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DATE: ___________________


I. Objectives
a. Define neoclassicism and romantic arts;
b. Identify representative artists from Neoclassic and Romantic Period;
c. Determine the effectiveness of artworks by evaluating its utilization and
combination of art elements and principles;
d. Recognize the influences of the Neoclassic and Romantic art traditions to
Philippine art forms.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Arts of the Neoclassic and Romantic Periods
Reference: Learner’s Material for Music & Arts Grade 9, pp. 218-245
Materials: books, chalk, laptop, pictures, manila paper, pentel pen.

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Review
d. Motivation
The students will have a game called “message relay”.
B. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
The students will be divided into three groups. Each group will be
given a task. The students will answer the given questions.
Group l – The group will be given a word pool. From the world pool, the students
will identify the terms, artworks, and artists if they belong in the
Neoclassical period or Romantic period.
Group ll – The group will be given pictures and they need to identify which
period each artworks belongs to.
Group lll – The group will be given pictures. The students will describe the
pictures according to the basic elements of arts such as to lines,
colors, shapes, and texture.
b. Analysis
Each group will choose one representative to post and report their
output. The teacher will give follow – up questions and clarifications.
c. Abstraction
The teacher will discuss further the topic.
d. Application
The teacher will ask the students;
How neoclassic and romantic art traditions influenced Philippine art
IV. Evaluation
Fill in the blank.
Art forms of the _______________ were produced in the late 18 th
century. These __________ are influenced by ancient Greece and Ancient
Rome. Some of the famous artists of the Neoclassic Period are J.A.D. Ingres,
Jacques-Louis David, Robert Smirke, Robert Adam, Antonio Canova, Jean-
Antoine Houdon, and Bertel Thorvaldsen. _________________ is highly visible
in paintings, sculptures, and architecture of the 18th century.
________________ highly contrasts Neoclassicism. It is a reaction to
the classical and contemplative nature of Neoclassical pieces. It seeks
modernism and expresses __________ through art.

V. Assignment
Create your own sculpture, either human, mythological, or animal figures.

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