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Test Information
Test Name SWTS-PHARMACOLOGY TEST 2017 Total Questions 200

Test Type Examination Difficulty Level Difficult

Total Marks 600 Duration 180minutes

Test Question Language:- ENGLISH

(1). A 19-year-old male being treated for leukemia develops fever. You give agents that will cover bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Two
days later, he develops acute renal failure. Which drug was most likely responsible?

a. Vancomycin

b. Ceftazidime

c. Amphotericin B

d. Acyclovir

Solution. (c) Amphotericin B.

Ref– Read the text below
- Amphotericin B may alter kidney function by decreasing creatinine clearance; if this occurs, the dose must be reduced.
- It also commonly increases potassium (K+) clearance, leading to hypokalemia, and causes anemia and neurologic symptoms.
- A liposomal preparation may reduce the incidence of renal and neurologic toxicity.
- Vancomycin is less likely to cause kidney damage; if it does, the damage is less severe.

Correct Answer. c

(2). A 19-year-old woman is diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB). Before prescribing a drug regimen, you take a careful medication history
because one of the drugs commonly used to treat TB induces microsomal cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver. Which drug is this?

a. Isoniazid

b. Rifampin

c. Pyrazinamide

d. Ethambutol

Solution. (b) Rifampin.

Reference – Read the text below
- Rifampin induces cytochrome P450 enzymes, which causes a significant increase in elimination of drugs, such as oral contraceptives,
anticoagulants, ketoconazole, cyclosporine, and chloramphenicol.
- It also promotes urinary excretion of methadone, which may precipitate withdrawal.

Correct Answer. b

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(3). Weight neutral antipsychotic drugs are all except

a. Olanzapine

b. Chlopromazine

c. Ziprasidome

d. Thioridazine

Solution. (a) Olanzapine

Ref– Read the text below
- Ziprasidone -causes modest hypotension and little weight gain
- Olanzapine- causes weight gain and caries a highest risk of impairing glucose tolerance or worsening diabetes as well as elevating
serum triglycerides.
- Antipsychotic drug-induced parkinsonism is treated by Anticholinergic

Correct Answer. a

(4). Pure action potential prolonging agent is

a. Amiodarone

b. Sotalol

c. Ibutilide

d. Quinidine

Solution. (a) Amiodarone Ref– Read the text below Sol:

- Amiodarone is an antiarrhythmic medication used to treat and prevent a number of types of irregular heartbeats.[1] This includes
ventricular tachycardia (VT), ventricular fibrillation (VF), and wide complex tachycardia, as well as atrial fibrillation and paroxysmal
supraventricular tachycardia. It can be given by mouth, intravenously, or intraosseously. When used by mouth it can take a few weeks for
effects to begin.
- Common side effects include feeling tired, tremor, nausea, and constipation. As amiodarone can have serious side effects, it is mainly
recommended only for significant ventricular arrhythmias.
-Serious side effects include lung toxicity such as interstitial pneumonitis, liver problems, heart arrhythmias, vision problems, thyroid
problems, and death. If taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding it can cause problems in the baby. It is a class III antiarrhythmic
medication. It works partly by increasing the time before a heart cell can contract again

Correct Answer. a

(5). Which of the following is a prodrug is-

a. Phenytoin

b. Carbamazepine

c. Primidone

d. Valproic acid

Solution. (c) Primidone

Ref– Read the text below
- Primidone - A deoxy barbiturate converted by liver to phenobarbitone and phenylethyl malonamide (PEMA).
- Its antiepileptic activity is mainly due to those active metabolites because t1/2 of primidone (6-14 hr.) is less than that of its active
- About 1/3 primidone is excreted unchanged by kidney.

Correct Answer. c

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(6). A drug acts on gametocytes of P.falciparum is

a. Chloroquine

b. Quinine

c. Primaquine

d. Mefloquinine

Solution. (c) Primaquine

Ref– Read the text below
Sol: Primaquine
- It is highly active against gametocytes and hynozoites
- It is more active against the pre erythrocytic stage of P. falciparum than that of P. vivax
- Primaquine differs from all other available antimalarials in having a marked effect on primary as well as secondary tissue phases of the
malarial parasites.

Correct Answer. c

(7). In the treatment of bacterial meningitis in children, the drug of choice is

a. Penicillin G

b. Penicillin V

c. Erythromycin

d. Ceftriaxone

Solution. (d) Ceftriaxone

Ref– Read the text below
- Penicillins were used in the treatment of meningitis because of their ability to pass across an inflamed blood-brain barrier.
- The third-generation cephalosporin, ceftriaxone,is preferred because it is effective against β-lactamase producing strains of H.
influenzae that may cause meningitis in children.

Correct Answer. d

(8). A 30-year-old male with a two-year history of chronic renal failure requiring dialysis consents to transplantation. A donor kidney becomes
available. He is given cyclosporine to prevent transplant rejection just before surgery. What is the most likely adverse effect of this drug?

a. Bone marrow depression

b. Nephrotoxicity

c. Oral and GI ulceration

d. Pancreatitis

Solution. (b) Nephrotoxicity.

Reference – Read the text below
- Nephrotoxicity may occur in almost three-quarters of patients treated with cyclosporine.
- Regular monitoring of blood levels can reduce the incidence of adverse effects.

Correct Answer. b

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(9). Amount of drug left after four plasma half-lives is

a. 6.25%

b. 12.5%

c. 25%

d. 50%

Solution. (a) 6.25%

Reference – Read the text below
- One of the most important parameters is the half-life of a drug.Most drugs are eliminated by means of a first-order process.
- This means that per unit of time the same percentage of drug is eliminated, for example 6% per hour. The half-life of a drug is the time
it takes to decrease the plasma concentration to half of its initial value.
- With 6% per hour the half-life is about 11 hours (if no more of the drug is given in the meantime). After 2 half-lives (22 hours) it will be
25%; after 3 half-lives 12.5%; and after 4 half-lives 6.25%.
- If the original plasma concentration falls within the therapeutic window, a decline to 6.25% will usually be far below the therapeutic
- For this reason it is usually said that drugs no longer have a pharmacological effect 4 half-lives after the last dose.

Correct Answer. a

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Medications contraindicated during breast feeding include all except.

a. Bromocriptine

b. Cyclosporine

c. Methotrexate

d. Prednisolone

Solution. (c) Methotrexate Reference – Read the text below Sol:

Correct Answer. c

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(11). Which one of the following drugs has narrow therapeutic range?

a. Propanolol

b. Digoxin

c. Piroxicam

d. Prazosin

Solution. (b) Digoxin

Reference – Read the text below
- The therapeutic index (also known as therapeutic ratio), is a comparison of the amount of a therapeutic agent that causes the
therapeutic effect to the amount that causes death. Quantitatively, it is the ratio given by the lethal dose divided by the therapeutic dose.
A therapeutic index is the lethal dose of a drug for 50% of the population (LD50) divided by the minimum effective dose for 50% of the
population (ED50).
- Generally, a drug or other therapeutic agent with a narrow therapeutic range (i.e. with little difference between lethal and therapeutic
doses) may have its dosage adjusted according to measurements of the actual blood levels achieved in the person taking it.
- This may be achieved throughtherapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) protocols. The therapeutic index for diazepam is somewhat forgiving,
about = 100. Other drugs, however are much less so, such as Digoxin, which has an index of 2 or 3.
- Other examples of drugs with a narrow therapeutic range, that may require drug monitoring both to achieve therapeutic levels and
minimize toxicity, include: dimercaprol, theophylline, warfarin and lithium carbonate.
- Some antibiotics require monitoring to balance efficacy with minimizing adverse effects, including: gentamicin, vancomycin,
amphotericin B, and polymyxin B.

Correct Answer. b

(12). Which of the following are features of inverse agonism

a. It is easier to observe inverse agonism if there is sufficient constitutive activity of receptor in the absence of agonist.

b. An inverse agonist has a higher affinity for the active form of receptor as compared to the inactive form.

c. If the equilibrium of receptor states lies in the direction of inactive conformation in the absence of a ligand, it may be impossible to
demonstrate inverse agonism.

d. Famotidine and losartan can be considered in verse agonists.

Solution. (a) It is easier to observe inverse agonism if there is sufficient constitutive activity of receptor in the absence of agonist.
Reference – Read the text below
- In pharmacology, an inverse agonist is an agent which binds to the same receptorbinding-site as an agonist for that receptor and
reverses constitutive activity of receptors.Inverse agonists exert the opposite pharmacological effect of a receptor agonist.
- Inverse agonists are effective against certain types of receptors (e.g. certainhistamine receptors and GABA receptors) which have
intrinsic activity without the action of a ligand upon them (also referred to as 'constitutive activity'.)
- Receptor agonists, antagonists and inverse agonists bind to the same receptor types. The pharmacological effect of an inverse agonist is
measured as the negative value of the agonist primarily due to the historical findings of the already known agonist.
- Therefore, if the agonist has a positive value and the inverse agonist has a negative value, the antagonist for the receptor takes both the
agonist and inverse agonist back to a neutral state
- One particular example is Ro15-4513 which is the inverse agonist of thebenzodiazepine class of drugs (such as alprazolam and
diazepam). Ro15-4513 and the benzodiazepines both utilize the same GABA binding site on neurons, yet Ro15-4513 has the opposite
effect, producing anxiety rather than the sedative effect of the benzodiazepines.
- Similarly beta-carbolines can cause anxiety and seizures, whilst blocking the effects of benzodiazepines.

Correct Answer. a

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(13). The phenomenon of antibiosis was first demonstrated by –

a. Gerhard Domagk

b. Louis Pasteur

c. Alexander Fleming

d. Selman Waksman

Solution. (b) Louis Pasteur

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Louis Pasteur. He showed that growth of anthrax bacilli in urine can be inhibited by exposure to air-borne bacteria.
- Gerhard Domagk used prontosil for treatment of streptococcal infections. Sulphonamides were later developed from these dyes.
- Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
- Selman Waksman isolated streptomycin.

Correct Answer. b

(14). A 63-year old male with a h/o smoking for the past 20 years presents with an acute onset of left-sided chest pain radiating down the left
arm with profuse sweating. An immediate ECG was performed in the emergency room which revealed a ST-segment elevation in leads
V4-V6. A decision was taken to immediately thrombolyze the patient. For the purpose of pharmacological thrombolysis, 30 mg of
streptokinase was infused intravenously. The immediate plasma concentration of streptokinase was measured to be 0.6 mg/dL. What is
the volume of distribution of streptokinase in this patient?

a. 50 L

b. 5 L

c. 18 L

d. 180 L

Solution. (b) 5 L
Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :

Correct Answer. b

(15). All of the following have been shown to be beneficial in patients with congestive heart failure except –

a. Enoximone

b. Ivabradine

c. Thalidomide

d. Vernakalant

Solution. (d) Vernakalant

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol : Vernakalant. It is an antiarrhythmic.
- Enoximone is a recent PDE3 inhibitor.
- Ivabradine decreases death rate and risk of hospitalization d/t HF when added to conventional treatment. It can be used in systolic
dysfunction with normal sinus rhythm and HR ≥ 70 bpm.
- Thalidomide has been found to increase LVEF in some cases.

Correct Answer. d

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(16). Which of the following is most commonly responsible for causing superinfections?

a. Clindamycin

b. Tetracyclines

c. Cefoperazone

d. Piperacillin

Solution. (c) Cefoperazone

Ref.: Read the text below Sol :
- 2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporins are the most common cause of superinfections in recent times.

Correct Answer. c

(17). A patient on clopidogrel therapy, the operative intervention should be done. Best practice would be

a. Continue clopidogrel and delay surgery 5-7 days

b. Stop clopidogrel one day before surgery

c. Starts platelets infusions

d. Stop clopidogrel and postpone the surgery for a week.

Solution. (d) Stop clopidogrel and postpone the surgery for a week.
Ref– Read the text below
- The drug specifically and irreversibly inhibits the P2Y12 subtype of ADP receptor inhibits platelet aggregation of platelets and cross-
linking by the protein fibrin,The blockade of this
- Receptor inhibits platelet aggregation by blocking activation of the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa pathway.
- The IIb/IIIa complex functions as a receptor mainly for fibrinogen and vitronectin but also for fibronectin and von Willebrand factor.
- Activation of this receptor complex is the “final common pathway” for platelet aggregation and is important in the cross linking of
platelets by fibrin.

Correct Answer. d

(18). All of the following inhibit cell wall synthesis except-

a. Aminoglycosides

b. Cephalosporins

c. Bacitracin

d. Meropenem

Solution. (a) Aminoglycosides

Ref– Read the text below
- Aminoglycosides (Streptomycin, Gentamicin etc) causes misreading of mRNA code and affect permeability.

Correct Answer. a

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(19). Sequence of clinical trials is



c. FDA-Marketing –NDA

d. FDA-NDA-Post marketing surveillance

Solution. (d) FDA-NDA-Post marketing surveillance

Ref– Read the text below

Correct Answer. d

(20). Mechanism of action of racecadotril is

a. Antiprotozoal properties along with activity against an aerobic bacterial action.

b. Activate u opioid receptors in enteric nervous system.

c. Chloride channel activator

d. Enkephalinase inhibitors

Solution. (d) Enkephalinase inhibitors

Ref– Read the text below
- Racecadotril is an enkephalinase inhibitor which prevents degradation of enkephalins endogenous opoids) and enhances their
concentration at the receptor level.

Correct Answer. d

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(21). “Chondrodysplasiapuncta” is due to

a. Sodium valproate

b. Ciproflaxacin

c. Warfarin

d. Tetracycline

Solution. (c) Warfarin

Ref– Read the text below
- Warfarin therapy is contraindicated in the first trimester due to its association with fetal chondro dysplasia punctuate in the 2nd and 3nd

Correct Answer. c

(22). Which of the following acts as a predominant arteriolar dilator?

a. Nitroglycerine

b. Clevidipine

c. Enalaprilat

d. Nitroprusside

Solution. (b) Clevidipine

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol : Clevidipine.
- Predominant venodilators: Nitrates.
- Predominant arteriolar dilators: CCBs, KCOs and hydralazine.
- Rest are mixed vasodilators

Correct Answer. b

(23). Which of the following recent drugs for Hepatitis C has been on hold due to reports of severe pancreatitis?

a. Alisporivir

b. Daclatasvir

c. Ladipasvir

d. Danoprevir

Solution. (a) Alisporivir

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- Alisporivir is a cyclosporin derivative. It inhibits cyclophilin A.
- Daclatasvir and Ladipasvir are NS5a inhibitors. They inhibit formation of membrane-bound replication complex
- Danoprevir is a NS3-NS4a protease inhibitor. It inhibits proteolysis of HCV protein precursors.

Correct Answer. a

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(24). Which of the following is recently approved by U.S. F.D.A. for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis?

a. Tasimelteon

b. Apremilast

c. Ibrutinib

d. Droxidopa

Solution. (b) Apremilast

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Tasimelteon is a melatonin (MLT-1 and MLT-2) agonist approved for the treatment of non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder in totally blind
people on 31st Jan 2014.
- Apremilast is a PDE-4 inhibitor approved for psoriatic arthritis on 21st Mar 2014.
- Ibrutinib is a Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitor approved for mantle cell lymphoma and CLL on 12th Feb 2014.
- Droxidopa is a prodrug of NA/Adr approved for neurogenic orthostatic hypotension, dialysis-induced hypotension and hypotension
associated with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome on 18th Feb 2014.

