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•Platinum Metals Rev.

, 2010, 54, (4), 233–238•

“Handbook of Green Chemistry –

Green Catalysis”
Edited by Robert H. Crabtree (Yale University, USA); Series edited by Paul T. Anastas (Yale
University, USA), John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, USA, 2009, in 3 volumes, 1082 pages,
ISBN: 978-3-527-31577-2, £375, €450, US$572


Reviewed by Kingsley Cavell*, Introduction

Stan Golunski** and David Miller† The first three volumes of the twelve-volume
Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff “Handbook of Green Chemistry” focus on “Green
University, Main Building, Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3AT, UK; Catalysis” and are edited by Professor Robert
E-mail: * ; ** ; Crabtree, who is an eminent and important player in the broad area of catalysis, with research interests in
organometallic homogeneous catalysis focusing on
green chemistry and biomimetics. Robert Crabtree is
a Professor of Chemistry at Yale University, USA. He
developed a catalyst for homogeneous hydrogenation
based on an iridium complex, (1,5-cyclooctadiene)-
fluorophosphate, better known as ‘Crabtree’s catalyst’
(FFigure 1). He has worked in asymmetric synthesis
using iridium hydrogenation catalysts, alkane CH
activation, the development of dihydrogen complex-
es, CF activation systems, N-heterocyclic carbenes
and has researched into activity in bioinorganic
chemistry. He is currently involved in designing and
synthesising new homogeneous catalysts, especially
chelating carbenes and their iridium complexes. In
2001 he was the winner of the Johnson Matthey
Rhodium Bicentenary Competition for a research
proposal on the rhodium-based production of aro-
matic compounds.
Series Editor Paul T. Anastas is known as the
“Father of Green Chemistry”. He is a Professor at Yale
University and the Director of the Center for Green
Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale. From
2004–2006, Paul Anastas was the Director of the
Green Chemistry Institute in Washington, DC. Until
June 2004 he served as Assistant Director for
Environment at the White House Office of Science
and Technology Policy where his responsibilities
included a wide range of environmental science
issues including furthering international public-private
cooperation in areas of science for sustainability
such as green chemistry. He developed the twelve
principles of green chemistry (1) and has published
and edited several books in the field.

233 © 2010 Johnson Matthey

doi:10.1595/147106710X527928 •Platinum Metals Rev., 2010, 54, (4)•

is being done in each field. References in the various

+ chapters are as recent as 2008 and therefore the
Py literature is reasonably up to date. The various chap-
Ir PF6– ters are, in general, written by well-known contribu-
PCy3 tors, all experts in their respective fields. In effect,
the book provides a taster of what can be done to
improve the efficiency of chemical reactions and to
minimise or avoid waste products and contaminants.
Fig. 1. The iridium complex, The chapters range from short focused ones (15–25
(1,5-cyclooctadiene)pyridine(tricyclohexyl- pages in length) highlighting the importance and
applicability of the technique or field described, to
better known as ‘Crabtree’s catalyst’
longer chapters of 30–50 pages with much more
detailed description of the chemistry. Appropriately,
This book series from Wiley aims to summarise the the book opens with a short introductory chapter
significant body of work on green chemistry that discussing the concept of ‘atom economy’, its prin-
has accumulated over the past decade and to detail ciples and significance. Most of the platinum group
the breakthroughs, innovation and creativity within metals, for example, platinum, palladium, rhodium,
green chemistry and engineering. It is aimed at iridium and ruthenium, play an important role in
chemists, environmental agencies and chemical processes considered as atom efficient. True atom
engineers wishing to gain an understanding of the economy is an ideal situation, in that all atoms in the
world of green chemistry. starting materials end up in the desired product(s).
In practice this is seldom achieved.
Volume 1: Homogeneous Catalysis Following this chapter, chapters of various lengths
Reviewed by Kingsley Cavell focus on, for example, ‘green’ solvents and immo-
This is a useful and accessible handbook for stu- bilised biphasic systems (Chapters 2, 4 to 6), with
dents and researchers interested in aspects of ‘green some industrially relevant sections (Chapters 5 and 7;
chemistry’. ‘Handbook’ is a very apt description for see for example Schemes I and II) and several spe-
this text as the volume consists of twelve chapters cific examples of homogeneous catalysis in green
covering a very wide range of topics relevant to green processes (Chapters 3, 11 and 12).
chemistry in homogeneous catalysis. These include It is a little more difficult to understand why certain
the use of green solvents, novel and efficient catalyst of the chapters have been included. For example,
systems, immobilised/biphasic catalyst systems and Chapter 10 on ‘Palladacycles in Catalysis’ is a good
industrial aspects. None of the topics are explored in example of efficient homogeneous catalysts, which
great detail – to do so would require a full collection will be of interest to many, but there are plenty of
of texts rather than the single volume presented here. other examples of efficient catalysed processes in
Instead, each topic is covered in sufficient detail to the literature. The relevance to green chemistry of
provide the reader with a flavour of what has been or Chapter 9 on ‘Organocatalysis’ is debatable. Such

