered a pathetic 4%, and emissions. So, it was never going to
In spite of the total failure, Jairam
once you factor in the release these gases. But Russia and East
Ramesh, India’s environmental
minister, said it was a “good deal and loopholes, it was actually European countries have held on to
satisfactory solution”. The same was them in all the negotiations. Now, they
demanding the right to a are selling them to the rich countries
the approach of the EU, US, Australia, significant increase in who want to purchase ‘cuts’. It is no
China and Britain. But Lumamba Dia-
Ping of Sudan, who chaired the G-77 US emissions. wonder that Russia, witness to the
bloc of 130 countries, called the draft world’s worst nuclear calamity at
deal the worst in the history of climate UK and Denmark (the hosts). The Chernobyl, was particularly silent at the
negotiations. Cuba had earlier stated document, which was not a part of the summit. It backed developed countries
that the summit was a failure from the agenda, was leaked to the press (The whose emphasis on trade in carbon
start and had urged Latin American Guardian). It not only negates the emissions suited it. Russia has a
leaders to devise their own plan to cope earlier agreements (Kyoto and Bali), massive 10 giga tonnes of CO2 to sell.
with climate change. The presidents of but also seeks to hand over effective By comparison, if the developed world
Bolivia and Venezuela vehemently control of climate change finances to cuts its emissions by 40 per cent by
opposed impositions, blaming climate the World Bank, taking it out of the 2020, that will take only 6 giga tonnes
change squarely on capitalism and jurisdiction of the United Nations (UN). out of the atmosphere. Imagine the level
demanding billions of dollars in The document set unequal limits on of fraud being perpetrated in the name
‘reparations’ from rich countries. carbon emissions for developed of climate change.
countries (2.7 tonnes per person) and
For India, climate change is only In essence, Copenhagen has pushed
developing countries (1.44 tonnes) in
part of the environmental devastation the climate agenda back by putting
2050. It forced developing countries to
taking place. The destruction of forests, agree to specific emission cuts and forward an accord (not agreed upon)
fertile land, the drying up of measures, not part of the original UN that negates even the limited gains that
underground water aquifers, pollution agreement. It divided the poor countries Kyoto and Bali had achieved.
of rivers, etcetera, is only the tip of the further by creating a new category of Copenhagen thus was a victory for the
iceberg. Poisoning of food and water developing countries called ‘the most powerful energy and car/vehicle
by fertilizers and pesticides and heavy vulnerable’. It also mentions a sum of lobbies that control the likes of US
pollution of the very air we breathe, $10 billion a year over 2012– 15 to help President Obama. It was a great loss to
plus the worst levels of hygiene, is poor countries adapt to climate change. the world.
PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 15
INDIA’S DUBIOUS ROLE outcome’ and not a legally binding mentioned. With Australia, it has agreed
While the media gave the outcome at Copenhagen (which is to joint solar research. No wonder
impression that it was with the exactly what happened). In fact, the PM Obama lavished praise on India just
developing countries, in actual fact, it had already capitulated to the US by prior to his departure from
was among the select few that were signing extensive climate and energy Copenhagen.
used in pushing forward the Obama agreements on the very eve of the India’s role is not surprising, as it
agenda and final draft. But this is not Copenhagen Summit. India and the US has one of the worst records of
surprising if we see the role played by announced numerous programmes, environmental destruction. India is
India in the run-up to Copenhagen. Of from the joint deployment of solar projected to lose 4.5 per cent of its GDP
course, it was in the company of the electricity to the strengthening of due to environmental problems. A
world’s largest emitter, China, which India’s environmental regulatory and recent Forbes magazine survey has
was also a party to the draft. monitoring capacity. Most important listed Mumbai and Delhi as the 25
was the announcement of joint dirtiest cities of the world. Also, as a
It was at the Bangkok meet that it
scientific R&D for renewable energy result of rising (untreated or not
became apparent that India had shifted
from its earlier position. At that technologies. India’s dubious stand recycled) filth, 80 per cent of the urban
meeting, the US negotiator said that resulted in not only its near isolation waste ends up in the country’s rivers.
from the G-77/China in Barcelona, but The amount of pollution it creates can
Indian Minister of State for
also its being kept out of the just be imagined by the fact that India
Environment and Forests Jairam
Ramesh had taken a broader produces 200,000 tonnes of waste water
interpretation (read: in accordance with Russia and East European every day and three billion litres of
the US proposal), even against the countries have held on to waste is pumped into India’s rivers
views of Indian negotiators. Owing to [permits given to the Soviet every day.
this apparent shift in stance of the Union in 1990 to release No wonder the Indian delegation
Indian Executive, much to the greenhouse gasses]. was not serious at Copenhagen, keener
discomfiture of Indian negotiators, Now, they are selling them to on toeing the US line, which is also
India would seem to have lost the trust rich countries that want to beneficial to big business and
of the G-77. This was particularly in transnational corporations operating
purchase ‘cuts’.
evidence in Barcelona. here. Any restrictions will affect them
Then came Ramesh’s controversial preparations of the G-77/ China primarily as they will have to install
letter to Prime Minister Manmohan document, ‘Options on Possible Forms expensive equipment to prevent
Singh, in which he openly advocated of Agreed Outcome’. emissions. Particularly, massive mining
abandoning the G-77 and aligning with projects, one of the worst polluters, will
So arbitrary had been the
the G-20; and his statement at the pre- functioning of Ramesh that even India’s be affected. So, India’s continuous
CoP ministerial conference in refrain that emission restrictions will
top negotiators were not informed of
Copenhagen on 16-17 November the changed stance. In fact, things not be allowed to prevent the country’s
reflects the Indian Executive’s turned so ugly that two of the major development is all about preserving the
submissive acceptance of developed negotiators, Chandrashekhar Dasgupta profits of big business and the
countries’ abandoning the Kyoto and Pradipto Ghosh, refused at first to unrestrained mining projects which
Protocol. In fact, Singh sent Shyam go to Copenhagen. The climax came destroy forests, water resources and, in
Saran as his special envoy on climate when the PM, who was not to go to the addition, create huge amounts of
change—the main architect of the Indo-
summit, changed his plans immediately pollution.
US Nuclear Deal.
after Obama announced that he would And as for Ramesh’s refrain on
The final outcome at Copenhagen be attending the summit. having protected India’s sovereignty,
reflected the common understanding of
It was clear from the start that the hardly was the summit over than senior
Obama and Manmohan Singh during
Indian Government was not at all keen White House advisor David Axelrod
the latter’s visit to the US on the very
on the issue. In fact, just prior to the claimed that the US would not only
eve of the summit. A joint statement
summit, it signed climate agreements ‘review’ the implementation of the
released on 25 November talks of with the two countries most domestic actions by India (and China)
transparency of mitigation actions aggressively pushing the developed in tune with the Copenhagen Accord
through ‘appropriate process’, a countries’ agenda—the US and (India was one of the few countries to
euphemism perhaps for the Australian Australia. With the US, it was a multi- have signed it), but also ‘challenge’
or US framework. It talks of an ‘agreed faceted agreement, as already them if these goals were not met.
16 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010
WHAT ALTERNATIVE? the following steps on a war footing: recycling; implement strict environ-
The Copenhagen Accord should systematic afforestation programmes mental restrictions for industry and
have built on the basis already laid in and a total ban on cutting forests mining and stop the pollution of air and
the Kyoto Protocol and Bali Action (whether for mining or any other water resources; and reduce carbon
Plan. It needs to plan restriction of purpose); extensive schemes for emissions in a planned way with a focus
global warming to 1-1.5º Celsius and on developing wind and solar power.
not the maximum permissible 2º Just prior to the summit, the Even a small step in this direction
Celsius. There needs to be a concrete Indian Government signed can work miracles. India’s Government
and accountable plan to cut emissions climate agreements with the needs to replace pompous and self-
in reality and not play fudging games two countries most righteous phrases on ‘development’
of trading in emissions. Also, clean aggressively pushing the with concrete action on environment at
technologies—like wind and solar— developed countries’ agenda, the ground level. A start could be a
need to be developed. Global spending the US and Australia. reconsideration of the planned mining
on clean tech is small, around $2 billion projects that are set to destroy the
annually. Experts expect it to reach watershed management to rejuvenate environment on a gigantic scale. PM
$100 billion, but that still would be groundwater sources and putting an end This article appeared in 12t h
barely 2 per cent of global GDP. to the rampant sinking of borewells; February, 2010 issue of OPEN
Also, if India is to be serious about develop proper drainage systems and magazine. Considering its importance
environmental protection, it should take clean disposal of waste and/or its we publish it for our readers. Editor.

