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Érettségi gyakorlófüzet 1
1. témakör: Személyes vonatkozások, család
1 READING 4 A baby feels ____ when its father comes to pick it up.
a excited
1 Match the words (1–6) with the definitions (a–f). b fine
1 approach (v) ____ c frightened
2 interacting (v) ____ d nervous

3 cope with (v) ____ 5 Fathers are more likely to ____ than mothers.
a help their children at home
4 crucial (adj) ____
b try new experiences
5 bond (n) ____ c want their children to meet their objectives
6 breadwinner (n) ____ d be strict with their children

a to manage something 6 Encouraging a child to problem-solve makes

b very important them ____
c link/connection a independent.
d someone who provides money for a family b cheerful.
e communicating with another person c behave badly.
f move towards someone d frustrated.

7 Fathers discourage bad behaviour by ____

2 Read the magazine article opposite. Your task is to a explaining why it is wrong.
choose the answers that are nearest in meaning to b teaching new skills.
what the article says. Write the appropriate letters c not paying any attention to it.
in the boxes below. An example (0) has been done d punishing their children.
for you.
8 Children who have a good relationship with their
0 In the past men ____ their children. dads ____
a were not interested in a do not get married.
b were not expected to spend a lot of time with b will be better fathers later on.
c did not have good relationships with c have less self-confidence.
d were not allowed to look aer d do well at school.
1 Twenty years ago many people thought the role 9 e article is about ____
of a father was to ____ a how children affect their father’s lives.
a take care of his children. b why fathers are more important than mothers.
b protect his family. c how important a father is to the development
c improve his child’s development. of his child.
d provide money for the family. d how the father’s role in the family was researched.
2 Researchers have discovered that a father’s role in
his child’s development is ____. 0 1 2 3 4 5
a essential
b peripheral b
c secondary 6 7 8 9
d unimportant

3 Physical and mental stimulation are very

important in the development of ____
a a father-child relationship.
b a baby’s breathing and heart rate.
c a baby’s brain.
d the father’s image in the family.


There’s no one like Dad! 4 e article suggests a ‘new man’ should also try to
be a _______.
Until about twenty years ago, achieve their 5 It is important for ‘new men’ to be _______ as well as
little was known about the goals. They more emotional.
importance of a father’s role in are less likely
his child’s development. Men to help their children to do things 6 Brian wonders if the magazine offers any _______.
were traditionally defined as than mums, preferring to let the
‘breadwinners’, whose job was to child experiment and solve their 7 Bono is described as confident, understanding,
earn money to support the family, own problems. This helps and interested in _______ issues.
whereas a woman’s role was to develop a sense of independence
bring up and educate children. and teaches children to cope with 8 Brian has prepared a very simple _______ for Kate.
But when researchers began to feelings of failure, frustration, and
study the impact of a father-child success. If a child behaves badly,
relationship on emotional, fathers often explain why that
psychological, physical, and behaviour is unacceptable so
social development, their findings their child can learn right from e following pictures show different ways of
showed just how crucial a wrong. Dads also teach useful spending time with children.
father’s role is in the lives of his skills like how to hold a knife and
children. fork, use tools, fix and make
things, and play sports.
Dads today spend an average of
two or three hours a day Statistics show that children who
interacting with their children, have a good relationship with
approximately 33% more time their fathers often cope better
than their own fathers did. with relationships and society.
According to research by They tend to be self-confident
psychiatrists, dads are like giant and successful academically and
toys providing the physical and socially. In later life, they are likely
mental stimulation that is to be socially considerate, have
essential to their baby’s successful marriages and close In pairs, take turns to compare and contrast the two
developing brains. When a dad friendships. pictures. Include the following points:
● how the family members can spend time with children,
picks up his child, he usually

● which way you would prefer and why,

This demonstrates that a father’s
tickles it, throws it into the air, or

● who is the most important relative for you in your

bond with his child is unique.
turns it upside-down. By the time
Dad, as well as mum, is a role
it is about two months old, when
model, teacher, provider,
a baby sees its father approach,
protector, social guide, and so family and why.
its eyes grow wider and its
much more.
breathing and heart rate get
faster in excitement.

Dads also encourage their

children to try new or challenging You have found the following advertisement on
experiences, and expect them to
your favourite website.


Do you want to practise your English and also gain experience
2 LISTENING for adulthood? Prepare for Life is offering you three months with
an average American or British family to do just that. Decide on
T1 In this section, you are going to hear two people
location, and the size of family you wish to stay with, and we’ll
talking about a magazine article. organize all the rest. During your stay you’ll be treated as a
member of the family – going to school, helping at home, and
Your task is to complete the sentences with one making new friends. By the end of your stay we believe you will
word only. An example (0) has been done for you. have enough experience to decide if this is how you’d like to live
when you establish a family of your own. Apply today, send an
men in Kate’s magazine.
0 ere’s an article on _______ email to
1 Brian thinks these type of articles are responsible for

● say you are interested in the project,

creating _______ . Write an email in 80–100 words in which you:

● give details of the kind of family you’d like to move in with,

2 David Beckham is still very _______ with many

● ask for further details (e.g. costs).