Correct Answer. b

(25). The anti-TB capsule ‘RISORINE’ contains all of the following except –

a. Isoniazid

b. Rifampicin

c. Pyrazinamide

d. Piperine

Solution. (c) Pyrazinamide

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Pyrazinamide Contents of Risorine:
- Isoniazid (300 mg)
- Rifampicin (200 mg)
- Piperine (10 mg) (Bioenhancer. Inhibits rifampicin metabolism; hence permits reduction in the dose of rifampicn)

Correct Answer. c

(26). Low dose inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) + Long-acting inhaled β2 agonist therapy is the preferred treatment for which type of bronchial asthma?

a. Mild intermittent asthma

b. Mild persistent asthma

c. Moderate persistent asthma

d. Severe persistent asthma

Solution. (c) Moderate persistent asthma

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Moderate persistent asthma

Correct Answer. c

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(27). Which of the following drugs is a dual PPAR agonist recently approved for diabetic dyslipidemia?

a. Muraglitazar

b. Tesaglitazar

c. Aleglitazar

d. Saroglitazar

Solution. (d) Saroglitazar

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Saroglitazar. It was approved on 5th June 2013.
- Muraglitazar was withdrawn after Phase 3 due to increased risk of CV events
- Tesaglitazar was withdrawn after Phase 3 due to high nephrotoxicity
- Aleglitazar was abandoned in June 2013 due to high risk of bone fractures, heart failure and GI bleeding
All of these are dual PPAR (α and γ) inhibitors.

Correct Answer. d

(28). A 27-year-old male with a three-year history of AIDS complains of progressive blurring of vision for two days. Eye examination reveals
evidence of retinitis consistent with cytomegalic virus inclusion disease. Intravenous treatment is started, and within five days the
patient complains of muscular weakness and cramping. Blood chemistries show a creatinine of 5.2 mEq/L and a Ca of 6.9 mEq/L.For
each patient, select the drug that most likely caused the adverse effect:

a. Acyclovir

b. Amantadine

c. Dideoxycytidine

d. Foscarnet

Solution. (d) Foscarnet.

Reference – Read the text below
- Nephrotoxicity and symptomatic hypocalcemia are major toxicities associated with foscarnet.
- Underlying renal disease, concomitant use of nephrotoxic drugs, dehydration, and rapid infusion of high doses increase the risk.

Correct Answer. d

(29) Which of the following antirheumatic drugs can be administered

. intravenously?

a. Adalimumab

b. Etanercept

c. Infliximab

d. Anakinra

Solution. (c) Infliximab

Ref– Read

Correct Answer. c

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(30). All of the following decrease iron absorption except –

a. Tetracyclines

b. Phosphates

c. Phytates

d. Ascorbic acid

Solution. (d) Ascorbic acid

Ref– Read

Correct Answer. d

(31). Which of the following antimalarials can be combined with arterolane in ACT regimen for uncomplicated falciparum malaria?

a. Lumefantrine

b. Piperaquine

c. Amodiaquine

d. Pyronaridine

Solution. (b) Piperaquine

Ref– Read

Correct Answer. b

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(32). Rosiglitazone has been withdrawn due to an increased risk of –

a. Carcinoma of gallbladder

b. Carcinoma of urinary bladder

c. Congestive cardiac failure

d. Hepatotoxicity

Solution. (c) Congestive cardiac failure

Ref– Read
- Troglitazone has been withdrawn due to hepatotoxicity
- Pioglitazone has been withdrawn in many Western countries due to carcinoma of urinary bladder

Correct Answer. c

Thehighly sedative antihistaminic drug is –

a. Hydroxyzine

b. Cinnarizine

c. Pheniramine

d. Chlorpheniramine

Solution. (a) Hydroxyzine

Ref– Read

Correct Answer. a

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(34). A 50-year-old male diabetic develops an external otitis from which Pseudomonas organisms are cultured. Topical therapy with polymyxin
is effective. What is the mechanism of action of polymyxin?

a. Inhibition of cell-wall synthesis

b. Formation of reactive cytotoxic products that interfere with DNA synthesis

c. Disruption of membrane permeability

d. Inactivation of protein sulfhydryl groups

Solution. (c) Disruption of membrane permeability.

Reference – Read the text below
- Bacitracin, cycloserine,cephalothin, and vancomycin inhibit cell-wall synthesis and produce bacteria that are susceptible to
environmental conditions.
- Polymyxins disrupt the structural integrity of the cytoplasmic membranes by acting as cationic detergents.
- On contact with the drug, the permeability of the membrane changes.
- Polymyxin is often applied in a mixture with bacitracin and/or neomycin for synergistic effects.

Correct Answer. c

(35). A 60-year-old male with a temperature of 104°F and a productive cough is diagnosed as having staphylococcal pneumonia. After several
days on nafcillin, he develops truncalurticaria and pruritis. Which of the following agents is best avoided in this patient?

a. Cefazolin

b. Clarithromycin

c. Sparfloxacin

d. Clindamycin

Solution. (a) Cefazolin.

Reference – Read the text below
- Cephalosporins and penicillins have similar structures (they have a β-lactam ring), penicillins having a penicillic acid and the
cephalosporins a cephalosporinic acid moiety.
- Both groups of antimicrobials inhibit the transpeptidase enzyme necessary for cross-linking of the peptidylglycan layer necessary for
cell-wall stabilization.
- It appears that the mechanism is not totally identical for every drug for every bacterial species.
- Cephalosporins have a greater overall activity against Gram-negative organisms than do the penicillin G–type compounds.
- The hypersensitivity reactions associated with the penicillins and the cephalosporins appear to be identical in signs and symptoms.
- There is a crossover sensitivity between the penicillins and cephalosporins that must be considered when a patient is sensitive to either
of these antibiotics.
- It occurs in about 5% to 10% of cases.

Correct Answer. a

(36). The therapeutic action of β-adrenergic receptor blockers such as propranolol in angina pectoris is believed to be primarily the result of

a. Reduced production of catecholamines

b. Dilation of the coronary vasculature

c. Decreased requirement for myocardial oxygen

d. Increased peripheral resistance

Solution. (c) Decreased requirement for myocardial oxygen.

Reference – Read the text below
- β-adrenergic receptor blockers cause a slowing of heart rate, lower blood pressure, and lessened cardiac contractility without reducing
cardiac output.
- There is also a buffering action against adrenergic stimulation of the cardiac autoregulatory mechanism.
- These hemodynamic actions decrease the requirement of the heart for oxygen.

Correct Answer. c

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(37). A 59-year-old male with a history of rheumatic heart disease is found to have atrial fibrillation (AF), for which he is treated with digoxin.
Treatment with digoxin converts his AF to a normal sinus rhythm and most likely results in a decrease in which of the following?

a. The length of the refractory period

b. The velocity of shortening of the cardiac muscle

c. The conduction velocity in the atrioventricular (AV) node

d. The atrial maximum diastolic resting potential

Solution. (c) The conduction velocity in the atrioventricular (AV) node.

Reference – Read the text below
- Digoxin is used in AF to slow the ventricular rate, not usually the AF itself.
- Digoxin acts to slow the speed of conduction, increase the atrial and AV nodal maximal diastolic resting membrane potential, and
increase the effective refractory period in the AV node, which prevents transmission of all impulses from the atria to the ventricles.
- It exerts these effects by acting directly on the heart and by indirectly increasing vagal activity.

Correct Answer. c

(38). The EKG of a patient who is receiving digitalis in the therapeutic dose range would be likely to show

a. Prolongation of the QT interval

b. Prolongation of the PR interval

c. Symmetric peaking of the T wave

d. Widening of the QRS complex

Solution. (b) Prolongation of the PR interval

Ref: Read the text below.
- The usual electrocardiographic pattern of a patient receiving therapeutic doses of digitalis includes an increase in the PR interval,
depression and sagging of the ST segment, and occasional biphasia or inversion of the T wave.
- Symmetrically peaked T waves are associated with hyperkalemia or ischemia in most cases.
- Shortening of the QT interval, rather than prolongation, is characteristic of digitalis treatment.

Correct Answer. b

(39). In a hypertensive patient who is taking insulin to treat diabetes,which of the following drugs is to be used with extra caution and advice
to the patient?

a. Hydralazine

b. Prazosin

c. Guanethidine

d. Propranolol

Solution. (d) Propranolol

Ref: Read the text below.
- Propranolol, as well as other nonselective beta blockers, tends to slow the rate of recovery in a hypoglycemic attack caused by insulin.
- Beta blockers also mask the symptoms of hypoglycemia and may actually cause hypertension because of the increased plasma
epinephrine in the presence of a vascular beta2 blockade.

Correct Answer. d

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(40). Which one of the following is true regarding aminoglycosides?

a. They are metabolized extensively in the liver.

b. They accumulate in tissues as treatment progresses.

c. The risk of ototoxicity increases when they are given with ACE inhibitors.

d. A tendency to ototoxicity can be inherited in nuclear DNA .

Solution. (b) They accumulate in tissues as treatment progresses.

Reference – Read the text below
- Aminoglycosides are cleared almost completely by the kidneys, but are nephrotoxic in high doses.
- They also accumulate in tissues, even when serum levels are within normal limits. They are inactive against streptococcal groups A, B,
C and G and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
- Toxicity may occur up to one week after treatment has finished. Adverse effects are unlikely if the peak serum concentration of
gentamicin is less than 10 ug/ml and the trough is less than 2 ug/ml.
- The risk of ototoxicity increases with the concomitant use of loop diuretics. An inherited tendency to aminoglycoside ototoxicity is
transmitted on mitochondrial DNA.

Correct Answer. b

(41). Theprimary endogenous substrate for nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is

a. Citrulline

b. Arginine

c. Heme

d. Methionine

Solution. (b) Arginine

Reference – Read the text below
- L-Arginine is obtained from extracellular space via cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) in the cell membrane, from intracellular
sources of protein degradation or by endogenous synthesis i.e. in the liver through the urea cycle, and is also recycled from L-citrulline in
neuronal cells and the kidneys.
- This L-arginine is the substrate for nNOS which helps in the synthesis of NO and L-citrulline in the presence of oxygen.
- Thereafter, the signal transduction system for smooth muscle relaxation involves activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC) by NO.

Correct Answer. b

(42). Which of the following is not associated with thiazide diuretics?

a. Hypercalciurea

b. Hyponatremia

c. hypokalemia

d. Hyperuricemia

Solution. (a) Hypercalciurea

Reference – Read the text below
- Thiazide diuretics induce hypokalemia and hyperuricemia in 70 percent of patients and hyperglycemia in 10 percent of patients.
- Hypomagnesemia may also occur. Serum potassium levels should be monitored closely in patients who are predisposed to cardiac
arrhythmias (particularly individuals with left ventricular hypertrophy, ischemic heart disease, or chronic heart failure) and who are
concurrently being treated with both thiazide diuretics and digoxin.

Correct Answer. a

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(43). Antiarrhythmic drug having longest half life and tendency to accumulate in the body for a long time is

a. Adenosine

b. Quinidine

c. Lignocaine

d. Amiodarone

Solution. (d) Amiodarone

Reference – Read the text below
Amiodarone Actions: Amiodarone contains iodine and is related structurally to thyroxine. It has complex effects, showing Class I, II, III,
and IV actions. Its dominant effect is prolongation of the action potential duration and the refractory period. Amiodarone has antianginal
as well as antiarrhythmic activity.
1. Therapeutic uses: Amiodarone is effective in the treatment of severe refractory supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
Despite its side-effect profile, amiodarone is the most commonly employed antiarrhythmic.
2. Pharmacokinetics: Amiodarone is incompletely absorbed after oral administration. The drug is unusual in having a prolonged half-life
of several weeks, and it distributes extensively in adipose issue. Full clinical effects may not be achieved until 6 weeks after initiation of
3. Adverse effects: Amiodarone shows a variety of toxic effects. After long-term use, more than half of patients receiving the drug show
side effects that are severe enough to prompt its discontinuation. However, use of low doses reduces toxicity, while retaining clinical
efficacy. Some of the more common effects include interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, gastrointestinal tract intolerance, tremor, ataxia,
dizziness, hyper- or hypothyroidism, liver toxicity, photosensitivity, neuropathy, muscle weakness, and blue skin discoloration caused by
iodine accumulation in the skin. As noted earlier, recent clinical trials have shown that amiodarone does not reduce the incidence of
sudden death or prolong survival in patients with congestive heart failure.

Correct Answer. d

(44). Drug of choice for termination of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia is

a. Verapamil

b. Adenosine

c. Propranolol

d. Digoxin

Solution. (b) Adenosine

Reference – Read the text below
- Adenosine is a naturally occurring nucleoside, but at high doses, the drug decreases conduction velocity, prolongs the refractory period,
and decreases automaticity in the AV node.
- Intravenous adenosine is the drug of choice for abolishing acute supraventricular tachycardia.
- It has low toxicity but causes flushing, chest pain, and hypotension. Adenosine has an extremely short duration of action (approximately
15 seconds).

Correct Answer. b

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(45). Drug of choice for the treatment of peptic ulcer caused due to chronic use of NSAIDs is

a. Pirenzepine

b. Loxatidine

c. Misorprostol

d. Esomeprazole

Solution. (d) Esomeprazole

Reference – Read the text below
Esomeprazole is a weak base and is concentrated and converted to the active form in the highly acidic environment of the secretory
canaliculi of the parietal cell, where it inhibits the enzyme H+K+-ATPase ¨C the acid pump and inhibits both basal and stimulated acid
- Short-term (4-8 weeks) treatment of erosive esophagitis; maintaining symptom resolution and healing of erosive esophagitis; treatment
of symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease; as part of a multidrug regimen for Helicobacter pylori eradication in patients with
duodenal ulcer disease (active or history of within the past 5 years); prevention of gastric ulcers associated with continuous NSAID

Correct Answer. d

(46). Probenecid interacts with

a. Streptomycin

b. Penicillin

c. Vancomycin

d. Erythromycin

Solution. (b) Penicillin

Reference – Read the text below
- Generally speaking, drug interactions are to be avoided, due to the possibility of poor or unexpected outcomes.
- However, drug interactions have been deliberately used, such as co-administering probenecid with penicillin prior to mass production
of penicillin.
- Because penicillin was difficult to manufacture, it was worthwhile to find a way to reduce the amount required.
- Probenecid retards the excretion of penicillin, so a dose of penicillin persists longer when taken with it, and it allowed patients to take
less penicillin over a course of therapy.

Correct Answer. b

(47). The dose of which one of the following should be reduced in renal failure?

a. Erythromycin

b. Metronidazole

c. Furosemide (frusemide)

d. Meropenem

Solution. (d) Meropenem .

Reference – Read the text below
- Erythromycin and Rifampicin are cleared by the liver. Metronidazole is excreted via liver and gastrointestinal tract.
- There is significant renal excretion of furosemide (frusemide), and the dose of furosemide should be increased in renal failure.
- Meropenem is excreted by the kidney and should be dose-adjusted.

Correct Answer. d

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(48). A 54-year-old woman presents following a collapse. She is mildly confused. On examination, she has marked postural hypotension. Her
serum sodium is 161 mmol/l. She claims to have been passing larger volumes of urine over the last week. Which one of the following
drugs is the likely cause?

a. Desmopressin

b. Sodium valproate.

c. Carbamazepine

d. Lithium

Solution. (d) Lithium.

Reference – Read the text below
- Carbamazepine, desmopressin (an arginine vasopressin analogue) and cyclophosphamide cause hyponatraemia through the stimulation
of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion.
- Lithium causes hyponatraemia as a result of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Correct Answer. d

(49). This short acting selective β–blocker is used in treatment of arrhythmias:

a. Esmolol

b. Carveoilol

c. Celiprolol

d. Bisorprolol

Solution. (a) Esmolol

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- Esmolol is a cardio selective beta1 receptor blocker receptor blocker with rapid onset, a very short duration of action, and no significant
intrinsic sympathomimetic or membrane stabilizing activity at therapeutic dosages.