Contd..... from Page 28

he was associated with a number of on the floor without any sheet or blanket
up by the CRPF when his locality was publications of the new organization. throughout those cold winter days;
encircled by the security forces. This process culminated in his being the when he told the police that he was an
However, as there was nothing against editor of Bangla People’s March since asthma patient and would need bed and
him, he was released. its inception. woolen garments, his request was
After the break-up of the CPI (M- Facts relating to his arrest and disdainfully brushed aside. Such
L), Swapan Dasgupta joined the CPI murder: On 6 October 2009, Swapan physical and mental torture told on his
(M-L) group led by Kishore-Santo- Dasgupta got a phone call from the health and aggravated the situation.
Mahendra Singh in Orissa in 1973. At Special branch of the Kolkata police He was booked under Sections
that time that organization was fighting around 3 PM when he was present at a 18(conspiracy), 20(organizing terrorist
against the SNS (Satyanarayan Singh) press conference organized by the camps), 39(support given to terrorist
parliamentary line and the left Lalgarh Manch in central Kolkata. He organizations) of UAPA 1967 and 121/
adventurist line. One section of this knew that he was going to be arrested 121A/124A of IPC that deal with
faction (led by Santo) later set up the and reported the matter to some of his sedition against the State.
CT, CPI (M-L) in 1978, but Swapan friends who were present at the On 3 November 2009, he was sent
Dasgupta did not join it. The conference. While he was there, he to Presidency Jail. When his relatives
organization led by Kishore became received the news that his residence in friends went to meet him in jail, they
defunct after Kishore’s death. From Garia had already been raided by the learnt from him that he had been
1992 to 1996, he participated in police. He was arrested at night near a admitted in the jail hospital with
different programmes organized by the tea shop in the Garia railway station by inflammation of the gland. On 9
MCC. It was in such a situation that he one S.A.Khan of the special task force December, he was taken under police
came into contact with Vara Vara Rao of the Special Branch (SB) of the escort to the outdoor section of the
at the time of the first conference of the Kolkata Police. He was arrested on the Bangur Hospital for enlargement of the
AIPRF when he had been working as a basis an FIR made by a special branch spleen and prostrate-related problems.
stenographer. Later on, he came into sub-inspector named Nabaranjan On 17 December, he was admitted into
contact with the leading comrades of Mondal. He was kept in Bhawani the Mackenjee Ward (Bed no.20) of the
the CPI (M-L) Party Unity. That was Bhawan and Lalbazar police station for SSKM Hospital with asthma and
the time when Radical Publications was 28 days and had been subjected to respiratory troubles. Blood test was
set up and Swapan Dasgupta became continuous interrogation without hardly made under Dr. Sumit Choudhuri and
associated with it. When the CPI (M- any break allowing him no sleep for his friends came to know on 11 January
L) PW and the CPI (M-L) PU merged nights together. He was forced to sleep that he had been suffering also from
to form the CPI (M-L) People’s War,
PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 17
leprosy. When his friends went to meet It may be noted that Madhupama spread and more and more people were
him inside the ward and started talking Das of Express India highlighted the coming and putting pressure on the jail
to him, they were prevented from doing callous attitude of ‘Indian democracy’ minister to intervene in the matter. The
so by the policemen on duty. Swapan towards Sapan Das Gupta on 15-12- IG (Prisons) was then forced to come
Dasgupta was kept in a general ward 2009 by bringing out facts like Justice to the hospital and a medical board was
without any attendant, and the friends KN Ray & Sri Ramesh Gupta of Press formed. By then, it was too late.
noticed blood oozing out from the & Registration Appellate Board, New Swapan Dasgupta’s condition further
mouth. When they sought to help him Delhi on 07-08-2009 quashing and deteriorated and he was shifted to the
setting aside the order dated 15-01- ICU on 30 January and kept in
rub off and wash his face or to help him
2009 of District Collector, Ernakulam, ventilation. He died at 5 AM on 2
respond to the nature’s call, the
Kerala banning People’s March February and his friends who were on
policemen stood in the way. Conditions
monthly. night duty as they had been throughout
thus further deteriorated. Everyday these days were informed about his
altercations with the police followed. On 17 January, eleven democratic
and civil rights forums issued a press death by the media at 8 AM. After post
The second day, some friends (women mortem, his body was taken to Peace
statement charging the government
included) entered again and started Haven for the night and on 3 February,
with indulging in political persecution
talking to Dasgupta. The policemen on his body was taken out at 10 AM and
of dissident voices by refusing to give
duty poured out abusive words of all medical treatment to a political prisoner taken to the Keoratala crematorium in
conceivable types and stated that had booked under the draconian UAPA, and a procession joined by around 200
there been no women, they would have in this way driving Swapan Dasgupta people. His body was put on the funeral
assaulted them physically. On that day, in a planned manner to his death. These pyre around 2.30 PM. Processions were
Swapan Dasgupta complained that the bodies were BMC, APDR, LMSM, held on 2 nd and 3 rd February inside the
police were not allowing anyone to GPM, BSSKM, LM, UAPABM, book fair complex joined by many
bring the medicines; even they were not NAPM, GMP, SU and MKP. people. Among those who were present
giving the patients Horlicks biscuits during the last journey at hospital as
On 18 January, the doctors asked the
which were handed over to them for also on the road were Kabir Suman,
friends to bring medicines, as the police
Swapanbabu’s consumption by sitting TMC MP, Bibhas Chakrabarty,
were doing nothing. On 19th the friends
relatives and friends. As blood was playwright, Nabarun Bhattacharya,
discovered requisition papers signed by
flowing out from the body, he needed writer, Sujato Bhadro, civil rights
doctors under the bed of Swapan
blood transfusion. The government was activist, Ashim Chattopadhyay, Santosh
Dasgupta, which clearly showed that
Rana, Basudev Basu, Pradip Singh
doing absolutely nothing in this respect. those were concealed by the policemen
Thakur—political leaders, as also civil
When the friends asked the doctors, themselves. Then the friends raised
rights activists and other democratic
they said that they had been placing money and went from one blood supply
centre to another for collecting A people.
requisitions for many essential things,
but the jail authorities were doing positive blood. Blood platelets were Swapan Dasgupta’s death under
nothing; ‘what can we do in such a procured with increased difficulty. On custody is case of state-sponsored
situation?’ 26 January, the friends procured 12 murder.
such platelets. Meanwhile the news PM
Contd..... from Page 13 political power. Our aim is lofty and
Comrades! great. Our path is full of twists and principles which say that strategically
turns, filled with difficulties and is put one against ten and tactically put
We must gain immense strength by
afar. But the Marxism-Leninism- ten against one. I hope that the
learning from all the positive
Maoism in which we were trained is Janathana Circar magazine which you
experiences in the revolutionary history
scientific. The protracted people’s are launching would serve as a powerful
which were gained while fighting out
war which we have chosen is instrument in achieving this lofty aim.
for political power under the leadership
invincible. All our strength lies in the I whole heartedly wish that your
of the proletariat in our country,
strength of the people. People and venture would be a complete success.
particularly from the positive
experiences of the political power people alone are makers of history. With revolutionary greetings,
organs. Let us fight bravely for the Imperialists and all kinds of Ganapathy, General Secretary,
liberation of DK imbibing the spirit and reactionary rulers are nothing but Lenin’s birthday, 2009
sacrifice of all known and unknown paper tigers. Let us advance with CPI (Maoist)
martyrs who had laid down their determination for the liberation of DK PM
invaluable lives for the seizure of by creatively applying to our practice
the Maoist strategic and tactical
18 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010
Sugar’s Bitter Policies -Kobad Ghandy-