50ºC, 12 bar COOH PPh2
MeO ee 97%, TON 3000, MeO
TOF 300 h–1, bench
scale, Takasago
International Corp H8-BINAP

Scheme I. Synthesis of (S)-naproxen via enantioselective hydrogenation in the presence of a ruthenium-BINAP

catalyst (Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Reproduced with permission)

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R2P Fe
N HI, 50ºC, 80 bar NH CH3
ee 80%, TON 2,000,000,
TOF >400,000 h–1, Ciba-
Geigy (now Syngenta)
J005: R’ = Xyl, R = Ph
MEA imine

Scheme II. The (S)-metolachlor hydrogenation process for the enantioselective hydrogenation of MEA imine
in the presence of an iridium catalyst (Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Reproduced with

catalytic systems avoid the use of potentially toxic photocatalysts that are active in visible light, in which
metals, but as the authors themselves acknowledge, metals (such as platinum) or base metal ions are
the toxicity of many of the organocatalysts is embedded in the oxide; the later chapter provides a
unknown. Furthermore, many metal catalysts operate similar, but ultimately less optimistic, discussion of
at very low concentrations, so low that metal residues the physics and chemistry of dye-sensitised solar cells
are generally not an issue, whereas the organocata- (Grätzel cells), which consist of a nanoparticulate
lysts commonly operate at around 20 mol% and porous layer of TiO2 onto which ruthenium com-
hence can barely be called catalysts at all. While plexes (the dyes) are absorbed.
conversions are sometimes good (≥90%), turnover The platinum group metals (pgms) are not treated
numbers (TONs) and turnover frequencies (TOFs) separately, but are referred to throughout most of the
are poor. However, in support of the chapter’s inclu- volume, as in the chapters on TiO2 mentioned above.
sion, this is a relatively new field and improvements Their special role in automotive emissions control is
and benefits can be expected in the future; in some captured in a whistle stop tour (Chapter 9) that begins
specialist areas, such as the synthesis of pharma- with the US Clean Air Act of 1970 and ends with the
ceuticals, any metal contamination at all can be a long-anticipated hydrogen economy. Appropriately,
problem. it is followed by a chapter on hydrogen production
by fuel reforming, in which the pgms feature strongly
Volume 2: Heterogeneous Catalysis again. It is interesting that the cited references dry
Reviewed by Stan Golunski up after 2006, probably reflecting the switchover in
This volume makes interesting reading, but can also global research and development effort from fuel
be dipped into as an accessible reference source. reforming to hydrogen storage that occurred at around
As an overview of heterogeneous green catalysis – that time.
or should that be ‘heterogreeneous catalysis’, as Displacing platinum, palladium and rhodium from
suggested in Chapter 5 – it succeeds on two levels. their position of strength in emissions control was
It summarises the history of this very active field, the probable target for a high-throughput screening
and maps out the future directions, or at least takes campaign described in Chapter 11 (FFigure 2). The
a view on where current pathways are taking us. The authors present a persuasive argument for this
twelve chapters cover a broad spectrum of catalytic approach. However, in their flowsheet for catalyst dis-
materials and catalytic processes, starting with the covery, they have omitted a pre-screening step that is
fundamentals of the surface chemistry and chemical invariably included in industrial research and devel-
engineering of refinery and petrochemical catalysis opment, during which any unstable, toxic, regulated
using zeolites, and finishing with a futuristic process or supply-limited elements are eliminated from the
for converting biomass to methane in supercritical screening exercise. While the thrifting and replace-
water. In between, photocatalysis using titania (TiO2) ment of pgms is a common agenda, their role as a
is the only topic that is accorded the distinction of promoter of other catalyst components is becoming
two chapters of its own. The first of these describes increasingly apparent. Chapter 7 provides one such
the properties of pure TiO2, followed by a more empir- example, by describing how pgm-doping of het-
ical discussion of the so-called second generation of eropoly acid catalysts (used industrially for a range of