Correct Answer. a

Maximum anti-cholinergic action is seen with which H1 blocker?

a. Diphenhydramine

b. Cinnarizine

c. Loratidine

d. CPM

Solution. (a) Diphenhydramine

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :

Correct Answer. a

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(51). All the drugs are used in treatment of enteric fever except:

a. Vancomycin

b. Cefoperazone

c. Refampicin

d. Azithromycin

Solution. (a) Vancomycin

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Drugs used in treatment of enteric fever:
- Ciprofloxacin (drug of choice)
- Azithromycin
- Cefriaxone
- Cefperazone
- Cefotaxime
- Ampicillin/Amoxycillin
- Chloramphenecol

Correct Answer. a

(52). Which one of the following statements about biguanides is not true?

a. Do not stimulate insulin release

b. Decrease hepatic glucose production

c. Renal dysfunction is not a contraindication for their use

d. Can be combined with sulfonylureas

Solution. (c) Renal dysfunction is not a contraindication for their use

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- In addition to general restrictions for use of oral hypoglycaemics, biguanides are contraindicated in hypotensive states, cardiovascular,
respiratory, hepatic and renal disease and in alcoholics because of increased risk of lactic acidosis.

Correct Answer. c

(53). Which among the following is an orally acting anti thrombin drug?

a. Hirudin

b. Lepirudin

c. Bevalirudin

d. Dabigatran

Solution. (d) Dabigatran

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Direct thrombin inhibitors :
- Parenteral
- Lepirudin
- Bivalirudin
- Argatroban
- Oral :
- Ximelagatran (banned now)
- Dabigatram

Correct Answer. d

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(54). A 70-year-old man has type 2 diabetes that is normally well controlled on an oral sulphonylurea. He presents with an episode of
hypoglycaemia. On history he tells that his general practitioner recently started him on a new tablet. Which one of the following drugs
would account for his symptoms?

a. Lithium

b. Co-trimoxazole

c. Rifampicin

d. Bendroflumethiazide

Solution. (a) Lithium .

Reference – Read the text below
- Lithium decreases the hypoglycaemic effect of sulphonamides.
- Co-trimoxazole and other sulphonamides displace protein-bound sulphonylureas and increase the hypoglycaemic effect.
- Rifampicin and phenytoin are hepatic enzyme inducers and so reduce the hypoglycaemic effect.
- Thiazide diuretics may cause a deterioration in glucose tolerance.

Correct Answer. a

(55). Drugs that may cause plasma sodium electrolyte disturbances include:

a. Prednisolone

b. Salbutamol

c. Propranolol

d. Gentamycin.

Solution. (a) Prednisolone.

Reference – Read the text below
- Prednisolone is a corticosteroid with a predominantly glucocorticoid activity.
- However, owing to minor mineralcorticoid activity, it may still cause electrolyte imbalance, namely sodium and water retention and
potassium loss.
- Salbutamol and propranolol do not interfere with plasma sodium electrolyte levels.
- Salbutamol may precipitate hypokalaemia, especially with parenteral administration or after nebulisation.
- The risk of hypokalaemia with salbutamol therapy may be increased with concomitant administration of certain drugs, such as
corticosteroids and diuretics.

Correct Answer. a

(56). Drughaving greater activity than ciprofloxacin against pneumococci is

a. Nalidixic acid

b. Norfloxacin

c. Levofloxacin

d. Ofloxacin

Solution. (c) Levofloxacin.

Reference – Read the text below
- Both levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin are quinolones.
- Levofloxacin has greater activity against pneumococci than ciprofloxacin.

Correct Answer. c

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(57). Which one of the following drugs is most likely to cause gynaecomastia?

a. Diazepam

b. Methysergide

c. Metoclopramide

d. Climetidine

Solution. (d) Climetidine .

Reference – Read the text below
- Other drugs associated with gynaecomastia include tricyclic antidepressants, cytotoxic agents, phenothiazines, spironolactone,
diethylstilbestrol (stilboestrol), digoxin and methyldopa.
- Methysergide may cause retroperitoneal fibrosis.

Correct Answer. d

(58). Which one of the following is a known cause of galactorrhoea?

a. Cannabis

b. Phenothiazine

c. Alcohol

d. Digoxin

Solution. (b) Phenothiazine.

Reference – Read the text below
- Other drugs associated with galactorrhoea include cimetidine, metoclopramide, L-dopa, oestrogens and benzodiazepines.
- Cannabis, alcohol, digoxin and spironolactone are all known causes of gynaecomastia.

Correct Answer. b

(59). Which one of the following statements about ergotamine is true?

a. It is chemically related to methysergide

b. It is a powerful vasodilator

c. It is an alpha-adrenoceptor blocker

d. It is safe for use in pregnancy

Solution. (a) It is chemically related to methysergid.

Reference – Read the text below
- Ergotamine is a powerful Alpha-adrenoreceptor blocker. Side effects include abdominal pain and vomiting.
- Repeated administration of high doses may cause ergotism with gangrene and confusion. It is licensed for use in the treatment of
migraine in patients who do not have any contraindications.
- It causes post-partum contraction of the uterus. Pleural and peritoneal fibrosis may occur, as with methysergide.

Correct Answer. a

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(60). Of the following agents, which is best avoided in a patient with a history of chronic congestive heart failure (CHF)?

a. Hydrochlorothiazide

b. Amiloride

c. Mannitol

d. Ethacrynic acid

Solution. -NA-

Correct Answer. c

(61). Acute uric acid nephropathy, which is characterized by the acute overproduction of uric acid and by extreme hyperuricemia, can best be
prevented with which of the following?

a. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) [vasopressin (VP)]

b. Cyclophosphamide

c. Allopurinol

d. Amiloride

Solution. (c) Allopurinol

Ref– Read the text below
- Acute hyperuricemia,which often occurs in patients who are treated with cytotoxic drugs for neoplasic disorders, can lead to the
deposition of urate crystals in the kidneys and their collecting ducts.
- This can produce partial or complete obstruction of the collecting ducts, renal pelvis, or ureter.
- Allopurinol and its primary metabolite, alloxanthine, are inhibitors of xanthine oxidase, an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of
hypoxanthine and xanthine to uric acid.
- The use of allopurinol in patients at risk can markedly reduce the likelihood that they will develop acute uric acid nephropathy.

Correct Answer. c

(62). The release of ADH is suppressed by which of the following drugs to promote a diuresis?

a. Guanethidine

b. Acetazolamide

c. Chlorothiazide

d. Ethanol

Solution. (d) Ethanol

Ref– Read the text below
- Ethanol produces a diuretic response by inhibiting the release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland.
- Less ADH acts on the collecting duct of the nephron and, therefore, the amount of water reabsorbed by the collecting duct is reduced.
- Indomethacin enhances the release of ADH, which increases the permeability of the collecting duct to water.
- Acetazolamide and chlorothiazide promote a diuresis by acting on a site directly in the nephron unit to reduce the reabsorption of NaCl
and water. Guanethidine, an antihypertensive agent, does not appear to alter the release of ADH.

Correct Answer. d

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(63). Spironolactone can be characterized by which one of the following statements?

a. It is biotransformed to an inactive product

b. It binds to a cytoplasmic receptor

c. It is a more potent diuretic than is hydrochlorothiazide

d. It interferes with aldosterone synthesis

Solution. (b) It binds to a cytoplasmic receptor

Ref– Read the text below
- Spironolactone is a K-sparing diuretic. The drug is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is biotransformed in the liver to an
active metabolite, canrenone.
- Spironolactone is contraindicated in the presence of hyperkalemia, because this aldosterone antagonist may cause further elevation of
plasma K concentrations.
- It does not appear to depress adrenal or pituitary function.
- Central nervous system (CNS) side effects of the drug can include lethargy, headache, drowsiness, and mental confusion.
- Spironolactone displaces aldosterone from receptor sites that are responsible for Na resorption in the collecting duct of the nephron; it
does not interfere with the synthesis of aldosterone.

Correct Answer. b

(64). Which of the following products is not indicated for the management of peptic ulceration?

a. Zantac

b. Gaviscon

c. Nexium

d. Buscopan

Solution. (d) Buscopan.

Reference – Read the text below
- Buscopan contains hyoscine, which is a quaternary ammonium compound having antimuscarinic activity. It is indicated for symptomatic
relief of gastrointestinal or genitourinary disorders characterised by smooth muscle spasm.
- Zantac contains ranitidine, which is an H2-receptor antagonist that promotes healing of peptic ulcers by reducing gastric output as a
result of histamine H2-receptor blockade.
- Nexium contains esomeprazole and Pariet contains rabeprazole, both of which are proton pump inhibitors. The proton pump inhibitors
inhibit gastric acid output by blocking the hydrogen–potassium– adenosine triphosphatase enzyme system of the gastric parietal cells.

Correct Answer. d

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(65). Which one of the following agents can be used without caution in renal failure?

a. Magenesiumtrisilicate mixture

b. amphotericin

c. Diazepam

d. Vancomycin

Solution. (c) Diazepam .

Reference – Read the text below
The following drugs should be avoided in renal failure:
- Antimicrobial drugs (amphotericin B, tetracyclines, nitrofurantoin).
- Aspirin and NSAIDs.
- Lithium.
- Narcotic analgesics.
- Potassium-sparing diuretics.
The following drugs should have their dose reduced when used in renal failure:
- Antimicrobials.
- Cardiac Drugs.
- Insulin.
- Chlorpropramide.
- H2¬-antagonists.

Correct Answer. c

(66). All the following products used in the treatment of glaucoma are applied topically except:

a. Xalatan

b. Diamox

c. Trusopt

d. Timoptol

Solution. (b) Diamox.

Reference – Read the text below
- Diamox contains acetazolamide, which is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor administered orally or by the parenteral route.
- Xalatan contains latanoprost,a prostaglandin analogue, and Trusopt contains dorzolamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.
- Timoptol and Betoptic both consist of beta-blockers containing timolol and betaxolol respectively.

Correct Answer. b

(67). A 69-year-old male with angina develops severe constipation following treatment with

a. Propranolol

b. Captopril

c. Verapamil

d. Dobutamine

Solution. (c) Verapamil.

Reference – Read the text below
- Constipation,particularly severe with verapamil, may occur with Ca channel blockers.
- In addition, excessive vasodilation may also occur. This can cause dizziness, hypotension, headache, flushing, nausea, and diminished
sensation in fingers and toes.
- Constipation, lethargy, nervousness, and peripheral edema are also seen with the use of Ca channel blockers.

Correct Answer. c

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(68). Significant relaxation of smooth muscle of both venules and arterioles is produced by which of the following drugs?

a. Hydralazine

b. Minoxidil

c. Diazoxide

d. Sodium nitroprusside

Solution. (d) Sodium nitroprusside

Ref: Read the text below.
- Hydralazine, minoxidil,diazoxide, and sodium nitroprusside are all directly acting vasodilators used to treat hypertension. Because
hydralazine, minoxidil, nifedipine, and diazoxide relax arteriolar smooth muscle more than smooth muscle in venules, the effect on
venous capacitance is negligible.
- Sodium nitroprusside,which affects both arterioles and venules, does not increase cardiac output, a feature that enhances the utility of
sodium nitroprusside in the management of hypertensive crisis associated with MI.

Correct Answer. d

(69). A 66-year-old female with CHF and hearing loss is given a diuretic as part of a regimen that includes digoxin and an ACE inhibitor. In the
course of treatment, she develops an AV conduction defect and is found to be hypomagnesemic. She also has worsening hearing loss,
which is reversed when the drug is stopped.Drug to be involved in such clinical condition is;

a. Acetazolamide

b. Amiloride

c. Furosemide

d. Hydrochlorothiazide

Solution. (c) Furosemide

Ref: Read the text below.
- Furosemide can cause hypokalemia by blocking Na reabsorption in the loop of Henle, followed by exchange of K with Na in the distal
- Hypokalemia is associated with digitalis toxicity.
- Furosemide also can cause dose-related hearing loss,especially in people with existing hearing loss and/or renal impairment.

Correct Answer. c

(70). JAK-STAT transducer mechanism is seen in

a. Somatostatin

b. Growth hormone

c. Insulin

d. Adenosine

Solution. (b) Growth hormone

Ref– Read the text below
- The JAK-STAT signaling pathway transmits information from extracellular chemical signals to the nucleus resulting in DNA
transcription and expression of genes involved in immunity, proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and oncogenesis. The JAK-STAT
signalling cascade consists of three main components: a cell surface receptor, a Janus kinase (JAK) and two Signal Transducer and
Activator of Transcription (STAT) proteins.
- Disrupted or dysregulated JAK-STAT functionality can result in immune deficiency syndromes and cancers
- The binding of various ligands, usually cytokines, such as interferon, interleukin, and growth factors to cell surface receptors, activate
associated JAKs, increasing their kinase activity.
- Activated JAKs then phosphorylate tyrosine residues on the receptor, creating binding sites for proteins possessing SH2 domains. SH2
domain containing STATs are recruited to the receptor where they are also tyrosine-phosphorylated by JAKs. These activated STATs form
hetero- or homodimers and translocate to the cell nucleus where they induce transcription of target genes.[3] STATs may also be
tyrosine-phosphorylated directly by receptor tyrosine kinases, such as the epidermal growth factor receptor, as well as by non-receptor
(cytoplasmic) tyrosine kinases such as c-src

Correct Answer. b

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(71). All of the following drug toxic to vestibular system except

a. Amikacin

b. Gentamicin

c. Tobramycin

d. Minocycline

Solution. (a) Amikacin

Ref– Read the text below
- Amikacin is nephrotoxic and ototoxic (particularly for the auditory portion of the eighth nerve).

Correct Answer. a

(72). 5-Lipo-oxygenase synthesis inhibitor is

a. Zileuton

b. Zafirlukast

c. Montelukast

d. Omalizumab

Solution. (a) Zileuton

Ref– Read the text below
- Zileuton- is a 5 LOX inhibitor blocks LTC4/D4 as well as LT B4 synthesis, clinical efficacy in asthma similar to montelukast.
- The duration of action is short with hepatotoxic potentials. These limitations have restricted to use.

Correct Answer. a

(73). Myocardial oxygen demand decreases by all Except:

a. Diliyiazen

b. Metoprolol

c. Nitroglycerine

d. Amrinone

Solution. (d) Amrinone

Ref– Read the text below
- Antianginal agents (organic nitrates B Blockers , CCBs ) lowers the oxygen demand.
- Thus vasodilators, B Blockers and calcium blockers have predictable benefits in angina.

Correct Answer. d

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(74). Osteoporosis is a major adverse effect caused by the glucocorticoids. It is due to their ability to

a. Increases the excretion of calcium

b. Inhibit absorption of calcium

c. Stimulate the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis

d. Decreases production of prostaglandins

Solution. (b) Inhibit absorption of calcium

Ref– Read the text below
- Glucocorticoid – induced osteoporosis is attributed to inhibition of calcium absorption as well as bone formation.
- Glucocorticoid suppresses rather than stimulate the hypothalamic –pituitary – adrenal axis.
- The decreased production of prostaglandins does not play a role in bone formation.

Correct Answer. b

(75). To reserve left ventricular tachycardia with-

a. Nifedipine

b. Amlodipine

c. Verapamil

d. Diltiazem

Solution. (c) Verapamil

Ref– Read the text below
- Sustained polymorphic VT, ventricular flutter and ventricular fibrillation all lead to immediate hemodynamic collapse
- Emergency asynchronous defibrillation is therefore required with at least 200 J monophasic or 100 J biphasic shock IV lidocanine / and
amiodarone should be administered but should not delay repeated attempts at defibrillation.

Correct Answer. c

(76). In Schistosomes and Taenia- soliuminfestations,drug of choice is

a. Albendazole

b. Mebenzole

c. Niclosamide

d. Praziquantel

Solution. (d) Praziquantel

Ref– Read the text below
- Praziquantel – is the primary drug for the treatment of trematode and cestode infestations. Although albendazole is effective in
- It is not active against flukes and this patient has no evidence of cysticerosis.
- Niclosamide is also active against tape worms but has no activity against blood flukes.

