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How you can prevent

discrimination in the
Discrimination may be caused by you
as an employer or by other workers,
but you still have the responsibility to
monitor, manage and help prevent
discrimination in your workplace.

To do this, take the following steps:

 educate all your workers about

 encourage workers to respect
each other’s differences;
 respond to any evidence or
complaints of inappropriate
 deal with any complaints of
discrimination promptly and
 develop a workplace policy that
prohibits discrimination;
 train supervisors and managers
on how to respond to INFO:
discrimination in the workplace;
 make sure the workplace policy
is properly enforced; and Name: Jovilyn Bumaya
 review the policy regularly to Gr&sec: 10 – Malikhain
ensure that its effectiveness is
maintained. Teacher: Dra. Allic
-Involves treating an
DISCRIMINATION applicant or employee
-Treating, or less favorably
proposing to treat, because of his or
someone her age.
Discrimination is treating, or proposing to unfavorably
treat, someone unfavorably because of because of a personal characteristic
protected by the law. GENDER/SEXUALITY
a personal characteristic protected by the DESCRIMINATION
law. -Any action that
specifically denies
RELIGIOUS opportunities, privileges,
DISCRIMINATION or rewards to a person
- Involves treating a because of gender.
person (an applicant
Types of or employee)
unfavorably because
of his or
her religious beliefs.
Ways to Overcome
 Embrace Your Beauty and Strength. Find
- Disability
discrimination also ways to embrace and celebrate your identity—
occurs when the strength and beauty of you being you.
a covered employer  Take Good Care of Yourself and Learn to
or other entity treats Cope. One of the best ways you can fight
an applicant or discrimination is by taking good care of
employee less
favorably because she is disabled.
 Stand Up for Yourself. Let others know how
PREGNANCY DISCRIMINATION their words and actions have affected you and
those you care about.
- A type of employment DISCRIMINATION
 Strategize and Know the Consequences
discrimination that occurs when - Refers
to discrimination against Before You Act. There truly is a time for daring
expectant women are fired, not hired,
individuals on the basis and a time for caution, and an intelligent person
or otherwise discriminated against due of their skin knows the difference.
to their pregnancy. color, racial or ethnic origin.  Reach Out and Organize. Don’t go it alone.
People really are stronger, and safer, when
they stand together.

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