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(30 marks)
(Time suggested: 40 minutes)

Read the following article. Then answer questions (a)- (j).


Oil and natural gas are found in the shallow parts of the seas called the continental
shelves. Rigs are constructed in the oceans to pump out the oil and gas. The platform of
the rigs is supported by pillars on the sea beds. Over five billion barrels of oil are mined
from the ocean every year.

The oceans have rich deposits of minerals such as manganese, titanium and nickel.
They may be found in layers of rocks or some loose pebbles on ocean floors. A small
quantity is also present in the water. The cost of deep-sea mining are high. Mining in
the oceans may be more important in the future when mines on land run out of
minerals. At present, it is carried out only in a few places.

Divers gather oysters from the oceans for their pearls. Oysters are also a valuable and
popular seafood. To meet the great demand, oysters are farmed in many countries. One
oyster can produce 500 million eggs a year. They hatch into baby oysters called ‘spats’.
These are transferred to oyster farms near the shores.
Questions (a) - (j)
Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.

Main types of resources: Continental shelves produce:

(f) …………………………………
(a) …………………………….......

(h)……………………………….. (b)……………………………….....

Wealth from the Oceans

Oysters are considered: Examples of minerals:

(i)……………………………………… (c )……………………………………………

(d) ……………………………….................
Question 3
Read the brochure below. Then, answer questions (a) - (j).

Langkawi comprises a group of 99 tropical islands lying about 30 kilometres off the
western coast of Peninsula Malaysia. The islands are a natural paradise, surrounded by
the clear, emerald sea. You can dive to enjoy the enchanting world of corals and
marine life.

Sungai Kilim Nature Park

It has 100 square kilometers of mangrove forests, beaches and lagoons for you to
explore. Take a cruise along the coast to view rock formations made by the waves. Be
exposed to the wonders of animals and plants that thrive on the edge of the sea.

Pulau Payar Marine Park

Pulau Payar has beautiful beaches and hiking trails for a wonderful experience on a
tropical island. You can even feed baby sharks! Among the enchanting diving spots is
the ‘ Coral Garden’, an area covered with bright corals.

Enchanting Islands
Go on island-hopping cruises to see the breathtaking scenery of Pulau Dayang Bunting,
Pulau Beras Basah and Pulau Singa Besar. Have a picnic on a beach. Take time off to
watch seagulls and brown eagles flying over the sea.

How to get there:

You can travel to Pulau Langkawi by air or ferry.
For further information, please contact:
Langkawi Tourist Centre
Jalan Persiaran Putra, Kuah
Tel: 04-9667789
Questions (a) – (d): Based on the brochure, state whether the following statements
are TRUE or FALSE.
(a) Langkawi comprises a group of 99 tropical islands. …………………. (1 mark )
(b) Taking a cruise enables visitors to feed baby sharks. ………………….. (1 mark )
(c) Pulau Payar Marine Park is popular with flying fox. …………………. (1 mark )
(d) Tourists can visit Langkawi by aeroplane. ………………….. (1 mark )

Questions (e) – (i). Read the brochure carefully and answer all the questions below.
(e) Which diving spot is covered with bright corals?
( 1 mark )
(f) What can a diver experience in Langkawi?
( 1 mark )
(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the brochure.
Meaning Phrase
i. Surprising view
ii. Travelling from island to island in a chain
( 2 mark )
(h) How does a tourist get information to visit Langkawi?
( 1 mark )
(i) Why do you think Langkawi is called a natural paradise?
( 1 mark )
(j) Your friend asked you of an interesting tropical island in Malaysia. Write an email to
your friend to suggest an island for her/him to visit. In your email:
 Name the island
 Give reasons to support your choice
 Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Dear ………………
Your friend,
(40 marks )
(Time suggested: 45 minutes )
Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The pictures below show the activities carried out by The Caring Club of your school. As
the Secretary of the club, write a report for your school magazine of the activities which
have been carried out this year.

A nursing home
An orphanage

The children’s
ward in a hospital
When writing your report, you should:
 Describe what you saw/did
 Express what you felt
 Suggest other interesting activities
 Write between 120 and 150 words


(30 marks )
Question 7
The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component in English Language.

1. How I Met Myself - David A. Hill

2. Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne
3. The Railway Children - Edith Nesbit(Retold by John Escott)

Based on one of the novels above, write a lesson you have learnt from the story.
Provide evidence from the text to support your response.

 In not less than 50 words
 In continuous writing (not in note form)

(10 marks )

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