Correct Answer. d

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(77). A 39-year-old pregnant female requires heparin for thromboembolic phenomena. What is the mechanism of action of heparin?

a. Increase in the plasma level of factor IX

b. Inhibition of thrombin and early coagulation steps

c. Inhibition of synthesis of prothrombin and coagulation factors VII, IX, X

d. Inhibition of platelet aggregation in vitro

Solution. (b) Inhibition of thrombin and early coagulation steps

Ref: Read the text below.
- Heparin binds to antithrombin III (a plasma protease inhibitor), thereby enhancing its activation.
- The heparin–antithrombin III complex interacts with thrombin.
- This inactivates thrombin and other coagulation factors such as VIIa,IXa, Xa, and IIa. Heparin accelerates the rate of thrombin-
antithrombin binding, resulting in the inhibition of thrombin.
- The latter effect is not typically seen with low-molecular-weight heparins that are not of sufficient length to catalyze the inhibition of

Correct Answer. b

(78). A 42-year-old male with an acute MI is treated with alteplase. What is the mechanism of action of alteplase?

a. Inhibition of platelet thromboxane production

b. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonist

c. Inhibition of the synthesis of vitamin K–dependent coagulation factors

d. Activation of plasminogen from plasmin

Solution. (d) Activation of plasminogen from plasmin

Ref: Read the text below.
- Alteplase is an unmodified tPA. Alteplase activates plasminogen that is bound to fibrin.
- The plasmin that is formed acts directly on fibrin. This results in dissolving the fibrin into fibrin-split products followed by lysis of the

Correct Answer. d

(79). A 30-year-old type I diabetic with renal complications develops acute pyelonephritis.P.aeruginosais found in urine cultures and blood
cultures.Combined therapy is instituted with an aminoglycoside and which of the following?

a. Clavulanic acid

b. Vancomycin

c. Azithromycin

d. Piperacillin

Solution. (d) Piperacilli.

Reference – Read the text below
- Piperacillin is effective against P. aeruginosa.
- The ease with which these organisms develop resistance with single-drug therapy has necessitated that combination with
aminoglycosides be used in pseudomonal infections.

Correct Answer. d

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(80). Nesiritideis a recombinant form of:-

a. ANP

b. BNP

c. TNF-a

d. IL-1

Solution. (b) BNP

Ref:Read the text below
- Nesiritide, a form of human brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) has been approved for treatment of dyspnoea due to congestive failure.
- In setting of heart failure, effect of BNP counteract the effects of angiotensin & norepinephrine by producing vasodilation, natriuresis &
- Nesiritide lowers right & left side cardiac filling pressure without direct chronotropic & ionotropic effect.
- Primary side effect is hypotension.

Correct Answer. b

(81). To achieve pleurodesmosisin malignant pleural effusion, the drug used is:

a. Polymyxin B

b. Chloromycetin

c. 1% Betadine

d. Doxycycline

Solution. (d) Doxycycline

Ref:Read the text below
- Patient with a malignant pleural effusion are treated symptomatically for the most part, since the presence of the effusion indicate
disseminated disease and most malignancies associated with pleural effusion are not curable with chemotherapy.
- The only symptom that can be attributed to the effusion itself is dyspnea.
- If the patient’s lifestyle is compromised by dyspnea, and if the dyspnea is relieved with a therapeutic thoracentesis, then one of the
following procedure should be considered:
- Tube thoracostomy with the instillation of a sclerosing agent such as doxycycline, 500 mg
- Outpatient insertion of a small indwelling catheter.

Correct Answer. d

(82). Mechanism of action of rifampicin is by :-

a. Inhibition of RNA dependent DNA polymerase

b. Inhibition of DNA dependent RNA polymerases

c. Interferes with translocation.

d. Inhibitits synthesis of mycolic acid, that form part of mycobacterial cell wall.

Solution. (b) Inhibition of DNA dependent RNA polymerases

Ref:Read the text below
- Rifampin inhibits DNA dependent RNA polymerase of mycobacteria & other microorganisms by forming a stable drug-enzyme complex
leading to suppression of initiation of chain formation (but not chain elongation) in RNA synthesis.
- Inhibition of synthesis of mycolic acid is mechanism of isoniazid.

Correct Answer. b

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(83). A diabetic female on INH and rifampin for TB suffers DVT: She is started on warfarin: PT is not raised; next step should be:

a. Long term heparin therapy

b. Replace warfarin with acecoumarin

c. Switch ethambutol for rifampin

d. Use LMW heparin.

Solution. (c) Switch ethambutol for rifampin

Ref:Read the text below
- Rifampin is a microsomal enzyme inducer – enhances its own metabolism as well as that of many drugs including warfarin, oral
contraceptives, corticosteroids sulfonylureas, digitoxin, HIV protease inhibitors, ketoconazole etc.

Correct Answer. c

(84). All of the following drugs are recommended for treatment of beta blocker induced excessive bradycardia and/or decrease in cardiac
output except :-

a. Dopamine

b. Dobutamine

c. Glucagon

d. Phentolamine

Solution. (d) Phentolamine

Ref:Read the text below
Drugs useful in b blocker toxicity/Bradycardia:
– Atropine
– Isproterenol
– Glucagon
– Dopamine & Dobutamine
– Epinephrine/norepinephrine

Correct Answer. d

(85). Which of the following antibiotics should typically be administered to prevent bacterial endocarditis in patients with cardiac valve
disease who are undergoing dental surgery ?

a. Ciprofloxacin

b. Amoxicillin

c. Ceftriaxone

d. Doxycycline

Solution. (b) Amoxicillin

Ref:Read the text below
- Oral amoxicillin should be administered to cardiac valve patients one hour before and 6
hours after dental surgery in order to prevent endocarditis resulting from surgical
- Gram-positive organisms sensitive to penicillins are the most likely cause of endocarditis in
this setting.
- Erythromycin should be administered to most penicillin-allergic patients, but high-risk
penicillin-allergic patients should receive vancomycin.
- Ampicillin or clindamycin may be given parenterally to low-risk patients who cannot take
oral amoxicillin.

Correct Answer. b

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(86). Which drug should be used cautiously in a pregnant female, as it causes foetal abnormalities and potential risk clearly outweighs possible benefits:

a. Ergometrine

b. Valproate

c. Thyroxine

d. Aspirin

Solution. (a) Ergometrine

Ref:Read the text below

Correct Answer. a

(87). The treatment of choice for “Familial Mediterranean fever” is :-

a. Cyclophosphamide

b. Cyclosporine

c. Quinine

d. Colchicine

Solution. (d) Colchicine

Ref:Read the text below
- The treatment of choice for “ Familial Mediterranean fever” (FMF) is daily oral co1chicine,which decreases the frequency and intensity
of attacks and prevent the development of amyloidosis in compliant patients.
- Intermittent dosing at the onset of attacks is not as effective as daily prophylaxsis and is of unproven value in preventing amyloidosis.
- The usual adult dose of colchicine is 1.2 to 1.8 mg/d, which causes substantial reduction in symptoms in two-thirds of patients
- Common side effects of colchicine include bloating, abdominal IPS, lactose intolerance, and
- diarrhea. They can be minimized by starting at a low dose and gradually advancing as tolerated, splitting the dose, use of simethicone
for flatulence, and avoidance of dairy products .
- lf taken by either parent at the time of conception, colchicine may cause a small increase in the risk of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)

Correct Answer. d

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 34/83
(88). A 36-year-old female with a chronic UTI treated with ciprofloxacin is not responsive to the antibiotic. Which of the following agents that
she might have been taking for other reasons would decrease the effectiveness of ciprofloxacin?

a. An antacid

b. An antihistamine

c. A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

d. An anxiolytic

Solution. (a) An antacid.

Reference – Read the text below
- Decreased gastrointestinal absorption of ciprofloxacin occurs with antacids because of their ability to adsorb the fluoroquinolone.
- Other preparations containing divalent ions, such as iron, will impede fluoroquinolone absorption.

Correct Answer. a

(89). A nucleophilic attack on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that causes the disruption of base pairing occurs as a result of the administration of

a. Cyclophosphamide

b. 5-FU

c. Methotrexate

d. Prednisone

Solution. (a) Cyclophosphamide

Reference – Read the text below
- Cyclophosphamide, an alkylating agent, reacts with purine and pyrimidine bases of DNA to form bridges and dimers.
- These products interfere with DNA replication. 5-FU,methotrexate, and 6-thioguanine are antimetabolites, and the steroid prednisone
has some tumor-suppressive effects.

Correct Answer. a

(90). A nine-year-old boy is diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.He is maintained on methotrexate. A recent platelet count is below
normal,and a stool guaiac is 4+. Which of the following agents should be administered to counteract methotrexate toxicity?

a. N-acetyl-L-cysteine

b. Vitamin K

c. Penicillamine

d. Leucovorin

Solution. (d) Leucovorin.

Reference – Read the text below
- Leucovorin prevents methotrexate from inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase and reverses all of its adverse effects except neurotoxicity.

Correct Answer. d

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(91). Which of the following is considered to be the effective mechanism of action of the vinca alkaloids?

a. Inhibition of the function of microtubules

b. Damage and prevention of repair of DNA

c. Inhibition of DNA synthesis

d. Inhibition of protein synthesis

Solution. (a) Inhibition of the function of microtubules

Reference – Read the text below
- The vinca alkaloids,vincristine and vinblastine, have proved valuable because they work on a different principle from most cancer
chemotherapeutic agents.
- They (like colchicine) inhibit mitosis in metaphase by their ability to bind to tubulin.
- This prevents the formation of tubules and, consequently, the orderly arrangement of chromosomes, which apparently causes cell

Correct Answer. a

(92). The tumor that is least susceptible to cell-cycle-specific (CCS) anticancer agents is

a. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

b. Acute granulocytic leukemia

c. Burkitt’s lymphoma

d. Adenocarcinoma of the colon

Solution. (d) Adenocarcinoma of the colon

Reference – Read the text below
- Cell-cycle-specific cytotoxic agents are most effective in malignancies in which a large portion of the population of malignant cells is
undergoing mitosis.
- In leukemia, lymphoma, choriocarcinoma, and other rapidly growing tumors, these agents may induce a high-percentage cell kill of the
entire tumor and at least of those cells that are actively dividing.
- In slowly growing, solid tumors, such as carcinomas of the colon, the frequency of actively dividing cells is low, and perhaps the resting
cells survive the cycle-specific agents and then can be recruited back into the proliferative cycle.

Correct Answer. d

(93). A 32-year-old cancer patient, who has smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for 10 years, presents a decreased pulmonary function
test.Physical examination and chest x-rays suggest preexisting pulmonary disease.Of the following drugs, which is best not prescribed?

a. Vinblastine

b. Doxorubicin

c. Mithramycin

d. Bleomycin

Solution. (d) Bleomycin

Reference – Read the text below
- The potential serious adverse effect of bleomycin is pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis.
- This adverse effect appears to be both age- and dose-related. The clinical onset is characterized by decreasing pulmonary function, fine
rales, cough, and diffuse basilar infiltrates.
- This complication develops in approximately 5% to 10% of patients treated with bleomycin. Thus, extreme caution must be used in
patients with a preexisting history of pulmonary disease.
- All of the other drugs listed in the question are effective against carcinomas and have not been associated with significant lung toxicity.

Correct Answer. d

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(94). A 34-year-old male with Hodgkin’s disease is treated with the adriamycin,bleomycin, vinblastine, and decarbazine (ABVD) regimen. What
is the mechanism of action of vinblastine?

a. Scission of DNA strands

b. Inhibition of dihydrofolatereductase

c. Inhibition of enzymes involved in purine metabolism

d. Prevention of assembly of tubulin dimers into microtubules

Solution. (d) Prevention of assembly of tubulin dimers into microtubules

Reference – Read the text below
- Vinblastine binds to tubulin and blocks the protein from polymerizing to microtubules.
- The drug-tubulin complex binds to the developing microtubule,resulting in inhibition of microtubule assembly and subsequent

Correct Answer. d

(95). Which statement is true regarding Gabapentin?

a. Side effects typically include visual field defects with long-term use

b. Therapy is best monitored through measuring plasma concentrations

c. Is of particular value as monotherapy in absence attacks (petit mal)

d. Requires dose adjustment in renal disease

Solution. (d) Requires dose adjustment in renal disease

Reference – Read the text below
- Gabapentin does not induce cytochrome P450 unlike other anticonvulsants such as phenytoin and phenobarbitone.
- Vigabatrin may cause visual field defects, which may be irreversible.
- Rarely have visual disturbances been associated with gabapentin.
- No use in Petit Mal and is used for add-on therapy in partial or generalised seizures.

Correct Answer. d

(96). Which of the following anti-microbials is associated with prolongation of the QT interval?

a. Co-amoxiclav

b. Gentamicin

c. Cefuroxime

d. Erythromycin

Solution. (d) Erythromycin

Reference – Read the text below
- The macrolides are associated with a prolongation of the QT interval.
- Other antimicrobials associated with prolonged QT include quinine, levofloxacin.

Correct Answer. d

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(97). The following are the causes of drug induced hepatitis except:

a. Isoniazid

b. Amiodarone

c. Pyrazinamide

d. Ethambutol

Solution. (d) Ethambutol

Reference – Read the text below
- Side effects of ethambutol are largely confined to visual disturbances in form of loss of acuity,colour blindness and restriction of visual
- It does not cause hepatitis and is renally excreted.
- Isoniazid,amiodarone,pyrazinamide and methlydopa are a cause of drug induced hepatitis.

Correct Answer. d

(98). Useful therapy for improving fertility in Polycystic ovarian syndrome include

a. Cyproterone acetate

b. Ethinyl oestradiol

c. Metformin

d. Glibenclamide

Solution. (c) Metformin

Reference – Read the text below
- Metformin has been shown to increase the rate of conception in PCOs through improved insulin sensitivity.
- Ethinyloestradiol and cyproterone acetate combine to form Dianette,the oral contraceptive.
- Spironolactone is used for hirsuitism but is teratogenic.
- Glibenclamide is not used in PCOs.

Correct Answer. c

(99). In the treatment of osteoporosis, which of the following best describe the drug Raloxifene?

a. A Bisphosphonate

b. A Calcium Receptor Modulator

c. A PTH receptor agonist

d. A Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator

Solution. (d) A Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator

Reference – Read the text below
- Raloxifene is the first of the so-called Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators.
- There are fundamentally two types of estrogen receptor, alpha and beta, distributed at locations such as breast, uterus, bone and in the
- Raloxifene acts as an estrogen agonist at some sites eg Bone to increase mineralisation but acts as an antagonist at other sites eg
uterus/breast (preventing endometrial/breast hyperplasia).

Correct Answer. d

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(100). Dantrolene is useful in all except:

a. Malignant neuroleptic syndrome

b. Malignant hypertension

c. Malignant hyperthermia

d. UMN disorders

Solution. (b) Malignant hypertension

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- It is the only specific and effective treatment for malignant hyperthermia, a rare, life-threatening disorder triggered by general
- It is also used in the management of neuroleptic malignant syndrome, musclespasticity (e.g. after strokes, in paraplegia, cerebral palsy,
or patients withmultiple sclerosis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("ecstasy")intoxication, serotonin syndrome, and 2,4-
dinitrophenol poisoning

Correct Answer. b

(101). The receptors for noradrenalin, adrenaline, dopamine all belong to which category –

a. Seven-pass receptors

b. Ligand-gated receptors

c. Four-pass receptors

d. Single-pass receptors

Solution. (a) Seven-pass receptors

Ref:Read the text below
- Catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine) act through G protein – coupled receptors which belong to a large
superfamily of seven – pass transmembrane protein (also k/a serpentine receptors).
- These proteins span the cell membrane seve times.

Correct Answer. a

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(102). In erectile dysfunction, which of the following drug is not used?