3 According to Cosmo, ‘new men’ should do more
than focus on their _______ . Start your message like this:
Dear Prepare for Life,


2. témakör: Ember és társadalom
Read a text about a wedding ‘How do you like the Dominican Republic?’ asks Felipe. ‘Well …’ I’m not sure
in an exotic place. Some (0) __________
what to say. I haven’t seen much of it yet. I only arrived five days
(1) _____ , and went straight (2) _____ an all-inclusive five star hotel. I’ve spent my
time since then resting on a Caribbean beach (3) _____ of palm trees. Running for
words are missing from the
buses (4) _____ grey mornings in London has become a distant memory. Now,
text. Your task is to write the
I (5) _____ on my way to the capital, Santo Domingo, (6) _____ see a bit of real
missing words in the gaps.
Dominican life. In reply to Felipe, I say something (7) _____ the relaxed lifestyle.
Use only one word in each
Once we’re in the capital, we drive quickly through the low, two-storey streets of
gap. An example (0) has been
the old town. (8) _____ the hotel, I pay my fare, and (9) _____ goodbye to Felipe,
done for you.
then rush upstairs to my room. Downstairs, the wedding guests are already
waiting for the transport to arrive. I slip into my dress and find it goes perfectly
(10) _____ my shoes. An hour later we are in the lush, tropical gardens of a
gorgeous house above the coast road and the wedding ceremony begins. On the
way back to the hotel, we stop off at a club. Soon everybody (11) _____ a drink,
and we’re trying hopelessly to learn some salsa moves from the locals. In between
making a fool of myself, I look out across the beautiful sea. I think of my flight
In this text some parts of the home tomorrow, of rainy days in London, and running for early morning buses.
sentences have been removed. I promise myself to extend my ticket by another week.
Your task is to reconstruct the
text by filling in the gaps (1-9)
from the list (A-L) below. ere In the past, rules on how to behave or given up for the elderly, disabled, or
be polite were very strict. Children were pregnant women. It is also considerate

modern manners
is one extra letter that you do not
need. An example (0) has been taught good manners from an early age; to give up your seat to younger children.
done for you. greetings were formal (0) ___________.
B They don’t always have a good sense of
These strict codes of conduct worked balance and (5) ___________.
A are more likely to fall if the bus well for communities in the past. Today,
however, modern life has changed all Remember that you’re in public when
this. Communities are less well defined you make or answer a call on a mobile
or train starts or stops suddenly

and we have contact with so many phone. Strangers don’t normally want
B and everyone knew their status
in society strangers that we don’t automatically to hear your conversations. There are
(1) ___________. circumstances where (6) ___________,
such as in the cinema, at a concert, or
C know what to do or say in some

Chivalry, or being polite, used to mean on public transport. Switch yours off if
D please keep the volume down that a man would step back, open a you’re somewhere where it may disturb
door or offer assistance to a woman. people. If you’re listening to your MP3
But in today’s age of equality, not player in public, (7) ___________– not
E make everyone involved feel

all (2) ___________. Nevertheless, in our everyone wants to hear it!

F women appreciate being treated increasingly crowded environment there
differently are some general rules of behaviour that Dealing with large numbers of people on
all of us should follow. a daily basis can be tiring and stressful.
Try and smile and be polite – it costs
G thank a person for their help

It’s polite to hold the door open for nothing and will (8) ___________. Always
H smile at them as oen as you can whoever is behind you, especially for say ‘please’ if you have a request and
people with disabilities, children or (9) ___________. As a result, people will
simply (3) ___________. probably be happier to help you in the
I someone with a lot of shopping

K mobiles can be very annoying When getting on or off public transport,
pay attention to (4) ___________. Don’t Most importantly, treat other people,
push in front of others and be careful no matter what their age, sex, or social
L who was before you in the queue

not to stand on anyone’s toes or hit them position, as you would like to be treated
with your bag. Seats should always be yourself – with respect.


T2 In this section you are going to hear a radio interview. Your task will be to
circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the le. Please note
that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least
one correct answer. is means you might have to circle one or two letters.

A B 0 e programme is going to be about ________ A B 3 e people Jenny interviewed think that friends
A friendship. ________
B the thoughts of a psychologist. A do not need to be constantly together.

A B 1 According to Jenny Lewis the family unit

B must be there in times of trouble.

is ________ A B 4 In our lifetime we will probably have about

A still very important in people’s lives. ________ friends.
B going through important changes. A thirteen good

A B 2 Jenny describes friendship as a ________

B six close

A link between people with similar interests. A B 5 Having close friends may guarantee a ________
B relationship where there is no control. life for people.
A busier
B longer

You found the following message on a chat forum In pairs take turns to answer the questions.
you regularly visit.
Describe your best
Dear friends out there, friend. How long have you
Last week my best friend stayed for known each other? What
the night. When we got up in the do you have in
common? 2
morning, she saw my dad doing What qualities are
housework. She laughed at him, and most essential in a
said this was not something a man friend? Why?
should do. Dad didn’t take it badly, Explain the saying ’A
but I did. I really feel we have to sort friend in need is a friend
indeed’. Can you give an
this out if we want to stay friends.
example to illustrate the
But what can I do? Please write, and meaning? 4
help me. Tell me about a
Ania person you admire. What is
it that you want to learn
(17 Poland)
5 from this person?
Wearing the right
clothes for an occasion
is a matter of good
manners. Do you 6
Explain a letter of 100–120 words to Ania in which
you give her some advice. ’Politeness can go
a long way.’ Do you
Include the following:
● write why you think her friend said what she did,
● give your opinion on men doing housework,
● say what Ania should do to save this friendship.
3. témakör: Környezetünk
Read an article about climate change. Some words are missing from the text.
Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A–K) for each
gap (1–8) in the text. Write the letters in the boxes below. ere is one word
that you do not need to use. An example (0) has been done for you.

