Brochures Travelsecure Insurance

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Travel Secure Travel Insurance For moro information or enquiries, ploase contact us at: ‘Authorised Agent: Lonpac Insurance Bhd is Icensed under the Fina rk Negara M 1 business, Head Office Lonpae Insurance Bhd 27414) LG, th, 7th, 21st-26th Foor, Bangunan Public Bank, 6 Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 50000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, @ (05 22622008 (9 2715 1302 © © FY ‘yg LONPAC INSURANCE @#\ 3 LONPAC INSURANCE Travel Secure Bern icc us Rc ae Bailie Dae aut a ta VING SECURE PREMIUM INDIVIDUAL TT ene er) at aire ey eran = a 15 mn a 0 5 mM % mM 2% 6-10 o 0 6 2 % 15 % 0 mw it 9 % 7 % 4 8-10 a ee ee er) 18-20 Dp 0 @ © mm 8 1-15 15515 900150130, 21-35 %® © © mo 8 1-20 04S 50185170 7-10 1075 T8010] 1-75 MO 175 3 240210, 313s S887 185 1201058 7-00 | 288210 gas 230258, Raienalneek 18S 31-33 M0250 43554505, ‘enwalPan = ‘ioral week S38 868 aval Pan ‘vs 2 Bete abhor Sarak an West tly or ve ve, Sopp, Pome seericent crm met ner anole aa Pear ein cnatoant neat mer rien i rei ae een eee ees [Age 30 days to 60 Years Od [Age 61 ears to 60 Years Og cin ent eit} ir pe TY ener er eri recreeiiay rr rool Denke thet) Perec) 6 8 mo & 6 © na ma > lea co [len ss ae oe nas % 6 55S 15 re 16-205 SSD 110 6-10 en ee eC) 2-75 130105518018] 135 i188 SMH 26-00 | 150120100, 2108185 1-20 05745 200m 85 a0 31 tao 105 17025525195 21-2 |S 3002555 wa) 00 Ratenalweek 27 7-20 M555 78585 5BB a0 BonualPln 8857453595 «TO 31-3 | 5053807500 ‘iitoralweek 81675108 or er TT] eran) Pet} in ce Ss 6 8 % 6 6-10 oo 75 | 6s M100 ets 190119) TH5 165150 18-70 165 40.1928 200 21% | 00170189 3002780 7-0 M0705 TaD 3805805 ait 20 e825 ea 98585 ‘ional wee = 7 ‘mvalPln 1080 68514751280 1088 ee Pies t el ‘A Family Members| Any ofthe Family Member Lenath of Between Age 30 tween Chere Meret em un ctS Cate) ioc 1 1501255020 tao 75 «7S mS NSS Ss 315655 40 55D 7.580 BenwalPan 885 A751 tS Prnoenre CT ra OT ve wed Length of Tip rere Perr ee earn [num [cow sive [Patina [nt sive a2 [is fm fee os min | me | os (as tam |e ws a Ur OS ORS ‘étonalweek —132—«117 «03ST 187 BmvalPhn 16851415 12102480 22202035 * Pramiom nt inclusive of Service Tax and Stamp Duty NOTES ‘+ Only Annual Pan and Avea 1 tp ae subject 0 Service Tax +Family coverage includes you, your spouse and all your dependent {hlaon age betwoon 30 days ana 18 years oF 25 years regstered ‘35.2 full ime stunt at recognised educationalinsttion en tho palley etectve date + Domestic Travel means distance of travels beyond 200km frm usual place of residence or employment to destination within Malaysa (other ‘han betweon Sabah or Sarawak or vice versal which he payment of benefits under Section 2 is only applcable it is due to body inary. “+ Maximum duration of cover peri cing one way ois up to 90 days. GENERAL EXCLUSIONS + War, paricpaton in volont Rbour dsturbance, rit o cil corsmotion orterrersm + Suicide or wittl act, sallinicte inuy “+ Under the infuence of alcohol or digs + Crminal or tauculont act + Pregnancy, chit, impotency or cosmetic purpose + Pre-existing conditions or congenital condtions,osteoporos', pathological actu, AIDS, HW, nervous or mental problem ‘+ Professional r hazardous sports, king, Woking or mauntareving ‘above 3,000 metres ftom sea level, parcipaion in competion by Utizing motorized lar, water or ar vericle ‘+ youare on duty as member of amed forces, atcraft crows and othor ‘excluded occupations specifically mentioned inthe poley worsing. + Travoing aganst mesial advice or vaveling fr seeking mesial ‘roatment + Nuclear “+ rlvidual, entity, group or compary spectied onthe Ist who are subject to any sanctions. FREQUENTLY ASK QUESTIONS 1. Who is eligible to apply? ‘Al Malaysians, Malaysian Permanent Resident, Wore Permit Employment Pass holder, Dependent Pass, Long-Term Socal Vist Pass or Studont Pass Holders av elgl to app 2. Gan buy an separate cover for my child(ren) 7 Yes, the rates charged based on indivicual plan. One of the Parent must sign the Proposal Form on penal oftheir chien 3. Who are the persons who can only be insured for ‘One Way Trip? ‘+ Students going to overseas for stusies regarcless of short evi or fll prod + Porsons emigrating or returning to home county: erson going o overseas for permanent employment or stay \where the craton of covers move than ninety 80) days. 4. Gan I extend my insurance period if | have commenced my trip? [Any extension o pation of insurance isnot alowed during ‘he tip ‘or after you have departed for your destination. 