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Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was the most influential physicist in the 20th century. He was born in
Germany, on March 14, 1879, and is often seen as the father of modern physics. In
1933 he moved to America because of the Nazis. He developed the theory of
relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physiscs, the equation of the relation
between mass and energy, and more things that I will talk about today.

The atomic bomb:

The atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon with a great explosive power, which results
from the sudden release of energy from the nuclear fission of some elements such
as uranium or plutonium. When it explodes, it has terrible effects, such as raising
the temperature of the place where it explodes to over 300,000° Celsius,(basically
it melts everything within a ratio of 1.6km) and makes the place inhabitable for
several years because of the radiation.

The quantum theory of light:

In March of 1905, Einstein proposed that light was made of small, separated
particles of energy called photons, which have wave like properties. He proved that
Isaac Newton’s theory of light composition was wrong. This theory could correctly
explain the nature and behavior of light under different circumstances, and
because of this, in 1923 he won the Nobel prize in physics.

The Brownian movement:

This could be by far the best of Albert Einstein discoveries, where his observation
of the zigzag movement of particles in suspension, (in other words, particles in a
liquid environment) helped to prove the existence of atoms and molecules. And we
all know how fundamental this discovery is to almost every branch of science today

The link between mass and energy:

E=mc2 is probably the most known in the history. E= energy, m=mass, c= speed of
light in the vacuum. Einstein demonstrated the relation between mass and energy
using this equation, leading to the basis of nuclear energy. Although with this
equation the atomic bomb was created, it also made possible the space travel.

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