Our planet is gradually (0) ________

getting warmer.
Records of temperature changes in Antarctica
(1) ___________ a rise in the average temperature
of a surprising 4.5 degrees (2) ___________ only fifty
years. Many scientists (3) ___________ alarmed at
the prospect of a hotter world, and with good reason.
The ice in Antarctica consists (4) ___________ 75% of
the Earth’s fresh water. As the planet heats up, the
ice melts. A major meltdown (5) ___________ cause
sea levels to rise dramatically, (6) ___________ would
result in huge floods across the earth. Over the past
three years, massive icebergs have been breaking off
the Antarctic ice-shelves. Recently, a huge section
(7) ___________ off and crumbled into the sea – the 2 LISTENING
largest iceberg measuring 107 by 21 miles (211 by 33 In this section, you are going to hear an
kilometres). But (8) ___________ is causing this rise
interview with someone who has moved to the
in temperature? Most scientists think global warming country. Your task is to fill in the gaps with one or
from growing air pollution is responsible, while two words, depending on the gaps provided in each
others argue that temperature changes have occurred
item. An example (0) has been done for you.

throughout history. boyfriend

0 Teresa lived in the city with her ______________.
1 She wasn’t getting much ______________ in the city.
2 Getting around town made her really ______________.
A are F of 3 Teresa ______________ ______________ with her
B broke G show
boyfriend before leaving the city.
C for H what
D getting I which 4 She doesn't think renting a place in the city is
E in K would ______________ ______________.
5 It takes about ______________ ______________ from her
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
house to the city.


In summer you are going to spend two weeks at e following pictures show two examples of what
a student camp in Finland looking at the most is happening in our environment at the moment.
important problems facing the environment. You’ve In pairs, take turns to compare and contrast the two
received the following message from the organizers. pictures. Include the following points:
● some of the global problems facing our

● people's responsibility,
environment today,

Dear Friend, ● some problems where you live,

We are really glad you are coming to the ● what you can do to solve them.
camp in Helsinki in July. This year’s
participants are going to work in the
following groups:

Drastic Changes in Our Climate

Handling Domestic Waste
Air Pollution
Endangered Species

Please let us know which group you would

be interested in joining, giving your
reasons. We look forward to hearing from

See you soon in Helsinki.

Best wishes,

Matti Jokkinen
Matti Jokkinen

Head of Student Action International Youth


● say which group you are interested in and why,

Write an email in 80–100 words and,

● give examples of why this topic is important in

● ask how you need to prepare for the camp.


Begin your message like this:

Dear Matti,


4. témakör: Az iskola
Read this text about studying in the UK. Paragraph e pictures below show different ways of learning.
headings have been removed. Your task is to match In pairs, take turns to compare and contrast the two
the paragraph headings below to the text. Write the pictures. Include the following points:
● how the two ways are different from each other,
appropriate letters in the boxes. ere is one letter
● which school subjects are easier with one or the other
that you do not need to use. An example (0) has
been done for you.
● which method of teaching or learning you prefer and
method and why,
0 F Many international students dream of studying at a
university in the UK. But there are so many cities and courses
to choose from. Where should you start? This guide will show
you how to begin preparing for student life in the UK.

1 Taking an official examination, such as IELTS, will

help you prepare and assess your ability. Most
universities and colleges require applicants to have a
certain grade before they are accepted on a course.

2 The British Council arrange UK education exhibitions

in many countries. They also have a website where you
can find more useful information.

3 The city you live in will usually depend on which course

you enrol on. However, if you have several options, find out as
much as possible before making your choice. Tourist websites
provide information on sightseeing, nightlife, and travel.

4 Ask the university if they can help you find suitable

accommodation. There are usually several types to choose from:

5 Halls of residence: most universities offer a single

bedroom with a study desk, chair, and washbasin. The
bathroom and kitchen may be shared with other students. 3 WRITING
Staying in halls is a great way to meet other students and
get used to living in a new city. You have received a message from your British
6 You may prefer to live with a ‘host family’ who
friend, Mike. Here is the last part of it:
provide a room and meals. Many students enjoy the … and finally my good news. My application has been accepted so I
support of living with a family; they learn a lot about UK will be able to spend the first term in a Hungarian school where they
culture, as well as improving their English. also have English as the language of teaching. I can choose any
7 Remember, once you’ve arrived in the UK, the university
place I want in Hungary but I only know Budapest. I will have to

will have a Students’ Union where you can get information and
pay for my own accommodation and all other personal expenses –
advice on any aspect of life in the UK. Most universities also
my scholarship will only cover my travel costs. Are there any breaks
have International Students’ Associations that you can join.
during the first term? I hope so! I wonder how long they are. It would
be awesome to travel around Hungary and see some nice places.
Once you’ve made the right decision, it’ll probably be one of
the most valuable experiences in your life!
Can you offer any advice?
All the best,
A Useful organizations Mike
B And where will I live?
C Homestay Write a message of 100–120 words to Mike in which
D Prepare for the course you tell him:
● if you think Budapest will be suitable for him (why /
E Your exams
F Study abroad?

● when the breaks are and how long they are,

G Find the most suitable study location why not),

● what places he could visit during the breaks.