5. Gan I cance premium paid? [No refund of premium is alowed once the Travel Secure poley 'sfsves, my policy and get refund of the 6 Can I buy more than one Travel Insurance for the ‘same trip? Wo will only cover you undor one Tava Insurance pale. ® Travel and medial assistance is valle inthe ever ofa covered emergeny. ‘Al you need steal elect he Asa Asistance 24-Howr Alar Centre ough ‘he telephone operator in th county where you are. SUMMARY OF COVER ‘Sum Insured (RM) Dean) (ets SECTION 1 PERSONAL ACCIDENT BENEFITS: ‘Accidental Death & Permanent Disablement IFtne deatn or permanant cisablement occurs as arasu of accident, we will pay the Sum Insured epecied inthe poly Per adult lage 19 years to 80 years} Per act jage 61 years 0 80 years} Per ch (age 30 cys to 25 yeas) ‘500,000 200,000 200,000 400,000 160,000 160,000 200,000 180,000 180,000 SECTION 2~ MEDICAL RELATED BENEFITS (Accident & Sickness) 21 Medical Expenses Ifyou sustan badly inury or sudden unexpected sickness, we wil rimurse the medical expensos sneutres Per adult lage 19 years to 60 years} Per act (age 61 years to 80 years} Per chi (age 30 cys to 25 yeas) Sub-Benefits Section 21 {Follow-up oatmont in Malaysia (eub-Hmt We wilremnburso tho medical expenses incurred within 30 days aftr the ond of the return to, Per adut (ago 18 years 10 60 years} Py adut jage 61 years 1089 yeas} Pr chit (age 30 days to 25 years) > Aternative Medicine (eub-Krit ‘We will imourse the expenses incured for treatment provided by licensed ‘reltional mecical practioner acupuncturist, chioractor and bonesete ‘© Hospital onance (yp to 10 days) (sub-inat We wil pay for each compete day (24 hours) of hospitalisation provided thal the hossitalistion ‘ecu Wthin 30 clays ‘tom date of accident or sicaness. 2.2 Emergency Medical Evacuation Ifyou sue etical medical condtion, we ill pay the expenses incued for moving you to another Ibcaton for mactealreatment ort relurn you to Malaysia only t= necessary as recommended anc ranged by our assistance provider. 2.8 Repatriation Expenses (of mortal remains) Ifyou de due to bodly injury or sickness, we willpay the expenses incurred fr transportng your marta remain to Malaysia on if tis arranged by our assistance provider. 2.4 Reimbursement of Coffin Expenses Wo wllpay tho casket/cotn cost meurred for vansportng your mortal remains to Malaysia, 25 Emergency Travel of Family Member ‘Wo wall emburse around tp economy tavel ticket incurred by an immediate fay member oF a ‘tiond to assist inthe fal arrangement follwing your deatn cr fo take care of you {you are hospitalsed or more than 5 cay), 500,000 200,000 200,000 '50,000 40,000 30,000 4,000 Unlisted United 3,000, 7,300 400,000 160,000 160,000 40,000 1,000 2.000 ‘500 Nis Unlimited Unlimited 2,000 5,000 20,000 4,000, 4,000 250 Na 500,000 50,000 1,000 2,800 a aaa) ‘Sum Insured (RM) et Emergency Travel of Insured Person's Children ‘We will imburse a round tip economy travel ticket incured by an immeciate family member or a 7,800 «5,000 2.500 fiend to accomoany your ehisien) back to Malaysia if you are hosptalse! and there is ro adut to accompany your ener on tet journey home. 2.7 Emergency Hotel Accommodation We will eimburse the cost of hotel accommodation incurred by an immediate family member ora 1500 -—«7,000«=—500) friend to take care of you when you are hospitalised! for more than § cays} orto accomoany your chlaren back to Malaysia. We wil also reimburse tho cost of hotel accarmmodation incurred by @ traveling companion who missed his/ner scheduled retum trip to Malaysia to take care of you, 28 Emergency Hotel Extension Ifyou are nosotalsect for more than $ days and asa resuk mss your scheduled fightback to Mabysia, 1,600 1,000,500 Wo vil rrburse the costo! hotel agcommedalion unt! the next common carrer becomes avaiable ‘SECTION 3 - TRAVEL INCONVENIENCE BENEFITS 3.1 Loss of or Damage to Personal Property & Baggage If during the tip, your baggage andlor personal eects ae lst or damaged! cue torobber, buvgly, 7/500 «5,000 2.500, theft or nagigence ofthe common carer, we wil indemnity the cos of replacement o the article. = Any one arisl/sev/palr lit fsb-Fnt) 4,000 1.000 3,000 = Laptop jsub-lf) io 