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Jose Coraspe [Your CMS email] 

19th December 2019 [Date you present] 

Senior Project Judge Members 

Garinger High School 
1100 Eastway Drive 
Charlotte, NC 28205 

Dear Judges, 

My name is Jose Coraspe and my presentation is about how social media is a benefit to society. 
Social media benefits teens and society because people use it to improve their relationships, it 
enables them to communicate across large distances, and teens can use social media to find 
community service opportunities and jobs. 

Through this multi year project, I have learned how to research a specific topic. It was very 
difficult but I had some help and I made it. I also learned how to talk about a very interesting topic 
that you research about. 

This project taught me how to start research and learn how to look for the information in an 
efficient way, so it will help me in the future to do a presentation the right way. 


Jose Coraspe 

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