At Rs. 50 per kg sugar prices have mechanism, replacing the Statutory led even to many suicides of sugarcane
never been so high. With sugar prices Minimum Price (SMP) system that was farmers who had at one time earned a
soaring, prices of all sugar linked prevailing till then. Soon after passing good amount for the crop. In fact in the
products—sweets, mithais, tea etc.— the ordinance the central government four years from 2004/05 to 2008/09 the
have also sky-rocketed. Not only will declared an FRP to the millers to SMP for sugarcane barely rose from Rs.
festivals for most become a drab affair,purchase sugarcane at Rs. 130 per 79 per quintal to Rs. 81 per quintal
children’s wailing for the little sweet quintal, when, according to the NAFA while input costs increased
or toffee will get louder. At the rate at
(National Alliance of Farmer’s phenomenally. In addition, the millers
which sugar prices have been rising it Association) the input cost of one cheat the farmers in varied ways—
will be out of reach of many a poor and quintal of sugarcane is roughly Rs. weighing, recovery rate etc. So it is not
middle class life. 233.5 per quintal. This FRP therefore surprising that sugar production
One would have thought, given the amounts to a massive loss to the farmer. dropped drastically from 27.8 million
free-market mantra of the rulers that Immediately after the tonnes in 2007-08 to 16 million tonnes
high sugar prices would at least convertannouncement farmers (from UP) took last year. In the coming year production
into higher prices for the producers— to the streets stopping rail and road is not likely to be more than 15 million
the fifty million sugarcane farmers. Buttraffic. They marched to Parliament. tonnes.
that was not to be; the so-called free They seized trains that sought to bring The government did not create a
market functions only to benefit big imported raw sugar and prevented them buffer stock in 2006/07 and 2007/08
business, traders and politicians. In this
from reaching the mills. Some took the when production was at its peak. In
case both the producers and consumers extreme step of self-immolation. Others 2006 when international prices was
are being crushed by the cane and sugar burnt their crop. With the rabi season high (20680 per tonne) and local prices
pricing policies of the government approaching many resorted to distress was low (Rs. 13000 per tonne) the
dictated by the millers and international
sales, selling their crop to local gur government banned exports. At that
sugar cartels. manufacturers at Rs. 155 per quintal. time due to large stocks and ban of
Under pressure from the farmers the UP
It is indeed a policy that has resulted exports the millers harassed the farmers
government banned the import of raw
in windfall profits for a few at the cost paying them late. In 2007-08 when
of millions of farmers and crores of sugar. international prices crashed to Rs.
consumers. And the solution being According to the new order the FRP 13000 per tonne the government
suggested—huge duty free imports— shall be fixed by the Central exported 68 lakh tonnes of sugar even
will help no one except the importers, Government from time to time. It also though sugar production was dropping.
the foreign traders and the bureaucrats/specified that any other authority fixing Later when there was shortage the
politicians who will get their a price for the crop above the FRP government imported sugar at Rs. 10-
commissions on each order. The entire would have to bear the difference. (the 35 per Kg.
people of our country are made to sufferlatter points were retracted after the It is these short-sighted policies of
so that a few may make fortunes. It is farmer’s march to Parliament). The the government which has played
indeed tragic. practice so far was for states such as havoc with the lives of the sugarcane
And while the entire people suffer UP, TN, Punjab and Haryana to declare farmers. In its report for 2008-09 the
the politics of sugar is diverting the state advised prices (SAP) that mills are CACP warned the government that
entire issue with the central and UP required to pay farmers. This was unless it raised the SMP for sugarcane
governments throwing the blame on usually higher than the SMP which was the net area under the crop would
each other. announced by the Central Government continue to fall. But the government
on the basis of the cost of cultivation could not be bothered. They expect the
Farmers being crushed estimated by the Commission for millers will import raw sugar and
In October last year the Ministry of Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP). continue to make money. The area
Consumer Affairs (Food and Public As it is, for a number of years, under sugarcane cultivation dropped
Distribution) changed the pricing sugarcane growers have been squeezed from 4.38 million hectares last year to
regime for sugarcane and introduced a by the low prices paid by the millers 4.21 million hectares—i.e. a drop of
Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) and the spiralling input costs. This has about 1.5 lakh hectares in just one year.

PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 19

Farmers are shifting away from So there is no reason for sugar prices requires large quantities of water, so
sugarcane cultivation. to sky-rocket as millers continue to pay irrigation projects should be its first
a price lower than the remunerative focus. Unfortunately the government
Consumers Robbed price. Though this may vary from state has systematically been cutting
Sugar prices have tripled in the last to state the plight of the farmer in the investment in agriculture. Rural
one year from Rs. 17 per Kg. a year two main sugarcane growing states— development expenditure of the
back to Rs. 50 today. In just the last UP and Maharashtra—is pathetic. In government averaged 14.5 percent of
four months it has risen by over 40 Maharashtra, sugar mills are GDP in the 1985-90 periods. This
percent from Rs. 32 per kg. cooperatives dominated and controlled dropped to 8 percent in the early 1990s
Notwithstanding the claims of the by powerful politicians like Sharad and since 1998 it has dropped even
Agriculture Minister sugar prices are Pawar. In Maharashtra, every farmer is further to a mere 5.6 percent of GDP.
unlikely to drop. When production is tied to a particular cooperative mill and In real terms, there has been a reduction
estimated at a mere 15 million tonnes is not free to sell it to any other. So they of about Rs. 30,000 crores annually in
and consumption at 23 million tonnes are at the mercy of the cooperative development expenditures on average
without a single kg of buffer stock bosses who keep the prices of sugarcane in the first five years of this century
(compared to 10 MT at the beginning low. In UP many mills are owned by compared to the pre-reform period.
of last year) the price will be determined big business houses like Birla, Bajaj etc. When investment in agriculture
by the cost of imports. Given the Depending on imports is no solution should be increasing as it is there that
shortfall a minimum of 8 million tonnes to the sugar problem—whether the bulk of our population live, the
will have to be imported. shortage or high prices. The only above figures indicated a massive
Raw sugar import cost to the miller solution must be to promote sugarcane reduction with disastrous
will not be less than Rs. 38 per kg. With production by investing in agriculture consequences. Rather than become
such high costs, what the consumer has and subsidising the farmer. In this way dependent on imports and thereby
to pay is not likely to be below Rs. 50 not only would the farmer and rural compromise the food security of the
per kg. And with India entering the economy flourish, the consumer too country, the government needs to invest
international market with huge would get sugar at a reliable price. heavily in agriculture (with focus on
purchases the international prices are Need for a Pro-active Agrarian irrigation) to boost the production of
only likely to go up—expected to be Policy sugarcane and other crops. To solve the
up to Rs. 70 per kg. sugar/sugarcane problem the
With 9 lakh tonnes of imported
The question that arises is that when sugar stuck at the ports since the last government needs to increase
the millers are paying Rs. 13 per kg to month due to the UP government’s ban investment in irrigation, subsidise input
the farmer (FRP rate with recovery at on processing it, the centre has been cost (fertiliser, pesticide, electricity)
10 percent) why should sugar be so blaming the Mayawati government for and ensure a remunerative price is paid
expensive? Even if we calculate that for the high sugar prices. The Mayawati to the farmer. To maintain consumer
every kg of sugar produced the government, on the other hand, instead prices it should put a halt on the
transportation and processing charges of announcing a high SAP, has clamped profiteering, hoarding and illegal
come to Rs. 5, the cost of production cases on the miller under the Essential methods of the millers and subsidise
would be a maximum of Rs. 18 per kg. Commodities Act in order to share the sugar particularly for the poor. If the
If we add another one-third as profit the booty made by them. The plight of the government can announce a massive
selling price comes to Rs.24. Then if millions of sugarcane farmers and bail out to the 3 to 4 oil companies and
we count the wholesaler’s/ retailer’s crores of consumers is not on the mind Air India why does it shy away from
profit sugar should not cross a either of the Congress or the BSP. They bailing out 50 million farmers and a few
maximum figure of Rs. 30 per kg. Then are interested in only extracting their crore masses? The amounts being
why Rs. 50? Even if they give the share of the windfall profits being made suggested to the 3-4 oil companies and
sugarcane grower the rate that is by the millers, cooperatives, big traders Air India amount to Rs.20000 crores, a
remunerative—say Rs. 23 per kg or Rs. and hoarders. lesser amount would be needed for the
230 per quintal for sugarcane the millions of sugarcane farmers.
The only policy that would benefit
maximum price to the consumer will Kobad Ghandy
both the producer and consumer is for
come to Rs. 40 per kg. This would be Tihar Jail No.3
the government to invest heavily in
still less than the cost of imported sugar
agriculture and subsidise sugarcane Ward No.8- H/R PM
or raw sugar.
production. Sugarcane production

20 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010

Guns, gags and lies in a war that no one sees
Javed Iqbal (The New Indian Express)

Aaj kal bandook se zaada khatra Bijapur, people said: “When there’s an often stopped, sent back, or in the case
laptop mein hai. (In today’s world, the attack in your village (Mumbai) it’s of Narayanpatna and Lalgarh, attacked.
laptop is a lot more dangerous than the international news, but there’s an attack Activists are treated to orchestrated
gun),” the thaanedaar of Dornapal camp here every day, yet no one reports Salwa Judum protest rallies and
in Chhattisgarh’s Dantewada district anything.” national reporters are prevented from
says, checking my bags on one of my Barring occasional visits from the living in the only hotels in Dantewada
visits to the war zone. He knows the international press and a few and risk the life of every local source
war against the Maoists is not being mainstream publications, the issue only and contact by simply talking to them.
fought by guns alone. The greatest got mainstream attention after
weapon, which both sides utilise well, Operation Green Hunt was Money of course, makes silence
is silence and misinformation. And surreptitiously declared by the Home easier. I was with a reporter from a
what if there’s no information or just Ministry, and then condemned as a Hindi daily, printed out of Raipur,
selected bits released now and then? media creation. By November, the local whom I accompanied to the Essar
Maybe that explains how a virtual administration was informing local complex at Kirandool, to collect his two
civil war in the heart of the country got reporters and social workers to cease cheques of Rs 5,000 as advertising
so little coverage for more than four working in the jungles as Operation revenue. Rural reporters need to collect
years. Salwa Judum started around Green Hunt was taking place. their own advertisements to earn a
2005. More than 640 villages (official Police officials told a press living and therefore will not risk their
figures) were forcibly emptied out. conference in Jagdalpur during the lives for a story where there is no
There were numerous encounters, and commencement of Green Hunt that if money. In return, he had to omit all
an infant was shot dead by the CRPF anyone was shot in the crossfire, they mention of Essar Steel in his reports.
in the village of Cherpal. People were shouldn’t be held accountable. Many So when an estimated two lakh villagers
arbitrarily arrested and left in jail reporters were personally threatened or hit the streets of Dantewada in 2007,
without lawyers. All this produced little ‘requested’ to keep out of the jungle. screaming “Essar Essar hai hai.” or
ferment. But when the police camp of “Mahendra Karma chor hai,” he didn’t
“People come to us with problems,
Ranibodli was attacked and 55 write a word.
and yet we’re not allowed to talk to
policemen were killed, that was widely them,” said N R K Pillai, a veteran Reporters on the Andhra Pradesh-
reported. As was the attack on the Salwa journalist of Chattisgarh’s Working Chhattisgarh border have a different
Judum camp of Errabore, by the way of working. They say the camp
Journalists Union. “It is our job to
Maoists. officers at Dornapal, Errabore and
verify, yet who goes in here? The police
Maoist atrocities hit the wire are telling our journalists that you get Konta have been instructed not to allow
services with no trouble at all, and like your story from the IB, you get your any reporters from Andhra Pradesh into
a phantom their presence was story from the police station, why do Chhattisgarh.
acknowledged, yet they could be you want to go inside the jungle?” They never travel through Dornapal,
mostly ignored as a threat. Prime Errabore or Konta — they go straight
Over the last four years, many
Minister Manmohan Singh may have through the jungle. And interestingly,
independent witnesses and reporters
called the Maoists, ‘the single biggest there hasn’t been a single incident of
who reported state atrocities or Salwa
internal security challenge’ in 2006, but Judum crimes were beaten, harassed violence around the Chhattisgarh-
apart from that, what did he say in three Andhra border even as the violence has
and some even imprisoned. With Green
years until Operation Green Hunt? got worse further north — out of reach
Hunt the environment is far worse as
In January 2009 when I went to independent fact-finding teams are of the free, independent, local press.
PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 21
The Dandakaranya Janathana Circars of today are the basis for the Indian
People’s Democratic Federal Republic of tomorrow
- Message sent by Com. Ganapathy on behalf of Polit Bureau to the magazine of
Dandakaranya Janathana Circar