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 40/83
a. Apomorphine

b. Phenylephrine

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 41/83
c. Sildenafil

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 42/83
d. Papaverine

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 43/83
Solution. (b) Phenylephrine
Ref:Read the text below

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 44/83
Correct Answer. b

(103). A73-year-old patient has heart failure that has worsened over the past 12 months. Which of the following drugs is likely to slow
progression even though it has no direct positive or negative effects on cardiac contractility?

a. Digoxin

b. Dobutamine

c. Losartan

d. Nesiritide

Solution. (c) Losartan

Ref:Read the text below
- Losartan, an AT1 angiotensin receptor antagonist, has been shown to slow the progression of heart failure, in common with the ACE
inhibitors, beta blockers, and spironolactone, which also slow progression of this disease.
- Positive inotropic agents such as digoxin and dobutamine do not slow progression although they may be useful for reducing symptoms.
- Nesiritide is a peptide that causes vasodilation and sodium diuresis and may have value in acute but not chronic failure.

Correct Answer. c

(104). Which of the following drugs is associated with discoloration of the skin, photosensitivity, thyroid dysfunction, and pulmonary

a. Amiodarone

b. Diltiazem

c. Ibutilide

d. Lidocaine

Solution. (a) Amiodarone

Ref:Read the text below
- Amiodarone is a large, insoluble molecule that deposits in skin (and the cornea) and causes photosensitivity.
- It contains two iodine atoms, which may be responsible for binding to thyroid receptors and the observed thyroid problems.
- It is associated with pulmonary fibrosis (sometimes fatal), but the mechanism is unknown.
- In spite of these adverse effects, it is extremely useful in arrhythmia treatment.
- Diltiazem is associated with constipation and cardiac depression; ibutilide with torsade de pointe arrhythmia,lidocaine with convulsions,
and procainamide with torsade de pointe arrhythmia and drug-induced lupus.

Correct Answer. a

(105). Which of the following drugs causes hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis and may cause hyperammonemia in a patient with cirrhosis?

a. Acetazolamide

b. Amiloride

c. Furosemide

d. Hydrochlorothiazide

Solution. (a) Acetazolamide

Ref:Read the text below
- Acetazolamide acts in the proximal tubule to block carbonic anhydrase, greatly increasing bicarbonate excretion and alkalinizing the
urine while causing metabolic acidosis.
- In cirrhosis, ammonia is excreted in larger amounts because urea production in the liver is limited.
- If an acid urine (necessary for converting ammonia to ammonium ion) cannot be produced, the ammonia is promptly
reabsorbed,causing hyperammonemia and hepatic encephalopathy.
- None of the other drugs causes hyperammonemia in cirrhotic patients.

Correct Answer. a

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(106). Nevirapineis :

a. Non-nucleoside transcriptase inhibitor

b. Retroviral protease inhibitor

c. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor

d. None of the above

Solution. (a) Non-nucleoside transcriptase inhibitor

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol : Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)
- Nevirapine and Efavirenz are nucleoside unrelated compounds which directly inhibit HN reverse transcriptase without the need for
intracellular phosphorylation.
- Their locus of action on the enzyme is also different. They are more potent than AZT, but do not inhibit HIV-2.
- Viral resistance to these drugs develops by point mutation and cross resistance is common among different NNRTIs.
- Nevirapine is well absorbed orally and is extensively metabolized in liver with t½ of 30 hours.

Correct Answer. a

(107). 4th generation cephalosporin is:

a. Cefoxitin

b. Cefixime

c. Cefepime

d. Cefdinir

Solution. (c) Cefepime

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- Cefepime is a fourth-generation cephalosporin antibiotic developed in 1994. Cefepime has an extended spectrum of activity against
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, with greater activity against both organisms than third-generation agents
- Cefepime is usually reserved to treat moderate to severe nosocomialpneumonia, infections caused by multiple drug-resistant
microorganisms (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and empirical treatment of febrileneutropenia.
- Cefepime has good activity against important pathogens includingPseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and multiple drug-
resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. A particular strength is its activity against Enterobacteriaceae.
- Whereas other cephalosporins are degraded by many plasmid- and chromosome-mediated beta-lactamases, cefepime is stable and is a
front-line agent when infection with Enterobacteriaceae is known or suspected.

Correct Answer. c

(108). Mechanism of action of omapatrilat:

a. Produce simultaneous inhibition of two key enzymes-neutral endopeptidase and ACE

b. Produce simultaneous inhibition of neutral endopeptidase only

c. Produce simultaneous inhibition of ACE only

d. None of the above

Solution. (a) Produce simultaneous inhibition of two key enzymes-neutral endopeptidase and ACE Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- Omapatrilat (INN) is a novel antihypertensive agent that inhibits both neutral endopeptidase (NEP) and angiotensin converting enzyme
- NEP inhibition results in elevated natriuretic peptide levels, promoting natriuresis,diuresis, vasodilation, and reductions in preload and
ventricular remodeling.
- This drug from Bristol-Myers Squibb was not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration due to angioedema safety concerns

Correct Answer. a

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(109). A 25 year old man with ankylosing spondylitis develops a DVT after a long flight. He is established on warfarin and his indomethacin is
discontinued. He has severe spinal inflammation and is unable to cope without a NSAID. Which of the following NSAIDs would be the
safest in this case?

a. Rofecoxib

b. Ibuprofen

c. Diclofenac

d. Naproxen

Solution. (a) Rofecoxib

Reference – Read the text below
All NSAIDs should be avoided in patients taking warfarin if at all possible. In patients with severe inflammatory disease this is rarely
- Rofecoxib is a highly Cox-2-selective NSAID and therefore has no effect on platelet function (platelets only express Cox-1).
- All the other NSAIDs above have varying degrees of activity against Cox-1 and will therefore affect platelet function and the bleeding
- Cox-2 selective NSAIDs have been shown to be less likely to cause peptic ulcers than traditional NSAIDs.
- NICE have reviewed this class of drugs and recommend there use in high risk patients (age>65yrs, concomitant medication such as
warfarin or steroids, concomitant disease eg diabetes cardiovascular disease and people with a history of peptic ulceration).

Correct Answer. a

(110). Oral therapy with which of the following may cause galactorrhoea?

a. Bromocriptine

b. Cabergoline

c. Spironolactone

d. Domperidone

Solution. (d) Domperidone

Reference – Read the text below
- Domperidone is a dopamine antagonist producing large rises in prolactin concentrations.
- Spironolactone has no effect on prolactin and Cimetidine produces hyperprolactinaemia only when given IV.
- Both bromocriptine and cabergoline are dopamine agonists and reduce prolactin.

Correct Answer. d

(111). Which of the following is the oral hypoglycaemic agent Rosiglitazone?

a. A Perixisome Proliferator Activating Receptor (PPAR)-alpha agonist

b. A Peroxisome Proliferator Activating Receptor (PPAR)-gamma agonist

c. A Sulphonylurea

d. An alpha-Glucosidase inhibitor

Solution. (b) A Peroxisome Proliferator Activating Receptor (PPAR)-gamma agonist

Reference – Read the text below
- Rosiglitazone is a new class of oral hypoglycaeic agent being a PPAR gamma agonist.
- Through activation of this receptor it modulates adipocyte function and improves insulin sensitivity.

Correct Answer. b

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(112). Lead poisoning:

a. Causes hearing loss

b. Is associated with a macrocytic anaemia

c. Causes a peripheral neuropathy due to demyelination

d. Commonly presents with diarrhoea

Solution. (c) Causes a peripheral neuropathy due to demyelination

Reference – Read the text below
- Lead can also be absorbed through the skin and by inhalation.
- Associated with iron deficiency & a microcytic anaemia.
- Most common GI symptoms are abdominal colic and constipation.

Correct Answer. c

(113). A 19-year-old girl presents with an overdose of Paracetamol. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. Acetylcystine should routinely be given if the presentation is within the first 12 hours of overdose.

b. Because she is over the age of 6, she is unlikely to develop significant toxicity.

c. Liver function tests should be monitored.

d. The mortality in those with an AST of >350 IU/L is 4%.

Solution. (c) Liver function tests should be monitored

Reference – Read the text below
- Treatment with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is given according to a standard nomogram. NAC may be useful up to 36 hours following
- Children under the age of 6 are unlikely to develop significant toxicity, but adolescents have a higher incidence of toxic plasma levels
following ingestion, and a higher incidence of abnormal AST >1000/U/L.
- Even after serious hepatotoxicity, the mortality rate is under 0.5%. The occasional patient may require liver transplantation.

Correct Answer. c

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(114). Which of the following drugs is most likely to cause loss of equilibrium and auditory damage ?

a. Amikacin

b. Ethambutol

c. Isoniazid

d. Rifabutin

Solution. (a) Amikacin

Ref: KDT--721

Correct Answer. a

(115). The penicillin G preparation with the longest duration of action is

a. Benzathine penicillin

b. Sodium penicillin

c. Potassium penicillin

d. Procaine penicillin

Solution. (a) Benzathine penicillin

Ref: Read the text below
- Benzathine benzylpenicillin (rINN) is a form of penicillin also known as benzathine penicillin.
- It is slowly absorbed into the circulation, after intramuscular injection, and hydrolysed to benzylpenicillin in vivo.
- It is the drug-of-choice when prolonged low concentrations of benzylpenicillin are required and appropriate, allowing prolonged
antibiotic action over 2–4 weeks after a single IM dose

Correct Answer. a

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(116). Which fluoroquinolone is highly active against Mycobacterium leprae and is being used in alternative multidrug therapy regimens

a. Norfloxacin

b. Ofloxacin

c. Ciprofloxacin

d. Lomefloxacin

Solution. (b) Ofloxacin

Ref: KDT’s - 756
Single lesion single dose treatment of leprosy utilizes ROM therapy.
- R : rifampicin
- O : Ofloxacin
- M : Minocycline

Correct Answer. b

(117). Which of the following drugs is useful in treatment of gout with recurrent renal urate stones because it decreases the excretion of uric

a. Allopurinol

b. Aspirin

c. Colchicine

d. Indomethacin

Solution. (a) Allopurinol

Ref:Read the text below
- Allopurinol and its metabolite alloxanthine inhibit xanthine oxidase, thus preventing conversion of xanthine and hypoxanthine to uric
- Although xanthine and hypoxanthine then accumulate, these compounds are more soluble than uric acid and less likely to deposit in
joints or precipitate in the urine.
- Most doses of aspirin (choice B) increase retention of uric acid, especially low doses.
- Colchicine is an inhibitor of microtubule function that brings relief in an acute gout attack by inhibiting the motility of granulocytes and
preventing the formation of mediators of inflammation by leukocytes.
- Because of its toxicity at higher doses, it is now used chiefly at low doses to prevent acute attacks.

Correct Answer. a

(118). Which of the following drugs can be used in rheumatoid arthritis with the lowest probable incidence of GI complications?

a. Aspirin

b. Celecoxib

c. Ibuprofen

d. Misoprostol

Solution. (b) Celecoxib

Ref:Read the text below
- A through C and E are NSAIDs. NSAIDs have long been drugs of first choice in arthritis treatment. Their primary mechanism of action
in arthritis appears to be inhibition of COX, an enzyme required for the synthesis of inflammatory and other prostaglandins.
- Two forms of COX are present in the body: COX-1, which is required for synthesis of several useful prostaglandins (e.g., PGE1, a
cytoprotective agent in the stomach), and COX-2, the isoform responsible for synthesis of prostacyclin as well as most of the damaging
- Celecoxib is more selective for COX-2 and thus has a lower incidence of adverse GI effects. The older NSAIDs (choices A, C, and E)
inhibit both
- COX-1 and COX-2 with less selectivity and thus reduce protective prostaglandins, resulting in a high incidence of GI disorders,
especially peptic ulceration.

Correct Answer. b

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(119). A monoclonal antibody, also called antiangiogenesis agent used in metastatic colorectal carcinoma is-

a. Trastuzumab

b. Rituximab

c. Bevacizumab

d. Cetuximab

Solution. (c) Bevacizumab

Ref– Read the text below
- Bevacizumab – is the first in a new class of anticancer drugs called antiangiogenesis agents.
- Bevacizumab is approved for use as a first line drug against metastatic colo-rental cancer and is given with 5-FU-based chemotheraphy.
- Most common adverse effects – Hypertension , stomatitis and diarrhea

Correct Answer. c

(120). A drug t1/2 = 6hour is administered by continuous IV infusion. How long will it take the drug to reach 90% plasma concentration achieved
of its final steady state.

a. 10 hour

b. 20 hour

c. 30 hour

d. 40 hour

Solution. (b) 20 hour

Ref– Read the text below
- The drug concentration is 90% of final steady state concentration in 3.3 times t1/2
- The approaches 90% of final state in 3.3 t1/2 = (3.3) (6) = 20 hours
- The steady state concentration of a drug is directly proportional to the infusion rate.

Correct Answer. b

(121). Which of the following calcium channel blockers causes Torsodes de points

a. Nifedipine

b. Amlodipine

c. Bepridil

d. Nicardipine

Solution. (c) Bepridil

Ref– Read the text below
- TORSADES de points - (French – twisting of points) is a like threatening form of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with rapid
asynchronous complexes and an undulating baseline on ECG It is generally associated with long Q-T interval.

Correct Answer. c

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(122). Drug of choice for Hepatitis C infection

a. Lamivudine

b. Adefovir-dipivoxil

c. Ribavirin

d. Entecavir

Solution. (c) Ribavirin

Ref– Read the text below
a. Treatment of chronic hepatitis-C infection
i. Interferon (INF & 2bINF & 2 a)
ii. Interferon + Ribavirin (Standard treatment)

Correct Answer. c

(123). Which of the following antitubercular drug is prefer in severe liver disorder

a. Streptomycin + Isoniazid

b. Streptomycin + Ethambutol

c. Isoniazid + Rifampicin

d. Rifampicin + Ethambutol

Solution. (b) Streptomycin + Ethambutol

Ref– Read the text below
- Isoniazid and Rifampicin are hepatotoxic
- Streptomycin causes –ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity
- Ethambutol causes, loss of visual acuity, colour vision, optic neuritis, neurological symptoms. Hyperuricemia.

Correct Answer. b

(124). Theophylline metabolism interaction with ciprofloxacin-

a. Increases theophylline metabolism

b. Decreases theophylline metabolism

c. Increases ciprofloxacin metabolism

d. Decreases ciprofloxacin metabolism

Solution. (b) Decreases theophylline metabolism

Ref– Read the text below
- Ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin can Increases the serum levels of theophylline by inhibiting its metabolism.

Correct Answer. b

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 52/83
(125). Which of the following agents would cause the greatest increase in heart rate in a functioning transplanted heart?

a. Amphetamine

b. Cocaine

c. Ephedrine

d. Isoproterenol

Solution. (d) Isoproterenol

Ref:Read the text below
- The transplanted heart lacks functional innervation for at least 2 years after surgery, and possibly longer.
- Because the nerves are cut in the procedure, nerve endings degenerate (Wallerian degeneration) and transmitter stores are lost.
- Adrenoreceptors on the denervated myocardial cells are normal or even increased in sensitivity, so responses to direct-acting
betaadrenoreceptor agonists such as isoproterenol are retained.
- Indirectly acting sympathomimetics, on the other hand, are relatively ineffective because they act through the release or amplification
of endogenous norepinephrine.

Correct Answer. d

(126). Which of the following agents produces vasodilation by increasing nitric oxide synthesis in endothelial cells?

a. Diazoxide

b. Histamine

c. Minoxidil

d. Nitroprusside

Solution. (b) Histamine

Ref:Read the text below
- Histamine activates nitric oxide synthase by binding to H1 receptors in the endothelium. Nitric oxide synthesis is increased, and this
molecule rapidly diffuses into the adjoining smooth muscle, where it causes vasodilation.
- Diazoxide is a powerful vasodilator used in hypertensive emergencies. It acts by opening potassium channels in vascular smooth muscle
and hyperpolarizing these cells.
- Minoxidil another vasodilator used in severe hypertension, is converted to the sulfate metabolite, which similarly opens potassium
channels and hyperpolarizes vascular smooth muscle.
- Nitroprusside contains nitric oxide that is spontaneously released in the blood. Stimulation of endothelial synthesis is not involved.