H How to find a suitable course?
I Stay here if you’d like company


5. témakör: A munka világa
You are going to spend your next school term in Dublin. As you will have
to pay for all your meals, accommodation, and other costs, you have
started to look for some part-time evening jobs. You are still learning to
drive but can cycle quite well, and you could work between three and
four nights a week.
You have decided to apply for the job in this advert. You are attending Orsini’s
an interview with the representative of an international job agency Come and work fo
r Dublin’s
(your partner / examiner). best Pizza restau
Act out the conversation. Use the information you already have and add We are looking fo
r young
anything else that may be relevant. people to deliver
pizzas 7
nights a week
Filling in the following chart may be helpful.
Are you an enthus
iastic young
person with a va
lid driving
licence who can
You are: do
flexible working
hours, and speaks
relatively good
You want:
Contact us

Any points which may be a problem during the interview:

How I can solve this problem:

Any other details I will need:

4 W R I TI N G Reply to Tony and Lisa in 80–100 words.

Include the following:

You have seen the following advert in your local

newspaper. when and how frequently you could walk Baxter,

a few more questions about Baxter,

how much you’d expect to get for the job,
how you think Tony and Lisa can help you with your
We are a British couple living and working in Hungary
who would like to find someone to walk our dog while we
are out during the day. Baxter is a friendly, well-behaved
2-year-old Golden Labrador who can only understand Begin your message like this:
English. If you’re interested, please write to us today. Dear Lisa and Tony,
As well as paying a reasonable fee we’d be very happy to
help you improve your English too. Tony and Lisa


6. témakör: Életmód
Read this article about Michael Schumacher. Some Read this article about a young sportsperson and then
words are missing from the text. Use the words in read the sentences (1-7) following it. Mark a sentence
brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps (1-10). A if it is true according to the article, mark it B if it is
ere might be cases when you do not have to change false, and mark it C if there is not enough information
the word in brackets. Use only one word for each gap. in the text to decide if the sentence is true or not. ere
ere is an example (0) at the beginning. is an example (0) for you.

Michael Schumacher was one of the world’s most (0) A = TRUE B = FALSE C = THE TEXT DOES NOT SAY
impressive (impress) sporting legends, and he was certainly
among the highest (1) ___________ (earn) of all time.
Schumacher was the seven-time world champion of the world’s
(2) ___________ (big) televised sport – Formula One racing.
Karate Kid
Formula One is so massive that on a race weekend more than
300 million people in 150 countries tune in. The word ‘formula’
Anybody on the wrong side of the law had better hope they
don’t meet Jemma Mitcham. The 20-year-old European
refers to the (3) __________ (specify) of each car. These single- karate champion recently became a police officer and has
seat (4) __________ (race) cars can accelerate from zero to 100 just started work on the streets of Southend-on-Sea,
mph in under 6 seconds. No one was ever better at (5) Essex. ‘I guess anyone who tried to attack me would be a
__________ (drive) one of these cars than Schumacher. He was
bit unlucky,’ Jemma says, laughing. ‘It’s only to defend

not only the sport’s biggest star, but a driver for the most
myself, but if there was any serious trouble on the street,

(6) __________ (fame) team, Ferrari. Ferrari has had a team in

I’d be fairly confident of being able to look after myself.
Being a black belt obviously helps.’
Formula One from the start of the sport and has dominated ever
since. However, as (7) __________ (promise) new drivers came
Jemma wanted to join the police force from an early age,
but her love of karate started before that. ‘I’d wanted to do
and went, Schumacher was on the scene for nineteen years. He it since I was four, but my parents wouldn’t let me,’ she
won more Grand Prix races than any other driver, rewrote the confesses. ‘I think they worried a bit because I was so
record books and earned an (8) __________ (believe) amount of young, but in the end they let me go along with my cousin,
money. After (9) __________ (retire) from the sport in 2012 for
Natalie, when I was seven. I loved it straight away.’ Just

the second time, Schumacher focused his energy on working as

three years later – the minimum time permitted – Jemma

an ambassador for UNESCO. In 2013 he suffered a serious skiing

gained her black belt.

accident and has been under (10) __________ (medical) care

At 15, she won the world championship in the children’s
kata discipline – her proudest moment in sport. ‘It didn’t
since he left the hospital. really hit me at first,’ she says, ‘but the next day I woke up
and thought, “Oh my God, I’m world champion.”’ Soon after
that she was competing above her age group. Senior
competitions usually start at the age of 21. However, last
0 Jemma stopped working as a police officer B
__________ month, as the European junior champion, Jemma won the
1 Jemma often has to defend herself on the street. __________ senior title and thus became champion in both age groups.
2 She wanted to do karate for longer time than she In September, she is heading for Tokyo for the Shoto World
wanted to work for the police. __________ Cup, where she hopes to win her first international senior
title. It’s not an unrealistic ambition, according to England
3 Her cousin has also had a lot of success in karate. __________ coach, Frank Brennan. ‘She’s got a very good chance
4 Jemma became world champion 8 years after she although it’s always difficult against the Japanese,’ he
had started doing karate. __________ says. ‘She’s extremely talented and has two great qualities
5 She won the senior title at the age of 21. __________ in that she is hard-working and modest.’