The people’s war is developing in under the leadership of the much our leadership can mobilize the
Dandakaranya under our party’s revolutionary proletariat party. They proletariat, peasantry, petty bourgeois
leadership and as a result New politically represent the proletariat, and democratic-revolutionary forces in
Democratic Power is emerging there. peasantry, urban petty bourgeoisie and the country and on how much these
Our party is striving hard for this New the national bourgeoisie. They strive to forces can fulfill their revolutionary role
Democratic Power in the form of implement real democracy for the the people’s power developing in DK
Janthana Circars to gain flesh and blood people and people’s democratic would be defended and would develop
and strengthen itself day by day and dictatorship on the enemies of the into base areas. Depending on this there
take a qualitative leap as Dandakaranya people. They are determined to change would be change in the strategic role
level People’s Power. The Janathana the semi-colonial, semi-feudal society of the Janathana Circars.
Circar leadership is launching this of today in a fundamental and complete During the historical Telangana
magazine with the aim that this should manner politically, economically and armed revolutionary peasant struggle
serve as a powerful instrument for this culturally and are striving day and night ‘village governments’ were established
revolutionary practice. The Polit with enormous perseverance. As the in three thousand villages. The
Bureau sends its heartfelt greetings to embryonic form of the people’s communist party leadership
the Janthana Circar leadership on the democratic system which would be surrendered to the Indian ruling classes,
occasion of the publication of their first completely established all over the withdrew the armed struggle and
issue. The PB whole heartedly wishes country in future, they are sprouting in betrayed the Indian revolution
that this endeavour of the Janathana Dandakaranya and strengthening immensely. As a result the village
Circar leadership would be a success. themselves. They represent that system governments were nipped in the bud.
The new state power developing in of future. Comrades CM-KC fought against the
Dandakaranya is strategic, has a Basing on this new power, the parliamentary-economist-reformist line
concrete historical background and is leadership of party, army, and Janathana of the CPI, CPI (M) leadership
one which is assuming great Circars are striving to mobilize people ideologically and politically and broke
significance in the contemporary world on a vast scale into people’s war, their back. Out of the flames of armed
socialist revolutionary situation which consolidate them well, strengthen the peasant revolutionary struggles headed
is passing through a complex phase. people’s army, fulfill the tasks of by comrades CM-KC by creatively
In any social revolution, including production, defence, training etc., applying the protracted people’s war
the Indian New Democratic Revolution, extend the movement to neighbouring line to the concrete conditions in our
the most crucial, central and main areas thereby extending the guerilla war country, the ‘revolutionary committees’
question is that of (state) power. Our and new power and helping to fulfill and ‘revolutionary peasant committees’
party is striving to establish area wise the political tasks in the neighbouring emerged as the revolutionary peasant
power by mobilizing people politically states by coordinating with them to help power organs. But within a short period
into the protracted people’s war, today’s power. In one word, the they were suppressed. The Indian
building the people’s army (in the form leadership of party, army leadership and revolution suffered a temporary
of guerilla army) and destroying the the Janathana Circars are striving to setback. The revolutionary peasant
state machinery of the enemy-ruling fulfill political, military and committees could not develop to a
classes. It is as part of this revolutionary organizational tasks to liberate DK by higher level in time. It was as a result
process that it is establishing Janathana basing themselves on this newly of summing up of the experiences of
Circars in Dandakaranya. Janathana emerging power. They are fulfilling village governments, revolutionary
Circars are completely opposed to these tasks with the strategic view too committees and revolutionary peasant
imperialism, comprador bureaucratic of using DK as a main prop to bring committees that the Janathana Circars
capitalism and feudalism. They are about qualitative changes and to speed are being established in DK as their
being formed through the destruction up the pace of development of Indian higher, consolidated form with the task
of enemy’s state machinery. The revolution. That is why the new power of fulfilling the higher aim. The merger
majority of the conscious peasantry is and Janathana Circars developing in of two main streams in the Indian
establishing them in the countryside DK are strategic. Depending on how revolution on September 21, 2009 and