Correct Answer. b

(127). Which of the following statements correctly associates a CNS drug with its mechanism of action?

a. Bupropion—activation of endocannabinoid receptors

b. Diazepam—facilitation of GABAstimulated chloride channel opening

c. Fluoxetine—selective inhibition of presynaptic norepinephrine reuptake

d. Pentobarbital—inhibition of NMDA receptors

Solution. (b) Diazepam—facilitation of GABAstimulated chloride channel opening

Ref:Read the text below
- The benzodiazepine agents, including diazepam, facilitate the actions of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which acts on GABAA
receptors to open chloride ion channels.
- Bupropion is probably an inhibitor of norepinephrine and dopamine uptake anddoes not act on GABA receptors.
- Fluoxetine is a selective inhibitor of serotonin uptake.
- Pentobarbital is a modulator of the same GABA-sensitive chloride channel affected by benzodiazepines, although its mechanism of
action is slightly different.
- Tranylcypromine is an inhibitor ofMAO rather than catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT).

Correct Answer. b

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 53/83
(128). The fastest acting schizontocidal drug among the following is

a. Artemether

b. Mefloquine

c. Chloroquine

d. Proguanil

Solution. (a) Artemether Ref: KDT-792 Sol:

- Artemisinin derivatives like dihydroartemisinin, arteether and artemether etc. are fastest acting antimalarial drugs.

Correct Answer. a

(129). A 60-year-old male with hematuria is found to have a small localized tumor of the bladder that is diagnosed as a carcinoma. Which of the
following agents should be given intravesicularly?

a. Allopurinol

b. Asparaginase

c. Methotrexate

d. BCG vaccine

Solution. (d) BCG vaccine

Reference – Read the text below
- Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine is a nonspecific stimulant of the reticuloendothelial system.
- It is an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis that appears most effective in small,localized bladder tumors.
- This agent is approved for intravesicular use in bladder cancer. Adverse reactions are associated with the renal system, such as
problems with urination, infection, and cystitis.

Correct Answer. d

(130). A 45-year-old male has an insulinoma. Which of the following agents is the treatment of choice?

a. Cyclophosphamide

b. Carboplatin

c. Vincristine

d. Streptozocin

Solution. (d) Streptozocin

Reference – Read the text below
- Streptozocin is an alkylating agent with the capacity to cross-link DNA, thereby inhibiting its synthesis.
- It is a nitrosourea-like antibiotic that contains a glucosamine moiety that allows it to be selectively taken up by the β cells of the islets of
Langerhans. Consequently, it can be useful in treating metastatic islet cell carcinoma.

Correct Answer. d

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 54/83
(131). A 50-year-old female is treated with paclitaxel. Of the following, how is paclitaxel classified?

a. An alkylating agent

b. An antimetabolite

c. A plant alkaloid

d. An antibiotic

Solution. (c) A plant alkaloid

Reference – Read the text below
- Paclitaxel is a large structural molecule that contains a 15-membered taxane ring system.
- This anticancer agent is an alkaloid derived from the bark of the Pacific yew tree.
- Its chemotherapeutic action is related to the microtubules in the cell.
- Paclitaxel promotes microtubule assembly from dimers and causes microtubule stabilization by preventing depolymerization.
- As a consequence of these actions, the microtubules form disorganized bundles, which decreases interphase and mitotic function.
- Furthermore, paclitaxel also causes premature cell division.
- The drug is administered intravenously and is useful in such diseases as cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer, metastatic breast
cancer,malignant melanoma, and acute myelogenous leukemia.

Correct Answer. c

(132). In patients with hepatic coma, decreases in the production and absorption of ammonia from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract will be
beneficial. The antibiotic of choice in this situation would be

a. Neomycin

b. Tetracycline

c. Penicillin G

d. Chloramphenicol

Solution. (a) Neomycin

Ref– Read the text below
- Neomycin, an aminoglycoside,is not significantly absorbed from the GI tract.
- After oral administration, the intestinal flora is suppressed or modified and the drug is excreted in the feces.
- This effect of neomycin is used in hepatic coma to decrease the coliform flora, thus decreasing the production of ammonia that causes
the levels of free nitrogen to decrease in the bloodstream.
- Other antimicrobial agents (e.g., tetracycline, penicillin G, chloramphenicol, and cephalothin) do not have the potency of neomycin in
causing this effect

Correct Answer. a

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(133). Which of the following is a stimulant laxative?

a. Lactulose

b. Calcium polycarbophil

c. Bisacodyl

d. Milk of Magnesia

Solution. (c) Bisacodyl

Ref– Read

Correct Answer. c

(134). All of the following drugs administered to breastfeeding mothers are safe in therapeutic doses to infants except –

a. Low dose aspirin

b. Ciprofloxacin

c. Warfarin

d. Methyldopa

Solution. (b) Ciprofloxacin

Ref– Read
- Ciprofloxacin achieves high concentration in breast milk and has a theoretical risk of causing arthropathy in infants.
- Hence, it is to be preferably avoided in breastfeeding mothers

Correct Answer. b

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(135). The most serious side effect of thalidomide is –

a. Sedation

b. Constipation

c. Peripheral neuropathy

d. Teratogenecity

Solution. (c) Peripheral neuropathy

Ref– Read
- The most serious side effect of thalidomide is peripheral sensory neuropathy.
- It occurs in 10-30% of patients with multiple myeloma or other malignancies in a dose- and time-dependent manner.
- It is asymmetrical, painful, peripheral paresthesia with sensory loss, commonly presenting with numbness of toes and feet, muscle
cramps, weakness, signs of pyramidal tract involvement and carpal tunnel syndrome.
- The incidence increases with higher cumulative doses of thalidomide, especially in elderly patients.
- Although symptoms improve upon discontunation, long-standing sensory loss may not reverse.

Correct Answer. c

(136). The longest acting 5-HT3 antagonist is –

a. Ondansetron

b. Palonosetron

c. Granisetron

d. Ramosteron

Solution. (b) Palonosetron

Ref– Read
- Palonosteron is the longest acting 5-HT3 antagonist having highest affinity to the receptor

Correct Answer. b

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 57/83
All of the following are CNS stimulants except –

a. Lithium

b. Modafinil

c. Doxapram

d. Methylphenidate

Solution. (a) Lithium

Ref– Read

Correct Answer. a

(138). Ethambutol is administered concurrently with other antitubercular drugs in the treatment of TB in order to

a. Reduce the pain of injection

b. Facilitate penetration of the blood-brain barrier

c. Retard the development of organism resistance

d. Delay excretion of other antitubercular drugs by the kidney

Solution. (c) Retard the development of organism resistance

Ref– Read the text below
- An important problem in the chemotherapy of TB is bacterial drug resistance.
- For this reason, concurrent administration of two or more drugs should be employed to delay the development of drug resistance.
Isoniazid is often combined with ethambutol for this purpose.
- Streptomycin or rifampin may also be added to the regimen to delay even further the development of drug resistance.

Correct Answer. c

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 58/83
(139). The atropine poisoning includes all of the following symptoms except:

a. Mydriasis

b. Hyperthermia

c. Delirium

d. Bradicardia

Solution. (d) Bradicardia

Ref: Read the text below.
- Serious overdosage with atropine is characterized by widespread paralysis of parasympathetically innervated organs.
- Dry mucous membranes, widely dilated and nonresponsive pupils, tachycardia, fever and cutaneous flush are especially prominent, as
are mental and neurological symptoms. Disorientation, mania, hallucinations, gait disturbances and symptoms may last 48 hours or
- In instances of severe intoxication, respiratory depression, coma, circulatory collapse and death may occur.The fatal dose of atropine is
not known.
- In the treatment of organophosphorous poisoning, cumulative doses of approximately 2300-3300 mg or more have been administered
over several days to 4-5 weeks.

Correct Answer. d

(140). Which of the following agents is a short-acting ganglion blocker?

a. Homatropine

b. Trimethaphane

c. Hexamethonium

d. Pancuronium

Solution. (b) Trimethaphane

Ref: Read the text below.
- Trimetaphan camsilate (INN) or trimethaphan camsylate (USAN), trade name Arfonad, is a drug that counteracts cholinergic
transmission at the ganglion type of nicotinic receptors of the autonomic ganglia and therefore blocks both the sympathetic nervous
system and the parasympathetic nervous system.
- It acts as a non-depolarizing competitive antagonist at the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, is short-acting, and is given intravenously.

Correct Answer. b

(141). Indicate the ganglion-blocking drug, which can be taken orally for the treatment of hypertension?

a. Mecamylamine

b. Scopolamine

c. Trimethaphane

d. Vecocuronium

Solution. (a) Mecamylamine

Ref: Read the text below.
- Mecamylamine has been used as a ganglionic blocker in treating hypertension, but, like most ganglionic blockers, it is more often used
now as a research tool.
- Mecamylamine is also sometimes used as an anti-addictive drug to help people stop smoking tobacco,and is now more widely used for
this application than it is for lowering blood pressure. This effect is thought to be due to its blocking α3β4 nicotinic receptors in the
- Mecamylamine is a potent, oral antihypertension agent and ganglion blocker, and is a secondary amine

Correct Answer. a

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(142). Short to intermediate acting 3-hydroxy benzodiazepine derivative prescribed for the treatment of severe insomnia is?

a. Phenobarbital

b. Flurozepam

c. Temazepam

d. Secobarbital

Solution. (c) Temazepam

Ref: Read the text below.
- Temazepam (trade name Restoril, among others) is a short to intermediate acting 3-hydroxy benzodiazepine derivative.
- It is a powerful hypnotic drug generally prescribed for the short-term treatment of severe insomnia in patients who have difficulty
falling asleep and maintaining sleep and where other treatments have failed.
- In addition to its strong hypnotic activity, temazepam has powerful amnesic, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, sedative, and skeletal muscle
relaxant properties

Correct Answer. c

(143). Zolpidemhas a half-lifeof:

a. 2–3 mins

b. 2–3 hours

c. 2–3 days

d. 12–18 hours

Solution. (b) 2–3 hours

Ref: Read the text below.
- Zolpidem is a prescription medication used for the short-term treatment of insomnia, as well as some brain disorders.
- It is a short-acting nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic that potentiates gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter, by
binding to GABAA receptors at the same location as benzodiazepines.
- It works quickly (usually within 15 minutes) and has a short half-life (2–3 hours).

Correct Answer. b

(144). Route of administration of cholecalciferol is:

a. Subcutaneous

b. Intranasal

c. Intravenous

d. Oral

Solution. (d) Oral

Ref: Read the text below.
- Cholecalciferol is a form of vitamin D, also called vitamin D3 or calciol.
- It is structurally similar to steroids such as testosterone, cholesterol, and cortisol (though vitamin D3 itself is a secosteroid).
- One gram of pure vitamin D3 is 40 000 000 (40x106) IU, where one IU is equivalent to 0.025 μg. Recommendations are: 15 micrograms
(600 IU or International Units) daily for all individuals (males, female, pregnant/lactating women) under the age of 70 years-old.
- For all individuals older then 70 years, 20 micrograms daily (800 IU) is recommended

Correct Answer. d

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(145). The unwanted effect of dihydrotachysterol is:

a. Tetany

b. Anorexia

c. Bone pain

d. Lymphocytopenia

Solution. (c) Bone pain

Ref: Read the text below.
- Bone pain, hard lumps under your skin;
- Eyes that are more sensitive to light;
- Eye redness or discharge;
- Weight loss;
- Metallic taste in your mouth;
- Urinating more than usual, especially at night;
- Nausea, vomiting;
- Severe stomach pain;
- High fever
- Uneven heartbeats.

Correct Answer. c

(146). A 60-year-old diabetic male is treated with pioglitazone. What is the mechanism of action of pioglitazone?

a. Increased release of endogenous insulin

b. Decreased plasma glucagon levels

c. Increased hepatic gluconeogenesis

d. Increased target tissue sensitivity to insulin

Solution. (d) Increased target tissue sensitivity to insulin

Ref: Read the text below.
- Pioglitazone is a thiazolidinedione whose mechanism of action is dependent on the presence of insulin.
- It reduces plasma glucose, insulin, and lipid concentrations.
- It appears to increase target tissue sensitivity to insulin by binding as a highly selective agonist to peroxisome proliferator–activated
receptors that regulate the transcription of insulin-responsive genes involved in control of glucose and lipid metabolism.
- One of the outcomes is an increase in the number of glucose transporters.

Correct Answer. d

(147). Which of the following drugs is not used in the treatment of torsades de pointes?

a. Isoproterenol

b. Propanolol

c. Magnesium

d. Amiodarone

Solution. (d) Amiodarone

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- Amiodarone is used in the chronic treatment of all arrhythmias except torsades pointes and digitalis induced arrhythmias.

Correct Answer. d

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(148). Antibiotic of choice in campylobacter gastroenteritis is:

a. Erythromycin

b. Ampicillin

c. Ciprofloxacin

d. Amoxicillin

Solution. (a) Erythromycin

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- In vitro, C, jejuni is susceptible to a wide variety of antimicrobial agents, including erythromycin, the tetracyclines, the amingolycosides,
chloramphenicol, the quinolones, the nitrofurans and clindamycin
- Because of ease of administration, lack of serious toxicity and apparent efficacy, erythromycin is the agent of choice.
- The recommended dosage for adults is 250 mg PO four times daily for 5 to 7 days; the recommended dosage for children is 30 to 50
mg/kg/day in divided doses for the same period.

Correct Answer. a

(149). Which among the following is aIL-1 antagonist?

a. Anakinra

b. Adalimumab

c. Etanercept

d. Infliximab

Solution. (a) Anakinra

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- Recombinant human IL-1 receptor antagonist
- Dose is 100 mg s/c daily
- Adverse effects : increased frequency of bacterial infections

Correct Answer. a

(150). Which among the following is the fastest acting antithyroid drug?

a. Sodium Iodide

b. Propylthiouracil

c. Methimazole

d. Carbimazole

Solution. (a) Sodium Iodide

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- The response to iodides in patients with hyperthyroidism is often striking and rapid.
- The effect usually is discernible within 24 hours.

Correct Answer. a

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(151). The major adverse effect of Ethacrynic acidis :

a. Nephrotoxic

b. Peripheral neuropathy

c. Ototoxicity

d. Myocarditis

Solution. (c) Ototoxicity

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Loop diuretic
- Phenoxyacetic acid derivative
- 100% oral bioavailability
- Most ototoxic drug among the loop diuretics

Correct Answer. c

(152). Which of the following adverse reactions is not associated with the administration of chlorpropamide?

a. Water retention

b. Increased tolerance to ethanol

c. Hypoglycemia

d. Hyponatremia

Solution. (b) Increased tolerance to ethanol

Ref: Read the text below.
- The oral hypoglycemic agent chlorpropamide is a sulfonylurea compound. The drug is used to treat selected patients with non-insuli-
-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM).
- Chlorpropamide has a duration of action of 1 to 3 days.
- The adverse reaction of hypoglycemia appears to be more common with chlorpropamide than with the other sulfonylurea oral
hypoglycemic agents.
- In addition, water retention and hyponatremia can be caused by chlorpropamide.This adverse reaction is due to an interaction between
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and chlorpropamide.
- In the collecting duct region of the nephron, chlorpropamide may enhance the effect of antidiuretic hormone and facilitate its release
from the posterior pituitary gland.
- It is reported that chlorpropamide decreases the tolerance to ethanol—an interaction exhibited by flushing of the skin, particularly in
the facial area.
- This disulfiram-like effect is attributed to the inhibition of the oxidation of acetaldehyde that is formed from the biotransformation of

Correct Answer. b

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 63/83
(153). A 25-year-old male with hypogonadism is treated with a synthetic androgen. Which of the following is activated by a synthetic androgen?

a. Tyrosine kinase receptors

b. G protein–coupled receptors

c. Heat shock protein–bound receptors

d. Muscarinic receptors

Solution. (c) Heat shock protein–bound receptors

Ref: Read the text below.
- A variety of drugs that resemble steroid hormones in their structure can traverse cellular membranes and bind to specific cytoplasmic
receptors that bind heat shock proteins. Among these are the synthetic androgens.
- These agents bind reversibly to the cytoplasmic receptor, causing release of the heat shock proteins, followed by an irreversible
activation step.
- Next, the steroid-receptor complex enters the nucleus of the cell and regulates transcription of specific genes into RNA.
- Eventually, mRNA is formed and causes the synthesis of specific proteins that mediate the steroid response.
- The response occurs 30 min to several hours after administration of the drug, because a period of time is required for formation of new
proteins in the cell.