3.000 2.600 32 Lote of Money ‘We will reimburse for loss of your maney (any curency, postal money orders and ravers cheques) 750 500 250 ‘veto robbery, burglary o” thet 33° Loss of Creat Card ‘Wo wiloimourse (or your nancial bss ¢ a dect result of auculont usage of you cred. charge or 250 250 250 bakers cara tat i et or stolen, 3.4 Loss of Travel Documents Iryour ravel documents passport, vis, ‘avelticket and entity care ae lost due to eboery, burglay 7.600 «5.000 2,800 forthe, we wll remburee the replacement costo! travel documents as well ag adctonal travel anc hotel accommedalion excenses incurred, 35 Loss of Travel Deposit ‘We vil reimburse fo the mecoverabl travel deposits or travel ‘aes pain advance inthe event ofthe 3,000 -«2,000-—1,000 cancoltion of the planned trp as aresul of nsoWoncy or abscondment of te travel agent in Malaysia, 26 Baggage Delay ‘We wil pay FMZ00 for every full6 consecutive hours of dlay it your checked-in baggages delayed, 1,800 -—«7,200«= 600) rnsirectetor temporary misplaced upon arrval atthe scheduled destination. 3.7 Tp Cancellation ‘We vil reenburse the deposits, advance payments fr travelor accommodation or other charges 18.000 10,000 5,000 \which become frfetes or payable uncle te contract i your tip cancelled, Or F your tp is ‘pasiponed, we will reimburse the incured aeminstrative charges 38° Tip Curtaiiment 15.000 10,000 5.000 \Wiowllmburso the deposts, advance payments for accommodation or cthor charges which have rot been ana willnot be used but become ferféted or payaile under the contract and the Administrative charges incued to amend the orginal rave ticket or additional ravelexcenses and accommodation charges i not possible to amend the orignal raveltoxe your tip is cura. Pee ea) ‘Sum Insured (RM) (each Insured Person) eee oe 29 ‘Ti Disruption Wie wil reimbws the advance payments for accommedation, entertainment Uskeis or prearranged tours whicn are feted or payable une the contract your tipi isrupted. 310 Travel Delay ‘We wil pay RM200 for ever ulé consecutive hours of lay ifthe departure of your commen carter Is layed rom te original scheduled time, 3.11 Travel Re-Route lf your common carr bing re-routed, we willpay R200 for every fll 6 consecutive hours of delay arial atthe scheduled destnason, 3.12 Travel Overbooked ‘Wie wll pay M200 for every full 6 consecutve hours of delay you have beon denied boarding your common carr due to over-booking, 3.13 Missed Departure If curing a rtur trp, you fal to ative on tive atthe departure terminal due to mechanical breakcown cof publ transports senices and as aresut miss your departure to your screduled destination, we wil reimburse the actional accommodaton and travel expenses incurred before thenext common carr or tematve means of transport becomes avalaok, 3.14 Travel Misconnection Iryour conims anwar scheduled travel connection is missed a the ransfr point cue to late anival incoming gehesled commen carer ang no ona transportation is avaiable withn 6 eanseculve hows, we willpay FIV200 forever full consecutive hours uni the next alerative vanspor becomes, swale. 3.15 Hijacking "We will pay M200 for every 24 consecutive hours if you are traveling on board @ common carter viich is jacked, 15.000 10.000 5.000 18001200600 118001200600 18001200600 18001200600 1800 1200 | 600 15,000 10,000 5.000 ‘SECTION 4 - OTHER BENEFITS 4.1 Personal Liability Wie wil eisburse your personal legal aby expenses as a resut of death ox bodily injury or damage of property towards thea party 42 Legal Expenses ‘We wil reuse your legal expenses if you ae arested or in danger of being rested as a result of automobile accent 43° Rental Car Excess ‘We wil remburse the excess cost or deductible required under the ental contract the rented car's loss or damaged due to an accident 44° Home Guard We wilreimburse the expenses reinstate, repaor replace your Ibss or damage of household contents anor porsonal valuables due to fire or burg o* your residence let vacant forthe fll ‘curation othe re, 45 PetCare ‘We wl eimburee the addtional pet hotel cost incumed if you are delayed ret to Malaysia cue to lravel delay or your hospitalisation. 48 24 Hours Travel and Medical Assistance 41,500,000 1,000,000 00,000 0,000 70,000 10,000 11500 1.000500 7900 5.000 2.600 300 200 100 Aoplicable Applicable Applicable

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