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Personal Statement

Mr. WAN ZIYUAN Formatted: Font: 11 pt

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“Esse est percipi,” which can be translated as “to be is to be perceived,” is a perfect way
to summarize my goals and experiences. I have always had a strong passion for liberal arts as
a science major student. I believe my well-rounded passions has shaped me and will further
lead me to become the person I would like to be. For as long as I can remember, I have always
felt that my actions could not be only in service to myself. For my experience to have any
meaning, I needed to live in service to others.

I see that my most clear path to serving others is through science. Physics, specifically,
has shown me a fascinating world, whose call I strive to answer.. I have done my best to excel
in science courses and I have won second place in the Olympi Physics Competition. Though
my focus was on the sciences, I reserved time for literature and the arts. I love literature,
philosophy, and the humanities. I find particular interest in the social concerns raised in works
suchs as Walden by Henry David Thoreau, Psychologie des Foules by Gustave Le Bon, and
Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel by George Orwell. Studying these works lead to my penchant
for self-reflection.

As an undergraduate student of Electric and Computer Engineering, I dedicated myself in

the academic studies, but some difficulties in the arrangement of my first-year courses lead to
my falling behind my peers. I braced for the challenge ahead and put in the necessary time and
work in spite of these difficulties. My academic record clearly shows a steady upward trend
and I received high marks in Engineering Mathematics, Green Energy, Introduction to Radio-
Frequency Circuits and Systems, Signal and System,and others. These courses provided me
with a strong foundation for the study of Fourier Transformation, Kirchhoff laws, Bipolar
Junction Transistor, Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor, etc. Beyond basic courses , I pushed myself
to study some extended experiments, programs, and theorems, such as Phase-locked loop,
Voltage-controlled Oscillators, Benford’s Law, Arduino, and MATLAB. All of my studies
have gained me a solid foundation for applying for Master of Science Program in Electronic
Engineering Postgraduate Program and continue my path in science.

My goal is not only to succeed in science courses, but also to be able to express myself
and for my achievement to be perceived by others. Although Van Gogh is now regarded as a
world-class Impressionist artist, his works were mostly ignored during his lifetime. I consider
this as a deficit in communication and understanding. On the contrary, Newton was not only
successful in discovering the theory of gravity, but also in helping people understand and
comprehend his theory of gravity. Without skill in communication, it will be an obstacle for
one to succeed. Therefore, I value public speaking skills as well as the ability to speak
multiple languages. I am efficient in speaking and writing in English, German, Japanese,
Portuguese, Cantonese, and my native language, Mandarin. Each of these languages stem
from various cultures and their own systematic methods of communication. This has allowed
me to view and solve problems from multiple perspectives. Through these different language
systems, I discovered my passion for their cultures, trade, economics, and entrepreneurships
as well. I have taken courses related to this topic and I believe this will be a lens for me to
understand the individuals and society of different cultures.

In order to apply my skills and the academic knowledge,I believe conducting research is Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0 ch

an essential part of my academic studies. I joined the Research Group for Wireless IC Design Formatted: Font color: Red

at the Institute of Microelectronics-State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI

in University of Macau. One area of my research focuses on Low-Power Low-Phase-Noise
MM-Wave Frequency Divider. Thanks to my respectable mentor, Professor Jun Yin, I hadgot
thean opportunity to study many research and literature that showed highly such inventive
methodology like Transformer-based Four4-order Oscillator Design and Inductive Peaking
methods. I am currently in the process of designing a PLL circuit, utilizing and utilize cadence
to conduct verification simulation. the simulation verification of it. I believe these research
experiences havecan equipped me with greater abilities in the study of Electronics related
postgraduate programs.

Besides Aside from academic studies, I have also focused on learning additional
skillsets . Although Van Gogh is now regarded as a world-class Iimpressionistic artist, his
works were mostly ignored by people during his lifetime. I consider this as a deficit in
communication and understanding. On the contrary, Newton wasis not only successful in
discovering the theory of gravity, but he is successfulalso in helping people to understand and
comprehend his the theory of gravity. Without the skills inof communication, it will be an
obstacle for one to succeed. Therefore, I value public speaking skills as well as the ability to
speak multiple languages. I am efficient in speaking and writing inacquire several languages
skills, such as English, Germany, Japanese, Portuguese, and Cantonese, and my native
language, Mandarine over the year. Each of these languages demonstrate stem from various
cultures and their own systematic methodsways of communication, which. This has alloweds
me to view and solve problems from multiple perspectives. Through these different
language systems, I discoveredfound my passion forthrough their cultures, trades, economics,
and entrepreneurships as well. I have taken took a few courses related to this topic and I
believe this will be a lens for me to understand the individuals and society of different

As part of my efforts ingetting to interacting and communicate with more people, I

tookhave taken part in various internships and social activities. I worked as an official
exhibitor and translator in the 120th-126th China Import and Export Fair, organized by the
China Foreign Trade Centre. which The China Import and Export Fair is the oldest, largest,
and the most representative trade fair in China, organized by China Foreign Trade Centre. I
used my language skills to present in publicin public presentations and communicated with
the buyers and exhibitors from all around the world. This job further stoked my passion for
learning about disparate cultures broadened my vision in learning more about different
cultures, and opened my eyes as well as to the evolution and implementation of revolutionary
technologiesy like AritificalArtificial Intelligence, 5G networks, and other innovative
biomimetic materials. In addition to this experience, I am also a Delegate of Singapore at the
Academic Department of the Model United Nations Association at thein University of Macau
and the Minister of Planning at the Photography Society of University of Macau. I believe in
balancing my academic studies with social activities, I love photography, badminton,
swimming and singing as an undergraduate student.I believe it is essential to balance one’s
studies with social, artistic, and physical activities.

Though I have put my all into building my skills and knowledge, I know I can not
achieve my goals alone. I believe the guidance and feedback of others are essential for
success. After I have done extensive research intoof your program at XXXX University, and I
trulyreally admire the work of your professors, such as professor XXXX and their related
researchresearch in XXXX. I would love to apply for the…… program …. at XXXX Commented [CW1]: Be as specific as possible.
University. I find this program very valuable not only for its focuses on the key engineering Formatted: Font: 11 pt
aspects of electronic and electrical engineering, but also for the guidance your program can
offers for my individual research and growth as a researcher. t. Your program will, no doubt,
motivate my learning and enhance my problem-solving ability and project management skills.
I believe my current background in Electrical and Computer Engineering, my various research
projects, and my working experiences havewill equipped me with the necessary requirements
to become a strong candidate of your program.

“Esse est percipi”, iIn order to accomplish my goal into makinge changes for others, I
hope to study under the guidance of yourthis prestigious XXXXX program at XXXX
University. During my study, I will put forth every effort to communicate, serve, and make
changes for others and contribute my best ability workto for yourthis program. Thank you so
much for taking time to consider my application. I look forward to becoming a part of XXXX Formatted: Font: 11 pt

University’s academic community.

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