Correct Answer. c

(154). Which of the following drugs is least likely to cause hyperglycemia and hypokalemia?

a. Hydrocortisone

b. Chlorpropamide

c. Hydrochlorothiazide

d. Furosemide

Solution. (b) Chlorpropamide

Ref: Read the text below.
- Chlorpropamide is a hypoglycemic agent used for controlling blood glucose levels in patients who have NIDDM. Dilutional
hyponatremia, but not hypokalemia, may occur with the chronic use of chlorpropamide.
- Hydrocortisone and prednisone induce hyperglycemia by enhancing gluconeogenesis in the liver and periphery.
- In addition, the steroids also promote the release of glucagon from the cells of the pancreas to eventually increase blood glucose levels.
- Hydrocortisone possesses significant mineralocorticoid activity in addition to its glucocorticoid effect. The mineralocorticoid action of
hydrocortisone alters electrolyte metabolism.
- Hydrocortisone enhances the retention of Na and water in the body and augments the secretion of K, which can lead to hypokalemia.
- Prednisone also possesses a degree of mineralocorticoid activity and may produce hypokalemia. Furosemide can cause hypokalemia. In
addition, it can cause hyperglycemia by inhibiting the release of insulin from the pancreas.

Correct Answer. b

(155). Of the following, which will not be blocked by atropine and scopolamine?

a. Bradycardia

b. Salivary secretion

c. Bronchoconstriction

d. Skeletal muscle contraction

Solution. (d) Skeletal muscle contraction

Ref: Read the text below.
- ACh will stimulate both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors.
- Skeletal muscle contraction is mediated through NM receptors, and ganglionic stimulation is an effect of NN receptors.
- All of the other effects listed in the question occur following muscarinic receptor activation and will be blocked by atropine and
scopolamine, both of which are muscarinic receptor antagonists.
- Skeletal muscle contraction will not be affected by these drugs; rather, a neuromuscular blocker (e.g., tubocurarine) is required to
antagonize this effect of ACh.

Correct Answer. d

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 64/83
(156). In which of the following are thiazide diuretics ineffective?

a. Edema caused by CHF

b. Edema induced by glucocorticoids

c. Hypertension with or without edema

d. Glaucoma

Solution. (d) Glaucoma

Ref: Read the text below.
- Thiazides are most useful as diuretic agents in the management of edema caused by chronic cardiac decompensation.
- In the treatment of hypertensive disease, even without obvious edema, thiazides exert a hypotensive action that has proved beneficial.
- Less common uses of thiazide diuretics include the treatment of edema from glucocorticoids, diabetes insipidus, and hypercalciuria.
- The carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide, by inhibiting the secretion of aqueous humor, has the property of decreasing
intraocular pressure—a valuable effect for patients who have glaucoma.

Correct Answer. d

(157). Which of the following is not associated with sucralfate?

a. It contains polyaluminum hydroxide

b. It maintains gellike qualities even at acid pH

c. It binds to ulcer craters more than to normal mucosae

d. It has moderate acid-neutralizing properties

Solution. (d) It has moderate acid-neutralizing properties

Ref: Read the text below.
- Sucralfate is a sulfated disaccharide that contains polyaluminum hydroxide.
- It has primarily protective properties and attaches firmly to ulcer craters. It has no significant acid neutralizing properties.

Correct Answer. d

(158). In addition to its use in the treatment of schizophrenia, chlorpromazine is effective

a. In reducing nausea and vomiting

b. As an antihypertensive agent

c. As an antihistaminic

d. In the treatment of depression

Solution. (a) In reducing nausea and vomiting

Ref: Read the text below.
- Chlorpromazine is the prototype compound of the phenothiazine class of antipsychotic drugs. It is indicated for use in the treatment of a
variety of psychoses, which includes schizophrenia, and in the treatment of nausea and vomiting, in both adults and children, from a
number of causes.
- The drug can be administered orally, rectally, or intramuscularly for this purpose.
- It is believed that the effectiveness of the compound is based on the inhibition of dopaminergic receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger
zone of the medulla. Other phenothiazine derivatives are also used for emesis, including thiethylperazine, prochlorperazine, and
- Although chlorpromazine may cause orthostatic hypotension and has mild H1-histamine receptor blocking activity, the drug is never
used as an antihypertensive or as an antihistaminic.
- Chlorpromazine is not an effective antidepressant drug, and lithium salts are used for treating the mania that is associated with bipolar
affective disorder

Correct Answer. a

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(159). Cocaine, produced from the leaves of Erythroxylonspecies,

a. Produces bradycardia and vasodilation

b. Is directly related chemically to opioid analgesics

c. Is metabolized by the microsomal metabolizing system

d. Blocks nerve conduction effectively

Solution. (d) Blocks nerve conduction effectively

Ref: Read the text below.
- Cocaine has local anesthetic properties; it can block the initiation or conduction of a nerve impulse.
- It is biotransformed by plasma esterases to inactive products. In addition, cocaine blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine.
- This action produces CNS stimulant effects including euphoria, excitement, and restlessness.
- Peripherally, cocaine produces sympathomimetic effects including tachycardia and vasoconstriction.
- Death from acute overdose can be from respiratory depression or cardiac failure. Cocaine is an ester of benzoic acid and is closely
related to the structure of atropine.

Correct Answer. d

(160). Which of the following agents is a selective dopamine receptor (D2) agonist?

a. Fluphenazine

b. Bromocriptine

c. Promethazine

d. Haloperidol

Solution. (b) Bromocriptine

Ref: Read the text below.
- Central dopamine receptors are divided into D1 and D2 receptors. Antipsychotic activity is better correlated to blockade of D2
- Haloperidol, a potent antipsychotic, selectively antagonizes at D2 receptors. Phenothiazine derivatives, such as chlorpromazine,
fluphenazine, and promethazine, are not selective for D2 receptors.
- Bromocriptine, a selective D2 agonist, is useful in the treatment of parkinsonism and hyperprolactinemia.
- It produces fewer adverse reactions than do nonselective dopamine receptor agonists.

Correct Answer. b

(161). All of the following medications used for bronchial asthma act as bronchodilators except –

a. Albuterol

b. Fluticasone propionate

c. Theophylline

d. Toflimilast

Solution. (b) Fluticasone propionate

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :

Correct Answer. b

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(162). According to a recent FDA recommendation, the dosage of paracetamolin a single tablet should not exceed –

a. 325 mg

b. 450 mg

c. 500 mg

d. 650 mg

Solution. (a) 325 mg

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- According to a recent FDA recommendation issued in January 2014, the dosage of paracetamol in a single tablet should not exceed 325

Correct Answer. a

(163). The incidence of overt hypothyroidism due to lithium is –

a. 7 – 10%

b. ~ 20%

c. ~ 60%

d. 15 – 70%

Solution. (a) 7 – 10%

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Side effects of Lithium –
- Hypothyroidism – 7 – 10%
- Reversible T wave flattening – ~ 20%
- Polyuria / DI – ~ 60%
- Fine tremors – 15 – 70%

Correct Answer. a

(164). All of the following diuretics act from the luminal side of the nephron except –

a. Bumetanide

b. Eplerenone

c. Amiloride

d. Acetazolamide

Solution. (b) Eplerenone

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Eplerenone. Aldosterone receptor antagonists act from the basolateral side.

Correct Answer. b

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(165). The father of pharmacology is –

a. Rudolph Buchheim

b. Oswald Schmiedeberg

c. Paul Ehrlich

d. Gerhard Domagk

Solution. (b) Oswald Schmiedeberg

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Oswald Schmiedeberg. He gave many fundamental concepts of pharmacology.
- Rudolph Buchheim opened the first institute for research in pharmacology in Germany.
- Paul Ehrlich developed arsphenamine and neoarsphenamine for syphilis; and atoxyl for sleeping sickness. He also coined the term
- Gerhard Domagk used prontosil for treatment of streptococcal infections. Sulphonamides were later developed from these dyes.

Correct Answer. b

(166). The biochemical mechanism of action of digitalis is associated with –

a. A decrease in calcium uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum

b. An increase in ATP synthesis

c. An increase in the systolic extracellular calcium levels

d. A block of sodium/calcium exchange

Solution. (d) A block of sodium/calcium exchange

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
A block of sodium/calcium exchange. Digitalis causes inhibition of Na+-K+-ATPase pump leading to secondary –
- Increase in the systolic intracellular calcium levels
- Inhibition of sodium/calcium exchange and
- Increase in calcium uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum

Correct Answer. d

(167). In comparing the following neuroleptics, which is most likely associated with constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision, and dry

a. Chlorpromazine

b. Clozapine

c. Olanzapine

d. Sertindole

Solution. (a) Chlorpromazine

Ref: Read the text below.
- The phenothiazines as a class are the most potent anticholinergics of the neuroleptics. Tolerance to their anticholinergic effects occurs
in most patients.
- Cholinomimetic agents may be used to overcome symptoms that persist.

Correct Answer. a

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 68/83
(168). A patient exhibiting multiple facial tics, aggressive outbursts of behavior, and spontaneous repetitive foul language is best treated with
which of the following agents?

a. Levodopa

b. Clozapine

c. Thioridazine

d. Haloperidol

Solution. (d) Haloperidol

Ref: Read the text below.
- Tourette’s syndrome is effectively treated with haloperidol, a high-potency antipsychotic.
- If patients are unresponsive or do not tolerate haloperidol, they might be switched to pimozide.

Correct Answer. d

(169). Serotonin (5-HT) is one of several mediators of the signs and symptoms of carcinoid tumor.When released from this neoplasm, most of
the manifestations of 5-HT are the result of activation of the 5-HT2 receptor. These manifestations are therefore likely to include which
of the following effects?

a. Bronchospasm

b. Constipation

c. Skeletal muscle weakness

d. Tachycardia

Solution. (a) Bronchospasm

Ref:Read the text below
- 5-HT2 receptors mediate smooth muscle contraction and thus cause bronchospasm and diarrhea, not constipation.
- Skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle are relatively insensitive to 5-HT.
- Peptic ulceration is not mediated in part by 5-HT; the autacoid actually reduces acid secretion.

Correct Answer. a

(170). Which of the following drugs is useful in asthma because it stabilizes mast cells?

a. Albuterol

b. Cromolyn

c. Ipratropium

d. Salmeterol

Solution. (b) Cromolyn

Ref:Read the text below
- Cromolyn is a prophylactic agent for asthma that appears to stabilize mast cells.
- Albuterol is a shorter acting beta-2-selective agonist that is used for acute, not prophylactic, therapy.
- Ipratropium is an antimuscarinic drug.
- Salmeterol has a long duration beta-2-agonist action that appears to have an anti-inflammatory action and is useful in prophylaxis of
asthmatic attacks.
- It has a slow onset of action that makes it useless in treating acute attacks.

Correct Answer. b

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 69/83
(171). Which of the following statements describes the major difference between zolpidem and older hypnotics such as barbiturates and

a. Associated with thrombocytopenia

b. Does not act on chloride channels in the CNS

c. Has significant anticonvulsant activity

d. Reduced addiction liability

Solution. (d) Reduced addiction liability

Ref:Read the text below
- Zolpidem has greatly reduced addiction liability compared to barbiturates and benzodiazepines even though it does act on chloride
- Zolpidem does not have major anticonvulsant actions, a longer duration of action, or thrombocytopenic toxicity.

Correct Answer. d

(172). Which of the following drugs is used in cerebral palsy to reduce skeletal muscle spasticity by an action on cholinergic nerve endings?

a. Baclofen

b. Botulinum toxin

c. Dantrolene

d. Diazepam

Solution. (b) Botulinum toxin

Ref:Read the text below
- Botulinum toxin acts on cholinergic nerve endings (including skeletal muscle motor nerve endings) to reduce acetylcholine release.
- Baclofen acts in the CNS to activate GABAB receptors; some sedation may result.
- Dantrolene acts within the skeletal muscle cell to reduce calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum; reduction of muscle spasm
results without central nervous system depression.
- Diazepam facilitates GABAergic transmission in the brain and spinal cord; it does not act on cholinergic transmission.

Correct Answer. b

(173). Which of the following drugs is most likely to cause parkinsonian adverse effects?

a. Clozapine

b. Fluphenazine

c. Haloperidol

d. Olanzapine

Solution. (c) Haloperidol

Ref:Read the text below
- Haloperidol is a very potent and efficacious antipsychotic but also manifests the highest incidence of extrapyramidal effects.
- Clozapine, olanzapine, and quetiapine are newer, atypical antipsychotic agents with much lower incidence of extrapyramidal toxicity.

Correct Answer. c

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(174). Apatient has been treated for bipolar disorder for several months. Which of the following is a common adverse effect of lithium

a. Dry mouth

b. Hyperthyroidism

c. Leukopenia

d. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

Solution. (d) Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

Ref:Read the text below
- Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is a common adverse effect of lithium at therapeutic dosage.
- Dry mouth and other anticholinergic toxicities are common with tricyclic antidepressants and some phenothiazines.
- Lithium may induce hypothyroidism, but not hyperthyroidism
- Similarly, lithium increases rather than decreases white blood cell count

Correct Answer. d

(175). The mechanism of action by which pyrantelpamoateis effective for the treatment of Necatoramericanus(hookworm) disease is

a. Interference with cell-wall synthesis

b. Interference with cell division

c. Inhibition of neuromuscular transmission

d. Interference with protein synthesis

Solution. (c) Inhibition of neuromuscular transmission

Ref– Read the text below
- Pyrantel pamoate is an antihelminthic that acts primarily as a depolarizing neuromuscular blocker.
- In certain worms, a spastic neuromuscular paralysis occurs, resulting in the expulsion of the worms from the intestinal tract of the host.
- Pyrantel also exerts its effect against parasites via release of acetylcholine and inhibition of cholinesterase.

Correct Answer. c

(176). Vertigo, inability to perceive termination of movement, and difficulty in sitting or standing without visual clues are some of the toxic
reactions that are likely to occur in about 75% of patients treated with

a. Penicillin G

b. Doxycycline

c. Amphotericin B

d. Streptomycin

Solution. (d) Streptomycin

Ref– Read the text below
- Streptomycin and other aminoglycosides can elicit toxic reactions involving both the vestibular and auditory branches of the eighth
cranial nerve.
- Patients receiving an aminoglycoside should be monitored frequently for any hearing impairment owing to the irreversible deafness
that may result from its prolonged use.
- None of the other agents listed in the question adversely affect the function of the eighth cranial nerve.

Correct Answer. d

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(177). Which of the following drugs is an insulin secretogogue?

a. Metformin

b. Pioglitazone

c. Tolbutamide

d. Pramlintide

Solution. (c) Tolbutamide

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
Insulin secretagogues
- Act by inhibiting ATP sensitive potassium channels
- Group include sulfonylureas and Meglitinides
- They are effective only if 30% or more of beta cells in pancreas are available
- Hypoglycemia is a prominent side effect.