22 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010

the formation of CPI (Maoist) had strong confrontation with the liberation of Dandakaranya this
created unprecedented favourable imperialists or with the ruling classes significance would increase
conditions for the building of new in their countries. In our country, considerably.
power organs, their development and though our party had formed the Increasing the participation of
establishment of base areas. This is the People’s Liberation Guerilla Army people considerably in all the state
historical background for the Janathana (PLGA), is developing the people’s war affairs will become the most vital issue
Circars. and forming new organs of power, we in defending, consolidating and
But what this historical background haven’t still established base areas. It expanding Janathana Circars.
is clearly stating is that the leadership is striving hard for that. On the whole,
There are two fundamental aspects
should be very firm regarding the the proletariat revolutionary subjective
in the revolutionary process we follow
strategy, line and policy; it should fight forces in the world are still weak.
to liberate DK – destruction and
with determination to protect and On the other hand, all the countries construction. Of the two the first one
develop the power organs; it should in the world, including the US would be the principal aspect. Only by
strive hard to protect the new power and imperialism are neck-deep in trouble carrying on these two aspects in
subjective forces by defeating the due to the severe economic crises. The coordination we can liberate DK. The
enemy offensive; it should advance in fundamental contradictions in the world active participation of the people would
time with higher tasks and lead have sharpened further. Immense be the decisive factor in this process
efficiently in establishing base areas. frustration is seething among the from the beginning till victory. Unless
Only by keeping in mind this invaluable working class, oppressed nationalities we rouse people for political power we
historical background, can the party and oppressed people. The objective cannot stir them militantly and in vast
leadership and the Janathana Circars’ condition is becoming very favourable numbers into class struggle. We cannot
leadership give efficient and skillful for social revolutions to break out. mobilize them effectively into guerilla
leadership for the successfully fulfilling Today the world socialist revolution war. We cannot bring unity among
the task of establishing DK and Bihar- is passing through a complex phase them; we cannot turn them into an
Jharkhand base areas as formulated by where objective condition is very invincible force by bringing out their
our Unity Congress-9th Congress. favourable and the revolutionary enormous energy and creativity; we
In 1976, immediately after the death subjective forces are weak. In these cannot effectively implement the
of our great Marxist teacher Com. Mao, conditions, our party is mobilizing people’s democratic dictatorship; the
the reactionary, revisionist clique of lakhs of adivasi peasantry and striving established power may not only
capitalist roaders in the China hard to develop people’s liberation become unstable but also get destroyed.
Communist Party had usurped power. guerilla army into people’s liberation This means that unless we mobilize
As a result the last base area of the army and guerilla warfare into mobile people politically and the people
world proletariat had collapsed. warfare in order to turn Dandakaranya participate actively, we will not only be
However, the revolutionary proletariat into base area. On the basis of Janathana unable to win even one considerable
and the oppressed nationalities are Circars established from the village victory in the process of establishing
resisting the imperialists and the level to the division level, it is striving base area but we may even lose the
reactionary ruling classes in various hard to establish power at victories we had won.
forms and at various levels. This Dandakaranya level. In these If we wish to enhance the active
resistance was carried out at a higher conditions, the imperialists and their participation of people in the affairs of
level in Philippines, Peru and Nepal. Indian compradors are creating massive the state it is necessary to have vast
Due to internal and external reasons hurdles to prevent us from fulfilling our democracy of the people. In conducting
these revolutions had faced ups and aim. The liberation of Dandakaranya by the affairs of the state, we would be able
downs. Peru is facing long term resisting the offensive of the Indian to effectively implement the people’s
setback. The Philippines revolution was ruling classes would also depend on democratic dictatorship only when we
damaged considerably and has again how much support our party leadership have vast democracy of the people;
picked up by correcting its mistakes. is able to garner from the world only then we would be able to
After reaching the stage of strategic proletariat-revolutionary-progressive consolidate people’s democratic power,
offensive, the Nepal people’s war is forces and on how far these forces state machinery and administrative
facing the grave danger of opportunism would fulfill their international departments; only then we can ensure
in leadership. Though revolutionary responsibility too. That is why the that the people’s democratic power
parties had been formed in many newly emerging power in doesn’t become unstable.
countries in the world and are Dandakaranya is gaining significance
To enhance people’s democracy the
organizing the people, they have not in the complex situation of the world
leadership of the party and Janathana
developed to the stage of setting up a proletariat revolution. With the
PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 23
Circars should politically arouse the engaged in the service of people under capabilities of the cadres and experts
people continuously and follow the the continuous surveillance and control working in this sphere, by working
democratic methods given here. We of the working people. We must strive creatively to accumulate resources and
should ensure that the village meetings to enhance people’s democracy and by developing cadre policy in this
of the Janathana Circars, people’s ensure the huge participation of the sphere we would be able to ensure
councils, departments of people’s people in government-state affairs. This considerable development in the
government and standing committees is most essential to liberate DK. establishment and development of
are run on the principle of democratic In order to establish this power at Janathana Circars.
centralism. Even at the higher levels, the DK level by consolidating the People are establishing Janathana
we should ensure the mass character of people’s democratic power, we have to Circars by defeating the people’s
the Janathana Circar organizationally accrue cadres, professionals, enemies and demolishing and
by not depending just on the party and technicians and experts who could destroying the enemy’s power locally.
army professionals. They should work work in various spheres at that same Due to this phenomenon, the class
in such a manner that they represent the level and as widely. struggle has directly and indirectly only
interests of the oppressed classes and intensified and has not ended. The class
Talking about state power means –
oppressed social sections. We should giving actual form to it, developing it struggle had extended to all spheres of
solve the contradictions arising among and creating an alternative system. In social life. Now it is being carried out
people in a friendly manner which any country which takes up the line of not only in the political and military
would help to develop unity among the area wise seizure of power, the spheres but also in the ideological,
people. In all our activities we should leadership should think seriously about economic and cultural spheres.
adhere to class line and mass line. We this. For this, depending on the people The local landlords, bad gentry, a
must the grasp the significance of class
in the areas where we wish to establish section of the tribal chiefs, reactionary
struggle and carry on the development
base areas would be the basic policy. bad elements, a small section of
and welfare activities of the people. We
For establishing base area, depending parasitic, anti –people rich persons who
should not generally resort to physical
on other areas in the country would be had colluded with the exploitative
punishment to counter political
secondary. Regarding revolution in one government and depend on its funds
opinions. We should win over people
country as a whole, dependence on the had surrendered to the people in the
with correct politics and democratic
assistance of foreign, progressive areas where the Janathana Circars have
methods. In the matter of correcting
revolutionary forces would be but captured power. They tried to conspire
mistakes, we should implement the
secondary. When we take into internally against the people’s power in
policy of ‘treating the ailment to save consideration the social conditions of various ways but had failed. As the
the patient’. We must ensure that the DK and the historical process through offensive of the central and state forces
people participate actively in internal which the movement developed here, on DK had intensified and with the
struggle, in criticizing the wrong trends though the policy is the same, assistance launching of the reactionary Salwa
and mistakes inside the party and from other areas assumes more Judum, most of them had joined the
Janathana Circars. In the matter of significance. Salwa Judum or had joined hands with
education, our aim should be to develop
The central leadership of the party the enemy forces and are resorting to
it in such a way that it would help in
should keep this in view and develop cruelest attacks on the people to destroy
bringing about transformation,
the new power in DK. With regard to people’s power. The class struggle had
increasing unity, solving problems and
the development of political power, i.e. intensified to an unprecedented scale
achieving higher aims.
in the matter of building the minimum between the people and their enemies,
The shortcomings in broadening the between the newly emerging power and
and necessary machinery what we had
people’s democracy would lead to the done or have been doing till now is the enemy’s power. These enemies are
wrong trends of corruption, much inadequate. carrying on the attacks with double the
malpractices, lavishness, careerism, vengeance in order to gain their lost
selfishness and bureaucracy among the By increasing the participation of
authority and to continue their
party, government leaders and cadres the people in the people’s government-
exploitation and oppression again. Even
who lead in running the government- state affairs, by expanding the people’s
while carrying on attacks openly, they
state affairs. Due to this, the danger of democracy, by augmenting mass
are also severely trying to carry on
the party and government leaders character in the higher level Janathana
treacherous activities by utilizing the
getting isolated from the people Circars too, by increasing our political
various kinds of government reform
increases. We have the experience in work in people’s organizations, by
schemes and clandestinely using the
fighting against such wrong trends. So taking up special organizational-
links they have with their relatives,
the leadership should always be training campaigns, by enhancing the
friends or clan. The state is building up
24 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010
its intelligence network among the of the people, continued agricultural This leap would definitely consolidate
people depending on these people’s production again. Along with many the people’s political power. For area
enemies. people’s militia members, the fighters wise seizure of power and for carrying
So, in order to preserve their power in PLGA’s main and secondary forces, on people’s war, such efforts in the
and develop to the level of DK, the Janathana Circar leaders, members and economic sphere are very much
Janathana Circars should not only fight people were martyred in battles while necessary. Mobilizing people
locally but also carry on class struggle defending these campaigns. politically into the economic affairs and
with the state in all spheres sharply. In Likewise the enemy had closed the enhancing their participation and active
this context, there is great need to markets completely, obstructed all role would be decisive.
adhere to the class line and mass line supplies, destroyed the economic life The PLGA had been formed as a
and to mobilize people actively. To the of the people completely and tried to new people’s army due to the
extent we carry on the class struggle get them to surrender. They wanted to application of Marxism-Leninism-
sharply and to the extent we mobilize stop supplies not only to the people but Maoism to the concrete conditions of
the people actively in this struggle, we also to the ever increasing people’s our country by our party for the
would be able to suppress the enemies forces and Janathana Circars and building of New Democratic
of the people, defeat the state offensive destroy the initiative of the Revolutionary movement and due to the
and defend the new power. revolutionary camp. We had countered efforts we have put among the people