235 © 2010 Johnson Matthey

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Ti V V Cr Mn Mn Fe Fe Co Co Co Ni Cu Cu Ge Ti V V Cr Mn Mn Fe Fe Co Co Co Ni Cu Cu Ge
(a) (b) 0


Temperature change, K






Zr Nb MoMoAgSnSnSb W W Ce Ce K Re – Zr Nb MoMoAgSnSnSb W W Ce Ce K Re –

Fig. 2. 16 × 16 array discovery wafer containing bimetallic ruthenium catalysts Ru-M/Co3O4 ,

comprising thirty 7-point vertical gradients together with spotted Pt/Al2O3 standards in the first and
last row as well as the last column. The Co3O4 carrier was slurried and then impregnated with
3% Ru. Metal gradients are from 1–10% of Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ge in the upper half and
Zr, Nb, Mo, Ag, Sn, Sb, W, Ce, K, Re in the lower half of the wafer. Ru/Co3O4 as hit-detected in
combination with Ni, Ag, Sn or Ce. (a) Temperature change upon exposure to CO (30 min);
(b) Temperature change upon repurging with air (30 min) (Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
KGaA. Reproduced with permission)

organic transformations) improves their regeneration leading authority on biocatalysis, contributes to a

and so extends their lifetime. chapter devoted to the use of enzymes for the pro-
A key feature of green catalysis is that the catalysts duction of pharmaceuticals (Chapter 7) and this is a
themselves have to be green, which means that they good indication of the quality of authorship here.
need to be manufactured cleanly and sustainably, Given the nature of this Journal I was initially
and to be recycled efficiently. Chapter 2 describes the directed to focus my attention on the pgms, but upon
use of silica-supported sulfonic acids as a green alter- leafing through the book it was obvious that this
native to concentrated sulfuric acid in liquid-phase would be an impossible task – only platinum and
organic syntheses. In a similar vein, the issues relat- rhodium get a mention and their appearances are
ing to the separation of catalyst and product during fleeting. Instead it seems sensible to highlight areas of
homogeneous catalysis can be overcome by design- interest for the transition metal enthusiast. Enzymes
ing single-site heterogeneous catalysts in which involved in redox chemistry often use transition
organometallic complexes are grafted onto a metal metal complexes and so certain chapters do have
oxide support (Chapter 6). This degree of control areas that might be of interest to such a readership.
over the active site is also becoming more prevalent Chapter 1 is devoted to the heme-containing
in conventional heterogeneous catalysis (Chapter 4), cytochrome P450 oxidases and there is a useful
where our ability to create metal nanoparticles con- summary of the current understanding of the
sistently and within a pre-defined size range has led catalytic cycle employed by these enzymes. Chapters
to step-changes in activity and selectivity. 5 and 6, on ‘Baeyer- Villiger Monooxygenases
in Organic Synthesis’ and ‘Bioreduction by
Volume 3: Biocatalysis Microorganisms’, respectively, contain only fleeting
Reviewed by David Miller mentions of transition metals, although a rhodium
“Biocatalysis” is the final volume in the “Green Catal- complex, [Cp(Me)5Rh(bipy)Cl]+ (oxidised form) or
ysis” series. Hans-Peter Meyer of Lonza AG, a world [Cp(Me)5 Rh(bipy)H]+ (reduced form), does make