Correct Answer. c

(178). Wrong statement about albendazole is:

a. Poor CSF penetration

b. Contraindicated in pregnancy

c. Useful in neurocysticercosis

d. Can cause hepatotoxicity

Solution. (a) Poor CSF penetration

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- Broad spectrum oral antihelminthic drug
- Chemically it is benzimidazole carbamate. Albendazole sulfoxide is its active metabolite. The
sulfoxide is mostly protein bound, distributes well to tissues and enters bile, cerebrospinal fluid
and hydatid cysts.
Mechanism of action : inhibits beta tubulin polymerization
- It is contraindicated in pregnancy and children less than 6 months
- High dose Albendazole for more than 3 months may cause hepatotoxicity
- Albendazole is the drug of choice for the treatment of all nematode infestation, including visceral
larva migrams, cutaneous larva migrans and neurocysticercosis except, Enterobius (Mebendazole),
Wuchereria and Brugia (DEC), Strongyloides and Onchocerca (Ivermectin) and Dracunculus

Correct Answer. a

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(179). Which among the following is an active moiety of sulfasalazine?

a. 5-ASA

b. Acrolein

c. Semustine

d. Althesin

Solution. (a) 5-ASA

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- It is a prodrug
- Yields two metabolites : sulfapyridine and 5-amino salicylic acid
- Therapeutic effect in IBD is by 5-ASA
- Used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis
and idiopathic urticaria.
- Systemic absorption of sulfapyridine is responsible for its side effects; produces agranulocytosis,
megaloblastic anemia, hemolysis in G6PD deficiency and hypospermia
- Mesalamine (mesalzine): delayed release pregaration of 5-ASA)

Correct Answer. a

(180). All of the following drugs are contraindicated in patients with G-6-PD deficiency, except:

a. Phenacetin

b. Vitamin K

c. Nalidixic acid

d. Ceftriaxone

Solution. (d) Ceftriaxone

Ref:Read the text below

Correct Answer. d

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(181). 50 to 80% patients of glucagonomaspresent with metastasis,so curative surgical resection is not possible, so drug like long acting
somatostatin analogues such as octreotidearebeneficial. Sign and symptoms not responding toocterotideis:

a. Skin rash

b. Weight loss

c. Diarrhoea

d. Glucose intolerance

Solution. (d) Glucose intolerance

Ref:Read the text below
- In 50 to 80% of patients metastasis are present at presentation, so curative surgical resection is
not possible.
- Surgical debulking in patients with advanced disease or other antitumor treatments may be beneficial.
- Long-acting somatostatin analogues such as octrebtide or lanreotide improve the skin rash in
- 75% of patients
- May improve the weight loss, pain, and diarrhoea
- Usually do not improve the glucose intolerance

Correct Answer. d

(182). Medical treatment of hypercalcemiavaries with its severity. Drugs like diuretics, etidronate,glucocorticoids,calcitoninetc are
beneficil:drug associated with rapid tachyphylaxisis:

a. Diuretics

b. Etidronate

c. Glucocorticoids

d. Calcitonin

Solution. (d) Calcitonin

Ref:Read the text below
- Calcitonin rapidly lowers serum calcium, although usually not to normal concentrations. However, despite continued administration of
calcitonin, tachyphylaxis usually develops in 48 to 72 hours.
- Tachyphylaxis may be caused by down-regulation of calcitonin receptors or postreceptor desensitization.
- Nevertheless, calcitonin acts rapidly, is safe, and is often used in the initial treatment of hypercalcemia, together with other more
effective drugs.

Correct Answer. d

(183). Only bisphosphonate currently approved for intravenous use in ‘paget disease’.

a. Etidronate

b. Pamidronate

c. Alendronate

d. Risedronate

Solution. (b) Pamidronate

Ref:Read the text below
- The bisphosphonates are analogues of pyrophosphate, with high affinity for bone, especially in
areas of increased bone turn over, where they are powerful inhibitors of bone resorption.
- The bisphosphonates are concentrated in areas of high bone turn over and are taken up by and
inhibit osteoclast action.
- The potency of the compounds for inhibition of bone resorption varies a thousandfold, increasing in the order of etidronate, tiludronate,
pamidronate, alendronate, and risdronate.
- Pamidronate is the only bisphosphanate currently approved for intravenous use in paget disease.

Correct Answer. b

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(184). The goal in treating type II diabetes is to maintain blood glucose concentrations within normal limits : drug producing hypoglycemic
reaction is:

a. Glyburide

b. Metformin

c. Glucagon

d. Acarbose

Solution. (a) Glyburide

Ref:Read the text below

Correct Answer. a

(185). Aspirin and ticlopidineshare which of the following characteristics ?

a. Both may cause reversible agranulocytosis

b. Both inhibit adenosine diphosphate (ADP)- induced platelet aggregation.

c. Both inhibit cyclooxygenase and the formation of thromboxane

d. Both can be used to prevent stroke and myocardial Infarction

Solution. (d) Both can be used to prevent stroke and myocardial Infarction Ref:Read the text below
- Both aspirin and ticlopidine can be used to prevent vascular events that result from the formation of arterial thrombi in patients at risk.
- Ticlopidine may cause leukopenia, so the white blood cell count must be monitored periodically.
- Ticlopidine acts by inhibiting ADP-induced platelet aggregation, whereas aspirin inhibits the synthesis of thromboxane, another potent
platelet derived aggregation factor.
- Neither aspirin nor ticlopidine is particularly effective in preventing venous thrombosis, and heparin or warfarin should be used for that

Correct Answer. d

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(186). BAL is useful in treating poisoning due to all except:

a. Lead

b. Organic mercury

c. Cadmium

d. Arsenic

Solution. (c) Cadmium

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- BAL is contraindicated in cadmium poisoning as it can form more lethal metabolites.
- Dimercaprol has been found to form stable chelates in vivo with many other toxic metals including inorganic mercury, antimony,
bismuth, cadmium,chromium, cobalt, gold, and nickel.
- However, it is not necessarily the treatment of choice for toxicity to these metals. Dimercaprol has been used as an adjunct in the
treatment of the acute encephalopathy of lead toxicity

Correct Answer. c

(187). Mirtazapine is useful in:

a. Depression

b. Insomnia

c. Schizophrenia

d. Epilepsy

Solution. (a) Depression

Ref.: Read the text below
Sol :
- Mirtazapine : A recently released antidepressant which acts by a novel mechanism viz. locks α2 auto- (on NA neurons) and hetero – (on
5-HT neurons) receptors enhancing both NA and 5 HT release.
- The augmented NA further increases firing of serotonergic raphe neurons via α.1- receptors.
- Selective enhancement of anti-depressive 5-HT1 receptor action is achieved by concurrent blockade of 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptors
which have been held responsible for some of the adverse effects of high serotonergic tone.
- Accordingly, it has been labeled as “nor adrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant”.
- It is a HI blocker and quite sedative, but not anticholinergic or antidopaminergic.
- Efficacy in mild as well as severe depression is reported to be comparable to ‘tricyclic anti depressants’ and benefit may start after one
week only.

Correct Answer. a

(188). Sacubitril is recently approved for –

a. Angina pectoris

b. Congestive heart failure

c. Renovascular hypertension

d. Post-stroke dementia

Solution. (b) Congestive heart failure

Ref– Read
Sacubitril is a neprilysin (neutral endopeptidase) inhibitor approved for congestive heart failure.

Correct Answer. b

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 76/83
All of the following decrease bone resorptionexcept –

a. Prostaglandin E2

b. Growth hormone

c. Mithramycin

d. Thiazides

Solution. (a) Prostaglandin E2

Ref– Read

Correct Answer. a

(190). All of the following are correct about metoclopramide except –

a. D2 antagonist

b. 5-HT4 agonist

c. 5-HT3 antagonist

d. Increases colonic motility

Solution. (d) Increases colonic motility

Ref– Read
Metoclopramide has no effects on colonic motility or gastric secretion.

Correct Answer. d

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 77/83
(191). Theophylline over doses causes

a. Brady cardia

b. Seizures

c. Downiness to coma

d. Bronchspasm

Solution. (b) Seizures

Ref– Read the text below
Theophylline overdose of the drug may cause seizures or fatal arrhythmias TOXICITY
- Death
- Convulsion shock, arrhythmias
- Delirium , Worsening CVS status, Increased muscle tone, extrasystole, flushes of light seen
- Agitation, tachypnoea, flushing , hypotension
- Restlessness, tremors, vomiting palpitations, dieresis
- Dyspepsia, headache, nervousness, insomnia
- Minimal side effects
Relationship between efficiacy and toxicity of theophylline with its plasma concentration.

Correct Answer. b

(192). Broad spectrum antifungal agent is

a. Econazole

b. Miconazole

c. Ketoconazole

d. Clotrimazole

Solution. (c) Ketoconazole

Ref– Read the text below
- Ketoconazole – It is the first orally effective broad spectrum antifungal drug useful in both dermatophytosis and deep mycosia a major

Correct Answer. c

(193). Induction agent of choice in day care surgery is

a. Ketamine

b. Propofol

c. Methohexitone

d. Thiopentone sodium

Solution. (b) Propofol

Ref– Read the text below
- General anaesthesia for day surgery should be used agents that are rapidly eliminated and titratable.
- Most of these in common use are appropriate intravenous propofol or inhalation sevoflurane are both highly suitable for induction of
anaesthesia in adults and children.

Correct Answer. b

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(194). Which of the following drug is not given in renal failure

a. Carbenicillin

b. Rifampicin

c. Cotrimoxazole

d. Pefloxacin

Solution. (b) Rifampicin

Ref– Read the text below
Rifampicin –adverse effects
- Common-Nausea vomiting, hepatitis, rashes ,fever
- Infrequent –Diarrhoea, cramps, purpura, ‘flue’ , syndrome shortness of breath(respiratory syndrome) reneal failure.

Correct Answer. b

(195). Plasma expanders are used in

a. Severe anemia

b. Severe trauma

c. Pulmonary Edema

d. Cardiac failure

Solution. (a) Severe anemia

Ref– Read the text below
Uses of plasma expander-
- Burns
- Hypovolemic and endotoxin shock
- Severe trauma
- Extensive tissue damage
Examples – dextran, Degraded gelatin, polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)

Correct Answer. a

(196). Short acting mydriatic used in fundoscopyis

a. Atropine

b. Homatropine

c. Cyclopentolate

d. Tropicamide

Solution. (d) Tropicamide

Ref– Read the text below
Tropicamide - It has the quicker (20 -40 min) and briefest (2-6 hours ) action but it is a relatively unreliable cyclopegic.
- However it is satisfactory for refraction testing in adults and as short acting mydriatic for fundoscopy.

Correct Answer. d

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 79/83
(197). True statement regarding Halothane is

a. Hepatitis occurs in susceptible individuals after repeated dose

b. It potentiates competitive neuromuscular blockers

c. Causes respiratory depression

d. All of the above.

Solution. (d) All of the above.

Ref– Read the text below
HALOTHANE –Volatile liquids with sweat odour, non irritant and non inflammable pleasant, and rapid action
- It is not a good analgesic or muscle relaxants.
- HALOTHANE cause direct depression of myocardial contractility
- HALOTHANE causes relatively greater depression of respiratory breathing is shallow and rapid
- Pharyngeal and laryngeal reflexes are abolished early and coughing is suppressed while bronchi dilates “preferred for asthmatics.”
- Hepatitis occurs in susceptible individual after repeated use.
- Malignant hyper thermia occurs rarely.

Correct Answer. d

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(198). Which of the following antidepressants is a norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake enhancer?

a. Tianeptine

b. Duloxetine

c. Bupropion

d. Mirtazapine

Solution. (a) Tianeptine

Ref– Read

Correct Answer. a

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 81/83
(199). Which of the following beta lactamase inhibitors exhibits direct activity against Acinetobacter?

a. Sulbactam

b. Tazobactam

c. Avibactam

d. Clavulanic acid

Solution. (a) Sulbactam

Ref– Read
- Sulbactam inhibits cell wall synthesis in Acinetobacter by binding to penicillin-binding proteins.

Correct Answer. a

(200). A 25-year-old male with difficulty sleeping and poor appetite associated with weight loss is placed on amitriptyline. How is amitriptyline

a. As an MAOI

b. As a tricyclic nonselective amine reuptake inhibitor

c. As a heterocyclic nonselective amine reuptake inhibitor

d. As a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

Solution. (b) As a tricyclic nonselective amine reuptake inhibitor

Ref: Read the text below
Sol :
- Amitriptyline is a tertiary amine tricyclic antidepressant. It functions as a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Brain levels of amines are
- This results in increased vesicular stores of norepinephrine and serotonin.
- Amitriptyline is a prototypical tricyclic antidepressant that has proved useful in patients with sleep and appetite disorders.

Correct Answer. b

Test Answer
1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(a) 5.(c) 6.(c) 7.(d) 8.(b) 9.(a) 10.(c)

11.(b) 12.(a) 13.(b) 14.(b) 15.(d) 16.(c) 17.(d) 18.(a) 19.(d) 20.(d)

21.(c) 22.(b) 23.(a) 24.(b) 25.(c) 26.(c) 27.(d) 28.(d) 29.(c) 30.(d)

31.(b) 32.(c) 33.(a) 34.(c) 35.(a) 36.(c) 37.(c) 38.(b) 39.(d) 40.(b)

41.(b) 42.(a) 43.(d) 44.(b) 45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(d) 48.(d) 49.(a) 50.(a)

51.(a) 52.(c) 53.(d) 54.(a) 55.(a) 56.(c) 57.(d) 58.(b) 59.(a) 60.(c)

61.(c) 62.(d) 63.(b) 64.(d) 65.(c) 66.(b) 67.(c) 68.(d) 69.(c) 70.(b)

71.(a) 72.(a) 73.(d) 74.(b) 75.(c) 76.(d) 77.(b) 78.(d) 79.(d) 80.(b)

81.(d) 82.(b) 83.(c) 84.(d) 85.(b) 86.(a) 87.(d) 88.(a) 89.(a) 90.(d)

91.(a) 92.(d) 93.(d) 94.(d) 95.(d) 96.(d) 97.(d) 98.(c) 99.(d) 100.(b)

101.(a) 102.(b) 103.(c) 104.(a) 105.(a) 106.(a) 107.(c) 108.(a) 109.(a) 110.(d)

111.(b) 112.(c) 113.(c) 114.(a) 115.(a) 116.(b) 117.(a) 118.(b) 119.(c) 120.(b)

121.(c) 122.(c) 123.(b) 124.(b) 125.(d) 126.(b) 127.(b) 128.(a) 129.(d) 130.(d)

131.(c) 132.(a) 133.(c) 134.(b) 135.(c) 136.(b) 137.(a) 138.(c) 139.(d) 140.(b)

141.(a) 142.(c) 143.(b) 144.(d) 145.(c) 146.(d) 147.(d) 148.(a) 149.(a) 150.(a)

151.(c) 152.(b) 153.(c) 154.(b) 155.(d) 156.(d) 157.(d) 158.(a) 159.(d) 160.(b)

161.(b) 162.(a) 163.(a) 164.(b) 165.(b) 166.(d) 167.(a) 168.(d) 169.(a) 170.(b)

171.(d) 172.(b) 173.(c) 174.(d) 175.(c) 176.(d) 177.(c) 178.(a) 179.(a) 180.(d)

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 82/83
181.(d) 182.(d) 183.(b) 184.(a) 185.(d) 186.(c) 187.(a) 188.(b) 189.(a) 190.(d)

191.(b) 192.(c) 193.(b) 194.(b) 195.(a) 196.(d) 197.(d) 198.(a) 199.(a) 200.(b)

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 83/83

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