6 Her coach believes that it is impossible for her Tied up with her police officer duties, Jemma hasn’t been
to win an international title. __________ able to practise as much as she’d like, although she still
manages to fit in an hour of karate a day. Fortunately for
7 Jemma used to train more hours a day before her opponents, she still thinks she’s got a lot to learn. ‘I’m
becoming a police officer. __________
improving all the time,’ she claims.


Your school is organizing a school camp in the summer and you are one of the student
organizers. You need to talk to another student organiser (your partner /examiner) before your
meeting with the school management. Look at the results of a survey with the students and
decide if you can accept their suggestions when putting together a programme for the camp. You
may need to come up with alternative suggestions.
Students’ suggestions Your decision

wake up 9–10 a.m.

breakfast fresh rolls with hot chocolate, croissants with

jam, strong Italian-style espresso

lunch a different burger every day

evening meal pizza, chips, various snacks

lights out 1–2 a.m.

main daytime playing cards in groups, chat, competition,

activities disco / club night, watching football on TV.

You are going to read a short article about two types of
farming. Some words are missing from the text. Your
task is to write the missing words on the lines (1-7).
Use only one word in each gap. ere is an example (0)
at the beginning.

Which is better?
Nowadays, many people (0) ____________
are buying
organic food products from supermarkets or local
markets because they think it is healthier. But,
according (1) ____________ a recent study by the Food
Standards Agency, this isn’t necessarily the case. The
reports concluded that (2) ____________ was no clear
evidence to show that organic food products were (3) 5 WRITING
____________ than conventional foods. The findings
were based on many research activities carried (4)
Write a blog post of 100-120 words in which you
____________ during the last 50 years. They studied
react to the article above and
the amount of healthy substances (5) ____________ in ● give your opinion on organic food,
plants and animals in both types of farming and they ● explain why your family buys or doesn’t buy organic
did not find any significant differences. The
conclusions of the report, however, have (6) ● say what healthy choices people can make when they

____________ widely criticized by experts and

● say what else is important to do in order to live a
buy food,
supporters of organic foods, (7) ____________ claim
that the study hasn’t considered the chemicals found healthy life.
in non-organic food products.
7. témakör: Szabadido”, mu”velo”dés, szórakozás

A garage full of gadgets

Read this article on useless objects people buy and
then read the gapped sentences. Your task is to fill the
gaps with one or two words only, according to the
information in the article. An example (0) has been
done for you.
A ccording to a recent ‘useless gadgets’ survey by an insurance
company, British citizens spend more than £9.4 billion on
household items that are rarely, or in some cases, never actually used.
Around £4.1 billion of this total is spent on unnecessary presents for
insurance company
0 e survey was conducted by an ______________. family and friends.
1 British people keep a lot of ________________ In recent years, the British custom of giving presents has been boosted
things at home. by an increase in advertising, which encourages people to believe that
2 ________________ make people believe that they society expects you to splash out on expensive gis. e fact that there
are so many new ‘must-have’ products on the market has also made
should spend a lot of money on presents. people become obsessed with keeping up with the latest trends.
3 Around a quarter of people interviewed bought Approximately 25% of the people surveyed admitted to wasting
presents they thought were a ________________ money on a household gadget as a gi for someone, even though they
suspected that its box might never be opened.
Statistics show that almost 18% of adults have spent more than £500
4 Statistically, women spend ________________ on on such items. Surprisingly for some, men are the biggest spenders,
gis than men. forking out £361.83 in comparison with the average woman, at
£238.77. Adults in the 18–24 age range are the most responsible for the
5 About 33% of people in Britain have a
increase in sales of fashionable gadgets.
________________ that nobody uses at home.
In one internet survey, the most popular items are the trendy coffee
6 In a great number of British homes people never machine (a third of the adult population admit to owning one but
talk about ________________ problems. almost never using it) and bathroom scales, despite the fact that
weight is a taboo subject in many households.
7 e British are famous for ________________
To add to this problem, the British are, by nature, a nation of hoarders
things nobody needs.
– we love to collect useless things we don’t need. Over 23 million
8 Most families in Britain store their useless items adults have at least one useless object tucked away in a cupboard or
in ________________. wardrobe. Take the sandwich toaster, for example. An estimated £315
million worth of these machines are currently collecting dust in
British homes. Have you ever wondered why the car is always parked
2 LISTENING outside the garage of a British home? More than 10½ million garages
are cluttered up full of gadgets!
T4 In this section you are going to hear an interview
with Ellen McArthur, who has sailed around the
world. Write the letter of the correct answer in the box
aer each statement (A= True, B= False, C= e text 4 Mark Turner had done the voyage previously.
does not say). An example (0) has been done for you. 5 Ellen’s boat wasn’t as heavy as Francis Joyon’s. 5

0 Ellen set a new world record in 2005. 0 A 6 Bad weather was the only difficulty Ellen had
1 e previous record holder is from France. 1 to face. 6

2 It took Ellen exactly 71 days and 15 hours 7 Because of enormous Atlantic waves she almost
to complete her voyage. 2 had an accident with a whale. 7

3 First she wasn’t sure if she could do what she had 8 Ellen cut her arm while repairing the boat. 8

planned. 3


You and your friend (your partner / examiner) are planning an evening
out for a group of exchange students visiting your school from Italy.
You don’t know the group very well, but you want to recommend
something special from Budapest, or from your region. Look at the
list of available options to help you decide on an itinerary, or suggest
something else.

