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Hidden figures are a movie really important, because show the role of three women in

NASA, how they helped big historical events for humanity. I will be here and say how I
proud feel to be a woman. If I were the NASA Boss, I do the same, show respect for all
person, don´t matter the skin color or gender. Each woman in the film represents the
constantly struggle of women to fight into a society that has a men how more strong
gender with capacity for a job in one institution like NASA. In addition to the racial and
gender segregation that existed at that time, as these actions have contributed to the
evolution of male chauvinist thoughts that underestimate women. Thanks to this
strength and courage, the women of these times can enjoy a job, study careers that
were previously believed that only one man could learn.
The message of the name of the film is paramount, because hidden figures refers to the
people who were behind the press and the media in the battle to know outer space,
Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson were part of the space race
demonstrating the intelligence of the women and taking into consideration that gender
and skin color does not determine the intellectual level, despite the little credit they
have received in my opinion without them it would not have been possible for a man to
complete an orbit for the planet Earth.
At the time of this movie, women be mothers and housework, without studies, waiting
with the food ready for the man when arrive of the job. In these times things are very
different, there is the possibility of attending college in higher careers such as Medicine
advocacy, there is a freedom of expression in order to communicate situations that
harm us or offend us. Society and laws support us and allow us to demonstrate our
capabilities and the great contributions to the community that we can do as those
women did.
These three women comply goals
impossible in their time, this are
inspiration to fight for the rights of each
person. In my opinion Hidden figures is the
best movie for learn respect all gender in
equality. Always need to be heard, be a
person of changes for better world. When
people were driving the world with
equality, will better community and the
planet live in peaceful.

Name: Gabriela Ortiz

Course: 1 IB A

Date: 8/10/2019

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