even this unprecedented grave situation in the ideological, political and
After we had formed the new power
in DK movement and had emerged organizational spheres. From the
organs and had established the political
victorious to a large extent. moment it had been formed the PLGA
power locally, they are striving to
and it has become the backbone of the
transform the economic, cultural One need not have any doubts that
revolutionary movement. It is carrying
spheres in the rural life to be pro-people the enemy would carry on ruthlessly the
on guerilla warfare and political,
and democratic. They had carried out most brutal offensive in future, with a organizational work. As a result of this
revolutionary land reforms, come long term perspective. So there is a need effort new people’s power is being
forward to form mutual aid teams for to devise a plan to fulfill the ever created. It was due to this effort that
development of agriculture and had growing needs of the people, people’s Janathana Circars have been formed in
taken up preservation of forest, forces and Janthana Circars, to improve DK. The Janathana Circars are
education, health and culture. This the life standards of the people, to stop strengthening and expanding and in
revolutionary work along with forceful migration, to develop turn are helping in the strengthening
improving the living standards of the production (agriculture, forest, and expanding of PLGA. It means that
people is also helping in fulfilling the handicrafts etc) and develop trade in while the party had imparted Marxism-
main political task of developing DK. There is a need to bring the Leninism-Maoism to the people, the
people’s war. There is need to double necessary developments in the people’s people had created the people’s army.
our efforts in this field. economy in accordance with the While the people’s army had helped in
We can say that we have made situation where the needs of the people, creating their power and the people’s
considerable progress in this matter in people’s forces and the Janthana Circars power is helping in strengthening of the
the recent years. Due to the reactionary are ever increasing and becoming inter party and army. As the party, people’s
Salwa Judum mopping up campaigns dependent. If we wish to devise the plan army and the people’s power are
conducted by the central, state by keeping in mind these needs, we will gaining strength, people are
governments and their police, para- have to make average estimates about increasingly joining the political work
military forces, hundreds of villages the whole of DK. If we can make and people’s war. In DK, this strategic
had been completely destroyed along estimates about the areas depending on practice is continuing as our basic and
with the people’s economy in the local Janthana Circars, the Division central practice. This strategic effort
Dantewada and Bijapur districts (South level Janthana Circars can prepare should be the focal point of all our
and West Bastar). The PLGA, correct estimates basing on these actual practice.
Janathana Circars, all people’s estimates. If we can completely and In the catastrophic situation where
organizations and people had mobilized correctly utilize the situation where the imperialists and the Indian ruling
under our party leadership and had people are taking their destiny into their classes are bogged down in economic
earned great experience in the struggle own hands and can formulate and crises and gasping for breathe, they are
to defeat the campaigns of the enemy. implement, even if at a basic level at getting terrorized with the developing
In the guerilla zones and in the areas present, a plan which coordinates people’s war in the country. They are
where Janathana Circars were formed, needs, production, consumption, implementing the LIC (Low Intensity
the PLGA with the armed assistance of market and capital, then we will be able Conflict) policy to counter the people’s
the militia and the consolidated force to take a leap in the economic sphere. war.
PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 25
In the case of Dandakaranya, they order to get effective results by carrying our party today.
are quickly changing their tactics as on high-tech warfare. If we have to Another crucial political-military-
each of the tactics they had used against explain LIC policy in one sentence, it organizational task in front of us today
the people have been foiled and had is a reactionary warfare which carries is to develop the backbone of people’s
failed. With the full support and suppression in the cruelest manner war i.e. the people’s army (PLGA at
backing of the imperialists and full utilizing high-tech and by resorting to present) into an invincible army which
assistance and help of the Indian army, endless deception. counters the enemy’s reactionary war
with the full support of Andhra Grey We all know that our enemies had effectively.
Hounds and are carrying on attacks with developed LIC as a complete The successes or failures which our
unprecedented level of coordination reactionary war as part of their strategic party, army and people’s government
with para-military and state police and tactical policy, in the process of
forces. With the strategy of suppressing leaderships gain while implementing
countering the strategy and tactics of these crucial political, military and
the newly emerging power, the protracted people’s war. However, in
reactionary ruling classes have chosen organizational tasks would have an
countering the people’s war in our effect on the DK revolutionary
DK as the focal point for their offensive. country they had modified the LIC movement for a long time to come. So,
The reactionary ruling classes had policy according to the concrete to advance the people’s war
built up Special Forces, special conditions here and implementing it.
successfully and liberate DK, we have
intelligence mechanism and terror We should also put efforts in all spheres
to develop people’s war into complete
gangs using modern methods in order to develop our warfare to suit today’s
war according to the new situation, as
to carry on their LIC policy effectively. new war situation, for liberating
They are carrying on psychological Dandakaranya and to preserve and a counter to the reactionary LIC warfare
warfare to distract the people expand the people’s power established of the enemy. At present, the conditions
ideologically and politically and to in DK. One of the greatest lessons in DK are favourable for this.
confuse the people and revolutionary which the Andhra Pradesh Comrades!
camp and smash it to smithereens. They revolutionary movement had given to The successes we had gained till
are resorting to unending deception. For us is – we should prepare ourselves now in people’s war which is carried
this, they are utilizing reforms, media, according to the new war situation. As out with the immediate, aim of
old and new false NGOs, religious we could not prepare ourselves in AP liberating DK are considerable. The
organizations and all reactionary the movement suffered a setback there. liberation of DK would lead to a great
structures. They are carrying on Or we can say this is also one of the change in the Indian New Democratic
centralized offensive in all spheres by main reasons for our setback in AP. Revolution. In order to advance with
mobilizing all resources and by We will have to carry on an all-out greater victories for the liberation of
bringing all the government war to counter the enemy’s LIC warfare DK, we must definitely analyze the
departments in the administration under in DK. If we want to counter the enemy favourable and unfavourable conditions
the police department. They are cruelly effectively and liberate DK, we must faced by our new power from an all-
suppressing those who put forth definitely develop war according to the India perspective and formulate tactics.
revolutionary demands and they new war situation in all spheres such
themselves are falsely focusing them. The favourable conditions which
as ideological, political, military, would help the advancement of the
They are studying every detail which psychological, organizational,
may either help or hinder the counter struggle for the liberation of DK are as
economic, cultural, ecological etc. At follows– the DK people had tasted
revolutionary war at the micro-level present, our people’s war in this country
and are working to utilize the power; the revolutionary subjective
is in strategic defence. In such a
favourable factors to the hilt, and to turn forces are relatively consolidated;
situation, it is not so easy to develop
the unfavourable ones in their favour struggle is at a higher level; the positive
our present day war into a complete war
or destroy them completely. In order to and negative experiences of AP are in
with a correct and comprehensive plan.
justify and legitimize each reactionary Our CC and DKSZC have to strive very front of us; people’s war is continuing
action by them they are posing every hard to solve this most complex in the country. Not only that, the
action in favour of the revolution as problem. However, this is not struggles waged by the oppressed
illegal and suppressing it. They are impossible if our central and DK people, oppressed nationalities and the
modernizing all spheres at high speed leadership mobilizes our whole party, workers in our country and in the world
(weapons, communication, transport, PLGA, people’s organizations, are very much favourable to us in
security, maintenance of records, Janathana Circars and people to solve gaining victories while we strive to
propaganda, decisions, this problem. This is a crucial political- achieve our aim.
implementation, coordination etc) in military-organizational task in front of Contd..... on Page 13
26 PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010
Let us unite to fight back the countrywide brutal offensive by the imperialist-backed Central-state
governments on the revolutionary and democratic movements in India!
An Appeal by the Central Committee, CPI (Maoist), to all revolutionary Parties and individuals
Dear comrades!
We convey our comradely revolutionary greetings to the rank and file of all the revolutionary Parties and organizations and to the
revolutionary masses in the areas of class struggle led by your Parties.
As we all know, the reactionary ruling classes of India, with the total support and backing of the imperialists, particularly the
American imperialists, have been carrying out the most brutal state terror on the revolutionaries and struggling people in India, particularly
on the armed agrarian revolutionary war that is raging in the vast adivasi-inhabited region stretching from Paschim Midnapur-Bankura-
Purulia in West Bengal to North Andhra Pradesh. The state governments of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa,
Maharashtra, West Bengal and others are spending huge amounts to strengthen the special police forces to suppress the revolutionary
war in their respective states. The Centre has deployed 50,000 central forces, set up special anti-Naxal force called the Cobras, and is
planning to raise and deploy several more battalions of para-military forces for suppressing the revolutionary movement. The state and
central governments have set up vigilante groups like Salwa Judum, Nagarik Suraksha Samiti, Sshanti Sena, Hermad Bahini and the
frontal organizations of the social-fascist CPI(M) and other political parties which are carrying out cruel state-sponsored terror against
the entire population in the areas of armed agrarian revolutionary war.
Ever since the UPA returned to power at the Centre for the second time in May last, it has stepped up this state terror on an
unprecedented scale, imposed an All India ban on the CPI (Maoist), declared it as a terrorist organization, and has declared its intent to
brutally suppress the Maoist revolutionaries even if it meant carrying out a blood-bath in the entire adivasi-inhabited region. The US and
other imperialists are actively goading on their Indian comprador agents to unleash such a brutal war. As part of this plan the US
delegation had visited Chhattisgarh several times and Washington is actively overseeing the counter-revolutionary preparations in other
states. The comprador big business houses of India—the Tatas, Jindals, Mittals, Ruias (Essar), Birlas, Ambanis & others—and imperialist
MNCs like Vedanta, all of which are itching to lay their hands on the abundant forest and mineral wealth of this vast region, are holding
secret parleys with their representatives in the political establishment to use all means to brutally crush the Maoist movement. Sonia-
Manmohan-Chidambaram clique has been carrying on hectic consultations with the various political parties, top bureaucrats and Army
officials to deploy the notorious Rashtriya Rifles—the counterinsurgency wing of the Indian Army—against the Maoist movement.
A united struggle by all the revolutionary-democratic forces in the country against this unprecedented cruel state terrorist offensive
on the Maoist movement is the urgent need of the hour. The support and solidarity extended by the various revolutionary and democratic
forces in India and abroad to the Lalgarh mass uprising and their protest against the massive state offensive has greatly enthused the
adivasi people of the region and the people of the entire country. This show of solidarity has opened up a new chapter of unity among the
revolutionary and democratic forces.