Budapest – come and see ‘Corvinus’, the impressive
Renaissance book collection belonging to King Mátyás.
Many rare 15th century pieces, with beautiful illustrations.
Excellent opportunity for a walk to visit the historical
sights of Budapest aerwards.

Enjoy a brand new stage adaptation of Shakespeare’s e
Tempest performed by secondary school students. Meet the
performers aer the play and spend an evening together.

Spend a day at the Sziget Festival – one of the biggest
music events in Europe. Pop, rock, avant-garde, world
music, and retro music acts on various stages all day and
night on an island in the Danube River.

Retro Week: Hungary 30–40 years ago reflected by film
classics from the 60s and 70s (all with English subtitles).

You are taking a language course in Britain and this Write a message of about 80–100 words including the

● which sport you prefer and how experienced you are,

is your first day. You have received a note from your following:

● how oen you want to do it, and with or without a

tutor about sports activities.

Want to meet people, make friends, and have more

● ask about the cost.
energy? Join one of our sports clubs today. Let us know what
sport you prefer and we’ll try and arrange it for you. Your
free! Taking part is a great way to
first 3 sessions will be
Begin your message like this:
Dear Sports Club organizers,
learn more English and have a good time! Guaranteed to
make you a more effective student.
Contact the Sports Club organizers.


8. témakör: Utazás, turizmus
Read the interview in which David Bowles, a young Australian journalist, speaks
about the growing trend of movie tourism that is boosting economies around the
world. e questions have been removed from the text. Your task is to read the
text and match the questions with the answers. ere is one question that you do
not need. An example (0) has been done for you.

(0) ________________
C the number of its guests since the box office hit Lost in
A popular destination in recent years has been New Zealand. Translation was released.
Cinema-goers worldwide were first introduced to its (5) ________________
spectacular scenery through The Lord of the Rings trilogy. In general, movie tourism can be seen as positive. It generates
(1) ________________ more money and people become interested in other cultures.
Not really, because the three parts were filmed in more than However, there can also be negative aspects. A lot depends
one hundred and fifty of the most dramatic locations in the on how film makers take care of the environment they are
country, and used three hundred and fifty purpose-built using for the movies.
sets. So there is plenty to see all over New Zealand. (6) ________________
(2) ________________ Sure. While creating The Lord of the Rings film sets, for
The films were a free travel advertisement, with an audience example, trees and plants that were removed to make space,
of millions. Now tour companies offer fans the opportunity were temporarily re-located, looked after and then replaced
to visit the films’ locations and absorb the atmosphere. after filming had finished.

(3) ________________ (7) ________________

Oh yes. The more recent success of films such as King Yes. Environmentalists at Maya Bay on the Phi Phi Islands
Kong, The Last Samurai, and The Chronicles of Narnia has off Thailand claim that the making of the hugely successful
continued to attract visitors to New Zealand from around film The Beach, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, destroyed an
the world. area of natural beauty.

(4) ________________ (8) ________________

Oh definitely. For instance, thousands of Harry Potter fans This beach is now suffering from erosion because the
visit Britain every year to ride on the train that featured film company changed its shape to make it look wider. In
in the films and to visit London’s King Cross Station and addition, native plants were removed to create the image of
Edinburgh Castle. The Tokyo Hyatt, one of Japan’s most a perfect, sandy beach.
impressive and expensive hotels, has seen an increase in

A Has the environment ever been damaged?

B Does this mean large crowds in certain areas of the country?
C Which place is the No.1 destination for movie tourism these days?
D Is movie tourism a good thing aer all?
E Have other countries benefitted from movie tourism?
F How do tourists spend their time on these locations?
G Are there any other films that have brought visitors to New Zealand
H How do travel agencies benefit from the release of these films?
I What exactly happened?
K Can you give examples of how the environment is affected by a film?


T5 In this section you are going to hear an e following pictures show different ways of
interview with Janine about her holiday in Australia. getting around in a big city.
Write the letters of the correct answer in the boxes
below. An example (0) has been done for you.

0 Janine’s trip was ____________.

a average
b special
c boring

1 Who did the driving during the trip?

a All three of them.
b Simon.
c Andy.

2 Why was the holiday difficult?

a Because she travelled alone.
b Because she had never been in the desert before.
c Because they travelled 6–8 hours a day.

3 According to Janine, what is unusual about Ulhuru?

a You can camp near the base of the rock. In pairs, take turns to compare and contrast the two

● How popular are these forms of transport in your

b e aboriginal people living in the area around it. pictures. Include the following points:
c Its colour changes depending on where the sun is.

● What other forms of transport do people in your

4 Camping in the desert was ____________.

● What are the main advantages / disadvantages of

a uncomfortable area use?
b just fine

● How do you or most of your classmates usually get to

c awful each of these?

5 What did she say about the desert? school?

a She was afraid because everything seemed
b She was disappointed because she couldn’t see 4 WRITING
many stars at night. You have received the following message from the
c It gives you a different perspective of our planet. organizers of an online competition you entered.

6 How does the interviewer feel about the Kakadu Congratulations! Your name has been drawn as the
National Park? lucky winner from our recent film trivia quiz. You have
a She doesn't believe what Janine says about it. won our star prize – a trip for two to the location of your
b She does not seem to like dangerous animals. favourite movie. Please get in touch today with the team at
c She thinks it's a fantastic place. so that we can sort out details of your trip.

