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Turman, E. M. (2019, February 28). Womanist theology and how it has evolved.

Retrieved from
This source is about how Black women have to proclaim a future for their faith and its’ importance for
the world entirely. The information provides details of the author’s real life experiences with functioning
through the faith. The information gives me clear and a sufficient amount of information about how
Black women specifically presents their presence in their religion. The source is reliable because it
comes from a credible religion site and the author is very knowledgeable about the topic. The author,
Turman, addresses the missing voice and theology of Black women whose stories have always been left
out. This source is the first of mine to yet address the perspective of Black women from a Black woman
and I know it will benefit the overall uniqueness of my paper.
Koehler, R., & Calais-Haase, G. (2018, May 3). Efforts by Women of Faith to Achieve Gender Equality.
Retrieved from
women-faith-achieve-gender-equality/. The purpose of the source is to tell how females of faith are
taking action in order to create more opportunities and privilege for all women. Also, the source tells us
that women aren’t taken a silent role allowing others to take a stand for them, but instead begin their
own revolution. The authors substantiates their claims by giving statistics, examples, and real life
examples of how other women are doing such things to change the “standard” given to women around
the world. The source is reliable because it was posted on the site of the Center for American Progress
and provides credible sources within the article. This source is helpful because it provides possible topic
sentences or details in which I can further explain my argument. The source strongly supports my other
sources and provides multiple examples from other religions. This resource will be a great one to help
when I talk about the oppression the women face in today’s society.

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