HLT 200 Ted Talks For Extra Credtis

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Is the "obesity crisis" just a disguise for a deeper problem?

1. a. What type of diabetes did the speaker’s patient have?
The type of diabetes the speaker talked about was type 2 diabetes; an ulcer on the
patient’s foot.

b. Based on the ted talk, explain the physiological explanation for the type of diabetes the
doctor’s patient was diagnosed with.
The physiological explanation for the diabetes according to the speaker is that she was fat
and it was from eating too much and not exercising.

2. a. Based on the ted talk, what does the speaker say is the real cause of the obesity crisis?
The speaker said the real cause of the obesity crisis is insulin resistance from too much
glucose and blood sugar.

b. Do you agree with this thought and why?

I agree with the author to a certain extent, but some of the blame has to go to us, our
genetic makeup, and environment.

3. a. According to the ted talk, for many Americans, what is the appropriate response to
insulin resistance?
The appropriate response is to get a prescription, get on a diet, and a quick solution, etc.

b. Identify and explain the analogy the speaker identifies and its relationship in dealing
with the obesity crisis.
The analogy is comparing Abraham Lincoln and his rivals to his team of scientists. The
analogy is saying that we have amazing scientists all for the same goal, but they have
different ways to dealing with it. The relationship in terms of dealing with the crisis is
that we have the best and brightest scientists needed to solve the problem, but we aren’t
working together/listening to each other.

c. What is the speaker’s hypothesis in this ted talk?

The speaker’s hypothesis is we don’t know enough about the crisis and what plays a role
within it.

4. a. To what argument does the speaker establish as the possible cause of weight gain and
The argument is the attack on our insulin.

b. Identify and explain the three Meta themes and questions the speaker and his team of
researchers are hoping to address in their research of the obesity crisis.
The three themes are how to the various foods we consume impact our metabolism,
hormones, and enzymes through what nuanced molecular mechanisms, can people make
changes in safe and practical manner to implement, and after the changes are determined,
how can we make the changes become a default.
5. a. What are the two suggestive facts the speaker addresses in relation to the obesity
Two suggestive facts are just because we know what to do, it doesn’t mean we will do it
and we need cues in order to address our issues.

b. Based on this ted talk, do you think the obese are the actual victims in the obesity
crisis? Explain and support your opinion.
I believe the obese are the victims because they are surrounded by our food toxic

6. a. Based on the ted talk, what two very important things did the speaker say was needed
and would have made a difference in that patient’s life?
Two important things the speaker said the patient needed were empathy and compassion.

b. According to this ted talk, what were the two wrongful attitudes the speaker spoke of
while he cared for his patient.
Two wrongful attitudes were blaming her for her situation and not telling her what
she should do.

c. Based on the doctor’s wrongful attitude towards this patient, do you think these
attitudes are common in the society and how can we address these attitudes both in
the health care system and the community?
Yes, I think these attitudes are common in society. We can address these attitudes by
telling them the story of the obese, having an honest conversation as to what/why
they believe what they believe.

d. In addressing the issue of obesity, in your own opinion, do you think the problem is at
the individual level, organizational level, community level, state level, or federal
I believe the problem is at all levels to an extent, but mainly at the federal level if I
had to pick only one.
Note: Due in Moodle before December 05, 2019

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