7 How did she feel when she arrived in Cairns? Reply to the message in 80-100 words. Include the

a She was relieved to see water aer being in the following points:

desert. what your favourite film is and why,

b She couldn’t believe she had travelled so far. which location from the film you would like to visit,

c She was thirsty because she had run out of water. what you would like to see there,

who you would like take with you on the trip,
when it would be the best time for you to travel.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Begin your message like this:
b Dear MoviesRyou,


9. témakör: Tudomány és technika
Read the article below about computer crime. Some Read the article below about a special type of house.
words are missing from the text. Use the words in Some words are missing from the text. Your task is
brackets to form words that fit in the gaps (1–10). to fill in the gaps from the list (A-O) opposite. Write
Write only one word for each space. An example (0) the appropriate letters in the boxes. An example (0)
has been done for you. has been done for you. ere are two letters that you
do not need.

With new technology come new (0) __________

worries (worry).
The most well-known troublemakers in the computer
world are virus writers and hackers. Hackers are usually
older, more sophisticated and (1) __________ (technical)
Micro home
more skilful. Their aim is to break into networks. Virus
As populations increase, cities become more

writers are (2) __________ (general) men and under 30.

B and space for new housing becomes
(0) ______

In fact, they’re often teenagers and some are even as limited. This causes property (1) ______ . In order to

young as 10. The question is, why do they do it? Haven’t deal with this challenge architects worldwide are

they got anything (3) __________ (good) to do? looking to design small, cost effective, and practical

One (4) __________ (motivate) might be curiosity.

(2) ______ .

People play around with viruses to see what they can do.
However, there is also a (5) __________ (bad) type of
A modern concept in design is the ‘micro compact

motivation. It is found among people who want the

home’ or ‘m-ch’. The development of the ‘m-ch’

‘fame’ brought by media attention, or (6) __________

(3) ______ when a professor of architecture and

(employ) workers trying to get revenge on a company.

product design at Technical University Munich set

The (7) __________ (worry) thing is that virus writers

up a collaborative student assignment between his

don’t have to be that clever. It doesn’t take superb university and the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

technical skills to write (8) __________ (damage) viruses,

and serious virus writers build on what has already
Japanese architecture has had a clear influence on the

caused chaos in the past. They also work with new

micro compact home. Japan’s cities are (4) ______ and

technology. As a result, viruses are becoming

compact buildings are common because of a lack of

complicated and potentially more (9) __________ space. In Tokyo, a member of the German team lived

(danger) with each passing day. in a (5) ______ that measured only 10 square metres,

The question is, how can we stop them? Of course we

including the kitchen and bathroom. This experience

can always educate the general public into understanding

led to a particular interest in micro architecture,

what attachments not to open. We can also encourage

which takes up as little space in the environment as

individuals and businesses to protect themselves by (10)

possible. Designs for the ‘m-ch’ were based on a cube

__________ (use) anti-virus software. Nevertheless we shape measuring just 2.6 square metres. In the early

also need to stop young virus writers from getting into stages of the project, video-conferencing was used

the game in the first place. We need to educate them to to (6) ______. Later, when the German team visited
understand that the rights and wrongs of the real world Japan, they (7) ______ for the design from microbars
also apply to the virtual world.


A began H Japanese style e following pictures show different problems we
B crowded I one-room flat may have with technology. In pairs, take turns to
C densely populated K prices to rise compare and contrast the two pictures. Include the

● the kind of technical problems people can have and

D discuss ideas L private living following points:
E everyday M psychological view

● your use of gadgets in your everyday life,

F gained inspiration N separate the solutions they find,

● your experience with technical problems.

G houses O changes

0 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11

and capsule hotels – where businessmen sleep in tiny

rooms the size of a small single bed.
The success of ‘m-ch’ is that it makes such limited
You read the following message on a student
space suitable for (8) ______ living. Technical website.

University Munich now has ‘The O2 Student Village’,
which is designed to accommodate short-term foreign

exchange students. It features a series of ‘m-ch’
cubes on different levels, with spaces for both social
Join our international student project – the
interaction and (9) ______ . The flats include a foldup Future Forum – and write about gadgets
double bed, a large table that slides into the wall that your house will need in the future. Think
and most importantly, (10) ______ work and sleeping about the kitchen, living room, bedroom,
areas. The designers consider this a priority from a garage, etc., and describe how these could
(11) ______ – so students feel relaxed when they’re not be made even more comfortable to live and
work in with the help of robots, and other
new devices. Share your hopes and wishes
So is there a future for the ‘m-ch’? Its developers
with us and you could win a super fast,
believe that it could fulfil several functions such as a
brand new tablet or a designer smart watch.
private holiday home, accommodation for travelling
business people, a first flat for teenagers in their
Write to the organizers of the project in 100–120
parents’ gardens, or even a research station for words including the following:
watching birds or animals. In the future, we may all
● what new technical equipment would be necessary in

● what these could be used for,

end up living in one. the different parts of our homes,

● how many devices you would need.