It is a fact that the revolutionary forces in India have been driven by serious differences for a long period of time. There is still some
bitterness owing to several reasons and sharp differences exist in the ideological-political-organizational-military lines. There is need to
address these and achieve stronger unity among the entire revolutionary camp on a principled basis. Notwithstanding these differences
prevailing at present, our Party earnestly hopes that all the revolutionary parties and organizations in the country will come forward at
this critical hour in the history of the Indian revolutionary movement and unite in action to form the broadest united front against this
state terrorist offensive. This revolutionary act will give immense confidence to the vast adivasi masses and other sections of the people
who are being crushed, displaced and even decimated in accordance with a well-hatched conspiracy of the reactionary rulers.
Let us keep aside our ideological-political differences and join hands to fight back this imperialist-backed state offensive in order to
defend the interests of the oppressed masses. The current state terrorist attack by the Sonia-Manmohan-Chidambaram clique is not just
on the CPI (Maoist) and the people’s war going on in the country but on the entire revolutionary camp and the democratic people’s
struggles. The aim of this state terrorist offensive is to suppress the revolutionary leadership of the people so as to intensify the exploitation
and plunder of the country’s wealth by the imperialists and the CBB.
There is no time to ponder. LET US ACT NOW.

10 September, 2009 With Revolutionary Greetings,

Central committee, CPI (Maoist)

PEOPLE’S MARCH Jan-Feb. 2010 27

Regd. with the RNI No.: KER ENG/2002/2051 Rs. 20/-

Swapan Dasgupta
(19 April 1949—2 February 2010)
Swapan Dasgupta, the editor of Swapan Dasgupta was born on 19 the people’s cause, he disdainfully
Bangla People’s March, published from April 1949 at Timarpur in Delhi in a turned down that offer. After his
Kolkata, died in jail custody as the first middle-class family. His father was father’s death in 1980, he returned to
political prisoner to die as a UAPA/ Sisir Kumar Dasgupta and mother was Kolkata. In order to make both ends
Unlawful Activities Prevention Manika Dasgupta. His father was meet, he had to do a number of low-
(Amended) Act of 2008 prisoner. He central government employee and pay jobs such as doing type-writing in
breathed his last on 2 February 2010 in connected with swadeshi activities and High Court premises, working as steno-
the ITU, Mackenjee ward of SSKM the Anushilan Samiti –the revolutionary typists under court lawyers, doing
hospital, Kolkata as a result of physical organization in British India. Swapan stenography in a Bombay Dyeing
and mental torture in the police lock- Dasgupta had three brothers and two branch office. As he was involved in
up since his arrest on 6 office workers’ movements,
October 2009 and utter he was dismissed from office
negligence on the part of by the employers in 1992.
the government to give After that he worked as a
him proper medical stenographer under many
treatment both inside advocates in the Kolkata
Presidency Jail, Kolkata
High Court.
as also in the SSKM
hospital. Many people and Political Career: He
democratic forums took part in the anti-price rise
described his death as movement that engulfed
murder and sections of large parts of Bengal in 1966
urban literati have raised as also in the movement for
the demand for enquiry the release of political
about the circumstances leading to his sisters, of whom he was the middle prisoners. As a student, he first joined
death. Swapan Dasgupta was the editor brother. At the time of his death, he had the CPI and then the CPI (M). When
of Bangla Peoples’ March since its one younger brother and mentally the ‘a peal of Spring Thunder crashed
inception in August 2004 and carried disabled sister from child-birth, who over’ Naxalbari in north Bengal, he
on his task to the best of his ability with was totally dependent on him. Swapan developed close relationship with the
courage, dedication and sincerity. Even Dasgupta did not marry. revolutionary comrades associated with
when the English People’s March was the martyr Ashu Mazumdar (A student
Swapan Dasgupta studied at the in the Political Science department of
banned by the government, he Bengali Boys’ Higher Secondary Jadavpur University, Ashu Mazumdar
continued to publish the journal School in Delhi till Class VIII. After was one of the many revolutionary
disseminating revolutionary ideas and that he came to Kolkata and settled at youths influenced by Charu
news about revolutionary struggles in Jadavpur Garfa in south Kolkata. There Mazumdar’s leadership, and was killed
different parts of the country and also he got enrolled in Dhirendra Nath in cold blood by the Indian army in
beyond, braving all odds. Intimidation Memorial High School and passed his 1971 in south Kolkata). Swapan
from the state could hardly make any Higher Secondary from in 1967. For Dasgupta also had links with the MCC,
impact on his mind. Swapan getting jobs, he learnt typing, shorthand known as the Dakshin Desh group
Dasgupta’s case is a case of deliberate (stenography) and sat for examination. (Dakshin Desh was the mouthpiece of
brutal state-sponsored murder in the MCC, which stood apart from the
In 1972, he got a job in central excise
custody. The following information CPI (M-L) at that time and, after many
and worked as the PA to the Collector,
about his life and his days under decades, merged with the CPI (M-L)
Sambalpur Central Excise in Orissa. In
detention has been collected from the People’s War to form the CPI (Maoist).
members of his family as also his late 1974, he left his job to work
When the CPI (M-L) was formed in
friends who stood by his side till he underground as a political activist. He
1969, Swapan Dasgupta joined it and
finally closed his eyes at the age of 61 was offered reinstatement in the job if
got associated with youth squads
and was cremate d at Keoratala he agreed to disown his ideology.
activities. In 1971, he was once picked
crematorium. Remaining true to his commitment to Contd..... on Page 17
28 Owned, Edited, Printed & Published by P. Govindan Kutty, Peroor house, Tripunithura, N.F. Ernakulam, Kerala - 682 301,
Printed at Anugraha Printers, Perumbavoor for Cherry Printers, Mannoor, Keezhillam - 683 541

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