236 © 2010 Johnson Matthey

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an appearance in Chapter 6; it is used to recycle Concluding Remarks

nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced form This three-volume set of books covers a wide range of
(NADH) at an electrode surface. topics within homogeneous, heterogeneous and bio-
It is in Chapter 8 that this readership will find the catalysis, with contributions from well-known names
most interest. This is devoted to hydrogenases and in their respective fields. Overall, the books provide
the hydrogen economy and there is a rich vein of an overview of processes and reactions that can be
transition metal chemistry found therein. There we considered ‘green’, with indications of where current
meet enzymes that utilise iron-sulfur clusters, nickel- directions in research may be going. The role of tran-
iron and nickel-iron-selenium complexes plus many sition metals including the pgms within this area
of the techniques used to study their chemistry such seems assured.
as electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and pro- Future volumes of Wiley’s “Handbook of Green
tein film voltammetry. In addition there are a number Chemistry” will focus on “Green Solvents”, “Green
of synthetic biomimetic metal complexes included. Processes” and “Green Products”. They will appear as
The final chapter is devoted to bioremediation of three further sets of three volumes each and are
polyaromatic hydrocarbons and again, despite the expected to be published by 2012 (2).
importance in this area of iron-containing dioxyge-
nase enzymes, there is little there for the inorganic
chemist to get excited about. References
Despite the relative lack of interest to the inorganic 1 P. T. Anastas and J. C. Warner, “Green Chemistry: Theory
chemist, as a postgraduate level textbook on bio- and Practice”, Oxford University Press, New York, USA,
catalysis it stands up very well – its short length is 1998, p. 30
made up for with extensive and up to date referencing 2 Wiley, Handbook of Green Chemistry, 12 volume set,
and it includes subjects not covered in competing Series Editor Paul T. Anastas, ISBN: 978-3-527-31404-1:
books, such as the use of enzymes in the unusual
3527314040,descCd-tableOfContents.html (Accessed
solvents supercritical CO2 and ionic liquids. It will
on 26th August 2010)
certainly be a valuable addition to this reviewer’s
book collection.

“Handbook of Green Chemistry –

Green Catalysis”
Volume 1: Homogeneous Catalysis
Volume 2: Heterogeneous Catalysis
Volume 3: Biocatalysis

237 © 2010 Johnson Matthey

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The Reviewers

Professor Kingsley Cavell Professor Stan Dr David Miller is a

is a Professor of Golunski is a Deputy Research Fellow in
Inorganic Chemistry at Director of the Cardiff Chemical Biology at
Cardiff University and Catalysis Institute at Cardiff University and
member of staff at the Cardiff University. an Assistant Director
Cardiff Catalysis Institute. Between 1989 and of the Cardiff Catalysis
He has previously held 2009 he led and man- Institute. He has previ-
positions as a Senior aged industrial ously completed post-
Research Scientist at the research projects in doctoral research at
CSIRO Division of catalysis at the the University of St.
Materials Science, Johnson Matthey Andrews, Birmingham
Australia, and as a Guest Technology Centre at University and Cardiff
Professor at RWTH Sonning Common, UK, University. He is partic-
Aachen University, including the industry- ularly interested in the
Germany, and Huazhong university collaboration use of synthetic
University, China, among on Controlling Access organic chemistry as
others. His research of Reactive Molecules applied to the solution
interests include the to Active Centres of biological problems
design and synthesis of (CARMAC). His research and vice versa. His
novel ligands for transi- interests lie in the field research uses a combi-
tion metal complexes of gas-phase heteroge- nation of chemical
including platinum and neous catalysis, particu- synthesis, enzymology
palladium and investiga- larly for exhaust and molecular biology
tion of the complexes as aftertreatment and to better understand
catalysts in a range of hydrogen generation, the workings of natu-
reactions, looking at the where pgms are often ral macromolecules.
effect of ligand bonding used.
and structure on catalytic

The Cardiff Catalysis Institute

The recently established Cardiff Catalysis Institute combines expertise from the seven main research
groups within the School of Chemistry of Cardiff University: Chemical Biology; Heterogeneous Catalysis and
Surface Science; Inorganic Chemistry; Organic Synthesis; Solid State and Materials Chemistry; Theoretical
and Computational Chemistry; Physical Organic Chemistry. Consisting of close to 100 researchers, its aim
is to be an industrially-facing academic centre of excellence in most aspects of catalytic chemistry. For
more information see their website: (Accessed on 26th August 2010)

238 © 2010 Johnson Matthey

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