Begin your message like this:

Dear Future Forum,


10. témakör: Gazdaság

Read this article on money matters. Some paragraphs
(A–G) have been removed. Your task is to put them
back in the article. Write the letters in the boxes below. You’ve worked hard and achieved the grades you need
An example (0) has been done for you. ere is one for university, but how will you be able to pay for it?
paragraph that you will not need. C
(0) _______________________________________________
Grants and awards: these are sometimes given
out by government or other organizations such as
A These will include things such as food, travel, insurance,
charities, and in most cases you don’t have to pay
course material and equipment, as well as utility bills (gas,
them back. Student loans are available to UK residents
electricity, etc.), leisure activities, and your all-important
and some international students depending on their
social life. circumstances.
B The simplest way to avoid getting into debt is to plan your
spending. Make sure you know what your income is – how
(1) _______________________________________________
Once you’ve decided how to pay for your course, you
much money you have each month, and your outgoings –
need to consider other costs.
how much you spend on essential items like food, rent,
course books, travel, and bills. (2) _______________________________________________
C The cost of university education is a concern for most Many universities are in large cities where the cost of
potential students; however, there are several types of living tends to be higher, so managing your money can
financial support available. be difficult.

D If you live with other students, shop together to share the (3) _______________________________________________
cost of basic cleaning products and toiletries, such as
(4) _______________________________________________
soap or shampoo. Cook together too – it’s cheaper, and
Any extra money can then be spent on social and
you don’t have to cook and wash up every night.
leisure activities, or shopping.
E Make sure your application clearly states the type of There are other budgeting tips which may help you to
support you need otherwise your grant may be late. save even more money. When you enrol at university,
F This is especially true if it’s the first time you’ve lived away you will be given a Student Card. Many restaurants,
from home and have plenty of opportunities for shopping
cafés, pubs, cinemas, and shops in university cities
and socializing. Overspending can lead to debt, which can
offer student discounts, so show your card!
take years to pay off, so it’s essential that you learn to (5) _______________________________________________
budget. Learning to budget is a great skill, and with a little care,
G They have to be paid back if you gain employment after you’ll find you can afford to study and have fun too.
graduation, so it’s important that you know exactly how
much money you will owe by the end of your course. At 0 1 2 3 4 5
the same time, many students rely on their parents to fund
their studies. C

You are a student in the UK, and you and your water repairs electricity
friend (your partner / examiner) have just found a
flat to rent. You are now discussing what you have to
spend money on. Since you are students you have to
be careful what you can afford and what not. rent food heating
Discuss what you will have to pay for and how you
will find the money for that. e money you get
from your parents may not cover all your expenses.
You need to consider the following: course cleaning anything
books else?


You are going to read an article about shopliing. Some words are missing from
the text. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (a–d) for each gap
(1-7) in the text. ere is one example (0) at the beginning.

In times of economic crisis, more and more people take desperate measures to get 0 __________
C hands
on all the items and goods they are used to consuming – even if they don’t have the money 1 __________
them. According to a recent report by consumer psychologist Peter Mather, shoplifting is on the increase,
and nowadays many shops and stores 2 __________ to control a dramatic rise in theft. One research
organization found that during the Christmas season alone, UK companies lost over 500 million pounds
in profit 3 __________ shoplifting. While the British government takes a hard line on offenders, who
can often 4 __________ in prison, psychologists, and consumer experts are wondering how to deal with
the problem on a deeper level. The key to the whole issue is finding the answer to 5 __________ question:
why do people become shoplifters in the first place? Most studies agree that there is no typical shoplifter
‘profile’ 6 __________ the vast majority of shoplifters are women. In his report, Peter Mather claims that
in good economic times, shoplifters commit the crime for ‘fun’ or to impress their friends, while in difficult
economic times, many women 7 __________ steal do so because they can’t afford to buy what they need.

0 a every b no c their d the

1 a buying b buy c to buy d bought
2 a fight b has fought c fought d are fighting
3 a while b so that c despite d because of
4 a turn up b end up c turn down d be over
5 a a b that c no d this
6 a although b because c so d however
7 a who b which c they d what

4 WRITING Write an email message of 100–120 words to Peter

in which you give him some advice on saving
is is part of an email with some good news from

money. Include tips on the following:
your German friend, Peter.

accommodation (should he stay at your place?),

I’ve just been given permission to come and spend my

next school holiday with you in Hungary!!! ☺ My parents transport,

are very happy for me to come, but the truth is they won’t going out,
be able to pay for everything. I’ve saved up some money shopping.
for the trip but I’m sure I’ll have to be very careful with my
finances while I’m there. Do you know how I will be able Begin your email like this:
to save on my costs? I don’t want to have to return earlier
Hi Peter,
just because of money!


Ezt a gyakorlófüzetet elsősorban az
English File tankönyvsorozathoz
Érettségi gyakorlófüzet
készítettük, a középszintű érettségi
10 témakörében:

Szerzők: Rézműves Zoltán, Brigit Viney, Gareth Davies

Szakmai lektor: Elekes Katalin, Jilly Viktor

Oxford Exam
Trainer B1
Felkészülés a középszintű
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ismétlést és gyakorlást biztosít a vizsgára
12 fejezete az érettségi mind a tíz témakörét feldolgozza,
beleértve a Gazdaság témakört is
A fejezetekben a tanulók mind az öt vizsgarészre
szisztematikusan felkészülhetnek: Olvasott szöveg értése,
Nyelvhelyesség, Hallott szöveg értése, Íráskészség,
Az érettségi vizsgán előforduló típusfeladatok, vizsgastratégiák,
Kétnyelvű szószedet tematikus csoportosításban
Érettségi próbavizsga
Student’s website: a tankönyv hanganyaga letölthető a honlapról
Tankönyvként vagy kiegészítő anyagként egyaránt használható

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